immamapletreekid · 10 months
the more linear algebra i learn the more im convinced that it isn't math and is actually some sort of fucked up old branch of magic
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adelarsims · 2 years
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This is Zach, a bad guy with a good heart. Uni dropout, smarter than others think, and kinder than he tries to let on.
He's rude, swears a lot, has a short fuse but is crazy loyal to people he's close with, surprisingly nice to elders because he had a grandma that loved him and was kind to him even when he behaved like shit, and back then he wasn't always kind to her so now he feels bad about that, he's really good at math, makes arm jokes that make people uncomfortable, and his go-to playlist is actually softer than you'd expect.
He's 27 years old. Closeted bisexual slightly leaning towards men without really thinking of it more than of just a good friendship (he emotionally connects with guys easier and needs a bit more time to warm up to a girl), plus he's not really romantic in general to reflect on these feelings too much. His best idea of romance is sitting on a car trunk somewhere in the middle of nowhere and eating junk food together, trash talking each other, laughing loudly and bumping shoulders.
Zach trivia:
he despises people who pick on someone way smaller or only when they outnumber someone. pick someone your own size, assholes!
there was one shy guy in school who considered zach a kind person and his friend, despite zach being a troublemaker and constantly picking up fights, and despite the fact that they didn’t hang out and barely ever talked, because when this guy talked and others started to talk over him, zach yelled at them to shut the fuck up until the guy could finish the story.
he listens to music a lot but pays more attention to the rhythm than to lyrics. lyrics can be good or a complete trash and he will still listen to it just the same if the beat is right.
about arm jokes: like when he's asked what time is it by someone who doesn't know about his arm, and he lifts his left arm up, as if he’s going to look at the time, and says, “oh shit, i forgot my watch at home”. he also uses expressions with words "hand" or "arm" in them (like "i need a hand" or "it will cost me an arm and a leg") unnecessarily often, precisely because people usually awkwardly avoid using these words around him.
he also makes up all kinds of stories about how he lost his arm, like "the shark bit it right off while i was surfing in Sulani"
but at the same time, he hates when people recognize him by missing an arm, or pay too much attention, or it's the first thing they think about him. "yeah, yeah, no arm, alright. dude, it's not my whole fucking personality!"
unlike many of my other characters with their problematic family backgrounds, zach has very normal, average family that has its communication problems occasionally but in general is loving and supportive.
he’s a huge sweet tooth but doesn’t indulge too much around others because “sweets are girls' thing” yup he has some weird gender stereotypes like that. yeah, leave him with a few snickers bars unsupervised, and see how soon he'll start stuffing his face.
was a part of math competition team at school until he started hanging out with a bunch of good for nothing dudes, so he’s like smarty smart actually. even though not many ppl care to know about that.
he was really short until late teenage years and was very self conscious about that. he was afraid that he's gonna stay short forever and had sudden growth spurt only after 18.
his full name is, unsurprisingly, Zachary, but no one ever calls him that except for his mom when she's mad and he's in for an earful.
he's had commited (ish) relationships a couple times, but usually they tend to not last. he knows that he's "supposed" to have a girlfriend because everyone else does, but he doesn't know what exactly he's supposed to feel towards her, so he mostly treated his girlfriends like his bros, and girls weren't happy about that dynamic in a long run.
i'm not sure but i think he might be aromantic or somewhere close to aro spectrum. he doesn't really understand the appeal or feel the need for love talks and illogical romantic gestures, and they don't make him weak in his knees. and while he would probably want a solid relationship, for him it's more about partnership and having each other's back through thick and thin. oh, and ofc a lot of sex. he has pretty high sex drive.
he can whistle masterfully and likes songs with long whistle solo because he can whistle along and show off (like "wind of change", "other people" or this one whistle song from "kill bill").
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hoppips · 9 months
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end of the year art meme... i don't think i've posted one to tumblr in a few years but this is the place for more long form posts so i'm doing some retrospection. it's rambly and kind of corny engage at your own discretion LMAO
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(2013 and 2018 art summaries, for the 10 and 5 year marks)
please don't look at my cringe teenage interests too hard (or the fact that i apparently had a misspelled url in 2013 lmaoo) but it's crazy to think about how i've been doing this for 10 years now... the past few years in particular have been uniquely challenging for me. without getting into it, my personal situation was basically constantly unstable. i spent most of my energy just trying to get by, and unsurprisingly my relationship with art suffered as a result of the perpetual lack of spoons i had. there was actually a point in late 2019/ early 2020 where i thought about giving up on art entirely. i was art blocked out of my mind and i hated everything i was drawing, picking it apart to pieces before i could let myself just enjoy making anything. the turning point for me was probably some time around april 2020 when i was finally starting to somewhat emerge from some of the issues in my personal life. funny how being stressed might make it hard to create, huh.
but to be honest, it's not even that things got uh, much better. not for a while, anyway. it wasn't until this year actually that things are... normal-ish (knocking on wood that it stays this way). but i'd still point to that time in 2020 being a turning point for my art at least, because that's when i finally started to draw to make things i wanted to make. especially when i was younger i was kind of obsessed with needing to get better as fast as possible. i thought a lot about trying to make my art look "better" rather than like.. i don't know... just making it? as cheesy as it is, this is something i owe ffxiv so much for because like, just genuinely, i got so obsessed with my wols and the characters i liked in that game that i wanted to draw them all the time. it's the closest i'd felt to being a kid doodling pokemon in my math notebook.
i'd be lying if i said my relationship with my art is perfect, or even *good*, right now. i still have a tendency to critique it much more harshly than is probably good for me, especially now that it's my only source of income. there's a lot of technical skill i lack. i'm a great combo of self-taught and lazy so i only know what i've taught myself and i'm allergic to actually doing studies lol. in the moment it was really easy for me to get in my own head about the quality of my work, especially now that my disposable income basically depended entirely on what i made from commissions. but i realized i can say i really had a lot of fun with my art this year. so, i'm pretty fucking proud of what i made (also to be fair! i think it all slaps! let me toot my own horn, its christmas) i don't really have anything concrete to say to close this off, this is just me rambling to myself. i don't really do this kind of thing often, but one of my regrets is that i didn't journal much in the past so i don't have many concrete records of things to look back on.
if i'm looking at this in a few years, or to whoever might be reading this right now, i suppose if anything i want to say it doesn't really matter how good or bad what you make is, as long as you had fun. i know its saccharine, and you'll just have to forgive me for the sentiment. but i suppose i think sometimes about how the word amateur technically means doing something for the love of it. and that's enough, really. i love my weird little guys (gender neutral), why else would i spend hours drawing them. love is how you survive the horrors, and that can be love for a dead ghost man from an mmorpg.
anyway a nap is calling for me now, i fought back against stew induced food coma for this. peace and love on planet earth.
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tranzfalgar · 3 years
okay it’s time for some stardew valley headcanons for the bachelor/ette(s) so let’s GOOOO
- he always awakes before his grandparents, and on warmer days he’ll go down to the beach to watch the sunrise.
- friends with elliot! the two of them sit on the side of the dock sometimes and just chat about life.
- knows how to make cookies, as evelyn taught him when he was a bit younger
- wary of the saloon, as he doesn’t really like the smell of alcohol and only goes into it if he’s forced to!
- if you marry him, he can and will pick you up randomly to surprise you while you’re working!
- if married, he will “bench press” your kids once they become toddlers, and it always makes them giggle
- hates the winter and gets cold really easily. on the first day of fall he’s already bundled up wanting it to be summer again.
- willy is like a father to him. the two of them sit on the docks and watch the fish swim by together
- sometimes he’ll braid his hair, and leah will bring flowers from the forest and weave them into his hair.
- has a rlly pretty singing voice, and likes to record piano covers in his spare time
- if you marry him and the two of u have kids, he’ll always braid their hair in the morning and tuck flowers behind their ears.
- he brings home fresh fish he caught and makes himself dinner every night. that’s why he’s an excellent cook.
- has actually caught a legendary fish before!
- his eyes change color, they can go from blue to green to brown in the same day. people call them the “prismatic shard of eyes”
- he’s so clumsy that sometimes he’ll even trip over air. due to this, he has little bruises all over his knees and elbows.
- his favorite animals are birds. sometimes he’ll go outside and just give them some bird seed. he loves watching them fly around.
- not only is he fascinated with planes, but he’s also fascinated with the weather. as a kid he used to watch the weather channel, and he dreamed of becoming a weatherman.
- when he needs to focus really hard, he’ll pull his hair back with a headband
- him and his mother were and still are very close, and he writes letters to her at least once a week
- he cannot cook to save his life, but he’s an incredible baker! will make you little treats if you’re friends or married
- he always wears a wristwatch, but the time is always 6 minutes behind. he likes it because it has a plane engraved into the side against his wrist.
- he had adhd, and his stims include flapping his hands, tapping his foot and strumming his guitar
- he has a beautiful singing voice, think like wilbur soot but a bit more high pitched?
- the reason he likes cactus fruit so much is because he just plants them and lets them grow. he loves succulents because they don’t give him an allergic reaction!
- cannot play video games for shit. sebastian and abigail have banned him from multi-player games because he just sucks so bad.
- love language is acts of service, simply because he likes singing for people he cares about and doing little things for them!
- if you marry him, he will bring his guitar into the coop and/or barn and sing to the animals. they have learned to run over a greet him, since they love his singing.
- his hair is actually curly, but you’re unable to tell due to how much he gels and straightens his hair.
- has mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes
- loves the hell out of halloween, but is scared of literally everything. he nearly cried watching a horror movie with sam and abigail.
- really good with a slingshot! so if he were to go into the mines, he would wreck some monsters shit with his slingshot skills
- he had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, but removed them. he used to love the stars and space, but came to resent them because it was his sisters thing.
- he like…irl blushes. like an anime character. when he’s embarrassed, upset, flustered, his face will go all pink. everyone picks on him for it.
- has/had a crush on most of the towns singles. he is a bisexual disaster and secretly a romantic so….take from that what you will.
- a natural born ginger, but dyes his hair. he also has freckles on his nose! and he has an eyebrow slit because of a scar!!
- for some stupid reason, he takes really good care of his hands? like he always makes sure they don’t get calloused, and his nails are always painted black, despite using his hands all the time for work.
- he cannot cook. he burned pasta noodles because he didn’t know you had to put water in the pan.
- he still has a chicken plushie from when he was a baby, and it still sits on his bed. and if he cuddles with it at night? no one needs to know.
- has a huge birthmark on his side shaped like a heart
- really good at mixology, so i think that when joja gets shut down, shane works at the saloon and makes the drinks while gus cooks. he adds a whole new section on the menu!
- friends with sebastian. they paint each other’s nails from time to time, or sit in the rain together and just talk.
- kinda strong as hell? he lifts boxes in joja for work, as well as carrying around jas, so i’m assuming he could just….pick the farmer and his friends up?
- he has the most contagious laugh, it used to be a rare sound, but now that it’s a pretty common occurrence, shane makes people laugh all the time with his own laugh.
- buff. she is buff as hell. her and alex work out together sometimes, since she expressed a desire for adventure. she has picked up sam and sebastian with no warning and thrown them into the ocean
- can talk to animals due to her being the daughter of the wizard! so sometimes she’ll go to marnies farm and just chat with the cows or something
- if she sees a tree, she WILL climb it. she loves it so much, it’s just so adrenaline inducing for her.
- her and sebastian tried to go into the mines before but sam stopped them because it wouldn’t have been very safe. they were all 14.
- trying to learn to play the ukulele with a little help from sam. it’s frustrating, but she really likes the sound of it, and she’s determined as hell.
- absolutely cracked at any and all video games he plays. mario kart? she will kick your ass. animal crossing? her island has 5 stars. pokémon? she always wins. you can’t stop her, she’s too powerful.
- she has glasses, but prefers contacts, since glasses would get in the way of her adventuring.
- not only can she sew, but she also makes her own soaps and candles! any form of creation she adores.
- loves flowers, and has a lot of little potted ones in her room. she raises them, gives them little names and personalities, and then brings them to sandy and tells her all about each flower
- she can roller skate, and it’s her preferred method of transportation. she can do a bunch of fun tricks as well!
- has an eyebrow slit
- making cute little baskets of homemade gifts is her favorite thing to do for her friends. sometimes she’ll just leave them on their doorsteps for no reason other than she wants to!
- can SPRINT in heels. like even 6 inch heels she can just RUN and it scares everyone who sees it.
- she loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and she’s able to identify the name of the bird by its chirping and calls
- is able to perfectly crack and drink from coconuts. that’s why she loves them so much.
- has the worst sense of direction. she’s lucky she lives in a small town, or she’d get lost all the time
- the spring is her favorite time of year, simply because she loves to capture life coming back in those spring months. baby animals, blooming flowers, her friends on the beach or just chilling in the sun, all of it
- her most prized possession is the very first picture her and emily took as kids on their parents polaroid. it’s taped to her mirror
- has a little beauty mark under her lip, but it normally isn’t visible due to being covered with makeup!
- she’s able to do her own nails! this is because she is ambidextrous, yet she doesn’t know, because it’s never been brought up
- she fucking LOVES learning about and identifying plants, trees and flowers. she knows so many it’s crazy. she has a great memory.
- resident true crime enthusiast and ghost hunter. she drags elliot with her around town to go hunting for ghosts. they also watch documentaries together!
- has a bunch of little scars on her hands from her artwork
- to get inspiration for works, she’ll go on walks at different times of the day, different seasons, different routes, and she’ll turn each walk into a work of art. depending on all the environment and those who she runs into, each piece is vastly different.
- animals love her, and will sometimes just follow her around for no reason. she doesn’t mind at all, she kinda loves it.
- friends with emily. they are currently teaching each other their own forms of art, since they love learning from each other!
- really good at dancing, she’ll dance while she’s working on projects and she’ll hum a song to herself
- her favorite statue was created after she went on a walk, ran into abigail, and the two of them went swimming in the ocean and stayed there as the sun set and the stars came out. she has a little crush on abigail.
- her hair is ALWAYS tied up, it’s impossible for her to work if her hair is in her eyes
- when she was a kid she wanted to be an astronaut, because she loves the stars, but she found she prefers the science and math behind it all
- she pierced her own ears, she has little star earrings!
- watches cartoons and geeks out about them with penny when they meet up in town!
- for some odd reason, she is terrified of butterflies. no one who knows her, or even maru herself have ANY idea why, but she will run away if she sees one.
- her favorite memory was the one night her and sebastian stayed up really late as kids and snuck outside to look at the stars (back when sebastian still loved them) and they ended up seeing a meteor shower
- she presses flowers as a hobby, and just keeps them in a little notebook alongside her ideas for projects and gadgets.
- while she’s cleaning her and pam’s home, she finds herself singing to herself. she has yet to be caught by anyone
- each day, her hair is done ever-so-slightly different. each morning, she likes to change it up, and sometimes jas or vincent will give her something to put in her hair
- also interested in ghosts, will occasionally join elliot and leah on their adventures
- she is naturally really warm, so she doesn’t have to bundle up as much during the winter. the kids cling to her because she’s like a human space heater
- has a bit of a geeky side, and she loves to watch cartoons a lot. when she can find the time, she always watches them. they being her lots of comfort.
- has a small scar on her side from when she tripped over as a child onto something sharp. she likes it because with two freckles, it makes a little smiley face
- loves the water and the feeling of sea wind in her hair. she secretly wants to learn to drive a boat, so she can feel that wind in her hair whenever she wants.
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homoose · 4 years
Weird is Good
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Summary: A story about two people tryna make it through the age of COVID-19 in a country where people are fucking dumb lmao. My hc is that Spencer would be like wtf at all these science-denying anti-maskers. Also, two teachers just tryna make it through quarantine and remote teaching in a one bedroom apartment (this is taking place during a mandatory leave/lecture cycle).
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: fluff
Warnings/Includes: no warnings. reader is both a kindergarten teacher and a bruh girl with a pirate’s mouth. lots of Spencer x factz.
Word count: 3.1k
“We’re home for the next two weeks. ”
Spencer looked up from his desk to see Y/N kicking off her shoes, dropping her bag, and walking directly to the sink. “Starting when?”
“We get to go in on Monday to say goodbye to the kids and get any materials we might need. Then we’re home for two weeks. They’re calling it an early, extended spring break.” Y/N began her hand washing routine. As a kindergarten teacher, she’d always been a strict hand-washer. In the time of COVID, she had only become more zealous. She looked at Spencer. “Have you heard anything?”
“Since we’re so close to the end of the semester, the department head thinks they’ll try to finish out the year as normal.” He set down his pen. “I honestly don’t know. It will all depend on whether people follow the CDC guidelines. The spread of any virus is deducible mathematically, and SARS-COV2 is no different. Based on the outbreak in Italy prior to their lockdown, we can accurately describe its reproductive number, or Rt, to between 2.43 – 3.10.”
Y/N shut off the water and dried her hands on a paper towel. “In layman's terms, Dr. Reid.”
“The Rt tells how many people are infected by the contagious host,” he explained. “In the case of this strain, each infected person is infecting between two and three others. For comparison, the standard seasonal flu has an average Rt between 1.4 and 1.7.”
“So in other words, fucking yikes,” Y/N groaned. She moved to perch on the edge of Spencer’s desk.
“Indeed,” Spencer agreed. “We know how fast the flu can travel through an office or a classroom, so imagine if it was two times as transmissible. But it's also really important to understand that this number changes depending on the mitigations in place. Even prior to full lockdown, mask wearing and social distancing was somewhat common in Italy, so it’s likely the uncontrolled Rt is higher.”
“Jesus Christ.” Y/N scrubbed a hand over her face. “We’ll probably never go back.”
Spencer rubbed his hand up from her ankle to the inside of her knee. “The good news is there’s nothing special about this virus compared to others in terms of how it spreads— it’s just aerosols. So if everyone wears their mask, we’ll be able to keep the spread low.”
“It’s safe to say that everyone did not wear their fucking masks,” Y/N snapped. She watched from the couch as Mayor Bowser delivered the news that DC Public Schools would remain closed for the remainder of the year. “This is crazy. I mean, I knew it was coming because people in this country are absolute buffoons.” She looked at Spencer, fingers pressed to her temple. “But holy shit, are we ever going to be able to go outside again?”
“With schools and universities closed, people working remotely, and lockdown orders in place, the Rt in the US could stay low. But masks have to be worn at all times, and social distancing has to be strictly followed.” Spencer pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I just— I can’t believe people are refusing to wear masks. The empirical, peer-reviewed data clearly shows—”
“This is ‘Murica, boy.” Y/N mocked. “Ain’t no tyrannical government gonna tell me what to do!” She rolled her eyes. “Trust me, your choice to abstain from social media is paying dividends to your sanity right now.”
Spencer looked truly dumbfounded, setting his newspaper down in his lap. “But that’s just it. It’s not just in social media circles.” He gestured to the article in front of him. “This economist just argued for ‘reopening’ the economy using the justification of herd immunity. Herd immunity can be a plausible option for less lethal diseases. But this virus is not like varicella—the chickenpox,” he clarified at Y/N’s raised eyebrow. He waved his hands around in exasperation. “Putting aside the fact that one facet of herd immunity is vaccinating as many people as possible, its success completely hinges on the Rt of a disease. If you model a population based on an Rt of 2.5, herd immunity wouldn’t be achieved until approximately sixty percent of the population has been infected. Consider that the US population is currently 328 million, and sixty percent of that is 196.8 million. The current mortality rate for SARS-COV2 is 3.06 percent. 196,800,000 multiplied by 0.0306 is 6,022,080. Over six million people would die. It's simple mathematics.”
Y/N let out an exasperated breath. “It used to be that simple math and facts were enough. Now you’ve got basement scientists who think they know better than actual, literal scientists who’ve spent their entire lives studying these things.” She ran a hand over her face and gestured at the news conference still playing. “How long do you think it’ll be before we’re both trying to teach from this tiny ass living room?”
“Goooooooood morning, kindergarten! It’s Friday, and no Friday is a bad Friday!” Spencer smiled. As he poured his first cup of coffee, he hummed along with Y/N and 23 six-year-olds as they sang their morning song. Observing fourteen days of remote kindergarten from across the living room had given Spencer a new appreciation for elementary school teachers, particularly Y/N. She sang, danced, conducted science experiments, held puppet shows, read stories, led art projects, and fielded questions for four hours a day— three hours less than when they were in the school building. He was exhausted by proxy.
But he was also grateful for the opportunity to watch Y/N in her element. Even though they were at home, she still got dressed every day in bright, patterned sweaters and dresses— her Ms. Frizzle attire, she’d told him once. She was able to channel her personality into a kid-friendly version that her students clearly adored, never afraid to be silly or strange to get their attention and keep them engaged during the long days. He worked from home whenever possible, strangely happy to have the background noise of kindergarten over his quiet university office.
“Okay, but where do I put the biiiiiiiiiiiig number?” Y/N made a wide gesture with her arms. “Ariah, where should I put it? In the big box, yes! But oh no, my small number needs a friend. My three is soooooo lonely!” Y/N drew her mouth into a pout. “DJ, how can I help my three not be so sad? You’re absolutely right, let’s put that two right next to him in our number bond.”
“I’ve been waitin’  for a girl to mute,” Y/N sang into the gold karaoke mic. “I said, muuuuuuuuuute, I’m blinded by loud sounds. No, I can’t hear the friend who’s tryin’ to talk.”
“Oh boy. Kev, honey, we can— we can see you. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. We can see all of you. I can’t turn your camera off, buddy. You gotta— there we go.”
“Mute please, I need— I need everybody to mute, please. Oh my goodness where is that music coming from?” Y/N frantically searched for her index card with the picture of the mute icon, as the sounds of a highly inappropriate song blared through the computer speaker. “I know it’s so loud, guys. Why is my mute power gone?! This is why we need to make sure we keep our mute button on, kindergarten.”
“No sweetie, it’s not time to log off yet. I’m sorry, I know it’s such a long day. We have about an hour left. Do you guys wanna do a countdown? It’s the fin-al count-down! Do-do doo dooooo. Do-do-d-do-dooo…”
“Annnnnd, I should see all my friends on mute. William, hang on just a second. All my friends need to look at my picture, it’s an oval with a line through it… Okay, William, what did you bring to show us?” Y/N leaned toward the computer screen. “Grandma Kathy? O-oh, she’s— she’s in the—“ Y/N’s eyes widened. “Is that— is that an urn? Oh wow. Um, well, wow. It’s beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, William. Grandma Kathy, may she rest in peace.”
A week into Y/N teaching kindergarten from their living room, the university had announced its transition to online coursework for the remainder of the academic year. Spencer had to host his first zoom lecture, and he was absolutely dreading it.
“Spence, it’s going to be fine. It’s not like you’ve never been on a video conference,” Y/N assured him. She sat cross-legged on the couch, waiting for him to let her in to his practice zoom.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t running those meetings. I just showed up.” He squinted at the computer screen. “Are you in?”
Y/N barely resisted the urge to make a joke, knowing that Spencer probably wouldn’t appreciate the innuendo. “No, you have to admit me.”
“What do you mean? How do I do that?”
“There should be a box with a button that says admit.”
Spencer gestured at the computer. “Well there’s a bunch of boxes— which one should I be looking at?”
Y/N sighed and got up from the couch. “IQ of 187 and can’t find the box.”
Spencer dragged a hand through his hair. “I know I shouldn’t find this so difficult. I’m sorry you have to waste your time on this.”
“Hey, it was a joke.” Y/N grabbed his hand from where he was frustratedly pulling on his frazzled curls. “I’m sorry. That was mean and you’re already stressed enough.” She used her free hand to smooth his hair back into place. She scrunched her nose. “I love you and your limited technology skills. And honestly it’s kind of nice to have one thing I can actually teach you about.” She squeezed his hand, leaning over him to peer at his computer screen. “All right, let’s find that elusive admit button.”
When the day of his lecture rolled around, Spencer thanked all the atoms in the observable universe that Y/N had a break during his class. Within the first ten minutes, he’d managed to accidentally kick himself out of his own meeting and then somehow lose track of the screenshare button.
“No one can see me and I don’t know what happened to the screenshare option. It was there and now it’s just… gone,” he told Y/N.
She leaned over his desk, eyes tracking over the screen and mouse clicking around the desktop. “How in the world did you manage to block your camera?”
“I don’t know! I didn’t even touch it!” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t understand how it’s even possible to be this bad at this.”
Y/N bumped his knee with her own, pulling up his camera settings and preferences. “Relax. You can’t be good at everything. It’s a refreshing reminder that you’re a mere mortal like the rest of us.” With a few rapid clicks, Y/N unblocked his camera and located the screenshare bar. “There. Crisis averted. I’m just going to share your whole screen in case you want to toggle between application windows. So just be aware that they’ll be able to see everything. And then you just click here when you’re ready to stop sharing.”
When Y/N turned her head toward him to check that he understood, Spencer grabbed the side of her face and caught her lips in a kiss. Y/N smiled against his mouth, heart speeding up as he traced the seam of her mouth with his tongue.
“Um, Dr. Reid? Your um— your camera’s working now.”
Spencer nearly fell out of his chair, his cheeks about the color of the Leave Meeting icon. Y/N dropped her head, debating whether she wanted to laugh or let the earth open up and swallow her whole. She ultimately decided to compose herself, stepping back and giving a little wave to the sea of tiny, grinning zoom faces before slinking out of frame, miming sorry to one very mortified professor.
“Would you want to be our mystery reader next week?” Y/N asked, bookmarking the page of her novel and reclining back in bed. “You just have to pick a story to read. Oh, and think of four clues about your identity to give the kiddos.”
Spencer raised his eyebrow, continuing to read. “Any story?”
Y/N laughed. “Well they’re six, so maybe hold off on the Chaucer and Bradbury for now. A picture book would be preferable.”
“Did you know that the first picture book, Orbis Sensualium Pictus, or Visible World in Pictures, was published in 1658?” He looked up from his own book. “Czech educator John Amos Comenius wanted to create a book that would be accessible to children of all levels of ability. The educational theories he explored are actually still in practice in the field of early childhood education.” He turned toward her from his spot under the covers. “For example, when you have your students make a hissing sound and slither their arms when they produce the sound represented by the letter s? Comenius included an alphabet chart with various animal and human sounds representing each letter. He wanted to demonstrate that the incorporation of multiple senses could help increase learning.”
“I guess you don’t fix what isn’t broken,” Y/N mused. “300 years later, and we’re still using the same methods.”
“362, actually,” Spencer corrected.
She gave him a look. “Maybe we can save the Comenius for another time.”
“The genre of children’s literature encompasses some of the most profound and philosophical story telling of all time.” Spencer returned his attention to his reading.
“...So is that a yes?”
Spencer smiled. “I’ve got a book in mind.”
“And clues,” Y/N reminded him, snuggling down under the covers and reopening her book. “We need some fun clues, mystery reader.”
“Kindergarten, we have a very special mystery reader this week. Oh man, are you ready for the first clue? The mystery reader loves jell-o! Raise your little hand if you love jell-o, too. Okay, kindergarten, I see you! Lots of jell-o lovers in the house.”
“Okay, clue number two! Our mystery reader works as a community helper— remember we learned about all different kinds of community helpers; firefighters, nurses, police officers. But if the mystery reader could be anything, they’d want to be a cowboy! How cool is that?”
“Clue number three for our mystery reader!” Y/N sucked in a gasp. “You guys. The mystery reader can do magic. Oh my goodness, I am so excited for Friday,” she sing-songed. “Will they show us a trick? Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe if you ask nicely.”
“Okay, my friends, the last clue. The mystery reader loves reading. They read every day, and they’ve been reading since 1983! Yes, that was a very long time ago.”
“Okay, any last guesses about who our mystery reader might be?” Y/N questioned.
“I think it’s your dad,” a little voice called out.
Spencer made a choking noise from where he sat, slightly off camera. Y/N laughed. “The mystery reader is decidedly not my dad, Keyshon. Remember I showed you guys the picture of him— my dad’s a farmer, so he’s kind of already a cowboy.” She clapped her hands together. “Okay, without further ado, drumroll please... Our mystery reader is…” Y/N pushed her desk chair out of frame to allow Spencer to roll in, holding her hands out. “Spencer!”
He gave a little wave, smoothing his hair, suddenly painfully self-aware and nervous about the opinions of two dozen six-year-olds. “Hi guys.”
