writer-of-the-lamb · 9 months
"darkwood dating" - cotl oneshot
--the lamb shoots his shot. narinder replies accordingly--
The sun shone through the thick forest canopy, casting dappled light onto Narinder and the lamb as they wandered. Holding a map from Clauneck in his hands, the lamb turned to face him.
"We have arrived."
Narinder raised an eyebrow, all three eyes looking around skeptically. "..Arrived where, exactly?"
The lamb flourished his arm outwards, conjuring a picnic blanket in checkered red from his crown before adding a wooden table atop it. Narinder watched him craft, giving the crown's eye a dirty look.
Sometimes he kicked himself for giving that thing away.
The lamb pulled back a chair, bowing slightly and looking up to Narinder. "Take a seat." he said, grinning.
Disgusted, Narinder sat himself down. "How will this help us harvest for the feast tonight?" he asked as the lamb sat across from him and leant onto his elbows.
"Oh that was a lie. I already have stuff ready." The lamb revealled nonchalantly, tilting his head. "Soo..."
Unamused, Narinder scowled. "So what?"
"How are yooou?"
"I beg your pardon."
"You enjoying the weather?" The lamb tried again, winking with a click of his tongue.
Narinder's face scrunched in horror. "Are you...attempting to advance on me?"
The lamb's eyes crinkled in a smile. "Now who implied that?" he said innocently.
"W- you are asking me mundane questions. Am I incorrect to assume that is not an attempt at being forward?" Narinder argued, waving his hands.
The lamb chuckled, eyes glistening merrily. "I think you're being forward."
Narinder's eye twitched. "What is this." he whispered, terrified, scanning the perimeter of the forest clearing they were in, "This is a trap."
"I'd never."
"You just killed a follower in cold blood after she neglected to tend the farms."
The lamb giggled, almost airily. "Whoopsie."
Narinder broke his gaze off of the lamb, watching the swaying camellia like they were about to jump out and kill him. "Forgive me, but I am incredibly suspicious of your motives."
"Why's that?" The lamb asked, grinning again.
Narinder paused, eyes narrowed. "Forget it." he muttered, turning away in his chair. "Must we sit here for longer?"
"Until you answer my questions, yes."
A loud groan.
"Ask me your ridiculous queries, then." Narinder mumbled, clenching his jaw.
The lamb beamed, now kicking his feet under the table. "How are you on this fine day, then?" he chirped, tilting his head.
"How do you find the weather?"
"How do you find the flowers?"
"The colour is acceptable."
"What about Darkwood?" "It was better before this."
The lamb laughed - a merry laugh Narinder didn't think he'd quite heard before. There'd been a lot of chuckles, snickers, snorts at his expense...especially when he had been dethroned...but a laugh?
Narinder's face softened slightly as the lamb wiped his eyes.
"I'd apologise but I don't entirely care about you hating me." he chuckled, grinning.
"I don't hate you."
The lamb's gaze snapped back onto him.
Narinder pursed his lips, looking away.
"Repeat that?" The lamb asked wide-eyed, leaning forward.
"Be prepared to sit here forever then."
A pause.
"I simply stated...that I do not despise your presence before me in the circumstance of a table-sat gathering."
"You like me."
"If any soul here favours someone, it is you toward I." Narinder scoffed. "You are a pathetically obvious fool, Lamb. One I regrettably enjoy tolerating."
"Your fancy words don't hide your true feelings." The lamb smirked, "How would you feel if I was 'advancing' on you?" he asked, using air quotes.
"Disgusted." Narinder replied.
The lamb rolled his eyes, chuckling.
"..but not impartial."
The lamb waggled his eyebrows. "Pathetic display, truly. I have been better wooed by specks of dirt." Narinder said, fighting a smile.
The lamb leaned forward on his elbows, whispering. "Specks of dirt wouldn't dare approach you under my gaze."
Narinder felt the sun get hotter on his face. "Your sudden vocabulary change does not impress me, Lamb."
The lamb stood from his seat, walking over. "So if I told you something like 'the crimson upon these flowers has nothing on the divine red of your soul', you wouldn't be interested?"
Narinder shut his mouth.
