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owlfacenightkit · 2 years ago
This was inspired from the though ‘What if Anne actually did get sick in Amphibia?’ Instead of playing sick to get out of chores (and the fact that I was feeling icky this morning).
Anne cracked her eyes open and immediately regretted it. She groaned and rolled onto her back. The bright light in the little room stabbed into her eyes and she covered them. She moaned softly as she realized that she was sick. Her muscles ached and her head felt full of cotton.
Sprig hopped over to her cot. “Good morning!” He looked at her and asked, “Anne?”
“I think I’m sick, Sprig.” Anne said.
“Should I get Sasha?” Sprig asked. Anne nodded and he hopped off. Anne’s eyelids felt heavy and she struggled to keep them open.
She must have fallen asleep, though, because she was woken by Sasha gently shaking her shoulder.
“Hey, Anne.” Sasha said softly. “You okay?”
“I think I’m sick.”
Sasha placed her hand on Anne’s forehead and a worried expression crossed her face. “You’re burning up!”
Anne laughed under her breath. “You sound like a worried mom.” Sasha looked away and Anne apologized. “Sorry.” Anne knew the rocky relationship Sasha had with her parents.
“It’s… it’s okay.” Sasha took off her cape and shook it out. “We need to break the fever. Here.” She wrapped the fluffy cape around Anne and made sure her friend was comfortable. “I have a mission to run, but I’ll be back later.”
“You better be.” Anne muttered as she snuggled into the fluffiness of Sasha’s cape. Sasha paused as she left the room, resting a hand on the entryway.
The whole day, Sasha worried about Anne. If Anne had caught some amphibian disease, it could easily kill her. Human and frog biology was so different, and Sasha didn’t know if they even had a medic in the Resistance.
As soon as they returned from the mission, Sasha took off, racing towards her friend’s room. She burst through the door and stopped dead in her tracks. Anne was curled up in a nest of blankets, with Sasha’s cape still wrapped around her shoulders and surrounded by the Plantars.
“Is she… okay?” Sasha asked.
“We don’t know. Her temperature started to go down, but then it skyrocketed.” Hop Pop said.
Polly looked at Sasha expectantly. “What?” Sasha asked.
“You’re a human too! Do you know how to fix her?”
“I-” Sasha looked at Anne. Anne was flushed and sweaty, but shivering as if she had a severe case of hypothermia. “No.” Sasha’s voice fell. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her or how to help.”
Sprig put his hand over Anne’s, which was clenched tight in the fur of Sasha’s cape. A determined expression crossed his face. “Then we’ll just have to figure out what’s wrong with her ourselves. C’mon Sasha.”
Sasha looked at Anne. “I need to stay with her. What if she-”
“Sasha, if you stay in here, you could get just as sick as her.” Hop Pop said.
Standing up, Sasha acknowledged that Hop Pop was right. The Resistance couldn’t lose both it’s commanders. She followed Hop Pop out of Anne’s bedroom and to the snail stables.
“Where are we going?” Sasha asked.
Hop Pop let Bessie out of her stall and climbed on. “To the Wartwood Archives. It’s our best bet of finding a cure that can help Anne.” He extended a hand towards Sasha. She took it and climbed up, next to Hop Pop. He looked down at Sprig and Polly. “You two stay here with your sister.”
Hop Pop shouted, “Bessie, things are gettin’ messy!” The snail shot out of the Resistance base faster than she had ever gone when Sasha was riding her.
“How far away are the archives?” Sasha asked, worry and fear coloring her tone.
“Maybe a mile or two away. It won’t take us long to get there.” Hop Pop reassured her.
I hope you’re right, Sasha thought.
Sasha had dozed off by the time they reached archives. When Bessie came to a stop, she jerked awake, her hands automatically flying to rest on the hilts of her swords. Hop Pop looked at her uneasily. She remembered trying to kill him and unclenched her hands. He hopped off Bessie and looped her reins over the saddlehorn. He led Sasha over to a large hole in the ground and climbed down a rope ladder that led into the opening.
