#BUT!!! i was rereading holly's about and i forgot how much i love them and how interesting ur concept is SO ANYWAY what i was thinking --
skrs-cats · 11 months
yea!! not to spoil too much but it focuses on her grieving and finding friendship in dove who shes only just really met as it takes place after tigerhearts se and fills the gap before tbc begins, its sweet sometimes the novellas really hit sometimes they dont i have a friend who skips them completely and i dont get it they add so much NIGHTSTAR MY BELOVED </3 i first read about him in yellowfangs se and thought damn i wish i could read more about him and then his manga came out and i was so happy lol, hoping we get cannon merch of him someday i love how hes written, gonna make a note to make fanart of him aha, unfortunate how he was treated but it feels like it shapes who he is i suppose ohh that makes so much more sense now i thought i was just loosing touch with the fandom and not being able to keep up with names, i was never rly good at it. 💀 i was talking about that with a friend recently too tpb used to repeat backstory about characters so much that it became frustrating but the newer books cut back on it and now when they introduce a character you have to really sit and remember it because they arent explaining it EVER again yaaa!!! u get it lol i started reading other YA series i never read as a kid and thought id reread wcs with a friend for the hell of it (and cause i had so many of the books i never got to) and it was great but as soon as i got to new stuff id never read before it kinda lost its charm and i took a break, sometimes you just arent feeling it, tho the longer you wait the more there is to read when you come back to it who knows maybe holly will be back from the dead again or we will get a jay, holly or lion se, were getting an ivy one after all and theres holly and jay content in the bonus scene for tbc 1
that sounds so sweet ToT SOMEDAY ILL FIND THE TIME TO READ AND REREAD THESE NOVELLAS ive forgotten most of them LMFAO. i think the ones i remember most are hollyleaf's, leafpool's, goosefeather's and dovewings which is.. wow. i def dont have a preference
and yes ur def right that the way nightstar was treated added to how he is generally perceived and his character, it kinda reminds me of mudclaw too! (whos manga i have also still Yet to read rip) i feel bad for them both but their unfortunate circumstances are what makes them such interesting characters T-T
i feel like we are old men yelling at the clouds but in a GOOD WAY HAHAHAHA im glad that despite it, we are talking about the series either way so i guess that means we still feel quite passionate about it, whether in positive or negative manner lmaooo
i think whats stopping me from continuing in reading the new books is that i want to reread it from the very start first, so i am very much stuck in my own way khkjahkljf tbh though whenever i see snippets of the new books in socials i actually find them very interesting! but i def also had moments where i just grew tired and felt like getting away from it all. i am praying so fucking hard for more og po3 content i miss them SO damn MUCH WAHHHHHH
speaking of the bonus scenes, a few weeks back i found out i completely forgot they happened! MORE SPECIFICALLY W HOLLYLEAF, WHAT. I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST W JAYFEATHER AND HIM GRIEVING FOR LEAFPOOL. YOURE TELLING ME THERE WAS HOLLY CONTENT TOO??? what the fuck is my brain doing forgetting this information what the hell im such a fake fan TTTTTTOTTTTT
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bonepranks-a · 5 years
@lastfallen / s.c.
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* S o   y o u   f i n a l l y   m a d e   i t . * T h e   e n d   o f   y o u r   j o  u r n e y   i s   a t   h a n d . * I n   a   f e w   m o m e n t s ,   y o u   w i l l   - -
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* heheh. * hey, kid. * let’s take a little detour, shall we? * y’know, this feels wrong somehow but i can’t put my finger on it. * almost like this conversation shouldn’t be happening. * but hey, since when have i ever done what anyone expects of me, right? * so. * how ya feelin, right now?
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amandagracereads · 3 years
Book Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Of course I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.
And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.
Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.
To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences.
As Jude becomes more deeply embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.
What I loved:
Unique plot - this book had me guessing the whole time, I was expecting overused tropes but was pleasantly surprised by the lack of them. I never assumed anything in this book because I honestly wasn't sure whether the characters would make it out of every situation untouched like they do in other books.
Great world building - I have never read a book about Fae before and was nervous to enter this book without any previous knowledge and even more nervous when I found a map of the world in the front of my book. However, Holly Black has done an amazing job of very simply explaining the Faerie World while making sure I understood basic and complex concepts.
Dynamic Characters - Not a single character in The Cruel Prince has no backstory, every single character has something to them that makes them special without a cliche in sight. The main character, Jude, is wildly complex and interesting to read about. You cannot help but support her even when she makes mistakes because meeting her character is loving her character.
Plot Twist - On the comments of TikTok posts about this book I kept seeing people saying how crazy the plot twist was, and they were right that it was shocking. It was also realistic, I hate plot twists that really come out of nowhere and make no sense. When I read the twist I gasped and then felt stupid for not seeing it coming. Rereading this book, you would see the signs of the twist which is something I admire. I hate reading a book with a twist that make exactly zero sense
What I wish I knew before I read:
The hype on BookTok made it out to be a romance, but it is much more broad than the romance between Jude and Cardan. The relationship between Jude and her twin and their older half-fae sister is so interesting to read about. Every character brings their own thing to this story and while I did love how Jude and Cardan's relationship develop, it was not the main focus of this book until the later parts of this book.
5/5 I really enjoyed the writing and plot of this book, there were many moments I forgot I was reading and then suddenly looked up and remembered I was sitting in my bedroom. I read it all in two sittings (only because I started late at night and needed a break to sleep, or else this would've taken only one sitting) I am incredibly excited to read the rest of the series
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dear-wormwoods · 4 years
may I ask for a style fanfic rec list? 🥺🥺🥺
I have a couple of requests for this and I’ve been thinking about how to respond, because to be honest, I very rarely read fic these days. And by ‘these days’ I mean like, since 2014. I always have things I intend to read, but then time goes by and I don’t get around to it. So nothing I’m going to rec is new and you’ve probably already read them fkjds.
Anyway, sorry to be predictable by just being like “read Hollycomb’s fics” but...
The Scenic Route - 116k words, should be rated E for the final two chapters (I literally have no idea why it’s rated T on AO3, it was definitely M when I first read it on ff.net years ago)
Summary: The boys embark on a six day road trip to California before separating for college. Cartman is a pain in the ass, Kenny has no future, Butters is in crisis, and Kyle doesn't know how he'll say goodbye to Stan.
Why you should read it: The yearning. This fic is written entirely in Kyle’s POV, and Holly does such a brilliant job of getting into his head and really capturing that feeling of already mourning a friendship/relationship before it’s even over and kind of intentionally setting the bridge on fire to make what is (seemingly) inevitable hurry along, as if that will make it hurt less (it doesn’t). The first six chapters, the actual road trip portion of the fic (where the T rating actually does apply), are where it is at its strongest, and Kyle’s gradual descent into panicky, angry desperation is painfully real. I can’t stress enough how in character everyone is, each retaining recognizable mannerisms and dynamics from canon while still clearly being grown people entering adulthood. There’s a reason this fic is THE Style fic. 
Leave the Pieces - 251k words, rated E (though that rating only represents a small portion of such a long fic)
Summary: Stan and Kyle meet as strangers in their mid-twenties, shocked to encounter someone else who can't remember the first ten years of his life. They form an instant connection, but only one person in South Park remembers them, and Kenny can't explain why they disappeared or why the rest of the town forgot them.
