#BP Operator Machine Price
harshithahc · 2 years
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
I was a bit surprised to see that mhj specifically said that newjeans had approved the statement saying that belift had copied newjeans' concept with illit. I'm not the type of person that thinks that you're a bitch for asserting position or your value, so this isn't where I'm coming from, but, especially in an industry where it's so rare to see groups say anything negative about other groups, particular junior groups I would think, it was quite the strong, swift position to take. Do you foresee newjeans continuing to engage publicly with this scandal, and how would you think taking an active part in this would affect their brand?
Ask 2:
bp in your opinion is there any chance that in this Hybe/MHJ situation there's a buried kind of double-blind motivation?
Like the kind i've seen attributed to E|on Musk, where he creates a big scandal to provide cover when he's doing something much shadier (and then maybe it gets out of hand, like the TwiX thing lol)
You've said you're pretty familar with the corporate side machinations - could Hybe be purposefully airing all this, sure to stick it to MHJ, but also to temporarily drive down stock prices for idk easy shares-repurchasing? Or even allowing a mess they can blame for having to report lower numbers to shareholders for whatever reason: boycott actually impacting profit, hedging against lower-than-predicted bts returning numbers, etc.
Or is this too convoluted of conspiracy thinking and BPD/HYBE/MHJ, and by extension from your recent posts basically 'corporate kpop' entire, are really just that transparent and petty?
Ask 3:
Might be a stupid question because I honestly don't have any clue about corporate businesses and how they work. But in the light of this scandal and how BigHit/Hybe developed over the last years: would you say this is what you get when you become too greedy instead of concentrating on what you were good at?
Ask 4:
in your opinion, is mhj truly an indispensable part of newjeans creative output? Also, do you see any way that hybe would let newjeans leave with its name and discography if they try to break their contract to go with mhj like some people are saying?
Ask 5:
I’m seeing a lot of discussion about whether newjeans will try to leave with mhj and break their contract with hybe, but I don’t see this as a realistic scenario, and I especially don’t see hybe letting them leave with their name and discography. You mentioned that there are a limited set of options now, but is this even one of them? In my mind, newjeans as a concept either stays at hybe, with or without mhj in whatever capacity, or can’t really exist legally
Ask 6:
Also this has given everyone (kpop stans, ARMYs, journalists) the go ahead to drag Newjeans in order to "defend" Illit, BTS, Riize, etc by throwing (again) dozens of plagiarism accusations and trying to discredit everything the group has done and achieved. And it was started by Hybe themselves... I have no words, bpp
I think these six asks capture most of the talking points in the asks I've received since yesterday, so I'll use these to answer your questions.
The sheer amount of spin happening in the media right now is ridiculous lmaoo. With the mention of BTS in the "escape files", ARMYs have predictably moved from shady bystanders to actively joining in the negative spin, spreading rumor articles and many are now attacking the girls themselves. But honestly, this is nothing less than what I expected. NewJeans is the most popular group in Korea, the 2nd most valuable IP only behind BTS, and Min Heejin is the brains behind the operation - an achievement she's insisted on taking full credit for since inception. Leaving the only option for whoever is masterminding this from within and outside HYBE, to destroy her reputation as an executive completely to diminish her value to outside investors, and weaken the fan support for NewJeans given how closely they are already associated with MHJ. And that's what is happening. It impacts every group at HYBE and nearly obliterates the viability of NewJeans.
For HYBE, it's a tolerable loss given there's only one year left before BTS returns and closes that earnings gap in mere months. Whoever took this action sees it simply as resulting in a numerical loss that can be soon corrected, but personally, I disagree, for the same reasons I objected to HYBE's acquisition of SM even though on paper it made numerical sense.
Anon in ask 1: I can understand your surprise but sad as it is to say, I expected that response from MHJ. She's a creative, not a PR exec or an MBA-credentialled suit. I'm not sure how familiar you are with ADOR's press releases in general, but anybody who reads them can tell there's almost no corporate doublespeak, no vague allusions, nothing that shows it's written by a typical media-trained PR person. Which is why most people, including you, take that statement to mean NewJeans agrees with MHJ that Illit copied them (it's a possibility), when in reality the language shows it could refer to them agreeing with MHJ's assertion that HYBE hasn't duly responded to her requests about inter-label discrimination, or other related matters. That's the kind of detail a trained PR person would be sure to include, to minimize the fallout to NJ, but just as with the press release on Cookie, the one on Minji's rival sasaeng, the response to Hyein's veneer rumours, and practically every press release ADOR has put out, the language is unsophisticated.
"Do you foresee newjeans continuing to engage publicly with this scandal, and how would you think taking an active part in this would affect their brand?"
NewJeans has so far not engaged publicly with this scandal. MHJ has mentioned them to signal any separation between them will likely be contested. It's leverage. If they do take an active part in this scandal, it will completely destroy their brand. Like, it's already on life support. Anything more and we might as well say their last rites.
Anon in ask 2: I'd say that's not a conspiracy exactly but it is kinda pushing it. Anytime there's a stock dip it's a buying opportunity, and HYBE is always guaranteed to be a Buy so long as BTS is slated to return within 12 months of the stock event. But we simply don't have any clear indications that's the case now given the timing doesn't quite line up. If anything, that is more like the 4th order side-effect.
And yeah, people on the corporate side, not just in k-pop, are many times just that petty. But it's also true this case has been sensationalized in particular ways to appeal to k-pop stans specifically.
Anons in ask 4 & 5: The options available are:
MHJ leaves HYBE and NewJeans stays in HYBE
MHJ leaves HYBE and NewJeans leaves with her
MHJ stays in HYBE but is demoted from her exec role and NewJeans stays in HYBE
MHJ stays in HYBE and keeps her exec role and NewJeans stays in HYBE
None of these options are good, but the worst of these evils is option 2. If the members attempt to leave with her, there's no pretty way to say this, but they'll be done. I'm not even going to waste time writing all the ways HYBE and k-pop stans as a whole will rip them to shreds, all I'll say is that whoever is attached to these girls should consider taking a 6 months sabbatical away from k-pop entirely once that news breaks. The law is not on their side and public opinion, especially after all the 'leaks' and spin from HYBE in the last 72 hours, certainly isn't on their side either. It would be career suicide.
"in your opinion, is mhj truly an indispensable part of newjeans creative output?"
