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deepestarbiterkid · 3 months ago
when B.E: G become sober.
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deepestarbiterkid · 4 months ago
How B.E: Q introduce his bf.
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deepestarbiterkid · 4 months ago
lorelai meet B.E: G and B.E: Q.
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 months ago
blame it on the alcohol.
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 months ago
4.) Séance session
It's s cold and unforgiving nigth and the moon was full and shiny in the night but this is not just normal night no no no. It's a night when all ghoul and ghost will coming out the grave and haunting everyone and it's a perfect night for Séance session neo for neo trio and they did every oktober night but nothing is work but they don't care if it's working they doing for fun and it's a tradition for them but until one night the Séance session willl be different.
One night the neo trio walking to the same haunted house and they holding all Séance session tools and they talking each other and wondering which ghost they going to summon.
Molly, so trixie🙂 what we going to summon now🫤
Phoenica, and i hope it's not a scary one😰
Trixie, no no no😄 this time we not going to summon a scary one😌 today we going to summon a ghost named lily smökret😀 Lily smökret is a explorer and she love exploring and finding some mythical creature who lived in the earth but one day she saw something interesting of a book of wild north and she reading of a monster named james mckoko and she was fascinated because people on wild north reporting of many people dissapered in the snowstorm and everyone say it's was james mckoko who killed and eat the lost traveler in the snowstorm storm and she was so fascinated that she travelling to a mountain of wild north and it's was a strong snowstorm and the snowstorm came no where until she saw her own eyes. People on wild north was right, james mckoko is real but the problem is he is real and she become a prey to him and then he running to her and james start killing and consuming her and then she killed by the wild north boogeyman😄
Molly, that's sound horrible😰
Phoenica, and sad😢
Trixie, but don't worry😄 we going to summon her so that we can hear her story of adventure or mabye we can send her to heaven if we can help her😁
Molly, that sound pretty good idea😀
Phoenica, I love it😃🤩
Trixie, come on girls😄 we have a ghost who need a help😁
When the neo trio is in the same haunted house thet perparing of séance session so that they going to summon lily smökret and when they are finish of séance session the neo trio sitt in circle and Surrending the table and now they are perparing to summon the ghost of lily smökret and now they talking together to summon the ghost.
The neo trio, we have gather to summon the ghost of lily smökret. We want to summon lily smökret so that we can help her to move on. We want to summon lily smökret to make her suffer to end.
After trixie yell her name everything goes silence till they laughing so much because it's still not working but they don't care because it's fun to hang out together and everyone laughing together so much but until Phoenica stop laughing and she look shocked.
Phoenica, uhhh molly, trixie😰
Trixie, what😂 huh😧
Phoenica pointing at ouija and when molly and trixie look at ouija they was shocked like phoenica because the planchette start moving and stopping for a letter and trixie was shock that she actually summon lily smökret.
Trixie, quick molly write that down😨 write that down😨
Molly grab her paper and pen inside her bag and start writing quickly till the planchette stop moving.
Trixie, so what does it say😟
Molly, it's say😦 give me some booze😐🤨
Phoenica, booze😐
Trixie, booze🤨
Trixie know what booze because them's father have a cabinet with full of booze and he told his children that no one will ever take is booze.
Trixie, wait a min😧 lily never drinking some booze🤨
Phoenica, but If she don't drink some booze😟 what did we summon then😰
Trixie, I don't know but I think we need to leave now😰
But the door close and locking itself and neo trio hear a eerie voice that sound not like lily smökret, It's sound like a ghostly dark voice and he sound very grumpy and thirsty.
Unknown ghost, GiVe Me ThE bOoZe!
Molly, but we can't give you a booze we are a kid😟😰
And when molly say that everything goes shaking like a earthquake and all object start floating around and throwing everything and a one bottle throw at phoenica but molly catch it with her great reflex.
Phoenica, molly😦 you😧
Molly, I know😄 I just train a little😅
But it's still contuning throwing everywhere and and the house start shaking even stronger and neo trio can hear a anger voice.
Unknown ghost, GIVE ME THE BOOZE!!!!!!!
Molly, trixie make it stop😰
Trixie, I CAN'T😰 only a ghost can but he can stop only he want something😰
Molly, he want booze but how do we get some boo-
Phoenica can't take it anymore and she start yell loud.
And then everything goes stop and and all object falling down ans everything goes silence.
Trixie, Feenie😦 WHY DID YOU DO THAT😡
Phoenica, I don't😟 it's just😰 i🥺😢
Phoenica start falling apart and start crying and having mental breakdown anf trixie was silence and realize what they did and start regretting what they done.
