#BNP 2014
beardedmrbean · 2 months
Bangladesh's parliament has been dissolved, a day after prime minister Sheikh Hasina was forced from power.
Ms Hasina resigned and fled the country after weeks of student-led protests spiralled into deadly unrest.
The dissolution of parliament, a key demand of protesters, paves the way for establishing an interim government.
Bangladeshis are waiting to see what comes next, as the country's military chief is holding talks with political leaders and protest organisers.
According to local media, more than 100 people died in violent clashes across Bangladesh on Monday, the single deadliest day since mass demonstrations began.
Hundreds of police stations were also torched, with the Bangladesh Police Service Association (BPSA) declaring a strike "until the security of every member of the police is secure".
The group also sought to place the blame at the door of authorities, saying they were "forced to fire".
Overall, more than 400 people are believed to have died, as protests were met with harsh repression by government forces.
The protests began in early July with peaceful demands from university students to abolish quotas in civil service jobs, but snowballed into a broader anti-government movement.
Weeks of unrest culminated in the storming of the prime minister's official residence, not long after Ms Hasina had fled to neighbouring India, ending nearly 15 years of rule.
Bangladeshi leaders are under pressure to establish an interim government to avoid a power vacuum that could lead to further clashes.
Within hours of her resignation, Bangladesh's army chief Gen Waker-uz-Zaman pledged that an interim administration would be formed, adding on state television that "it is time to stop the violence".
Student leaders have been clear they will not accept a military-led government, pushing for Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus to become the interim government's chief adviser.
Mr Yunus, who agreed to take up the role, said: “When the students who sacrificed so much are requesting me to step in at this difficult juncture, how can I refuse?”
He is returning to Dhaka from Paris, where he is undergoing a minor medical procedure, according to his spokesperson.
Meanwhile, ex-prime minister and key opposition leader Khaleda Zia was released from years of house arrest, a presidential statement said.
She chairs the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), which boycotted elections in 2014 and again in 2024, saying free and fair elections were not possible under Ms Hasina.
The BNP wanted the polls to be held under a neutral caretaker administration. This has now become a possibility after the departure of Ms Hasina, who had always rejected this demand.
Ms Zia, 78, served as prime minister of Bangladesh from 1991 to 1996, but was imprisoned in 2018 for corruption, although she said the charges were politically motivated.
She was not the only opposition figure to be released after years of detention.
Activist Ahmad Bin Quasem was also released from detention, according to his lawyer Michael Polak.
Rights groups say Mr Quasem was taken away by security forces in 2016, just one of hundreds of forced disappearances in the country under Ms Hasina's rule.
"There were many points during his detention that he was feared dead, and the uncertainty was one of the many tools of repression utilised by the regime," Mr Polak explained, adding they hoped the decision to release political prisoners "is a positive sign of their intentions".
"Unfortunately, the good news won’t be shared by all," he told the BBC, stating that a number of political prisoners had died in custody.
At least 20 other families of political prisoners gathered outside a military intelligence force building in the capital Dhaka earlier in the day, still desperately waiting for news about their loved ones, AFP news agency reports.
"We need answers," Sanjida Islam Tulee, a co-ordinator of Mayer Daak (The Call of the Mothers) campaign group, told the news agency.
Across the border in India, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said he was "deeply concerned till law and order is visibly restored" in Bangladesh, with which India shares a 4,096-km (2,545-mile) border and has close economic and cultural ties.
He gave the first official confirmation that Ms Hasina made a request to travel to India at "very short notice" and "arrived yesterday evening in Delhi".
India also deployed additional troops along its border with Bangladesh.
"Our border guarding forces have also been instructed to be exceptionally alert in view of this complex situation," Mr Jaishankar said.
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metamatar · 9 months
[From 15 Dec 2023]
me when im against fascism:
Its predecessor, the party (Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan), strongly opposed the independence of Bangladesh and break-up of Pakistan. In 1971, paramilitary forces associated with the party collaborated with the Pakistan Army in mass killings of Bangladeshi nationalists and pro-intellectuals.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20]
Upon the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the new government banned Jamaat-e-Islami from political participation since the government was secular and some of its leaders went into exile in Pakistan. Following the assassination of the first president and the military coup in 1975, the ban on the Jamaat was lifted and the new party Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh was formed. Exiled leaders were allowed to return. Abbas Ali Khan was the acting Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh. The Jamaat agenda is the creation of an "Islamic state" with the Sha'ria legal system, and outlawing "un-Islamic" practices and laws. For this reason, it interpretes their central political concept "Iqamat-e-Deen" as establishing Islamic state by possession of state power
Upon the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the new government banned Jamaat-e-Islami from political participation since the government was secular and some of its leaders went into exile in Pakistan. Following the assassination of the first president and the military coup in 1975, the ban on the Jamaat was lifted and the new party Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh was formed.
[...] In 2010 the government, led by the Awami League, began prosecution of war crimes committed during the 1971 war under the International Crimes Tribunal. By 2012, two leaders of the BNP, one leader from Jatiyo Party and eight of Jamaat had been charged with war crimes, and by March 2013, three Jamaat leaders had been convicted of crimes. In response, the Jamaat held major strikes and protests across the country, which led to more than 60 deaths (mostly by security forces.)
The former leader of Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh's largest Islamist party, was sentenced to 90 years in jail for crimes against humanity on 15 July 2013. [...]
In 1973, the government cancelled his citizenship for allegedly co-operating with Pakistani forces during the independence war.
Azam lived as an exile in Pakistan and the UK but returned to Bangladesh in 1978 when the country was led by Gen Ziaur Rahman - the assassinated husband of the country's current opposition leader [of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party] Khaleda Zia.
Minority community leaders, rights activists and liberal personalities have raised concerns over the call by acting chief of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Tarique Rahman, who stands convicted in a number of cases, for party men to mobilise on the streets for "regime change" on 28 October [2023].
[...] Rana Dasgupta said, considering the violent attacks orchestrated by BNP in the past, "this latest threat by Tarique is deeply concerning for the minorities in Bangladesh".
"Any political party that complies with the basic tenets of democracy should refrain from issuing such threats publicly," Dasgupta, general secretary of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad, added.
In the run-up to the 2014 national election, violence on the streets coupled with targeted attacks on minorities across the country still traumatise the victims, he observed
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ceevee5 · 2 years
It really feels, since about 2008 or so, that it’s been one thing after another here. 2008 - credit crunch. 2009 - UKIP finishes 2nd in Euro elections, two BNP (far right) MEPs elected too. 2010 - Coalition government, first time in decades, drastic cuts to public services. 2014 - Scottish independence referendum. 2015 - Majority Tory government. 2016 - Brexit vote. 2017 - May calls election and loses her majority, leading to endless votes and chaos. 2019 - The wonderful world of Boris begins. 2020 - A virus starts spreading in Wuhan. 2022 - We have four chancellors in four months, and Liz Truss is already hanging by a thread.