Sasha followed him. Inside were huge bookcases brimming with books. Sasha spotted a section about weapons, a different section about plants, and a multitude of others. “It’s a library.” She said.
“No, it’s the archives.” Hop Pop said, walking towards a section about medical plants. “Now, look for something that can help Anne.” He pulled a book off of the shelf and sat down in a nearby chair.
Sasha walked around, looking at the different books. “No, no, no…” she muttered. Suddenly, a book seemed to jump out at her. Strange Ailments from Beyond. Sasha pulled it off the shelf and flipped through it. Sketches and illustrations covered the pages, detailing what different diseases did to your body and internal organs. Sasha winced at how graphic some of the drawings were. Descriptions followed each drawing and she skimmed them all until she reached one that sounded like what Anne had. It was an illness that affected any creature, warm- or cold-blooded. Most of the information was on how it affected frogs and newts the most, while it had almost no effect on toads. That means I’m probably safe, Sasha thought. She continued reading. The effects of the disease differed depending on if the affected creature was warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Sasha flipped the page, desperate to find out if there was a cure. In warm-blooded creatures, it would cause the temperature to rise until it killed the creature.
Sasha’s heart dropped and she flipped through the book, hunting for a cure. The best advice the book had was to pray and hope that the affected individual had a peaceful passing. Sasha sat back on her heels and, staring ahead with an empty gaze.
Hop Pop came up the stairs and said, “Did you find something?” Sasha, mute, held out the book. Hop Pop read through the entry and placed the book back on the shelf.
“Sasha, it might not be that, and even if it is, you and Anne came from another world. Maybe this disease will affect her differently?”
Sasha shook her head. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. We should get back to Anne.” She strode over too the ladder and yanked on it to make sure it was secure. When she was sure that is wouldn’t move, she started climbing. Evening light cast long shadows over everything as Sasha climbed onto Bessie. Hop Pop jumped up next to her and took the reins again. This time, the trip seemed to take an eternity.
When they got back to the base, Sasha didn’t run. Instead, she trudged back to Anne’s room. When she got there, she hovered in the doorway, just watching.
Anne was still flushed and sweaty, but her grip on Sasha’s cape had loosened. In fact, her whole body seemed looser, almost as if there was no tension left in her body. Or no strength to stay tense, Sasha’s thoughts whispered. She pushed those thoughts aside and sat next to Anne.
Anne’s breathing was shallow and fast. A sob tried to fight it’s way up Sasha’s throat, and she didn’t push it back. It escaped as a choked whimper. A pair of arms wrapped around Sasha’s middle. She looked down to see Polly trying to wrap her small arms around Sasha, while Sprig hugged her around her chest. Hop Pop joined in the hug and held Sasha as she cried.
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lmjdraws · 3 years ago
So, does Marcy have any costume changes here given she was in Wartwood in the AU? I know for sure there's Buff Marcy in season 3B's events (likely cause she lead the resistance in Wartwood while Anne goes to Earth) but anything else?
Haven't had the chance to actually draw it, but YES, Marcy does have some costume changes besides her stinky school uniform and jacket!
We have:
Marcy with a suit from her "Frog of the year" party.
Witch's Apprentice Marcy when she tried to study spells with Maddie.
Toad Tower Marcy when she played along with the toads from Toad Tax.
Casual Marcy from her version of "Girl Time" with Polly.
Doctor Marcy when she had to take care of the Plantars when they were sick.
And many more... I should draw se these at some point!
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kiddoryder · 4 years ago
Times to Heal
For @wombatking enjoy! Thanks for commissioning me!
Anne was in her room just laying down in bed. She was happy that she and her frog family were able to get back to Wartwoods, find Sasha and even freed Marcy. However, they all had to go into hiding due to King Andres now trying to find them. Anne was not only worried about that, but she was looking for a bit down and saw a picture of her, Sasha, and Marcy. She had mixed feelings about it. It's like she had good times with them, but yet, she felt like it was nothing but lies. She was about to rip it but couldn't bring herself to do it. The strange thing is Anne didn’t know why she couldn’t do it. 
