faunandfloraas · 6 months
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The case of Lee Know, Bang Chan and the Red ribbon headband (he'd prefer black) 2018 // 2024 ❤ ❤ @linoguy
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the dangers of nap time
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bird-likes-art · 8 months
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Had to get this idea out there. How would omega collars work? I see them in so many fics and I’ve always pictured dog/cat collars but that wouldn’t work! Hannah Adams ticktock put this idea in my head today and wow it’s been on my mind constantly!
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pigswithwings · 10 months
Yuo should try drawing electric oencil sharpeners but like the good ones that are like curved st the top with the pencil size settings yknow the ones? B lue top… yiu can see thar shsavings
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bonus handheld sharpeners as a treat
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venomgaia · 5 months
you were AEDD heathcliff in the stream chat?? :0 <- guy who had been pasting the entirety of wuthering heights during stream 5
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Eheeh yep! That was me! I was in i think all of the streams, but on my first visits i showed up like a normal person and then pretty quickly joined the heathcliff horde.
LMAO I WAS WONDERIN ABT THAT. Glad to see that theres some of us from stream that hang out on tumblr! Hope you're havin a great day!
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luckycharms1701 · 8 months
*leans over well, and whispers over it* Have you ever thought about mikey during mating season?? I would love to hear your thoughts on it… (I’m very normal about the thought of it)
who, me??? think about mikey during mating season? i would never
so anyway, here are some thoughts about how bay mikey is during mating season
needless to say this is a little (a lot) spicy 🌶️ , reader beware. seriously, i did not hold back
Mikey is a little unpredictable during his season. Sometimes he’s whiny and needy. Sometimes he’s a smooth motherfucker who gets you where he wants you without you even noticing. Sometimes he can’t think about anything but sex. Sometimes he just wants to cuddle. Mostly it's a little of everything.
The number one thing for Mikey during his season is you. Before you were in the picture, mating season was a miserable time for Mikey. Now that he has you, he can’t believe how much better it is. He even looks forward to it! Because it means you will be with him as often as you possibly can. So he is Super Clingy, to the point where he often just has to be touching you in some way, sexual or not.
He spends hours trying to prepare you for what is to come when you agree to this the first time. (He still asks. Every year.) Leo and Donnie help him with a presentation and everything. Raph doesn't help with the presentation, but he's there when it happens, to help you interpret when Mikey goes a little off script. It's the most serious you've ever seen Mikey be.
Mikey does NOT like to share when it’s his season, unless it’s with you. You need to take him somewhere private because he suddenly decides that everything, including his brother’s belongings, is his. One of the earliest indicators that he’s in season is when he snarls at someone for picking up a slice of pizza. It’s always a slice of pizza, the first time. And when you’re involved it’s all bets off. No one can even look at you without him staring them down.
Okay. Okay. This mans? Has stamina like you've never seen before. ALL of his energy? Is focused on you. You will never be as satisfied as you are when it’s mating season. Mikey loves giving oral, and when he’s lucid he will spend as much time as you’ll let him between your thighs. He especially enjoys the noises you make when he fucks you with his tongue.
When he’s not lucid? Well. Sometimes, especially when it’s early in his season, Mikey enjoys the chase. He’ll stalk you through wherever the two of you have holed up, calling for you with a smirk. He catches you, divests you of one piece of clothing, then lets you go to continue the chase. You’ll occasionally put on a lot of layers to tease him. The longer the chase, the more excited he gets, the better the sex is.
Mikey will let you know he’s ready by lightly biting your shoulder. He’ll just kind of hold his teeth there, waiting for you to give a signal that you’re ready. He’ll take a verbal confirmation, but Mikey likes it best when you start stripping him as an answer. If he’s already naked, he wants you writhing and pulling him close, showing him that you’re desperate for him. Your neck and shoulders are always covered in mottled bruises when mating season is over.
He starts slow. Mikey wants to be gentle with you, wants to make sure you enjoy this. But every time, his hormones take over, and he can get a little rough. As time goes on, the gentle periods get smaller and farther between. However, he never draws blood, never actually hurts you. (Leo worked with him relentlessly until even when he’s working on nothing but instinct he won’t hurt you. Mikey asked him to do this.) Unless you ask him to, that is. Then all bets are off.