“You’re the boy on Ms. Y/L/N’s phone.”
“Your hair is so fluffy!”
“Do you have a cowboy hat?”
“I like your sweater.”
“Can you really do magic?”
“What’s your favorite jell-o?”
“Whoa, okay, let’s remember our mute button,” Y/N, holding up her index card. “I promise you’ll get to ask Spencer all your questions after he reads the story.”
Spencer smiled at the excited faces beaming through the screen. “Yes, I’m on Ms. Y/L/N’s phone; I don’t own a cowboy hat, yet; yes, I really can do magic; and the red jell-o is my favorite.”
Y/N watched with interest as Spencer pulled out his book. He’d been secretive about his choice, so she was as curious as her students.
“This is one of my favorite stories. It’s written by Munro Leaf, and illustrated by Robert Lawson. It’s The Story of Ferdinand.” Spencer held the cover up to the camera. “Ferdinand is the bull here on the cover. This story was written in 1935, which was a long time ago! Okay are you ready?” Spencer looked out on a sea of thumbs up, turning the page to the beginning of the story. “Once upon a time in Spain, there was a bull, and his name was Ferdinand.”
Y/N smiled as she listened to Spencer read each page, recounting the story of the peaceful bull. He was an excellent storyteller, changing the inflection and expression of his voice to match each sentence. He held each page up for just the right amount of time, panning it so her students could see each detail of the black and white pictures. He added his own wonderings and exclamations here and there, and her students were decidedly enthralled. Her heart ached at how comfortable he was, how natural this was for him. She rested her chin in her hand, trying to keep her mind in the present— ignoring the persistent little mental image of Spencer as a dad.
“So they had to take Ferdinand home. And for all I know, he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly. He is very happy… And that’s The Story of Ferdinand.” Spencer closed the book with a soft smile. “I love this story. Ferdinand is a very special bull. What do you think makes him so special?”
“Ferdinand didn’t fight,” a little voice piped up.
“Yes!” Spencer agreed. “He practiced pacifism in the face of the persistent, ingrained militarism of his country’s culture.”
Y/N placed a hand on Spencer’s knee and gave a quick squeeze. “Right, Ferdinand chose not to fight, even though everybody else he knew wanted to.” Y/N winked at him before turning back to the screen full of kids. “All his friends thought he was kind of weird, but he just really wanted to hang out in the shade and smell the flowers, huh? Sounds pretty good to me.”
“He wasn’t bothered that the other bulls thought he was strange for wanting to be peaceful,” Spencer added. “Sometimes being different can be a good thing. The Story of Ferdinand reminds me that it’s okay to be yourself, even if other people think you’re weird.” His eyes met Y/N’s. “Because there will always be people who love and appreciate you for who you are.”
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luminnara · 3 years
Flying On Wings Made From Feathers And Wax | Ganondorf x Gerudo!oc chapter 2
Part one | Part two | Part three
Growing up in the Gerudo Desert is hard. 
The sun is merciless, especially to the small. For someone like Ilula, it is draining, seemingly determined to exhaust her as it beats down on her during the day. It will never stop doing so, but at a young age, she learned how to deal with it. 
The others called her lazy, but she considered herself clever. Just like the lizards that liked to snooze while they sunned themselves, she took naps during the day. It wasn’t that the other Gerudo didn’t—naps were almost a necessity in such a hot environment, and it was common to see be back in an hour signs hanging on merchant stalls—but Ilula simply napped more than the rest of them. 
It concerned her mother greatly. 
Kiluki took her daughter to the best healer in town, the one who looked after the chief and royal family, hoping to find answers about Ilula’s small stature. Just like the Hylian healers, though, this one declared that Ilula was, for the most part, fine, she was just...small. Small, and a bit weak. For Kiluki, a tall, strong vai, who had once been a member of the Chief’s guard, Ilula’s relatively tiny stature and shortcomings were cause for major concern; she knew that many Gerudo never joined the guard, and to keep Gerudo Town running, they needed all sorts. But she wanted Ilula to follow in her footsteps, to become stronger and braver than even she, and Kiluki feared that it was a dream that could never be.
Ilula knew that her mother worked, but what could she possibly do about it? It wasn’t anything that she could control. She spent her days playing or helping Uvira sell her produce while her mother advised the Chief, trying to forget the way that she couldn’t reach things the other girls could. As she grew older, it became obvious that she would never hit a growth spurt, and while Ganondorf shot up like a weed, Ilula stayed at least a head shorter than the others her age. 
“C’mon, pipsqueak!” Ganondorf scooped her up one day, interrupting her midday nap.
“Gan!” She yelped in surprise as he threw her over his shoulder. “Put me down!”
“Not a chance,” the prince grinned as he ran towards the palace. “I’ve been looking all over for you. I’ve got something to show you.”
Even at twelve years old, Ganondorf could carry her easily. He spent his days studying and training, his mother keeping a watchful eye over him and ensuring that her son would become strong and capable. While Ilula had already finished most of her schooling, knowing how to read and write and do simple math, the prince had many years of studies still ahead of him, his chambers lined with shelves full of thick books. Being royalty meant that he needed to know everything about the world, and he enjoyed reading about Hyrule and its politics and history. Ilula didn’t share quite as much appreciation for the Hylian kingdom neighboring the desert, but whenever he was reading, she had a chance to take a nice nap in his incredibly soft bed, and that was something she could absolutely appreciate. 
“It better not be stupid,” she grumbled with a yawn. “Interrupting me on my day off…”
“Day off from what?” He snorted. “You can’t even start real training until you’re twelve. That’s a whole month away.”
“So?” She argued.
“So you can’t possibly be too busy for me,” he rolled his eyes. “Sav’aaq!” He called to the guards at the top of the steps as he passed them. 
“Sav’aaq, my prince!” They snapped to attention, bowing their heads. “Ilula, sav’aaq.”
“Sav’aaq,” Ilula mumbled. She was used to the guards keeping watch over her and the prince, and they had all developed a certain fondness for Ganondorf’s runt of a friend. 
Ganondorf carried her through the throne room, past the chief and her advisors as they pored over a map of Hyrule. They bowed to him as he walked by and he grunted in acknowledgement, too focused on his task to stop and ask what they were doing. 
They allowed him to rush by without interruption. He only had a few years of childhood left before the burdens of leadership would fall on his shoulders, and his mother wished that he enjoyed his time as much as he could. He was growing into a fine young voe, the Sheikah prophecy a distant memory now, and As any voe, he should be enjoying the years of his youth as much as possible.
When he reached his chambers, he threw Ilula down onto his bed. She laughed as she bounced, sitting up to look at him as he grabbed a wooden box from his desk.
“Here,” he said, slightly out of breath as he pushed it into her hands. 
She took it, hearing something rattle inside. “What is it?”
“Just open it!”
With an inquisitive glance up at him, she slid the lid off the box. Inside, something was glimmering, reflecting the light of the desert sun that streamed in through the windows. As Ilula reached inside, she picked up a set of earrings, a teardrop-shaped sapphire hanging from each hook. 
“Oh, Gan,” she breathed, holding the jewelry in her palm as she stared down at it, “these are beautiful…”
He was watching her anxiously. “Do you like them?”
“I do!” She looked up at him with a wide smile. 
The prince let out the breath he had been holding, relieved. “Oh, good.”
“Did you have these made?” Ilula asked, peering closely at the stones. 
“I did,” he smiled. “Just for you. Well, actually, they were going to be a birthday present, but Amira finished them early. I couldn’t hold my tongue for an entire month.”
“This is the best early birthday present I’ve ever gotten,” she beamed up at him. “Thank you, Gan.”
“Oh, they’re not a birthday gift anymore,” he laughed. “I figured out something else for your birthday. These are just normal gifts now.”
Ilula raised an eyebrow. “You really shouldn’t be spending so much time spoiling me, you know…”
“Or what?” He laughed. “You’re my best friend, Lula. You deserve gifts.”
“Well, it’s not like I’m not going to accept them,” she grinned at him as she stood and walked to the mirror on the wall. 
“I put a spell on them.” he blurted out. “To help you stay cool in the sun. Sapphires are good for that.”
She glanced back at him. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I had the jeweler make them and then I enchanted them. I’m supposed to be practicing, and I wanted to try it out…”
“I can’t believe you know magic,” Ilula said as she faced her reflection. “I wish I could put spells on things.”
“It’s not that big a deal,” he shrugged. 
“Shut up,” she laughed. “It’s a super big deal!”
He watched with a serene smile on his face as she took out the big gold hoops she was wearing and replaced them with her new earrings. Just as he had hoped, the bright blue sapphires contrasted perfectly with her fiery red hair…though the thick green band she used to keep it up off of her shoulders didn’t match at all. He made a mental note to add a new, nicer one to the small pile of birthday gifts he would be giving her in a few weeks. 
Ilula admired the way the sapphires hung from her pointed ears. She had to admit…Ganondorf had an eye for jewelry. Maybe it was because he had so much of it himself; as she looked at his reflection behind her, she could count no less than ten incredibly expensive precious stones on his head and arms alone. The perks of being a prince, she supposed.
When he noticed her watching her, he suddenly shuffled his feet awkwardly, glancing away for a moment before looking down at his hands. 
“I’m, uh…glad you like them.” He mumbled. 
“Gan, don’t be sheepish,” Ilula laughed, turning to face him.
He looked up at her, hoping that she couldn’t see the blush on his face. She was the only person who ever made his skin heat up like that, the only Gerudo he ever wanted to be around, the only vai whose hand he wanted to hold. It confused him, the way he felt about his best friend, but he was headstrong and determined not to shy away from whatever he was beginning to feel. 
“I’ve never seen a sheep,” he chuckled. “What does sheepish mean?”
Ilula’s laughter grew louder as she plopped down on the edge of his bed and looked up at him. “They’re soft. Hylians cut their hair and make things with it. They look like fluffy little clouds with legs.”
Ganondorf grinned. “I can’t wait until I’m king and I can see all of Hyrule. I want to go to the castle, see the Hylians.”
“It’s a long walk,” Ilula said. “…well, Mama carried me most of the way, I think. I don’t really remember much of it. I know it rained a lot before we got to the outskirts, though.”
Ganondorf suddenly sighed and turned to the window. He walked towards it, placing his hands on the cool sandstone and leaning on them as he looked out over Gerudo Town and the wide, flat desert outside the gates. 
“What is it like there?” He asked, gazing towards the distant mountains that marked the Gerudo Highlands and the edge of Hyrule. 
Ilula frowned at his change in demeanor and stood to join him. “It’s…green. Everything is green, and you can smell all the plants. And there’s so much water, everywhere…when it rains, it isn’t like here. It just rains for a few hours, and then the sky clears up again, and the birds come back out.”
“It sounds…nice.” He admitted.
“It is,” she agreed. “You can just lean down and drink out of a stream if you’re thirsty. And if you’re hungry, there are apple trees all over! And fish in the rivers, and boar in the woods…”
“I like boar,” Ganondorf laughed.
“Yeah, they taste pretty good, I guess. When you add enough spices.” Ilula shrugged.
“No, not to eat!” He looked at her like she was crazy. “I like the way they look. Those big tusks…there are drawings of them in some of my books. I’ve always liked them.”
“Yeah, I guess they’re pretty cool.” Ilula giggled. “There are lots of other animals, too.”
“Life there must be easy.” He commented. “The Hylians have it all.”
“What do you mean?” Ilula frowned. “I thought you liked the desert.”
“I do, I just…wish we had things like grass and trees and forests. I wish we lived more comfortably.”
“You live very comfortably.” Ilula snorted. 
“What do you mean?” He looked down at her, nose wrinkled slightly. 
“Uh, all of this?” She gestures to the room around them. “The palace? You’re royalty. You hardly have to worry.”
“I have to think about our people!” He argued. “What’s Castle Town like?”
“Busy and big.” Ilula shrugged. “The streets are all made of stone, and there’s a big market where people from all over sell things. Mama didn’t let me go there very much, because of the way the Hylians are sometimes.”
Ganondorf looked down at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“They don’t really…trust Gerudo that much.” She folded her arms, hugging herself lightly. “They don’t treat the Rito or the Zora like Hylians, either, but they like them more than they like us.”
As Ganondorf listened, he considered her words. “I’m going to change that.”
“You’re going to change how they think?” She asked skeptically.
“I’m going to show them that they should respect us.” He said. 
“Maybe I’ll…send them aid, if they have a natural disaster.” He thought out loud. “Or take a big delegation to visit the castle, or invite them here.”
“The king can’t enter Gerudo Town,” Ilula laughed. “You’re the only voe allowed. Remember, you spoiled prince?”
“Oh. Right.” He chuckled. “Well, I’m going to be in charge someday. I’ll have to figure out this whole diplomacy thing.”
Ilula smiled softly as she looked up at him. “I’m sure you’ll be good at it.”
He grinned down at her. “Only if you help me.”
She returned the grin. “Deal.”
“I don’t think I could handle the throne without you,” he bumped her with his shoulder, nearly throwing her into the wall. “I still have so much I have to learn.”
Ilula stumbled, but she didn’t fall like the last few times he had forgotten how big he was. “That’s why kings always have advisors. Nobody can run everything by themselves.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He sighed, his attention returning to the world outside his window. “I’ve got six whole years to figure it out, though.”
“Yeah, and it’ll be fine.” She tried to bump her shoulder into his arm with the same force that he had, but he didn’t budge. “Hey, seriously, are you made of rock?”
He barked a laugh. “No, I’m just bigger than you!”
“Well stop it!” She snapped, only half serious. “If you keep this up, you’re not even going to be able to see me!”
“Maybe you should just start catching up!” He retorted.
“I would if I could.” She rolled her eyes. “My mom keeps making me go to the healers to figure out why I’m so short. I keep trying to tell her that it’s not that big a deal, but she won’t listen.” 
As she spoke, her tone grew more serious, until it had Ganondorf frowning. “You’re fine.”
“That’s what I keep saying, but it doesn’t matter.” Ilula sighed. “She’s always worrying that I’m going to get hurt because I’m fragile. I always tell her that I’m not, and I know I’m not because you’re always throwing me down off the walls or into the aqueducts or whatever, but she just always gets mad and tells me to be more careful.”
“Do I ever hurt you?” Ganondorf asked, his eyes wide in alarm. 
“No, you don’t,” Ilula shook her head. “I’m serious, I’m not that fragile, but all she ever sees is me lagging behind everyone else. That’s why I want to start training with the guards, so I can show her that I’m fine.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly. “You know, if you start training, you’ll be busy all the time…”
“Gan, they train literally right outside your window.” She rolled her eyes. “You won’t miss me. I’ll be right there.” 
“…oh. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“But I bet my mom is going to be all worried about me training, too.” She sighed. “Until i show her that I’m not some fragile little flower. You know, back in Castle Town, I was always the biggest kid. She didn’t worry as much back then.”
“Do you ever miss it there?” Ganondorf asked, studying her face. 
“Sometimes. I miss everything I could get at the market, and I do miss my father. But…I didn’t fit in there. I guess I don’t really fit in here, either.”
“Yes you do.” He nudged her with his elbow, gentler this time. “You’re Gerudo. You belong here, with your people. With me.”
Ilula smiled up at him. “I know, Gan. I think it’s less about the place, and more about who’s there. You know?”
He looked down at her, his heart fluttering in a way he wasn’t used to. “Yeah. I know.”
On Ilula’s twelfth birthday, she woke to the smell of meat cooking over the fire. As soon as her eyes were open, she remembered what day it was, and she shot out of bed to investigate the main room of the home she and her mother shared.
“Sav’otta, my little desert flower,” Auntie Uvira greeted her as she prepared breakfast over the small wok in the middle of the room. “Sleep well?”
“Fine,” Ilula shrugged. “Where’s Mom?”
“Right here,” Kiluki appeared in the doorway, a parcel in her hands. 
Ilula eyed it. “Sav’otta, Mama.”
“Sav’otta, Ilula,” Kiluki smiled, holding the parcel out towards her. “Happy birthday.”
Ilula lunged for it excitedly, tearing the wrappings open while Uvira yelled at her to be mindful of the fire. 
As the brown paper fell away, airy pink fabric was revealed, and Ilula pulled out a bandeau top. Matching pants were next, made of a thin, breathable weave, and as she rushed back to her room to try the new outfit on, Kiluki smiled. 
“How do I look?” Ilula asked breathlessly when she returned, holding her arms out as she spun around to show it off.
“Oh, it’s stunning!” Uvira clapped.
“I think it suits you perfectly,” Kiluki nodded. “How is the fit?”
“I think it’s good. What’s for breakfast?” Ilula was buzzing with energy, bouncing over to look at what Uvira was cooking. 
“This is for later,” her aunt laughed as she sprinkled in some Goron spices. 
“We will be eating breakfast at the palace,” Kiluki informed her daughter. “That’s why I wanted to give you that gift first thing in the morning. You should look your best.”
Ilula grinned. Eating at the palace meant getting to see Ganondorf, and as she rushed to get ready, she wondered what sort of gifts he had in store for her. 
She found out soon after she walked through the impressive archway and approached the throne. The chief sat with her hands on its armrests, her back straight as she looked down at Ilula and Kiluki.
“The prince and queen mother are awaiting your arrival, Ilula,” she said, her voice firm and strong. “I would not keep them waiting. Kiluki, if I could have a quick word.”
Ilula glanced up at her mother in confusion, but when Kiluki waved her off, she was eager to run towards the dining hall. It was her birthday, after all, and she wasn’t going to allow herself to worry about anything. Whatever the chief wanted wasn’t of her concern, and when she saw Ganondorf waiting for her with a pile of gifts, any and all thoughts about what her mother could possibly be needed for flew out the window.
“Happy birthday, Ilula,” Ganondorf’s mother, Mira, said, a smile on her face as she watched her son shove a box into Ilula’s arms.
The Gerudo royal family spared no expense. Ganondorf had given her a sapphire necklace, one that matched the earrings, and a ruby wrist cuff that he said would keep her warm at night when the desert winds pierced Gerudo Town. His eyes lit up at the sight of her happiness, and though he had certainly given her birthday gifts before, he was especially glad to see that all of his hard work and pondering over what to get had all paid off this year. He gave her a new sirwal, the light, baggy pair of pants a bright white with golden accents threaded throughout. Then came an assortment of her favorite candied fruits, a beautiful sand sealskin journal, and the biggest breakfast feast she had ever seen.
By the time the unwrapping was finished, the table was covered in a plethora of delicacies. Everything from platters of sliced hydromelons, to gourmet meats hunted in the highlands, to rare seafood brought all the way from the coast, was piled up and presented to Ilula. It was a lavish celebration, the kind usually reserved for holidays or royal birthdays, and with Kiluki returning from the throne room to partake, the festivities were finally truly underway. 
The adults drank as the children laughed and played. They were nearly too old to be doing so, both nearing the age at which they would begin training for adulthood, and one last romp before it all started seemed to be in order. The day was full of merriment and their spirits were high, and as the two tore out of the palace to get themselves into trouble elsewhere, Mira turned to Kiluki with a sigh. 
“He will be devastated,” she said.
“As will she.” Kiluki raised her cup to her lips and drank. 
“How long do you have?”
“I do not know.” Kiluki lifted her eyes. “Ryla did not say…all I know is that we are to return to Castle Town when she deems fit.”
“Why is she sending both of you?” Mira asked. “I hardly see the sense in taking Ilula away from her training.”
“I believe she wants us to keep up appearances.” Kiluki sighed. “Perhaps by the two of us seeming to return home, the Hylians will be less on edge.”
“Still…” Mira sighed again. “I am sure we will all be focused on our tasks, but your absence will be hard.”
“I only wish I knew when we would be leaving.” Kiluki frowned. “Ryla told me that it could be tomorrow, or in five years.”
“And I don’t suppose you’ll be allowed to visit home…”
“I doubt it.”
“Not even if Ganondorf requests it?”
Kiluki pursed her lips. “Perhaps after he takes the throne, he will summon us back to Gerudo Town. I should hope he will see the value in placing me amongst the Hylians, though, and so close to the royal family…”
“Like a spitting sand cobra, nestled right within their own walls,” Mira chuckled. “You must do your job well, for Ryla to send you back again.”
“Yes, I suppose I must. Though it was easier back then.”
“Will you return to that voe?”
Kiluki wrinkled her nose. “Perhaps, if he is willing to see reason.”
“What did you even fight about?”
“Everything.” She shrugged. “Hylian voe have a single use. The rest of the time, they are wholly disagreeable.”
Mira threw her head back and laughed, the hearty sound echoing off the sandstone walls. “That they are! That they most certainly are.”
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flourgirl · 4 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter will try just about anything to help out the very pretty insomniac from his math class.
Work Count: 11.2k
Warnings: Just some sweet, pure fluff with a few curse words every now and then.
A/N: Either the tags aren’t working for me or you guys just didn’t like it, but the final part of “Even If It’s a Lie” has been out for a few days now if anyone’s interested in reading it 🥺 Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this super long piece I’ve been working on to help me get through finals <3
“Touch you softly I call you up late at night No doubt it isn't right But you could be my one and only” -Softly, Clairo
Peter had seen you around campus a few times, but it wasn’t until you started sitting two rows ahead of him in his linear algebra class that he really started to notice you. 
He thought you were really pretty, and he liked how cozy you always looked in the puffy winter coat you kept on in the perpetually freezing lecture hall. You took a lot of notes, which told him that you cared about the class, and never showed up without a giant cup of iced coffee.
You’re being a creep, Peter told himself. He had thought about switching seats to somewhere in front of you, so he could actually listen to his professor discuss permutations instead of staring at how you chewed on the end of your pen when you were thinking.
It was even worse when you started sleeping in class, your soft hair falling around your shoulders as you leaned your head against your desk. It seemed like all the coffee in the world couldn’t keep you awake, and Peter wondered if he should ask if you wanted to borrow his notes or something. But that would mean him admitting to looking at you way more than he needed to, and that was weird, so he quickly dropped the idea.
Still, he was worried about you. So when he came back from patrol in the middle of the night and bumped into you outside of the dorm kitchen, he figured it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce himself and maybe even find out why you were so tired all the time. 
The only problem was that he had accidentally knocked your pan of banana bread out of your hands, and you were currently staring at it laying on the floor with your sleepy eyes, not saying anything.
“Shit, uh, I’m so sorry,” he told you, crouching down to scoop up the remnants of your late-night snack into the pan. “Were you really up baking at 3 a.m?”
You blushed a little, starstruck that the cute guy from your math class was talking to you. “Um, yeah. I couldn’t sleep, so I figured I’d come down to the kitchen while nobody else was here and make something. Baking always helps me calm down, and so here I am. And here we are. And there’s my bread, all covered in whatever kind of dust the custodians refuse to sweep down here.”
He offered a soft smile, and it made you feel better about the fact that you were rambling way more than you wanted to.
“I’m Y/N,” you continued, gently taking the pan from his hands. “You’re in linear algebra with Professor Meyers, right?”
“Yeah, you, um, you sit right in front of me. Well, not right in front of me. Two rows in front of me. Shit. I’m not creepy, I promise. It’s just… uh… My name is Peter and I’m going to stop talking now.” 
That couldn’t have possibly gone any worse, he thought. You were probably thinking he was a serial killer or something.
“It’s okay. I know you sit behind me,” you reassured him. “You answer a lot of questions.” He was cute and smart, and you hoped he couldn’t notice how flustered you were to be this close to him.
“What are you doing up so late?” he asked, which made you laugh at how ironic his concerns were, considering he was also wandering around the dorm basement at this hour.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you replied, sitting on one of the benches that jutted out of the walls of the corridor. “I mean, you’re here too. At least I was baking. What’s up with you?”
You had a point. “I had an emergency… with my internship. I work for Stark Industries, and Mr. Stark rang me in the middle of the night to come to the lab immediately for something, so, yeah. That’s why I’m awake right now.”
“Okay,” you said, not buying his story. “So that’s why you have a black eye and you’re lurking in the basement hallway? Did Tony Stark punch you?”
Fuck. Did he really have a black eye and not notice? He didn’t think that Doc Oc’s stupid mechanical arm had punched him that hard, but apparently, he was wrong. And now he had to come up with some reason as to where it came from, although he could already tell that you were about to call his bluff.
The only solution he could think of was to change the subject. “Why are you always asleep during class?” he blurted out, causing you to give him a funny look before frowning down at your slippers.
“Isn’t it obvious,” you yawned, stretching your arms out in front of you. “I’m an insomniac. It’s actually kind of funny. I never really had any problems with falling asleep until I moved here. Maybe it’s the cold weather or the constant pressure to get good grades, but I just can’t sleep anymore. It sucks.”
Normally, you’d never tell this much about yourself to somebody, let alone a complete stranger. But somehow, you felt really comfortable around Peter. There was just something about him that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Peter caught himself staring at you again, your baby pink pajamas a far departure from how put together your usual outfits were. Even without your makeup or hair done, you were still the prettiest girl he had ever seen. For some reason, even the dark circles under your eyes were really cute to him.
“You never answered my question,” you reminded him, hoping that he’d say something to fill the awkward silence. “What’s with the black eye and wandering around in the middle of the night? Are you some kind of superhero?”
“What? No! That’s crazy. Me, a superhero,” he laughed awkwardly, wondering if you had somehow figured out his secret identity. Had you spotted him that one time he made sure that you and your friends got home safely from a late-night study session? Even so, you totally couldn’t have known it was him, right?
“Relax, I’m just joking,” you giggled, thinking about how cute he looked when he was flustered. “Although my friend did tell me she thought she saw Spider-Man a few weeks ago on her way back from a party.”
“Haha, yeah,” he breathed out, a wave of relief washing over him. It was times like these that he really started to appreciate how well-hidden his muscles were underneath all of his oversized sweaters.
“Does that hurt?” you asked, bringing your hand up to lightly brush his lip, which was bleeding. He flinched instinctively before settling under your touch, your eyes focused on the small cut. “I have a first aid kit in my room if you want some help cleaning it up.”
“Oh, no, it’s cool. I wouldn’t want to bother your roommate,” Peter told you, scooting further away on the bench, nearly falling off the edge of it. Ned hated it when he stumbled in at some ungodly hour after patrol and woke him up. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, standing up and gesturing for him to follow you. “I have a single.”
Peter looked at you in awe. Freshmen never got rooms to themselves, and yet somehow you had one. “Okay, fine. But only because I’ve never actually seen a single in this building before.”
“That’s cool with me,” you smiled, reaching for his hand so he could keep up with your pace. He noticed that you were chewing some of the banana bread, which he really hoped was from the part that didn’t fall on the floor. To be fair though, it did smell really good.
Not only did you have a single, but you lived on the first floor. Peter couldn’t believe how lucky you were, considering the building that the two of you lived in didn’t have any elevators to traverse its seven floors.
He was even more shocked when you opened your door, revealing the coziest dorm room he had ever seen. How on earth did you transform the glorified prison cell into something that felt so... comforting? From the twinkling lights that were wrapped around everything and the soft rug under his feet, Peter found it really hard to believe that you had trouble sleeping here.
“Sorry, it’s a bit messy,” you apologized, piling your many throw pillows and blankets into a basket to clear up some space on your bed. “You can sit here.”
If this was messy, then Peter and Ned’s room needed some serious help. “No worries,” he said, watching as you rummaged around your drawers in search of your first aid kit.
Eventually, you found it hidden under a bunch of graph paper and colored pencils, untouched ever since your overprotective grandparents had helped you move in. “Here we go,” you mused, now looking inside it for alcohol wipes and band-aids.
He winced as you rubbed the little cloth against his lips, and you made sure to be more gentle as you cleaned up the other cuts on his face. Thankfully, nothing was bad enough to require stitches, something you were seriously under-qualified to do.
All Peter could focus on the entire time was how close you were and what it would be like to just kiss you right then and there, but he knew that was way too forward of him. Plus, he didn’t even know if you liked him like that. Surely you were just being nice.
Still, the way he caught you staring into his brown eyes after smoothing a band-aid on his forehead made him think otherwise.
“You’re going to have to tell me eventually who beat you up,” you sighed, gathering up wrappers to throw away and tucking the first aid kit back into its place in your drawers.
“It’s a long story,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding your stare.
