astolfofo · 1 year
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wolves-on-caffeine · 6 years
Love bites
Whats this? A fic for you? Yep!
Hope you enjoy!
Warning: blood, agrument at end
Logan was hungry, very hungry.
Normally he kept his hunger under control, but he hadnt been able to eat and was starving.
He was desperate.
So when he saw a hooded figure walking alone past an alleyway, he grabbed them.
“Sorry.” Passed logan’s lips as he shoved the hoodie sleeve up and bit into the strangers wrist.
Logan removed his fangs as quickly as he inserted them and spit out the blood. “Whst the fuck is that?!”
The hooded figured held their wrist. “Shouldnt i be asking you that?”
Logan looked at the guy- yes that was a guy- and had to take a second to compose himself. He was….quite attractive.
“Well yes, under the circumstances that would be expected, but in my defense, i am starving and would rather not taste your blood agian. How do you live with such…such…horrid blood in you?”
The guy stared at logan in disbelief. “Ok so..your a vampire im guessing.” Then crossed his arms.“and uh, rude,much? Im anemic.”
Logan ran the definition through his head quickly, and proceeded to take out iron supplements. “Take oen of these, wait are you on medicine alreasy? probably not with how your blood taste, ill make you a doctors appointment, i will,need your name.”
Hooded guy just stared at him. “No.” He gave a smirk.
“What do you mean no?” logan was confused, wouldn’t a human want to have good blood?
Hooded guy shrugged. “ I mean im not taking medicine, and im not going to a doctor. One, I’m broke, two, what are you going to do to make me? Bite me?”
Logan shoved the supplements at the hooded guy. “Name?”
“And im going to tell you, why?”
Logan gave a smile, “because i have your wallet?” and to prove so, he held it up.
Being a 200+ year old vampire means your good at pick pocketing.
“What? How did you- nevermind.” Hooded guy held out his hand for the wallet.
“Im Virgil. Virgil Bloodgood.”
Logan gave the wallet back and made a face.
“That is the most ironic name ever.”
It had been a month since Logan bite Virgil, and yes, he did find a decent meal after words, but he visited Virgil every day.
Crawling through his apartment window, logan asked. “Did you go to your appointment today?”
Virgil looked up from his place at his desk, doing homework (logan found out he is a college student) and adjusted his hoodie.
“Oh my god Logan, can you not just use the door?”
Logan stood and and closed the window behind him. “I would, but you refuse to invite me in…luckily windows do not apply to that rule.”
Virgil just groaned and rolled across the floor in his chair. “No, i didnt go. You can’t make me.”
Logan sat on his bed. “Did you atleast get the cookbook I bought you?”
“Ah yes, "how to be delicious” the cookbook. Wonderful choice. Tell me, do you get this involved with all your meals?“ Virgil played with his bangs as if he didnt just imply the biggest insult of the century.
Virgil? Just a meal? Virgil who Logan, a vampire, has to force to sleep semi normal hours because he won’t sleep? Virgil who wears long sleeves and hoodies and socks and has 20 blankets on and is still cold? Virgil who dyed his hair purple and looks so adorable? Who shows Logan shows and ‘memes’ of the new world he doesnt understand?
Logan hadn’t know virgil long, but he is way more than 'a meal’ to Logan.
Of course, Virgil does not know that, nor need to know that.
"I only wish for you to be healthy. Your blood taste horrible, and it would not kill you to go to the doctors once to get meds and supplements to help. Also, if you ate atlleast normally instead of maybe once a day, I would back off a little, but if you insist on eating only once a day then it should at least be beneficial to you and include iron or -heaven forbid!- a actual food item instead of snacks and chocolate-”
That rant did not end soon.
4 more months and Logan and Virgil were friends(?) In a way at least.
Now Virgil was still stubborn about helping himself, but he was at least eating Proper meals, so long as logan made them (if you want me to eat, i don’t cook-ok, i’m cooking) which lead to logan moving in so he could cook when the sun was out.
But convincing Virgil lead to some….funny situations.
“Virgil, you need to eat! I made high iron food.”
“Not hungry.”
“Virgil, you need to eat.”
“Fine ill eat.”
“Rally? i thought it would be more of a fi-”
“If it is covered in garlic.”
“…You disgust me.” And Logan carefully put garlic on it.
Another time: Logan had been opening the curtains so Virgil could get some sun (he stood at the side, dont worry) and Virgil hissed and hid under hai bed.
“Oh my god Virgil, im the vampire, get out and enjoy the sunlight.”
“No, you can’t make me. Sunlight evil.”
“Althought i agree with that last statement, you need vitamin D.”
“Logan, I swear, if you want me to get vitamin D so much, ill go to the sunniest beach on the sunniest day in swim tunka just to avoid you.”
Logan laughed at him. “Please Virgil, no offense, but you? in a crowded beach? ” he laughed.
Virgil glared from the bed and moved to sit in the middle of the sun beam. “Ha, now you can’t touch me.”
Logan gave a fond smile to the back of Virgil and nodded. “Oh well”
“I swear Logan, if you try to take me out to get sunlight in that sun hat of yours, i will go into the hall of mirrors and leave you there.”..Logan, who was wearing a daunting floppy sun hat so he could spend days with virgil outside, shook his head.
“Common misconception, but new mirrors show relections of vampires. It was only old mirrors that had silver backing to make it reflective that wont show reflections.”
Virgil had a evil look growing on his face. “Really now?” And went to the computer.