Personally, I think yes. Every label at HYBE had similar initial monetary investment as NewJeans and ADOR had, and other groups from the Big 3 have had even bigger investments and resources at their disposal. There isn't a single group, both within HYBE and outside HYBE, that has yielded the same results as NewJeans in the same period of time. Illit comes close, but even with their achievements they haven't reached the same (positive) notoriety as NewJeans did at debut. All HYBE groups have access to HYBE's youtube channel, connections and resources, and yet the achievements of BOYNEXTDOOR, LE SSERAFIM, ENHYPEN, and even ILLIT, are nowhere near comparable to that of NewJeans. And I agree with MHJ that she's the primary reason why. Having access to resources is only one part of the equation. How you allocate those resources and what you do with it is far more important, and this is where MHJ and ADOR excels relative to other sub-labels.
NewJeans without MHJ will not be nearly as threatening to everyone else in k-pop, and I suspect this is one reason there have been calls for her to be removed from managing the group since their debut.
Anons in ask 3 & 6: Yeah there's a fair bit of greed on show here. Generally, for a lot of people in this industry, greed is good... unless the greedy person is a woman. Because the only thing more central to nasty corporate tussles like this, more than greed, is ego.
I'm not trying to play the gender card, but sometimes I do wonder why there are no articles like this about people like Jaden Jeong and Simon Jakob given the reputation those men have in corporate circles, where top officials (in this case, within HYBE) are saying they cannot possibly work with MHJ because she is "overly and excessively opinionated". I'm highlighting this article because despite the initial paragraphs of spin, that bit is the only thing consistent with MHJ's claim that this attack from HYBE started because she'd filed a whistleblowing report on toxic inter-label competition and followed up an email that said quote:
"..is this deliberate obtuseness and unapologetic behaviour consistent with HYBE's founding philosophy of rebelling against unfair practices in the entertainment industry?"
I mean... in corporate Korea, I can see how they were sick of her shit and it was only a matter of time before she got the boot.
The insidious thing about spin is that it mixes the truth with lies, making it easy for people to accept it wholly. It's entirely possible that MHJ wants more compensation, more autonomy and independence, feels that Belift and other companies borrowed her ideas without full credit, and that she was unsupported by HYBE HQ. It's entirely possible that she took actions such as monitoring fan feedback of the group(s) she suspects and filing a whistleblowing report to build a case - according to both MHJ and others at HYBE, these are complaints she's apparently had since last year, but none of those things would justify HYBE's response nor is it enough to turn people against her.
What I find particularly interesting about this case, is that everything that decisively incriminates her of the more sensational and sinister allegations, comes from the person of VP L or CEO A - a person who only joined ADOR in January 2024, shortly after which HYBE received their first tip-off that MHJ was planning to escape. It's VP L who titles documents with the equivalent of "TOP SECRET DO NOT TOUCH" on company computers... the same guy that's supposedly a double agent working in favour of MHJ and ADOR but is situated within ADOR, not HYBE, where simple logic shows he'd be most useful. Unless he's situated right where he's supposed to be.
HYBE has requested for a shareholder meeting on April 30th where they'll likely table the motion for MHJ to resign regardless of what's found in the audit. Far as I know, she's completed the audit questionnaire but not surrendered her laptop as HYBE has requested. Given the play is for HYBE to kick her out while continuing to manage NJ, I can see how she'd rather die than surrender her laptop and hand over her ideas (and potentially incriminating info) to HYBE on a silver platter for them to use in her wake.
Every way this shakes out is bad news for HYBE groups IMO. So long as NewJeans keeps quiet and sides with HYBE, they'll be somewhat okay. But regardless of the fallout from HYBE cannibalizing itself, all HYBE groups have no choice but to take it on the chin and bide their time until BTS comes back to capture the attention back to them.
I hope I answered all your questions. IMO there's really no point talking more about this until there's a firm conclusion.
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reality-detective · 10 months
Exposed: The Secret Dominion of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans 💥
Prepare to uncover the startling reality behind the world's most influential families and their immense control over the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, consisting of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, wields unprecedented power that extends well beyond the realm of oil.
Imagine this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, unite with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. Yet, their dominion doesn't stop there. Through an intricate web of private banks, they have expanded their influence to encompass the music industry. These colossal entities, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, hold the reins of the music industry, allowing them to shape its trajectory and exert their influence.
The Machiavellian machinations of the Rockefeller dynasty reach far and wide, commencing with their commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a sinister plot to shift the world's standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke heightened aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical ailments. Behind closed doors, this manipulation resulted in financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies associated with the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and influential organizations.
Fast forward to the late 1980s when the Rockefellers summoned top music executives and artists to a highly clandestine meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, intricately linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme enterprises.
Crafting a deceitful plan, the Rockefellers aimed to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together leading executives and prominent black artists, binding them with strict confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: orchestrate violence within the rap music movement while major record labels secured exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. In return, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.
The Masonic scheme unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems incarcerating more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers' malevolent plan. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, establishing an extensive money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced at 8 times their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed prison privatization into a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise.
Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the expanding private prisons. Consequently, the United States holds the unfortunate record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not a coincidence—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefellers.
But their influence doesn't stop there.
As the true faces of those who wield global authority are revealed, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers find themselves targeted by military alliance operations aiming to dismantle the Rothschilds' deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.
- Julian Assange WikiLeaks 🤔
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mariacallous · 2 years
After BP’s big results announcement today, it’s clear that major questions remain about Rishi Sunak’s windfall tax. The oil giant registered profits of $8.2bn (£7.1bn) over the past three months, almost triple the profit it made for the same period last year. While BP reports it expects to pay about £700m in windfall tax on its North Sea operations this year, it also plans to spend more than three times that much on a $2.5bn (£2.17bn) share buyback programme, handing surplus cash back to its shareholders instead of using it for renewable investment or lowering prices.
Sunak introduced the tax when he was chancellor, promising to redistribute the extraordinary profits of oil and gas companies to households and businesses in the form of cost of living support. Thanks to extremely generous loopholes – which provide tax breaks in return for investments, such as drilling oil in the North Sea – the energy profits levy looks set to miss out on vital revenues. Shell has made more than $30bn (£26bn) in net income since the start of the year, and still hasn’t paid a single penny in additional tax from the levy in the UK.
As prime minister, Sunak is once again looking at ways to raise tax revenues for the government. Rather than return to the public service cuts of the austerity era, he may turn his focus back to the behaviour of the companies he first targeted in May.