“I’ve got time,” you replied, climbing onto your lofted bed to sit next to him, innocently brushing your bare leg against his jeans, which made his breath hitch. “Tell me about it.”
“Uh, how about another time?” he stammered, hopping off the bed and running his hand through his hair. “After class tomorrow, or something. It’s getting pretty late. We should, um, go to sleep.”
“You can stay here if you want,” you offered, his eyes widening at your invitation. “On the bean bag, I mean. It’s actually really comfortable. You mentioned something about bothering your roommate and I figured that maybe you’d like to avoid the trouble tonight.”
“Oh…” Peter hesitated, looking for a reason to say no. He knew he’d never be able to sleep knowing that you were in the same room as him. “I don’t have any pajamas.”
“True,” you agreed, a little disappointed that he wasn’t interested in sticking around.
“I don’t actually even wear pajamas to sleep,” he continued, making you look back up at him instead of playing with the hem of your shirt. “It’s just… I sleep in my boxers.”
“I’m sorry for asking. I didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable situation,” you sighed, your face hot with embarrassment.
“It’s not that! I mean, I do want to stay here. But, uh, you… well, you make me really nervous, Y/N,” he muttered, his glance bouncing around the room.
“Why?” you asked, your brows furrowing. “Did I do something?”
“No, no! Nothing at all. I promise, okay?”
“Okay. You can, um, get ready for bed, I guess. I promise not to look,” you assured him, turning on your side to face the wall.
“Thanks. Yeah, alright.” You heard him fumbling with his clothes, his sneakers making a soft thud on your floor. You did your best to resist the urge to glance back at him.
“Can I just use any of these?” he asked, although you had no idea what he was talking about.
“Peter, I’m not looking, remember? You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that.”
“The blankets. Do I just pick one, or are you particular about them?”
“Oh. You can use whichever one you want to. But the coral one’s the softest and my personal favorite.” Peter stared at the basket in confusion. To him, they were all just pink. But based on touch alone, he pulled one out that he figured was a little more orange than the others.
He walked over to the light switch and flipped off the overhead fluorescents, letting the room be illuminated by the warm glow of your fairy lights, which weren’t too bright, but still twinkly and beautiful.
“Goodnight, Peter,” you whispered, snuggling into your comforter in the hopes that your heartbeat would slow down and let you fall asleep for once.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” In a matter of minutes, you could hear his soft snoring, and you figured that it would be okay just to take a quick peek since he’d probably be bundled up in one of your blankets.
His hair was perfectly messy, and he looked so cozy wrapped up in the blanket you had recommended. Still, as much as you could stare at his adorable face all night, you were exhausted. Burying your face under the covers, you did your best to calm your nerves and get some rest before class tomorrow.
“Peter,” you whispered, jostling him lightly by the shoulders in the hopes of waking him up. “Uh, we have an hour before class. I was thinking that it would be enough time for you to go shower and change, and then we could go get coffee or something.”
He blinked back up at you, amazed at how well he slept on your bean bag. You had already gotten ready for the day, doing your makeup and picking out one of your many fluffy sweaters to keep you warm in the New York snow.
“Thanks, that sounds awesome,” he yawned, accepting the hand you held out to help him up. The blanket fell, and you stared at each other in shock, having forgotten that Peter was in nothing but his underwear.
You dropped his hand as fast as you could, covering your eyes. “Oh my god! I’m sorry. Shit, I completely forgot, Peter. I’m so sorry. I’ll let you get dressed.”
Peter watched as you stumbled around the room, your eyes squeezed tightly as your hands attempted to guide you away from him.
“Y/N,” he started, catching your attention as you nearly ran into your bed frame. “You can open your eyes. Really, I don’t care if you see me like this if it means I can keep you from breaking your nose.”
You hesitantly opened your eyes, relieved that Peter had already managed to pull his pants back on. Still, he was completely shirtless, and you found yourself staring at the abs you would have never expected to be hiding underneath his clothes.
Moments later, you averted your gaze, although you knew that he probably noticed you looking at where was now covered by his plaid button-down and dark blue sweater.
“I’ll, um, be right back,” he muttered, before practically sprinting out of your room and up the stairs. You groaned in embarrassment, burying your face in a pillow before attempting to take a quick twenty-minute power nap.
Peter couldn’t believe it. Sure, he had thought one time about you seeing him without clothes on, but this wasn’t how he thought it would go at all. Still, the image of you staring at him shirtless, your face flushed, made him feel like he was going to have a heart attack.
“Dude! There you are,” Ned screamed, startled at his roommate’s unexpected entrance. Peter panted, having run up four flights of stairs as fast as he could. “Wait a second. Did you finally get laid? Is this a walk of shame?”
Before Ned could praise him any further, Peter was grabbing a change of clothes and sprinting towards the bathroom. Don’t think about her, he begged himself.
The memory of your leg touching his last night immediately came to mind, and Peter was so angry at himself for being this starved for physical intimacy. To be fair, though, you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and so he cut himself some slack.
Shit, he told himself, making sure the water was set to cold. He needed to calm down, but instead, his thoughts were stuck on how good you looked in your pajamas, but also how good you would look without them and—fuck it. 
Peter liked you a lot, and if thinking about you like this in private kept him from being a complete weirdo in person, then maybe he just needed to get his feelings of desperation over with.
When he came back down to your room about thirty minutes later, you were still super tired. You trudged your way towards the door, your hair now noticeably messier than earlier, but at least that meant your nap had been a success.
His hair was still damp and this time he was wearing yet another blue sweater, which made you wonder if he ever wore any other color. He had his backpack slung over one of his shoulders and a nervous smile on his face as he locked eyes with you.
“Hey,” he said, pushing some of his hair out of his face. “Are you ready to go?”
You leaned against the doorway a little bit, letting out a yawn that was literally the cutest noise Peter had ever heard in his life. “Yeah, let me get my backpack.”
“It’s so heavy,” you continued, rightfully complaining as the weight of all its contents practically pulled you downwards. “I think it’s so stupid how almost every professor bans computers from class. Like, it’s not fair that I have to lug around three textbooks every day. I don’t have time to run back to my dorm in between classes like some people!”
Peter frowned. Three textbooks were nothing to him, but he knew that you didn’t have spidey-strength and that you were also pretty tiny compared to him. It must’ve been hell on your back to be carrying all that stuff around every day.
“I can carry it for you,” he offered, holding out his hand to switch with you. “Here, you can take my backpack if it’ll make you feel better. I have a lot of programming classes today, so I’ve only got my laptop and a notebook in there.”
You gave him a look of gratitude as he traded bags with you, literally taking the weight off your shoulders. He was right. His backpack was much more manageable for you, even if the dark grey contrasted with the light colors you always wore.
In contrast, it looked kind of odd for him to be walking around with a backpack that was covered in a soft pink floral pattern, much like everything else you owned, but the sight of him carrying your books brought a smile to your face. 
It was one of the sweetest things a guy had ever done for you, and Peter wasn’t even your boyfriend. He probably didn’t even think of you in that way.
“Uh, where do you usually get coffee?” he asked, slowing his pace so you could keep up. He felt bad seeing how tired you were, no doubt due to the lack of sleep you got last night.
“The Starbucks next to Hendrie Hall,” you replied, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “You?”
“I don’t drink coffee,” he admitted. “I’m actually more of a tea person.”
“Oh,” you hesitated, wondering if it was worth it to walk all the way across campus just for a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino. “We could go somewhere closer then.”
“It’s okay,” Peter reassured you, grabbing your hand and pulling you along to your destination. “I like walking.”
You hadn’t really talked to Peter since that morning before class, but sometimes you would peek behind you and catch him stealing glances at you. Eventually, he had started to feel brave enough to give you a little wave whenever you caught him looking at you. Well, at least the times when you were awake.
One day, not even the loud shuffling and growing chatter of your classmates exiting the lecture hall could wake you up, and Peter figured he better do something before you got chewed out by one of the TAs.
“Y/N?” he said, leaning closer so that you could hopefully hear him. “Y/N. You gotta wake up. Class ended three minutes ago.”
He shook you a little bit, nervously hoping that you wouldn’t mind him touching you. Your eyes fluttered open, and you smiled softly as soon as you realized it was Peter. 
“Oh. Thanks,” you said, standing up to slide your empty notebook into your backpack. Your hand brushed the side of your mouth, making sure you hadn’t drooled onto yourself.
“You can borrow my notes,” he offered, glancing at you sheepishly as you gathered up your coat and fixed your hair. “If you want to.”
“That’d be great,” you sighed, wondering whether you should skip your next class and just go take a nap. At this point, you weren’t even bothering to put on makeup and you basically wore whatever clothes you had that weren’t already sprawled across your room.
“Are you alright?” Peter asked, walking close to you to make sure you didn’t fall over. He knew you were an insomniac, but you looked seriously sleep-deprived today. “Have you been sleeping at all lately?”
“Nope,” you huffed, lugging your perpetually heavy backpack along. “But I’m skipping the rest of my classes today. I’d rather lie that I’m sick through an e-mail than have to explain to my professors why I was sleeping during their classes.”
“Fair enough,” he agreed, stopping you in your tracks to take your backpack from you. “I’ve actually got some time before my next class. I can walk you back to your room and give you my notebook if that’s okay with you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you told him, reaching to take your bag back from him, although he didn’t let you. 
“Y/N. Come on, you’re exhausted. At least let me carry your stuff, alright?” He had such a kind look in his eyes, and you certainly didn’t have the energy to keep arguing for no reason.
“Okay.” You crossed your arms, the cold air slowly waking you up as the wind hit your face. Your ears were super cold, but you were glad you had pulled your hair into a quick braid to keep it from flying everywhere.
It wasn’t long before you were kicking your boots off in your dorm room, your teeth chattering as you wrapped yourself in a blanket. 
“Do you want some tea?” you asked Peter, inviting him to sit down wherever.
“Sure, but I thought you drank coffee,” he reminded you, watching as you pulled an assortment of tea bags for him to choose from.
“I do,” you said, handing him the box and running to your bathroom to fill up the electric kettle. “But you drink tea.”
Peter’s ears suddenly felt hot. You had gotten tea just for him. Or maybe you were just a really good hostess and kept some around for all of your visitors. Probably the second option, he thought.
“Are you even allowed to have one of those?” he asked as the two of you waited for the water to boil.
“No,” you laughed, sitting next to him on your bed. For someone with so much space to themselves, you really needed to invest in more places to sit. “But you can’t have candles or fairy lights either, so I guess I’m just a rule breaker.”
“Guess I’ll just have to report you to the RA,” Peter teased, getting up to make himself a cup of earl grey. “Do you have any sugar?”
“Top drawer on the right,” you replied. “Do you have a sweet tooth?”
“Yes.” You watched as his lips blew on the tea to cool it down before remembering that it was weird to stare.
“You should let me bake something for you. What’s your favorite dessert?” You were kicking your dangling legs, suddenly feeling a lot more awake than this morning.
“Chocolate cake. With chocolate frosting,” he said in between sips, walking back over to you. With you on the tall bed and him standing, your faces were level with each other.
“I’ll have to make you one to thank you,” you smiled, peering into his eyes. Peter felt your heartbeat quicken, and the grin on your face as you stared at each other made him weak in the knees.
“Can I get those notes?” you asked, making him remember that people don’t just look at each other and say nothing like that.
“Oh! Yeah, definitely.” He quickly set the mug down on your nightstand to rummage through his backpack, flipping one of his notebooks open before handing it to you. “There are the ones from today, but all of the ones I’ve taken this semester are in there too.”
“Wow,” you laughed, making a worried expression form on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are they not good?”
“No, it’s not that. They’re just, uh, very thorough.” He had basically transcribed your professor’s lectures onto the pages. “You must write really fast. But thank you, Peter. I really appreciate it.”
Peter nodded before nervously gulping down the rest of his tea, not even noticing how hot the liquid still was as it nearly burned his throat. 
“I should go now,” he started, looking around the room for his things. “I want you to get some rest, Y/N. Please.”
He had this look in his eyes that was so genuine—so full of care and concern—that it made you want to do whatever he asked you to.
“I’ll try,” you told him, awkwardly rubbing the top of your arm in the hopes that you could actually fall asleep after he left. “Have a nice day, Peter.”
“Bye, Y/N. I’ll stop by later,” he said, already halfway out the door. “For the notes, I mean! Uh, bye. Again. Okay. I’m going to go now.” 
You giggled, giving him one last wave before he left. Like magic, the more you thought about how Peter was worried about you, the easier it was for you to drift off into a peaceful sleep, finally feeling at ease for the first time in weeks.
You woke up later that day to Peter knocking on your door, this time standing next to some guy in a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt.
“Hi, Y/N,” Peter greeted you. You looked a lot less tired than when he saw you this morning, which relieved him. “This is my roommate, Ned. He just wanted to know who I’ve been hanging out with, so I hope it’s okay that I brought him here to prove you’re real and not a figment of my imagination.”
Ned leaned closer to you, your hair still a little messy from your nap. “Blink twice if he’s paying you,” he whispered, causing you to giggle. Peter looked on nervously, unsure of what his best friend had just said to you.
“What did you say!?” he asked, lightly pushing Ned on the arm, knowing that it was probably something meant to embarrass him.
“Ow! Okay, now I’m really not telling you,” Ned replied, rubbing the spot where Peter had just hit him.
“Y/N, what did Ned say to you?” He turned to you, a worried look on his face as you and Ned held back your laughter. Peter’s face turned as red as a tomato, making you instantly feel a little bit bad. 
“It was nothing, Peter. Really,” you said, pulling him into the room with you. “It was nice to meet you, Ned. I’ll make sure he’s back before curfew.”
Ned laughed, offering a quick thumbs up and mouthing “I like her” to Peter before you shut the door on him.
“I knew that was a mistake,” Peter sighed, his back against the door. You were still a bit giddy from the exchange, giggling softly as he slowed his breathing.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed around me,” you reassured him. “We’re friends, right?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s just that…”
“What?” You could barely hear him as his voice trailed off.
“Well, uh, not all of my friends are, you know…”
“Spit it out, Peter,” you said, leaning closer so that you could hear him better.
“They’re not as pretty as you,” he muttered, making you blush at his words. Did he really think you were pretty?
“Oh. Thanks,” you smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Peter lifted his head up, relieved that you didn’t think he was a creep or something.
“Your notebook’s on my desk,” you continued, stepping back a little to give him some space. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as the distance between you and him grew. “I just took a bunch of pictures, so I can look at them on my computer whenever.”
“Alright, awesome,” he said, walking over to collect it before turning back to you. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty well, actually. The best I’ve slept in a while. I think you’re some kind of good luck charm.”
“Really?” he asked, a little surprised that he had been helpful.
“Really. You know, I’ve been thinking…”
“Maybe it’d be nice if we hung out somewhere that wasn’t my room all the time,” you said, a hopeful look in your eyes. “If you want.”
Peter had never noticed it before, but the two of you really did spend most of your time together in your room. It really was a nice room, but it made sense that you’d want to get out of it every once and a while.
“I’d like that. What did you have in mind?” Play it cool, Parker, he told himself. You can freak out with Ned later.
“How about ice cream on Friday?” you suggested, which came as a bit of a surprise to him.
“In the middle of winter?” As far as Peter could remember, you were always cold.
“Yeah. I really love ice cream,” you added, smiling up at him.
“Okay, then. Ice cream it is,” he agreed. There was absolutely no way he could ever say no to you when you looked at him like that.
“May! No, it’s not a date. She’s just a friend. Yeah, I got it. Open the door, pay for her, don’t be an idiot!” Peter sighed into his phone, hoping his aunt’s unwarranted crash course on first dates would be over soon. “Yes, I’m wearing the green sweater. Thanks, love you. Bye!”
“I have no idea who told her I had a date tonight,” he groaned, slumping down onto the couch next to his best friend.
“I texted her,” Ned replied nonchalantly, not even looking away from whatever video game he was playing. “Knew you’d need some kind of pointers. Y/N is way out of your league.”
“Hey!” Was he right? Yes. Did Peter need to be reminded of it right before his not-a-date date with you? Definitely not.
“Come on, you know I’m right. It’s Liz Allan all over again. I have no idea how you keep pulling all of these pretty girls, but hey, credit where credit is due.”
“You’re so mean.”
“I keep it real and you love it. Good luck, man.”
“Bye,” Peter grumbled, slipping on his coat and walking out of their room. Four flights of stairs later, he was at your door.
“Hi!” you squeaked, wrapping your arms around him. This was the first time the two of you had ever hugged and Peter was not going to forget about it anytime soon. “Come in. I have a surprise for you!”
“Here,” you continued, holding out a blue and white beanie for him. “I made it for you. To match all those blue sweaters you wear all the time.” Except this time, he was wearing a forest green one, which brought out the slight hazel tinge in his eyes.
“You made this for me?” he asked, eyeing the different stitches you had used and fiddling with the pom-pom on top. It looked store-bought.
“Well, yeah, silly. I just said that,” you replied, hoping that he liked it. With all the time you didn’t sleep, you were knitting anyway, but this was a special present for him. “Try it on.”
“I didn’t get you anything,” he sighed, pulling the hat onto his head. He looked really cute, the ends of his wavy hair peeking out from underneath the brim.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, pulling him out of your room and towards the front of the dorm building. “Getting to hang out with you is good enough for me.”
“Where’d you learn how to knit?” Peter questioned, walking alongside you on the snow-lined sidewalks. With how cold it was, and considering he didn’t have a hood on his coat, it seemed like perfect timing that you had given him a hat.
“My grandma taught me,” you shared, taking in the twinkling of the streetlamps and how they bounced against the snow. In New York, that was practically the closest you could get to stargazing. “My, uh, grandparents actually raised me.”
“Oh. I was raised by my aunt and uncle,” Peter confided. It made you feel not so alone to find out that he didn’t grow up with his parents either, even though you knew firsthand just how hard it was.
“Do they live around here?” you asked, stealing glances at him and how rosy his cheeks were in the cold air.
“Yeah, my aunt lives in Queens,” he told you, staring at his feet to both avoid eye contact and make sure neither of you accidentally slipped. Not that he wouldn’t catch you, but he wanted to be safe. “My uncle actually passed away a couple of years ago.”
You stopped walking, immediately feeling a sense of regret. “I’m sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. There was no way for you to have known that,” Peter reassured you, his warm breath coming out in clouds, and he reached for your hand to run his thumb across your knuckles. He gently pulled you along, keeping you from dying of embarrassment in the middle of campus.
“What about you? Are you from around here?” he asked, hoping to break the silence and make you feel a little bit better.
“No, I just moved up here for college. I grew up in Texas but moved to North Carolina when I was 13, so I finished school down there,” you explained, Peter suddenly noticing a slight Southern twang to your voice. “I just really wanted to go to school in a big city and not next to a farm for once in my life.” 
“That makes sense,” he laughed, wondering what it would be like to live somewhere else. “I’ve only ever lived in New York City.”
“Do you like it here?”
“I love it. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, to be honest.”
“Me either,” you sighed, squeezing his hand tighter as the two of you enjoyed your walk in the snow.
It seemed like forever before you reached the ice cream shop, but you didn’t mind. That just gave you and Peter more time to get to know each other better. Turns out you both competed in academic decathlons, although you were more of a math person and he preferred science.
“Okay, you’re wrong. Night at the Museum 2 is so much better than the first one. I mean that kiss between Ben Stiller and Amy Adams? The Jonas Brothers as little cherub angels? Name one thing from the original that tops that,” you ranted in between spoonfuls of peppermint ice cream.
“I just really like when the little cowboy and gladiator are driving that toy car around,” he reasoned, subtly admitting defeat.
“Don’t even get me started on why the second Shrek movie—”
You were interrupted by the sound of Peter’s phone ringing, and you immediately recognized his ringtone as the Coconut Mall theme from Mario Kart. He peered down at his phone screen, sighing and mouthing an apology to you as he accepted the call.
“Uh, hey, Mr. Stark. Did you need something?” Well, at least you knew he wasn’t lying about his internship at Stark Industries. “Toronto? Tonight? I’m kind of busy.”
There was a long pause as Peter mentally kicked himself for talking back to Tony, resulting in an earful about how being an Avenger should always be at the top of his priorities.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’ll be right over… but I need a favor. Could you send Happy to pick my friend up? Yeah, it’s the ice cream shop on 1st. Thank you so much, Mr. Stark. Bye.” He frowned at you, and you could tell from what you had heard that he had to go.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s just, something came up last minute and Mr. Stark really needs me to go on this business trip with him,” he apologized, pulling his coat on. “But, uh, he’s sending a car for you. So don’t worry about walking back alone, alright? I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you when I get back, okay? Bye!”
“Oh, okay. Bye!” you managed to call out before he was running out the doors and down the street. Lots of customers were staring as you awkwardly gathered your things and went to go wait on the sidewalk.
A few minutes later, a shiny black car had pulled up to the curb in front of you, a man rolling down the window.
“Miss Y/N? I’m Happy Hogan. Mr. Stark sent me to drive you home,” he called from the driver’s seat, before getting out to open your door for you. You stepped in, a little starstruck at how nice the car was. You had never been in anything this expensive before. 
The two of you were sitting in silence until you finally got the courage to speak up. 
“Mr. Hogan,” you started, causing him to turn down the smooth jazz that had been playing on the radio. “Do you know why Peter has to go to Toronto?”
“Yes,” he replied, glancing at you in the rearview mirror. “But I can’t tell you that.”
“Oh, okay,” you accepted, shifting to look out the window at all of the places in the city that you hadn’t yet gotten the chance to explore. 
Eventually, he was dropping you off in front of your dorm, and you were trudging inside to your room to sulk about how your not-a-date date with Peter had gotten interrupted. You stared at your ceiling all night, wondering when the next time you’d see each other would be, and whether or not he’d come back with the same cuts and bruises as when you had first met.
Peter had been gone for six days and counting, and you were starting to worry that he might never come back. You had already started missing him the night he left, and now it was just some agonizing waiting game for him to return.
You must have spent hours in the basement kitchen before deciding to visit the fourth floor where Peter lived. You knocked on the door and was quickly met with Ned’s shocked expression.
“Uh, hi, Y/N. Peter’s not here right now. Did you need something?”
“I know,” you acknowledged, holding up the plate in your hand. “It’s just, well, I’ve been baking a lot and I didn’t really know who to give all of these cookies to, so I was wondering if you wanted any.”
“Oh, in that case, sign me up!” You watched as his face lit up as he noticed the assortment of chocolate chip, sugar, and snickerdoodle cookies all still warm from the oven. He offered his hands out to take the plate from you, which you happily relinquished. 
“These are really good,” he complimented, his mouth full of a sugar cookie. “Can I keep the rest of them?”
“Yeah, of course,” you answered, doing your best to smile despite how much you wished it had been Peter opening the door. “I’ll see you around, Ned.”
“Hey, Y/N,” he called out to you, making you turn around on the stairwell. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Peter’s going to be back any day now.” You nodded, offering him a wave and walking back down to your room.
Turns out Ned had been right. The strange noises outside of your window were masked by how loud you were jamming out to We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel, jumping around and listing off the lyrics that had never made much sense to you. Peter knocked louder on the glass, startling you as you quickly switched off the music to investigate.
“Holy shit,” you whispered, squinting your eyes to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. “Spider-Man? Is that really you?”
You fumbled to push up your window, extremely confused as to why one of the Avengers was outside your bedroom this late at night.
“It’s me, Y/N,” he explained, his voice suddenly becoming extremely familiar. Your eyes widened as you realized who was behind the mask.
“Oh my god! PETER?” you screamed as he slipped through the window, pulling off his mask and clapping a hand over your mouth.
“Don’t freak out. It’s okay. It’s just me, okay?” he stammered in an attempt to get you to calm down before an RA heard. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really wanted to tell you, but we were in public when I left, and I couldn’t risk it. And I didn’t want to text it or do it over the phone because it’s kind of a big deal, so I figured I’d just come to see you as soon as I got back and Mr. Stark said that you have to promise—”
“It’s okay, Peter,” you interrupted, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into the very weird material of his spider-suit. “I won’t tell anybody.”
He softened under your touch, resting his head on top of yours. “I like your dance moves,” he whispered, making you glare up at him, your face suddenly very red.
“How long were you watching?” you groaned, dramatically throwing yourself onto your bean bag, your face covered by your hands.
“Only for about a minute,” he answered, pulling your hands down so you could see him grinning at you. “I especially liked how you used your hairbrush as a microphone. Plus, I thought we agreed to stop being embarrassed around each other?”
“Well, that was before I knew you were freaking Spider-Man!”
“Okay, fair enough,” he agreed, nudging you to scoot over and make room for him.
“So, that’s what that whole Toronto thing was?” you asked as he sat next to you, your knee touching his.
“Yep. There was this thing about aliens and these guys that could shapeshift. It’s a lot to explain.”
“Are you going to keep that thing on all night?” you asked, gesturing at his outfit, which was very tight and very distracting from whatever alien story he had to tell.
“Oh. Yeah, I guess so,” he shrugged. “I don’t have anything on underneath it.”
“How scandalous,” you teased. “Not so family-friendly after all, huh, Spidey?”
“Oh, shut up,” he quipped, rolling his eyes as you let out a long yawn.
“Have you been sleeping much?” he continued, suddenly remembering the issue that had brought the two of you together in the first place.
“Of course not. I’ve been too busy worrying about my classes and, oh, just some idiot I know that abandoned me in the middle of an ice cream shop. Pretty sure he said he’d make that up to me, by the way.”
“Okay, okay. Message received. What would you like?” Please say a kiss. Please say a kiss. Please say a—
“Can I meet them? The Avengers, I mean. It’s not like anyone else really has a secret identity except for you.”
“Oh. I mean, I’d have to ask Mr. Stark and the rest of the team and see if they’re cool with it, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“Awesome! You’re the best,” you chimed, wrapping your arms around him and planting a kiss on his cheek.
It was then that Peter decided he would just never be able to wash that side of his face again, his heart nearly skipping a beat.
“Peter,” you said, breaking the silence he had left the two of you in. “I’m tired.”
“Me too,” he sighed. “I should head up to my room. Gotta make sure Ned knows I’m still alive.”
“Yeah, of course,” you agreed, standing up to see him out. “Aren’t you worried somebody will see you, though?”
“Y/N, it’s 4 a.m. I’m pretty sure that you and I are the only people on campus that are awake right now.”
“Oh, right. Still, be careful, okay?” you told him, slightly worried at his secret identity being found out by some college kid that just couldn’t stay off Twitter.
“Will do,” he said, smiling and giving you a little salute before leaving.
A few days later, before you could even greet him, Peter was already walking into your room. It was 10 p.m., a little earlier than when he usually came over, but by now you were used to him showing up at your door unannounced.
He was already wearing his pajamas, a t-shirt with a science pun and some flannel pants that he had invested in to avoid any more awkward moments between the two of you. You were dressed in leggings and a sweatshirt, the clothes you usually threw on after class just in case you fell asleep on accident. There had been more times where you had woken up sweaty with your jeans stuck to your legs than you were willing to admit.
“Okay, so I asked Mr. Stark about your request and he told me he doesn’t think now is a good time, but…” he grinned, holding out a giant cardboard box with some kind of minimalist home appliance on the front for you to look at.
“Am I supposed to know what that is?” you blinked back, trying to figure out what the hell you were staring at, considering that all of the text written on it was in a language you didn’t know how to read.
“It’s some fancy white noise machine from Japan. If I remember correctly, Mr. Stark said he made Pepper order it because I wouldn’t shut up about you, and it would be in everybody’s best interest if you got some sleep, so I could stop annoying him and the rest of the team.”
“Oh. That’s pretty thoughtful, I guess,” you said, gathering things off your floor to make space for it.
He set the box down on your rug and got to work opening it. Meanwhile, you were busy translating what exactly Tony Stark had so generously gifted to you.
“Peter, wait. This thing is like $300. Doesn’t he know that you can just look up whale noises on YouTube for free?”
“Yeah, but this one adjusts its volume based on the noises around it, has a light that simulates the sun rising, and has an alarm noise that’s supposed to support healthy cortisol levels.”
Peter peered up to see your arms crossed and brows furrowed, it suddenly becoming clear to him that the things he had just listed meant very little to you.
“Plus, he’s a literal billionaire, so I don’t think it was that big of a loss for him,” he added.