 “Anne you, okay?”
 Anne - Huh? *Turns her head and see Sprig standing next to her* Oh yeah, I’m okay.
 Sprig - *concerned* “Are you sure? You can tell me.”
 Anne - *sighs* “I don’t know, I mean I feel like the picture is based on lies.”
 Sprig - *confused* “What picture?”
 Anne shows him the picture of her, Sasha, and Marcy. Sprig was surprised because he didn't think Anne would still have the picture after everything that happened between her and Sasha. However he can see that Sasha is still important to Anne.”
 Sprig - “Oh yeah.”
 Anne - “I just don’t know if our friendship is a lie or not. I mean Sasha not only tried to have Hop Pop executed for his crimes, but also tried to kill us at the Toad Tower.”
 Sprig - “I know…”
 Anne - “I know I tried to save her when she was about to fall, but I just have a feeling she hasn’t changed at all. I’m glad Marcy is still the same but not Sasha…It's like she is just using me and Marcy as puppets just so she can get what she wants. Maybe she doesn’t care about us…”
 Sprig: (*feeling bad for Anne*) “I’m sorry what you’re going through Anne.”
 Anne - “It’s okay, I just wish she could be a good friend for once. I feel like I was so blind being friends with her.”
 Sprig - “Yeah…But at least you have me. I know I would never do any of that to you.”
 Anne - *smiles* “Yeah. That’s true.” 
 Sprig - “You even have Hop Pop and Polly.”
 Polly - *dirty and running away* “You will never take me alive! I would rather die than get clean.”
 Hop Pop a *chases her* “Polly, get back here! You’re cover in mud and other stuff I do not want to know.”
 Polly - “Never!”
 Anne and Sprig laugh at the two. She knows that Sprig is right because despite losing Sasha, she still has the Planters and Marcy at her side. 
 Anne - “Well, whatever happened, at least I got you guys.”
 Meanwhile Sasha was in her room looking at pictures of her Anne and Marcy. She sighs Grimes came in.
 Grime - “Ah Sasha! You’re just in time to hear about my latest plan to- *noticed how she is looking down* What's wrong with you?”
 Sasha - *sigh* “it’s nothing. I was just looking at my photo of my friends.”
 Grimes - *annoyed* Ugh again? You look at that photo almost every day! It’s just a picture.”
 Sasha - *mad* “Hey, it's not just a picture! They're my friends, and I’ll do anything to get them back so we can go home. But lately, they don’t trust me. Especially Anne. 
 Grime - “Well we do need their trust if we want to do the invasion. I think the only way is to proof that you change. That way we can go through with our plan.”
 Sasha - “Yeah that’s true. Because honestly, I didn’t expect Anne and Marcy to change this much. I guess it’s my turn.”
 Grime - “Yeah. If you don’t fix this now, our plan to attack the King would never work.”
 Anne - *panting* “Man…That was brutal.” 
 Sprig - *panting* “That was…One of the toughest battles yet…”
 Hop Pop - *panting* “Yeah but…It was…Worth it!”
 Polly - *pouting and clean* “Ugh…Stupid bath. What it ever done for me?”
 Sprig - “Keep you clean and not smelly.”
 Then they heard a knock on the door. 
 Polly - “I got it!” 
 Polly moved herself to the door and try to reach the door. But due to her height, she couldn’t really reach it. 
 Polly - “Hmm stupid door. Good thing I have old Betsy.”
 Hop Pop - *terrified* “Oh geez not old Betsy!”
 Anne - *confused* “Wait, who’s Old-“
 Then Polly took out a big mallet and began pounding the door. She kept pounding and pounding until the door was broken into dust. 
 Sprig - *whispers to Anne* “Polly is more brutal with Old Betsy. She even uses it on the carriage when it got stuck in the mud* 
 Anne - *equally terrified* “Yeah I can tell Polly love that thing.”