Companies producing oil and gas have been making eye-watering profits this year while average energy bills have doubled since last October, even with the government’s energy price cap holding down costs. This is no coincidence: their windfall profits are the result of sharp increases in the wholesale price of energy and represent direct cash transfers from the pockets of households and businesses.
But instead of channelling all of their profits into productive investments, energy companies have transferred most of their extra cash straight to shareholders in the form of dividends and “buybacks”. Dividends are the primary means of paying shareholders when the company makes a profit, while buybacks reward shareholders by inflating the value of a company’s stock. Share buybacks were illegal in the UK until 1981 because they were considered by many to be a form of market manipulation.
Despite aiming to invest billions in the UK’s “energy system” by 2030, Shell and BPhave transferred more than $28.6bn to shareholders through buybacks this year. The prediction by BP’s chief executive last year that rising oil prices would turn the company into a “cash machine” for its investors was proven right again this morning when it announced the latest round of buybacks. As IPPR and Common Wealth recently showed, in the first half of this year BP spent 10 times as much on transferring cash to shareholders through buybacks as it invested into renewable energy. Shell spent seven times as much on buying back its own shares as it invested into renewables in the same period.
Oil and gas giants are among the most extreme examples of this practice, but they aren’t anomalies. Cash transfers to shareholders have increased across the UK economy since the pandemic ended. Shareholder payouts, which slumped to record lows during Covid, are now 30% higher than they were pre-pandemic. Buybacks have rebounded 20-fold since their lowest point during the pandemic and are now twice as high as their previous peak in 2018.
Astonishingly, shareholders pay less tax on the wealth they earn from owning stocks than working people do on their wages and salaries. Dividends and buybacks are taxed at consistently lower rates than income tax, allowing asset owners to accumulate wealth while paying less tax than workers.
These payouts overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest members of society. Recent analysis by Common Wealth shows that the top 1% of households overwhelmingly dominate the direct ownership of UK shares. This means that while households struggle with the cost of living crisis, profits are being channelled into the hands of wealthy asset-owners. This situation is unjustifiable. Taxes on shareholder payouts should be raised to ensure that companies are not channelling profits to their investors at a time of national economic crisis.
The Biden administration recently introduced a small tax on share buybacks to fund renewable energy projects and reduce the US government’s deficit. Analysis by IPPR and Common Wealth shows that if the UK government followed suit, it could raise £225m a year. Alternatively, a “windfall” tax on share buybacks could raise up to £11bn in a year, more than half coming from the buybacks of Shell and BP alone. A higher tax would also encourage companies to reinvest their profits into the economy and in the process boost growth, innovation and job creation.
At the same time, the government could close the loopholes that allow shareholders to pay less tax than workers. Bringing taxes on dividends in line with income tax levels would raise £6bn a year.
Targeting the imbalance between growing shareholder payouts and falling household income would allow the government to continue supporting households and businesses without returning to austerity. It’s vital that we prioritise these progressive revenue-raisers over the failed spending cuts of the past.
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rudrabrothersworld · 5 days
Blood Pressure Monitoring Machines: Popular Brands, and Buying Guide
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Maintaining optimal blood pressure is crucial for overall health, and with today's busy lifestyles, home blood pressure monitoring has become more essential than ever. Whether you're dealing with hypertension or just aiming to stay proactive about your health, having a reliable blood pressure monitoring machine at home can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll explore the types of blood pressure monitors available, popular brands like Omron, pricing trends in India, and where to buy your ideal device.
Why Blood Pressure Monitoring is Important
Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day based on activity levels, stress, and diet. For those diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension), monitoring these fluctuations at home provides insights that can help prevent serious conditions like heart disease or stroke. Home monitoring ensures that you stay informed and in control of your health on a daily basis.
Types of Blood Pressure Monitoring Machines
There are different types of blood pressure monitors to suit various needs and preferences. Let's take a look at the main categories.
Manual Blood Pressure Monitors
These are the traditional sphygmomanometers that require a stethoscope to listen for heartbeats. While they are highly accurate, they require skill and training to use effectively, making them less common for home use.
Digital Blood Pressure Monitors
These are the most common for personal use. They provide automatic readings at the push of a button and come with features like memory storage and digital displays, making them user-friendly for individuals without medical training.
Wrist vs. Upper Arm Monitors
Upper arm monitors are generally more accurate and reliable compared to wrist monitors, as the latter can sometimes give inconsistent readings due to improper positioning. However, wrist monitors are more compact and convenient for travel.
Key Features to Look for in a BP Monitor
When choosing a blood pressure monitor, there are several important features to consider:
Accuracy is the most critical factor. Opt for a monitor that is clinically validated to ensure the readings are trustworthy.
Memory Storage
Monitors with memory storage allow you to track multiple readings over time, which can be useful for sharing trends with your healthcare provider.
Ease of Use and Display
A large, clear display and simple operation make a BP monitor accessible for all users, particularly the elderly.
Connectivity and App Integration
Some advanced models can sync with smartphone apps to help track your readings over time, offering a more comprehensive view of your health.
Popular Brands of Blood Pressure Monitors in India
Omron Blood Pressure Monitors
omron blood pressure monitor price is a leading brand known for accuracy and reliability. Their monitors are widely used in hospitals and homes alike, featuring cutting-edge technology and user-friendly designs.
Dr. Morepen BP Monitors
Dr. Morepen offers a range of affordable yet accurate monitors. Their products are known for their simplicity and ease of use, making them a popular choice for home use.
Beurer BP Monitors
This German brand is known for high-quality medical equipment, including BP monitors that boast excellent accuracy and durability.
HealthSense BP Monitors
A newer entrant in the Indian market, HealthSense provides affordable monitors with the latest technology and features like Bluetooth connectivity.
Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Price in India
Omron offers various models, and their prices range from affordable to premium depending on the features. For example:
Omron HEM 7120: ₹2,500 - ₹3,000 (basic model)
Omron HEM 7600T: ₹6,500 - ₹8,000 (advanced model with Bluetooth)
You can find Omron monitors at medical equipment stores, major e-commerce platforms like Amazon, and pharmacies.
BP Machine Price in India: General Overview
The price of blood pressure monitors in India varies based on factors such as brand, type, and features:
Manual BP Monitors: ₹800 - ₹1,500
Digital BP Monitors: ₹1,500 - ₹5,000 for basic models; premium models with advanced features may go up to ₹8,000 or more.
Why Choose Omron Blood Pressure Monitors?