Mikey is the king of nicknames, but not when it’s mating season. Then he always, always uses your name. Sometimes it’s as if he can’t believe you’re here. Sometimes he’s desperate for you, only you. Your name is whispered in your ear and shouted to the heavens. The only other thing he calls you? “Mine.” He’s unsurprisingly quite loud when he fucks you, churrs and chirps and growls and moans echoing around you.
He’ll take you wherever and whenever. Up against a wall, bent over a table, you kneeling on the couch while he stands behind you. Hell, if nothing convenient is nearby he’ll pick you up and hold you against him while he fucks into you. But Mikey is sweet (and vanilla) at heart. His favorite position is always with you laying in bed so that he can stare into your eyes and watch when you come.
When mating season is over, you won’t have to lift a finger. Mikey cleans the area and very gently cleans you. He takes care of your bruises. He makes sure you’re fed and hydrated. He airs the place out. If you even look like you might want something, he’s there asking what you need. “You took such good care of me angel, let me take care of you too.”
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic
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prince-liest · 3 months
I am so sorry if i come off stupid with this ask but i’m not very educated on this topic and my english isn’t that good so pls dont take any offence but i’ve read some of ur fics (ur very skilled btw!!) and in some of them vox and alastor are depicted to be sexual at times but isn’t alastor acesexual? I used to think that ace ppl were repulsed(?) by sex and touch in general and now im a bit confused is he only comfortable with touch because they have a deep bond or is him being repulsed by touch just an act?
No worries at all, I think this is something that a lot of people get caught up on! Asexuality isn't very commonly talked about in terms of actually explanations, so a lot of folks tend to have the impression you did.
Asexuality is a spectrum that often correlates with but isn't actually inherently linked to comfort with touch! Asexual people can be sex-positive, sex-neutral, or sex-repulsed—or a combination of those three things depending on the context and their feelings at the time. I always write Alastor as aromantic and asexual, but I play around with his comfort levels regarding all those things depending on the fic or even how he feels in the moment, oscillating between sex-positive to fully touch-repulsed (or sometimes both, which causes some complicated feelings for him). (There are also demisexual and graysexual people but I'm just going to talk about asexuality here.)
I think a key point to understand is that for an asexual person to have sex, they're just going to have different reasons from an allosexual person. Alastor is never having sex in my radiostatic fics because he thinks Vox is hot and is super attracted to him (unlike Vox, whom I write as allo and who pretty consistently thinks Alastor is hot and wants to fuck him). Instead, some of the reasons he's slept with Vox in my works include: curiosity; societal pressure; nonsexual enjoyment of kink; sexual enjoyment of very specific acts (again, still not the same as "being sexually attracted to Vox"); seeking intimacy; being under the influence; etc.
If you think about it, allosexual people also have sex for reasons outside of sexual attraction. Lesbians may have sex with men out of social pressure or personal exploration; a lot of people have sex just because they're lonely and it's how they find intimacy; you can even imagine the stereotypical frat bro who has sex with a girl because he sees her as a status symbol; etc, etc. Just because someone is ace doesn't mean they can't have sex, it just means that their reason isn't going to be sexual attraction.
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Analysis of Pissa So Far.
This is a essay looking at our favorite death dads and how their relationship changed and their different nuances from to start to most recent. This will primarily look at the major three times we had Phil and Missa interact from the start with being paired for the eggs to recently the Mexican Independence Party. So bare with me and come with me down memory lane.
I rewatched day 1 of the pairing up of pissa to mainly cope with CERTAIN lore that happened recently. And yes it’s as fluffy and cute as I remembered. But let’s start at the beginning. Before the pairing up Missa and Phil knew of each other casually like acquaintances. In real life along with in general their characters/cubitos. (Again major thanks for the server in general bringing all these wonderful creators together.) Anyways the first time Phil met Missa was when he jumped off the wall and gave them food. I like to imagine missa had a non-serious crush on the man. But they didn’t really interact. And it’s fair to understand why.
But then the egg event happened. Which honestly in my opinion was the best event to bring the Spanish and English sides together organically. And looking back now it WORKED. So back on track everyone goes to the adoption center and like most Qsmp events it’s total chaos. Phil chooses his ticket and when I rewatched it Missa literally like spammed clicked it to break it and get Phil. Atleast that is what it looks like to me. So we already have the seeds of simp Missa from the very start. Also can we all take a break and just realize they both got tickets with D? And literally they are Deathduo? The more I rewatch the pairing lottery the more I think it was rigged by the admins and not actually by chance. Every duo either had similar humor or charm.