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organisationskoval · 2 years
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275) Combat 18 (C18 lub 318) - neonazistowska organizacja terrorystyczna założona w 1992 roku. Pochodzi z Wielkiej Brytanii i ma powiązania z ruchami w Kanadzie i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Od tego czasu rozprzestrzenił się na inne kraje, w tym na Niemcy. Członkowie Combat 18 byli podejrzani o udział i bezpośrednią odpowiedzialność za śmierć wielu imigrantów, osób niebędących białymi, niemieckiego polityka Waltera Lübcke i innych członków C18. W dniu 21 czerwca 2019 r. rząd Kanady dodał Combat 18 (wraz ze swoim podmiotem stowarzyszonym Blood & Honor) do swojej listy organizacji terrorystycznych, co było pierwszym przypadkiem dodania do tej listy skrajnie prawicowej grupy. Członkowie w Wielkiej Brytanii mają zakaz wstąpienia do brytyjskiej służby więziennej, sił zbrojnych i policji. 23 stycznia 2020 roku niemiecki rząd ogłosił zakaz niemieckiej odnogi Combat 18. Nazwa Combat 18 jest często skracana do „C18”. „18” w nazwie pochodzi od inicjałów nazistowskiego niemieckiego przywódcy Adolfa Hitlera: A i H to pierwsza i ósma litera alfabetu łacińskiego. Na początku 1992 r. skrajnie prawicowa Brytyjska Partia Narodowa (BNP) utworzyła Combat 18 jako grupę zarządzającą, której celem była ochrona wydarzeń przed antyfaszystami. Jej założycielami byli Charlie Sargent i Harold Covington. C18 szybko przyciągnął uwagę całego kraju z powodu gróźb przemocy wobec imigrantów, członków mniejszości etnicznych i lewicowców. W 1992 roku rozpoczęła wydawanie magazynu Redwatch, który zawierał zdjęcia, nazwiska i adresy przeciwników politycznych. Combat 18 to jawnie neonazistowska grupa oddana przemocy i wrogo nastawiona do polityki wyborczej, i z tego powodu Sargent zdecydowanie odłączył się od BNP w 1993 roku. Sargent rozstał się ze swoimi byłymi kolegami z C18 w związku z zarzutami, że był informatorem brytyjskich służb bezpieczeństwa. Rywalizująca frakcja, na czele której stał Wilf „The Beast” Browning, chciała, aby Sargent zwrócił listę członków C18 w zamian za zwrot jego narzędzi do tynkowania i 1000 funtów. Jednak taka była między nimi wrogość i strach, że wzajemnie akceptowalny pośrednik, 28-letni członek C18 „Catford Chris” Castle, został przewieziony do mobilnego domu Sargenta w Harlow w hrabstwie Essex przez Browninga, który czekał w samochódzie , podczas gdy Castle udał się z wizytą do Sargenta. W drzwiach powitał go Charlie Sargent i jego współpracownik polityczny, a także były gitarzysta Skrewdriver, Martin Cross. Cross wbił dziewięciocalowe (22 cm) ostrze w plecy Castle'a. Browning zabrał Castle'a taksówką do szpitala, ale lekarze nie byli w stanie go uratować i zmarł wkrótce po przyjeździe. Pomimo próby Sargenta wplątania Browninga, Sargent został skazany za morderstwo w Chelmsford Crown Court w następnym roku. On i Cross zostali skazani na dożywocie. Cross pozostaje w więzieniu i po krótkim pobycie na wolności Sargent wrócił do aresztu w weekend 15 listopada 2014 r. W latach 1998-2000 dziesiątki członków Combat 18 w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii zostało aresztowanych pod różnymi zarzutami podczas nalotów policji o świcie. Naloty te były częścią kilku operacji przeprowadzonych przez Scotland Yard we współpracy z MI5. Wśród aresztowanych byli Steve i Bill Sargent (bracia Charliego Sargenta), David Myatt i dwóch służących brytyjskich żołnierzy, Darren Theron (pułk spadochronowy) i Carl Wilson. Jednym z tych, których dom został napadnięty, był Adrian Marsden, który później został radnym Brytyjskiej Partii Narodowej (BNP). Kilku aresztowanych zostało później uwięzionych, w tym Andrew Frain (siedem lat) i Jason Marriner (sześć lat). Niektórzy dziennikarze uważali, że White Wolves są odłamem C18, twierdząc, że grupa została założona przez Del O'Connora, byłego zastępcę dowódcy C18 i członka Skrewdriver Security. Dokument wydany przez Białe Wilki, ogłaszający ich utworzenie, został przypisany Davidowi Myattowi, którego Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution (Praktyczny przewodnik po rewolucji aryjskiej) rzekomo zainspirował bombowca Davida Copelanda, który został skazany na dożywocie w 2000 r. po tym, jak został uznany za winnego spowodowania serii zamachów bombowych w kwietniu 1999 r., w których zginęły trzy osoby, a wiele innych zostało rannych. Grupa nazywająca siebie Racial Volunteer Force oddzieliła się od C18 w 2002 roku, chociaż zachowała bliskie powiązania ze swoją organizacją macierzystą. W dniu 28 października 2003 r. niemieccy policjanci przeprowadzili naloty na 50 nieruchomości w Kilonii i Flensburgu, które uważano za powiązane z niemieckimi zwolennikami grupy. Anti-Defamation League twierdzi, że w Illinois, Florydzie i Teksasie istnieją rozdziały Combat 18. 6 września 2006 r. belgijska policja aresztowała 20 członków Combat 18 Flanders. Czternastu z nich było żołnierzami armii belgijskiej. C18 od dawna kojarzona jest z lojalistami w Irlandii Północnej. W lipcu 2008 r. „C18” został namalowany na St Mary's Oratory w hrabstwie Londonderry. W dniu 18 czerwca 2009 r. groby należące do wielu osób, w tym do szefa strajku głodowego Provisional Irish Republican Army (Tymczasowej Irlandzkiej Armii Republikańskiej), Bobby'ego Sandsa, zostały zbezczeszczone graffiti C18. Rasistowskie ataki na imigrantów są kontynuowane przez członków C18. Broń, amunicja i materiały wybuchowe zostały przejęte przez policję w Wielkiej Brytanii i prawie każdym kraju, w którym działa C18. Pod koniec 2010 roku pięciu członków Combat 18 Australia (wśród nich Jacob Marshall Hort i Bradley Neil Trappitt) zostało oskarżonych o atak na meczet w Perth w Zachodniej Australii. Kilka pocisków zostało wystrzelonych z karabinu o dużej mocy w meczet Canning Turkish Islamic Mosque, powodując szkody o wartości ponad 15 000 USD. Obecność Combat 18 na forum internetowym została oficjalnie zakończona pod koniec listopada 2014 r., kiedy forum Combat 18 zostało przekierowane do nacjonalistycznego sklepu z materiałami wideo i DVD z siedzibą w USA, który jest teraz właścicielem domeny. W dniu 6 marca 2018 r. ośmiu członków Combat 18 zostało aresztowanych w Atenach w Grecji pod zarzutem wielokrotnych ataków na imigrantów i aktywistów. Mieli przy sobie 50 kg ANFO. 23 stycznia 2020 r., ważny dzień w historii Niemiec, ponieważ 75 lat wcześniej siły alianckie wyzwoliły obóz koncentracyjny Auschwitz, niemiecki minister spraw wewnętrznych zakazał Combat 18 w całych Niemczech. Ponad 200 funkcjonariuszy policji przeprowadziło naloty w sześciu landach niemieckich, przejmując telefony komórkowe, komputery, nieokreśloną broń, nazistowskie pamiątki i materiały propagandowe. Domniemany członek niemieckiego oddziału Combat 18 o nazwisku Stephen Ernst był podejrzanym w sprawie zamordowanego lokalnego polityka Waltera Lübcke z CDU. Ernst przyznał się do zbrodni 25 czerwca 2019 r. Federalny minister spraw wewnętrznych Horst Seehofer ogłosił wówczas zamiar zdelegalizowania organizacji w Niemczech. Członkami organizacji są znani chuligani i grupy piłkarskie. Najbardziej głośny incydent z udziałem członków Combat 18 w piłce nożnej miał miejsce 15 lutego 1995 r., kiedy na trybunach przy Lansdowne Road wybuchła przemoc podczas międzynarodowego meczu towarzyskiego między Irlandią a Anglią. Były też szyderstwa z „No Surrender to the IRA” skierowane do irlandzkich fanów. Przemoc była tak zła, że mecz musiał zostać przerwany. Przed Mistrzostwami Świata FIFA 1998 26 chuliganów Seaburn Casuals (kibice Sunderland AFC) zostało aresztowanych podczas nalotu policyjnego po tym, jak wojskowa bomba dymna została wypuszczona w lokalnym pubie po walce z bramkarzami. Pod koniec operacji ponad 60 postawiono zarzuty. Niektórzy z aresztowanych chuliganów Seaburn Casuals byli zaangażowani w Combat 18. Operacja nie powiodła się, gdy sędzia orzekł, że nagranie z kamery przemysłowej z pubu jest niedopuszczalne jako dowód. Dzięki wspólnym wysiłkom Kanadyjczyków 21 czerwca 2019 r. dwie grupy neonazistowskie/alt-prawicowe zostały dodane do kanadyjskiej listy terrorystów. Jest to częściowo spowodowane reakcją Kanady na strzelaninę w meczecie w Christchurch oraz petycją do rządu federalnego Kanady: EPetition e-2019 złożoną przez #NoPlace2Hate. Oznacza to, że czyny przestępcze popełniane przez członków tej grupy podlegają teraz dodatkowo kanadyjskiemu kodeksowi karnemu za terroryzm, który może obejmować dodatkowe wyroki więzienia za czyny przestępcze, w tym datki finansowe na rzecz znanej organizacji terrorystycznej. W dniu 23 stycznia 2020 r. rząd niemiecki ogłosił i wykonał zarządzenie zakazujące „Combat 18 Deutschland”, niemieckiej odnogi Combat 18. W rozporządzeniu Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych stwierdzono, że „Combat 18 Deutschland” jest skierowany przeciwko porządkowi konstytucyjnemu i że jej cele i działania są sprzeczne z prawem karnym i z ideą porozumienia między narodami. Rozkaz przewiduje rozwiązanie organizacji oraz zajęcie i konfiskatę całego majątku organizacji; ponadto nie wolno już używać znaków organizacji i nie można tworzyć organizacji zastępczych. W dniu ogłoszenia ponad 200 funkcjonariuszy policji dokonało nalotu na domy czołowych członków organizacji. Według rządu w momencie zakazu organizacja liczyła „około 20 członków” i „nieznaną liczbę sympatyków”. Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych powiązało tę decyzję z zabójstwem Waltera Lübcke i strzelaniną w synagodze w Halle. „Combat 18 Deutschland” złożyła pozew przeciwko zakazowi do Federalnego Sądu Administracyjnego i zwróciła się do sądu o wstępne nakazanie wykonania zakazu do czasu wydania decyzji co do meritum. We wrześniu 2020 r. sąd odrzucił ten ostatni wniosek, stwierdzając, że interes publiczny w niezwłocznym wykonaniu zakazu przeważa nad interesami organizacji, zauważając ponadto, że zaskarżenie zakazu prawdopodobnie nie zakończy się sukcesem, jak sugeruje zbiorcza ocena meritum dokonana przez sąd że działania organizacji są rzeczywiście skierowane przeciwko porządkowi konstytucyjnemu.
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biblenewsprophecy · 3 months
America's Collapse and Russia's Preparations
For the first time ever, the USA is no longer listed in the top ten nations when it comes to global competitiveness. Reasons include lack of social cohesiveness, a polarized political landscape, a slow-moving legislative process, debt, sanctions policies, and immorality. While US President Barack Obama had very cordial relations with Russia in late 2012, that changed afterwards after then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to push aspects of the LGBTQ+ agenda on Russia. After Russia's Sergey Lavrov would not accept such interference in its internal affairs, the USA turned against Russia in many ways. The Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal reported that the USA, through its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), supported the anti-Russian forces in Ukraine against its pro-Russian president in 2014 and supported assassinations, Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and paramilitary actions against pro-Russian Ukrainians thereafter. Because of USA actions, Russian President Vladimir Putin began a series of actions, starting with the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union, and then more involving the BRICS nations to separate Russia from the West. He also moved towards dedollarization and the accumulation of gold as he and other Russian leaders see that the USA is setting itself up for collapse because of its bullying tactics, increasing debt, and various monetary policies. Some assert that Russia will be in the best position when America collapses. Steps away from the petrodollar by Saudi Arabia and others are putting the US dollar at greater risk for collapse. Is the USA's reliance and promotion of oppression and perversity prophesied factors in its coming destruction? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters and more.
A written article of related interest is titled 'USA’s declining competitiveness and Vladimir Putin’s masterplan for the collapse Of America?'
BNP Youtube video link: America's Collapse and Russia's Preparations
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USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. Two related sermon are available: Identifying the USA and its Destruction in Prophecy and Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Occidente? ¿Por qué no hay un Rey del Occidente en la profecía del tiempo del fin? A related sermon is also available: The Bible, the USA, and the King of the West.
Russia and Ukraine: Their Origins and Prophesied Future Russia in prophecy. Where do the Russians come from? What about those in the Ukraine? What is prophesied for Russia and its allies? What will they do to the Europeans that supported the Beast in the end? There is also a video sermon available: Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy as are two video sermonettes Russia, Ukraine, Babylonian Europe, and Prophecy and Ukraine in Prophecy?
Is Russia the King of the North? Some claim it is. But what does the Bible teach? Here is a link to a video, also titled Is Russia the King of the North?
Ezekiel 38: For Russia & Iran in Our Day? Is Ezekiel 38 about to be fulfilled? Are we close to the battle with Gog and Magog? Four related videos are available: Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog War: Is it Soon?, Ezekiel 38: For Russia, Ukraine, & Iran Now?, Russia, Iran, Syria, & the Bible (Code), and Gog, Magog, Vladimir Putin, and Ezekiel 38?
Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America, and the islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
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yourusatoday · 4 months
In-Depth Analysis of BNP Paribas SA's Strategic Deals and Acquisitions
BNP Paribas SA is one of the largest banking groups in the world, with a significant presence across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. This comprehensive analysis focuses on BNP Paribas's strategic deals and acquisitions, providing insights into the company's growth strategy, market expansion, and financial performance. Understanding these deals sheds light on BNP Paribas's approach to maintaining its leadership position in the global banking sector.
Overview of BNP Paribas SA
Founded in 1848 and headquartered in Paris, France, BNP Paribas offers a wide range of financial services, including retail banking, corporate and institutional banking, asset management, and insurance. The bank's extensive network and diversified service offerings make it a key player in the global financial industry.
Core Services and Market Reach
BNP Paribas operates through three main business divisions:
Retail Banking: Provides a comprehensive range of financial products and services to individuals, small businesses, and corporates.
Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB): Offers financing, advisory, and market solutions to large corporates, financial institutions, and government entities.
Investment Solutions: Includes asset management, insurance, and private banking services, catering to a wide array of client needs.
BNP Paribas's global presence is bolstered by its strategic partnerships, subsidiaries, and a strong digital banking platform, which enhances its service delivery and customer engagement.
Strategic Deals and Acquisitions
BNP Paribas has a robust history of strategic deals and acquisitions aimed at expanding its market footprint, enhancing service offerings, and driving growth. Here, we review some of the most significant deals and their impact on the company's strategic objectives.
Acquisition of Fortis Bank (2008)
One of BNP Paribas's most notable acquisitions was the purchase of a majority stake in Fortis Bank during the financial crisis in 2008. This deal was pivotal for several reasons:
Market Expansion: The acquisition significantly expanded BNP Paribas's presence in Belgium and Luxembourg, strengthening its position in the European market.
Customer Base: By integrating Fortis's customer base, BNP Paribas enhanced its retail banking and wealth management services.
Asset Growth: The deal added substantial assets to BNP Paribas's portfolio, boosting its financial stability and market competitiveness.
Acquisition of DAB Bank (2014)
In 2014, BNP Paribas acquired DAB Bank, a German direct bank specializing in online brokerage and financial services.
Digital Banking Enhancement: This acquisition reinforced BNP Paribas's digital banking capabilities, aligning with the growing trend towards online financial services.
Market Penetration: It provided BNP Paribas with greater access to the German market, one of the largest in Europe, enhancing its competitive edge.
Partnership with Orange Bank (2016)
BNP Paribas entered into a strategic partnership with Orange Bank in 2016, focusing on the French digital banking market.
Innovation and Technology: The partnership leverages Orange's technological expertise and BNP Paribas's financial acumen to offer innovative digital banking solutions.
