agentetuttis · 5 months
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fff ben au with oc 🥺🥺
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deakydeaky · 5 years
Head cannon: going on vacation to your family’s houseboat with the BoRhap boys.
(A/N: Hey! I’m sorry I took kind of a break but there has been some stuff going on and I’ve been a little in my head and writing helps:) please send in as much as you want and I’ll get it done within a few days, I promise! Xx)
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Sleeping arguments/ schedules;
Let’s start with the fact that there are bunk beds on this house boat
But Joe and Ben still sleep in the same bed (let’s put the reader with Joe bc it’s been a minute and I love him so fuck it)
You and Gwil felt left out and slept in the same bunk bed, away from them
You heard them giggling all the time
At some point, after Ben fell asleep, Joe crawled into bed with you
Only having two and a half bathrooms, which can get a little tricky
Wanting to get up at the same time for breakfast and to plan the day but someone is also up late
Night time hard when you all turn in at the same time bc you’re all tired and just wanna go to bed but someone is taking too long in the bathroom
“No because you’ve been in there forever!” Ben and Rami yelled at each other
“What’s the fight about? Who looked in the mirror too long?” You laughed
“You been looking for twenty minutes, it’s my turn.” Lucy mimicked them as she walked pass
“Brush your teeth in the sink in the kitchen if you have to.” You told them
Going to bed also a nightmare because of the rooms
You have four rooms on the boat but one of them was your parents room and sometimes no one wanted to sleep in the same bed
Hints that why at some space on the back there are bunk beds, eight beds all together
You family thought of it because they thought a lot more people would be over
That’s why sometimes when your family or others were there you’d take the bunk beds but they weren’t ideal
A lot of small arguments
Someone randomly making a joke at night and everyone laughing
Lucy and you talking about your dream weddings because it’s cute
Sharing your Pinterest posts with each other
Bonding with her more
What you do on the trip;
There is a lot of just driving around
Also you have a sea doo, or more, that you guys take out
Joe and Ben race each other, which is a horrible idea
Lucy and you obviously would take cute photos together in your matching swimsuits
You lunch outside
Have family dinners
You blare music all day long
At night you go into sleep comas from the long days
Water, and I can not stress this enough, fights
Joe and you going on a sea doo and going off for some privacy
Ben and Rami ending up finding you two on a different part of the lake
Getting water guns
Having to take the water guns because of them playing inside too much
“Take it out!” You told Ben and Gwil
“Okay mom.” Ben would mumble
“You want them taken away?”
Lucy and you drinking wine all day long because what is time?
Having flats to flat around on most of the time
Having one of those really big floats that holds like ten people
Your parents end up showing up, along with your siblings(if you have those)
A lot of late nights filled with putting on sunscreen, playing cards and eating pizza or chips
Tanning on the top of the boat
Lucy and you driving around to get away
Having a smalll boat to go to and from the shore for food or drinks
Learning how to drive the boat while out
A lot of drunk nights
“You are so fucking fine.” Joe would say before grabbing your face and kissing you
“Thanks babe.” Ben would say raising his beer
“Lets go skinny dipping!” Rami laughed out as he said it
“Drinking and swimming equally draining.” Lucy has to tell him
“You’re more sober, you can watch out for us.”
“That’s a lot of penis.” You said looking at your drink.” Last one in pays for the next run.” You pushed down your chair and ran out
Ben ending up being the last one naked and in because he couldn’t get his shirt off
Staying in with Rami sometimes just to chill out
Tanning with Lucy
Drunk singing Queen
Singing Queen or Elton John or Abba or whatever all the time
A lot of drinking while playing cards
Saying “lemme me drive the boat” every once in a while
Moving to a different room on the house boat after a long day
Floating around on one of those swans with Lucy and drinking wine
One of them bringing their guitar or bass or something and playing it
One of you dropping your phone into the water but someone was luckily close enough to grab it before it went under
Making dinner for everyone
Lucy and you would totally take naps together, don’t @ me
Playing childish games
Playing the card game ‘Buzzed’
Having a beer chugging contest with Ben (I feel like he’s a beer guy, idk)
Rami and you seeing if you could do flips into the water
Cardy B coming out
“Would you please put him away? I find it weird I’ve had to ask you this many times.”
“He’s apart of this family.” Joe would fold his arms
“I’m bunking with Rami.”
Dinners on the boat/nighttime;
A lot of laughing and sharing memories
Talking about what you were all gonna do the next day
Creating a lot of memories
One night someone drove to get pizza from a place off of the water
Playing cards during or after dinner
Talking about the nap you had that day or something funny that happened while someone else wasn’t around
Someone not staying quiet
Throwing popcorn at each other
Someone always getting too rough
“Ow! Y/N, he just hit me!” Joe would tell you as you tried to watch the movie
“Behave before I ground you both.” You would tell them
Gambling candy or a small bag of Chibs when playing cards
Someone always getting mad and giving up
“No bro because you were cheating.”
“It doesn’t count as-“
“The rules say it’s cheating bro!”
“You’re gonna tell me I’m wrong?! They just tweeted about it bro! Grow up!” Everyone not involved losing their minds over how funny the fight is
Monopoly is off limits but one night when you played you were up until four in the morning and it almost ruined your friendship
Late night drives on the boat
Watching horror movies
Everyone taking a room and sleeping with whoever
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” Ben would ask you
“We have the same one and he’s with Lucy.”
“Jesus.” He would mumble as you held onto him
“Did you hear that?!”
Dance parties at night because why have them in the morning when there is nighttime??
Lucy and you making a secret handshake
Late night conversations
“Think you can get a UTI from the water?”
“Not sure that’s what you think you caught.”
“Piss off.”
Random questions
“What would be your number one wish?”
“What if we got married?” “We’re not even dating.”
“Okay, if you could have one hour with Freddie what would you talk about?”
“Okay but one of us should totally have a baby.”
“Okay out of all of the members of Queen, who’d you fuck?”
“Lucy, you’d date me right? Like if you weren’t with Rami?” “Probably, you’re very cute.” “Oh my god she’s totally gonna leave you.” You’d tell Rami
Having an amazing time and creating a lot of memories
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