jayvrontio · 2 years
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Just a random idea for an AU with the boys lol
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cloversdreams · 6 years
002+ Hotwings
oof my boyssss X3
when or if I started shipping it: practically as soon as hawks was introduced… even though dabi hadnt even been seen for a while in the series it happened anyway, whoops. crackship ahoy!
my thoughts: *incoherent screaming about how much i love them*
What makes me happy about them: so many things ugh. their personalities. the fact that theyre portrayed as opposites and could potentially blend so well. their potential for a shared past. oof my heart is just too taken with all the possibilities when it comes to this ship
What makes me sad about them: all the angst. i see it. i understand it. but boyyyyy. they deserve some happiness ok. let them smile pls
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: hmm im not too keen on using made up names for hawks. i also wont peronally use toya for dabi until thats confirmed in canon cause yeah.. super off chance that it isnt him then my “dabi is a todoroki” tag is still good cause he can be an illegitimate son of enji and all that. but the toya thing would require editing fics and im so not gonna be bothered. ill wait until theyre both named to use such XD
Things I look for in fanfic: i havent read a fic about them in a long time because there was too much angst everywhere. so i guess if i were to go back id search for soft things where theyre just a pair of goofballs in love
My kinks: people acknowledging that the pair switch -claps-
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: my only other ship for the pair is them x happiness. goddddd i just want them both to have that one day. shut up and let me dream -weeps-
My happily ever after for them: god… which au… i have soo many thoughts on this… ok ill think of one now…
the pair retire to a country where no one knows their names or faces. its a tropical climate and hawks is always cooing softly because hes warm and so happy. dabi complains a lot but he doesnt mind the warm either, or the cute little sounds his birb makes. there is an unprecedented amount of cuddling and smiles and as far as anyone else around them knows, theyre just a pair of overly affectionate dorks very much in love
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