#BFB Tren
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szeanos · 6 months ago
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favorite rarepair cause they act like awkward exes who never got over their break up and are kinda spiteful cause of that
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lanternouslobster · 2 years ago
Some of my BFDI AUs
I have a lot but these are my favorites.
Aphotic - One of my favorites, so it's at the top. Humanized and takes place in a realistic world version of Yoyle City, so no recovery. A mysterious, unidentified illness has been going around in Yoyle City, with seemingly no correlation or interaction between new cases. The problem? Everyone who seems to experience the symptoms goes missing around a week after the illness first appears. GB and TB, two world-renowned scientists, start investigating this illness along with Tree, Pen, Fries, Fanny, and Teardrop, as they were close to some of the missing cases. Things turn to utter chaos when Clock shows up at their research facility— three months after his own disappearance.
Shackled Divinity - This is the one with those deity designs I posted. Takes place presumably post-BFB and TPOT. Loser uncovers his buried memories as an ancient deity and goes mad with power, forcing Winner to gather up what other deities they can reach and put a stop to Loser's reign of terror.
Prismatic - Realistic world without recovery, but they're still objects. Tree and Fries are reporters who have picked up on a series of disappearances linked to the Crystalline Caverns, a popular tourist destination right outside of Yoyle City. Supposedly it's due to people wandering into the prohibited parts of the caverns without supervision, but Tree feels that something is off and convinces Fries of it. They go to investigate and get interviews for an article, only to discover that the reflective crystals in the caverns serve as a gateway to a near inescapable labyrinth that they unfortunately get stuck in. Now they must rely on the guidance of Pen and Puffball, two people who have gotten trapped in the caves years before, in order to find a way to escape.
Forager - Competition world, not humanized. It starts off as one of those classic BFB AUs where Four turns evil for no discernible reason and forces the contestants into a death game. One specific set of 8 are put into a heavily forested area far away from everyone else, and Four expects them to go insane and kill each other. So what do they do? Why, they band together and build cabins and farms and live together, of course. The group is Liy, Stapy, Lightning, Marker, Fries, Puffball, Pen, and Remote.
This one is unnamed and more just a flimsy concept I really really like. Humanized. Realistic world. Ish. It involves Pen getting cursed and now he's slowly dying and lots of flowers and Leafy being a malevolent nature deity and Tren and Black Hole being the embodiment of death. It's mostly Tren angst with a supernatural edge. No idea if I'll ever solidify this into an actual AU.
Hm, I sure wonder how many of these include Pen as a major character! Let's see... 4. Out of 5. He's like a lil' shimeji thing in my brain that wanders into my stories that I Cannot keep Out.
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noromantichero · 5 years ago
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blegh gay ppl xP, just a whole process of me being a tree kin and then falling in love with pen it’s okay though it’s all fine B) gosh my style has gotten too simple 4 my own good tho. happy pride <3
song in the first picture is moon waltz - cojum dip
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puppypop5 · 5 years ago
may i request,,, some tren?
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zeekybluu · 6 years ago
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afleetofships · 5 years ago
Hello ! For ur object show romance thing,may I request a TreexPen short story? Here’s da prompt,it’s kinda simple but ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू): Tree givez pen flowerz!! ˚₊*(ˊॢo̶̶̷̤◡ुo̴̶̷̤ˋॢ)*₊˚⁎ please don’t feel pressured to write it uwu.,,,,,
Tree x Pen is actually one of the couples I was looking around for this week when I was eventually inspired to do some writing again.
- - - - -
Tree walked down a long grassy field that was dotted with yellow and orange flowers, Pen trailing a few feet behind him. They were a mile away from where the rest of the BFB contestants hung out, much to Tree’s delight. Having even a moment of silence helped to keep him in check.
“Tree... are you going to tell me why we’ve been walking so long? Where is the place you wanted to show me?”
Tree remained silent for a moment but kept walking. He turned around and said, “We’re almost there, I promise.” Tree had reached his destination at least ten minutes ago; he wanted to take Pen to the edge of the field, not a half-mile into it. However, as his shaking leaves were displaying, he was too nervous to stop.
“If you say so, but we’ll need to go back soon. I think it’s going to get dark.”
Tree looked down towards the horizon and admired the sunset that was making the field glow with a bright orange color. He took a deep breath then stopped suddenly. “Alright, alright, we’ll stop right here.”
“Oh.” Pen looked to both sides, staring down the vast field before turning back to Tree. “What... are we doing here, Tree? It’s just an empty field.”
Tree’s breaths were heavier as he avoided Pen’s gaze. He lowered himself down and delicately picked a large, blooming orange flower. It was plucked perfectly, leaving all of its surrounding dirt and grass behind. Tree stood up straight again. “I, uh... I like this place.” He paused. “I like you.” He held the flower in front of Pen. “Here.”
Pen was dumbstruck. He felt close to Tree, but never saw the shy, flower-giving side of him. His gaze moved from Tree to the flower, admiring each of the large petals as they moved around in Tree’s shaking hand. Pen took the flower. “Thanks, Tree.”
Tree awkwardly kept his hand out after the flower left his fingers. He finally gained the courage to look Pen in the eyes and over-analyzed the way Pen looked at him; did Pen look at him with disdain? Was he happy? Was he scared? “I, uh...”
Pen chuckled. He gently grabbed Tree’s hand with his free hand and delicately held it. “I’ve never seen you like this, Tree. I, uh... I don’t really know what to say. You’re, like, my best friend, and I had no idea you ever felt like this. But...” Pen slowly raised the flower and rested it in the wedge of his pen cap. “But I think I like you too. Thanks for the flower.”