Omron is known for its accuracy, advanced technology, and user-friendly designs. The brand also offers a wide range of models to suit different needs, from basic monitors to models with Bluetooth connectivity and memory for multiple users.
Comparison: Omron vs. Other Brands
Price Comparison
While Omron tends to be slightly more expensive than brands like Dr. Morepen or HealthSense, it is known for better durability and accuracy, which can justify the BP machine price difference.
Feature Comparison
Omron models often come with advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity, large memory storage, and smartphone app integration, which are not always available in lower-priced brands.
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd.: A Trusted Supplier
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. is a prominent supplier of medical equipment in India, offering a range of products, including blood pressure monitors. Known for their reliability and quality, they are a trusted source for both individuals and healthcare facilities.
Where to Buy Blood Pressure Monitors in India
You can purchase blood pressure monitors from a variety of places:
Online Marketplaces: Amazon, Flipkart, and 1mg offer competitive prices and user reviews.
Local Medical Stores: For immediate purchases and after-sales service.
Authorized Retailers: Specific brands like Omron have authorized dealers that sell genuine products.
How to Properly Use a Blood Pressure Monitor
For accurate readings, follow these steps:
Sit in a comfortable position with your back supported.
Place the cuff on your upper arm or wrist, depending on the model.
Ensure the cuff is at heart level.
Press the start button and remain still while the reading is taken.
The Importance of Regular Blood Pressure Monitoring
Monitoring your blood pressure regularly helps in early detection of hypertension, which can prevent complications like heart attacks and strokes. It also allows your doctor to adjust medications as needed.
Maintenance and Care of BP Machines
Keep the machine clean and store it in a cool, dry place.
Replace batteries as required.
Calibrate the machine periodically to ensure accuracy.
Customer Reviews and Experiences with BP Monitors
Users often appreciate features like ease of use and memory storage, while some note that certain models can be slightly bulkier. Overall, brands like Omron receive high marks for reliability.
When it comes to choosing a blood pressure monitor, it’s important to consider factors like accuracy, ease of use, and price. Brands like Omron offer advanced features that justify their higher price tags, while more affordable options are also available for those on a budget. Regular monitoring can be a lifesaver, helping you stay on top of your health.
How Accurate Are Digital Blood Pressure Monitors? Most digital monitors are clinically validated, making them highly accurate for home use.
Is It Necessary to Buy an Expensive BP Monitor? Not necessarily. Many affordable options offer accurate readings, though premium models come with more features.
Can I Use a Wrist Monitor Instead of an upper-arm one? While wrist monitors are convenient, upper arm monitors are generally more accurate.
How Often Should I Calibrate My BP Monitor? It’s recommended to calibrate your monitor once a year or as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Where Can I Find the Best Deals on BP Monitors in India? Online marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart often have discounts, especially during sales events.
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coltermartinez · 1 year
Intelligent Pump Market Size and Share Analysis by Key Players, 2018-2027
Intelligent Pump Market: Growth Analysis by Revenue, Size, Share, Scenario on Latest Trends & Types, Applications Forecast To 2027
Global Intelligent Pump Market Is Segmented By (Pump Type: Centrifugal Pumps, Positive Displacement Pumps by Component: (Control System, Variable Drives, Pumps) By End-User: (Building Automation, Oil & Gas, Water & Wastewater, Chemicals, Power Generation, Others)
Artificial intelligent pumps are used to control the pressure, flow check and temperature. Artificial intelligent pumps are more beneficial in saving energy, cost effectiveness and improves the lifetime and efficiency of pumping system.
Artificial intelligence pumps have set of GPS model chips installed in it, which can be directly monitored from PC or smartphones.
Market forecast & trends
The global intelligent pump market is expected to grow around USD 1 billion at a CAGR of 7.3% till the expected forecast period i.e. 2018-2027. Global intelligent pump market is likely to grow significantly in Asia pacific region (China, Japan, India and rest of Asia Pacific), North America (the U.S., Mexico, and Canada), Europe (the U.K, Germany) and Rest of the World due to the increased demands for artificial intelligent pumps.
Shifting trend of market from old conventional pumps to the new automated intelligence pumps has positively supported in growth of the market in 2017 and is expected to follow the same trend in future also.
In terms of regional platform, North America is anticipated to acquire largest market share in the forecasted period i.e. 20178-2027 with a significant growth rate, owing to increase numbers of offshore activities in and oil/gas industry.
Download Sample of This Strategic Report @https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-1277 Growth drivers
The increase in population and changing lifestyle has resulted in high demand for fuel and energy for various purposes, which parallelly has raised the demands for artificial intelligent pumps
Increase in the production of oil and gas industry that demands for pumps in performing their operation directly propelled growth in the market at significant rate. Qualities like cost effectiveness and low energy consumption of intelligent pumps are driving the growth in the market.
Old conventional pump demanded excessive energy consumption, but new automated pump requires less energy consumption and can also be directly monitored on screen without the hassle of human interference.
Moreover, the rising demand of medical products due to increasing number of diseases, such factor has forced the manufacturers to lift the productivity of products that requires the intelligent pumps is driving the growth of market.
One of the challenges that restraints the expansion of global intelligent pump is lack of trained staffed for operating automated dispensing machine.
The report titled “Global intelligent pump market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2025” delivers detailed overview of the global intelligent pump market in terms of market by region, by distribution channel, by price type, by switches, by key type, by connectivity. Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model. This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global intelligent pump market which includes company profiling of Flowserve Corp, Grundfos A/S, Sulzer AG, Quantum Flo, Inc., Xylem, Inc., CIRCOR International, Inc., Rockwell Automation, Emerson Electric Co., Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Yaskawa Electric Cor.
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of global intelligent pump market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
About Research Nester
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision so as to avoid future uncertainties.
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sohamtmr · 2 years
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 6% from 2019 to 2027
Transparency Market Research (TMR) has published a new report on the home blood pressure monitoring devices market for the forecast period of 2019–2027. According to the report, the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market was valued at ~ US$ 1 Bn in 2018, and is projected to expand at a CAGR of ~ 6% from 2019 to 2027.
Global Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market: Overview
Blood pressure measurement is a way of measuring how much force is being exerted on the walls of the blood vessels when blood flows through them. The two basic measuring units of blood pressure are systolic and diastolic.
A joint scientific statement from the American Heart Association, the American Society of Hypertension, and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association stated that, self-measurement of blood pressure at home has been shown to be useful in eliminating the white coat effect, and multiple readings can be taken over a prolonged period of time.