Immediately Phil and Missa find out they both have D. And it’s casual no romantic undertones the cubitos are still getting to know each other. But Missa being a sweetheart immediately is like you can choose whatever egg. And I think this is when Phil starts to soften and gets majorly endeared towards the clumsy reaper. Like not a crush. Not love. But the seeds of the adoration and love we see from Phil down the road. The fact of the matter Phil let Missa choose Chayanne name. The fact literally the newly formed death family was being fluffy and saying chayanne will be the best egg while literally everyone was screaming in the background. Its the main thing that would later define the dynamic of the ship. The gentle understanding and teamwork. That would later be a staple whether you ship them platonically or romantically.
And chayanne is the best way to show why pissa was meant to always work. Chayanne personality and hobbies all came from his two dads (Literally the reason chayanne was interested in cooking so much was because Missa taught him to cook). And like Phil once he was thrust into parenthood with Missa immediately found him endeared by his assigned husband? The amount of times he laughed because of Missa. Another theme so important to why pissa works so well.
Missa is Philzas calm balm. He relaxes Phil so much. And that’s so rare for that to happen. So of course a hour or so in taking care of their son. Phil visibly softens and gets endeared to the man. Phil immediately starts worrying about missa when he left. Missa may have fallen first but Phil fell harder. Like more time Phil spends with Missa the more comfortable and at ease he gets. Missa fully was like I have the best husband ever let me casually call you pet names.
Not to mention two popular scenes burned into the minds of fans. The moment when Mariana called Phil my love and tried to steal him. And Phil being Phil immediately was I’m okay with my partner thank you very much. And both Missa and Phil cuddled close. I still think Missa fell day 1 but Phil was quickly getting a crush on his assigned husband. Secondly Phil literally invited Missa to bed.
Their dynamic was one of like relaxation of trust and just both trying their best for Chayanne. They easily slid into a cute dynamic as both got endeared to the others. And also in day 1 Phil never said platonic it’s only after day 1 he started using that. And only when he wasn’t with Missa. He is a repressed romantic guy struggling with a crush. Not to mention the crows practically grew so attached to Missa it was insane to see.
Anyways like most couples they had to both take care of chayanne until Missa canonically got kidnapped by wolves for four months. During the time Missa was there he was pining HARD for Phil. Calling him his love and darling in Spanish. Phil meanwhile keep saying it was platonic and most of the fans accepted that. But then Missa was gone.
And cubito Phil missed him so fucking much. It’s at this point I fully believe is when Phil finally realized he loved him. He kept referencing Missa. He made armor for Missa. He dyed his backpack black with a skull because of Missa. It’s truly my belief that Philza realized he fucking adored the man in Missas absence. He never gave up waiting for Missa. And Missa eventually kept his promise and came back to his family.
And this is when you see some of nuance or facets change slightly in their dynamic. The core is the same all the way back from day 1 but it does change. It somehow becomes softer and domestic. Sure Philza even before his grand realization in Missa absence SPOILED missa. Missa made him soft. But when the reunion happened? Somehow Philza softens even more. Somehow he spoils Missa even more. This is why I believe that Philza finally realized he loves Missa. Because there is a clear increase in the affectionate displays between them.
Philza and the rest of the server went on the mission once Missa appeared. It was legit like Philza forgot that he was a mission. Philza when Missa appeared immediately softened so much. Of course Philza isn’t angry he’s gone. He just missed his husband. And voila once asked by Cellbit “oh this is your husband?!” He immediately agreed. This is important because for months if someone asked about who is Missa he would always and never fail to say Missa is his platonic partner/husband.
But in the reunion Philza just said husband. Because in my opinion Philza fully thought of Missa his romantic partner. The fact that Philza showed everyone including Missa the skull on the black backpack almost like a bird showing off his feathers. And Missa was immediately all gushy. The fact he only looked at Missa when he said you can go into my boat. And felps not realizing the sorta of energy the two of them was having immediately was cursed to be a third wheel.
Like literally felps was in the back of the boat being all “just ignore that I’m here” when literally Philza and Missa were lost in their own fucking world. Gently flirting with each other. Felps was regretting majorly getting in the boat with them so no wonder he bounced as soon as possible. And literally they were left by themselves still on a mission to save people. But I won’t lie it was a date.
Just them loving in each other company. And Philza being so gentle and loving and protective towards Missa. Their dynamic at their core is the same yes. But it’s undeniably more romantic. And Missa side of the dynamic also changes. He starts trying his best to protect Philza. The man who has from the start been protecting him and their son.