Why you should read it: It’s a lengthy epic with supernatural elements, a complicated plot that fits right into the show’s universe, and the kind of love that quite literally transcends time, space, and memory. I can’t explain it much further without giving away the plot, but this behemoth is gut wrenching and powerful. It is equal parts a story about Stan and Kyle finding each other as adults and falling in love despite not remembering who they are, or each other, and a deep exploration into Kenny’s character and his curse. Kenny is really the MVP of the story, despite it initially seeming like “just” a Style fic, and his relationship with Wendy is written beautifully and convincingly. One caveat, though: some parts of this fic... I’m not a fan of. I greatly dislike Cartman/Butters just as a concept, and there were times, particularly in the first half of the fic, where I almost quit reading because of their scenes. I also feel like this fic fell victim to fandom’s earlier tendency to mischaracterize Craig as borderline sociopathic (but in contrast, he’s absolutely perfect in Holly’s oneshot Other People’s Tupperware). However, I’m such a sucker for supernatural memory loss not being able to sever soul connections, and Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Wendy’s respective journeys more than make up for my reluctance to stomach Cartman/Butters or other comparatively minor issues. And honestly, everything does fall into place as the plot unfolds, so all I can say is... if you hit certain scenes and think ‘wtf IS this??’, just stick it out, the payoff is worth it, especially if you’re looking for high quality Kenny content.
Amalgamation - 78k words, rated T (but should be rated M imo, because there are sex scenes, though they aren’t very explicit, just intimate)
Summary: In 1862, Kyle's family is forced to move from New York to a tiny mining settlement at the foot of Pike's Peak in Colorado. Kyle is sixteen years old and miserable until he meets Stan, a fellow transplant who has been in town for three years. Their feelings for each other are shadowed by the town's haunted history, and for Kyle the local legends begin to feel more like real nightmares.
Why you should read it: I know ‘1860′s gold mining settlement AU’ doesn’t sound very fascinating, but it is. This is another one that’s written in Kyle’s POV and again Holly does a wonderful job of expressing his emotional turmoil, the guilt and shame he feels, his self-righteousness, and the depth of his love for Stan. Everyone is as they would be if the clock was turned back 150 years, made different by the time period and the demands of their circumstances but still obviously recognizable. The old-timey atmosphere and world-building are so seamless and never feels unrelatable. There are also supernatural/ghost/mystery themes in this one and the fear is palpable.
From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell - 170k words, rated E, includes major character death (aside from Kenny)
Summary: Ten years after the execution of Terrance and Phillip, the war with Canada has not ended. Stan and most of Kyle's friends are planning to join the army after high school graduation, bound to be drafted anyway. Kyle doesn't believe in the war, but he's not willing to let Stan go without him.
Why you should read it: This is.... a perfect fic, and I don’t say that lightly. It is quite possibly the ONLY perfect fic I have ever read, in any fandom. I can’t actually describe all the ways in which it’s perfect without giving the plot details away, but, God, if you commit to reading just one of the long-ass fics I’m reccing on this list, make it this one. Please. It honestly makes me mad that this one never got the same attention as like, The Scenic Route, or ‘Night School’ did, because it so deserves to be up there. Only Holly could take the concept of the fucking movie and turn it into a completely devastating, bittersweet, epic romance. There is no caveat here, no ‘I loved it except for this and this’, just thorough, soul-crushing perfection. Just... Kyle. God, Kyle. I can’t elaborate, my heart isn’t up to the task. This fic will haunt me for the rest of my life.
The Ascent of Stan - 32k words, rated E, though it is like 95% domestic fluff
Summary: Stan sells his small pest control company and Kyle thinks they should use some of the money to go to Hawaii, where he proceeds to grill Stan about the mid-life crisis that Stan claims he's not having while their kids frolic nearby.
Why you should read it: This one is everything a domestic fic should be. It basically just chronicles the events of a week-long vacation to Hawaii that nearly-40 Stan and Kyle take with their two kids. This one is written fully in Stan’s POV and it works so well... he’s exactly the kind of dad that I imagine he would be, doing his best to provide for and protect his family’s little bubble and resolving to be better than his father while quietly fighting the lingering shadow of his alcoholism and cynicism. There’s no real conflict in this one, just 30,000 words of a very typical family vacation: not exactly blissful, irritating at times, but ultimately the foundation for perfect memories. 
Never Change - 115k words, rated E
Summary: Thirteen years after his high school girlfriend's pregnancy upended his life, Stan is still in South Park, working with his partner Bebe as a local cop. They're in the process of investigating a series of possibly connected murders when FBI agent Kyle Broflovski returns to town and informs his old friend Stan that this is his investigation now.
Why you should read it: This is equal parts a murder mystery and a romance. It features exactly the kind of Stan/Kyle situation I hate to think about - a decade-long estrangement of their own making that comes to an abrupt end due to extenuating circumstances. It hurts because of how likely it is to happen that way, and it works especially well in this fic because of Stan’s reluctance to embrace his own bisexuality until he’s nearly 30 and Kyle’s tendency to put up walls to protect himself. Also, Bebe features prominently in this fic, which is always a huge bonus.  
Bonus Oneshot Rec:
The Reformation of Fart Boy - 7k words, unrated but probably T, just barely
Summary: Five times South Park has brought Kyle to the brink of sanity and Stan has brought him back.
Why you should read it: I love thinking about the ways in which canon-typical nonsense continues to impact the characters in the long term on a serious psychological level. Kyle has suffered a lot in canon and it’s obvious even in the show that it is gradually changing him and wearing him down, so I really love this fic for focusing on his responses to some of the more traumatic moments, as seen through Stan’s eyes. 
I feel sort of guilty only reccing one author for right now, because there are other fics out there that I liked and am planning on revisiting, but this post is long enough as it is. Chances are you’ve already read some or all of these, but they’re my favorites. I reread all of them while making this list, and they still hit me hard after all these years. 
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maraczeks · 3 years
tagged by @onceupon-a-decembr <3
rules: answer 30 questions 
name/nickname: sock / rinne 
gender: female
star sign: aquarius which i keep thinking is water i dont think it is 
height: 5'3" ????
time: 2:16 PM
birthday: feb
favorite bands: the oh hellos matthew and the atlas drew holocomb and the neighbors the civil wars first aid kit wild rivers so many
favorite solo artists: omg ive been getting really into phoebe bridgers lately, joy williams, josh garrels, SARA BAREILLES SO EXCITED FOR HER LIFE RN, ingrid michaelson, i mean do kelli ohara megan mcginnis teal wicks kelli barrett count
song stuck in my head: fairytale sara bareilles
last show: the good place s4 im not ready to let them go and the office s7 i am SO EXCITED FOR HOLLYS RETURN SJDNKFJSLFHUIGDF
last movie: dubarry was a lady
when did i create this blog: june 2019 i had a lapse in sanity
what do i post: watch threads and queueing whatever i finish remember when i actually made content 
last thing googled: how to download app not in your country bc i just want uniqlo tw membership but i cannot figure out how to download the app i changed my location and it still wont let me irritated
other blogs: lol absolutely not
do i get asks: when i ask for them uh ha
why i chose my url: the sitcom based on the musical based on the movie created by justin spitzer coming soon to a network on your tv ............. also i live here
following: 75
followers: 225 lol ratio
average hours of sleep: 9+ hours as much as possible i Love my sleep
lucky number: 7??
instruments: oh you know it harp + piano
what am i wearing: sports bra tank top and lounge shorts all grey
dream trip: I WANNA GO EVERYWHERE PLSSS but one ive been thinking about a lot lately is around the east coast during a break bc ill !! actually be on the east coast !!!!!!!! and visit the fried brains and nyc and mutuals there but also ive never been to europe i wanna go esp ireland italy and i wanna go to israel and to japan again and wahhh i love being in motion
favorite food: carbs
nationality: us
favorite song: this is unfair. however. falling into you bridges, no such thing sara bareilles, and so it goes kelli ohara
last book read: harry potter 6 + anne of the island both rereads but i forgot literally everything that happens in the hp books
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: the uk of mhairi mcfarlane’s books, the amy ryan cinematic universe, maraczek’s parfumerie
if you read this you are legally obligated to do it because i said so !