Growth of the global home blood pressure measurement market is attributed to the rise in the awareness about the advantages of self-measurement through several campaigns, such as 'Because I Say So', and the availability of affordable blood pressure monitors at online stores.
North America dominated the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market in 2018, and the trend is anticipated to continue during the forecast period. This is attributed to the larger user base of new advanced products such as wrist monitors, which come at a high price.
However, the increase in the number of local manufacturers that is creating a pricing pressure in the market is likely to hamper the growth of the global home blood pressure monitors market in North America in the latter half of the forecast period. Asia Pacific is expected to be a highly lucrative market for home blood pressure monitors during the forecast period.
Get Sample Copy of the Report @ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=70611
Rise in Awareness about Advantages of Home BP Machines and Launch of New Advanced Home BP Monitors to Drive Market
Technological advancements in the field of healthcare has brought about significant changes in health care diagnostics, treatment, and clinical research & development. This is a major factor driving the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market.
Developments in digital blood pressure monitors which help to connect the devices and send data directly to a doctor have led to new monitoring techniques for better treatment.
New wearable blood pressure monitors such as HeartGuide, where patients can keep a close watch on their blood pressure anytime and anywhere, are helpful in preventing heart diseases and strokes. Hence, technological developments in blood pressure monitors are propelling the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market.
Additionally, rise in the awareness about advantages such as reduction in white coat effect of self-measurement or home blood pressure measurement through various campaigns conducted by the International Society of Hypertension increases the number of users of home blood pressure monitors.
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Upper Arm Monitor Reagents to Dominate Market
In terms of product, the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market has been classified into upper arm monitors, wrist monitors, and accessories. The upper arm monitors segment dominated the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market in 2018, and the trend is likely to continue during the forecast period because of the high patient preference for these devices due to an easy operating mode.
Online Stores to be a Promising Distribution Channel
In terms of distribution channel, the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market has been divided into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, online stores, and others (distributor, departmental stores, etc.) 
The online stores segment is expected to be a highly lucrative segment of the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market during the forecast period. The segment is likely to be driven by the availability of a wide range of blood pressure monitors and low pricing.
North America a prominent Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market
Geographically, the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market has been segmented into five major regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America dominated the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market in 2018, followed by Europe. The region accounted for a major share of the global home blood pressure monitoring devices market in 2018, owing to the high user base of home-based blood pressure monitors.
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The home blood pressure monitoring devices market in Asia Pacific is projected to expand at a high CAGR from 2019 to 2027. This can be attributed to the large patient population, especially in countries such as India and China, where patients prefer to buy blood pressure devices for self-measurement.
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade. 
Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.
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jessicazoe01 · 5 years
Omron’s reputation for high-quality, blood pressure checker machine’s reasonable price in Pakistan and certain products has made it an established leader at home blood pressure stages notice a category for decades, and its 10 Sequence Higher Arm Blood vessels Pressure Observe continues the tradition of excellence.
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market-researchm · 3 years
Compressor Oil Market Overview, Growth Demand And Forecast Research Report To 2025
The global Compressor Oil Market is anticipated to reach USD 5.59 billion by 2025 and is estimated to develop at a CAGR of 5.1% for the duration of the prediction. The compressor oils confirm evener process and assist in dropping the idle time and overhaul of the machine. Furthermore, heat produced by compressors for the duration of processes outcome in additional power ingestion and wear & tear of the machine. These oils support in dissipation of the heat, maintaining the temperature of the compressor under in control.
The division of compressor oil market is based on the source of Type of End User. The market can be divided into Automobile, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Manufacturing and other industries. The subdivision of manufacturing is the biggest customer of compressors, and hence, compressor oils are expected to observe the maximum demand from this segment. The growth of the subdivision can be credited to increasing actions of repairs and lubrication uses. Speedy industrial development in the area of Asia Pacific together with prosperous automobile manufacturing is composed to increase the trades of compressors, so increasing the demand for compressor oils above the prediction period.
The division of compressor oil industry is based on the source of Type of Compressor. The market can be divided into Dynamic Compressor, Positive Displacement Compressor. The positive displacement compressors, which includes reciprocating piston type and rotary screw type, are utilized in diverse areas of manufacturing comprising Mining & Construction machines, Petrochemical, manufacturing of Chemicals and Metal.
Get Free PDF Sample Copy of the Report (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures) @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/compressor-oil-market/request-sample
The dynamic compressors are extensively utilized in Automobile Manufacturing, Mining, Purifying of Petrol, Treating of Foodstuff, Paper & Pulp manufacturing. Dynamic compressors consist of centrifugal and axial compressors. Increasing necessity for gas turbine upkeep facilities and oil processing plant procedures are expected to power the demand for the product in this section for the duration of the prediction.
The division of compressor oil market is based on the source of Type of Oil Base. The market can be divided into Bio-Based compressor oil, Semi-Synthetic compressor oil, Mineral compressor oil, Synthetic compressor oil. The synthetic oils are cleaner, not as much of costly, last for a long time, and a smaller amount of likely to adulteration as compare to conservative ones. Due to this, these oils are attaining reputation between industry members.
The division of compressor oils market is based on the source of Area. The division is done with respect to Trades in terms of intake, Profits, Market stake and Development percentage in these areas, for the duration of the prediction. The area wise division of the market comprises North America [U.S.A, Canada, Mexico], Europe [France, Spain, Germany, U.K., Russia], Asia Pacific [India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia], Central & South America [Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina], Middle East & Africa [Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa].
By the source of geography, the area of Asia Pacific was the prominent income donor in the international market during the past year, due to greater development percentage of most important end-use businesses for example fabrics, foodstuff treating, chemicals and metalworking, together with speedy suburbanization and industrial development. The provincial market offers various occasions to modernizers to present new-fangled goods by way of beneficial product features to knock into niche uses.
Reappearance in the industrialized actions, together with the transformation of manufacturing machines is composed to predict well for the market in the area of Europe for the duration of the prediction. The area is categorized by existence of nations for example Spain, Russia and France by means of deep-rooted and technologically advanced industrialized and automobile segments.
The demand in the area of North America is likewise mostly motivated by speedy industrial development in Mexico. This has appeared by way of a most important center of automobile manufacturing above the historical period. Low-slung prices and charges of manufacture because of nation’s far-reaching free trade contracts are firming up the prospective for Mexico to turn into a principal international base for export.