Missa slowly starts to become more brave and actually comments on how attractive Phil is in front of him. (I can see your pecs….yes Missa we get it you love Phil). They are closer than ever. Phil also immediately accepts Missa as Tallulah other dad. Do you guys know how massive that is? He trusts and loves Missa so darn much to let him easily be part of his whole family.
And eventually Missa had to go for a bit. But the amount of pissa interaction we get during the renuion stream doesn’t end. We have loads more to dissect. Missa comes back in hope to see his son and new daughter but sadly they were sleeping but later on despite showing Tubbo around. Once he saw Missa was whispering to him in chat immediately left as soon as possible to get to his husband. Also Cellbit who was with him and tubbo was immediately like “oh you need to help your husband understandable” while tubbo was just like so confused.
Meanwhile before this Missa was crying wanting to go back to Phil. Phil is his safety blanket. Phil never fails to make him feel safe and secure and protected. There’s reasons why Missa fell so quickly. And they met up. And to bring up my earlier point above. What Phil does nest is one of my primarily reasons why I believe Phil fully realizes he loves Missa.
Yes Phil spoils Missa. It’s his love lanuage but all the gifts and upgrades he did late at night (which Phil made a mission to give stuff to Missa before he logged off.) and even the armor he made so long ago. The amount of spoiling and pampering just screams love, adoration, and affection.
And of course they get sorta matching backpacks. And of course Missa says he loves him so fast so the translator doesn’t pick it up. This leds to when Missa showed up by himself had a loony toon day before being called out by roier. He fully says he loves Philza. LOVES PHILZA. TE AMO. Romantic.
Most of the fans knew because just look how Missa acted. But once it was confirmed Missa feels romantic feelings for Philza? That’s when the majority starting fully accepting them as romantic soulmates. And started seeing Philza actions how they are. Romantic. (Though if you prefer them as platonic that’s also very valid).
The only reason a pissa wedding or confession haven’t happened is because Missa loves Philza so much he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable or burden him with his feelings for him. If philza said let’s get married he would accept immediately. But knowing Phil he will say nothing about loving Missa because he is scared he won’t be able to be protect.
And more recently. The Mexican Independence Day party. I won’t lie the times they were together they were always flirting. They were so cute. And both in my eyes were getting brave with their love for the other in their own ways. Missa literally screaming VIVA TE AMO on stage when Roier said Philza. Or Philza making sure he follows Missa during the dance. The fact Philza was so gentle explaining the recent egg disappearance and made a comment of being shock that Missa came back (he misses Missa so much each time he is gone.).
And their dynamic switches slightly again. Because Phil the whole time was worried and hovering around Missa when ingesting everything lore at once. And Missa is again getting brave he fully said he going on a date with Phil. It’s romantic. There’s no way I can personally can see it otherwise (though again if you like them platonic you are hella valid). At the start there was seeds but their romance has grown. They love each other. They need to confess for my sanity. And I fully trusts that Missa will have some sort of role in saving his love. And maybe perhaps we can get a confession or wedding in the future-
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vimbry · 10 months
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welcome back to zelda four swords adven here comes science
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Hello I have memes about running this blog so far. For these memes I decided to give myself a pen name for the sake of not having to type out “trafficblrpositivityproject” / to give you all something to address me by since I decided not to say openly who is running this (though two people have already guessed who I am).
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
Random thought I had last night. Genuinely think they're both equally outlandish - which is just ridiculous in itself if you think about it.
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side-of-art · 7 months
someone needs to tell the ender king that you’re supposed to give things to someone on their birthday, not take them. smh
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Rob Lucci Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Soul Mates Prompt: Erotically Charged Fight Gift Giver: @jintaka-hane
Summary: You've experienced the worst side of Soul Mates being a reality - your long term relationship had found their soul mate and left you. So you dove into martial arts as a means of distraction.
Lucky (?) for you, it's what causes you to finally meet your soul mate.
Content Notes: canon levels of violence, oral, rough sex, mentions of blood, cream pie,
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
There wasn’t a protocol for this, but even if there was, Lucci wasn’t certain that it would do him any good.
His initial attack failed. Whether by dumb luck, or your own skill, he’d missed. That had become a problem. In this world, with its rules, and his job, he had to eliminate his target with the first strike. Anything less invited a terrible risk, and of all the statistical possibilities, that risk came true with you.