Customer Engagement: It aims to attract a tech-savvy customer base, particularly younger demographics, by providing seamless, mobile-first banking services.
Acquisition of Deutsche Bank's Prime Brokerage and Electronic Equities (2019)
In 2019, BNP Paribas acquired the prime brokerage and electronic equities businesses of Deutsche Bank.
Strengthening CIB Division: This acquisition bolstered BNP Paribas's Corporate and Institutional Banking division, enhancing its capabilities in prime brokerage and equity trading.
Client Base Expansion: The deal added numerous high-profile clients to BNP Paribas's portfolio, increasing its market share in the institutional banking sector.
Partnership with Tink (2020)
BNP Paribas formed a partnership with Tink, a leading European open banking platform, in 2020.
Open Banking Capabilities: This partnership enables BNP Paribas to offer enhanced open banking services, facilitating better financial management tools for customers.
Data Integration: By integrating Tink's platform, BNP Paribas can leverage data analytics to provide personalized financial services and improve customer experience.
Impact of Strategic Deals on Financial Performance
The strategic deals and acquisitions undertaken by BNP Paribas have had a significant impact on its financial performance and market positioning. Key financial metrics influenced by these deals include:
Revenue Growth
Enhanced Service Offerings: By expanding its service portfolio through acquisitions and partnerships, BNP Paribas has been able to attract new customers and increase revenue streams.
Geographical Diversification: The bank's presence in new markets, especially through acquisitions like Fortis Bank and DAB Bank, has contributed to diversified revenue sources and reduced reliance on any single market.
Profitability and Cost Efficiency
Economies of Scale: Integrating acquired businesses has allowed BNP Paribas to achieve economies of scale, reducing operational costs and enhancing profitability.
Synergy Realization: Strategic deals often result in synergies, such as shared technology platforms and streamlined processes, which improve cost efficiency and profit margins.
Market Positioning
Competitive Edge: The acquisitions have strengthened BNP Paribas's market position, making it one of the top banking institutions globally with a comprehensive range of services.
Brand Strength: Successful integration of acquired businesses and strategic partnerships has enhanced BNP Paribas's brand reputation as a forward-thinking, customer-centric bank.
Financial Stability
Asset Growth: Acquisitions like Fortis Bank significantly increased BNP Paribas's asset base, providing greater financial stability and resilience against market fluctuations.
Capital Adequacy: The bank has maintained strong capital adequacy ratios, supported by the growth in equity and retained earnings from profitable acquisitions.
Future Strategic Directions
BNP Paribas's strategic deals and acquisitions have set a solid foundation for future growth. The bank continues to explore opportunities in the following areas:
Digital Transformation
Investment in Fintech: BNP Paribas is likely to continue investing in fintech companies and digital banking platforms to enhance its technological capabilities and offer cutting-edge financial services.
Customer-Centric Innovations: Focusing on customer experience through personalized services, leveraging data analytics, and AI-driven solutions.
Sustainable Finance
Green Investments: Increasing focus on sustainable finance and green investments aligns with global trends towards environmental responsibility and offers new revenue opportunities.
ESG Integration: BNP Paribas aims to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into its investment and lending decisions, catering to the growing demand for responsible banking.
Global Expansion
Emerging Markets: Exploring opportunities in emerging markets, particularly in Asia and Africa, to tap into high-growth regions and expand its global footprint.
Strategic Partnerships: Forming alliances with local banks and financial institutions to navigate regulatory landscapes and establish a strong presence in new markets.
BNP Paribas SA's strategic deals and acquisitions have been pivotal in shaping its growth trajectory, enhancing its market position, and driving financial performance. By continually adapting to market trends and investing in innovative solutions, BNP Paribas remains a leading force in the global banking industry.
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naoedicoes · 5 months
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NOVO LIVRO No final de abril a não (edições) publicou o livro ONDA DESOBEDIENTE, de Álvaro Seiça e com imagens/pinturas de Yannis Kotinopoulos, que reúne poemas líricos e políticos com temática e forma diversas, mas sob uma noção comum de desobediência individual e colectiva. Escrever é um acto desobediente — reinvenção da linguagem, do corpo, do espaço social, mas também liberdade e protesto político. Dividido em cinco secções, intituladas “Rachid Habibi”, “Entrar no mar como em casa”, “Resistência local”, “Crocodilo cego diz que vê” e “Renatura agora!”, este conjunto de poemas aborda a necessidade de afirmação, o sal e a saliva, as relações familiares e a parentalidade, a fluidez, o desenraizamento e o nomadismo, a procura do mar e da casa, o privilégio solar, a condição de ser imigrante, a literatura, o exílio da língua e o lugar da língua no exílio, as desigualdades sociais, o racismo, a precariedade laboral, o desemprego, o impacto da globalização e do turismo de massas nos saberes, profissões e linguagens locais, sobretudo no sotavento, a resistência face à voracidade do capitalismo multinacional e tecnológico, o cómico comezinho dos dias, o desânimo do estado social, a violência e, finalmente, o desastre ecológico em curso no planeta. /// do autor: Álvaro Seiça sonha ser poeta a tempo inteiro. Onda desobediente é o seu terceiro livro pela não (edições). Publicou Fuligem do tempo (2003), Hidra (2004), Permafrost (2012), Ö (2014), Ensinando o espaço (2017), Previsão para 365 poemas (2018), Upoesia (2019) e Supressão (2019).  Organizou o festival “Erase!” (2021) e a coleção de 25 volumes “Biblioteca da Censura” (2022-24). Co-organizou a exposição e catálogo Obras Proibidas e Censuradas no Estado Novo (2022) na BNP. Mora na Noruega. O seu trabalho encontra-se disponível em https://alvaroseica.net
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pedidos via [email protected] Livrarias habituais: https://naoedicoes.tumblr.com/livrarias
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swarajfinpro236 · 5 months
Which are the top-performing mutual funds in the last 10 years
Did you know? Recently, the Modi government completed 10 years since it came to power, and on April 09 the BSE Sensex touched its record high of 75,000 points. It was a 3-fold jump from 25,000 points in 2014.
The SIP contribution has also touched its all-time high of Rs. 19,271 crore in March. This shows the investor's confidence in Mutual funds and commitment to disciplined wealth accumulation through regular investment.
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Furthermore, the mutual fund industry added 6.8 million investors in FY24 which is 70% more than FY23. With such a large number of unique investors arises the problem of fund selection.
Which is a good fund to do investment or a SIP? It can be a real headache to pick the right scheme with so many options available under each category.
To solve this problem we have come up with the list of best equity funds under multiple categories. So stay tuned and read on.
The top-performing funds are those that have beaten their respective benchmark indices based on their 10-year SIP returns.
Additionally, these funds are also subjected to rolling returns and consistency of performance to select the best of the lot.
So let’s start with Large caps.
The first round of test (10-year SIP returns)
Large Cap Funds
These funds invest in the top 100 companies in terms of market capitalization. Which makes them relatively lower risk.
The benchmark for this category is Nifty 100 TRI which delivered 15.34% over the 10 years. Out of 24 funds, 10 funds managed to beat Nifty 100 TRI.
The top five schemes that delivered 16.69-18.44 returns included: Nippon India Large Cap, ICICI Prudential Bluechip, Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap, Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity, and Edelweiss Large Cap.
Mid-Cap Funds
These funds invest in mid-sized companies that are ranked between 101 to 250 in terms of market capitalization.
The benchmark for this category is the Nifty Midcap TRI 150. Out of the 21 funds only 5 funds were able to beat the benchmark, so the Midcap category wasn’t much profitable for the investors.
The top five performers included: Quant Midcap, Motilal Oswal Midcap, Edelweiss Midcap, HDFC Midcap Opportunities, and Nippon India Growth.
Small-Cap Funds
One of the most interesting categories that have gotten investors’ attention is the Small caps. These funds invest at least 65% in the companies ranked below 250 in terms of market cap.