Logan walked over and looked,over his shoulder.“what are you looking up?”
Logan read the screen and gasped. “You wouldnt dare.”
Virgil grinned and hummed as he hit a picture. “I can afford that.”
“Virgil dont you dare hit that button!”
“Aaaaaand bought!”
That was how Virgil became the 'only’ proud owner of an antique silver backed mirror.
Despite all the agruments, they did get along pretty well.
“Logan, what happened to the french in the 1800s?”
“Virgil, just because im over 200 years old doesnt mean i know everything.”
“Ok yeah but what happened?”
“Oh well what happened was-” and Virgil had an essay so good his teacher had him stay late to ask if he cheated. And he didn’t! Technically.
“Virgil, you forgot to do laundry again.”
“Oh shit, sorry, I forgot. You need your red polo tonight don’t you?”
“Don’t worry about it, i just wanted to inform you that i took care of it and you need not to worry about it. Also.” Logan threw a blandly at Virgil. “I put this in the dryer for a while. You enjoy when they are warm, do you not?”
Virgil cocooned himself instantly, and snuggled into the warm blanket.
“Your the best lo. What can i do to thank you?”
Logan gave him a smile, “maybe….go,to the doctors,tomorrow?”
Virgil,groaned but sighed. “One appointment! No,more.”
“Ok, so i say the meme,,you tel me what it means. Ready?”
Logan gave a determined nod. “Yes, i am ready.”
“To throw something, or a way to agree or show excitement.”
“Two bros.”
“Refers too two men who were in a hot tub at a large distance, who are not gay. A tragedy.”
Virgil laughed a bit. “Ok ok.. Free sha vacka do.”
“Fresh avocado spelled wrong, a 'mood’ if i am correct.”
Virgil gave Logan a high five. “You’re doing good, Logan!”
Logan smiled at Virgil. “Why thank you Virgil.”
Virgil knocked on Logan’s door at 4 am.
Logan,opened in second, wide awake.
“Virgil? You should be-”
“Asleep? Yeah, but my room is cold, and I have a test at….3 pm today so I’m worrying.”
“Ah yes…may i ask how i am suppose to help?”
“Let ms sleep in your bed with you.”
Logan couldn’t fight the blush. “W..what?”
Virgil walked in and laid on his bed, messing up the perfect sheets as he did so. “I’m cold. Cuddle me.”
Logan stood at the door blushing. Ok so..sleep deprived Virgil is brave, no filter Virgil. Got it.
“I hate to disappoint, but i do not have a body heat to warm,you with,”
“Oh my god, are you going to cuddle me to not?”
Logan slid into the bed beside Virgil obediently and blushed. Virgil, as promise,d cuddled up to Logan and managed to get back to sleep.
Logan could not sleep. Not with the cuteness beside him, instead he carefully planted a kiss to the human’s forehead and smiled.
“Are fangs sexy to vampires?”
Logan was..not expecting that. They were watching Steven Universe, when did fangs pop up?
“I..im sorry but..how did you come to this question?”
Virgil shrugged,sliding into the blankets more. “I’ve kinda been thinking about it for a while..cause you are pretty hot and..fangs add to that. So, as a human, i find fangs hot. But like..do other vampires find fangs hot?”
Logan stared at Virgil. He thought Logan was hot? Well perhaps…
“Well vampires do tend to see fangs as..flirtatious or..intimate…. I..personally..do prefer…flatter teeth myself.”
Virgil blushes and Logan could see the tip of a smile behind the blanket.
“Oh, ok.”
2 more months an Logan finally confessed. It was…messy.
Virgil and Logan had been having an argument over his need to have more iron, but it was..getting out of hand.
“I don’t want,to fucking eat that!”
“I know you like this food, you said this was your favorite and it is high in iron!”
"Why can’t you fuck off about my iron!“
"Why can’t you just eat without complaint for once!”
Virgil had grabbed Logan’s tie and pulled him down to eye level. “Will you stop treating me like I’m a fucking farm animal your waiting to chop up and eat! Quit treating me like your fucking meal!” Virgil had let go and backed up a bit, glaring daggers at the vampire.
Logan had to process everything. The argument, the closeness, the tie pulling,
'Your fucking meal!’ Rang in Logan’s head.
Logan grabbed Virgil by his hoodie and slammed his lips onto him, ignoring the tiny drops of blood he got from his and Virgil's lips alike (it was crushed kiss, fangs got in the way a bit)
Breaking the kiss, Logan glared. “You haven't been 'just a meal’ to me! Your sarcastic and honest and fucking gorgeous! You make my heart beat and my head spot working! I want you to eat and take care of yourself because i want you to be healthy, not so I can drink your blood! I love you Virgil, why can’t you see that!”
Virgil’s small squeak is what broke Logan out of it. He let go of his hoodie and backed away quickly, shock on his face.
“Virgil I..i am…"he took a breath, trying to force himself calm. "I apologize, my actions were not…they were uncalled for and I am Sorry I did that-”
“Did you mean it?”
“Did you mean it when you said you loved me?”
Logan blushed and steeled himself, trying to prepare for the worse. He gave a nod. “I..I do love you Virgil…in a…romantic sense.”
Virgil seemed to relax a bit and rubbed on his bleeding lip. “Well…it would have been nice to be asked first, but….I’m glad.”
Virgil walked over to Logan and grabbed his tie, gently pulling him in closer and giving him a soft kiss.
“Love you too.”
I loved this! Thank you so much!! I always love receiving fanfic, especially from you. ~S
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