“Fine. Let’s just hope this thing works,” you sighed, watching as Peter leafed through the instruction manual before tossing it behind him. “It’s a little early to go to sleep, though.”
“Y/N, plenty of people go to sleep at 10. Not everybody is nocturnal like you.”
“I guess you have a point,” you agreed, kneeling down beside him as he fiddled with all the settings.
“I know,” he said with a smirk as you rested your chin on his shoulder to get a better look at what he was doing. “What time do you want to wake up? 7 a.m. would give us time to go get breakfast before class, but we could do 8 if you wanted to sleep in.”
“We?” you mused, liking the sound of that. “I guess that means you’re staying here tonight?”
“Well, yeah. I’m not letting you have all these overpriced rainforest noises to yourself.”
“Do 7. We can go get those blueberry muffins that you like,” you decided, standing up to get Peter’s makeshift bed on your bean bag ready. “Do you actually like sleeping on this thing, or were you just trying to be polite the first time I asked?”
“Dude, that thing is awesome. It’s like I’m on this little cuddly cloud, and then you add all those warm blankets and the twinkly lights and it’s the perfect recipe for me to fall asleep.”
“Wow,” you nodded, looking around your room to see all of the things that Peter was talking about. “I wish it worked that way for me.”
“Maybe it will, tonight.”
It didn’t. You were tossing and turning for nearly an hour to the agonizing sounds of birds cawing and the occasional monkey chatter, all set against the backdrop of a heavy thunderstorm. To be honest, it was something that would’ve given you nightmares when you were little.
“Y/N?” Peter whispered from the floor. “Are you sleeping?”
“Me neither.”
“Could you turn that thing off? It’s really distracting me.”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, leaning over to switch the noise machine off. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything.”
He hesitated, not really sure if he should ask the question that he had been thinking about for a while now. “How old were you when your parents died?”
You had to think for a moment, not really sure about the answer. For as long as you could remember, you just lived with your grandparents. “Um, well my mom left when I was a baby. And I think my dad passed away when I was four.”
“Oh,” Peter mumbled. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a parent leave you, but he didn’t want to pry just in case it was a sensitive topic. “Are your grandparents from your mom or dad’s side?”
You rolled over to rest your head on the edge of your bed so that you could see him better. He looked so cute bundled up in all of your blankets, his hair already a bit messy. “They’re my mom’s parents. It’s weird. I see a lot of pictures of her from when she was growing up, and I look so much like her, but she’s basically a stranger to me.”
Peter opened his mouth to say something else, but there was a long pause and he decided not to.
“What about you? How old were you when your parents passed away?”
“Five or six. They met while working at the C.I.A. together, but most of my memories are from the stories my aunt and uncle told me when I was growing up.”
For a moment, neither of you could find the right words to say to each other.
“Peter,” you spoke up, interrupting his thoughts. “I’m really glad I met you.”
“I’m really glad I met you too.”
Peter’s next plan of action involved even more advice from his fellow Avengers, and you were not looking forward to trying out any of their suggestions. 
“Okay, so, Steve—I mean Captain America—said that when he was little, you know, in the 1940s, all he had to do was drink a glass of warm milk before bed.”
“I’m lactose intolerant,” you groaned, crossing your arms.
“I just saw you eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s in one sitting the other day.”
“Regular milk has almost 15 times more lactose than ice cream. You’d think a science nerd like you would know that.”
“I’m a geek,” he scoffed, clearly a little bit offended. “Not a nerd.”
“Yeah, I can see that now. It’s okay, though. At least you’re pretty,” you said, pinching his cheek.
“Just try it,” he grumbled, handing you the warm glass and waiting impatiently for you to take a sip. If anything, the milk did a better job at keeping you up that night than putting you to sleep. Not even thirty minutes after you had gone to bed, you were feeling sick to your stomach.
“I hate milk,” you gagged, Peter holding your hair back as you kneeled over the toilet bowl. “My grandpa could never get me to drink it as a kid.”
“Is that why you’re so short?” he laughed, helping you up. You glared at him as you moved to the sink to wash the acidic taste out of your mouth.
“Shut up, Parker,” you quipped, tired and grumpy from how terrible you felt. “Let’s just go back to sleep.”
“Alright, munchkin,” he smiled, pulling you out of the bathroom and back towards your bed.
Somehow, the warm milk wasn’t even the worst of Peter’s ideas, because a few days later, he was standing at your door with a bottle of some Asgardian sleep aid from the lightning god himself.
“Are you sure this is safe for me to drink?” you asked, your eyes widening as you stared at the silvery liquid that was almost shimmering.
“Uh, I’m about 87% confident you’ll live,” he said, “But I’m 100% sure that it’ll work.”
“Gee, thanks. Now I really want to drink this weird alien potion,” you sighed, looking at him nervously.
“Just drink a little bit and see if you feel anything,” Peter encouraged, leaning over your shoulder. You nodded, hesitantly bringing the drink up to your lips to take a sip.
“This stuff tastes amazing,” you mused, taking a bigger gulp this time. “Like a blue raspberry slushie.”
“Whoa, that’s enough,” he warned, taking the bottle from your hands before you could drink any more of it. “We don’t want you to go into a coma.”
“I don’t feel anything,” you shrugged, frowning back at him. “Maybe I should—”
You stopped mid-sentence to let out a loud yawn, the potion starting to take effect. Peter caught you as you slumped down in your chair, helping you into bed.
“Okay. I definitely feel it now,” you admitted, already half asleep. Peter tucked you under your blankets, placing a kiss on your forehead as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N,” he whispered, turning off your lights and softly closing the door behind him. 
For a moment, Peter had thought he had finally found a solution to your insomnia. At least before you slept through class the next morning. And then the day after that. But it wasn’t until the third day that he really started to freak out.
“Where’s Thor!?” he panted, having run all the way from his class over to the Avengers Tower. Wanda and Vision stared back at him from the kitchen, very confused at what he was so panicked about.
“He’s in his room,” Bucky called from the couch, his mouth full of popcorn as 13 Going on 30 played on the big screen. “What’s going on, kid?”
“No time to explain. Gotta go!” Peter called, sprinting up the stairs towards Thor’s room. He knocked frantically until the door finally swung open.
“Greetings, young Spiderling. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Thor smiled, his long, golden hair shiny as ever.
“I think I killed my almost-girlfriend!” Peter blurted out, practically sweating from how stressed out he was. “She drank that stuff you gave me and she hasn’t woken up in three days now!”
Thor chuckled, patting Peter on the head. “Do not worry, my brother. I’m sure she will wake up given time. It was a very potent drink, after all. Calm yourself.”
“Okay,” he sighed, relieved to know that he hadn’t poisoned you to death. “Cool. Cool, cool, cool. She’s fine. Everything’s fine. Thanks, man. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you around.”
“Farewell, Peter. May we meet again soon,” he grinned before closing the door in Peter’s face.
On the way back down the stairs, Peter figured he’d give you a call and see if you were still sleeping.
“Hello?” you groaned, your throat dry from just waking up. “Peter, what the hell happened to me?”
“THANK GOD YOU’RE ALIVE!” Peter yelled into the phone, making you recoil from the volume of his excitement. “You’ve been asleep for three days, Y/N. I thought you were dead.”
“I am very much alive,” you laughed, slowly feeling the potion wearing off. “Where are you?”
“Uh. I may have run all the way to Midtown to ask Thor if I had killed you,” he admitted, feeling you roll your eyes through the screen. “I was worried, okay?”
“Now you know how I feel whenever you leave for a mission,” you countered, glad that Peter couldn’t see how much you were blushing. “Hurry up and get your butt back over here. I have the weirdest dream to tell you about.”
Even if you still weren’t getting a full eight hours of rest at night, it was obvious that all of Peter’s efforts had vastly improved your sleep schedule. Over the past few months, you had gone from staring at your ceiling all night to actually being able to stay asleep for small periods of time.
“Your eyelashes are so long,” you mused, playing with Peter’s hair. He was sitting in between your legs and How the Grinch Stole Christmas was playing on your TV.
“Really?” He tilted his head back to look at you, batting his eyelashes and making you giggle.
“Yes. It’s not fair that boys get all of the pretty eyelashes,” you pouted, watching as the Grinch explained his plan to steal all of Whoville’s presents to his dog.
“I think yours are pretty,” he replied, a soft smile on his face. “But there’s a rogue one just hanging out on your face right now.”
“Can you get it?” you asked, your eyes still glued on the TV screen. Peter nodded, twisting around to gently brush the eyelash from your cheek.
“Do you want to make a wish?” he laughed, holding the little eyelash on the tip of his finger in front of you.
“Okay,” you agreed, squeezing your eyes shut and blowing it away. When you opened them, Peter’s face was only inches away from yours.
“What did you wish for?” His gaze shifted downwards to look at your lips for a split second, before returning to look into your eyes.
“I can’t tell you, dummy. Then it won’t come true.” You weren’t about to tell your best friend that you wished for him to kiss you. At least not now, while the two of you were stuck in this really weird “not dating, but more than just friends” limbo.
“Fine,” he frowned, crossing his arms and pouting in a way that you recognized had been mimicked after you.
“Don’t make fun of me,” you said, mirroring his stance. Your puppy dog eyes were definitely a lot more convincing than his.
“I’m not.”
“Uh-huh, sure. You smell really good, by the way. Well, your hoodie does. I could just wrap myself up in it and fall asleep.”
“How come you’ve never mentioned that before? You could’ve been out cold every night months ago!”
“Guess I was just too distracted by your dreamy face,” you teased, causing Peter to blush.
“Whatever. Seriously, though. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know. I think it took me a while to realize how sleepy I got whenever you were really close to me,” you shrugged. “You’re not mad at me, right?”
“Of course not. But if I had known sooner I would’ve just given you one,” he said, slipping the hoodie over his head and handing it to you. “Here, put it on. You better fall asleep instantly or I’m calling bullshit.”
“You caught me, Peter. This was all some elaborate plan for me to steal one of your hoodies.”
“Just put it on. The suspense is killing me.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled his hoodie on. Just from looking at Peter and how slim he was, you never would have guessed that it would be this oversized on you.
“How do I look?” you asked, striking silly poses in front of him. Peter involuntarily licked his lips and he knew he’d be replaying this image of you in his head for the next few weeks.
“You’re going to have to keep that,” he stammered, doing his best to hide how much he really liked seeing you in his clothes. “It looks a lot better on you. I, um, have to go do my homework. And call my aunt. And walk my roommate.”
Peter stumbled to his feet, staring at his wristwatch to maintain his act that he was late for something before grabbing his things and heading out the door, making sure to hold his backpack in front of him. “Let me know if the hoodie thing works. Bye!”
Brushing off Peter’s strangely abrupt departure from last night, you nuzzled into your pillow, the warm morning light spilling through your curtains. Last night had probably been your best sleep in months, and you even got to wake up late since it was Saturday. Things probably couldn’t have gone any better.
Before you knew it, you were running up to Peter’s room and banging on his door. He opened the door on your fourth knock, right after Ned had chucked a pillow at him, and you were met with his sleepy eyes and messy hair.
“It worked!” you yelped in excitement, twirling around and still wearing his hoodie. “Well, kind of. I fell asleep after about an hour, and then I slept for maybe three after that. But I had to pee in the middle of the night, and when I got back into bed I couldn’t fall back asleep until 6 a.m.”
“That’s some good progress,” he yawned, stepping out into the hallway to keep your little celebration from bothering Ned too much. “If only we could get you to sleep the entire night.”
“I know right. But I’m so happy!” you cheered, wrapping your arms around him. “We finally did something right!”
“We need to celebrate!” you continued, grabbing Peter’s hand and dragging him down the stairs. “Come on. We’re making you a chocolate cake!”
You stopped by your room on the way to the kitchen, piling a bunch of ingredients into Peter’s arms from your mini-fridge and various shelves.
“Okay, eggs, flour, butter, sugar, chocolate. Damn it. We’re all out of milk.” You side-eyed him, remembering the whole Captain America induced fiasco from a couple weeks ago. 
“I think we might have some in our room,” Peter laughed. “Ned drinks a lot of milk mixed with Milo powder. It’s some obsession he picked up when his family took a vacation to Australia. I’ll go get it.”
He set all of the ingredients you had given him on your desk and sprinted back up the stairs to raid Ned’s stash, already thinking of ways to apologize for it later.
A few minutes later he was knocking on your door, out of breath, and dressed to brave the many inches of snow that had fallen overnight. 
“We didn’t have any milk,” he panted. “But I can run to the dining hall and get a few cartons.”
“I’ll go with you.” You quickly pulled on your snow boots and layered your puffer coat on top of Peter’s hoodie, wrapping a hand-knit scarf around your neck just to be safe. “All ready.”
Getting the milk was the easy part. Making sure you didn’t die of frostbite was another story. By the time you and Peter got back to your room, your nose was super red and you couldn’t feel your toes.
“Okay,” you said, your teeth chattering. “I thought I was used to the snow by now, but that was something else.” You dropped your coat on the ground and climbed into your bed, burying yourself under your comforter.
“I thought we were making a cake,” he laughed, walking over to see you peeking out of the pile.
“Cake will have to wait,” you whined, your voice slightly muffled by the blanket. “Come here. I need some of your body heat.”
“Okay,” he stuttered, kicking off his sneakers and climbing in beside you. He had sat on your bed a lot since the two of you met, but this was the first time that he was actually laying in it. You snuggled up to him, and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you.
“This is nice,” you sighed, nuzzling your head into his chest. “Is this one of your superpowers? Spidey-warmth?” Peter let out a soft laugh. It was silly but true. Ever since the bite, he never really noticed how cold it was outside anymore.
“Y/N,” he whispered, tightening his grip around your waist. Your head was nestled underneath his chin, and he could smell the faint citrus scent of your shampoo. “I need to tell you something.”
“What is it, Pete?” you yawned, your eyelids heavy from how comfy Peter’s cuddles were.
“I love you.” He held his breath, nervously waiting for you to respond.
“I know,” you giggled, intertwining your legs. “Sometimes, you talk in your sleep. You’ve probably professed your love for me at least eight times by now.”
“Oh.” Peter had no idea how he was supposed to respond to that.
“Don’t worry. I love you, too,” you assured him, grinning and placing little kisses on his jawline. “I thought that was obvious.”
“Maybe you could make it a little more obvious,” he mumbled, his heartbeat getting quicker as you shifted up to kiss him on the lips, your hand running through his hair.
“I will,” you smiled, your forehead resting against his. “But after we take a nap, okay?”
“Okay,” Peter agreed, snuggling as close as he possibly could to you, never wanting to let go. In no time at all, he watched happily as you fell asleep in his arms, wondering how the two of you hadn’t thought of this sooner.
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725 notes · View notes
hrwinter · 4 years
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You’re not sure what you remember about home. If you try, it might be blue skies and warm summer rain that you played in for hours. It might be your mother washing the mud out of your clothes, frowning and asking if it was really necessary for you to roll that completely in the dirt. You told her you were just doing what the dog did.
You had a dog, right?
You’re not really sure.
Because the other memories you have are not blue and green and the dirt brown of your knobby childhood knees. They’re grey and orange and crispy charcoal black. The market you visited where your parents would sometimes have hushed meetings behind shaky hands, it’s rubble. The wind that used to blow the fragrance of fresh peaches and citrus, it’s ash. The home you had is gone.
You remember a voyage, long, dark, and ripe with a putrid accumulation of smells. You remember getting to see the water a few times, opal blue and ever shifting. It was beautiful. But the ship crashed or was attacked, you don’t know, and then it was back to the oranges of fire, the reds of blood, and the screams of your parents you’d never find.
You washed up on shore alone.
Although, not quite alone.
That’s when you first saw her. The crow. You’re sure of that. She’d been there, pecking at the sand near your arm, the same one still clutching the cheap large plastic debris. It had saved your life. You looked over the edge of it, coughing salt water into the surf, and you saw her.
It was weird. She’d surprised you. You’d never seen a bird so big and black, you thought, and she shuffled from foot to foot, nervous. Was she hungry? Was she scared?
You don’t get a chance to find out before a man with large hands is swatting her away. She cawed angrily, reluctant to go, but she did, maybe to a nearby tree. He shook your shoulders then and asked you who you were.
“Kara,” your voice came out in a croak, not yours.
“Kara,” he says again.
The crow cawed.
It’s years before you put the patchwork pieces of your life back together, that you find out what happened to you. That a warmongering company, LuthorCorp, helped exacerbate the tensions in your region then exploited and profited from them by selling both sides weapons. But that doesn’t become relevant for a long time. For now, you’re an immigrant, and an immigrant is not a very good thing in this new country.
It could be worse. There are other kids who are not as lucky as you. Somehow having never set foot here, you have dual citizenship. Your mother was American. So, despite the government calling your parents insurgents and traitors, they don’t try to deport you. Or keep you locked in a cage. Instead, they put you in foster care.
It’s hard. It’s toiling. It takes you a long while to learn the language. You’re shy to talk because of it.
And you’re pretty. At least, people keep telling you that you are. You’re not sure what you see when you look in the mirror. The kind, clever blue eyes of your mother. The hard line of your father’s brow when he’d reprimand you for sneaking too many cookies.
But your prettiness doesn’t feel like a good thing. The other children resent you for it. And it brings you a different kind of attention, a kind that has you cowering from your foster mom’s drunk boyfriend, a kind that has your crow swooping in and attempting to peck out his eyes. She almost manages it, but when he swings, taking hold of her, you jump into the fray, too. You would’ve killed him if your foster mother hadn’t intervened.
That’s right, your crow has followed you here, has followed you through it all. She’s in the tree outside of the window when your foster mother returns you to the group facility for being ‘cruel and violent.’
You didn’t do anything. At least, you didn’t do anything you wouldn’t do again, a hundred times over.
“We’re better off here, anyway,” you tell the crow sitting with you during lunch recess.
“Why do you talk to that thing?” a boy asks you nearby, trapping a soccer ball with his foot.
“She’s my friend.”
“Friends can’t be birds.”
Yes, they can, you think.
“She doesn’t understand you,” he feels the need to add, certain.
But she does. You know she does.
You’re adopted into a new home not long after that. It’s different than the others. They’re called ‘Danvers.’ Eliza and Jeremiah, your adoptive parents, they’re kind and intelligent. They encourage your natural abilities in science and math. You’re starting to get A’s for the first time in your life, and you’re less reluctant to speak in class.
You still feel like an impostor. It doesn’t seem like a reality that’s meant for you. You were meant for the bottom of the sea.
“You have a right to be here,” Eliza tells you, but that’s not how your new sister acts.
Your crow has somehow inferred the antagonism between you. One afternoon she swoops in to steal a large portion of Alex’s sandwich and drops it on your plate.
“Hey!” Alex shouts after her, but the crow merely glares at her with dark black eyes, wings ruffling on your side of the picnic table.
“You did that on purpose.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
Alex looks between two of you, wary, parsing.
“How did you train it to do that, anyway?”
“…patience?” you improvise.
“You’re lying.”
The crow caws loudly, and Alex narrows her eyes.
“Whatever, I’m going inside.”
The crow watches her leave, and you soothe her ruffled feathers with a hand. The sheen of them always makes them seem oily, but they’re not at all. Her feathers are soft, and she preens a little under the touch. You gives her a nickel to play with. Maybe you’ll actually try to train her.
So, you make her puzzles. She seems somewhat competent in checkers. You read to her. Her favorite stories are fairy tales. Her favorite foods are unsalted peanuts, boiled eggs, shell and all. She likes apples too (you painstakingly removes the seeds, they’re bad for birds.) You feed her from the window. She sleeps in the tree there and follows you to school and back every single day. She watches you organize quarters for a state collection, nipping slightly at the plastic casing.
“I already gave you Iowa,” you tell her.
She clicks her beak back at you. Sometimes, she’ll steal your keys. You think she just likes things that you like, but you’re not sure. Alex says you’re projecting. Alex says you make up things that aren’t there, but honestly, Alex is a little mean.
Once on a fishing trip, the crow used bread to catch a fish, laying it before you all on the thick wood pier planks.
“That bird is smart,” Eliza comments, watching her chase away a hawk that seems a little too interested in the fish.
You’re proud. She’s fearless.
“Their brains are bigger than ours proportionally,” you reply with enthusiasm. You look to Alex. “See.”
“Her brain is bigger than yours,” Alex mumbles over her empty fishing line, and the crow dives down to nip at her.
“Hey!” Alex swats without making contact. The crow flies away again. “That crow doesn’t like me, I swear. She knows me.”
“Of course she does.”
“It’s meaner to me.”
“She’s a she, not an it,” you correct her.
“It’s not normal.”
“It’s perfectly normal for a crow,” you bicker with Alex. “They don't forget a face. They hold a grudge.”
“You sound like the Discovery Channel.”
“Well, it’s true. Did you know that they also mourn the dead? That they don’t migrate, staying in one place for most of their life?”
“So, you’re saying we’ll never get rid of it? Great.”
“She,” you correct her again testily. “And they can live to be 15 years old. So, yeah, you’re stuck.”
Alex quiets, and you’re thrilled to have won the argument.
But deep down inside, you’re willing to admit it’s a little weird, she’s a little weird. Crows are supposed to be social, and you’ve never seen her with any other crow. She only talks to you. She only follows you.
It would be crazy to think she wasn’t quite a crow, but something else, something more. Wouldn’t it? But you kind of do. You don’t admit it to anyone, but you do.
Graduation from high school is close, only days away. You’ve arranged everything for college, although not without a hulking amount of help from Eliza. She organized all of your scholarship forms, your applications, your dozens of essays. She kept you on track with projects and midterms and extracurriculars (you’re the captain of the Geology club, who knew!) And it’s all materialized into your acceptance at National City University. It’s only a couple of hours from Midvale, and you can’t wait for August.
Sometimes it’s crazy to think you’re going to college. A blonde, blue eyed girl who washed up on the beach one day like a sand dollar? You would’ve never put your money on her.
But here you are, walking a beach not that far from the one you arrived on, a big slate blue sky in front of you, wind whipping your hair. You think about the future; the new city, the potluck roommate, eighteen hours of classes in biomedical engineering.
“You’ll come with me to college, right?” you say to the crow perched on your shoulder, bobbing with every step you take.
The crow softly caws and nuzzles its head on your shoulder. It’s a rare form of her affection. Otherwise, her eyes are focused on the little crabs skittering in and out of the waves.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, you know,” you reach to bring the crow to your hand, her pointed claws clinging gracefully to two of your fingers. She looks back at you expectant and listening, canting her head to the side every now and again.
“We’ve never really talked about it,” you say as if it’s typical to apologize for conversations you haven’t had with your crow. “But you’ve always been there. You protected me.”
The crow flaps her wings a little. Is it pride? Joy?
“Thank you.”
You’re not sure what overtakes you then, but you do something you’ve never done before. Despite the fact that you’ve seen her roll around in ant piles, you lean forward and plant a little kiss on her feathered head.
Immediately, you know something has changed, that something is different. There’s a shimmer in the air in front of you, prismatic in color, and the crow flies away from you, landing, staggering in the sand. You chase after, but a crisp gust of wind blows sand into your eyes and you wobble, falling. When you scramble to your feet again, blinking and rubbing the grit out of your eyes, you don’t see your crow, but a girl with eyes as green as spring leaves, with hair as black as crow.
“You’re her,” you say as she sits up, looking confused, one armed draped across her middle.
“Yes,” the girl answers simply, shaping the word as if unfamiliar.
“You’re naked,” you announce.
You strip your light jacket off, suddenly rushing to cover her. You rub her shoulders and she looks at you in that same, too intelligent way.
It is her.
You have no idea know what to say next. You just watched a bird transform into a human. It’s not real. You made it up. Maybe you passed out. You did eat a lot of cinnamon rolls right before this. You pinch yourself, but you don’t wake up. You’re still here on the windy beach, clutching a familiar creature in your arms.
In a panic, you fall back on the very first English you learned.
“I’m Kara,” you say. She sort of smiles as if that’s obvious. “What’s your name?”
She looks away, thinks hard. She has a strong jaw. Her skin is too white, like it’s never seen sun. Maybe not under the feathers? God, you think you’re going crazy.
“Do you have parents, Lena?”
It’s a ridiculous question. She’s been with you for eleven years. But it’s a ridiculous situation.
“I—don’t remember. But I guess I do,” she says thoughtfully. Her voice has a raspy quality to it, not unlike her caw. “They probably think I’m dead.”
“What happened to you?”
She shakes her head again.
“I don’t remember,” then, “a curse, maybe. On my father. A woman came to our house that night. ‘A payment taken of your most prized possession’, she said. Something about an enemy loved.”
“A curse,” you repeat back. It makes sense. Even if nothing about this makes sense.
You shake your head, focusing on what’s important.
“Don’t worry,” you take her hand. Her palm is butter smooth. “Let’s go home.”
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
i said i wouldn't write it but i did
vaguely a sequel to this, but far in the future and focused on jon (annabelle features briefly tho. she's fine. annabelle will always be fine in my fics.) with ofc the presupposition that they've failed in one world but kept trying, bcos i think that would be fun*!
*(by which i mean heartbreaking, i'm so sorry)
There are rules, to the traveling, or at least there seem to be. There are certainly questions to be asked and points to be made, about how many instances count as a definitive rule rather than simply a pattern. But Jon likes to think of them as rules. He's always preferred concrete answers, even if it turns out they're less the truth and more just a convenient way of conceptualizing things.
So he has rules.
First: the Fears always come through on the same day. October 18, 2018. Or, given the impact history has on calendars, the equivalent of it; he'd once spent months trying to correlate the forty-third moon of cycle 1852 with his calendar just to prove his point, but the math had all worked out.
(Which does indicate, at least to Jon, that yes, the Fears probably did originate in his home world, Georgie. He'll take his petty wins where he can get them. For as long as he can remember the discussion, and the people, he's proving wrong.)
Second, it is still his tapes that the Fears follow. For every apocalypse there has been a new catalyst, but none of these new rituals supersede his. Maybe it's a testament to the strength of the Web's original plan, or maybe it's just something about Jon himself. He knows what he thinks, but... well, there isn't enough proof just yet.
Third, in spite of endless attempts to trap them and stop them, Jon is always able to travel with the Fears. Perhaps they simply can't stop him, as the original antichrist he apparently is; dozens of apocalypses in dozens of different universes, and Jon can always feel his rightful place as ruler of that terrible fearscape calling to him. He hasn't taken it yet, but it's there, and the Eye cannot abandon its true pupil without his permission.
Or perhaps they simply don't care. Every attempt so far has led to the exact same result, after all: another world left behind, another death by starvation averted, another new feast for the Fears to sink their teeth into.
Fourth, he always passes out upon entering a new world.
It's kind of annoying.
It is slightly unusual for him to wake up warm, comfortable, and covered in a blanket, but Jon's not about to complain. It's nice. He doesn't get a lot of comfort, and he likes sleeping in a bed, especially since he's always eldritch-nightmare-free in a new world. For a limited time only, of course.
He's fairly certain he's inside; aside from the softness underneath and around him, the air is still and temperate, the light through his eyelids is artificial, and all he can hear is the faint whirring of appliances and the whispers of two muted voices.
"—complete stranger, definitely dangerous, looks like he's from hell—"
"Okay, fine, but I wasn't going to leave him, and anyway haven't you noticed he's a bit—"
"A bit what? Scarred? Bloodstained? Glowing eyes, because I don't think I need to remind you, Martin, his eyes were absolutely glowing when you found him—"
Martin. Now there's a name. Not an uncommon one, but... he thinks he knows that voice.
Or. Well. He might know both of those voices, actually, which is even more interesting than waking up in a bed.
Jon opens his eyes.
He's met himself before, is the thing. Not in every world, and not always particularly recognizable, but he's met himself. He's met versions of Martin, too, and eventually stopped going completely useless with heartbreak every time. The merest handful of times, he's found both of them in the same world, sometimes something almost like friends, but usually not.
The fact that they have their arms around each other, casual, comfortable, close, is both entirely unexpected and perfectly, wonderfully, terribly familiar. Jon briefly considers crying about it, but there are more important things to be doing. For example.
"The glowing eyes aren't actually that sinister. I mean, they are, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking."
Jon—the other Jon—jumps at the sound of his voice, then leans forward. Curiosity, of course; that hardly ever seems to change. "You—the glowing—who are you?"