The benchmark for this category is Nifty Smallcap TRI 250. Out of the 12 schemes 10 have outperformed the benchmark. The top 5 performers included: Quant, Nippon India, SBI, HDFC, Axis, and Kotak.
Large- & Mid-Cap funds
These funds allocate about 35% to large-cap and mid-cap stocks. 7 funds outperformed their benchmark out of 18 funds. Quant Large & Midcap, Kotak Opportunities, Mirae Asset Large & Midcap, and Bandhan Core Equity were the top performers who beat the Nifty Large Midcap 250 TRI benchmark.
Flexi-cap Funds
As the name suggests, these funds invest across sectors and market capitalizations. Out of the 16 schemes, 8 were able to beat the benchmark.
The top performers who beat the Nifty 500 TRI benchmark included: Quant Flexicap, Parag Parikh Flexi Cap, HDFC Flexi Cap, Franklin India Flexi Cap, and JM Flexicap.
Multi-cap Funds
These funds have to invest 25% across each market capitalization, including large-cap,
mid-cap, and small-cap stocks according to the SEBI mandate. Out of the 10 funds 6 managed to beat the benchmark Nifty 500 TRI.
These included: Quant Active, Nippon India, ICICI Prudential, Baroda BNP Paribas, Invesco India, and Sundaram Multi cap fund.
The second test (The mean 5-year daily rolling returns for 10 years and the funds must have beaten the benchmark 60% of the time)
The Fund choices include
Large-cap - Mirae Asset Large Cap, ICICI Prudential Bluechip, Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap, Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity, and Edelweiss Large Cap have beaten the benchmark 75% of the time.
Mid-cap - Edelweiss Mid Cap fund, beaten the benchmark 90% of the time.
Small-cap - Axis Small Cap, Nippon Small Cap, and SBI Small Cap have outperformed the benchmark 100% of the time.
Large- & mid-cap - Mirae Asset Large & Midcap, Kotak Equity Opportunities, Canara Robeco Emerging Equities, and Quant Large & Midcap. These funds have beaten the benchmark 75% of the time.
Flexi-cap - Parag Parikh Flexi Cap and Quant Flexi Cap are the best funds apart from JM Flexicap, Canara Robeco Flexi Cap, and Kotak Flexi Cap
Multi-cap - Quant Active, with 100% outperformance, and Invesco India Multicap and ICICI Multicap with 64-65 percent outperformance.
These funds can be considered for long-term SIP. But you should consult a financial expert before doing investments. This research was done by ACE MF as of April 10th. For more such insightful blogs, do visit our website Swaraj Finpro
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musispoedmacarsiv · 6 months
18 Mart 2024 Daniil Medvedev Carlos Alcaraz Maçı
*Stadyum 1'de saat 00:10'da başlayacak olan BNP Paribas Açık Tek Erkekler Final maçı. Geçen yılki buluşmadan sonra iki isim bir kez daha Indian Wells şampiyonluğu için mücadele edecek. O mücadeleyi Alcaraz 6-3, 6-2 setleriyle kazanmıştı. 2014 ve 2015'teki Novak Djokovic - Roger Federer finallerinden sonra erkeklerde ilk kez peş peşe aynı finale tanık olacağız. Medvedev, Avustralya Açık'tan sonra bu yılki ikinci finalinde. Hasretini bitirip Mayıs 2023'teki Roma zaferinden sonra ilk turnuva şampiyonluğunu elde etmeyi amaçlıyor. Kariyerinin toplamda 21. kupasını hedeflerken, ATP Masters 1000'de de 7. defa zirveye ulaşmanın peşinde olacak. Alcaraz ise geçen yıl Cincinnati'de oynadığı finalden sonra ilk kez bir şampiyonluk mücadelesi verecek. O da Wimbledon şampiyonluğundan sonra ilk turnuvasını kazanmayı istiyor. Alcaraz, Masters'ta 5., toplamda ise 13. şampiyonluğunu elde etmenin peşinde olacak. Güzel bir kapışmaya tanıklık edebiliriz umarım. İki oyuncuya da sağlıklı bir müsabaka ve başarılar dileriz.
Her iki raketin de final yolu:
-Daniil Medvedev-
#1. Tur = bay.
#2. Tur = Roberto Carballes Baena (6-2/6-3)
#3. Tur = Sebastian Korda (6-4/5-7/6-3)
#4. Tur = Grigor Dimitrov (6-4/6-4)
#Çeyrek Final = Holger Rune (7-5/6-4)
#Yarı Final = Tommy Paul (1-6/7-6[7-3]/6-2)
-Carlos Alcaraz-
#1. Tur = bay.
#2. Tur = Matteo Arnaldi (6-7[5-7]/6-0/6-1)
#3. Tur = Felix Auger-Aliassime (6-2/6-3)
#4. Tur = Fábian Marozsan (6-3/6-3)
#Çeyrek Final = Alexander Zverev (6-3/6-1)
#Yarı Final = Jannik Sinner (1-6/6-3/6-2)
*S Sport Plus'tan naklen yayınlanacak olan maç.
*İlk setten 7-6[7-5] galip ayrılan Alcaraz 1-0 öne geçti. Yoğun başlayan maçta Medvedev 3-0'ı gördü. Ardından Alcaraz 3 oyun alarak dengeyi kurdu. Ondan sonra da iki taraf servislerine tutunarak oynadı. Tie-break'te ise bu kez Alcaraz 3-0'ı ve 5-2'yi gördü. Medvedev 5-5'te yakalamayı başardı ama fazlasına yetemedi. Alcaraz 2 sayı alarak ilk adımı atmayı bildi.
*İkinci seti 6-1 kazanan Alcaraz üst üste ve toplamdaki 2. Indian Wells zaferine ulaştı. Wimbledon'dan bu yana süren hasretini de bitirdi. Toplamdaki 13. turnuva galibiyetine ve 5. Masters 1000 şampiyonluğuna ulaştı. İkinci oyunda break'i alıp 3-0'ı gördükten sonra işini kolaylaştırdı. Medvedev de acayip derecede koptu ve Alcaraz için rahat finiş geldi. Tebrik ediyoruz kendisini.
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edwin--artifex · 7 months
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'Archeological Box' @ Domus Aventino BNP Paribas Real estate on Piazza Albania on the Aventine Hill, Rome
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Edwin Alexander Francis 'dubbed' the famous Italian television host, science journalist and writer Piero Angela who curated the archeo-multimedia installations together with Paco Lanciani.
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La Scatola Archeologica Domus Aventino
“Portare alla luce ciò che è antico, è una delle più grandi forme d’amore per l’umanità”
Piero Angela
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(c) of the renders courtesy:
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Here's a clip from the promo vid ->
and an article from:
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Ancient Roman villa and elaborate mosaics found beneath apartment block in Rome. The villa and its mosaics have now been turned into a subterranean museum
By Nick Squires ROME 6 October 2020 • 10:00am
A concierge and a smart address are no longer enough for one apartment block in Rome – it can now boast its very own subterranean Roman villa. Archeologists have unveiled the remains of a sumptuous Roman “domus” or villa, complete with elaborate mosaics, that had remained hidden for 2,000 years. It was discovered when engineers carried out work to earthquake-proof the residential development, which was built in the 1950s. Archeologists were called in and found a series of palatial rooms laid with mosaics featuring black and white geometric designs, made from tens of thousands of tiny cubes of stone. “You can see from the richness of the decorations and the mosaics that the villa belonged to a powerful person, probably linked to the imperial family,” said Daniela Porro, a senior cultural heritage official for the city. “Rome never ceases to surprise us. It’s an archeological jewel.” It was unearthed by chance in 2014 and after years of archeological work is now ready to be opened to the public as a subterranean museum. Visitors will enter the modern apartment building from the street, cross a courtyard and descend one flight of steps to an anonymous grey door next to a pair of lifts. Inside are not the only the remains of the Roman villa, with mosaics and fragments of frescoes and Latin inscriptions, but earlier segments of a stone tower dating back to the 8th century BC, as well as a huge defensive wall that dates back to the Roman republic. During the excavation, archeologists found a wide array of objects from everyday Roman life, including a hammer, a key, a water tap, a hairpin and oil-burning lamps. They found amphorae which held garum, a noxious-smelling sauce made from fermented fish that the Romans loved to use to spice up their meals. There were also fragments of lacquered bowls stamped with the images of Hercules and the goddess Athena. Video projections on the walls of the underground space bring the villa alive, with a senator and his wife strolling amid marble busts, ornate tables and couches. One mosaic has as its centrepiece an image of a bright green parrot with a splash of red in its plumage, while another depicts a grape vine growing from a large vase. The archeologists found not just one layer of remains, but six different layers, one on top of another, spanning a period of two centuries. The patterns of the mosaics, including one which features a repetitive figure 8, are unusual. “We’ve not seen it before,” said Roberto Narducci, an architect involved in the excavation. The €3 million dig was funded by BNP Paribas Real Estate, the company which owns the apartment building. “It’s quite a challenge to allow access to the site, while protecting the privacy of the condominium’s residents,” said the company’s Anselmo De Titta. “It will be open to the public at least two days every month and more if there is the demand.”
