#BNHA Comfort-tob
angelselene · 2 years
BNHA Comfort-Tober 4
Prompts: Playlist | airport | “You’re all the coffee that I need in the morning.”
The airport playlist is patently awful. Shouto’s been stuck there since his flight got in at three in the morning, and none of the terminal’s cafes are open to serve coffee. His flight, that was supposed to leave at 5 a.m., has been canceled, and the new one won’t leave till 9. He’s not quite desperate enough to chance a soda--he’s really not fond of the sugary sweetness and never has been--but he’s so tired, he aches with it.
He glances down at his phone, checking the battery, only to see a message from Midoriya.
[Heard your flight was canceled. Need a lift?]
Ordinarily, he would never abuse Midoriya’s power to simply get him home, but he’s exhausted, and all he wants is Toshinori. Sleeping when he travels without Toshinori is always the worst, and he misses his husband like a limb.
[If it’s not an imposition?]
[It might have been Oboro-san’s idea] is the reply.
Shouto doesn’t try to fathom how Oboro heard about his flight getting canceled, or why he’d offer, but nothing will get him home more quickly than the Kurogiri Express--as his friends sometimes call it.
He starts to reply to ask if he should meet Oboro outside, when someone calls his name.
Shirakumo Oboro still doesn’t look entirely human. His hair is a smokey white haze, but his smile reminds Shouto of Toshinori a little bit, so he has a soft spot for the man.
“How did you find me?” Shouto asks, curious but not overly alarmed. “And so late?”
“It’s Yagi-san’s birthday. You can’t miss that,” he says. “I would have been here sooner, but Hizashi said it was a little presumptuous to come and get you without asking.”
Of all the people who had helped Oboro recover from being a nomu and allied with the League of Villains, Toshinori has been a surprise ace. While he’d have been content to let Shouto get home in time to surprise Toshinori, he’ also have wanted to make sure, should something go wrong, that Shouto’s surprise went off without a hitch.
Fortunately, Shouto travels light and only had his carry-on. “Okay,” he says. “Let’s go.” He can cancel the flight by phone when he’s at home.
Oboro opens a tear, and pulls them through, from Beijing back to Musutafu, landing them in the hall outside Toshinori and Shouto’s shared apartment.
“Go give him a happy birthday,” Oboro says with a leer.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto says, “Thank you,” even as he fishes out his keys.
“Keep making him happy, and there’s nothing to thank me for,” Oboro says, and between Shouto unlocking the door and looking back, he’s gone.
Shaking his head, he drops his bag and shoes off in the genkan and makes a line straight for the bedroom. It’s just before six still, and Toshinori is already stirring--because it’s just Shouto’s luck to fall in love with a damned morning person. Shouto climbs into bed, which wakes Toshinori more, and before he can say anything, kisses him.
For a moment, Toshinori doesn’t kiss him back. Then his long, strong fingers are moving over Shouto, pulling him him, his tongue teasing across Shouto’s lips. They break just long enough for Toshinori to ask, “You’re home early! Don’t you need some rest?”
“You’re all the coffee that I need in the morning,” Shouto says, kissing him again.
They’re the last words either of them says for quite some time.
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