"Jon," this new version of Martin scolds, and for just a moment he's back home, with his Martin, with that exasperated tone—but no, this isn't his Martin, and he's also leaning forward now, his voice turning gentle. Concerned. Coaxing, like he's a spooked animal, and Jon doesn't think his Martin has ever talked to him that way. "How are you feeling? We found you unconscious in the street."
He can feel Martin's curiosity too, pushing forward under his concern, just as questioning as Jon but too polite to outright say it yet. He has to cut this off, or he really will cry.
"Mm... no," he says. "Well, yes. But also." Good lord, he's confusing them. Par for the course, but he should probably try to be somewhat comprehensible.
He holds up a hand, extending one finger. "I am... fine. More or less. Trust me, I'm used to this, and this isn't even the worst way it's happened." Another finger joins the first. "My name, as I believe Martin has guessed but then dismissed, is Jonathan Sims. I am not you from the future, nor am I lying, nor am I crazy, because—" a third finger "—interdimensional travel is not only possible, it has happened, is happening, because of and along with terrible monstrosities I am determined to stop, and I have explained this too many times to too many people to have much patience for anyone being shocked and disbelieving, much less a version of myself doing so, so you can either get over it and move on or I can go elsewhere and do something useful."
"And," he continues, pushing himself up so he can sit and lean forward even more intensely than his counterpart, "I would actually rather not do that just yet, because I have an extremely pressing question for the two of you."
"Um," Martin says, and "What," says the other Jon.
"How," Jon asks, deepening his voice to exude solemn, ominous, and eldritchly important, "did you two start dating?"
It was so... normal. Apparently. Two people, mutual friends, a chance encounter. A prickly exterior ("He hated me," both of them had claimed), but without the insecurity of being Head Archivist and the fear of dread powers beyond his comprehension, their friends had helped him open up and—eventually—apologise. A budding friendship, and then a romance, and then...
It isn't a version of them Jon has seen anywhere else, in any of the worlds he's traveled to. Normal as it is, it's a highly improbably scenario, and certainly not the same as his relationship with his Martin had been. But it was, in an infinite number of worlds, still a possibility.
Jon isn't quite sure how he feels about that, knowing that some version of them could have fallen in love without the trauma, but that they hadn't managed it.
His hands aren't shaking, as he lights his cigarette. At least there's that.
"I quit, you know," his counterpart says from behind him. "Years ago. I'd forgotten about those until you asked."
"Well then, thank you for indulging me." He gestures, meaning the cigarette, meaning the bed, meaning his claims about reality, meaning his intrusive, gossipy questioning. Meaning everything. He's not sure it gets across.
The other Jon laughs, quietly, and moves to stand next to him. "I am my worst enabler."
"Oh, that's hardly true."
"Mm." They're silent together for a while, but Jon is restless (both of him), and eventually this reality's version opens his mouth to ask. "Do you—do you know why I—I don't want to say believed you, I'm still not sure I do, b-but, didn't throw you out immediately?"
"My myriad charms?" They both laugh at that.
"Jonathan Sims," he says, as if that explains anything.
Jon takes a drag of his cigarette, considering. He could probably Know, but... indulging himself. "What about me?"
"No, not you, or. You know. You. But your name. Jonathan Sims. I decided you weren't, weren't a deliberate lie to trick me, or a future version of myself, or a mind-reading monster—"
"—when you said your name, because none of those things would have said that." He smiles then and holds up a hand, and—oh—his ring glints. "I've been Jonathan Blackwood for a while now."
They'd told him married eventually, but he hadn't even thought about his name. He's certainly thinking about it now. "Jonathan Blackwood," he says, soft, to himself. And to himself. "That... that sounds good."
"It does, doesn't it."
Whatever they might have said next is lost as an incredibly loud engine roars nearby and a sleek black motorcycle pulls up in front of them. Jon sighs and takes one last drag of his cigarette as the rider removes her helmet.
"Been off finding yourself, then, Jon?" Annabelle asks.
"Oh, extremely funny, yes. Did you steal that?"
"It was a gift."
"Of course it was."
The other Jon is staring at them both, his eyes repeatedly drifting back to the web-covered hole in Annabelle's head. "Who—what is—is that a—"
"She's a spider monster," Jon supplies helpfully. "She came with me, although apparently she did not pass out in the street this time."
"Two streets over, I think. Pity, I would've loved a nice nap in a proper bed, but I did get this motorcycle out of it. Come on, Jon, you can mope on the way."
"I have not been moping—"
"Haven't you? You're not the one who deals with how maudlin you get every time you meet yourself—"
"Yes, fine, thank you, we can go." He stubs out the cigarette and pauses, looking at himself. "Uh. Tell Martin—well, goodbye, I guess. I'd say I hope we meet again, but if you're lucky we won't need to?"
"And I'm—I hope you—that is, I'll do my best—well." He sighs. "Things are about to get... dicey, for the world in general. But just, look out for each other, and we'll try to handle the rest."
"Jon, we should be going."
"Yes, all right, all right." He gives himself one last, probably not very reassuring smile, and climbs on behind Annabelle.
They do have work to do, after all.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
BTS Scenario: Taking Care of Them When They Have a Cold
↳ ♡ NOTE ⇁ time for fluff. autumn season is coming, let me set the mood right here, we’re going cozy 🍂
warnings ⚠️ hurt/comfort, brief mention of sexual tension
⌈jimin⌋ ⇢ Jimin’s cold is unusually subtle. In terms of visible signs, it’d take some time to notice it for someone who doesn’t know him or doesn’t check just how heavy another person’s breath is going. But feedback? You will definitely get. Compared to how he’s pouting about it, which will melt your heart is what I’m saying, the symptoms are understated in comparison to the other members. Taehyung’s cough can shatter an entire neighborhood, Jimin sneezing is as graceful as a gazelle. Mind you, his nose is runny, and the slight fatigue of the first two days isn’t negligible, but the major thing to actively mend is more psychological than physical. In other words, his body does its thing, you don’t have to overextend yourself. 
That’s what you have to figure out first to really take care of him properly. After laying him down and bringing both snacks and liquids, talking is what he needs rather than ten thousand types of medications and cool towels all over him. Jimin doesn’t want to see you become sick as well so you don’t sit up close, but at talking range, and you text a lot during the day while you work. He’s worried about not being able to practice and hopes the cold doesn’t show in his appearance. You assure him it takes five days at best and he is okay again and promise a lot of kisses. With that prospect, healing is even sweeter. And, you know the guy, Jimin misses seducing you, so.
⌈taehyung⌋ ⇢ Absolutely enjoys being babied ten times out of ten. Nothing better than you preparing a hot herbal bath. Rosemary, thyme, camomile. The steam spiraling off the water surface looks so relaxing in the candlelight, the classical music you put on sways him into a trance, he lays there for half an hour just motionless. He gets a little tray of coconut cookies on the bed stand, you play the guitar to him, you massage his feet before he sleeps… Which, and he hates admitting it, makes it nice to be sick. By all means not because of the fever, but the extra attentions, the hot chocolate for bed. Taehyung thinks about that twice and concludes something. He doesn’t want to get a cold just to receive this treatment. Not for his own health nor to worry or overwhelm you, he’s not gonna guilt-trip you into being a servant. 
So, you agree for later: It’s good to treat him sporadically just because, whenever and wherever, cue Shakira. That Taehyung so enjoys a good healing and mending time and it just explodes when you both have a reason to, that’s rather something to expand to the whole relationship. Taehyung will do the exact spoiling for you, with a romantic twist the way you know him. It doesn’t need a sickness to resort to doing nice things for your partner. At the end of the day, the body will remember it and get sick again because it sees what it gets through being ill. That’s something to squarely avoid doing, a random gesture is good for its own sake, amen.
⌈yoongi⌋ ⇢ Grumpy, murmuring, disgruntled he can’t work without getting a headache, needs a lot of silence to recover so he curls up on his own with earphones in and fifty playlists on repeat. He’s like tch, only thing I need is tiger balm to whip me back into shape. Or… wait. Wait a second. A cup of steaming hot coffee with extra foam he will not reject. Or a plate of fried rice. Anything fried and super crispy, really. Yoongi likes those things, especially when prepared by you. Nothing is more honoring. Actually? I’ll change the initial statement. Yoongi does accept some help. You simply gotta find out his catnip I mean favorite dishes and either know the place to order it from or have some kitchen basics down. Nothing super fancy though, it doesn’t need a God’s Menu. The right seasoning does the trick already. 
He wants it mega spicy, sweating out the cold is the way to go said Yoongi’s mom back in the day so he goes by that motto. Love starts in the stomach for felines. If another BTS member drops take-out at the door, even better, that uplifts him greatly. When he munches, that’s the most gratifying thing in the world. Yoongi wants you to eat with him by the bed so that means chili in the bedroom but screw it. All that food and you cranking up the heater distracts Yoongi from his cold and some head pats have him on his way to recovery. And, by the way. He’s kinda turned on by you cooking for him so… the frustration is real, you’re gonna fuck like rabbits once he’s okay again.
★ ⌈namjoon⌋ ⇢ The friendly giant will stay in denial about his cough for at least three days and walk around with way too much medicine in his system. He begs for someone to relieve him, mostly himself, but all those sky-high standards are in the way. Responsibility! Hard work and endurance! Solve it in your head! What is the spiritual reason for colds? How many pills keep you awake for an all-nighter to write an album in one go? What’s next on the schedule? So it goes on, you know the deal with Joonie. You have to kick that leader butt so he finally enters the healing cave under the sheets. Don’t kick too hard though, he doesn’t have Jimin-level cushions. He topples over into his sheets fast anyway, he’s that level of exhausted from his own suppression. 
The story goes on, Namjoon feels extremely guilty for getting pampered and still ponders the reasons why he is ill rather than slowing down a minute and closing his laptop for a hot second. It gets a little awkward unless you figure out your secret weapon. What he feels better with is you reading him stories while he rests on the sofa. I’m not kidding. Or if you’re busy or he wants to be alone, audiobooks. That input is like a lullaby to Namjoon who gets knocked out by the soft whispering only to descend into 12 hours of sleep. Ah, he’s namjooning. Yep. His cold will force him into resting, but by the time he recovers, he is six books wiser and has had the pleasure of listening to your voice which he finds soothing. Thankful he is, anticipate an expensive present and flowers.
★ ⌈jungkook⌋ ⇢ Meal and fluid intake: Quantity explosion! Wow, wow, and wow again, the sheer amount that he can snack and turn into what seems even more muscle and more sweetness. Guinness World Record. He knows his system is currently resetting, he wants to hand it the building blocks, he knows the math. Yes, even sick Jungkook is the cutest foodie in the world. Yes, he will eat his veggies. He worries about not being able to work out so you at least help him stretch his legs ever so slightly in bed. He’s missing his boxing gloves like crazy, he wants to see the members in the practice room, he wants his milk. The latter is easy to get for him, and FaceTime comes in handy. 
Namjoon does a little motivational speech, and Jungkook feels better almost instantly. Later on, you have to scold him — well, just a little bit — for getting up in all that enthusiasm to do some of his routine on the second day, but he already knows it’s not good for him to get his heart rate up like that. He patiently snuggles in a cocoon of duvets with only his eyes being visible. Until, finally, his red lil’ nose goes back to normal and his lungs feel a lot lighter. Jungkook really hates being dizzy, so it’s a weight off his hunky shoulders all right. Then, he can join you at the dinner table for a double portion of extra Parmesan Spaghetti, and you settle on the couch to bingewatch romantic animes and any Studio Ghibli movie in history.
★ ⌈jin⌋ ⇢ It simply can’t be helped, he even wants to make this funny. Humor really is a never-ending well, Jin is Spongebob’s long lost cousin if you go by his amount of meme talk. He calls himself Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jindeer, stuffs handkerchiefs into his nostrils, draws smileys on his knees with the cream usually meant for a dry philtrum (he now has very hydrated knees, how about that), does impossible contortions to find the right sleeping or reading position. Honestly, you don’t really have to take much care of him nor worry, Jin will cure himself through laughter. The power of positive emotion. Entertainment is nothing to provide for, he’s a one-man show after all. Jin is the least bored when he’s sick among the group, however! It needs someone else to exchange with, you know. No punchline without an audience. Listening is the best thing. 
Sit, lean back, see what he has to say. The only thing you gotta actively do is stop him from choking on his own spit after a particularly dead-on joke. Maybe it’s introducing some room for serious time that helps Jin enter a different track. I can imagine that. Some talk about memories, talk about sorrows and issues. Jin is a complete man, but he still has plenty of ’em, demons don’t evade handsome people. And those need to be talked through in a silent minute. Jin also enjoys movie nights with a cup of tea in one hand and syrup in the other, that’s the go-to way to unwind. You can finally go all out and pour him his tea, bake for him, serve some self-made popcorn, extra sticky and sweet, oh yum.
★ ⌈hoseok⌋ ⇢ If Jimin and Hobi ever get colds at the same time, this will be the poutiest contest. They’re the most vocal about it in the group. Hoseok, and that will come to surprise you a little, becomes needy. Not at the beginning where he’s confused and emotional about what’s going on with him (someone who works this hard and needs a fully functioning body is thrown out of their lane even by the slightest symptom), but shortly after. You’ll come to understand how sensitive his body is, almost as perceptive as Jungkook’s actually. His body blows up with a strong fever, a hot man heating up even more is just an explosion of physics. 
He needs handkerchiefs, he needs tons of water, he needs music to distract him a little, he needs a heating blanket for his feet once the fever is gone. Granted, every sick person depends on those things, but Hoseok is someone who calls out of the bedroom often because he ran out. He’s not afraid to ask for things unlike Namjoon who would refuse out of overt politeness. You certainly have a lot to do because his cold comes in strong so it’s important you enjoy taking care of him and don’t do it out of obligation. Quality time is what we’re talking about here. It’s not about you doing the things, it’s about the presence. That’s why Hoseok will use his money well and always order proper take-out that’s not just classic fast food, you don’t have to cook or anything.
related: putting bts to sleep after a hard day 
© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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boymeetsweevil · 4 years
SS5 - MYG, NSFW, 3237w
TW: Explicit content, talk about human sacrifice, kinda crack-y
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“I don’t get it,” you panted after finally getting the rusty boiler room door shut. “Why were they still following us?”
Your classmate, Yoongi, huffs beside you to catch his breath. After running through the environmental science department’s small observation forest, it was abundantly clear that neither of you were the athletic type.
“Don’t you think it’s weird? I thought for sure that the purity potion we put in that Taehyung guy’s backpack would be good enough bait for the warlocks.”
Yoongi remains silent. So you continue to suck in gulps of air nervously while peering through the frosted glass window on the door. It’s not as if you can actually see the people who have been tailing a group of innocent freshmen for sacrifice. And you and your friend, funnily enough.
You turn to him then to watch him take his glasses off and polish them on his hoodie. It’s a strangely casual gesture and the fact that he’s trying to polish the glasses despite the fact that the lenses are cracked from falling in the forest makes you think something’s up.
“I mean, don’t you think it’s weird that we had two groups of bait—one full of actual virgin freshmen and one with a guy holding what’s essentially virginity in a bottle—and there’s still warlocks tailing us?”
“What do you want me to say?” He almost shouts before shoving his glasses back onto his face.
“Something that lets me know you think this is fucked. Because it is fucked up.”
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
Your eyes narrow and make your way back over to him. When you get close enough, he scowls at the ground and turns away from you but he’s got nowhere to hide.
“What are you not telling me?”
“It’s not nothing. There’s a bunch of crazy evil wizards out there sacrificing virgins and I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of it.” 
“It’s none of your business. Let it go.”
“I could die here, how the hell is it not my business?”
“It’s just not.”
“What are you hiding?!”
“I’m a virgin,” he shouts. “There! Are you happy?”
“...Oh,” you say, unable to hide your surprise as your eyes widen. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He rakes a hand up through the dark bangs that cover his forehead. The sigh he breathes out is shaky, probably partially from annoyance and partially from still recovering from running for his life.
“It’s just embarrassing. Didn’t want to change how you saw me.”
There’s a tenderness in the way he admits it as he stares down at his feet. Shame blooms softly on his pale cheeks and the image makes your heart clench a little. You take a breath to calm your heartbeat and take in the dry damp smell of the boiler room. Now is not the time to be dwelling on a petty crush, you’re reminded.
“Well, we have to figure something out. I didn’t think to take any kind of weapon because I thought the freshmen would need them all.”
“It should be fine. I think that one of them said there was a book in the classics library that might actually have the banishing spell in it. We just have to wait it out.”
You nod. “I guess you’re right. Maybe—”
A loud metallic bang shatters the quiet atmosphere. It’s all too familiar since you heard the sound almost 15 minutes prior when you both ran to an abandoned math building in search of a hideout. It’s the sound that the chains blocking the ground floor entrance made when you tried breaking in.
“Maybe it’s the others,” you let out a tiny nervous chuckle. “They could be trying to find us. To let us know the banishing spell worked.”
“They said they’d call first.” Yoongi’s words are tight and low. You don’t like how much resignation leaks into his voice.
“I’ll check my phone. Maybe I missed their call or they left a voicemail.” Of course your phone only displays a low battery warning, no calls or texts of success in sight.
You look up from your phone to find Yoongi cupping his face in his hands and sliding down the brick wall to squat above the ground. Instantly you crouch down too, wanting to comfort your friend.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It is. I mean it, Yoongi. We’ll find a way out of this.”
“Well, you can definitely find a way out of this.”
“I’m not leaving you. You’re getting out of this alive too.” 
He laughs, empty and dark. “Please, the only way I’m getting out of this is if...” he trails off.
You tilt your head. “What? Do you have an idea?”
Suddenly he looks nervous, eyes darting from your face to different spots around the room, to your face again.
“I—yeah, but...It’s crazy.”
“Just tell me. Whatever it is, I’ll help.” You pat his arm for emphasis and he shifts away minutely.
“You’re not gonna want this, though.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m doing it anyway. You know, to keep you alive? Just spit it out?”
His mouth opens and closes and he brings a hand to smooth down his face like he’s exhausted at just thinking up the idea. Finally, he looks to you.
“We could...have sex.”
“Uh, what,” you laugh because you really weren’t expecting such an answer.
“I’m not trying to be a creep or funny,” he holds up his hands. “It’s just that...that’s the reason why they’re chasing me—why they’re chasing any of us.”
“No, I get it. But, um, how is this gonna work?”
“It could honestly just be a couple seconds, right? Just long enough for me to technically have been inside someone. And then we can stop. Magic is pretty literal, right?”
“I guess?”
“God, I’m sorry. This is so weird.” His voice comes out sounding pained, and you snap out of your own awkwardness.
“No, it’s fine. This is probably the best option anyway.”
Just as you solidify the idea in your head, another boom echoes through the building followed by the sound of footsteps and the scrape of chairs. From the sound of it, the warlocks had found their way into the building and were ransacking the classrooms lining the floor above.
“Okay, let’s try it,” you nod resolutely to yourself.
You stand up to let Yoongi stiltedly unbutton his pants and push them down his thighs. In the back of your mind, you’re mildly surprised to find that he wears boxer briefs. There’s no time to unpack the thought, but you promise yourself that if you get out alive, you’ll do whatever you want with that information. Instead you reach under the skirt you wore that day to wriggle your panties down to your ankles.
While your hands play with the hem of your skirt, you approach Yoongi. Slowly you lower crouch until you’re hovering above his lap, a few inches away from straddling him.
“There’s a problem,” he hedges before you can fully sit.
“I just, uh, I’m not exactly ready yet.”
You look down confused because you don’t see anything wrong. And then you realize you really don’t see anything at all and therein lies the problem. He’s not hard.
“I don’t normally have an issue with this,” he stutters while blushing anew. “But I guess the fact that I can hear the evil wizards right outside who are determined to kill me is messing with the atmosphere a little. Sorry.”
“No worries. I mean, mood is definitely important. I’m not really that ready either.”
The sounds of chair scraping and classroom doors getting slammed grow subtly louder, reminding you that time is precious right now.
"Yoongi,” your voice comes out softer than you planned. “Do what you need to. To get ready.”
He gives the smallest look toward the door before fixing his eyes back on you. Then, his eyes grow wide. You’re unbuttoning your shirt in front of him, to speed things along you say to yourself. Jitters in your fingers make you clumsy but they’re obviously not the usual pre-hookup jitters. There’s no warm excitement spreading with each button undone. It feels fairly perfunctory in fact, almost as if you were doing the buttons up instead of down. You get the first undone after what feels like too long, just enough to show off the peaks of your breasts.
Yoongi’s hand migrates down to his lap while you continue, heel of his palm pressing into his groin. He lets out a small breath while taking in the plush roundness of your cleavage. Thoughts of how long it’s been since he’s been this close to another person buzz around in his head like annoying pests, but he tamps down on them. Instead he focuses on the way your breasts rise and fall with each breath you take. If he tries hard enough, he can imagine the backdrop of the boiler room melting away and fading into your dorm, where he’s spent many a night working on music theory homework with you. It helps and he pulses a little under his own touch.
He watches the buttons of your shirt fall away one by one, revealing an extra inch of skin each time in a methodic rhythm that’s tantalizing in its own right. Your bra is simple, he realizes as time passes. The cups look soft from wear with the gentle way you almost spill from them. He gets the urge to bite the smooth skin out of nowhere and squeezes himself harder. The material looks black in the little amount of moonlight that’s filtered through the dirty boiler room windows, and he can just barely make out some lace through the cracked lenses of his glasses. In another version of this moment, he’d take the frames off and lean closer to you. Pull you in under the guise of seeing better, but also so he could feel you. 
With a small huff, he sticks his hand unceremoniously down his briefs to work himself up faster. Judging by the way he gnaws at his lip, it’s not fast enough. Feeling emboldened, you lower yourself so that you can rest in the seat made by his lap and bent legs. Carefully, you press both hands to his chest. The movement stops him in his tracks and he looks up at you abruptly.
Having his attention on you makes you hyperaware of yourself at first, but you continue and peel off your top fully from where it hung limp around your shoulders. The straps of your bra slide off on their own, laying delicately below your shoulders. The consequence is an instant acceleration of the motions of his wrist. It doesn’t take long for him to be at full mast after that. Nor does it take long for you to begin to feel the weight of arousal in the pit of your stomach when you concentrate on the small noises he makes in front of you instead of the noises of incoming danger outside. Your mind doesn’t let you fully pull away from the present, though. 
The footsteps echo in the hall in the same moment that Yoongi gives a grunted, ‘Okay’. The steps grow louder still and transition into the sound of quick strides as he pulls himself from his briefs. You grab him at the base, ignoring the way he hisses, and the steps get replaced with bangs against the boiler room door. The blows to the door reach their peak volume when you finally slam your hips down.
You and Yoongi let out twin gasps at the movement, but you quickl clamp a hand over his mouth. For a moment, stars twinkle at the corners of your vision, but you blink them away and listen. A few seconds pass, each one punctuated by the rush of your pulse in your own ears. 
There’s a sudden snarl, a flash of light under the crack of the door, and then...silence.
“I think,” you breathe, “They’re gone.”
Both of you wait a few seconds more, unwilling to move from your spots, limbs locked in wishful thinking. When no one comes bursting through the door, the victory finally sinks in.
"It worked!”
You lurch forward to throw your arms around his neck in a hug, chest pressing against his, and Yoongi lets out a mangled whine.
“Are you okay?” You pull back to look at him. Maybe you leaned on an injury he got while running through the woods.
There’s no cuts or bruises visible, but his jaw is clenched and his hands fist at your sides. It’s then that you remember your semi-bare state and your embarrassment surges forth. You move to leave his lap but he hisses again and bucks his hips up hard. It knocks the breath out of you and you unconsciously steady yourself with both hands on his shoulders.
“Yoongi, what—”
His hips twitch again though he manages to tamp down on most of the force. But not without you getting bounced lightly in his lap. With your adrenaline fading, you’re becoming more aware that you’re connected. A shiver spreads up your spine after a small delay.
“Oh,” you moan before you can stop yourself. “Yoongi, w-we should stop.”
“Yeah. That is what we said,” he grits out.
You make the mistake of meeting his eyes then. His gaze is aimed at you but there’s a far-away, dreamy quality to it. The sweat that was beginning to prick at his hairline when you first sat on his lap is now rolling in a single errant bead. You follow its journey down the length of his neck.
“We should stop,” you say again after letting your bottom lip get trapped between your teeth. “Right?”
“Listen,” he has to choke the syllables out. “I don’t think I—”
“You’re too warm and soft...and wet. Fuck.” 
His hips snap again and this time all you can do is tighten around him. It eggs him on and as soon as he feels your grip on him increase, his hands unclench over your hips. Using your waist as an anchor, he blindly grinds you down his length. The pressure feels amazing on your clit and you can’t help but wind your arms around his broad shoulders so you can get closer for leverage. 
You let his name slip from your mouth in a groan at the way he fills you up. The sound is melodic and your new embrace gives him the chance to feel your breasts up against him. If he concentrates, he can feel your nipples drag against his shirt. In hindsight he wishes he’d taken it off.
Using the muscles in your thighs, you draw up from his lap until he nearly slides out from the silky glide. You look down and your mouth drops open. While you were vaguely aware of him when he was fully inside, you’re still surprised to see how thick he is. The stretch you felt at the beginning you attributed to the simple fact that there was no foreplay before you took all of him in one go, but now you realize it was also just him. Slowly, you slide back down his fat length. The sound the follows is lewd and makes your cheeks warm.
With his fucked-out expression as your motivation, you lean forward to brace yourself on his chest and slam your hips back down to take as much of him in one go as you can. He lets out a breathy whine and his head falls back against the wall. The sound of his moans are so nice that you do it again. And again. Until you have a rough rhythm that he meets you with halfway. The smack of his hips against your ass is loud in the small room, verging on filthy. 
Though he can barely keep his eyes open, he manages to keep them open enough so he can admire the way you bounce on him. Each time you spring up, your breasts bob with you. The itch he had earlier to put his mouth on them rears its head once more. This time, he entertains the urge. He leaves one large hand on your hip while the other one snakes up your body. The warmth of his palm leaves an incendiary wake and when he finally cups your breast, his name is tumbling ceaselessly from your lips. He leans forward and rests a cheek on the softness for a moment before doing his best to mouth at it all.
A feedback loop builds. The wet feeling of his tongue on your chest has you clenching your core. The wet cushion of your walls around him makes it easier for you to feel him pulse inside you. Each new trickle of arousal from between your thighs soaks his lap. The motions become slicker and slicker until he’s almost slipping out with each thrust. The pleasure is so acute that his nose begins to wrinkle adorably. You can’t help but lean forward to kiss him. His soft lips part for you at once, lending a new soft sensation to you. It’s sweet enough to have you slowing down your movements to fully seat yourself in his lap and taste him, to grind your clit into his lap and tighten on him gradually until he was bucking clumsily up into you.
When your tongue brushes against his, he jolts twice before spending inside of you with no warning. The release is almost hot and you continue to move to milk him through it, glad for having enough foresight to have taken your birth control already. You pull away from the kiss only for him to chase your lips as his eyes flutter open. He doesn’t remember closing them.
“Did you?” Yoongi sighs against your chin.
“No, but that’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.” He mutters to himself before reaching down between you. 
His fingers lack elegance as they bump against you initially, but once he figures out the angle, he rubs you with ease. The glide is slippery and dirty as he parts your folds and circles the bundle of nerves at the apex of your core. But it’s enough to have you swiveling into his touch. His fingers, now free as you bump your clit against the palm of his hand, find your entrance. You’ve always liked Yoongi’s hands and even admired them from afar before this fateful night. You like them so much more than now that they stretch you so good and reach places you can’t on your own. Your orgasm is like smoke and follows the rise of heat that starts at your core and melts into your extremities.
You lay boneless in Yoongi’s arms for a few long moments. There’s some rustling as he shifts under you.
“Hey,” he strokes his palm down your side to wake you from a shallow slumber.
“What’s going on?”
You peer down at his hand where his phone shines a pale blue. There’s a text open from an unfamiliar number that reads simply ‘the spell worked’.
“Oh, finally!”
“Yeah. We should celebrate.”
His gaze wanders over the curves of your body and a moment later, you feel a telltale pulse between your legs.