The lamb stepped back, chuckling. "We can go back now, by the way. I'm shooting a shot." he grinned. "Can't blame me fo-" Narinder rose from his seat, abruptly seizing the lamb by his robe and kissing him firmly.
The lamb's eyes widened just as Narinder let him go, turning on his heel back toward the cult.
"Are you advancing on me?" The lamb mocked, running after him.
Narinder smiled a small smile. "Now who implied that?"
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idyllcy · 3 months
Hmm how do you feel about a Chinese!Tim Drake??
I’ve seen a tag like that across ao3 and now I’m hooked with that headcanon/idea!
I have to know what would you describe his facial features to be like? Yk like eye shape?, nose, mouth, etc?? I’m curious
SCREAMS. NONNIE. ARGHHH you’ve just unleashed a brainrot I’ve been refusing to share with anyone in case I’m like insane sounding so I’m taking the chance and yapping
Chinese Tim is so real to me. But the funnier thing would be that Tim and Cass are either related or distantly related bc that just sounds so fun and they’re like. So fun. Yeah. Okay.
Chinese Tim I think retains nearly everything except his eye color, and depending on if you wanna make him idk wasian or just don’t care for genetics keep his blue eyes or wtv but Chinese Tim grows up as one of the few if not only Chinese elite family in Gotham and learns to hide so much of the culture he experiences both at home and on the excursions his family goes on to visit the motherland so he understands and speaks his language so well but he’s told to accept that he has to learn the way that the majority in Gotham act and he tries so hard to be perfect
and he has helicopter parents and a tiger mom bc it’s not a chinese family with an only child if your parents aren’t trying to control your every move and he has so many extracurriculars all so he can go to the best uni except he feels vastly empty so— just realized that you asked for features sorry for the hc of his backstory oopsie
features wise I think he looks pretty much the same except his eyes are brown and he’s just overall more Asian looking. Eyes wise I hc him to have more upturned eyes and a monolids but he’s got the face card to get scouted on the street by modeling agencies whenever he goes back to visit… also giving him a high nose bridge and a button nose just bc I have one too (this is called projection bc if I have it he does too) but yeah he’s just gorgeous overall. Sorry for yapping do you still think I’m hot and mysterious
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jeanmoreaux · 11 months
Does it make sense that while I’m excited for the sunshine ☀️ court (LMAOOO I LOVE HOW CHEESE THIS IS I REALLY DO) —I don’t want to hear anything (READ anything) about our OG cast from the series? Does that make sense at all?? Like it’s perfect™️ the way Nora wrote everything and ended the story so it’s like I don’t want it touched or don’t feel it’s necessary to ‘check in’ other than maybe some other characters mentioning them at most AM I INSANE DOES ANYONE FEEL ME
Kinda like that random, but pleasant .03 seconds cameo in a beloved film in reference to something that says sO MUCH but there’s no need to explain ARGHHH SKSKSKSKKSKS the #brainrot is real
P.S. a part of me is totally feeling this out of the blue news was because y’all were manifesting it by just hyping up the love for TFC again and 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
no i think that makes a lot of sense. in my mind, aftg (and that story about neil and the foxes) is done. it doesn't need to be added to. BUT i think, as someone who has read the extra content, there is not really a fear that she will hit me with something in tsc that i don't already know? i mean i already know some details of what happens one year, three years, several years post aftg. and while i might not vibe with everything she revealed all these years back, i don't think nora can ruin aftg if she mentions some of that stuff. we don't know how faithful to her old statements she will be tho....maybe she'll turn them on their heads idk. i don't believe she will do that. but. we don’t know. so yeah i don't think you are insane!!! i honestly don't think tsc will have much about the foxes in it. maybe a game or something? cannot imagine she has the time for more than small cameos and references. maaaaybe there will be some more renee. depending on how nora will play this. but. we'll see. i, for one, am both very very excited and scared to find out jsdhsjhjs
also P.S. that's so sweet 🥰 i wish i manifested that and the special edition into being (tho i have been talking about special editions a lot in sep/oct lol). i am definitely not that powerful tho. maybe my instincts picked up on vibes nora was sending out into the world that activated my brainrot like i am a sleeper agent.
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