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borathae · 5 years
Hey... about the drabbles? Could you do one where you're supposed to have a first date with one of them but either you or he gets in a minor accident but has to stay at the hospital overnight and the other person is extremely hurt and therefore angry bc their (hard to get) trust was "used to hurt them" but then they find out and it's fluffy? And could you maybe do it with yoongi bc atm I'm so soft for him like 🥺 Thank you, love your work❤ ~procrastinating anon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Warnings: low self-esteem, self-hatred, heartbreak, descriptions of minor injuries nothing major I promise, so much pain and sadness; but I promise the ending is fluffy and healing
Wordcount: 2k (I’m so bAD AT KEEPING THINGS SHORT jsjsjs)
a/n: I apologize for the total angst fest in the beginning jsjsjsj. This was not how I actually planned it, but I let my feelings flow free soooo I’m sorry? 🤧😂 also lisTEN I relate so muCH I’m so goddamn soft for Yoongi lately, this man owns my heart 🥺😭 I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble and I love youuu!  💜
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Today you were supposed to have your first date with a cute guy, who you had been chatting with for quite some time now. Two months and six days to be exact. Min Yoongi was his name. Min Yoongi was currently working as a music producer, he was the proud father of a brown toy poodle named Holly and had a soft spot for holding hands. His hair was dark, almost black with the ends twisted in soft locks. His eyes, the prettiest eyes you had ever seen, made you giddy just thinking about them. Oh how many hours you have spend getting lost in them when you looked through the many selcas he had sent you.
At first you didn’t even want to accept his chat-request, too scared made you the thought of talking to someone again feel. Quite honestly you had terribly bad luck in your relationships – lovers and friends alike – you got cheated on, got used and abandoned when you were no longer of use, got called ‘not lovable’ and worse things you don’t even want to think about anymore. So downloading “the best dating app on earth” – so your best friend called it – was the scariest thing you had done in forever, followed by pressing “accept” on Yoongi’s request to chat and actually answering his dorky but loveable first message.
Yoongi turned out to be the sweetest and most understanding guy – person actually – you had ever talked to. He listened to your worries and told you without a hint of hesitation that he would love it if things would developat a speed you were comfortable with and that you can take as much as time as you needed.
He agreed on your terms to not rush meeting in person, because god that would make you practically have a full-on panic attack. That was the first time you had honestly smiled in a long time, rereading his message over and over again, you weren’t able to believe your luck.
Time passed and with it your trust grew. You were chatting on a daily basis with him by now, wishing him a good morning and waiting excitedly for his good night phone calls at exactly ten twenty every night. You felt totally comfortable with him. You felt safe to be yourself around him, even if it was just through the phone. You felt sexy when you noticed the way his eyes travelled over your features when phones calls weren’t enough anymore and they turned into video calls. You felt loved and you were pretty sure the warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest every time you thought of him was love too.
So when Yoongi asked you if you wanted to meet up in person soon, your heart practically did somersaults in your chest. You had never typed “Yes!” faster in your life and judging by his quick answer neither had he.
The date was settled, two days from now you will meet each other in a little corner café. You couldn’t sleep in excitement, your mind was practically racing with scenarios of your date.
When the time finally came, you spend the entire day getting ready for your date, washing your hair, moisturizing every inch of your skin, picking out the perfect outfit. You showed up an hour earlier than arranged, just so you could mentally prepare yourself for finally seeing him in person. You were so excited.
One hour passed. Half an hour passed. You sent him a quick text asking if he was running late. He went online, typed and went offline before his message was able to reach you.
Two hours had passed since you came here. You quickly send Yoongi another message, asking him if he forgot about today.
Half an hour passed. No answer, no calls, no nothing.
Another thirty minutes pass and here you are still sitting at the corner café and waiting for him.  
Today should have been epic, exciting, remarkable, unforgettable. You were so sure it would bring a smile to your face every time you think about it. How could you be so wrong about that? You trusted him, you believed him when he told you he wouldn’t use you, you ate up his promises of support and comfort without as much as patting your stupid eyelashes.
You call him. It rings once then his voice mail tells you he isn’t available right now. He really rejected your call just like that.
So he just used you. You should blame him and be angry at him, but truth be told you weren’t. You were just hurt, so deeply hurt you have to look down your chest for a moment to see if you were actually bleeding. You honestly feel like you do.
Without any hesitation you block his number, block his social media profiles and delete all of his pictures. And just like that he is out of your life, your ability to trust is ruined for another year and your heart is broken.
Three days pass where your life consists of nothing more than crying yourself awake, forcing yourself to go to work and then continuing where you had left of in the morning when you go to sleep. You would have probably continued your daily routine if an unknown number hadn’t called you on the morning of your fourth day. The caller turns out to be Kim Seokjin, best friend of Yoongi who had stolen your number out of Yoongi’s notebook and who had made it his plan to explain everything.
Yoongi had gotten into an accident on the day of your date. The “idiot” – so Seokjin called him – walked into the busy street and got hit by a car because he was in the midst of typing out a message. He was lucky, nothing major happened. His right shoulder got dislocated and whilst getting thrown across the street he hit his head, resulting in a slight concussion. The entirety of guardian angels must have been with him on that day, so Seokjin said, the doctors told him such an accident results in death or life-changing injuries most of the times.  
As quickly as possible you are the hospital Yoongi is currently recovering at and find yourself standing in front of his room with shaking hands. Would it be awkward between the two of you after everything that had happened? What if you look at him and won’t feel the same warm love you had felt for him before?
A nurse opens the door before you can even knock, eyeing from head to toe before greeting you with a bright smile. It’s now or never. With held breath you enter the small hospital room.
“Yoongi?”you almost whisper, tiptoeing to his bed.
You have to take a deep breath when you finally take a look at him. All the feelings you wanted to push down and forget come rushing back into your heart, overwhelming you. You stumble back, holding onto the footboard of his bed.
He looks just as beautiful as he did through the phone screen, maybe even prettier if you were being honest. Even in his current asleep state he is able to take your breath away.  His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted as steady breaths make his chest heave up and down. He looks so peaceful and calm, despite the white bandages covering the entire top part of his head and his right arm resting in a black sling.
Waking him up feels so cruel, but god, leaving him without having said hello feels so much worse. So you call his name loudly and gently tap his foot. He stirs, licking over his lips and swallows. His eyes flutter open. He mumbles your name, totally confused and still half-asleep.
“Hey”, yousay shyly.
“Hey, wow what a nice dream, these pain meds are awesome”, he murmurs, closing his eyes again.
“This isn’t a dream. I’m really here”, you chuckle.
“Seriously?” he gasps, surprisingly high-pitched for his normally deep voice. He sits up abruptly, hissing when hot pain rushes through his shoulder.
“Careful”, you rush to his side and help him sit up with a hand on his upper back, “you are still hurt.”
You sit down at the corner of his bed, careful not to hurt him.
“Yeah, for a second I nearly forgot about that”, he chuckles in pain, “how do you even know I am here? I thought you blocked me.”
You cringe at his words. So he noticed.
“Uhm, yeah I have. I, I mean had. I kind of had a slight mental breakdown when you ditched me at the café and I blocked you everywhere and deleted all of your pictures and basically locked your memory behind a big steel door in my mind and I swore to myself to never trust again.”
“Understandable”, Yoongi says. He takes your hand, squeezing it gently. You don’t even realise his gesture, too lost in rambling your thoughts out loud. It makes Yoongi tighten his hand around yours just all the more as a fond smile hushes over his face. You are so adorable when you rant like this and forget everything around you.
“But then your friend Seokjin called me”, you continue as if nothing happened, “and explained everything and now I feel like a total idiot for ever believing that you used me and at first I didn’t even want to come because I was too embarrassed, but then I started to miss you and-“, you pause to take a look at Yoongi.
A fond smile sits on his face, his eyes sparkle in adoration. Heat washes over your face as you start to blush vividly. You can’t even look into his eyes right now.