“We should,” you hum against his neck, hips starting up again in a sensual circle. “Congratulations.”
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huge thank you to @bangtancentricsblog​ for talking this through with me <3
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slocumjoe · 4 years
2 headcanons per companion
- Touchy person. After learning and understanding that it doesn't inherently mean pain, learns to speak and hear it as a love language. Her touches are very jock, though. Shoulder slaps, light punches, hair ruffling, kind of an older brother form of physical affection. Often gets into play-fights with MacCready.
- Has a lovely singing voice, but no one knows because she never sings. Ever. If she sang, it would be a quiet, raspy croon. The type of singing you'd expect to hear in a castle ruins at the coast during a storm. Haunting and enchanting.
- Amazing baker, not so good at cooking. Baking is a science, cooking is more about intuition and creativity. She's a by-the-books girl, and unless she has an exact recipe, her cooking is going to taste like anxiety. Great at breads, burns eggs. Always makes delicious muffins, her soups and stews are flavorless and soggy.
She has no idea. Thinks it's fine, and no one will dare tell her to stick to dough-based foods.
- The first time she got drunk, it was off wine. She woke up with her head in agony and on the roof of a shack about 50 miles away from Sanctuary. And with a tattoo on her back. Doesnt know about the tattoo. No one knows about the tattoo. It's a spoon. A very poorly done spoon. Possibly a ladle.
- This man may as well be a bear. He has a big appetite, sleeps like he's hibernating for winter, is covered in thick body hair. Danse will wake up only for his natural alarm, his clock alarm, or someone walking up to him and telling him to get up. No noise or physical disturbance will wake him. Nothing. As for his stomach, he isn't a glutton, but look at him. Big guy needs fuel. He can eat a normal amount and be fine, but could get himself kicked out of Golden Corral.
- Speaking of food. He eats everything with no reaction regardless of if he likes it or not. It looks like he's bored even if he's eating the rare good meal. Food is just something neutral, with cons to certain things. He prefers plainer flavors, but is immune to spice. Can drink an entire bottle of Tabasco sauce, Sriracha sauce, and a chile sauce with no expression. The blank stare and spice immunity aren't synth things, Curie and X6 are just the opposite.
- Takes long walks at night through settlements. Feels at peace in liminal spaces. The ruins of Boston and all the other destroyed cities don't have the same effect. Something about being the only one aware, living unnoticed in a place filled with people. It's lonely, but nothing gives the same clarity.
- Hates subway tunnels. Go on forever, too long to see what's at the end, something could be at any corner - they creep him out. If you still, you'll hear something. Machinery even when the place is inactive. Shuffling. Even stiller, might hear breathing echoing from way down a tunnel. Hates it to hell and back. Has to take a long smoke break if he has to go in one alone.
- Weird with kids. Likes them, but worries about himself. He isn't the...best example. He has no filter, they can tell something is wrong about him, and he just doesn't know how to act. They're just tiny humans, but there are rules. He doesn't want to accidently hurt them or inspire them to follow his screwed up footsteps.
- He doesn't care about what people think unless he cares. Some schmuck sneering at him when he pops a mentats? That guy's issue. Nick's frown? Curie's wide-eyed fretting? The way Cait's face goes soft and her eyes crinkle in sympathy?
...that matters.
He starts using less.
- Extravert. He needs his space, but hates being alone. Not having a support to fall back on is terrifying. The most anxious he'd ever been since Lucy died was his time alone in the Commonwealth. Sure, he had people, but not...not people of his own. Not a family. Leaving his boy was hard and being alone just as. Was often nauseous and prone to headaches until the SoSu.
- Hates the acknowledgement of intimate body parts in public. Hancock and Cait went on a tirade of sex jokes and he was just as, if not more, squeamish as the other prudes. While exploring a vault, a sex ed video came on the projector and he was red as a tomato for hours. It didn't help that he was standing in front of it and...well. You know what happens when you stand in front of projectors.
Goes all blushy when more adult talk comes up. Apparently Danse didn't know what m*sturbation was and that moment in that room nearly had him crawling out of his skin.
- Has a little switch in his brain that decides if he's capable of math. One day he'll be a walking calculator, another he'll forget that 7 is more than 6. He was a weird math student. Did all the reading and none of the work, aced the tests. You put him under pressure and he'll crank out the craziest equations, but you ask him to multiply two 4 digit numbers and you can see a little blue swirl in his eye before he sighs and goes to fetch scratch paper. Being a good tester doesn't mean he's not a born theater kid.
- Coat pockets are portals to other dimensions. Has everything you need. Bobby pins? Check. Ammo? Check. Food rations? Clean water? Smokes? Check. A small statue of Cappy? A page from a magazine that was never released due to a MLM scam in the publishing company? Half a pair of sunglasses?
Sometimes puts random garbage in his pockets just to screw with Ellie. Other times, genuinely doesn't know where things come from. Once found a yao gui claw in his chest pocket. It's a good luck charm, but he never picked it up and no one could have slipped it in. Jokes about the coat being haunted, but only half joking.
- Opposite to Nick, things go missing in her coat. Nick calls it "the washer" for some reason. She'll drop a pen in a pocket and never see it again. Double checks the pockets for holes and splits before heading out. Still loses things. Once lost a whole pistol.
But more interestingly. She lost a purple gel pen.
Week later, Nick pulls a purple gel pen out of his pocket.
Has a corkboard for the theories about the connection.
- Makes an amazing stew of yao gui, carrots, potatoes, stingwing honey, and various herbs. Its a family recipe that just isn't a normal stew, there's something different about it. When asked, will joke that it's human meat. Very few people realize she's joking. Either way, it has a flavor that sets it apart from other stews.
The secret?
There's a mutated form of garlic in the southeast part of the Commonwealth.
Only her family knows where it grows and what it looks like.
- Not so much of a night owl as much as he just...doesn't have a steady circadian rhythm. You can find him in the kitchen at 1 pm asleep on the counter in the middle or awake at 1 am making a 3 tiered cake. Doesn't have an alarm clock. His sleeping pattern bothers even the poorest sleepers. Danse is visibly upset when he describes his schedule.
- His history of partners, both romantic and purely sexual, is crazy. He has the most interesting and horrifying stories. One girlfriend was convinced she was the reincarnated Mistress of Mystery. A boyfriend cheated on him with his step grandmother. He was once involved in a multi-person break up because apparently his boyfriend was in a poly relationship that went south on all fronts due to a chem deal's profits going missing as they were about to split the caps.
Don't ask about Marge.
Marge was...probably something he imagined during a fever.
- His pantries and fridge have nothing but junk food. He likes vegetables and fruit, but they take up valuable sugar space.
Once ate a giant, 200+ year expired cheesecake and puked for an hour. When Nick found out, popped a fuse. X was out of commission for...so long. Turns out he's lactose intolerant.
- Has been flirted with so many times. Each time, turned pink and lost all control of his words. He becomes a stuttering, cherry-cheeked mess at romantic interest. Not because he reciprocates, he just wasn't trained for it. There is no protocol for "Wanna come back to my place?"
Someone kissed his cheek and he actually ran and jumped out of a window to escape. Hancock has it on video and sometimes watches it to produce serotonin.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
→ summary: your college art final prompt is so unbelievably broad that you might just flunk it because you have no idea what you’re gonna draw. luckily, there’s a cute guy who’s totally into you that might just help you out. even better: he’s a merman.
→ pairing/rating: taehyung x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 80% crack, 20% fluff | mermaid!au & bullet point fic
→ warnings: profanity
→ wordcount: 9.4k
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this is just
you are a creative person
you are a creative person
you ARE a creative person
ok maybe if you keep saying that in your head, it’ll come true
but fat chance
because you're still drawing a blank
your university professor JUST released the art final prompt
and it is the most broadest and vaguest prompt you've seen in your whole entire nineteen years of life
it sucks!!
like what the fuck?
how are you supposed to draw something that "calls to you"
what's that supposed to mean???
your best friend yoongi tries to help you interpret the wack prompt
but you really shouldn’t be trusting a guy who uses art sketchbooks as scratch paper to solve batshit crazy math problems for fun
it’s a no brainer that yoongi’s a no-nonsense chemical engineering major
in conclusion, he wouldn’t know aRT
not like you do anyways
he can barely draw a stickman. and he even has shitty handwriting (that’s so barely legible that he always gets called back after finals to translate his writing for the prof)
enough roasting your best friend though
especially when he’s actually trying to lend you a hand
“what calls to you…” yoongi trails off thoughtfully
he lets out a snort
“ha!” he says triumphantly. “y/n, i got it!”
“just draw a phone with your mother coming out of it!”
you frown. “i don’t get it”
yoongi sighs, shaking his head disdainfully
“because your mother literally calls you on the phone, y/n”
“i hate you”
yoongi is no help
“prof would flunk me if i turned a drawing like that in”
yoongi snorts. “or she’ll give you extra points for thinking literally. artists these days are so into thinking outside of the box. maybe you’ll be unique for being literal”
god no
being literal won’t fly with your professor
she’s the fucking queen of abstract art
if you hand her a painting of your mother coming out of a fucking phone, she might just burn the piece in front of your face
besides, you can’t draw something that doesn’t stir some sort of inspiration in you
no offense to your mother (but she’s also a no-nonsense physician)
yoongi’s just back at it again with his nonsensical advice
you’d expect better from the dude who does math for fun
“you know what?” you huff. “i can’t trust a guy who uses a freaking sketchbook to solve advanced calculus problems”
yoongi grins. “just tryna help, y/n”
“my god”
“wanna help me since i helped you?” yoongi teases
he holds up a stack of paper riddled with numbers with one too many digits and foreign symbols from the greek alphabet
you feel like you’re gonna puke
“aaaaand goodbye!” you say, standing up from your seat at the campus cafe. “i’m gonna go to the beach!”
“right now??”
“yeah why not?” you laugh, shrugging. “i need some inspiration!”
“but then i’m gonna look like a loner sitting here all by myself,” yoongi pouts
“then come with me, duh”
yoongi gives you a look of repulsion
“i hate the beach,” he grumbles
“fine,” you snort. “just call hoseok or something. i don’t know. but i’m leaving! bYe!!”
you can hear yoongi cursing at you under his breath and you laugh
he’s got such a mouth of a sailor that he honestly belongs on the beach—if not, the ocean
you pay his cursing no mind as you rush out the cafe and across the school campus
the literal reason you chose to attend this university was its close proximity to the beach
you’ve always been drawn to the waters
yoongi, on the other hand, only came here because of a scholarship
smart bastard
but he’s a good friend
it’s kinda sad you’re always hanging on the beach alone though
you don’t particularly fit in with the rowdy party crowds on the sand
and you don’t go there to flaunt your summer body in a bikini
you just go for
by the time you reach the beach, it’s nearly empty
when it’s nearing finals, no one dares to step foot on the warm sand because once you go in, there’s no way in hell you’re going back
some students learn the hard way
and then end up flunking their finals
it’s you
you’re ‘some students’
(to be fair, that was freshman year and you’re a sophomore now, so you won’t make the same mistake again!!)
okay… maybe
you’re on the beach and it’s nearing finals so maybe you haven’t learned your lesson
but in your defense, you’re only here for
the salty ocean breeze caressing your face
the smell of open waters
the brisk air
you would live on the beach if you could
there’s a small little rocky ledge at the far side of the beach that serves as your little private area you’ve been using since you got here
no one ever comes this far
so you just claimed the rocky ledge as yours
it’s where there are cute little crabs roaming about
where the bright orange starfish and sea anemones attach themselves to the rocks in the shallow tide pool and (maybe) watch you watch them
(you don’t exactly have extensive knowledge about ocean life lol)
omg there was even this one time when you saw a fish in the tide pool
granted, it was dEaD so you had to make yoongi carry it in a plastic bag and give it a proper burial ceremony
you love sea animals and plants!!
for a brief second as you crawl onto the rocky ledge you contemplate if you should draw a fucking fish for your art final
technically, it calls to you… right?
the late afternoon sun warms up your cheeks and you sigh, out, leaning back to admire the waves of the ocean lapping at the wet sand on the beach
if you just lie like this, basking in the sun… you’ll come up with an idea… right?
two hours later, you’re still stumped
“well, fuck,” you curse
the tide’s starting to come in and your feet are already underwater
it looks like you should just go back to your dorm at this point
you’ll find your ~inspiration~ tomorrow
you sigh
why can’t you think of a cool idea for fuck’s sake
what calls to me??
the only thing you can think of is a flobbering fish and your mom coming out of a phone (a tribute to yoongi)
you end up accidentally staying until the moon’s high in the sky
the waters have turned into a black oblivion and the tide’s so high, you have to shift up the rock to avoid making it look like you wet your pants
if you were a werewolf, you could draw the moon
because haha, get it? the moon calls to them!
but unfortunately, you are not a werewolf
“this sucks,” you huff
usually, you’re quick to come up with good ideas and it’s frustrating that for finals you can’t do the same
right when things actually matter
you look down from the sky to stare at your feet
maybe you’ll just stay here until you can come up with an idea
you aren’t gonna give up so soon
besides, the quiet sound of the undulating waves is so soothing
you stay a little longer, gazing at the twinkling stars and daydreaming of simpler times when your art teachers would tell you exactly what to draw without giving you vague-ass prompts to interpret
that’s when something catches your eye in the dark waters
illuminated by the starlight… you see… a…
“hey!” you shriek
okay now you’re 1000% sure there’s someone in the ocean right now
they have a head of bright turquoise hair and pale but toned arms
yet the person has their back turned to you so you can’t quite see their face (though you assume they’re attractive just based on the back of their head)
“hey!” you shout again
come to think of it,,,
are they skinny dipping in the fucking ocean???
freshmen these days!! they’re nuts!
“you’re gonna die of hypothermia!” you yell. “or a shark’s gonna bite your limbs off!”
very slowly
the kid turns around
and you nearly choke on your breath
because he is beautiful
not in a conventional tiktok boy way but in a mysterious manner
his alabaster skin glows in the starlight
his turquoise-colored hair is styled perfectly on his head, just swept gracefully across his forehead
his deep sea-green eyes sparkle as he cocks his head and stares at you
oh god
he’s definitely shirtless
“h-hey!” you call again, hoping you don’t sound desperate. “what are you doing??”
the boy doesn’t answer though
he just stares at you curiously, eyes glancing back and forth at your bare legs and your shocked face
normally, you’d be creeped out if a random guy decided to check out your legs, but for some reason, the boy doesn’t stare at you like he’s a predator
he just looks… curious
you gasp when he suddenly disappears underwater
“hey!!” you shriek
damn. maybe he just wanted to be alone
no biggie
you’ll just sit on the rock or something until he decides to talk?
or you can be like any other sane person and just go back to your dorm
a sudden splash of water jumps you out of your thoughts
you nearly fall back when the strange boy stares up at you from the ledge of the rock
he’s still submerged under the water up to his shoulders, but he leans against the rock and smiles at you
it’s as if he’s saying ‘hey, loud person, who won’t shut up. how are you today? nice to meet you’
at least you think that’s what he’s trying to convey to you
“hi?” you say, raising your eyebrows. “isn’t the water cold?”
the boy shrugs his shoulders then shakes his head
he seems friendly enough that you decide to continue talking to him
he has a strange alluring aura that makes you want to get to know him
before you know it, you’re scooting closer to the stranger
he doesn’t flinch when you’re close enough to touch his strangely dry head of beautiful hair
“woah,” you deadpan. “how’s your hair dry?”
the boy shrugs again, smiling mischievously
can he even talk??
or maybe he’s just being polite and he wants you to leave
maybe he’s naked?? and he actually is a skinny dipper
and he wants you to get the hell away from him so he can get into his clothes??
“do you want me to leave…?” you ask cautiously
the boy shakes his head
“oh… it’s just that you’re not talking to me so i just thought…” you trail off, uncertain
the boy laughs and it’s the only kind of sound you’ve heard from him since you first saw him in the waters a few minutes ago
and his laugh is just like the rest of him—beautiful
the boy touches his throat with one hand and shakes his head
you frown
the boy repeats the motion again and again until it finally clicks in your head
“wait, you can’t speak?” you say. “i’m sorry… i didn’t know!”
the boy smiles as if saying ‘it’s all right. you’re fine’
“i haven’t seen you around campus…” you start. “do you live around here?”
the boy shakes his head
“you just like late-night swims, huh?” you giggle. “i’d swim too but something about swimming in the ocean at night is super scary for me”
the boy laughs good-heartily. he points at you curiously, then gestures at the surroundings
“oh, why am i here?” you say
the boy nods his head
“i’m just trying to get inspiration,” you say. “i’m an artist”
the boy smiles widely. he raises his eyebrows and points at you
“yes, really!” you laugh. “wanna sit on the rock with me?” you say, patting the spot next to you. “you don’t have to be stuck in the ocean to talk to me”
the boy hesitates
he looks at you through his beautiful eyes and parts his pink lips
it’s as if he’s asking, ‘can i really sit next to you?’
“i don’t bite!” you laugh. “at least, the last time i checked”
the boy giggles
he reaches out and lightly touches your hand
you’re shocked when you realize his hands aren’t wet from the water
come to think of it, you are covered in more water droplets than the boy
something is a bit fishy around here
you slowly look up at the boy’s face
he shrugs but a mischievous, all-knowing smile plays on his lips
“what are you, a mermaid?” you snort
the boy looks offended, placing a hand against his chest and letting out a silent scoff
“sorry. i meant merman,” you roll your eyes. “better?”
you were only half-joking
but when the boy waves what looks like a fucking tail towards you, you nearly fall back
“WAIT!” you shriek
that better be a fucking costume
the boy laughs and he swims a bit away from the rock, only to do a backflip
that’s when you see that this boy is not really a boy
he’s a mythical mermaid???
with a sparkling turquoise tail and everything?? (on a side note, you have to appreciate the way it matches his hair)
deep breath in
deep breath out
you were never one to say that mermaids existed
but you weren’t one to say that they didn’t exist either
either you’re still dreaming or you just kinda befriended a mermaid—er, merman
“please tell me this is real!” you squeal, scooting closer to the waters so that your knees are submerged
when you were a kid and adults asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said a mermaid
as you grew older, society drilled in your head that mermaids only existed in disneyland
so that was that
until now, of course
the boy pops up from the ocean again and he hoists himself up on the rock right next to you
he’s shirtless as mermen go, but that’s the least of your interests now
his tail comes up with him and he gestures towards it, allowing you to touch the shiny scales
“it’s beautiful!” you breathe, running your hands over the surprisingly silky tail. “i better not be dreaming right now”
the boy laughs. he points at your legs curiously in response as if to say, ‘i better not be dreaming too’
“you’ve never met a human??”
the boy shakes his head. he looks at you like you’re the most special person on the planet. and it makes sense too because you’re the only human he’s probably communicated with in his life
“wow… i guess there’s a first time for everything…”
the boy nods enthusiastically
“are you even allowed to approach people?”
the boy grins as if to say, ‘mAyBe’
“poseidon or some dude with a trident’s not gonna zap me with lightning for talking to you right??”
just a safety precaution!!
the boy laughs boisterously, head thrown back and eyes squinted
“well… i guess not,” you smile
you’ve never really been friends with someone… not human…
if yoongi heard you talking about this merman, he might call the psych ward on you
or you’re just batshit crazy and you’ve been imagining this in your head
the boy points at you politely, cocking his head
“my name?”
he nods vigorously
“i’m y/n!” you tell him
‘y/n…’ he mouths with his lips but you can’t hear it
“what’s your name?”
the boy presses his lips together, then as if a light bulb went off in his head, he grins
he mouths his name to you, lips pursing and parting with exaggerated movements
you squint
“daeyoung??” you guess
the boy snorts, shaking his head
he mouths his name again but this time with more emphasis in the beginning
“ohhhh! i got it!” you say excitedly. “taeyoung!”
the merman holds up a number one and nods but shakes his head when he holds up two fingers
“the second part’s wrong??”
he nods
“uhhhhhh, tae… young… young… something that rhymes with young…”
“oh!!” you shriek, “TAEHYUNG!!”
the merman claps his hands together gleefully
“am i good or what??”
taehyung pats you on the back as if to congratulate you for figuring out his name
“thanks,” you grin. “hey do you come here often? you know, on this rocky ledge”
‘yup,’ taehyung mouths. ‘i’ve seen you before,’ he mouths slowly so you can understand him
“woah. you watched me?”
taehyung bashfully looks away
“it’s okay! it’s okay!” you say. “i just hope i wasn’t doing anything embarrassing… like picking my nose or something. i’m always alone here”
taehyung grins, wiggling his eyebrows. it’s as if he’s saying that yes, he did see you picking your nose that one time
“well it’s a human thing,” you argue. “you wouldn’t understand!”
taehyung giggles. ‘sure, sure,’ he seems like he’s saying
you huff. “in my defense, i didn’t know anyone was watching!”
taehyung gives you a look as if telling you that was the lamest excuse ever
“whatever, tae,” you scoff. “i’m just flattered that you thought i looked interesting in the first place”
the merman grins wildly, making it quite obvious he likes the new nickname you had given him. he shrugs his shoulders and pokes your arm playfully. ‘friend!’ he mouths enthusiastically
“you wanna be my friend?”
taehyung rapidly nods his head
“hmmMm…” you pretend to think. “i’m a bit swamped with friends at the moment…” you fib. in reality, you only have like two best friends (yoongi and yoongi’s bestie, hoseok). but it doesn’t hurt to lie a little to tease tae
the merman’s lips pull down in a slight frown
but you snort and slap his bare shoulder
“kidding!” you giggle. “why would i say no to being your friend?”
taehyung rolls his eyes but he grins happily. he looks at you expectantly, almost as if he’s asking when he can see you next time
you’re starting to get the hang of reading taehyung’s expressions
“when can you see me next time?” you ask
taehyung nods
“well… finals are coming up… i reckon you don’t have mermaid school or whatever?”
taehyung shakes his head, grinning. ‘no school!’
“lucky,” you sigh. “but fuck finals!” you pump your fist in the air. “i’ll see you tomorrow!”
‘same time?’ taehyung inquires
the two of you shake hands to seal the deal
you would’ve spent hours on end talking to taehyung but he’s the one who points to the direction of the beach and mouths ‘you should sleep’
“i don’t need sleep!” you declare but unfortunately, that follows with an embarrassing yawn
taehyung gives you the look
“okay… maybe i do need sleep…”
taehyung giggles. he pushes your shoulder slightly, nudging you away from him
“and i can visit you tomorrow…” you reason
taehyung nods
“so maybe i should get sleep”
‘that’s it!” the merman laughs
so you say your lasting goodbyes and watch as taehyung dives away from the rock
when he’s gone, shining tail and all, you’re left dazed and confused
maybe you’ve been hallucinating???
if you were hallucinating, you’ll figure it out tomorrow when a cute merman doesn’t come to meet you at night
for now, you just need sleep to digest everything that had just happened
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you just woke up
and now you’re more unsure than ever that this… taehyung exists
what if you were so stressed out yesterday
that you were literally… seeings things
yoongi keeps asking you if you’re okay because you spaced out TEN times in ONE conversation
you keep trying to convince him that you’re fine
but yoongi knows you so well that he knows you’re definitely NOT fine
“i’m just tired!!” you tell your best friend
yoongi sCOFFS “so am i but you don’t see me spacing out like i saw a unicorn last night”
how do you tell yoongi that technically you did see something like a unicorn last night???
you won’t
because yoongi is a no-nonsense-old-fashioned-traditional-by-the-textbook-chemical-engineering-loving-student
he would never believe you
“wEll i’m sensitive!” you protest, crossing yours arms. “plus i’m still stressed about my art final”
“i thought you went to the beach to get inspiration!” yoongi points out
“errrrr…” you scratch your head. “i got distracted”
yoongi sighs. “aRt mAjOrs”
“excuse me, how dAre you???”
but yoongi just laughs it off, patting you on the back before announcing that he had to go study for his finals
you should be studying for your other finals too
but you end up doodling all over your notes
doodles of tAeHyuNg
every ten minutes, you force yourself to sTOP doodling to actually read your notes
but it never works
by night time, you’ve gotten nowhere
oh well
now you can go meet taehyung!!
if he exists…
what if your brain was actually playing games on you??
regardless, you swallow all sense of doubt and march out to the ocean
the beach is completely empty and you make use of the privacy, skipping along the sand and towards the rocky ledge
and sure enough, there’s no one there
maybe taehyung’s late
no, wait you’re early
so you’re gonna wait for the merman
and if he doesn’t come in… ten minutes, you’ll just leave and deem yourself absolutely bonkers
waiting is really boring
you keep thinking at least five minutes passed every time you look at your phone for the time
but, in reality, it’s always been less than forty seconds
you go back and forth between looking at the time to looking at the dark waters
you’re starting to get ANTSY
and doubt starts to settle in
if yoongi knew what you were doing right now, he’d laugh at you
oh god…
should you just… leave?
THAT’S when you see a familiar bob of turquoise hair in the waters
you let out a little shriek, scooting closer to the edge of the rock
“taehyung??” you call out
the figure leaps in the air like a gracious dolphin and dives back down into the opaque waters
two seconds later, the familiar merman leans against the rocky ledge and grins up at you
‘hey,’ he seems to say with his sparkling eyes. ‘missed me?’
“UM, YES!” you say. “i was starting to think i was going crazy”
taehyung chuckles deeply, the sound reverberating against the calm ocean waves
“i was worried you wouldn’t be here”
taehyung raises his eyebrows as if to say, ‘why wouldn’t i be here??’
“i don’t know! self doubt? maybe you have some underground castle you wanna hang around with your friends and family rather than come up to the surface to hang with me!”
taehyung shakes his head, laughing. he points to himself and mouths the word, ‘solo’
“really?” you raise your eyebrows. “no family or friends?”
taehyung nods. ‘SOLO!’ he declares silently, grinning
“are all merfolk like that??”
the merman shrugs. ‘never seen another’
“oh gosh, you must be lonely,” you say. “here.” you pat the place next to you. “sit on the rock with me”
taehyung obliges but he protests he’s not lonely by shaking his head
“what do you do by yourself all the time, then?”
taehyung grins mischievously
out of the corner of your eye, you see bubbles of water rising up from the surface of the waves. you gasp as they begin to float in the air
“bubbles!” you reach out to pop one, laughing when the remnants of the water splash against your cheek
the merman nudges you as if to say, ‘but wait! there’s more!’
the next thing you know, a huge floating water bubble splashes above your head, drenching you from head to toe
“vEry funny!” you scoff, trying to shake the water off yourself
taehyung gives you another one of his cheeky grins. ‘sorry,’ he mouths, but he does not look apologetic at all
‘but look! i can dry it!’
he waves his fingers at you and instantly, your sopping wet hair and clothes are dried. there’s even a ocean breeze smell that lingers on you now
“do you go around splashing people with water bubbles and drying them right after?” you accuse taehyung teasingly
he laughs boisterously, shrugging his shoulders. ‘mAybE’ is his answer
“you spend a lot of time on the surface, huh?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘maybe’
“not much of a fish dude?”
‘they’re creepy,’ taehyung answers
you howl with laughter. “and scary! like sharks, viperfish, hatchetfish… oh god,” you shiver. “i hate them. i can’t swim in the ocean. and i know most of the scary-looking ones don’t even live in the same ocean zone”
taehyung pokes at you. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he mouths
“am not!! how are you creeped out by fish when you’re half fish??”
taehyung scoffs. ‘my tail…’ he gestures majestically at his sparkling tail, ‘is not a fish tail’
“sure… fishboy”
taehyung raises his eyebrows and raises his hand as if to threaten to splash you with a water bubble again
“i was only joking”
taehyung laughs, poking at you then pointing to the waters. ‘wanna swim, though?’
“are you serious? i just told you i’m terrified!”
taehyung pouts, his pink lips pulling down into a sad frown
“that’s not gonna make me change my mind, tae”
‘just for a little bit!’ he protests
“i don’t even have my goggles, i can’t swim without them! and i’m not going in water that’s pitch black”
taehyung sighs. ‘fine!’