...and here's Piero Angela's conclusion ('dubbed' by Edwin Alexander Francis :-) ->
check out the real estate here ->
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Natriuretic Peptides and Troponins to Predict Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Major Non-Cardiac Surgery
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Patients undergoing major surgery have a substantial risk of cardiovascular events during the perioperative period. Despite the introduction of several risk scores based on medical history, classical risk factors and non-invasive cardiac tests, the possibility of predicting cardiovascular events in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery remains limited. The cardiac-specific biomarkers, natriuretic peptides (NPs) and cardiac troponins (cTn) have been proposed as additional tools for risk prediction in the perioperative period. This review paper aims to discuss the value of preoperative levels and perioperative changes in cardiac-specific biomarkers to predict adverse outcomes in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. Based on several prospective observational studies and six meta-analyses, some guidelines recommended the measurement of NPs to refine perioperative cardiac risk estimation in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. More recently, several studies reported a higher mortality in surgical patients presenting an elevation in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and I, especially in elderly patients or those with comorbidities. This evidence should be considered in future international guidelines on the evaluation of perioperative risk in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery.
Patients undergoing major surgery have a substantial risk of cardiovascular events during the perioperative period [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Although the rate of these events has declined over the past 30 years, they still represent a significant issue in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery [8,9,10,11], with at least 167,000 cardiac complications of non-cardiac surgical procedures occurring annually in the European Union, 19,000 of which are life-threatening [8]. The 2014 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESC/ESA) guidelines recommended that cardiac risk be carefully evaluated in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery [8]. Despite the development of several risk scores based on medical history, classical cardiovascular risk factors (including sex, age, lipid profile and creatinine concentration), and some non-invasive cardiac tests (such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, stress tests), the possibility of predicting cardiovascular events remains limited [4,5,8,9]. This has prompted the assessment of cardiac biomarkers as additional tools for risk prediction [3,10,11,12]. The 2017 Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines have recommended the measurement of cardiac natriuretic peptides (NPs) (brain natriuretic peptide, BNP, or N-terminal fragment of proBNP, NT-proBNP) before surgery to refine perioperative cardiac risk estimation [13]. These recommendations were based on prospective observational studies and six meta-analyses evaluating the accuracy of NPs to predict major cardiovascular events after non-cardiac surgery [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21].
Over the last 10 years, increases in cardiac troponin (cTn) have been associated with an increased short- and long-term risk of cardiac events in patients undergoing different types of non-cardiac surgery [10,11,12,13,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45]. Nonetheless, no specific recommendations on cTn measurement in the perioperative period have been issued so far.
This article aims to discuss the clinical value of preoperative values and perioperative changes in cardiac-specific biomarkers as tools to predict adverse outcomes in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.
Risk Evaluation Using Cardiac Biomarkers in Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
Half of perioperative cardiac deaths occur in patients with no history of heart disease [7,10], suggesting that our current protocols to screen for subclinical heart disease are far from optimal [10]. Risk prediction models based only on clinical criteria, also including classical risk factors and cardiac stress tests, were not shown to improve the accuracy of preoperative risk stratification and to reduce 30-day mortality after non-cardiac surgery [9,11,12]. In particular, a 2019 meta-analysis included six studies on the accuracy of cardiac stress test to predict 30-day mortality [11]. The authors concluded that, despite substantial research, the current body of evidence is insufficient to derive a definitive conclusion as to whether stress testing reduces perioperative mortality [11].
To improve risk stratification and prognostic accuracy in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, BNP and NT-proBNP have gained clinical consensus, especially for the detection of subclinical heart failure (HF) [46,47], and cTnI and cTnT for the identification of myocardial damage [43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51].
NPs are peptide hormones predominantly produced and secreted mostly by the human heart [43,46,51]. In particular, atrial natriuretic peptides are produced and secreted in the atria, while B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP and the related peptides) are produced and secreted in the ventricles, especially in patients with cardiac disease [43,46,51]. International guidelines recommend the measurement of BNP/NT-proBNP for the diagnosis, risk stratification and follow-up of patients with acute or chronic HF [47,52]. The 2014 ESC/ESA guidelines stated that routine pre-operative NP measurement for risk stratification is not recommended, but may be considered in high-risk patients [8].
More recently, the results of several prospective observational studies and six meta-analyses re-evaluated the prognostic accuracy of NT-proBNP and BNP to predict cardiovascular events after non-cardiac surgery [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. Based on this evidence, the 2017 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines have strongly recommended BNP or NT-proBNP measurement before surgery to refine perioperative cardiac risk estimation in patients: (1) older than 65 years; (2) aged 45–64 years with cardiovascular disease; (3) with a Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) score > 1 [13]. The RCRI score includes ischemic heart disease, heart failure (HF), cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, increased serum creatinine (>177 mmol/L, corresponding to 2.0 mg/dL), and high-risk (major) non-cardiac surgery (defined as intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or suprainguinal vascular surgery) [13].
The 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines stated that cTnI and cTnT measurement may be considered in high-risk patients, either before or 48–72 h after major surgery, to detect a myocardial injury [8]. Furthermore, perioperative cTn increases are associated with increased short- and long-term risk of cardiac events in patients undergoing different types of non-cardiac surgery, especially when high-sensitivity (hs) immunoassay methods are used [10,11,12,13,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42].
In 2019, Humble et al. [35] conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the prognostic value of increased cTn levels above the cut-off level (usually the 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL)) in adult patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Adverse outcome was defined as short-term (in-hospital or <30 days) and long-term (>30 days) major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) and/or all-cause mortality non-cardiac [35]. This meta-analysis included 19 studies assessing preoperative cTn and 3 studies evaluating perioperative changes in cTn [35]. These studies assessed preoperative cTn values with a total sample size of 13,386 (range 33 to 4575). They were mainly prospective, single-center studies on patients undergoing a wide range of non-cardiac interventions (mostly intermediate- or high-risk procedures). In particular, hs-cTnT methods were used in just six studies, while the others employed non-hs-cTnI or TnT methods [35]. Preoperative cTn predicted short- (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 5.87, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.24–10.65, p < 0.001) and long-term adverse outcome (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 2.0, 95% CI 1.4–3.0, p < 0.001) [35]. Preoperative cTn predicted short- (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 5.87, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.24–10.65, p < 0.001) and long-term adverse outcome (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 2.0, 95% CI 1.4–3.0, p < 0.001) [35].