“I was rambling again. I’m so sorry. You probably think that I’m crazy right now”, you cringe, “sorry.”
“Actually I was thinking how cute you are right now”, Yoongi says softly, giving your hand another squeeze.
One you finally feel and one that sends in your body into complete overdrive. Your heart starts racing, your whole face becomes as red as a tomato, you stutter an answer but give up when you can’t even get out one basic word.
“I’m glad that you came”, he breathes.
You smile as an answer, squeezing his hand.
“It’s not an outfit I would normally wear nor is the location nice for a first date, but I hope that, I don’t know, it is still enough to give me a second chance?” he asks, almost scared.
“Of course it’s enough, it wasn’t your fault that you missed our date. I know that now”, you reassure him, making him smile, “besides I think you look cute in that hospital gown. I like the little pandas on the fabric”, you giggle, touching one of the dozens of animals on his shirt.
Right above his heart, you can feel it speed up underneath your fingertip at your gesture.
“Just wait until you see the back, because there is basically none.”
“Oh my god Yoongi”, you gasp at the mental picture of Yoongi sitting here with his butt all bared and naked.
“I’m wearing underwear don’t worry”, he laughs.
“What a relief”, you giggle, lowering your head in giddiness.
He pulls you closer to his body, making you scoot up the bed until he can wrap his arm around your middle comfortably and your back is rested against his side. You are careful not to put too much pressure on his body in order not to hurt him, despite your body wanting to basically sink into his arms. God finally being able to feel his touch, his warmth, his heartbeat is even better than you had imagined.
“Please stop me if this is too fast for you. And also I know you don’t really start a first date by kissing the other person, but-“, he inhales shakily, staring at your lips longingly, “-can I kiss you?”
“Yes please”, you whisper, leaning closer to his body.
His hand comes to rest on the back of your neck, your own cups his cheek. You are staring at each other for as long as possible, mesmerized by the other. Only when your lips brush over his and a gentle sigh leaves his throat do your eyes flutter closed and the feeling of his soft lips on yours drowns you in warmth.
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sensenoi · 5 years
I recently reread Cruel Prince/read the B&N short story, and I had THOUGHTS:
Cardan is already drunk at the coronation because he's angsty about his least favorite brother becoming king, but he gets really drunk to the point of completely missing the coronation massacre because he's pissed about Jude. So essentially, Jude is indirectly responsible for saving his life.
I love how Jude is so shocked that Cardan is attracted to her that her first thought is that he must somehow be lying or twisting his words, while Kaye figures it out in about five seconds flat just watching them dance from a distance, before she's spoken to either one of them.
During the nixie episode, Jude thinks Cardan goes to the river's reeds to get a better look when she slips and falls in the water. He's really about to get into the river to help her if she was actually in trouble. I love how she automatically assumes the worst conclusions with him.
Cardan was probably looking for Jude under the tables after the coronation massacre. She and Taryn have a well-established habit of hiding under the tables at feasts, and he knew she would be in danger. It wasn't luck that Jude got her hands on Cardan - he was actively trying to find her.
One of the guards at Hollow Hall tells Jude and Sophie that Cardan has to return them both back this time. This raises SO MANY QUESTIONS. Cardan at the start of CP wouldn't be the type to return glamoured humans to the human world - he really does have a contempt of them, learned from Balekin and from his friends. But he also wouldn't intentionally hurt human servants either, and definitely not kill them. So what was happening there? I don't think we'll ever get answers and that upsets me a little.
When Jude first breaks into Cardan's room, she sees that he broke his pen. The pen he was writing his infamous Jude note with… so many angsty feelings.
Jude and co are literally the biggest dumbasses for not seeing the Balekin/Madoc alliance coming. Jude recognizes the spy she killed as being Madoc's and just decides not to mention it?? Jude figures out they've been misreading the blusher mushroom note and then not only fails to follow up on her investigation (to be fair, getting sidetracked to rescue Sophie is a noble cause), she fails to mention it to the Court! Sorry but the Court of Shadows is really bad at spying. Just epically bad. No wonder they mess up again in WK.
Cardan making out with random fairies while watching Jude make out with Locke is a mood and I can't believe Jude didn't figure out things sooner.
At the beginning of WK, when Grimsen is introduced, Jude mentions that Cardan had told her some info once about the Alderking's son Severin. I totally forgot that happened in CP and that we also met Severin.
I love how at the coronation and the Hollow Hall party, murder and mayhem is happening with abandon and everyone just stands around eating popcorn and watching the shenanigans unfold.
I really liked The Lost Sisters novella, but it ended a little too soon. I'm forever curious about Taryn's thought process when Jude comes in with Cardan at the Hollow Hall party.
In addition to Jude and co being unbearably bad spies, the one other major failing of the book is that it starts at the point when Jude stops giving a shit and starts fighting back. For the majority of her childhood, Jude has sat with Taryn under tables and hidden in balconies at feasts, bowed her head and bit her tongue to Cardan, and generally kept a low profile when the faeries are asshats to her. At the start of CP, Jude decides she's had enough and enters her rebellious teenage phase. Taryn says multiple times in CP that Jude fighting back "isn't like you" and is a new bad idea Jude hasn't had before. This is reinforced in The Lost Sisters. But we don't really get much of a glimpse of Jude's previously meek behavior, except at the first feast when she curtsies to Cardan. Because of this, Jude starts off in feisty rage mode, which rather lessens the effect of said mode because we don't have anything to compare it to. I wish CP had started a little earlier, so we could get a better contrast and also a better idea of how Jude survived this long if she's willing to push everyone's buttons.
It's very clear that Cardan was attracted to Jude even when he was with Nicasia, which much have pissed him off to no end. I'm so curious when he started developing feelings for Jude.
I didn't notice this so much in WK, but in CP Cardan and Jude's contrasting approaches to alcohol speaks volumes about their personalities. Jude has a low alcohol tolerance and wouldn't drink anyways because she likes to always be in control of herself and always be in a sane frame of mind. She feels like she always needs to be on her toes and can never truly relax (and is in fact kind of creeped out by how relaxed and chill she was at Locke's house). Cardan drinks in excess because he hates his life and if he's drunk he can basically forget about it. Jude is constantly aware of her shitty situation and makes copious efforts to improve it by any means possible. Cardan is unmotivated to improve his shitty situation because he believes there is no way to fix or improve it, so might as well get drunk and have fun.
It will never cease to amuse me that one of Cardan's demands in exchange for helping Jude and co stop Balekin is all the alcohol in the palace. Like, damn.
I love the part when Jude and Cardan are in class the day after she snuck into Hollow Hall and saw Balekin beat him, and she realizes he's actually in a lot of pain but pretending to be his usual chill, snarky self. And she realizes that there's been plenty of times he's come to class and has pretended he's fine when he isn't, just like her. It's a nice moment early-ish on where Jude starts to understand that she and Cardan have more in common than she'd like to think.
It's also a great scene when Jude finally tells Cardan the exact circumstances of Valerian's death. Cardan says he assumed Jude had hunted down and murdered Valerian, and I rather like that Cardan had begun to think the worst of Jude in the same way that she thought the worst of him. When she holds him at knife's point at the end of the coronation, she realizes she's smirking in the same way that Cardan usually did to her. So there's some nice continued role reversal where Cardan is taking on Jude's worst case scenario expectations. When Jude explains that Valerian actually tried to kill her again and came pretty close, Cardan realizes that he had misunderstood Jude's character. Holly Black has said that Cardan is the only person who truly understands Jude, and I think that moment is when Cardan really starts to get Jude and how she operates. He understands that Jude isn't actually as mean and nasty as she's been pretending to be, and that she must have given Valerian quite a few chances for him to have nearly strangled her.
Not a new note, but Vivi's decision to give zero fucks about anything Madoc cares about is amazing and a beauty to witness. The fact that she has maintained and sustained this kind of rebellion for ten years is honestly life goals.