 At the broken door there was Marcy. Marcy was holding a letter. 
 Marcy - “Hey Anna Banana!”
 Anne - *happily* “Mar Mar!”
 Both girls hugged each other, and Marcy said: 
 Marcy - “I got a letter for you and Me.”
 Anne - “Really? Who’s it from?”
 Marcy looks at the letter and her eyes widen in Surprise. 
 Marcy - “It’s from Sasha!”
 Anne - *surprised* “Really? *confused* Wait, why would she write us a letter?”
 Marcy - “Well we are hiding from King Andres. She probably wants us to be safe.”
 Sprig - “What does it say?”
 Marcy - “Sasha wanted to talk to us, Anne. She said it’s really important.”
 Sasha - *uncertain* “Are you sure we should go?”
 Hop Pop - “I think you and Marcy should go.”
 Anne - “What? But what about you guys?”
 Sprig - “Don't worry about us. We will be okay. Beside we got our weapons *take out his sling shot*”
 Polly - “And if that doesn’t work, we still have Doris!” *Take out Doris the rolling pin*
 Anne and Marcy chuckled, and they left to go meet up with Sasha. 
 Anne - “Hey Mar Mar, did Sasha say why we have to meet her at the lake?”
 Marcy - “Well lakes are one of the most relaxing places. Sometimes even swimming in them can help calm the mind.”
 Anne - “Do you really think Sasha changed?”
 Marcy - “I believe so. I mean she help battling the king and even freed me.”
 Anne - “True…But she lied so much I can’t tell what’s she saying is even true anymore. Sometimes I even wonder if our friendship is nothing but lies.”
 Marcy - “I say we give her a chance. I mean she did risk her life for us.”
 Anne - “Yeah but-“
 Sasha - “Oh you finally came!”
 Anne and Marcy saw Sasha waving at them near the lake. Anne was surprised that Grimes wasn’t there with her. Grimes is always with Sasha and not seeing him with her is weird. Then again, it could be a sign that Sasha really did change. 
 Marcy - “I’m so glad that you are okay Sash!”
 Sasha - *scoff* “Oh please. Andres' army is nothing compared to mine and Grimes.”
 Anne - *uncomfortable* “Uh yeah. So why did you tell us to come here?”
 Sasha - “Because this is one of the safest places to be right now. Listen what I got to tell you is very important. You see I-“
 Then all of a sudden, they heard the lake rumbling. The lake bubbles, and then a giant water snake comes out. The water snake monster then saw Anne, eyes widened and made a loud ferocious roar. It tried to attack the girls, but they all jump out of the way. 
 Sasha - *freaked out* “Since when can snake swim?!”
 Marcy - “There are actually snakes who live in water!”
 Anne - *scared* “And that snake definitely wants revenge!”
 Marcy - “You know that thing?!”
 Anne - “Last time I saw it, Sprig nearly burn it organs!”
 The snake roared again. It also tried to attack, but the girls dodge it again. Anne realizes that the snake looks stronger, yet in tongue is badly burnt. 
 Anne - “Okay guys I have a plan-“
 Sasha - *determination*  “I got this!”
 Anne - *worried* “No Sash wait!”
 But Sasha didn’t listen. Sasha took out her sword and tried to stab the snake, but the snake pushes her away. Sasha landed on her feet and tried to attack again but the snake went underwater. Sasha looks frustrated and jump on the lily pads hoping to find the snake but didn’t see anything. 
 Anne - “Mar Mar we gotta help her!”
 Marcy - “On it!” 
 Both Anne and Marcy jump on the lily pads and use their hands to paddle where Sasha is. Sasha was still looking for the snake. 
 Sasha - *growls* “Come on out you stupid snake!”
 Marcy - “Sasha, some snakes can swim really fast!”
 Then Marcy looked down at the water and saw the snake swimming. She tried shooting her bow and arrow in the water hoping it could stop the snake. The snake came out and had arrows in his body, but it didn’t affect him at all. It just stood inside like small toothpicks. Marcy was about to shoot again but this time aiming for the eyes, but then Sasha jumped in front of Marcy. 