More recently, some studies evaluated the utility of perioperative cTn elevation as a prognostic indicator for mortality and cardiac morbidity in patients undergoing surgery for neck of femur fractures [39,53,54]. These fractures are rare in individuals aged <50 years in the absence of high-impact traumas, while in older patients they may be associated with low-velocity trauma because of reduced bone mineral density and frailty [39,53,54]. This meta-analysis included 11 studies with a total of 1363 patients (mean age 83 years, 351 men and 904 women) [39]. Seven studies measured cTnI, three studies measured cTnT and one study used a hs-cTnI assay. Overall, 497 patients (36.5%) experienced a cTn elevation following surgery. Perioperative troponin elevation was significantly associated with all-cause mortality (OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.5—4.6; p < 0.001) and cardiac complications (OR 7.4; 95% CI 3.5—15.8; p < 0.001) [39]. Increased cTn levels were associated to pre-existing coronary artery disease, cardiac failure, hypertension, previous stroke and previous myocardial infarction [39]. Therefore, perioperative troponin elevation is significantly associated with increased mortality and post-operative cardiac complications in patients operated for neck of femur fractures [39].
Analytical and Pathophysiological Correlates in Cardiac-Specific Biomarkers
Both NPs and cTn are then useful prognostic indicators in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42]. However, clinicians should interpret measured values based on the analytical performance of assay methods and the mechanisms of their production and release from the heart [55,56].
In healthy subjects, NP and cTn are present into the circulation in a range of concentrations (from about 3 to about 50 ng/L) [43,44,45] from 100 to 1000 times lower than other biomarkers, including C-Reactive Protein (CRP), creatinine, cholesterol, D-dimer, Neutral Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) [43,56,57]. Some circulating proteins and peptides can directly affect the binding of NPs and cTn to specific antibodies of immunoassay methods, interfering with immunoassay methods. Some circulating proteins and peptides can directly affect the binding of NPs and cTn to specific antibodies of immunoassay, interfering with test methods. This interference becomes stronger as the molar concentrations of several substances, able to bind to the specific monoclonal antibodies utilized by immunometric systems, increases compared to that of NP and cTn, as discussed in detail elsewhere [43,44,45,58,59,60]. Furthermore, the measurement of cTnI and cTnT with immunoassay methods can be affected by binding these two cardiac troponins with troponin C, and also with some tissue or plasma proteins, and heterophile- or auto-antibodies to form macro-complexes [58,59]. Therefore, both the accuracy and clinical interpretation of the measured levels of cardiac biomarkers strongly depend on analytical characteristics and performance of assay methods [43,58,59,60,61].
3.1. NP Assay
NPs are key diagnostic and prognostic tools in patients with cardiac disease, and are released following every kind of cardiac damage able to activate the neuro-endocrine-immune system. NP increase does not provide any information on the mechanisms of damage acting in the individual patient [51,60,61,62]. In particular, NPs are highly sensitive in detecting cardiac stress in patients with risk factors and/or asymptomatic early vessel damage and/or cardiac dysfunction [51,60,61,62,63].
NPs are rapidly degraded in vivo. The active hormone BNP has a shorter plasma half-life (20–40 min) than the inactive peptide NT-proBNP (>60 min) [51,60,64]. Due to their rapid turnover rate, BNP shows larger intra- (from 40–50%) and inter-individual variability (from 50 to 60%) than those of NT-proBNP (intra 30–40%, inter 40–50%) [60,64]. A large variability means wide confidence intervals and large differences between serial measurements in the same individual, regardless of changes in the disease state [65].
Clinicians should take into consideration some critical issues for a proper interpretation of changes in circulating NPs. Most notably, values should be interpreted according to sex, age, body mass index, comorbidities and therapies [43,47,60,61,62]. In particular, kidney disease can significantly affect NP clearance, increasing BNP and NT-proBNP levels [60,61]. However, a meta-analysis [63] confirmed that NT-proBNP retains utility to diagnose acute HF also in patients with renal dysfunction (although with higher cut-off values) and holds prognostic significance regardless of renal function.
There are larger systematic differences among measured concentrations with the BNP methods than with NT-proBNP methods [60,66]. Due to its greater stability in vivo and in vitro and a smaller difference between assay methods, NT-proBNP is better suited to act as an indicator of disease and prognostic biomarker than BNP [60].
From a clinical perspective, it is important to note that international guidelines recommend cut-off values for the diagnosis and risk prediction in patients with HF, and not for risk stratification in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery [46,47]. Cut-off values for evaluation of perioperative risk in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery should be defined in specific clinical studies. Optimal cut-off values have been calculated for MACEs. There was wide variation in cut-off values reported in different studies. In 2009, a meta-analysis (including 15 studies with 4856 patients) reported that NT-proBNP cut-off values were higher than those for BNP (range 201–791 ng/L vs. 35–255 ng/L, respectively) [16]. More recently, Rodseth et al. [20] evaluated in an individual patient data meta-analysis the predictive value of preoperative BNP on cardiovascular events (defined as cardiovascular death and nonfatal myocardial infarction) and all-cause mortality during the first 30 days after vascular surgery. Using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) statistics, the authors calculated the general optimal test cut values for BNP (116 ng/L), as the point that optimizes the rate of true-positive results while minimizing the rate the rate of false-positive results from five data sets [20]. Moreover, the authors proposed several pre-operative BNP cut-off values in predicting 30-day MACEs: 30 ng/L for screening (95% sensitivity, 44% specificity), 116 ng/L for optimal (highest accuracy point; 66% sensitivity, 82% specificity), and 372 ng/L for diagnostic (32% sensitivity, 95% specificity) [20].
For More Info : https://www.europeanhhm.com/articles/natriuretic-peptides-and-troponins-to-predict-cardiovascular-events-in-patients-undergoing-major-non-cardiac-surgery
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livlovlun119 · 1 year
위기 / 2007 8월 프랑스 bnp 파리바 은행 mbs(주택 담보 증권)의 유동성 완전 증발 가능성 언급 / 레포 repo 환매 조건부 채권 매매 / 콘듀잇 ; 기업어음 발행처(그림자 은행) / 재할인율 인하 / 베어 스턴스(모기지 증권화 판매 대출 보유) / jp 모건 체이스 ; 제임스 제이미 다이먼 / 뉴욕 연은이 jp 모건에 대출하는 방식으로 베어 스턴스에 자금 제공 4 대 0 가결 / 다이먼 베어 스턴스 인수 / 패니 메이 프레디 맥 파산 방지 자본 투입 / 리먼 브라더스 파산 댐 붕괴 / aig 구제 금융 대출 / tarp troubled asset relief progam 금융 구제 프로그램 / tarp법 부실자산구제계획법 / 2008 11월 오바마 당선 / harp 주택담보대출 차환 프로그램 / hamp 주택 담보대출 조정 프로그램 / 2009 2월 스트레스 테스트 /
여파 / 양적 완화 quantitive easing ; 정통 이론의 종말 / lasp large-scale asset purchase 대규모 자산 매입 / 바젤 3 최소 레버리지 비율 새로운 금융 시스템의 구축 / 글래스-스티걸법(대공황 때) 도드-프랭크법(금융위기) / 연준 연임 2010 2월 / 양적 완화2 ; 증권 매입 / 역풍 ; 신용 경색의 효과 / 2012 9월 양적 완화3 / 고용 회복을 위해 / 테이퍼 케이퍼스 taper capers 테이퍼링을 둘러싼 논란과 그 진행과정 / 천천히 유동성 회수하는 것 / 2014 2월 재닛 옐런 지명 /
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Mehmet Ertan Özay Türkiye Sigorta’da Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcılığı görevi Mart 2023 itibarıyla sektörün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’a emanet.   Türkiye Sigorta ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, üst yönetim kadrosunu güçlendirmeye devam ediyor. Türkiye Sigorta tarafından Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu’na (KAP) yapılan açıklamaya göre; sigorta sektörünün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’ın, SEDDK onayı sonrasında, Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başlayacağı kaydedildi. Mehmet Ertan Özay Kimdir?İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İşletme Mühendisliği’nden 1994 yılında mezun olan Mehmet Ertan Özay, aynı üniversitede 1997 yılında İşletme Yüksek Lisansını tamamladı. SMMM belgesine sahip olan Özay, iş hayatına 1997 yılında Bosch Siemens (B/S/H) Türkiye’de Mali Kontrolör olarak başladı. 2001-2003 yılları arasında Sasa-Dupontsa’da Bütçe-Kontrol ve Yönetim Muhasebesi bölümünde çalıştıktan sonra, 2003-2006 yılları arasında Aksigorta’da İç Denetim Müdür Yardımcısı ve Mali İşler Müdürlüğü görevlerinde bulundu. 2006-2007 yıllarında ise Garanti Sigorta’da Mali İşler Güçlendirilmiş Yönetmeni olarak görev yaptı ve Şirket Satış Projesi Koordinasyonunda yer aldı.   Özay, 2007-2013 yılları arasında Groupama’da Türkiye Mali İşler ve Tahsilat Grup Müdürü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2013-2014 yıllarında BNP Paribas Cardif’te Türkiye Finans Direktörü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2014-2015 yıllarında Zurich Sigorta’da CFO, Yönetim ve İcra Kurulu Üyeliği görevlerini yürüttü. Willis Towers Watson’da 2016-2018 yılları arasında Türkiye CFO ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olan Özay, 2018-2020 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi ve Türkiye CFO’su, 2020-2023 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi CFO’su, Türkiye Ülke Lideri, Türkiye dışında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgelerinde Yönetim Kurulu Üyelikleri görevlerinde bulundu.