Returning to the B&N short story, I quite like Kaye and I hope she and Jude become friends. But I really don't get the Kaye/Roiben dynamic. I don't think the story did a great job of making their relationship convincing, in part because the story got majorly sidetracked with playing voyeur to Jude and Cardan. Which was my favorite part of the story, but still. This is Kaye's short story, not Jude and Cardan's.
I have SO. MANY. QUESTIONS about the Ghost's motivations. After the coronation massacre, everyone is upset, but the Roach is mostly upset that they now have literally nothing without Dain while the Ghost is mostly upset that Dain is dead. So the Ghost is loyal to Dain, whereas the rest of the Court of Shadows were mostly opportunistic and loyal to the power and money that Dain could offer them. But then why would the Ghost side with Balekin and the Undersea in WK? Balekin literally killed Dain. He stabbed him straight through the chest. I can see the Ghost thinking Jude and Cardan and shitty rulers, but I can't fathom him siding with Balekin. There is clearly other things going on that will be explained in QoN, but right now I am a very confused person.
So it wasn't clear to me until after I reread CP that the original Hollow Hall plan was to drug Madoc and then have him fall asleep at the party while Jude was in the hallway letting the Court in through the window. It wasn't Jude's original intent for Madoc to follow her out, and their duel was her improvising to delay Madoc until the poison took effect. So the OG plan was just for Madoc to collapse in the party in front of everyone and for Balekin to just think this was fine and normal?! I would think that would totally freak Balekin out and maybe even lead him to cancel the party immediately, which would ruin Jude's plan.
Where are the other faerie lands?? Where do the other courts live? Jude has literally only ever been to the islands of Elfhame, but there's this massive faerie world out there that she's heard about but never been to. I'm so curious, and I have a good feeling we'll find out in QoN since the setting is ice and snow.
By the way, super curious also about how Cardan has a copy of Alice in Wonderland in his room. I guess he sees Alice as a Jude parallel. Is he more curious about Alice, the intruder in Wonderland, or about the inhabitants of Wonderland themselves? Everyone keeps commenting that Jude and Taryn's situation is like a fairytale come to life, but I think it's interesting to view their situation through an Alice in Wonderland lens. In the book, Wonderland is insane because it literally runs on dream logic, nothing makes sense, and Alice spends the entire book attempting and failing to apply human logic and reasoning to the madness she encounters. But what if Wonderland wasn't a dream, and what if Alice couldn't go back home in the end? What if Alice had to stay in Wonderland forever?
Every time Cardan tells Jude that she doesn't belong in Faerie and should leave, all I can think about is in WK, when he tells her, "I wasn't sure if I wanted you or wanted you gone from my sight so I that I would stop feeling as I did." Having read that in WK, it's so interesting to go back and see those moments in CP where Cardan is trying to get Jude to leave Faerie so he can forget about her and move on. 
When Jude first starts trying to make alliances with other courts, we get this great line: “’Take care’ he [Cardan] says, then smiles. ‘It would be very dull to have to sit here for an entire day just because you went and got yourself killed.’” Cardan admitted earlier to Jude that he smiles when he’s nervous, and I’m convinced that’s why he’s smiling here. He tells her to take care because he’s genuinely worried about her safety. Then he has an ‘oh shit my feelings are showing’ moment and backtracks by covering his slip up with an insult. 
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February Book Round Up!
And again, I managed to completely forget to post this at the end of the month, which I’m hoping doesn’t remain the case for the rest of 2019. I might go back to posting individual books again so I can at least post something, but keeping this list is so much easier...if I could just remember to post it on time.
1. King of Scars (Nikolai Duology #1) - Leigh Bardugo
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I knew this was going to be good, but I could not have predicted anything that happened. Nikolai, Nina, and Zoya were excellent POV characters, and even though there were two very different story lines happening, I am so excited to see everything get tied up in the next book. And I'm very stressed??
Also, I did feel very aware of when I was forgetting something, whether a character or event from the Shadow and Bone or the Six of Crows series, but it didn't hinder the story for me in any way. It just makes me want to reread them all.
2. Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy #1) - Emily A Duncan
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Yikes. I was tempted to give this 3/5 stars, but that's only because I won the ARC in a Goodreads giveaway and I desperately wanted to love this (because look at that cover). I still kind of want to know what happens next, but ultimately this was a promising story that was let down by the writing.
At first I was taken aback by how bloody and brutal this is and I had wanted more world building, but the fight scenes wound up being significantly more interesting than the actual character interactions. And despite the "let them fear her" tagline, the only thing to fear about Nadya is getting whiplash from her constantly changing mind.
Also, I can't pronounce like 95% of the names or places in this.
3. Get Money: Live the Life You Want, Not Just the Life You Can Afford - Kristin Wong
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I’ve just been working on my personal finances lately, and although this did get kind of dense at times, she was still an engaging writer.
4. Heartstopper: Volume 1 - Alice Oseman
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This is adorable and I loved it. I’ve also read most of what’s been posted online, so this wasn’t new to me, but the book itself has some fun bonuses and is just nice to have.
5. Fence, Vol. 1 (Fence #1-4) - CS Pascat
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Bit of a letdown, coming off the heels of Heartstopper. This was strongly recommended by a bookish friend whose opinions I generally trust (especially because she loves comics and graphic novels), so I’m still planning on reading the rest, but so far I don’t actually care about any of the main characters.
6. The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) - Holly Black
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I didn't like this as much as The Cruel Prince, because it was nonstop questionable motives and bad choices with very little satisfactory outcomes, and I'm assuming that Jude will continue on this path in the next book (although maybe she'll trust the right people). I'm also assuming that Madoc will find a way to get off scot-free, but I'm hoping that Taryn and Locke and Nicasia get their comeuppance.
7. 99 Percent Mine - Sally Thorne
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I think I liked the characters in The Hating Game a smidge more, but this one had a girl with a heart condition who was selling an old family home, which is a situation that I feel really connected to. I also didn’t care for the twin brother when he finally showed up on the page. He was neither mean or charismatic enough to justify the reaction to him. But overall, I’m definitely a fan of Thorne.
8. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
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Still an absolute favorite. I've seen the movie with Keira Knightley quite a few times since last reading this, and I forgot how funny so many of the book details are. Really glad I stumbled across the #ArdentlyAustenBookClub on Instagram, because it’s been a nice way to reread some books I haven’t picked up since high school.
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nicosroom · 8 years
Nico’s “52 list”
The aim of the 52 list are to set down a “to-do” list of sorts in order that 
I don’t get overwhelmed by everything I’ve ever wanted to do (and therefore never do anything); 
and to weed out things I don’t actually want to do with my life (as in, if I don’t do it at the end of 2017, I have to decide if I want to put it on next year’s list or just admit I’ll never do it). 
Here it goes--
1. Learn to poach eggs - perfecting them is an ongoing process, but I have the basic technique down; follow the saga on Twitter
2. No sugar in smoothies or oatmeal for two weeks - January 23-February 5. My plan is to maintain sugar free smoothies, but some oatmeal just needs sugar, okay?
3. Practice blow drying my own hair approximately once per week. Despite how little I do it, I really do enjoy wearing my hair straight once in a while. Typically, I have it dried straight at the salon after a haircut. I’m far too clumsy and impatient to do it myself. But, this year, I want to practice so that just maybe I can do more things with my hair than letting it air dry and throwing it up in a bun when I get tired of it falling in my face. 