Trixie, feenie😟 i'm😰 i'm so sorry😞 I didn't mean that😢
Trixie hug phoenica gentle and molly joining to hug them gentlely and they start crying until they hear a hard landing at the table and they look at the table and there a hourtime start flowing down.
Molly, uhhh guys😟
Trixie, I think we need to hurry😰
Molly, why😰
Trixie, because if the hourtime run out we all be haunted forever till we died😰
Phoenica, hunted😟 forever😰
Trixie, yea if you don't get some booze right now😰 we all screwed😰
And after that the neo trio start running and they start searching of a shop that sell some booze before the hourtime running out but they don't know where they can find it.
Molly found one beer in a supermarket and she took one beer and try to leave but she got caught by employer and she use her epithet to dumber the employer and then she escape with the beer.
Phoenica try to sell a whole box with full of whisky but how much money she going to give the cashier refuse to sell a beer for children so phoenica just give up.
Trixie try to stealing father's cabinet with full of booze but them was caught by father and she was in trouble.
The neo trio was about to give up and have no hope until they see a light shining their face and they see nothing but a miracle. There's a alcohol shop with all beer, whisky, booze and every alcohol you can buy it and the neo trio start running to alcohol shop and when they are inside the alcohol shop.
Alcohol shop owner, what do you want kids😒😑
They was just silence and didn't know what should they say until phoenica walk to the alcohol shop owner and she ask to him.
Phoenica, hello my gentleman😄 can I buy your shop and I will sell you one million dollar😊
Alcohol shop owner, ............ deal😐
After that the alcohol shop owner sold is shop for one million dollar but he don't care of if kids get drunk of his alcohol he just go away with all money and molly and trixie was silence while phoenica feel proud of her.
Phoenica, you welcome girls😉
Molly, well that was uhhh😦
Trixie, okay we have no time for think😟 we have all booze we needed so let's go😠
The neo trio grab all box full of beer, whisky and booze and return quickly back to the same haunted and when they are arrived they look terrified because the hourtime is almost run out.
Trixie, quick we must give all alcohol to ghost before it's too late😰
The neo trio start laying all box of alcohol quickly and then they are done they start having goosebumps and they feel someone looking at them behind and when they look at behind there's no one is behind them and when they look at forward they was scared because they see a ghost with black cloak that look like a grim reaper and they was paralyzed of fear and then when the ghost slowing to the box if all alcohol and Suddenly came a thunder from nowhere and everything goes dark in 15 second until everything is back to normal but the ghost and the box are gone and the sun start rising up and the neo trio walking back to home and they all are terrified yet tired.
Trixie, so😟 do you all believe ghost now😰
Molly, I feel i will never sleep again😰😓
Phoenica, me too🥺😢😭
Trixie, same😔
Meanwhile on the top of the tallest building there's a same ghost with black cloak just sitting there and watching the sun shine start rising up of morning and when the ghost with black cloak take the cloak of and it's revealed that it's was B.E: G who haunting neo trio and told them to bring some booze or they will be haunted forever but we wasn't alone because he got helped by epithet who was camouflaged whole time so that he can use his telekinesis to make everyone floating and shaking.
B.E: G, thank for the help epithet😉
Epithet, na😈 i'm just want make everyone traumatized because it's fun😈
B.E: G, so what are you going to do now🤨
Epithet, I going to scare some child and adult for fun so bye😜
Epithet start camouflaging and disappearing and B.E: G was silence in min till he contuning to relaxing of watched sun rise and he open the box and grab some flask with whisky and drinking all of it and throwing the flask out of the building and he contuning drinking it.
B.E: G, man😄 i love séance session prank😁
(The end)
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 months ago
I want it that way.
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 months ago
Molly sing Waka waka but everyone ruined it
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deepestarbiterkid · 21 days ago
no no square.
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deepestarbiterkid · 1 month ago
Lorelai tricking bio epithets.
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deepestarbiterkid · 1 month ago
B.E: G and B.E: Q sings just the two of us.
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deepestarbiterkid · 2 months ago
Hanging up christmas light outside.
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deepestarbiterkid · 3 months ago
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deepestarbiterkid · 4 months ago
Mera called B.E: L dad.
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deepestarbiterkid · 4 months ago
This isn't lactose, it's milk!
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deepestarbiterkid · 4 months ago
B.E: C want to eat penny.
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deepestarbiterkid · 5 months ago
B.E: T forgot his password.
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