The statement revises Trades in terms of intake of compressor oil in the market. Particularly in the areas of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Central & South America and Middle East & Africa. It concentrates on the topmost companies operating in these areas and the nations. With reference to Trades, Price, Profits and Market stake for respective competitor in these areas. Some of the important companies, operating in the field on international level are Total SA, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Fuchs Lubricants, BASF SE, Croda International PLC, Fuchs Petrolub AG, BP PLC, Sasol Limited, the Dow Chemical Company, Lukoil, Sinopec Limited, Chevron Corporation, ExxonMobil Corporation.
Access Full Research Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/compressor-oil-market
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engineer-ai · 5 years
Shell Aims to Enroll Thousands in Online AI Training
Regal Dutch Shell PLC is expanding an online program that teaches its workers artificial intelligence abilities, part of an effort to reduce expenses, improve business processes and generate revenue.
The Anglo-Dutch oil organization, which has around 82,000 workers, said around 2,000 have communicated enthusiasm for or have approached by management about taking AI courses through online-education company Udacity Inc. They petroleum engineers, chemists and geophysicists, among others.
The courses are voluntary, not required, and representatives can finish them at their own pace during work hours, Shell said. The oil organization takes care of the cost of the training.
Shell has a broader strategy to embed AI across its operations, a move that has helped the oil giant lower costs and avoid downtime. Other oil-and-gas companies that have tapped AI to improve operations and reduce costs include Exxon Mobil Corp., BP PLC and Chevron Corp.
“Artificial intelligence enables us to process the vast quantity of data across our businesses to generate new insights which can keep us ahead of the competition,” said Yuri Sebregts, Shell’s chief technology officer, in an email.
The initiative at Shell expands a 2019 yearlong pilot program with Udacity, based in Mountain View, Calif., that included about 250 Shell data scientists and software engineers. They picked up AI skills such as reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning where algorithms learn the correct way to perform an action based on trial-and-error and observations.
Shell employees could use AI expertise, for example, to better predict equipment failures and automatically identify areas within a facility to reduce carbon emissions, said Dan Jeavons, Shell’s general manager of data science. Machine-learning algorithms could also help Shell better process seismic data, or data about geological rock formations underground, which could ultimately speed up the time it takes to assess decisions about where to drill, he said.
“Technology is moving so quickly that if you’re not continually training your people, you’re going to get out of date,” Mr. Jeavons said.
The company declined to disclose how much money it is spending on training, but Mr. Jeavons said it is a “material and strategic investment.”
Businesses pay for Udacity courses under an annual software licensing model. Prices depend on the length and customization of the course. The classes that Shell employees are pursuing, dubbed “nanodegrees,” cost $400 month on average when they are purchased by individual consumers, said Udacity Chief Executive Gabe Dalporto. The company declined to disclose its enterprise price structure.
Udacity’s courses for corporate employees are expected to be its largest business this year, Mr. Dalporto said, adding that enterprise interest in Udacity’s AI courses has “exploded” over the past two years. Other enterprise clients include Airbus SE, Ford Motor Co. and AT&T Inc.
“Any Fortune 500 company is realizing that AI is going to be disruptive,” said Sebastian Thrun, Udacity’s founder, president and executive chairman. Mr. Thrun also is the founder of Alphabet Inc.’s research arm X and Google’s self-driving efforts.
Shell employees can sign up for nanodegrees in subfields of artificial intelligence such as reinforcement learning, computer vision, data analysis and natural language processing, in which algorithms are used to extract meaning from users’ requests. The courses are project-based and can last as long as six months.
People who have completed the courses can list themselves as “Udacity nanodegree alumni” on professional networking site LinkedIn.
The educational initiative comes as Shell works to transform itself into a lower-carbon business while facing difficult market conditions. Shell has said it expects oil and gas to remain its core business, but it aims to be the world’s largest electric power company by the early 2030s.
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rudrabrothersworld · 3 months
Blood Pressure Management Made Easy: Understanding BP Machines
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Maintaining optimal health is an ongoing journey that requires constant attention and care. One of the critical aspects of health management is monitoring blood pressure, as it provides valuable insights into our cardiovascular health. Blood pressure (BP) machines are essential tools in this regard, offering accurate readings that can help you take timely actions to prevent potential health issues. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of BP machines, how to use them effectively, and explore some of the top BP machines on the market. We will also answer frequently asked questions about Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd., a leading packaging company in India, renowned for its commitment to quality and service.
Understanding Blood Pressure and Its Importance
Blood pressure is the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of the body's arteries. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and recorded with two numbers: systolic pressure (the higher number) and diastolic pressure (the lower number). High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. Regular monitoring of blood pressure helps in early detection and management of hypertension, contributing to overall health and well-being.
The Role of BP Machines in Health Management
BP machines, also known as blood pressure monitors, are devices that measure and display blood pressure readings. They are invaluable tools for both healthcare professionals and individuals managing their health at home. By providing quick and accurate measurements, BP Machine Price Omron enable users to track their blood pressure trends and make informed decisions about their health.
Types of BP Machines
There are two main types of BP machines:
Manual BP Machines: These traditional devices consist of a cuff, a bulb for inflating the cuff, and a gauge for reading the pressure. They require the use of a stethoscope and are often used by healthcare professionals.
Digital BP Machines: These are more user-friendly and come in automatic and semi-automatic versions. Digital BP machines typically have an inflatable cuff and a digital display that shows the blood pressure readings. They are ideal for home use due to their ease of operation and accuracy.
Key Features to Consider
When choosing a BP machine, consider the following features:
Accuracy: The most critical feature. Look for machines that are clinically validated for accuracy.
Ease of Use: Choose a machine that is easy to operate, especially if you are using it at home.
Cuff Size: Ensure the cuff fits your arm properly for accurate readings.
Memory Storage: Some machines can store multiple readings, which is useful for tracking trends over time.
Portability: If you need to monitor your blood pressure on the go, consider a compact and portable model.
Exploring Popular BP Machines
Omron is a well-known brand in the field of health monitoring devices. Their Omron BP Monitor Accuracy are renowned for their accuracy and reliability. The price of Omron BP machines varies based on the model and features. Here are some popular Omron BP machines and their approximate prices in India:
Omron HEM-7120: An affordable option with essential features, priced around INR 2,000.
Omron HEM-7130-L: Offers enhanced features like memory storage and irregular heartbeat detection, priced around INR 3,000.
Omron HEM-7600T: A premium model with Bluetooth connectivity and advanced features, priced around INR 6,000.