4. Try Penzeys Spices.  It was everything. 
5. Day trip to Yellow Springs, OH.
6. Visit Old Schoolhouse Winery in Eaton, OH.
7. Visit Hanover Winery in Hamilton, OH. It may be the best kept secret in Butler County. 
8. Buy an immersion blender at the KitchenAid summer sale.  I bought an immersion blender and then some. 
9. Use sumac in a recipe. Almost two years ago, Catherine and I were cooking from Ottelenghi’s Jerusalem cookbook for my shoddily run cookbook club. It seemed like a ton of the recipes called for sumac. After a couple attempts, Catherine finally located it at the international market and she gave me ziploc snack-bag filled with sumac. Have I used sumac one single time since she gave this to me? No. This has to change in 2017.  It took a while, but I have now. 
10. Save $15 per week. Is it cheating if I automated this?
11. Buy a membership at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Student memberships are $30 per year. That’s like the smallest fraction of my discretionary spending budget that I could ever imagine. 
12. Make cannellini bean and lamb stew from Jerusalem. Check it out. I’ve been cooking out of this book Spring 2015 and it took me all this time to realize they sell lamb stew meat in very neat packages in the regular meat section at Kroger. This whole time, I keep looking for it at the international market, but they only have fancy lamb cuts that seem overwhelmingly expensive. 
13. Take more baths. I recently have been rereading The Bell Jar. Old Esther Greenwood may be kooky, but Plath sure made sure Esther knows a thing or two about taking baths.  **This is basically over. I probably took three baths in the month and a half after I made this list. Now, I’ve moved into an apartment that doesn’t even have a tub. Too bad! 
CANCELLED 14. Go speed dating.  Jen & I did a little research and we found that “Predating” seems to be the only speed dating service in the area. And they separate their groups into “25-35″ and “27-39,″ charge $39 to participate, and hold a session like once a month at a really inconvenient time, like 7 pm on a Tuesday. I’m highly dissuaded. Ladies should be able to speed date for free. The way I see it, reparations for sexism and patriarchy.
14. Make a leche flan from scratch. It’s my very favorite imperial dessert. I devour it at Filipino holiday parties and I always save room for it when I eat out at an American Mexican restaurant. But, I should try to make my own, at least once. 
15. Download and create a profile on a dating app.  Check out my assessments of Coffee Meets Bagel and Tinder.
16. Watch Blue Hawaii
17. Try some place new for brunch once a month. 
January: Sleepy Bee Cafe (Blue Ash (Cincy))
February: technically I failed. I only went out for brunch one time and it was at First Watch. But, at least, I tried a new location? The one in West Chester. 
March: Spice Kitchen (Cleveland)
April: Triple header - Holly’s Homemade Eats & Sweets (College Corner, Indiana); Bellevue Bistro (Bellevue, Kentucky); Hang Over Easy (Clifton (Cincy))
May: Sugarcreek Restaurant (Sheffield Village, Oh)
June: Rising Sun Cafe (Yellow Springs, Oh)
July: Treaty City Cafe (Greenville, Oh)
August: another new First Watch location (Secor Rd, Toledo)
September: another new First Watch location (Montgomery, AL)
October: Chik’n Mi (Louisville, KY); Keystone Bar & Grill (Covington, KY location)
November: Doodles (Lexington, KY)
December: Asiana Korean Restaurant (West Chester, OH). I guess this isn’t quite a brunch place, but I ate an delicious eggy beef stew, Yukaejang and we ate there at 11 am, brunch time.  
18. Visit downtown Waterville, OH. It’s a small town adjacent to the city of Toledo. I pass through it whenever I drive back and forth to the city from my mom’s new home on the farm. One of these days, maybe I’ll check out the local business scene, the metroparks, and the possibilities. 
19. Get a desk that I like and will use. Although people say I have a nice desk, I disagree. I found it near the dumpsters at the apartment complex next door. It does its job, but I don’t love it.
CANCELLED. 20. Complete a Whole 30 reset.  Though I remain curious, after much research, I decided that the reset is a terrible idea. 
20. Watch Up. 
21. Go to a live NFL game. Hopefully not the Bengals…unless they play a really interesting team…or, I can’t afford anything else. 
22. Learn hollandaise sauce. Look. 
23. Make an eggs benedict dish for breakfast -or lunch/dinner, I suppose. Perhaps a classic with English muffins, but maybe something like a salmon or fried green tomatoes benedict. 
24. Make my bed every day for two weeks. I’ve read that this is a habit of highly successful people. I think it would be really good for my “working from home” vs. napping problem. 
25. Make a TV-watching schedule. In college, I read some advice that you should schedule when you’ll watch TV and you should only watch TV then. I read that before the days of Netflix instant video. With Netflix, and especially after I moved into my own place, I formed a habit of “watching TV” as background noise while I do any number of things - wash the dishes, cook, fold the laundry, wash my face. As such, I get a lot of stuff done and also take in a lot of pop culture at the same time. But, I also see where this is an extremely counterproductive habit. Such as when I start a new 43 minute episode, but it only takes 20 minutes to wash dishes…and I watch the whole thing…Specifying the TV watching time gives you something to look forward to and provides some space to relax (unlike watching TV while simultaneously doing chores). The schedule should also put an end time on your TV watching. I’m gonna try for an hour Sunday-Thursday, likely between 8-9pm and make Friday and Saturdays open for watching a running list of movies I’ve intended to see. Check out my schedule and what I’m watching!
26. Make roasted pine nut hummus from scratch. Big brand pine nut hummus is so good. But after those hummus recalls by both Sabra and Trader Joe’s, we are in a trust no one situation. I shelled out $24 for a 3lb bag of pine nuts at Costco and I’ll be making my own hummus all year long. 
27. Do a cleansing face mask once a week for four weeks. 
28. Exfoliate lips once a week for four weeks. Will 27 & 28 stay weekly habits?? 
29. Color (in my adult coloring book) for 15 minutes before bed, Sunday through Thursday night for two weeks. I started 2017 hoping this could be a nightly habit. A late night here, a phone call with a friend there, a “oh, I forgot to make a lesson plan” on this hand, or a “just-too-tired today” on the other and suddenly I haven’t touched my $22 coloring book in more than two weeks. Alongside some of the above plans and habits on this list, maybe I can do this if I am a little more flexible and realistic. So I’ll shoot for work nights for two solid weeks and see if I can then turn it into a more definite routine. 
30. No tech after 10 pm, Sunday through Thursday for one week. 
31. Read Ta-Nehisi Coates, “The Case for Reparations” from The Atlantic. You’d think this is easy; it’s an article from The Atlantic, after all. But when I made a PDF of this thing it was 62 pages long. That feels like a short term commitment and I’ve got to put it on the calendar one of these days (after comps).
32. Cook a Julia Child recipe. I made her hollandaise. I like the way she makes one feel empowered to do it, like its the most natural thing in the world. Not like Masterchef, where you’re doomed to fail from the start. 
33. Go on a solo weekend trip. Details here.  
34. Go to one of those miles long/wide antique malls. I pass by them often on my highway drives around the state and I fantasize about completing my Corelle and Pyrex butterfly gold collections. Somehow the timing is never right - I’m in a hurry, or they’re not open, or whatever excuse I can think up. Some local possibilities: Ohio Valley Antique Mall (Cincinnati’s largest, apparently, in Fairfield), Riverside Antique Mall (over 100 dealers on the scenic Ohio River; Cincinnati), and Heart of Ohio Antiques (according to their website, America’s largest antique destination just an hour away from me in Springfield). 
35. Visit Grand Lake St. Mary’s/Celina, OH. I passed by this lake/state park last summer when I drove up US 127 until it connected with US 24. It’s a grueling drive compared with taking the fast-paced highway, but I saw so many tiny towns that might be interesting to visit. Grand Lake St. Mary’s looks like a nice beachy getaway. Though it probably gets busy and touristy in the summers, I bet the weekdays are quiet enough for me to enjoy a day or an overnight here. Perhaps this is a good candidate for that solo weekend trip I noted above. 