Your eyes were wide with fear as you tumbled away. The way you got back to your feet left him with the distinct and sudden impression that you hadn’t been merely lucky.
Realization marred your beautiful face, as he was sure it was twisting his.
Soul mates.
Lucci hadn’t given the concept much thought. With his job, with his skills, with the blood on his hands, what right did he have to consider something as pure as love? And beyond even that was the very laughable idea of soul mates.
He’d never loved anything save himself, and even that love was cruel.
All of his arrogance, all of his sureness - everything was used for the government. There was nothing of him to be concerned with. Nothing to stop him from doing the tasks required of him, whether it was years under cover, or a few days spent stalking some poor hapless fool.
Looking at the man who had invited himself into your home, you feel a powerful conflict of emotions. How dare he come in uninvited! How dare he mean to kill you!
Everyone had one. The curse of this world, as far as you were concerned. Because while everyone had at least one, no one was promised to find theirs. There were no red strings of fate to guide people, no services provided by the government to help you find yours. Nothing but the cold hard truth of it, and nothing to protect you from simply falling in love.
It was your broken heart that had distracted itself by learning how to fight. It was sorrow of a love lost to the very concept of soul mates that you had honed your skills with all the fervor of a desperate monk. That you could dedicate yourself to a love that would never find another damnable soul mate.
That love had saved your life when the chill of death ran up your spine moments earlier and bade you move.
And it saved you for this? For your soul mate?
“You bastard!” You growl, charging at the stunned assassin. You knew he was reeling just like you should be. Whatever state he was in, he didn’t have your rage, and it shook off the powerful desires threatening to crack your bones.
He dodges the strike, but barely. You feel strands of his hair slip through your fingers as you pivot. Shock twists to something akin to confusion on his face, and he bats away another swing. He seems ready to attack you, but his body stutters, and the confusion on his face turns to anger as you lash out again, forcing him to take another step back.
“How?!” He growls, grabbing your wrist at the end of a series of punches. His grip is locked like iron, and you can’t escape it, but somehow it’s still gentle. You understand he could break it easily, but he’s not even trying.
“Why now!” You roar. “Why years too late?! Bastard!” You repeat, stepping in and driving your free hand into his stomach. Whether the words, or the bold movement, something caught him off guard enough to force the air from him.
His grip on your wrist loosens and you pull it free. “You asshole!”
You hear him growl, more like a beast than a man, and as he straightens there’s no more confusion in his eyes. He matches your strikes, knocking your blows aside and dodging your attacks with a fluidity he hadn’t shown in his shocked state. Irritation is written plainly on his handsome face, and anger swells in you again as you start to realize you can’t best him.
Anger, but no fear. You’re not sure why. He tried to kill you - he can kill you! You should be afraid.
Once he sorts out the rhythm of your fighting style, he draws you in. Lucci’s too experienced to be concerned about someone with just a couple years of fighting under their belt, but there’s a strange feeling of pride in his gut. You’re not bad. At the very least your instincts make up for what you lack in skill, and that’s what put you both in this predicament.
Getting both your wrists this time he turns you, folding them behind your back and pinning you roughly against the wall. You try to kick yourself away from it, but he forces your leg to the side and puts his knee right between your thighs, using his height to nearly lift you off the floor.
“Ahhhhnngh ❤️!” Your euphoric cry causes both of you to freeze.
“The hell was - nnnnnnngh!!” He pressed his knee into your crotch again and you couldn’t supress the jolt that went through you.
“What a pleasant sound.” He leans against you, cheek pressed against your head as he holds you in place. His breath is hot against your ear. “Far better than before.”
He pulls you up enough to tease his lips against your neck, making you shiver and moan softly. Letting go of your wrists he puts his hands on the wall on either side of you, keeping you effectively pinned.
You have enough space to turn and face him, and maybe it’s a mistake to do so.
Grabbing the collar of his shirt you pull him in, or he allows you to, or you will him to allow you. Who cares, his lips against yours are a flood of pleasure and heat. You don’t let yourself think about it, about everything leading up to this. The rollercoaster of emotions was too much and you let your desires guide you.
He pulls his shirt off when your hands tug it up. The shift of his muscles, the lines of scars, the deep ink of tattoos, everything was known to you, and everything left you wanting more. You pulled at his belt as he tossed the shirt aside. He interrupts your attempts, pulling your shirt off and tossing it aside.