Omron BP monitors are widely recognized for their accuracy. They use advanced technology to provide precise readings, which is crucial for effective blood pressure management. Many Omron models are clinically validated and recommended by healthcare professionals. The brand's commitment to quality ensures that their devices consistently deliver reliable results, making them a trusted choice for users.
Using BP Machines Effectively
To get the most accurate readings from your BP machine, follow these steps:
Choose the Right Cuff Size: Make sure the cuff fits your arm snugly but comfortably.
Sit Correctly: Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back supported. Rest your arm on a table at heart level.
Avoid Caffeine and Exercise: Refrain from consuming caffeine or engaging in physical activity at least 30 minutes before measuring your blood pressure.
Relax: Sit quietly for a few minutes before taking the reading to ensure you are calm.
Follow Instructions: Adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for using the BP machine.
Taking multiple readings at different times of the day can help provide a comprehensive picture of your blood pressure levels. Record your readings and share them with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.
Monitoring blood pressure is a crucial aspect of health management, especially for those at risk of hypertension and related health issues. BP machines offer a convenient and accurate way to keep track of your blood pressure levels, enabling timely interventions and better health outcomes. By choosing a reliable BP Machine Price and using it correctly, you can take control of your cardiovascular health and prevent potential complications.
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. exemplifies excellence in the packaging industry, providing high-quality and innovative solutions that meet the highest global standards. Their commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability makes them a valuable partner for businesses across various sectors.
Whether you are looking to improve your health with a reliable BP machine or seeking top-notch packaging solutions from Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd., making informed decisions can lead to better health and business outcomes. Investing in the right equipment and partnering with reputable companies can make a significant difference in achieving your goals and enhancing your quality of lif
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What products does Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. specialize in?
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. is renowned for its high-quality packaging solutions. They specialize in a wide range of packaging materials, including flexible packaging, rigid containers, labels, and custom-designed packaging solutions. Their products cater to various industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, cosmetics, and consumer goods.
2. How does Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. ensure the quality of its packaging products?
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. employs state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control measures to ensure their products meet global standards. They invest in continuous research and development to innovate and enhance their packaging solutions, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of their clients.
3. Can Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. provide customized packaging solutions?
Yes, Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. offers customized packaging solutions tailored to the specific requirements of their clients. They work closely with customers to understand their needs and deliver packaging solutions that enhance product appeal, functionality, and sustainability.
4. What sets Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. apart from other packaging companies?
Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. stands out due to their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Their focus on achieving the highest global standards and their dedication to continuous improvement have earned them a reputation as a trusted partner in the packaging industry. They also prioritize sustainability, ensuring their products are environmentally friendly.
5. How can I contact Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. for more information?
You can contact Rudra Brothers Pvt. Ltd. through their official website or by reaching out to their customer service team via phone or email. Their responsive and knowledgeable team is ready to assist with any inquiries or requests for information.
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wolfliving · 6 years
Big Tech IoT Oil and Gas
*Well, there’s plenty of money in it.
Google recently drew criticism for spending $25,000 to co-sponsor a conference, along with Microsoft, which featured groups that promote climate change denial. Yet Google itself is helping fossil fuel companies utilize a wide range of its technologies to get oil and gas out of the ground, which will, undeniably, accelerate the process of climate change.
Last year, Google quietly started an oil, gas, and energy division. It hired Darryl Willis, a 25-year veteran of BP, to head up what the Wall Street Journal described as “part of a new group Google has created to court the oil and gas industry.” As the VP of Google Cloud Oil, Gas, and Energy, Willis spent the year pitching energy companies on partnerships and lucrative deals. “If it has to do with heating, lighting or mobility for human beings on this planet, we’re interested in it,” Mr. Willis told the Journal. “Our plan is to be the partner of choice for the energy industry.”
Just last year, Google Cloud and the French oil giant Total “signed an agreement to jointly develop artificial intelligence solutions for subsurface data analysis in oil and gas exploration and production,” according to the trade outlet Rigzone.
The division also inked a partnership with Houston oil investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co, which the Chronicle noted “will give Google a more visible presence in Houston as one of its oldest industries works to cut costs in the wake of the oil bust and remain competitive as electric vehicles and renewable power sources gain market share.” (In case that wasn’t clear, yes, this partnership is touted as helping oil companies staying competitive againstrenewable energy companies.) Google also struck major deals with the oilfield services company Baker Hughes, and the aforementioned Schlumberger. It even entered into talks to build a tech hub and data centers for Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s incomprehensibly massive oil company.
Finally, to close out its year of courting the oil and gas industry, Google closed a deal with Anadarko Petroleum. As the Financial Times reported in December, “Google and Anadarko Petroleum, one of the largest US exploration and production companies, are using artificial intelligence to analyse large volumes of seismic and operational data to find oil, maximise output and increase efficiency.”
So, Google is using machine learning to find more oil reserves both above and below the seas, its data services are streamlining and automating extant oilfield operations, and it is helping oil companies find ways to trim costs and compete with clean energy upstarts. It’s barely worth noting at this point that precious little, if any, DNA from Google’s Don’t Be Evil days persists. Still, it’s striking to see Google transforming itself into a veritable innovation arm of the fossil fuel extraction industry—at precisely the time when an understanding that climate change poses an existential threat to populations across large swaths of the globe has never been more acute.
It may perhaps come as less of a surprise that Amazon too has an Oil & Gas division of its omnipresent Web Services division (AWS), and that it is unabashed in pitching its services to fossil fuel producers small and large. Amazon, after all, has long badly lagged among tech companies in adopting renewable energy and sustainability measures. It did, however, just announce Shipment Zero, a “vision” for reducing and offsetting its shipping emissions to “net zero.”
Yet Amazon also hosts a detailed web page courting fossil fuel companies, which opens with the following pitch: “AWS allows Oil and Gas companies to streamline and reinvent complex, customized IT workflows to thrive despite low prices, shrinking margins, and market volatility. Explorers can extract deep insights faster to improve field planning, geoscientists can run more demanding HPC workflows and identify potential reservoirs faster and cheaper, and refineries can optimize production with predictive maintenance and predictive inventory planning.”