“i’m really good at swimming in the pool though,” you say. “i mean, they used to call me a mermaid. because i was really good at dolphin kicking. but then i watched a few underwater documentaries… and nope. never again. i am not going in the same waters that goblin sharks live in”
to your surprise, taehyung teasingly pokes your cheek. ‘cute,’ he mouths. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he adds
“show anyone a goblin shark and they wouldn’t be able to get in the water for a year!” you huff in response
‘never seen one,’ tae sings—if you could hear him, you imagine his voice would sound as soft as lavender with just a drizzle of rich honey
“doesn’t mean they don’t exist!” you argue. “maybe one day i’ll swim with you. but definitely not today”
technically, you just met the man—er, merman
you’re not so sure if you can trust him to console you of your great fear of the ocean
maybe once you get to know him a little better
you see
you’re very quick to make friends
you probably have a lot of acquaintances
they all know your name and you know theirs
but you probably could not name three facts about any of them. and they probably couldn’t think of three facts about you either
so yes, you tend to have shallow relationships with many
but if you find people you like, you cling to them
like yoongi and hoseok
you just hope taehyung won’t be one of your acquaintances
he better be one of your best friends
how cool is it to say your best friend is a merman????
very cool
‘cool’ is just not a word to describe you as yoongi often likes to point out
but you’ll show him
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you visit taehyung every day
for seven days
it’s been a full week
finals is closer than ever
you have like… five days to get your art final done
and you still haven’t gotten an idea
okay well you have an excuse
actually, you have excuses. plural.
because 1) you’ve forced yourself to fOrget about finals and 2) taehyung is wAy more interesting than any final you will ever take in your life
besides, all the time you spend on the beach is absolutely worth it
you and taehyung sometimes even meet before night falls, just before the sun’s setting so the two of you can prank the seagulls
(tae hates those little monsters-with-wings so he enjoys it a whole lot to dump water bubbles on their heads)
you help him prank the stupid birds by giving him moral support! that includes cheering him on when he successfully attacks an unsuspecting seagull and feeding him some cookies from your school cafeteria to keep him well-nourished
taehyung loves human food
he says he has to live off of clams and seaweed
which, isn’t all that bad (you love salted seaweed chips and clams), but imagine having a diet solely composed of seafood
so you bake kale chips for tae one day (nearly burning down the communal kitchen) and he enjoys it so much, for five days, you bring all sorts of good human food for him
by the end of the week, taehyung’s put on some pounds
you think he looks even more adorable with a bit of meat on his bones
taehyung just complains that his abs are starting to disappear
so one day, you bring a yoga mat and the two of you do some ab exercises off of youtube
of course, that led taehyung down the youtube rabbit hole
and once down that rabbit hole, it is very hard to resurface
after tae got ahold of gordon ramsay’s youtube channel, it’s all he watches when you come to the beach
in the end, you have to ban him from youtube because he almost took your phone underwater when you tried to get him to stop drooling over gordon ramsay and his incredible cooking skills
but taehyung prefers talking to you over watching youtube
at least you think
you hope
there is never a day you meet taehyung and it isn’t eventful
there’s always something to do with the fun-loving merman!
which makes it very, very easy to lose sight of iMporTAnt things… like, uh finals
so, today, five days before your art final is due, yoongi sits you down on your desk chair and sighs. “have you figured out your art final yet?”
it is a question that catches you off guard
“er… no”
“iSn’t it due in FIVE days???” yoongi shakes his head disapprovingly at you. “c’mon, y/n, don’t some artists take over a week to finish a painting??”
“well i can take uh, three days without sleeping if it really comes to that”
yoongi sighs. “you’ve been going to the beach every day. still no inspiration?”
“err… i got… distracted”
“do you want me to come with you today or something? so i can whip you back into shape and make sure you get properly inspired?” yoongi offers
“no!” you shout
yoongi raises his eyebrows
“i mean, um, no thank you, yoongs,” you stand up and pat yoongi’s head
he scowls at you
“i’ve got it all figured out!” you tell him very convincingly
but it is a lie
“rEally?” yoongi raises his eyebrows at you
“yes. don’t you worry, my friend.” you pat his head again
yoongi rolls his eyes. “okay, well, worse comes to worst, you can always use my terrific idea”
“never in a million years”
“oh well. wanna skip the beach today? i’m inviting hoseok over to watch a movie. you can come too, if you want”
“no can do,” you say, shaking your head. “i’m going swimming!” you hang your swim goggles in front of yoongi’s face
“in the dark?? in the ocean?? i thought you were afraid of gobbler sharks!”
“goblin sharks. not gobbler. and no. not anymore. i trust the waters now”
er, or, you trust taehyung
he’s been trying to convince you every day to swim with him
and every day you declined or made up some stupid excuse
but today is the day you will accept
you even prepared by wearing a bathing suit under your clothes
and you’re gonna bring your swim goggles
you’re so ready!!
you trust that taehyung won’t let the fish get to you
he promised and swore on his own beautiful tail
so he can’t possibly be lying
“oOokAyyyy…” yoongi says, giving you a strange look. “if you drown, can i have your comforter?”
“oh, shut up. i’m not gonna drown”
you huff. “whatever, yoongs. have fun watching that movie with hoseok. i’m gonna get going”
“i will. just don’t drown or something”
“i won’t”
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five minutes later, you’re terrified you’re going to drown
as you walk across the beach, you worry that you’re only walking to your death
what if you actually drown???
and taehyung can’t save you because the water’s so dark, he can’t even see you???
what if a jellyfish comes out of nOwHerE and stings you so hard you’re gonna be paralyzed forever????????
you think you might die
taehyung’s waiting for you on the rocky ledge as he always does
but today, he has a shit-eating grin on his face
he looks at your goggles and nods. ‘today’s the day!!’
you grumble. “this is not helping my stress”
taehyung cocks his head
“i’m stressed because of college, tae. lucky you. you wouldn’t understand”
the handsome merman snorts. ‘i wouldn’t’
he pokes at you as if to say, ‘tell me what’s wrong’
you sigh, plopping yourself down on the rock and looking down at your feet
“i have a really important painting i have to finish in five days…” you groan. “and my professor gave me an art prompt, you know, something i need to interpret and draw. but i can’t, for the life of me, figure out what i wanna paint”
‘hMmm,’ taehyung hums. ‘what’s the prompt?’ he mouths
“what calls to me”
‘what calls to you?’
“ugh. yeah. horribly vague, isn’t it? my friend suggested i draw my mother coming out of a phone”
taehyung cocks his head, curiously
“yeah, it’s stupid. so i’m stuck. and the final’s due in five days. but i was totally forgetting about it until yoongi decided to bring it up. and now i’m stressed”
the merman giggles
“this isn’t funny!!” you protest
but the merman giggles again
when you give him a disdainful look, taehyung dives into the ocean and pops his head out, waving at you to come in
you sigh, staring at your goggles. reluctantly, you put them on
once you strip down to your swimsuit, you stare hesitantly at the opaque ocean. you crouch down just before the water, contemplating and contemplating
suddenly, something grabs your arm and you’re tugged into the ocean
you sCreAm bloody murder and voila, now salt and fish feces water is up your noise
how wonderful
but two strong hands hold your waist and you’re able to resurface
the water’s cold, but not freezing cold at least. and taehyung’s actually really warm against your skin
“you fucking dragged me in!!!” you shriek after coughing the water out of your lungs
you hit tae’s bare chest in agitation
the little shit just shrugs and grins at you
you huff, wrapping your legs tightly around taehyung’s hips. “if you let me go, my friends are going to find you and roast you. literally”
taehyung chuckles. ‘i won’t let you go,’ he seems to tell you with a meaningful look on his face
“you better not!” you tell him
he laughs at you, softly touching your forehead with the back of his hand. instantly, you feel much, much warmer. even cozier in the supposedly freezing waters
even the water weighing down the hair on your head feels lighter. when you reach out to touch it, you realize it’s completely dry
“woah,” you breathe. “that’s so cool…”
you forget that you’re even supposed to be mad at the merman
taehyung grins at you, petting your hair. ‘i know, right?’ he seems to say with his twinkling eyes
he motions at you to take your goggles off
“what?? are you crazy? i can’t survive without these! i am not opening my eyes in salt water, tae”
the merman shakes his head, laughing. ‘it won’t sting your eyes’
“why? did you put a magical charm on me or something?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘mAyBe’
you sigh, skeptical
‘i’m trying to help,’ tae mouths. ‘it’s for your art final’
you raise your eyebrows doubtfully
‘i’m serious’
“why, is there something cool underwater?”
taehyung nods. ‘you need your eyes open’
you wrap your legs tighter around the merman. “so… you’re gonna show me… something underwater… that will help me with my art final??”
the merman nods enthusiastically
he ruffles your hair and pinches your cheek. ‘trust me’
ohhHHhhh if you didn’t trust him, you wouldn’t be clinging onto him for life right now
“promise you won’t let me go??”
you hold out your pinky for taehyung
he cocks his head. ‘what is that for?’
“pinky promise??”
oh man
that might just be a human thing
silly you
“oH uh, nEver mInd th—”
you try to retract your pinky but taehyung stops you
he slowly pulls up his own hand, his pinky jutting out awkwardly
‘like this?’ he questions, poking at your pinky with his
you have to stifle a laUgh
“um, not quite,” you say. “you have to wrap your pinky around mine. yeahh, like that. and then it’s a pinky promise! it’s practically illegal to break a pinky promise”
taehyung nods. ‘i won’t break it’
“okay good! uh…” you look warily at the dark waters. “what is it that you wanted to show me?”
taehyung grins. suddenly, you’re submerged underwater again and you let out a scream
but you can’t hear yourself
not because you’re choking on the water, no
it seems like… you can breathe????? UNDER THE WATER????
you hug taehyung tighter and try to scream at him to stop plunging you in the ocean without a warning
but no sound comes out of your lips
‘taehyung!” you shriek soundlessly
“open your eyes, y/n…” a deep, resonate voice tells you
you nearly gasp in shock
was that… was that taehyung’s voice? his speaking voice????????
“it’s okay… you’re protected under a charm,” his mellifluous tone soothes you. “you’re able to breathe underwater, y/n. but you won’t be able to speak.” he laughs, which sounds very familiar to your ears. “how the tables have turned!”
“how good it feels to finally speak to you!!” taehyung laughs. “you don’t have to hold me in a vice grip anymore,” he snorts. “i won’t let you go. we pinky promised, remember?”
you groan in your head. ‘i-i can’t. i can’t do it, tae’
“aww, y/n…” you hear taehyung softly pet your hair. “take your time”
‘i can’t open my eyes. i-i’m sorry’
you can see the blackness through your eyelids. and there is no way in hell you’re going to open them
fine, you trust taehyung. and sure, the water may not sting your eyes
and on top of all that, you can fucking breathe underwater thanks to tae, but no
you’re still scared
you’re scared of what you’re gonna see
or what you won’t see because the ocean is probably pitch black
you just try to focus on taehyung’s beautiful, deep voice. it seems to reverberate through the ocean waves even after the sound hits your ears
“it’s okay,” he says. “don’t be sorry.” he holds you tighter against his bare chest. “you don’t have to see what i wanna show you anyway”
you make a confused grunt sound in the back of your throat
“you can hear it”
but of course taehyung can’t hear you. nor can he see you with your chin resting on his shoulder
“what calls to you, huh?” taehyung says in his syrupy voice. “i have a good idea”
then, to your utmost shock, he begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your listening ears
and gently caresses your lips
there lies a great ocean
the waves undulate under the dark sky
under these waters
is a lonely merman
he longs, waits for a friend
a lover,
anyone who will save him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the great ocean lies
where the waves undulate under the dark sky
where the lonely merman waits
under these dark waters”
your insides melt
taehyung’s honey voice entrances you and you squeeze you eyes shut even tighter
a rush of inspiration washes over you
you shiver
oh god
you didn’t have to open your eyes after all
you don’t have to see it to feel the immense amount of emotion, love, sincerity interwoven to taehyung’s song
it’s the most beautiful music you’ve heard in your life
and it pains you that taehyung’s stopped singing
you’re speechless, pulling away from taehyung so he can read your lips. ‘that… that was so beautiful…’
“thanks,” taehyung chuckles deeply. “i sing that song a lot when i’m bored”
‘your voice…’
“i know. too bad i can only sing underwater, right? if i could do this on the surface, i’d serenade you all day every day”
‘i’ll come underwater with you,’ you mouth before you can stop yourself
then you pause
you suppose being underwater isn’t so bad
it’s just dark since your eyes are closed
but you’re warm in taehyung’s arms
and you can even breathe too
if you can hear taehyung’s voice and hear him sing, then surely, that is a tiny sacrifice you can make
“you’re gonna come underwater with me?? again??” taehyung seems in disbelief. “you already seem uncomfortable now!”
‘no i’m not!’
and to prove it, you force your eyes open
immediately, you’re so taken aback, your grip on taehyung loosens
the merman catches you before you slip away
‘o-oh…’ you breathe
the ocean is not as dark as you had imagined it
in fact, there is a halo-like light that surrounds taehyung
it illuminates his face, his hair, his whole body
he is like a walking—er, swimming—star
the light shines further out into the dark seas, making the water sparkle
‘oh…’ you breathe again
“nothing to be scared about right?” taehyung snorts. “scaredy-cat”
he bops you on the nose
you’re so in awe, you don’t even mind
“are you inspired now?”
oh!! right!! your art final!!
you were almost distracted again (even after taehyung just dangled the answer in front of your face!!)
your fingers feel tingly
and your head whirls with ideas
taehyung’s voice, his song, his whole being…
it calls to you
he just saved your ass
in one single song!!!
‘god, i’m so happy i could kiss you!’
and you’re not even joking
“kiss me??” taehyung seems taken aback, but he grins. “kiss?”
the way he seems curious about it, you’re not quite sure he even knows what that is
‘do you… do uh, merfolk kiss?’ you ask cautiously
taehyung smiles. “let’s find out”
his eyes sparkle as both of you begin to lean into each other
you take it slowly, admiring his alabaster skin, pink cheeks and rosy lips
he stares into your eyes and gently tucks your hair behind your ear
right before you move in to kiss his lips, he leans in to rest his forehead against yours
taehyung’s eyes flutter close and he sighs as you stay still in his arms, confused
but you decide to go with the flow, keeping your foreheads together as you close your eyes too
it’s an intimate moment
you, resting your forehead against his while under the same ocean you were once so scared of
you, feeling emotionally attached to a merman
you, dreaming of kissing taehyung. properly. you know, on the lips and whatnot
when taehyung finally pulls away, he grins
“wasn’t that a nice kiss?” he whispers, touching your cheeks and giggling just at the thought of it
how do you break it to him
that forehead touching is not really… the kissing you were thinking of
‘well…’ you giggle. ‘in the human world… um…’
“in the human world…?”
‘we kiss with our lips’
“oh!” taehyung exclaims. he scratches his head. “lips????”
‘like this!’
with that, you tug him into a kiss. a proper one this time
he melts in your arms, sighing as he leans forward and instinctively closes his eyes
you let yourself relax too
and god what the fuck
his lips feel so soft
is there a special ocean chapstick he uses???
does he use some special sand as a lip scrub??????
and even though he probably hasn’t kissed the human way before,,,
man he knows what he’s doing
it makes you think for a hot second
you’re making out with a merman
… under the sea
this is what your life has become
and honestly, you can’t complain
taehyung’s the first to pull away, panting slowly. “i didn’t think my breath could ever be taken away,” he grins cheesily
‘you’re welcome,’ you grin back, slightly breathless yourself
“so… now that i’ve given you amazing inspiration… don’t you need to write it down somewhere?”
‘oh!’ you gasp. ‘right!’
you need to get started on painting as soon as possible!!! you can’t ever forget the feeling of taehyung… singing for you. but something about painting it when the memory’s fresh promises the best results
what calls to you…
you smile
a goddamn merman!!
you’re so gonna ace this art final
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you paint nonstop for four days
although you want to, you can’t even visit the beach
because you absolutely HATE it when your workflow is stopped
so you have to keep on painting until you finish
you force yoongi to go out on the beach and lay some cookies on your special rocky ledge. he frowns at your strange directions
“i dOn’T thInK yOu sHouLd fEeD tHe sEaGuLlS, y/N. iT’s gOnNa iNtErRuPt tHe eCoLoGicAl bAlaNce,” yoongi says very knowledgeably
oh god
you tell him to shut up
he pats your head and walks out toward the beach with the cookies
at least he doesn’t ask questions
you just hope taehyung takes the cookies as an apology
you don’t want him to think after you kissed him, you ditched him!! you’re just busy with your art final!!!
so you also make yoongi sneak in a note and a slice of cake the next time
except yoongi comes back in ten minutes and aSks: “WHO’S TAEHYUNG???”
you gulp
but you pretend you can’t hear yoongi as you continue painting on your canvas
the perfect, bright turquoise color was very hard to recreate with paints, but you somehow managed. you just need to add some finishing touches and your beautiful painting of your merman friend will be finished
you know yoongi secretly admires your art skills, but he laUghs when he sees you painting a merman
“is that a siren???”
“a mermaid, then?”
“a merman,” you say. “and he’s singing the most beautiful song in the history of songs”
yoongi laughs. “sure, sure. looks nice, though.” he steps closer to the canvas. “really like what you did with his facial structure or whatever. and his hair color. pretty tail too. i did not know you had the capacity to imagine that hard”
you huff. well, technically… you didn’t imagine that. but you’re not going to admit it with yoongi
“i’m more talented than you think,” you snort, stretching back and picking at the paint dried to your fingers. “if i close my eyes, i can almost hear him sing to me”
“um, i think you fell in love with your own painting,” yoongi snorts
“oh, leave me alone”
yoongi raises up two hands in defense. “okay, well, the final’s due tomorrow, right? are you done?”
“well…” technically, yes. but… “i’m gonna go to the beach”
“wait a minute, with your painting??? dude, what if a seagull snatches it away? what if the paint chips? leave your painting! that’s your final”
“i’ll be careful!”
“your idea of careful is reckless”
you sigh. “well, i’ll be extra careful!”
yoongi can’t argue with you after that. 1) because he knows you’re stubborn and won’t give up and 2) because when you say you’re gonna be extra with anything, you go all out
you take nearly twenty minutes getting to the beach because you walk very slowly with your painting in both hands. you hold the painting above your head so sand won’t fly onto it
and you check out for those nasty seagulls because sometimes they decide to shit on people’s heads
if they decide it’s a good day to shit on your final, it’s over
nevertheless, you need to show your masterpiece to taehyung
when you get to the rocky ledge, you call for the merman
in just a few seconds, taehyung pops up his head from under the water
“were you waiting for me?” you laugh. “did you get the cookies and cake i sent?”
taehyung nods, grinning as he begins to swim toward you. he points curiously at the canvas in your hands
“it’s my art final,” you explain to him. you turn it around so taehyung can see it
he gasps
‘that’s me???’
‘you didn’t draw my abs!!’
“well, can’t draw what you don’t have,” you giggle, teasing the pouting merman. he huffs
‘i like it, though’
“reallY??” you gush. “that’s all i wanted to hear!!”
you set the painting down carefully to the side and scoot closer to the rocky ledge
taehyung rests his hand on your forehead before cupping your cheek. he grins before cocking his eyebrows and pulling your head underwater
‘taehyung!!!’ you shriek
“i just wanted to tell you how beautifully you drew me,” taehyung laughs, booping your nose. “i mean, i’m much, much better looking in real life, but the colors. you’re very talented, y/n”
you smile. ‘well, i did try really har—”
taehyung interrupts you by kissing you. he misses your lips the first time and gets the corner of your mouth, but the second time, his lips meet yours perfectly
the heavenly moment would’ve lasted wayyy longer if it weren’t for the:
you let out a silent shriek and taehyung’s eyes widen. both of you break apart from the kiss and taehyung suddenly dives deep down into the ocean
and right when the merman is out of your range, you can’t breathe nor see clearly in the ocean anymore
when you get your head out of the waters, you’re a choking, coughing mess
you wipe away the droplets of water streaming down your face before you look up to see yoongi
“are you bobbing for fish in the ocean?” yoongi snorts. “for fuck’s sake, y/n, you can’t just leave your art final around like this!”
your best friend picks up your precious painting of taehyung and sighs. “what were you doing?”
“i, uh…” you touch your lips. “i was… uh… i dropped my ring in the water”
yoongi narrows his eyes. “you don’t even wear jewelry”
“okay fine. i was just trying to meet the merman of my dreams underwater”
at that, yoongi raises his eyebrows. “cool,” he says
“cool??” is that all he had to say?
“well, yeah. mermaids are cool”
yoongi’s so chill with it that you’re unchill
“are you sure??” you say.
“am i sure that it’s whatever?” yoongi snorts. “yes? c’mon, let’s go watch a ocean life documentary with hoseok or something. finals is gonna be over soon, so we should celebrate starting now”
okay well
this is chill then
yoongi is chill
you suspect he doesn’t believe you, even though you told him the truth
you could probably tell him that you kissed taehyung, a merman, but he would probably laugh it off
your best friend is quite strange. no-nonsense. sensible. rational.
but you love those things about him
yoongi helps you carry your art final back to the dorms. but just before you step off the rocky ledge, you turn around
taehyung’s waving at you very discreetly, so you smile and wave back
yoongi never notices a single thing
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it’s over now
finals is over
which means,,, IT’S BEACH TIME
unfortunately, everyone in the whole fucking school think’s it’s beach time too
even late at night, there are still a few idiots on the beach drinking the last of the beer they stashed away
it’s hard to meet taehyung just because the lack of privacy
you wait and wait and wait on the rocky ledge, but you know, with so many people, taehyung probably wouldn’t want to come out of hiding
it’s one thing for a merman to trust one girl
it’s another for a merman to trust fifty rowdy college students
but you have a feeling taehyung is always close by
you visit the rocky ledge every day, singing some of your own little songs (though you’re not a very good singer, you try)
you even talk to taehyung like he’s there, listening to you
but it starts to get lonely
there are so many people on the beach, but the one being you want isn’t here
you sigh, wiggling your toes that have become pruned due to the salty water. “i never thought i’d be saying this,” you say. “but i miss finals week”
taehyung would have laughed if he was with you now
god, you miss him
“or maybe you’re in the water right now, waiting for me to jump in…”
you sigh again. “or maybe you’ve migrated or something. do you even have to migrate? i have no idea…” you trail off, looking at the blue waters lapping at the sides of the rock
cautiously, you dip one foot in
the water’s cool, but not completely freezing
you dip the other foot in
you can do this
you’ll just…
jump in
and if taehyung’s not underwater, you’ll just… leave for the day
you’re supposed to hang out at a computer cafe with yoongi and hoseok anyway
okay deep breath in
deep breath out
goblin sharks don’t even live near the shallow part of the ocean… right?????
so you’re safe, right????
unless there’s a lemon shark or something
oh fucking god
you shouldn’t have watched that ocean documentary with your friends
but the need to see taehyung surpasses everything
you close your eyes
pinch your nose with your fingers
and you JUMP
and immediately you gasp because fuck the water’s cold
lowkey, your heart nearly stops because of the sudden rush of cool water surrounding your whole body
and right when you think you should swim back to the surface, a pair of strong arms hold you, and a soft hand taps at your forehead
“hello, you”
‘TAEHYUNG!’ you open your eyes and see your favorite merman staring at you
“the beach is crowded these days, isn’t it?” he grins
‘i know! pesky people!’
taehyung laughs. “i made another song while you were gone. nice singing, by the way. i heard you a couple days ago”
you flush. ‘i can’t sing! but um, can i hear your new song?’
taehyung nods, clearing his throat
he holds your hands to his chest and begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your waiting ears
and gently kisses your lips
there lies a beautiful ocean
the waves ripple beneath the awakened sky
under these waters
is a happy merman
he’s found his friend,
his lover,
his treasure that has saved him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the beautiful ocean rests
where the waters ripple beneath the awakened sky
where the happy merman lives
under these sparkling waters”
‘you changed the lyrics!!’
taehyung nods. “i think it’s much more fitting, don’t you think?”
the two of your resurface from the waters, gripping each other tightly
your hair is completely dry and it blows in the light breeze
the sunlight warms your face and turns taehyung’s cheeks even rosier
oh god
your heart skips a beat
but you try to calm down before you wrap your arms around taehyung’s neck and pull him close
the moment your forehead touches his, you close your eyes and it feels like there’s nothing else in the ocean, on the beach, except you and taehyung
the two of you may never speak out loud in the same place as you’re kept silent in the ocean and taehyung’s kept silent on land
sometimes, you don’t even need words
gazes, actions, little touches here and there
they speak in louder volume than words
you don’t even have to say you love taehyung. he doesn’t have to say it either
it’s as if both of your hearts, your actions proved it
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For the love of vocab cards.
Soo... another story written for @analogicalweek :D This is for day 5, prompt: Vocab cards. This again is a bit longer than my previous ones, but hopefully it’s worth it!
This is another College AU, Logan helps Virgil revise for an exam and leaves him a surpise to get through it on the day :) Hope you like it!
Taglist: @psychedelicships @edupunkn00b @jwillowwolf @look-ma-im-on-tv @kacklingisanart :) If anyone would like to be added, let me know! :D
For the love of vocab cards.
Word count: 1765
No warnings that I’m aware of :)
Virgil sat in an abandoned corner of the college library, just reading a textbook and finishing his third book of notes. He was desperately trying to revise for this exam tomorrow, but after four hours; his brain had reached its capacity of trying to retain information. It didn’t help that it was for a science exam and he hated that subject with a passion. There were too many long words with complicated meanings that he could never remember. He also just about understood equations when it came to math, but he had no idea how to apply them to science. Virgil belonged within the Performing Arts side of college, he loved music technology in particular and he loved creating all kinds of new music with the different pieces of equipment littered throughout the department. However, if he wanted to get onto next year’s course in Music Tech, he still had to pass the core subjects of math, english and science. Despite his unbridled hatred for the subject, he couldn’t help but smile whenever he remembered that he met Logan, his boyfriend of nearly two years, in the science labs.
It was the first day of class. They were assigned seats next to each other, and despite Virgil’s anxiety telling him otherwise, they seemed to get on extremely well. Logan was wearing a button up shirt, tailored trousers and large framed glasses, and Virgil had to admit that the ensemble looked amazing on him. Whereas Virgil was in his classic purple shirt, purple patchwork jacket and ripped jeans. They could not have looked like total opposites if they tried. Eventually the teacher started the class and was monotonously trying to explain the more complex concepts of the Periodic Table. Logan must have noticed just how confused Virgil was because he began to write something down on some blank vocabulary cards, all while Virgil stared at the whiteboard helplessly. After a while, Logan tapped Virgil lightly on the shoulder and he jumped. When he looked down at Logan’s hands, he was surprised at what he saw. It was a set of about ten vocabulary cards, and as Virgil took them and looked through them all, he could see that Logan had written out everything the teacher was explaining. However, Logan’s explanation was actually comprehensible, and Virgil genuinely started to understand the work they had been given. He looked at Logan who had a small but sincere smile on his face, and Virgil almost lost his words as he stared into Logan’s eyes. He managed to shyly utter a thank you to Logan while blushing an extremely bright shade of pink. Logan smiled back before turning his attention to the work before the teacher could inevitably come over and have a go at them. That’s where everything started.
Virgil was snapped out of this trip down memory lane by two hands covering his eyes. The familiar scent of aftershave and coffee reassured him about who was standing behind him. Their identity was confirmed with the light kiss on Virgil’s neck and a soft voice saying “Guess who? My Storm Cloud.” Virgil smiled and removed the hands gently from over his eyes.
“I couldn’t hazard a guess, Pocket Protector.” He turned and stood up to give Logan a much-needed hug for them both. He forgot that he said they’d meet after Logan had finished his extra revision session for the same exam. That was the only reassuring thing… they wouldn’t be able to talk or anything, but at least they’d be in the same room tomorrow.
Logan chuckled as he hid his face in Virgil’s neck. “How’s the revision going? Have you taken a break at all?”
“Horribly… I’ve been here for four hours and I still don’t understand a single word that I’m writing down. My brain is not absorbing any of this.” He sighed and was on the verge of crying. “What’s the point of me trying, Lo? I just need to accept that I won’t pass tomorrow.” He couldn’t stop a tear running down his cheek as he thought about how important tomorrow was. Logan closed the space between them, and softly wiped the tear off Virgil’s face. He lifted his chin up, making sure Virgil was looking into his eyes.
