theangrykimchi · 11 months
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God Loki and his God bodyguard slash brusband
Fixing the finale one low effort edit at a time
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thorkissed · 2 years
Thor : *looking in the mirror* Greetings, Prince Thor! *pulls out a flower* Will you be my brother-in-law?
Loki : What the -
Loki : Did you just propose to yourself? For me?
Thor : Well, someone had to do it.
Thor : *squeezes Loki into a hug* Congratulations, my brother! Prince Thor says'YES'.I'm so proud of you.
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emostunttwink · 5 months
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shh, let them enjoy their autumn years
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mydamnchocolate · 2 months
wah wah wah “helaena should be overcome with grief” leave her alone!!! shes my ‘autistic woman who dissociates and distances herself from emotions in the face of an inexplainable internal sense of self in the wake of trauma ’ representation and you can meet me in the dragonpit and fight me
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incorrect-gravescest · 7 months
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💚: Really? Brusband?
🩷: Think about it. You're more than my brother and, as far as I'm concerned, we're married. So brother plus husband equals Brusband. You, Andrew Graves, are my Brusband.
💚: You're fucking weird.
🩷: Technically you're the one fucking weird after last night, hot stuff.
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Honestly, Lucille Sharpe just wants to play the piano and study butterflies and bang her brusband, and it’a highly inconsiderate of people to keep turning up and needing to be murdered
Goodness, she doesn’t WANT to murder anyone. She just wants people to give her and Thomas lots of money and then leave them alone. It’s not HER fault that they insist on doing things that necessitate their removal from this vale of tears (by her, Emphatically)
So rude
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insinirate · 10 months
Are the two brother husbands all alone or do they get visits from their (Vash's) friends and (Knives') lackeys?
they get visits from livraz who is both vashs friend and knives lackey (it always caused a bit of tension when he came around bc he carries a punisher which is. definitely an ice breaker)
meryl and milly dont visit more than they just Encounter each other on their travels
theres a whole cast of faces for vash and knives to show up to, almost all of them chasing after the brusbands for some reason or another
also they still tour to check on their sisters! knives especially wants to know their individual conditions even if hes too shy to properly face them now
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bluebeetle · 10 months
just was subjected to seeing the term "brusband". killing myself now.
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belltrigger · 2 years
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A first attempt at costumes for a new AU I'm working on with someone! The basic idea is Nobori is a normal normal office worker man who, after a fateful meeting with Bus-kun, gets isekai'd into the arms of a man who looks just like him. The man (Kudari) is convinced Nobori has returned to him after they were separated (and also that they are husbands).
Isekai anime tropes abound, but somehow deep lore has started to come out of this! I'll write a more complete post up once more details are finalized.
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Me walking down the aisle at my wedding
Here comes the spouse
Wearing a blouse
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theangrykimchi · 2 years
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✨ Pre-party napping for the brusbands ✨
Inspired by this post
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emostunttwink · 8 months
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baby ??/????
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thorkissed · 2 years
Asgardian brusbands with their alligator baby
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madlori · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
From Buddie fic in progress, “Geologic Time Is Now.” This bitch is up to 20K already and I’m nowhere near done.
quick summary: Buck and Eddie decide to become platonic life partners. Hijinks ensue. Spoilers: they fall in love. Eventually.
[scene: buck is having lunch with some new racquetball friends.]
“But you said you have a son together?” Marcus asked.
“Yeah,” Buck said, smiling as he always did when he thought of Christopher. “We have a twelve year old son, Christopher. Eddie is his biological dad, I adopted him a year ago. We’re talking about having more kids, too.”
“Oh wow, so you are really, like seriously, official partners,” Ethan said. “I’m fascinated by this.”
“Yep, we’re legal domestic partners, power of attorney, life insurance, all the bells and whistles. It’s been about a year now, although I was practically living with them well before that. It’s pretty great. We share all the chores and the cooking, and take care of Christopher. And it’s just like…one long sleepover. We watch the game and take Chris places and work on our house and weed the garden and well…it’s pretty normal stuff.”
“But you’re both straight? Do you still date women?”
“We are and we could, although honestly…it doesn’t feel all that urgent. I could meet someone for a casual thing if I wanted to, but I’m committed to Eddie as a life partner. I’m not interested in meeting a woman who’s looking for something long-term. I won’t risk what I have.” He pulled up his favorite photo, taken by Hen. It was him and Eddie and Christopher at their adoption court date. Christopher was holding their certificate and grinning, Buck and Eddie on either side of him, all of them hugging each other. He showed it to the guys. “That’s my family,” he said, beaming. “He’s Dad, I’m Papa.”
Marcus grinned. “That’s sweet. Wow, your partner is…um, yes, that’s a guy who looks like that.”
“So let me get this straight,” Neil said. “You live with your best friend, co-parent his kid…sorry, your kid…hang out at your house, cooperate on all the life tasks, chill out together, and do fun stuff? And you can still see women and it’s all fine?”
“I mean…basically, yeah?” Buck said.
“Damn,” Marcus said. “That sounds awesome. Hey, I want a bro-husband!”
The others burst into laughter. “Wait, a…a brusband? Bro-band?”
“A HUSBRO!” Ethan cried, triumphantly.
“Oh my God, stop,” Buck said, clutching his stomach. “I’m going to tell him you said that. He was in the Army, he’ll show up and kick your ass.”
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
do you think lucille and thomas regularly told each other ‘i love you’?
Yes, I do. It's not like anyone else was going to say it, and every human being needs to hear it.
Do I think sometimes they said it honestly, and sometimes as a manipulation tool (to get what one was SURE was best for the other, or both as a unit)? Also yes. I think they loved each other deepy, but that doesn't fix what had been twisted and broken in each of them by their lives.
(Also, yes, both of them. Lucille's ill-treatment of Thomas is more obvious, but if you look closer, he's not exactly Brusband of the Year either. See also: letting her do all of the dirty work and self-sacrifice because it suits him better to close his eyes. You could argue that it's a learned dependency she instilled in him, but I like him better as an equally flawed character, personally.)
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glassesblu · 2 years
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A coupla brusbands
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