#BEAVIS and butthead do the universe
kakyaroo · 2 years
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dustercuster · 1 year
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karlicartoons · 9 months
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wat-the-cur · 7 months
Was watching Beavis in Do the Universe when he's handcuffed doing that cute little stomp when he says "She did it again! She said 'ate ass'!"
I haven’t gotten around to watching Do The Universe, yet! Thank you for kicking me up the arse and reminding me I’ve got to get on that. But that does sound like cute Beavis behaviour.
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awesomegirlystuff · 2 years
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Beavis and Butthead Do the Universe (2022)
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buttheadstan-nr1 · 1 year
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Now kiss, guys!!!!
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riphimopen · 2 years
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hey taps microphone what if the chicks. scored with EACH OTHER gets dragged offstage and executed
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imeanhesqueer · 1 year
does anyone know what the realtor lady in "beavis and butthead do the universe" was saying when the boys were playing with the garbage disposal because im really curious 👀
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carolinemariekane · 2 years
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its-me-jane-lane · 2 years
Hey, as someone getting into daria at the moment, LOVE your blog. Do you have any thoughts or headcanons about daria and beavis and butthead? Just in general, considering that they're in the same universe. I personally like to think daria and jane, and beavis and butthead become unconventional friends, but what about you??
first of all holy shit i follow your art acct on instagram!!! i'm a huge fan!!!
as far as headcanons,,, hm,,, well the new movie suggests that beavis and butthead sort of time traveled to 2022, so i don't think they would ever hang out again, however their "death" would REALLY get to daria.
they'd be eating their lasagna at the dinner table as they often do and helen would say, "daria, do you remember some boys named... beavis and butthead? back in highland?" to which she would reply, "with all the brain cells they caused me to lose, i'm surprised my answer is yes." then helen would reveal that they died in space and she would just fall silent. no clever remarks, no snide comments, nothing. she'd get up, go to her room, and call me.
as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she really envied their relationship. i think that's why her and i were so important to her. because like them, she was able to find someone that was on her level and could finally understand her in the way that those two understand each other. i think they were also the only thing that made highland interesting, whereas lawndale generally had more going on for her. she just,,, really appreciated their existence, despite how obnoxious it was. and despite their name calling, they clearly had a certain level of respect for her too. (certainly more than any other women they've met). so there was a silent,,, understanding of sorts,,, that they improved each other's lives.
i like the idea that as an adult, she may run into their teenage selves in 2022 and get out every joke she's been holding back for the last 20 years, but otherwise my headcanons mainly lie in her secret envy and appreciation for them.
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kakyaroo · 1 year
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Opossum head
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dustercuster · 1 year
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Trent Reznor Refrence
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karlicartoons · 9 months
What is your personal favorite scene in Beavis and Butt-Head Do The Universe? (Mine is probably the scene where the smarts kept getting ran over cuz it was pretty funny)
Fuck that's a really hard one. I have my favorite scenes that I animated on (Beavis' hand stuck in the disposal off the top of my head, anyways), but I think my fav scene in the movie was the break up scene where Beavis and Butthead are apart and missing each other and it's raining with that gay little song playing. I think it really hammers home that they need each other and literally can't function unless they're together. Like, they truly love each other whether they'll admit it or not.
I also liked the scene where they realized they can use a phone to pay for anything and Butthead uses it to get them a fancy hotel suite and all the nachos they could ever eat and THEY MADE A NACHO CHEESE HOT TUB like. How cute. How queer. I love it.
I don't think DTU was particularly a very good movie for a lot of reasons I won't really get in to, but it was my first feature length project and fun to work on. Plus, I mean, it got me into Beavis and Butthead and I made a lot of incredible lifelong friends so :] I'll always appreciate it for that.
Enjoy a doodle I made on the Beavis Mangled Hand scene because one of my coworkers wanted to know how you would walk with a front butt :P Thanks for sharing your favorite scene with me!!
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thesaramonster · 2 years
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david-brittlesbee · 2 years
this is probably very cringe but i drew beavis blushing because i love him <3
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buttheadstan-nr1 · 1 year
Everyone’s talking about how cute Beavis is, but am I the only one, who thinks that butt-Head is cute too? I really like his hair, and I don’t know but i like, how he have braces. They make him sexy. I know it sounds strange, but I really think, butt-Head is sexy.
I mean, look at him:
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I really like it, when he makes big eyes or something, huhuhu, like there:
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Or him as a young boy, his hair is so cool.
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