36. Make tom kha gai. Thai coconut soup with mushrooms (and maybe chicken). So good, so good. 
37. Go to IKEA. I was impressed. 
38. Go to another distillery on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. In 2012-13, I went to Four Roses, Wild Turkey, Woodford Reserve, and Maker’s Mark. In 2014, 2015, and 2016 I took trips South in which I drove right through all the places in Kentucky where I might stop off to finish the trail, but I did not stop once - not even for Jim Beam, which is right next to the highway! In 2017, I should go to one, at least. Will I finish the Bourbon Trail or my dissertation first? Stay tuned! 
39. Whole 30 Prep: Phase out yogurt for two weeks. I haven’t bought any yogurt since. The question remains, when will I tackle cheese?
40. No alcohol for two weeks. 
CANCELLED. 41. Whole 30 Prep: No grains for one week.  
41. Go see Fiona the hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo. 
CANCELLED  42.  No peanut butter, soy, and legumes for two weeks.
42. Go to Miami football and hockey games. I lived in Oxford for 5 years and did neither of these. My only incentive once I move to Cincinnati will be crossing it off this list. 
43. Make a meal with a spaghetti squash. I’ve eaten spaghetti squash of course, but I’ve never bothered to roast/dismantle/serve one on my own. This year, I’m finally making that Southwestern Stuffed Spaghetti Squash recipe I pinned about three years ago. 
44. Ride the carousel at the Banks in Cincinnati. I tried to do this a couple summers ago, but I showed up 30 minutes after closing time. Time to try again! And some of the carousel characters are pigs! 
45. Find red wines that I like. I’m a dry white wine drinker - which puts me in some difficult situations sometimes. Working wine tastings since 2013, I’ve learned some favorites - Raffy Grand Reserve Malbec, Haka Tempranillo, Brion Cabernet. That is, I’ve learned expensive taste. I haven’t stopped working on this, but here are few winners so far. 
46. Eat at J. Austin’s. It’s this restaurant I/we pass by every time we drive through Hamilton on the way to somewhere else. One of these days, J.Austin’s should be my/our destination, just to check it out. 
47. Get a couch. I’ve managed to live seemingly on my own for five years and never have bothered to get a couch. I was walking around the Salvation Army on April 7 and I impulsively bought a couch.  
48. Visit the American Sign Museum - I’ve made it to most of Cincinnati’s museums by now, but not this one. In 2017, it’s time. 
49. Visit two new U.S. states - I chatted with a guy in the dating app about his goal of visiting all 50 United States before he turns 50, prompting me to list the states I’ve been to and steal his idea entirely. After eliminating all the states I’ve driven through but had no meaningful interaction with (Mississippi, North Carolina, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia) and the ones I don’t remember (like South Carolina, where we lived when I was an infant), I’ve got 21. I was in panic mode - how will I get to 29 states in the next 22.5 years? For the next five or ten years, I think I’ll try to hit at least two a year. In 2017, I have my sights set on Missouri and Arizona. Can anyone recommend some interesting border towns? 
Phoenix, AZ trip is booked! Oct. 25-31
50. Have four artist dates. An artist date is a solo date with an artist/artwork. You go by yourself and the point is to just spend time with the artwork without the pressures to talk to other people about it or work on/around their schedules. When you go it alone, the only schedule you have to worry about is yours. Now  that I think of it, I should have called “artist date” every time I made the mistake of dragging my ex-boyfriend to a military history museum and then feeling rushed because he didn’t want to read everything on every plaque like I did. This is precisely the problem artist dates solve. Dates can range from visiting exhibits and galleries, artist talks or performances, concerts or movies, spending the entire day reading a book, or listening to music in the peace of your own home without any other distractions. I heard about artist dates from Janice MacLeod (author of Paris Letters) and had planned to have one every month during 2015. Life got busy and all kinds of excuses not to have artist dates turned into no artist dates by the middle of the year. I set the bar lower this year, at four, hoping I can do this once a quarter. 
February 19, 2017 - George Takei’s Allegiance
May 13, 2017 - Citizen by Claudia Rankine
June 2, 2017 - Jordan Peele’s Get Out 
December 7, 2017 - Tom Hanks/Emma Watson/Dave Eggers, The Circle 
51. Learn to sew on a button. Whenever my buttons need help I take the clothes to my favorite seamstress and pay $4 for the repair and make who knows how many carbon emissions driving over to her place. 
52. Watch Star Wars. I’ve never seen it, so I have no idea about the allusions, the “Star Wars nights” at sporting events, or the Cold War metaphors about race, gender, and nation.  I wasn’t very impressed. 
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magicalsamandholly · 6 years
Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived
Holly Hippogriff: I’m very excited and curious to read this book again, since I believe it’s the one I have read the least - and I actually don’t remember the specifics as much as I do ones later in the series. Is it one that you’re more familiar with?
Sam Skrewt: See, this is the one that I’ve read the most, and I’ve seen the movie the most as well.
HH: Well that’s already fascinating.
SS: We’ll have such different perspectives, haha. I wanted to ask you about when you first started reading Harry Potter.
HH: I believe it was 4th grade for me. Just right after it became really popular, I was a few months behind the curve.
SS: I guess I was probably in 3rd grade then? But I feel like Chamber of Secrets was already out by the time I started the first. And I actually read with my dad to begin with.
HH: I think the first few were out by the time it came to the US. And I forgot about that for you- it was a totally solo experience for me. Although I had to share them with my sisters, so reading fast was required. My youngest sister was reading the first book in 1st grade, which is mostly how I figure I was in 4th.
SS: How long has it been since you’ve read the books then? Honestly, I think the last time for me was to reread them all before Deathly Hallows, and I’ve definitely only read that once.
HH: It’s been years. I usually wouldn’t reread them all in a row though. My favorites have been read a bunch of times, and my least faves only a few. And then very similar, by the time Deathly Hallows came out, I had “outgrown” it, so I’ve only read that one 2-3 times.
SS: This will be a real return to childhood for us then. Okay, let’s get into it - any initial thoughts on this opening? Also, please know that I’m listening to the Harry Potter theme song and plan on doing so for all of our chats.
HH: Well that’s a great idea, I’m adjusting my music now. And when I started reading this chapter again, I was mostly struck by how differently I read it as an adult.
SS: In what way?
HH: I was much more aware of how this is set up as an almost, childlike wonder, imagination, and innocence vs the “real world” as demonstrated by the Dursleys. As a kid reading it, it feels like this is something fantastical and cool, and then as an adult, you still get that, but the adult characters also feel more fleshed-out and real - and the Dursley’s fears and prejudices also feel more realistic. What were your initial thoughts?
SS: I think what struck me most was the world-building she does right off the bat - we get transfiguration, owls, flying motorcycles, the deluminator. All stuff that she brings back in more important ways later. And it really is fantastical and engrossing, like you said.
HH: I definitely agree with that. The horcruxes are also introduced, although you don’t know it until The Order of the Phoenix.
SS: Now here’s my question - how far ahead in the series do you think she had planned at this point, or at any point in the books? My assumption has always been that a lot of stuff, especially things like the horcruxes, she came up with later and retroactively made the connections.
HH: No, I’m an optimist about it - I think it was almost entirely pre-planned. Like you said with the world-building, I found it very not accidental that she knew exactly how this world looked, even in the first chapter. Although I did take note of her specific description of Dumbledore’s watch - I don’t remember that being important later on, so perhaps that’s something that didn’t make the grade for later plot points.
SS: I mean, I was impressed that Sirius gets a shoutout.
HH: I know! It was very cool to almost relive the moment that Harry gets famous and becomes the Boy Who Lived - you tend to get used to that idea over the books, but to see how everything fell into place at that moment was fascinating. And I especially liked how Vernon was essentially narrating the first half of the chapter, so we got to see it in his (Muggle) eyes. I don’t think anything similar to that happens in the rest of the series, apart from the start of Goblet of Fire.
SS: Yes, it’s crazy that such an influential story starts off from the eyes of Uncle Vernon.
