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artilite · 9 months ago
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i keep forgetting to post when i draw OOPS so here's a doodle dump !!!!
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marvelousbirthdays · 6 years ago
Happy Birthday, berserkbookworm
February 5 - soulmate fic with Daisy/Jean Grey, but I can't decide if I want something fluffy, cracky, or angsty (with a happy ending). Whatever works best with the author for @berserkbookworm 
Written by @ladywinterlight
Note: Bit of angst and a bit of fluff. I hope you enjoy! Set in the aftermath of AoS S2e12.
Skye sat in the Cage on the Bus, keeping an eye on her laptop where the feed from the Bus cameras was displayed. As if Sif and Vin-Tak weren’t enough to shake her up, then she’d heard her so-called teammates discussing the situation. And if that hadn’t been enough to strengthen her resolve to shut herself away until it was safe, the pair of agents that tried to jump her in the hangar bay certainly had been.
She hadn’t even had to hijack the security system or the locking protocols on the Cage. She’d written the protocols; she had full access. There were a limited number of people who could override the locks, and she was reasonably certain Coulson or May would try to talk to her first.
It was only slightly reassuring when Coulson left a paper grocery bag in the hall outside the Cage door; he looked right up at the camera and gestured to the bag, then left again. She waited until he’d exited the plane and shut the ramp before opening the door to retrieve the bag.
It was full of food. Dry sausage that didn’t need refrigeration, crackers, oranges and bananas, meal replacement shakes, and a couple bottles of water. If she timed trips out to the bathroom right, she could stay safely in the Cage for a few days. Maybe Coulson hoped to have a solution before it came to that.
And perhaps he’d found one. Skye watched, over the cameras, as a sleek stealth jet landed in the hanger the next afternoon. Coulson and May stepped into the bay as soon as the engines had fully shut down, and a very distinguished looking gentleman in a sophisticated wheelchair rolled down the ramp to meet them. After a few moments of discussion, the trio - joined by a fourth, a fair-skinned woman with brilliantly red hair - entered the Bus.
Skye’s cell beeped notification of a text, and she checked it quickly. It was from Coulson. 
Please come out, Skye. You’re safe and no one will hurt you.
She hesitated for several long moments, but in the end she decided to trust Coulson. Unlocking the door, she made her way up to the lounge. Skye paused in the doorway, knowing by the way silence quickly fell that she’d been the topic of conversation.
When no one else broke the silence, she did. She looked from the older gentleman to the redhead and sighed. “Are you here to put me down or lock me up so I can’t hurt anyone?”
The woman gasped, her eyes going wide. “No. Never. We’re here to help you, not hurt you.” Her tone rang with sincerity. She shifted, poised to move quickly, but a sharp glance from both Coulson and the unknown man kept her in her seat.
Oh, now that was unexpected. Skye knew those words had been written on her left shoulder blade her entire life. She’d just never expected to hear them under the current circumstances. Then she closed her eyes as she realized she’d given her soulmate words that asked if they were going to kill her. That was something to truly regret.
“My name is Charles Xavier, and Director Coulson called to see if we could perhaps assist. You see, I run a school for the gifted - but not just in the usual sense. Those gifted with powers.”
Skye’s eyes darted back to the man and she let a breath out slowly. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. But… it has been a very rough few days.”
“Under the circumstances, we forgive you,” Xavier said with a kind smile. “Gaining new powers is often traumatic for the person involved. You’re not school-aged anymore, clearly, but you are welcome to return to the school with us and learn control of your new power.”
“You should go with them, Skye,” Coulson added softly. “They can teach you to manage your power, help you in ways we can’t. I hate to see you go, but I want you to be safe and to learn control.”
“If my choices are that or hiding in the Cage until someone else comes to attack me,” Skye said slowly, “then going is my only good option.”
The redheaded woman rose swiftly, ignoring any attempts to gesture her to wait further. “Anyone else who tries is going to have far more to deal with than they’d expect,” she said fiercely, stopping when they were just inches apart. “You’re not alone, Skye.”
The woman’s expression rivaled May’s for sheer protective rage. It made Skye smile just a little. “I hoped that would be the case, when we finally met. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jean. Jean Grey.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jean. I’m sorry your soulmark words suck so much.”