Tree’s bewildered look slowly turned into a relieved smile. “You’re welcome, Pen.”
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riverofspicymemes · 6 years ago
Draw a picture of Eraser and Tree fighting over Pen.
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I’m sorry!! I’ve had this ask for a while!! I hope it turned out okay!!
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bugkinn1e · 7 years ago
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Concept: Tree writes songs for his boyfriend Just a silly self indulgent doodle
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treexpen · 3 years ago
Oh no I like them again
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exquisitelyrandom · 4 years ago
#8 Tren
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They got a case of the gay
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radioxerox · 6 years ago
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collab with @jab-draws ! casual wlw/mlm solidarity ✊🏳️‍🌈✊
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meeyers · 6 years ago
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Here’s some Tren for @anxiet-wee
Tree is teasing him. Pen is doing a bad job hiding that he likes it.
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noromantichero · 5 years ago
christmas (tren fanfic)
Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year! as said by Andy Williams. Or at least that’s what the cover of the vinyl said.
Tree had been a victim or decorating over the Christmas season and it tired him terribly. He was attacked by bright lights, suffocating tinsel, and they’d constantly jump up at him and slam a star atop his head. Listening to Christmas tunes was the only way to sooth his hurtful heart at this time of year.
Thinking about it, he was especially mad at Pen, Blocky and Eraser.
Those idiots!
In an instant reaction, he stomped his foot hard at their thought. They started it all! ‘Oh ho, wouldn’t it be funny to decorate Tree like a Christmas tree?’ For one, he’s deciduous. Secondly, there are inanimate trees out there. Why couldn’t they decorate those?
But those three’s funny pranks and stupid acts came down to making Tree a sight for laughter. Ridiculed, mocked, and just feeling lonely, he went down to a music store to listen to Christmas songs. It seemed a lot of that genre was in stock, Golf Ball believed Yoyle City was abandoned near the time. December.
Even if he felt lonely, was he alone? Truly, no one ever is. Bottle’s voice chirped through a door.
“Hello, Tree! What’s wrong? You look kinda sad.”
He snapped his head up, and took the needle off the record, and sighed heavily. “You can come in, Bottle. Nothing is stopping you.” He patted the part of table next to him. She strolled in quite carelessly and plodded herself down.
“Well, what’s up?” She asked again, innocently. Tree looked her dead in the eyes before speaking.
“It’s just Christmas! Those three maniacs keep dressing me up like a Christmas tree and all it does is annoy me. I’m here sulking over it now, listening to...” He studied the album cover before continuing. “Andy Williams! His music is only decent too, it’s not as orchestrated enough for my taste.” His body slumped, as the anger from him was gone and left with a strange sort of sadness.
“Oh, Tree... You didn’t have to leave yourself here. Why don’t you distract yourself by coming out and playing with the rest of the team?” Bottle smiled and held her hand out, awaiting him to nod and go with her. But he didn’t.
“Bottle, it’s not that simple. Pen is in our team and they never give me a break. I feel bad for every victim of ‘Blocky’s Funny Doings International’, just for the pain and humiliation they would’ve went through. Imagine it, viewers laughing at you for dying. Painful. At least this isn’t on camera.” He scanned through room for any sign of something recording them.
“Look, I appreciate your help but it’s so much more complicated. I’d rather just sulk here than have to face Pen and his cronies. Especially since he’s in our team.”
Bottle fiddled with her hands before talking again, in a softer tone, “Is anything else bothering you? Is it just more than that?”
Tree hesitated. He couldn’t deny it any longer.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“Yeah! I cross my heart I won’t tell anyone, but, uh, pretend I have one!” She smiled. But, it faded after the leafy boy next to her stared at the ground for too long. Solemn silence hung between them; the air was stale with patience.
“I’m gay. Is that simple enough?” Tree huffed and buried his face in his hands. He had no idea whether Bottle would accept him or not.
“Wh... What’s that?” She innocently questioned. Tree looked up at her in disbelief and felt immediately relieved: at least she didn’t hate him.
“I like other males. A boy and a boy liking each other, you know?”
Bottle lit up and smiled, “Oh yeah! I heard Cake was that. It makes sense now. But, is that all? You know none of us would judge, especially being around Liy, who is also attracted to the same gender.”
“Though, I’m telling you that because it all ties together. But, I don’t think you know how.”
Bottle shook her head lightly. Tree just continued to explain. “Those three — Blocky, Pen and Eraser — even if they hurt me I can’t stay mad at one of them. You see, I like one of them romantically. That’s what I’m going through. It’s painful seeing your crush continuously mock you.”
Bottle came to a conclusion: “Move on then! There are others out there.”
“You still don’t understand. It’s not that easy in reality. It’s the one that does it the least and only did it once. Pen is a lot more considerate than the others.”
Bottle shot up and pointed whilst covering her mouth. “It’s Pen! IT’S PEN!!!”
Tree panicked for a second then covered her mouth forcefully. “Not so loud, Bottle! Yes, I really like him but you don’t need to scream it.”
“I’ll tell him for you.”
“No way, josé.”
“Then I’ll tell him to stop!”
“I can work round that, then.”
“Well thanks, Tree!”
Bottle hopped up and skidded out. She waved one last goodbye before smiling her way out of the music store. Tree just comfortingly grinned at her.
There, he put the needle in the vinyl again but this time the only that came out was crackling and the sound of Bottle talking to Pen.
expect mistakes lol, ty 4 reading
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wildcard-mnr · 5 years ago
save world
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object-flags · 6 years ago
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gay tren flag for anon!
[2017 version under the cut]
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riverofspicymemes · 6 years ago
Can I have some tren but with flower crowns??
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