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Mehmet Ertan Özay Türkiye Sigorta’da Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcılığı görevi Mart 2023 itibarıyla sektörün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’a emanet.   Türkiye Sigorta ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, üst yönetim kadrosunu güçlendirmeye devam ediyor. Türkiye Sigorta tarafından Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu’na (KAP) yapılan açıklamaya göre; sigorta sektörünün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’ın, SEDDK onayı sonrasında, Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başlayacağı kaydedildi. Mehmet Ertan Özay Kimdir?İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İşletme Mühendisliği’nden 1994 yılında mezun olan Mehmet Ertan Özay, aynı üniversitede 1997 yılında İşletme Yüksek Lisansını tamamladı. SMMM belgesine sahip olan Özay, iş hayatına 1997 yılında Bosch Siemens (B/S/H) Türkiye’de Mali Kontrolör olarak başladı. 2001-2003 yılları arasında Sasa-Dupontsa’da Bütçe-Kontrol ve Yönetim Muhasebesi bölümünde çalıştıktan sonra, 2003-2006 yılları arasında Aksigorta’da İç Denetim Müdür Yardımcısı ve Mali İşler Müdürlüğü görevlerinde bulundu. 2006-2007 yıllarında ise Garanti Sigorta’da Mali İşler Güçlendirilmiş Yönetmeni olarak görev yaptı ve Şirket Satış Projesi Koordinasyonunda yer aldı.   Özay, 2007-2013 yılları arasında Groupama’da Türkiye Mali İşler ve Tahsilat Grup Müdürü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2013-2014 yıllarında BNP Paribas Cardif’te Türkiye Finans Direktörü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2014-2015 yıllarında Zurich Sigorta’da CFO, Yönetim ve İcra Kurulu Üyeliği görevlerini yürüttü. Willis Towers Watson’da 2016-2018 yılları arasında Türkiye CFO ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olan Özay, 2018-2020 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi ve Türkiye CFO’su, 2020-2023 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi CFO’su, Türkiye Ülke Lideri, Türkiye dışında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgelerinde Yönetim Kurulu Üyelikleri görevlerinde bulundu.
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sigorta-sektoru · 2 years
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Mehmet Ertan Özay Türkiye Sigorta’da Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcılığı görevi Mart 2023 itibarıyla sektörün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’a emanet.   Türkiye Sigorta ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, üst yönetim kadrosunu güçlendirmeye devam ediyor. Türkiye Sigorta tarafından Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu’na (KAP) yapılan açıklamaya göre; sigorta sektörünün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’ın, SEDDK onayı sonrasında, Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başlayacağı kaydedildi. Mehmet Ertan Özay Kimdir?İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İşletme Mühendisliği’nden 1994 yılında mezun olan Mehmet Ertan Özay, aynı üniversitede 1997 yılında İşletme Yüksek Lisansını tamamladı. SMMM belgesine sahip olan Özay, iş hayatına 1997 yılında Bosch Siemens (B/S/H) Türkiye’de Mali Kontrolör olarak başladı. 2001-2003 yılları arasında Sasa-Dupontsa’da Bütçe-Kontrol ve Yönetim Muhasebesi bölümünde çalıştıktan sonra, 2003-2006 yılları arasında Aksigorta’da İç Denetim Müdür Yardımcısı ve Mali İşler Müdürlüğü görevlerinde bulundu. 2006-2007 yıllarında ise Garanti Sigorta’da Mali İşler Güçlendirilmiş Yönetmeni olarak görev yaptı ve Şirket Satış Projesi Koordinasyonunda yer aldı.   Özay, 2007-2013 yılları arasında Groupama’da Türkiye Mali İşler ve Tahsilat Grup Müdürü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2013-2014 yıllarında BNP Paribas Cardif’te Türkiye Finans Direktörü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2014-2015 yıllarında Zurich Sigorta’da CFO, Yönetim ve İcra Kurulu Üyeliği görevlerini yürüttü. Willis Towers Watson’da 2016-2018 yılları arasında Türkiye CFO ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olan Özay, 2018-2020 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi ve Türkiye CFO’su, 2020-2023 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi CFO’su, Türkiye Ülke Lideri, Türkiye dışında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgelerinde Yönetim Kurulu Üyelikleri görevlerinde bulundu.
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sigorta-haberleri · 2 years
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Mehmet Ertan Özay Türkiye Sigorta’da Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcılığı görevi Mart 2023 itibarıyla sektörün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’a emanet.   Türkiye Sigorta ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, üst yönetim kadrosunu güçlendirmeye devam ediyor. Türkiye Sigorta tarafından Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu’na (KAP) yapılan açıklamaya göre; sigorta sektörünün deneyimli ismi Mehmet Ertan Özay’ın, SEDDK onayı sonrasında, Türkiye Sigorta Finansal Yönetim ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik Finans, Aktüerya ve Teknik Operasyon Genel Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başlayacağı kaydedildi. Mehmet Ertan Özay Kimdir?İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İşletme Mühendisliği’nden 1994 yılında mezun olan Mehmet Ertan Özay, aynı üniversitede 1997 yılında İşletme Yüksek Lisansını tamamladı. SMMM belgesine sahip olan Özay, iş hayatına 1997 yılında Bosch Siemens (B/S/H) Türkiye’de Mali Kontrolör olarak başladı. 2001-2003 yılları arasında Sasa-Dupontsa’da Bütçe-Kontrol ve Yönetim Muhasebesi bölümünde çalıştıktan sonra, 2003-2006 yılları arasında Aksigorta’da İç Denetim Müdür Yardımcısı ve Mali İşler Müdürlüğü görevlerinde bulundu. 2006-2007 yıllarında ise Garanti Sigorta’da Mali İşler Güçlendirilmiş Yönetmeni olarak görev yaptı ve Şirket Satış Projesi Koordinasyonunda yer aldı.   Özay, 2007-2013 yılları arasında Groupama’da Türkiye Mali İşler ve Tahsilat Grup Müdürü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2013-2014 yıllarında BNP Paribas Cardif’te Türkiye Finans Direktörü ve İcra Kurulu Üyesi, 2014-2015 yıllarında Zurich Sigorta’da CFO, Yönetim ve İcra Kurulu Üyeliği görevlerini yürüttü. Willis Towers Watson’da 2016-2018 yılları arasında Türkiye CFO ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olan Özay, 2018-2020 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi ve Türkiye CFO’su, 2020-2023 yılları arasında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgesi CFO’su, Türkiye Ülke Lideri, Türkiye dışında Orta&Doğu Avrupa Bölgelerinde Yönetim Kurulu Üyelikleri görevlerinde bulundu.
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