Also unsurprisingly—given that AWS provides web services to a considerable portion of the entire internet—it has some high-profile clients in the oil majors, including BP and Royal Dutch Shell, as well as other players like GE’s oil business. Like Google, Amazon’s service promises to help fossil fuel companies harness AI—”AWS advanced machine learning and HPC tools allow oil and gas companies to reduce the time required for seismic data processing from several months to a few days”—and automation: “Accelerate deeper geological insights to improve decision making in exploration and production, and yield more productive oil extraction. Automate time-consuming processes, and achieve results with greater accuracy.”... (((etc etc)))
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Marine Lubricants Market Analysis, Company Profiles, Competitive Landscape and Key Regions Analysis Available at
The global marine lubricants market size is anticipated to reach USD 9.47 billion by 2026 owing to the increasing need to protect engines from corrosion. This information is provided by a published report by Fortune Business Insights™. The title of the report is, “Marine Lubricants Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Product (Marine Cylinder Oil, Piston Engine Oil, System Oil, and Others; By Ship Type (Bulk Carrier, Oil Tankers, General Cargo, Container Ships, Others), and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026.” As per this report, the market value was USD 8.01 billion in 2018 and will rise at a CAGR of 2.13% during the forecast period, 2019 to 2026.
Information source:
Drivers –
Rising Focus on Enhancing the Operability of Ship Engines will Drive Market
The rise in fuel prices has propelled shipping companies to operate engines at maximum levels by slow steaming and save fuel. However, marine engines are incapable of operating at reduced rates continuously and this raises the possibility of corrosion in the engine and its associated strained components. For ensuring proper and safe functioning of engines, marine lubricants are a necessity. The above factor stands as a major driver for the marine lubricants market growth. Additionally, the rise in trade relations between nations and the expansion of e-commerce overseas are also helping the market gain impetus.
Furthermore, analysts at Fortune Business Insights™ say “Focus on keeping machines and marine vessels free from corrosion will help the market gain traction in the forecast period. This, coupled with the advent of bio-based lubricants in the market, will create lucrative growth opportunities for the market in the long run.”
Regional Analysis –
Increasing Trade Relations between Developing Nations to Help Asia Pacific Continue Dominance in Market
Asia Pacific holds the majority portion of the marine lubricants market share on account of the presence of large ship fleet companies in the region. These include China Shipping Container Lines, China Ocean Shipping Company, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, among others. As per the report by The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), around 50% of the ships across the world are owned by Asia Pacific Nations. Additionally, the presence of dry docks in this region is high and this also adds to the regional market growth. Furthermore, increasing trade relations between emerging nations such as Taiwan, China, and India, coupled with the rise in the number of naval vessels, will help augment the regional market in the forecast period.
On the other side, the market in North America held a single-digit share earning revenue of USD 3.41 Billion in 2018. This was due to the presence of a few ship owners in the region. However, with a steady increase in trade, this region will witness moderate growth in the foreseeable future.
Competitive Landscape –
Companies Engage in Contracts and Agreements to Stay Ahead of Competition
An estimate of 85% and more of marine lubricants worldwide are sold through supply agreements and contracts instead of being sold at stock price rates. Therefore, to strengthen their network across different ports for worldwide supply, manufacturers are emphasizing on entering into long-term contracts and agreements with shipping companies. For instance, a framework agreement was signed between CCCC Dredging (Group) Co. Ltd. and Shell for supplying marine lubricants and technical services via 700 ports and more in 61 nations across the globe.
Notable Marine Lube Market Manufacturers:
BP p.l.c.
Repsol S.A.
The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company
Eni oil Products
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Croda International Plc
AvinOil S.A.
Total SA
Royal Dutch Shell Plc
Gazprom Neft PJSC
Chevron Corporation
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kudos12 · 2 years
Global Intelligent Pump Market Is Segmented By (Pump Type: Centrifugal Pumps, Positive Displacement Pumps by Component: (Control System, Variable Drives, Pumps) By End-User: (Building Automation, Oil & Gas, Water & Wastewater, Chemicals, Power Generation, Others)
Artificial intelligent pumps are used to control the pressure, flow check and temperature.Artificial intelligent pumps are more beneficial in saving energy, cost effectiveness and improves the lifetime and efficiency of pumping system.
Artificial intelligence pumps have set of GPS model chips installed in it, which can be directly monitored from PC or smartphones.
Market forecast & trends
The global intelligent pump market is expected to grow around USD 1 billion at a CAGR of 7.3% till the expected forecast period i.e. 2018-2027. Global intelligent pump market is likely to grow significantly in Asia pacific region(China, Japan, India and rest of Asia Pacific), North America (the U.S., Mexico, and Canada), Europe (the U.K, Germany) and Rest of the World due to the increased demands for artificial intelligent pumps.
Shifting trend of market from old conventional pumps to the new automated intelligence pumps has positively supportedin growth of the market in 2017 and is expected to follow the same trend in future also.
In terms of regional platform, North America is anticipated to acquire largest market share in the forecasted period i.e. 20178-2027 with a significant growth rate, owing to increase numbers of offshore activities in and oil/gas industry.
Download Sample of This Strategic Report @https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-1277
Growth drivers
The increase in population and changing lifestyle has resulted in high demand for fuel and energy for various purposes, which parallely has raised the demands for artificial intelligent pumps
Increase in the production of oil and gas industry that demands for pumps in performing their operation directly propelled growth in the market atsignificant rate. Qualities like cost effectiveness and low energy consumption of intelligent pumps are driving the growth inthe market.
Old conventional pump demandedexcessive energy consumption, but new automated pump requires less energy consumption and can also be directly monitored on screen without the hassle of human interference.
Moreover, the rising demand of medical products due to increasing number of diseases, such factor has forced the manufacturers to lift the productivity of products that requires the intelligent pumps is driving the growth of market.
One of the challenge that restraints the expansion of global intelligent pumpis lack of trained staffed for operating automated dispensing machine.
The report titled “Global intelligent pumpmarket: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2025”delivers detailed overview of the global intelligent pumpsmarket in terms of market by region, by distribution channel, by price type, by switches, by key type, by connectivity. Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model. This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global intelligent pumpmarket which includes company profiling ofFlowserve Corp, Grundfos A/S, Sulzer AG, QuantumFlo, Inc., Xylem, Inc., CIRCOR International, Inc., Rockwell Automation, Emerson Electric Co., Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.,Yaskawa Electric Cor.
Curious about this latest version of report? Obtain Report Details @https://www.researchnester.com/reports/intelligent-pump-market/1277
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of global intelligent pumpmarket that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
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jessicazoe01 · 6 years
The mobile portable ultrasound machine price in Pakistan have diminished the distress of the patient to go all over in the healing center and sit tight for a considerable length of time for their turn.
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