HH: And of course the Dursleys are literally the worst.
SS: Well, here’s where I wanna get to the main note I had about this chapter, which is that I’m with McGonagall on not leaving Harry with the freaking Dursleys. In general, I think I’m gonna be a Dumbledore critic throughout the series.
HH: LOL. I also had that thought - I think that’s another way reading it as an adult changes your opinions. But, I was comforted by the fact that again, knowing everything that we do by the end of the series, Harry staying with blood relatives was the “only” way to keep him safe. But way to tell him, “Good luck” and skedaddle off, old man.
SS: Right!? Dumbledore is obviously charming and quirky and such, and I think it makes it easy to overlook the fact that he has a tendency to hide shit that would be better off said.
HH: I would say, he’s only human, but I don’t even know that for sure. But I also agree that McGonagall was so right, and she was def my favorite character of this chapter. Her sass towards the lemon drops slayed me.
SS: Same, McGonagall rocks. Although also a fan of that random guy who started babbling about Muggles to Uncle Vernon, way to reveal the entire magical world because you’re too drunk.
HH: You can truly appreciate the sober-minded adults when you are one. And love that she was like, I get that we’re celebrating, but even these dumbass Muggles are gonna realize what we’re up to if we keep going wild.
SS: McGonagall is our spirit animal.
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haleyfury · 7 years
As I was preparing my traditional What I Read post for February, I realized that I did a few more bookish, fandom, and bloggish things that I want to talk about! Because I don’t just want to discuss books today, I’m going to be guiding you through what I wrote and watched this month, as well as some fun, in-real-life happenings.
February was a weird reading month because I feel like I didn’t read a lot, between school life and being busy on the weekends, but I managed to read X books! I tend to read less during the school year because I like not having to concentrate too much when I get to relax (hence a lot of Youtube and TV watching). I spent a lot of time reading for my English classes this month (2 books from my contemporary American lit class are included down below), and while I’m not including them on my list, I read Logicomix and Berlin: City of Stones Vol.1 for my graphic novels course.
If I don’t talk about the books below right now, it’s because you’ll find reviews for them in the next section.
The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden | 4.5/5 Stars
This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith | 4/5 Stars
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black | 4/5 Stars
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado | 4/5 Stars
Her Body and Other Parties is the second book I’ve read for my contemporary American lit class, and it was a book that was on my TBR radar before I found out it was on the syllabus!?! I’m still slightly in shock that I’m reading books published within the past year in SCHOOL (not-so-patiently waiting for my school to add a YA lit class). Anyways, I really enjoyed Her Body and Other Parties for its genre-bending short stories and focus on women. My favorites include “Inventory”, “Eight Bites”, and “The Resident” (all of which you can find online!).
Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman | 5/5 Stars
After the Quake by Haruki Murakami | 4/5 Stars
My contemporary American literature class is focused on the short story cycle, and it’s been really interesting to read so many short stories. I’ve heard good things about Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84, so I was excited to pick up this short story collection centering around the Kobe earthquake. When I’m reading for school, I often take the time to take notes as  I read, but I was so immersed in Murakami’s writing that I forgot to until I finished! My favorite stories were “ufo in kushiro” and “thailand”.
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas | 5/5 Stars
My reread review of HoF will be coming next week, just know for now that I was very happy to be reunited with Manon & Abraxos.
Like my reading, I feel like I didn’t post as much as I have in the past six months, but I only had two weeks where I went back to my original schedule of only 3 posts a week. I’m really happy with February’s content.
The HYPE IS REAL: Scythe by Neal Shusterman
The Review That Time Forgot… Okay, It Was Me: I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
Before the Fae: Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight Reread Discussion
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli
Keeping Up With Fantasy: The Bear and the Nightingale & The Cruel Prince
I READ A SUMMER CONTEMPORARY IN FEBRUARY??? | This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith
CAN THE THUNDERHEAD GIVE ME THE 3RD BOOK? | Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman
I’M CRAVING FANTASY & 100 BOOKS: What I Read in January 2018
Top Five Wednesday: Favorite YA Romance Novels
My Experience Seeing Dear Evan Hansen ft. the Amazon Bookstore
TBB Asks: All About Love & Fangirl Things Q&A
My Funko Pop Collection-February 2018
Reputation Book Tag
  The Greatest Showman– I’m about two months late to the party, but during the first weekend in February, my sister and I finally saw The Greatest Showman. In January, I saw so many people online completely raving about this musical-film inspired by P.T. Barnum (a sentence I thought I’d never write), and it was Zoë Sugg of Zoella and her vlogs that made me want to see the film. It’s safe to say that I absolutely loved The Greatest Showman, and I have been completely obsessed with the soundtrack. I run to “A Million Dreams” and “The Other Side” , guys. Besides the two songs that I just mentioned, I love “Never Enough”, “Rewrite the Stars”, “From Now On”, and “Tightrope”.
The Good Place – Almost every book blogger I follow on Twitter have raved about The Good Place. What really sold was me were all the mentions of PARKS & REC EASTER EGGS!
It was so much fun to be back in a Michael Schur show— HE CREATED Parks & Rec- and I just love how complex the storyline has become, not to mention the hilarious characters. As I’m writing this post, I’ve just started watching Ghosted again because you know, Adam Scott (Ben Wyatt is forever my fictional bf), WHO IS ACTUALLY IN SEASON ONE OF THE GOOD PLACE. I cannot wait for the third season to come out, and until then, I might need to watch another Michael Schur show (I’m thinking Brooklyn-Nine-Nine) or it’” be time for another Parks and Rec rewatch.
  The Belles Book Signing- During the second weekend in February, I went into New York City to spend the day with one of my best friends. We spent most of the day catching up and working on a film project of his-while writing will always be #1, my love for video has expanded this year with my film classes—and around 3:30, we decided to do something bookish and head to Books of Wonder for Dhonielle Clayton and Adam Silvera’s event for The Belles. Our first mistake was leaving about twenty minutes before the event, as the signing turned out to be the most crowded event I’ve been to. Our second “mistake” was continuing to take our time and then end up at the downtown Books of Wonder.The event was of course held at the uptown Books of Wonder location, so a few subway stops later we made it there. Luckily, we made it in time to hear Dhonielle and Adam answer questions from the audience and treat ourselves to some macaroons. I also convinced my friend to buy History Is All You Left Me, which is my favorite book of Adam’s, but unfortunately we didn’t say for the signing because there were about 70 people in front of us and I had a train to catch. However, I still had a great day in the city with my best friend and those macaroons were the perfect snack for the train ride home.
Being featured on Jacquelyn Middleton’s blog
Jacquelyn Middleton is the author of London Belongs to Me, one of my favorite NA reads, and London, Can You Meet. On her blog, Jacquelyn has been sharing so many bookstagram photos of her books and mine was featured in her post, “London Belongs… To You: Part Twelve“! I consider myself to be a VERY amateur bookstagrammer, so it was amazing to be featured along such amazing bookstagram accounts– I think one of my summer projects is going to be upping my Instagram game.
I mentioned this in my Funko Pop Collection post, but on Valentine’s Day, I bought my blog domain! While I didn’t post until March, I created Fangirl Fury in February of 2017, and I feel so excited to own my domain a year later. You can now officially find me at fangirlfury.com. Whether this is your 1st or 150th time reading a Fangirl Fury post, I want to thank you for supporting my spot on the Internet. Here’s to another exciting year of blogging, reading, and fangirling!
I really liked writing a true monthly wrap-up, and I can see myself expanding my “What I Read” posts to this format. Do you like monthly wrap-ups? What did you read or watch in February? Share in the comments!
BOOKS, WRITING, AND LIFE HAPPENINGS: February Wrap-Up As I was preparing my traditional What I Read post for February, I realized that I did a few more bookish, fandom, and bloggish things that I want to talk about!
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