 Sasha - “I got this Marbles!”
 Marcy - “No Sasha! It’s too strong.”
 Sasha - “I handle worse things than this.”
 Anne - “Sasha listens!”
 But Sasha didn’t listen. Instead she did a high jump and landed on the snake’s head. She tried to stab the giant snake monster, but the snake monster roar and kept moving around trying to shake off Sasha. Sasha tried to hold on tight but was slowly losing grip. Then the snake did a headbutt to make Sasha loose grip and use its tail to smack Sasha away like if she was a fly. Anne and Marcy watch in horror seeing Sasha got smack and land hard. Sasha did a painful scream and felt pain especially around her ankle. The pain was too much and the last thing she heard was her friends calling her name. 
 Sasha moaned and felt a dull pain. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed she was on a couch. Then something was on her chest and saw Polly looking at her in the face. 
 Polly - “Hello! Hey! Everybody, she's awake!” 
 Everybody went to see Sasha awake with Polly on her chest. 
 Hop Pop - “Good job Polly, you earn a cookie.”
 Hop Pop gave her a cookie and Polly happily eats it. 
 Sasha - *confused* “Guys? Where am I?”
 Anne - “Back home. We got away from the snake monster just in time.”
 Marcy - “We told Hop Pop what happened, and he had a doctor help you.”
 Sasha - *touched* “Oh…Thanks.”
 She was about to get up, but wince in pain. She looked and saw how her foot was now in a cast. And noticed that there were some drawings on it.
 Sprig - “Anne said when a person broke a bone, they wear a cast.”
 Sasha - *shocked* “Wait what?”
 Hop Pop - “You broke your ankle there Sasha. Told you that lake too dangerous. Sometimes I feel like these people don’t listen to me! I might of well speak their language to understand them.”
 Sasha - *shocked* “I broke my ankle…”
 Marcy - “But don't worry! It will heal in a few weeks.”
 Polly - “Hey! I know you’re upset about the whole ankle thing. Trust me, I would be upset too if I broke my ankle. I mean now with these babies, *pointed to her legs* I can fight much faster!”
 Sasha - “What do you want?”
 Polly - “Anne told me with something like this happens, you draw on the cast! So here’s one of my best artworks!”
 Polly began to draw on the cast. Then she finished and look proud of her work.
 Polly - “Ta da! It’s you are fighting the snake and if you got eaten by it!”
 Sasha - *creeped out* “Uhh….Thanks.”
 Anne - “Uhh guys? Can you leave us alone for a minute? We want to talk to Sasha.”
 Hop Pop - “Well alright then. We will be in the kitchen if you need us.”
 Sprig - “And we will let you know if any of Andres goons come!”
 The planters went to the kitchen to give Anne, Marcy, and Sasha some privacy. Sasha was shocked that she broke her ankle. She is Grimes second in command…She felt like she had to be stronger and not get hurt. She felt like a failure because not only she got hurt, but probably felt like she blew her chance. 
 Anne - *worried*  “Sasha what we’re you thinking?! You could have been killed!”
 Sasha - “I’m sorry Anne…I just felt like I had to do it.”
 Marcy - “But we could have done it together.”
 Anne - “Do you realize how worried we were about you?!”
 Sasha - “Look I- *realize something* you were worried about me?”
 Marcy - “Of course we were! We didn’t want you to get killed.”
 Sasha - “But…Why did you save me? After the horrible things I did.”
 Anne - “Cause Sash, yes you did horrible things, but not even you deserve death. But why did you want to fight that thing alone? We could have done it together.”
 Sasha - *snapped* “Because I wanted to prove it to guys!” 
 Marcy - *confused* “Proof what?”
 Sasha - *sighs* “That I really changed. Ever since coming here, and…That day Anne ended our friendship.”
 Anne - “Well it was temporary.”
 Sasha - “It doesn’t matter. When Anne called me a horrible person it  made me realize she was right…I really was a horrible person.”
