#BTD Cain
fxil76 · 9 months
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Magma with friend again xD
Nsfw version: https://twitter.com/Fxil_76/status/1705618977412862223?t=8YP61MhoIkYUpIvqQ7rmqw&s=19
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ladyhelsgallery · 1 month
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I wanna die
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kanhaochonglian · 1 year
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1schadenfreude1 · 5 months
How each BTD guy would handle an immortal victim:
If he planned to keep you, nothing changes.
If he is forced to keep you because you won't die, he gets very frustrated and takes out his anger on you.
You become a fan favorite in his livestreams
He's fascinated by you! You're a medical marvel and he'll do anything to keep you
He tests all your limits and endurance, taking you to the very brink of death and back again
It amuses him.
Uses it to tease you: "immortal, hm? We'll see about that~"
It pisses him off.
He takes it as a personal challenge & tries to permanently kill you in the most brutal ways he can think of
He'll never let you go until he finds a way to kill you. Only death will set you free.
He loves it, because, well, he's also a cryptid XD he takes you to the river and you both just lie there
You learn to love the river because there's no pain there, unlike when you are alive
He loves it! When he turns werewolf he rips you apart and watches you put yourself back together
When he's human again he gives you lots of cuddles and tells you how precious you are to him
Doesn't much matter to him because he would never try to kill you anyways
He does like hearing about your adventures tho, where you've been during your lifetime
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belovedlamb · 1 month
Good afternoon, I was pretty bored and made these.
I was thinking about making a stamps for spacehey because there is no Rire and Cain (my favourite characters btw)
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Bonus Lawrence because my friend likes him :33
I was thinking like, "Oh well, I'll draw every character." And then gave up, I think I will draw other characters next week.
Idk how am I going to do this, but I'll make it works
If you ask me why the art style looks so different, I'm just trying to make it match with my spacehey that's all !!
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hofrrra · 10 months
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littlebunno · 8 months
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I try to draw Cain
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june-b · 12 days
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jmpscr · 8 months
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sketchs and ref
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rg-174 · 2 months
I don't think I'll ever be normal again
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"Are you going to sleep again? Come here"
ⓒCommission by Như Khánh on FB
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fxil76 · 1 year
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I've just included some pictures. 'Cause some pic it's on Twitter This is all my drawings fanart, oc x canon a bit and someship 🥹💦
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ladyhelsgallery · 3 months
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It all started when me and @jmpscr trashed the history of the Electricpuke's biblical characters, but then we came up with a comic idea for an animated series based on the Bible and Riel's angels.
I imagine Damien and Samael telling Cain to fuck off every episode...
LOL, you can spam Netflix's social networks so that they make this series /joke
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otchim-andr · 7 months
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merry christmas~
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1schadenfreude1 · 2 months
Escape (BTD x Reader)
Request for BTD x reader who managed to escape!
-He's prepared for this.
-He has learned your habits, your interests, the places you once called safe. He knows where you will go.
-He slowly patrols the neighborhood in his car, looking for you, watching the phone booth where you might try to call the cops.
-And when he finds you, you’ll be lucky to ever breathe fresh air again.
_-He's not really worried. His brother is one of the best hired killers in town, after all.
-All Akira needs is a sniff of your blood, your DNA, and he will find you.
-He will drag you back, beaten and broken, to Sano's lab.
-Whether you like it or not, Sano needs to finish his experiment.
-You didn't escape. He let you go.
-Luckily for you, you're more entertaining alive than dead.
-You may think you’ve gotten away, but every time you look at the mark Rire burned into your flesh, you’ll remember what he did to you.
-And you know, deep down, he’ll be back
-Your escape was the last straw.
-Ren panics - perhaps he's not cut out to live this life after all.
-Getting arrested here would mean all of Strade's work would be uncovered as well.
-So Ren runs - he grabs everything that he can carry, all of Strade's cash, his passwords and accounts, and runs.
-He’ll settle in a different state, even a different country - maybe live under an assumed name.
-He starts over. A new life. But he knows he can't run from his past for very long…
-You never see him again.
-You stumble, bleeding, out of his apartment building. You get help.
-You’re safe.
-But when the police investigate what happened to you, they find nothing.
-No Lawrence in the phonebook. the apartment filled with plants has been abandoned for years. The case closes.
-You begin to wonder if your experience really happened, or if being kidnapped was just a dream or drug trip.
-You're not sure what to believe anymore.
-He’ll find you. He has your scent and his hunting skills are unparalleled.
-You can’t outrun him. You cower in a dead end, just waiting for the wolf to tear into your flesh and rip you apart.
-But the blow never comes.
-He’s actually impressed that you managed to escape.
-”Guess you’re the one that got away, huh, kid?”
-He brings you to a hospital and encourages you to live your life.
-You never see him again.
-You didn’t escape. He abandoned you.
-You wake up at home, your body still broken and bleeding, still bearing Cain’s touch.
-You try to get on with your life, try to live again as though it didn't happen.
-But everything has changed. You see the world through an angel’s eyes now, and you hate what you see.
-You want life to go back to the way it was. You need some sense of normalcy.
-Desperate, you call upon Cain to fix what he broke.
-And he comes to you with open arms.
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belovedlamb · 1 month
It's my birthday !!
I'm so sorry for the long absence. I barely have free time to draw something
But here, I draw this for my birthday 🎉
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Making a cake with my favourite characters is probably the best birthday present
Honestly, I don't really like it because I don't like how Rire looks.
Woopsie, here is my persona btw :3
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It's an old persona ref, I need to update it soon.
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piapupapii · 9 months
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Rire × Cain
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