Jean managed a smile and shook her head. “It’s all right. But please believe me when I say that anyone trying to hurt you is going to have to go through me first, and there are several people they’d probably have to go through to get to me at all. My friends are a rather protective bunch.”
Skye laughed, for the first time since San Juan. “I think I can live with that.”
Coulson cleared his throat. “We can leave you two ladies alone for a short while, if you’d like.”
“I’d honestly rather leave as soon as possible, Director Coulson,” Jean said over her shoulder, not letting Skye out of her sight.
“I’ll pack your things for you, Skye,” May offered. “If you’d rather not go back into the base.”
“Thanks, May. I think that’s for the best.”
“I will wait for you on the jet, then,” Xavier told them as May swiftly departed. “Coulson and I have a few details to discuss.”
“Of course, Professor,” Jean agreed. “I can help you gather up whatever’s here?” she asked Skye in a softer voice.
“It’s not much, but sure.”
When Skye opened the door to the Cage, Jean looked around and anger swelled again. “They kept you in here?” she asked, aghast.
Gathering up her laptop, Skye shook her head. “No. I locked myself in here. It was safer… for me, and for them.”
Jean blinked for a moment at that. “For them?”
“Did Coulson tell you about… me?” Skye asked.
“No,” Jean shook her head. “Just that he had a gifted on his hands that needed help. That you were trying very hard not to hurt anyone.”
“I suppose we haven’t really figured out what to call it. I… shake things. The ground. The room. Once, a gun that was in my hand. It just kinda shook itself apart,” Skye admitted shyly.
“We can figure it out, I promise you,” Jean soothed. Sharp green eyes raked over Skye from head to toe. “You look exhausted. Are… no, of course you’re not okay. Would you like a hug?”
“That… sounds nice, actually,” Skye agreed. She finished putting her computer accessories into the laptop case and closed it. As soon as it left her hands, Jean was beside her with open arms. Stepping into the embrace, Skye felt herself relax for the first time in who knew how long.
“What’s your school like?” Skye asked quietly, resting her head on Jean’s generous bosom. She closed her eyes and took a few deep, calming breaths.
“Some of the boys jokingly call it ‘mutant high’ but it’s true that most of our students are teens. Most of our people were either born with their powers or gained them at puberty,” Jean explained. “I studied there as a teen, too, and now I teach.”
“Teach what?”
“I’m a geneticist, Skye, specialized in human DNA and genetic mutation. I teach biology, primarily, but as we assess the gifts of individual students sometimes I help teach them control as well,” Jean explained.
“Fitz said my DNA changed dramatically when I gained my powers,” Skye said in a thoughtful tone. “I’ll ask May to copy my medical file for you, if you’d like.”
“I would appreciate it, though from the sounds of things you’re likely an entirely new case,” Jean accepted readily. She allowed Skye to free one arm long enough to send May a quick text. “But it doesn’t matter to me what your genes look like or how you gained your powers. I promise you, Skye.”
“Thanks,” Skye murmured as she slid the phone back into her pocket. “I guess we shouldn’t keep DC and your Professor waiting?”
Jean smiled a little. “They’ll forgive us for taking a little time to ourselves.”
“Oh, okay. Good,” Skye said, tipping her head back to meet her soulmate’s eyes. Deep topaz met bright emerald and their gazes locked. Skye had never felt calm radiate from someone the way she felt from Jean; even May’s careful control was often full of tension. And lately, no one had tried to offer her comfort outside of Fitz. This was… Jean was everything she needed, in that moment.
Neither knew who moved first; Skye’s chin lifted and Jean ducked her head down until their lips met. It was a slow kiss, sharing and utterly accepting. Non-judgemental. And absolutely perfect. They stayed that way, twined together for a blissful eternity, until Skye’s phone beeped. The alert broke into their preoccupation, and Skye blushed just a little.
“We should go,” Jean said lowly, not waiting for Skye to check her message. “But I’ll be right beside you. Every step of the way.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Skye tried for teasing, but the words came out more serious than she intended.
“I hope you do,” Jean answered with a smile. “The closer the better. And on the flight back to the school, I’ll tell you about my powers too. After that, if you want to talk about getting yours… I’ll listen, of course.”
“I look forward to learning about you. The rest… will come, I’m sure.” Skye returned the smile, feeling comfortable and in control for a change.
They gathered up the rest of her things and, hand-in-hand, the two women left the Bus behind.
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