 Marcy - “Oh come on Sash-“
 Sasha - “Marcy don’t you get it?! I tried to kill Anne's friends, I tried to take over innocent frogs' lives, and worst: I didn’t care about yours or Anne’s feelings. I just cared about myself and the stuff I wanted. Even when Sprig called me a bully, it made me realize that: I hated when other people bully you, but I was doing the same thing. I kept telling you guys what to do and what not to do like if you were puppets. At this point I feel like maybe I don’t deserve to be your friend and instead be friends with death.”
 Sasha had a few tears slip her eyes. Anne and Marcy look concerned and worried. They had never seen Sasha cry before. Seeing Sasha cry and how she truly felt made Anne realize Sasha instead truly did change for the better. For once, Sasha feels truly guilty about her selfishness and how it affects others. Then in a Surprised moment, Sasha felt being in a tight hug. 
 Anne - “Sasha…I’m really sorry for what I said…You're not a horrible person. Yes, I’ll admit before, you were bossy, but you actually did prove to me and Marcy that you truly do care about us.”
 Marcy - “Yeah. I mean you save me from Andres. You help us fight him and get the music box. You always protect us from bullies and other horrible things. Plus your leadership and bravery is awesome.”
 Anne - “We care about you Sasha. We always have.”
 Sasha had more tears in her eyes. But this time they were tears of joy. Sasha hug Anne and even Marcy tightly because she finally got her friends back. Then they felt more hugs and this time it was by the Planters. They didn’t mind one bit.
 Sasha was struggling with her crutches. She never used her crutches before, and it was hard. It was like learning how to walk with new legs. Then she felt two hands helping her. Sasha looked up and saw it was Anne and Marcy smiling at her. 
 Marcy - “You need to put them under your arms.”
 Sasha then put the crutches under her arms, and they felt comfortable. 
 Anne - “And put the crutches first then yourself.”
 Sasha did what her friends told her, and it work. Sasha smiled and said:
 Sasha - “Thanks guys. Uh how did you know how to use crutches?”
 Marcy - “I use to have these a lot whenever I had an accident.”
 Anne - “And I use to have this one time when I sprained my ankle. After that skateboard incident when we roll down the hill.”
 Sasha - *surprised* “Really? I didn’t know riding that hill would hurt you. I thought it was because you trip over that huge rock.”
 Anne - *rubbing her head* “Yeah I kind of lied about that. I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
 Sasha - *sadly* “Oh…I’m really sorry about that.”
 Anne - “Hey it doesn’t matter now. What matters most is making you better.”
 Sasha - *smiles* “Thank guys.”
 Marcy - “And I find different ways to train you.”
 Sasha - *surprised* “Really?”
 Anne - “Yeah I mean we can teach you different sword techniques.”
 Marcy - “And plan out different ways of Andres weakness.”
 Anne - “The three of us can do this to defeat Andres and save the world.”
 Sasha - *smiles* “Yes. Together we can do this.”
 They put their hands together and smiles. 
 Marcy - “Oh! One more thing.”
 Marcy and Anne took out a maker and drew on Sasha’s cast. Sasha looked and smiled. It was a drawing of the three of them doing fighting poses along with the Planters and Grimes. Sasha is deeply touch on how her friends will be on her side and fix the relationship with them. 
 A few weeks later Sasha’s ankle was all better. After recovering, she began practicing her fighting, new tactics, and even being a better friend to Anne and Marcy. Then it was the day of the final battle with Andres. 
 Sasha - “Okay. We can do this. All of us. It’s a battle to defeat a so-called King.”
 Marcy - “If our plans work, we can defeat Andres once and for all!”
 Anne - “And we can all do it! We can do this!”
 Their army cheered and they all began to walk. Sasha first walk by herself but then saw Anne next to her. Then she saw Marcy, Sprig, Hop Pop, Polly, and Grimes by her side. 
 Sasha - “Hey Anne? Thank you for everything.”
 Anne - “No problem. Now let do this.”
 Hope you like it!
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