“Now you listen to me, Starlight. You are much smarter than you think, and you are stronger than you know. The main reason you’re struggling to remember things right now is because you’re stressed. You’ve cooped yourself into a small corner of this extremely large space and haven’t taken a break for a significant period of time. Let’s sit here and watch something while you drink this coffee I got you. I’ve finished my revision for this exam, so I’ll help you sort out some vocabulary cards for you to take in tomorrow before we go home. Sound good?” Logan looked at the smile starting to form on Virgil’s face and knew that he was okay. Virgil nodded as they sat down, and he snuggled up against a nearby wall with his coffee and took a sip while waiting for Logan.
“Ahh, you know my coffee order?” Virgil asked in a flirty voice as Logan set up his laptop and put on an episode of Parks and Rec. “Of course I do.” In a voice that made it sound like the most obvious thing in the world.
As they watched the episode, Logan ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair and kissed his forehead at random intervals because he loved how Virgil smiled every single time. When the coffee was finished, Logan got up and pulled over a chair to the table so they could finish the last bit of Virgil’s revision. They worked for an hour and Virgil felt more confident when he could answer the questions Logan asked him, that made him feel so much better.
“Alright, do you want to go now? I think we’ve covered everything. No more revising for you today, you’ve done more than enough!” Logan started to pack up Virgil’s things and Virgil looked relieved to be leaving.
“Yes please! I don’t think I could do anymore if I tried anyway. I really owe you for this, love. Let me go put these extra books away, I’ll be back in a minute.” He smiled and quickly kissed Logan before taking the books back to the shelves.
“Tell you what, write a song for me on your crazy music gadgets and we’ll call it even, okay?” Logan called out after Virgil as he walked away.
“You have a deal!” Virgil called back. He smiled and waited until Virgil was completely out of sight before grabbing some blank vocabulary cards and wrote on them furiously. He attached them to Virgil’s exam ones and put them into his bag just before he came back around the corner. Virgil stared at his boyfriend with a playful glare, knowing something suspicious had just happened, but then laughed before leaving the library hand in hand with his boyfriend going to Logan’s car.
They pulled up outside Virgil’s house, he grabbed his bag and Logan walked with him to the door. “Alright, so keep everything in your bag so it’s all in there for tomorrow. Get some food and watch something funny okay? I’ll pick you up in the morning.” He kissed Virgil gently, “I love you.” He turned to walk to the car, but Virgil pulled him back to kiss him again.
“I love you too! Thank you for today. I promise the song I’ll write for you will be the best one yet.” They both smiled and Logan reluctantly pulled away to head home. He still had some revision to do after all.
Morning came all too quickly. Virgil was feeling incredibly nervous as predicted, but he managed to have some breakfast and waited at the front door for Logan to arrive. He saw the car pull up and Logan beeped the horn twice as he normally did. He got out of the car and waited for Virgil to run up for their morning hug. He spun him around a couple of times which made Virgil laugh and kissed him.
“Are you ready to go? Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” Logan said with the most reassuring smile that made Virgil feel safe and secure.
“Yup. Might as well get this over and done with!” He smiled and got into the car. They turned the music up and sang along at the top of their lungs. Virgil would never admit that singing along to cheesy pop songs was his ultimate way to calm down.
They got to college and signed in before sorting their things and heading towards the exam room. Logan gave him a quick hug and they walked into the room together before finding their seats. They both looked amused when they realized that they were sitting next to each other, one row apart. Virgil took the opportunity to look the vocabulary cards over before they were allowed to start. He looked puzzled when he came across some that definitely weren’t there yesterday. His heart swelled when he read them one after the other.
‘You are amazing.’ ‘You are the smartest, most talented person I’ve ever met.’ ‘You can do absolutely anything the world throws at you. I know you can.’ ‘I’m so proud of you.’ ‘I love you to the ends of the unknown universe and back.’
 Virgil couldn’t hide his smile as he held the cards as close to his heart as possible. He turned to Logan who had clearly been watching him the entire time. He mouthed thank you at Logan, who winked in response. Just like that, they announced the start of the exam and Virgil immediately felt like he could do this. They both sneaked loving glances at each other throughout, a silent and unnoticeable gesture of encouragement. Then it was all over, and the relief was almost overwhelming.
When the results came through a few weeks later… Virgil was ecstatic to know that he passed, and unsurprised that Logan got full marks. He knew that without those vocabulary cards Logan made, he would never have believed in himself enough to do everything he could to pass the crucial test. Despite being complete opposites when they met, Virgil knew that now they were two halves of the same coin, they completed each other perfectly. There was only one thing left to do now…
He had one hell of a song to write for the one and only love of his life.
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Fic for the Mix-Matched AU
Why yes, I actually looked up what drabble meant, and found that is the wrong term for this writing and probably the one for the Gay Gamers AU. Whoops. Anyways, I didn’t label it when I posted for it earlier, but the Mix-Matched AU is a slow burn Analogical AU where Virgil’s a nerd and Logan’s a punk. Good day.
Edit: Why yes, upon getting half way into this three days ago, I accidentally deleted that version and I am upset but now going to try and rewrite it. Yay. Also, Virgil doesn’t care which pronouns people use for him, just a heads up.
Virgil pushed his glasses up and held his jacket closer to himself. Patton sighed, making grabby hands at the thing.
“Come on Virge, you’d already said you’d do it.”
Earlier that day, Patton begged Virgil if he could fix the jacket, since it had gained a new hole when he got cornered yesterday without anybody there to help him. The beating was easy to hide from the others, as it had all been aimed at his chest or arms, but one of the boys brought a darn knife that cut a huge tear into his jacket. He shrugged off questions about it pretty easy, only getting a couple suspicious looks.
Anyways, after giving in to Patton, he now had to uphold his promise and give the jacket to Patton to fix as they were about to turn separate ways to walk home.
Virgil frowned and hugged it close, having already taken it off to give. He squeezed it again before giving it to Patton.
“You’re really attached to this thing, huh?” Patton asked softly, holding it as if it’d fall apart at any crazy movements, which it’d probably would. Virgil shivered, rubbing his arms before nodding.
“I’ve been through a lot with it,” he smiled at the jacket before walking down the road, calling a farewell over his shoulder.
I wonder how I’m going to live as a naturally cold person without my only jacket, he thought hugging his arms closer.
When Virgil woke up the next morning, he sighed at the loss of the extra warmth the jacket provided, sitting up and fumbling for his glasses.
Only for his glasses to not be found.
“What...?” He mumbled, forgetting about the jacket in favor of finding his sight. He felt around the bedside table, the bed, and the floor, only to not find his glasses.
He huffed, standing up and shakily finding his way to the bathroom, stumbling more than once. He searched the counter with his hands before finally finding what he needed; his contacts.
Virgil put them in before picking out the usual long sleeved shirt under a T-shirt that nobody knew he wore thanks to his jacket. Doing what else needed to be done before he left (including trying to find his glasses, and he looked literally everywhere before he had to go).
The walk to school was pretty normal, besides trying to push up nonexistent glasses and shove his hands in his jacket pockets before settling with his jean pockets instead. What was decidedly not normal was how when he entered the school, he glanced around to find people staring in his direction, whispering.
Odd, he thought, quirking an eyebrow and listening in quietly.
The most common phrase among the females was “he’s so hot” while it was “I’d fuck her” for the males, making Virgil more confused. Perhaps there was a couple behind him? Or new students? That made the most logical sense to him.
So he continued on like normal, though if the halls were strange, first period was so much more strange. In advanced calculus, more students kept looking in his direction instead of the teacher’s.
They really need to focus, he thought quietly, glancing between the teacher and a small math problem he was doing for fun. This lesson was a... how would Janus and Remus say it? A “kill or be killed” lesson. They wouldn’t last after this if things kept going this way. Oh well. Not my problem.
The bell signaling the end of the period rang, and Virgil couldn’t even get up from his seat before someone was there. It was the second smartest teen in the class, smartest going to yours truly. His name was Matthew, if Virgil remembered correctly.
“Hey there miss. I noticed you didn’t seem to be paying much attention, and thought I would offer you some help, as this lesson could probably determine your grades for the rest of the semester.”
Virgil tilted his head slightly. Most people assumed him to be male, not female. How peculiar.
He quickly changed the confused expression to a smile, standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“No thank you, I’m quite alright. On the contrary, this is one of the more simpler lessons this class goes over.” Matthew looked surprised for a second at his slightly flowery language before his expression turned irritated, which Virgil felt a bit of himself from the reaction.
“No it’s not. It’s not easy at all, and most people have trouble understanding it,” he said, as if he was all high and mighty, which really peeved Virgil off. It was as if this guy didn’t know he was talking to the smartest kid in probably the entire school.
“I never implied it was easy. I implied that this course goes over harder lessons. Anyways, I’m sure if you looked, you are to find I am not most people, sir.”
“Bullshit,” the boy cussed, and Virgil felt his annoyance grow. “Girls are stupid without the help of men, therefore you are like most people.”
“Females are not stupid, and whatever gave you that impression is simply wrong,” Virgil glared. He should’ve known he was a sexist jerk, his aura was always too repressive around females. “Females are probably a lot smarter than any male could be, because they are given the opportunity to search and prove themselves to those with minds like you, you sick bitch. And maybe, you shouldn’t assume what is in a person’s pants sir. I could have a vagina, I could have a dick, I could be intersex for all you know, so don’t go talking to me like I am any lesser than you simply because you wrongly believe females have less intelligence and assume I am one without the question.”
Matthew stared at him with a jaw that has found its way onto the floor, and Virgil only vaguely registered another student’s gaze toward him. He huffed, and stepped around him, walking out.
“I hope you have an awful day sir.”
He heard a whistle from the classroom he left, trying to look as composed as he normally would.
What an absolute cretin, was all he could think, hoping to god the rest of the day would be normal.
Of course, these prayers were not answered as his day continued. Apparently overnight half the school now saw him as female and addressed him as such, not that he minded, but it was still really weird. He also got many stares from both students and teachers alike, and more offers for tutoring even though he was most likely smarter than the people offering. At least he got no more sexist people to deal with.
When lunch finally rolled around, he was relieved.
Finally. A moment of hanging out with idiots of which I am fond and reading. Thank fucking god.
Approaching the table, he could see the twins and Logan already there. At last, something that was ordinary.
He sat where he normally did at one of the corner seats, pulling out the book he was currently hacking away at.
Before he could open it though, Remus spoke.
“Well hello beautiful.” By the sound of it, he was flirting with yet another female, and Virgil didn’t see the harm of looking to see what unfortunate soul Remus had his eyes on this time.
Glancing up though, he flinched at seeing the three boys staring at him, expressions ranging from Remus’s poker face, to Roman’s confusion, and to Logan’s confusion that was quickly fading into a cold look.
He stared at Remus and glanced behind him before realization dawned on him.
“Are you talking to me?” He asked, feeling as confused as Roman looked.
“Who else would I be talking to?” Remus asked, leaning over from his spot at the opposite corner of the table, and Virgil didn’t back away purely because he was used to the invasion.
“Literally any female in this building,” Virgil deadpanned, and Remus didn’t have enough time to respond before Patton was sitting across from Virgil.
Virgil wanted to ask about his jacket, but also got cut off before he had the chance.
“Oh hello! I’m Patton, he/him!” The fashionista said joyfully, and oh god now Virgil was really confused. He couldn’t compute anything as he normally could.
“I know?” He said, more question than statement. Logan glared at him, which really freaked Virgil out because oh dear Logan’s never looked at Virgil with anger before.
“How do you know that?”
“Logan, calm down!” Patton said sternly before looking back at Virgil. “Although you do look awfully familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?”
Virgil froze, raising his eyebrow.
“Is- Is this a joke or...?” He trailed off, and nobody could react when Janus plopped between him and the still-glaring Logan, making him unreasonably happy.
“Hey Virge,” Janus waved at him, having been the first time anybody has gotten to see the nerd. He looked at the book in his hands with the tiniest bit of interest. “Whatcha reading today?”
Virgil teared up a bit as he suddenly hugged Janus, making the emo go stiff under him.
“You are the only person who has acted even remotely normal towards me today, and for that I forever thank you and ask you to never change, you beautiful creature,” he said, feeling Janus awkwardly pat his back as he slowly melted into the hug.
“Wait,” Roman said, and Virgil looked up to see the other four looking at him in shock. “Virgil?”
“Yes?” He answered hesitantly, raising an eyebrow again.
“YOU’RE VIRGIL?! THE VIRGIL?!” Roman shouted, and nobody looked over, used the group’s antics. Virgil got out of Janus’s arms and flailed his arms as he also yelled.
“WELL YA DON’T LOOK LIKE THE NERD! SAY SOMETHING ONLY HE WOULD KNOW,” Roman glared, crossing his arms. Virgil huffed as he started to count on his fingers.
“Logan really likes Crofters, Patton is fixing my jacket, Janus has at least three pet snakes that I know of, Remus set me on fire once -which really wasn’t cool, pun intended for Patton-, you’re a bitch, but everybody knows that, our group chat is called Idiots+1=Chaos, and if anybody offers me tutoring ONE MORE TIME I WILL LOSE IT, BECAUSE YES I KNOW CALCULUS, YES I KNOW WHAT A SYNONYM IS, AND YES AND KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS.”
“There’s a difference?” Patton whispered to Remus, who shrugged. Virgil turned his hateful stare towards Patton, dimming it down some.
“Mitosis is the division of body cells and meiosis is the division of sex cells. Mitosis only splits into two cells while meiosis becomes four.”
“Yep. That’s the nerd alright,” Remus said, nodding, and Virgil slammed his head into the table.
“What. In the name. Of great Aristotle. Could cause you to think. I was someone else,” Virgil said into the table, and he felt Janus patting his back for comfort.
“Well, you’re not wearing your jacket or glasses,” Logan butted in, sounding guilty for the reasons of which Virgil did not know.
“Oh, so I’m suddenly Superman,” Virgil said, moving so his chin was laying on the table as he stared into the abyss. “One second I’m a nerd, and boom, before you know it, I’m someone suddenly everybody thinks is worth their time. Wow. So amazing.”
Virgil was endlessly bitter. Mostly for the fact that he didn’t get the memo sooner.
“Pretty good Superman,” Logan said, and Roman started.
“Yeah! Ending sexism left and right!”
“I guess...” he mumbled before he sat up straight and looked at Roman in question. “How did you know about that?”
“You didn’t see the video?” Janus asked in his normal dead inside voice. Virgil shook his head.
“Yeah!” Remus said this time, laughing. Virgil turned to him, feeling more and more like he was in a cliche movie. “A kid recorded you absolutely destroying that guy and posted it on every social media! Kids are calling you ‘Silvertongue’ because nobody recognizes you!”
Virgil felt his eye twitch. He stared at Remus, and everybody looked back with concern before he slammed his head again a lot harder than before.
“When will my jacket be done?” He near growled into the table. Was his face bruising? Probably. Did he have a nosebleed? Yeah. Did he care? Absolutely not.
“I can probably finish it today, and you can come over and we can have movie night since it’s Friday,” Patton said, and wow was that fear in his voice? Damn.
“Please. I just want something normal to come out today,” he mumbled. He sat up and stared at the others with a glare even as he felt blood starting to run out of his nose. “If I don’t see one of you four there too, I will either commit suicide or homocide.”
“Shit Virgil you’re bleeding,” Logan said, and that sounded like the overprotective punk he knew and loved. Virgil looked him dead in the eye.
“I am perfectly aware, and yet I cannot bring myself to care.”
Logan swapped seats with Janus so he could clean the blood off of Virgil gently.
“Where are your glasses anyway?” Remus asked as Logan finished up, Virgil leaning on the punk as he glared at the table.
“I don’t know. When I went to bed last night, I put them where I always do, but when I woke up I couldn’t find them anywhere in my house, so I had to resort to my contacts,” he explained, sitting up and checking he didn’t get blood on his book.
For the next twenty minutes of lunch, everything was normal. Roman and Remus fought, Janus was mostly silent, slipping in a suicidal joke here and there, Patton complaining about math class, Logan watching in complete silence, and Virgil reading. And if Virgil slipped his hand into Logan’s at one point, who could tell besides him and Logan?
Maybe that was the problem.
Virgil felt a tapping on his shoulder, and looked up to see a female standing before him.
“Yes?” He said, which at least got the attention of Logan and Janus as they looked over. The girl fidgeted before sticking her hand out towards Virgil, which he took with a questioning look.
“My name is Cherry.”
“It’s very nice to meet you Cherry,” he said with a smile, and was about to tell his name before Cherry continued.
“I was just wondering if uh...” she trailed off, glancing around. Virgil became confused, barely noticing the way Logan’s hand tightened around his or the chatter at his table stopped. “If I could have your number...?”
“Sure,” Virgil said, giving her a paper with a number on it and watching her walk away as he let the happy facade melt into irritated exhaustion.
“That number wasn’t yours,” Janus said, and everybody else looked at him as Virgil shook his head.
“All day. Females asking for my number and males giving me theirs. I’ve just started giving the numbers I receive.”
“Seriously?” Roman laughed, and he only laughed harder when Virgil nodded. “Oh those girls are in for a surprise!”
“Imagine how the males will feel,” Virgil snorted before looking back at his book. “That someone actually texted them. Can’t wait to see how long it takes them to find out they’re not talking to ‘Silvertongue’.”
“You are so cruel,” Janus said with a smile, and Virgil shrugged.
“Don’t suddenly give attention to someone who doesn’t want it, I guess.”
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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I don’t know how many of the non-latins here will get this reference, but I’m sure Brazilians -such as myself -and if there’s any Mexican around will. I can’t say about other Latin countries, or any of our northern neighbors and everybody that’s beyond that…
Have you guys ever heard about the Mexican band RBD? That’s a good way to start this conversation.
Back in 2004 (if I’m not mistaken) there was this Mexican telenovela called “Rebelde”. It was a remake of an Argetinian telenovela (“Rebelde Way”), and it told the story of a bunch of rich kids in a boarding school. Well, not all the kids were rich, but you get the idea.
From the telenovela came the band (RBD), which had six members, who also played characters in the telenovela.
I was 14 at the time and I was absolutely mad over it. It was great, cheesy and corny in the best possible way. I have many fond memories of the telenovela and great regret that I never got the chance to see RBD playing live.
Anyway, the band broke up around 2009, but many fans still love them (maybe it’s just us Brazilians, we have a hard time letting go of stuff…)
Recently their albums finally were made available on Spotify and it got me thinking and…Well, this is the result.
I’m not saying that this is what happened to the actors after the band/telenovela was over. It was just another crazy idea that popped into my mind and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it down.
So… Yeah.
Chapter 1
Arthur was passing by Catia’s room when he heard it.
“You’re such a hooligan.”
He knew the voice, he knew where that sentence came from. Before he even noticed what he was doing, he’d pushed Catia’s door open and caught her watching TV.
He saw himself on the screen, much younger -God, so much younger -talking to the pretty redhead.
“And you’re a brat. So what?”
“I didn’t know you liked this show.” He said, startling Catia.
“Arthur!” She paused the scene, and turned to him. “I’m sorry. Did you…”
“I didn’t know they had that on Netflix.” He spoke before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh.” She looked at the TV like it was guilty of something. “They put it on it last week.”
Arthur hummed his understanding.
He didn’t really mind seeing himself as Michael Rivers, the poor student at High Tower Academy. It’d actually been his first role in TV, many years ago. The show (which was cringely called ‘Rebel Way’) was about an exclusive boarding school, and he was the underdog who fell in love with a rich girl.
Oh yes… They also sang. They made it cool before High School Musical came along. The show wasn’t actually a musical, but his character and a few friends were part of a band in it and in ‘real life’.
The show lasted three seasons -their time at the Academy -and the band still lasted two years after that.
“I can turn it off if you want.” Catia offered quietly.
Arthur shook his head. “No. It’s okay, Catia. You can watch it; I just didn’t know you liked the show.”
“It’s fun in a silly way.” She confessed with a giggle.
Arthur chuckled. “I know. I’m not embarrassed by it or anything.”
He left Catia to her show, and tried not to think about his time spent on it.
His mobile rang; it was Bedivere, his agent.
“Olenna Tyrell called me.” Bedivere told him without preamble. “She wants to talk to you.”
Sansa sat there as the hairdresser fixed her hair for the shooting. George was an artist, and he was making amazing curls on her hair.
Brienne was sitting on the couch nearby, checking her phone as they prepared and Sansa was talking about a new restaurant with George.
His new assistant kept throwing nervous glances towards Sansa, and the woman wondered when she’d get the courage to ask what was on her mind.
“Oh Seven, Lindsay. Just ask her already.” George told the girl, rolling his eyes when her fidgeting got on his nerves.
“I’m sorry!” Lindsay blushed terribly. “I didn’t want to bother you, Miss Stark.”
Sansa gave the girl a gentle smile. “It’s fine, Lindsay. What did you want to ask me?”
Lindsay bit her lower lip, clearly worried about saying what she had on her mind. However, she seemed to find her courage.
“I… I’m a big fan of Rebel Way.” She finally said. “I know it’s been a long time and all… But your character, Mia, was my first fashion icon.”
Sansa chuckled. “I’m glad to hear that. I loved her clothes.”
Lindsay seemed excited by it. “I made a uniform by myself when I was eleven.”
“Which uniform?” Sansa asked. “I liked the one in the first season better.”
“Me too!”
“Sansa.” Brienne cut in gently. “It’s a call for you. You might want to take it.”
Sansa frowned, wary of Brienne’s tone, but took the phone her agent was offering her.
“Sansa speaking.”
“Hey, Stark.” Margaery’s sugary sweet voice called from the other side. “We need to talk.”
Margaery knew Sansa wouldn’t be happy with the idea, but she’d promised her grandmother she’d do this for her.
Olenna was the only person that could get Margaery to do absolutely anything. She’d hide a body for her grandmother.
It took some convincing, but Sansa eventually accepted coming to the meeting. A part of Marge had wanted to hide some things from Sansa -like who was going to be there -but she knew it was unfair. They’d been friends for a really long time, and Marge wouldn’t risk it just to make her task easier.
She was in a peculiar position: on one hand, she was really happy with her life now, on the other, she genuinely thought that her grandmother’s idea was a good one.
When Marge entered the cast of Rebel Way, she was supposed to be the star of the show. Her grandmother was producing the whole thing, so it was a given.
She hadn’t liked Sansa at first, because it was clear that she’d get a lot of attention too. Their characters -Mia and Rosalie -were rivals for a big part of the show -they only became friends at the end of the second season. 
Marge and Sansa managed to become friends much earlier. Probably because Marge started dating Sansa’s brother, and Robb wanted them to get along.
It was very difficult to say ‘no’ to Robb Stark.
Which reminded Marge…
He’d be there as well.
Oh hell…
With the years, people stopped recognizing Robb as Daniel Cross from Rebel Way. He’d been way younger then, and now he had a beard so most people didn’t recognize him.
Some of the old fans still could, and he never changed his name; but generally he lived a pretty normal life.
“Mr. Cross.”
Some people were just fuckers. “Can I help you, Jon?” He glared at his long-time friend.
“Sansa’s on the phone.” Jon informed him, offering his own mobile. “She said she needs to talk to you and your phone is turned off.”
Robb frowned. Sansa was supposed to be in Madrid for a photoshoot. Why would she be calling him in the middle of the day?
Robb’s phone was dead, and he’d forgotten to recharge it, but if Sansa had called Jon looking for him, it should be serious.
“Hey, princess.” Robb said softly as he picked the phone. Jon waved at him, before leaving the room so they could talk.
“Hello, Robb.” Her voice was warm. “Do you have a minute?”
“For you? Always. Is something wrong?”
There was a pause. “Not exactly.”
“This doesn’t sound promising. What happened?”
“Margaery called me.” She sighed. “Olenna wants to meet with us.”
“What does Her Majesty want with us?”
Sansa took another long pause. “It’s about the show. Margaery just wouldn’t say what exactly.”
Oh shit. Robb did the math quickly in his head. He was almost certain that the show was about to reach its 15th anniversary. If he was correct, this couldn’t be just a coincidence.
“I really hope this isn’t a revival.” Robb joked softly. Lord, no!
“I don’t think it’s about the show, to be honest. I think it’s about the band.”
Robb cursed under his breath. “If it’s about the band…”
“They’re all going to be there.” Sansa finished for him.
“Shit. I’m going to call Theon.”
“That’s why I called you.” She confessed.
Robb sighed. “Thank you for the heads up.”
“Just be ready when you get the royal call.”
Robb snorted.
“Thank you for coming, Theon.”
Theon shook the hand of the man. “It’s always my pleasure, Tom.”
“You bring a lot of comfort to those kids. You make them realise it’s possible.”
Theon gave Tom a vague smile. “I’m glad to be of help.”
He waved and started leaving the room. Theon had mixed feelings when he heard things like this. On one hand, he was very proud of himself; it hadn’t been easy to get sober and remain sober. On the other hand… He didn’t feel like a good example, like he was someone any of those people should aspire to be like.
Yes, he’d been sober for almost seven years now, but it had been one hell of a messy journey.
When he reached the parking lot, he was shocked to see Robb there, leaning casually against his car.
“What’s up, Stark?” He called.
Robb looked at him and grinned. “Hey, Greyjoy.” They hugged it out. “Listen… Have you checked your phone?”
Theon was immediately wary. “No. I turn it off during meetings.”
“Right…” Robb cleared his throat. “So you’ll probably have some missed calls.”
“Robb, you didn’t come here to play the answering machine to me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Olenna is calling all of us.” Robb admitted. “Called Sansa, then me… And probably you.”
“Sansa thinks she wants to get the band back.”
“Why?” Theon repeated, this time disconcerted.
“I have no clue, but we’re getting close to the show’s anniversary.”
“Oh shit.” Theon grumbled. “I knew there was something weird going on.”
“What do you mean?”
“You should start checking Twitter.” Theon told him dryly. “Last week they put the show on Netflix. ‘Rebel Way’ is trending.”
Robb groaned. “Now what?”
“I’ll be honest… I want to know what the Queen wants.” Theon confessed. “Let’s see if I have a message waiting for me.”
“Have you heard? Sansa Stark is going to be exclusively with Versace this year.”
Maggie ignored the gossiping assistants and tried not to sigh.
She couldn’t escape Sansa’s name, since they were basically in the same industry, but it was never easy to hear it thrown around so casually.
Fashion Week was almost upon them, and people had often questioned the lack of interaction between the two former band mates.
Maggie was used to people asking her why Sansa -one of the highest paid models in the world -never worked with Maggie -the rising star of the fashion world.
Maggie wished she had a simple answer to that. She normally said that their schedules never worked out, and she knew Sansa had answered the same a few times.
The truth was Maggie resented Sansa a bit. She didn’t hate the model or whatever some people thought, she just…
Those years working together hadn’t been easy on Maggie. That was it. She wasn’t ready to just get back to it.
Her phone rang and when she picked it up, she saw a strange number calling. She ignored the call and was ready to put it away when it rang again, and Arthur’s name flashed on the screen.
“Hello, Arthur.” She said as she answered it.
“Oh you answered, great.” Arthur let out a relieved sigh. “Listen, Olenna Tyrell is going to call you. I’m calling first to warn you: she wants a meeting.”
“Oh. Slow down.” She asked, her head spinning. “What meeting?”
“A meeting with all of us; the whole band.”
Maggie had to sit down. “You can’t be serious.”
“I talked to her myself a few hours ago.” He told her. “The old witch wouldn’t tell me exactly what’s on her mind, but if she wants to see us all…”
“Are you sure she wants to meet with all of us at the same time?” Maggie pressed, desperate for a negative answer.
“She said that. ‘Get the kids back together’.” Arthur copied -poorly- Olenna’s voice. “Bedivere thinks it’s about the songs, but I think it isn’t that simple.”
“It never is.” Maggie grumbled, massaging her temples.
“Listen, if you don’t want to go, I’ll stand by you.” Arthur said, and she knew he meant it. “We don’t owe her anything.”
“Well, technically…”
“No ‘technically’, Maggie. We don’t need to do this.”
Maggie sighed. No, they didn’t, but she needed to. Some things had to be discussed, some problems had to be solved, and this was the only way she’d get some closure.
She needed to face the music -and the band.
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