Your clothing is barely shed enough to be out of the way. He pulls you into another kiss, unhooking your bra and leaving you to take it off as he yanks his troublesome belt free.
The metallic clatter barely registers. Heavy, heated kisses are trailing down your stomach as he crouches down in front of you. You weave your fingers through his hair while he tugs your pants down and away. One leg, and then the other, he hooks your thighs with his arms and lifts you easily, pressing your back into wall as his mouth dives into your pussy.
Your fingers tighten in his hair and you cry out into the air. Trapped between him and the wall there’s no escaping the demanding man between your thighs. Heavy searching licks note every sound and twitch and it only takes him a couple minutes to have you shivering from his actions.
His tongue’s buried in your pussy and you don’t even know his name yet.
Holding onto his hair you push yourself into his face as your pleasure crests. There’s no reason to hold back, and he laps up every second of your messy pleasure. Sharp eyes cut through your hazy gaze and he brings you down slowly, keeping your ankles at his shoulders as the tip of his hard, thick cock pushes against your dripping hole.
“Say it,” he commands, pressing against you. He’s desperate and half mad, but he seems to be holding back as much as he can.
You shift, looking at the beast between your thighs before looking back up at him. “Please.”
He pushes in, just the tip, and you moan, hands against the back of his neck. “Lucci,” he says, and you gasp, groaning as he pulls back out.
You don’t have to be soul mates to know what he wants.
“Please, Lucci,” you mean to say more, but apparently all he wanted on your lips was his name. Pushing into you he devours your gasp of pleasure, kissing you deeply. Hands gripping your ass, he holds you steady as he  takes you, barely giving you time to breathe or think.
Heavy thrusts, rough husky gasps falling from his lips that crash into your skin, hot and deep as the cock threatening to split you in half. There’s little more than pleasure in the harsh treatment, the pressure of the wall against your skin is a dull, useless ache you can’t be bothered to recognize. The sting of sharp nails digging into your ass as he fucks you against the wall are ticklish compared to the dizzying heat of his hungry and demanding kisses.
Lucci nearly bites into your neck when he finally releases your lips. You’re sure the frantic hold you have on him is trickling blood down his back, as the second orgasm slams into you. Every brush of his skin against yours feels amazing, every brush of his breath against your sweaty skin has you nearly crying for relief. Your orgasm causes his, and you can feel him twitching deep inside you, pressing you shakily against the wall as a few final, wet thrusts leak your combined pleasure down the curve of your ass and onto the floor.
Soul mates.
You collapse into a pile of bones and exhaustion on the floor when he pulls out of you and eases you down. You regard one another in the haze of the sweetest afterglow you’ve ever known, and you wonder idly which is stronger.
This new bond?
Or his devotion to the government?
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zuppizup · 23 days
Welp, I'm back writing Rayllum modern AU, which is good... but it's not Zoom-mates, which is bad...
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Big thanks to everybody who has followed this blog and AU!
I have decided to adapt the concept of this AU into an original story, and so it's time to say that
⬜◼Check and Mate AU is officially discontinued◼⬜
It does not mean I prohibit people from drawing or writing about it, but as a creator I will not create anything for it anymore, and possibly take this blog down in the future
I know this was never much of anything - this AU was like a sandbox of mine with no defined story but some fun ideas and aesthetics I like. When I made this blog I purposefully omitted my name and did not link it anywhere or told anybody, because I was honestly curious how this blog will do on its own lol
You wouldn't be really able to tell from this blog alone, but I love this AU very much and it brought me a lot of joy over the years. Thank you everybody for indulging me 🤍🖤
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remedyturtles · 3 months
So I have a question about firefight (and one about Death Wish)
My question about Firefight is that I was wondering, will we ever see the thing Leo keeps threatening? Leo has said twice now that if they try to separate them no one’s gonna like what happens and that Donnie’s not the only one who can lash out. I’m just curious to see if we will see him lash out like Donnie. If you don’t know or don’t want to spoil thats totally fine!
As for Death Wish, does Sensei keep aging? Will he eventually die separately from Leo? Or will he only live as long as Leo does?
Anyway so a piece of praise to accompany the questions, your writing is amazing. I’ve said it a hundred times and you’ll hear it again, lol. You’re literally my favorite author so thank you for sharing your amazingness with us!!!
good morning mate
sensei and leo are bound together, and as he is rooted in leo's mind, he will live as long as leo does
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