#BBH london
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ddbparisxvw · 3 days ago
Audi A6 e-tron : L’aérodynamisme réinventé en affichage
Agence : BBH London Dispositif : OOH / Expérience immersive / Digital
Contexte Audi souhaite mettre en avant l’efficacité aérodynamique de son A6 e-tron tout en se démarquant des campagnes automobiles traditionnelles avec des voitures qui roulent devant un paysage avec un packshot banal à la fin. Plutôt que d’opter pour une mise en scène classique, la marque choisit une approche ludique et visuelle inspirée d’un élément simple et évocateur : l’avion en papier. 🛩️
Idée Une campagne d’affichage qui détourne les codes en présentant un guide de pliage d’avion en papier, où la silhouette du véhicule apparaît subtilement. Une manière élégante et épurée d’illustrer le design et la performance du modèle.
Affichage progressif : dans les espaces publics, les passants découvrent d’abord une version “à plat” du pliage, avant d’apercevoir, plus loin, l’avion formé, créant ainsi un storytelling immersif.
Présence sur les grands axes routiers avec des visuels où la voiture prend la forme d’un avion en papier plié, renforçant l’association avec l’aérodynamisme.
Activation digitale et réseaux sociaux pour inciter le public à recréer l’expérience chez lui avec son propre avion en papier.
Casser les codes de la communication automobile avec une approche créative et minimaliste.
Illustrer le design épuré et l’innovation technologique de l’A6 e-tron de manière subtile et élégante.
Renforcer la perception d’Audi comme une marque visionnaire et tournée vers l’avenir.
Avec cette campagne, Audi prouve que performance et esthétisme peuvent s’exprimer sans démonstration tapageuse, en laissant parler la créativité.
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compellingselling · 4 months ago
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Fancy a game?
We love games and puzzles. When you can make a simple one in an ad, you automatically involve people more in your message.
Other examples here and here.
Brits would get this immediately. Tesco is a giant supermarket chain even more recognizable than Kroger is in the US.
While they're showing billboards, these would also make great social posts and short videos.
Agency: BBH, London.
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paolalopezfeliu · 1 year ago
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manuhigueras · 2 months ago
A shirt is not just for Christmas, it's for life.
It’s a journey every football fan can relate to – the highs, the lows, and the indescribable feeling of belonging to something bigger, no matter how bad your team is.
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escapekit · 4 months ago
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Icons for Tesco by BBH London
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residenthesitant · 10 months ago
i just like hearing you talk about your fics. tell me more about any of them (=ↀωↀ=) <- giving u a stare like a cat
waow. thatsa lotta stars. i will do. three. my three most recent. because i have commentary about all of them.
i recently put up THIS FIC for the mcytrecursive. the title is from "whose eye is it anyway???" by jhariah (which i recently heard live!!!) bc that entire song is about revenge and what happens when you try to get it. important lyrics here are "If it’s an eye for an eye then we all go blind / If it came to it would you cross that line?" which generally just explains quackity's whole thing of getting revenge against techno for punching him out at wilbur's funeral (a fight which HE started, in the first place), and the lines "And the weight of your crimes weighing on your mind / Is it a knife or a lie is it in your back? / Is it all I need? Is it all I have?" which imo really is what eret's whole deal is in this fic. she's haunted by what she's done and is doing everything to try and not be that person, and maybe by helping others she can help! but. no. no, instead, her ex-boyfriend gets murdered in her living room and she has to call his CURRENT boyfriend to come pick up the body. lol.
i participated in the dsmp rare pair big bang and wrote a canon-setting courtly love au, because if there is one thing i have a special interest in, it's middle and early-modern english literature. the thing i want to talk about the most with that fic is all of the allusions to literature and all the characters eret gets compared/compares herself to. she is repeatedly compared to Tamora from Titus Andronicus for marrying her enemy's leader and becoming a pawn in his political game while also using him in return, which is kind of seen as a betrayal to her prior people; to lady macbeth for the way she is Fucking Haunted by her crimes; and to criseyde from Troilus and Criseyde for her role in her relationship specifically with quackity, in which she kind of winds up betraying him by not choosing to run away with him during/after manberg/pogtopia. she also gets compared to queen gertrude from hamlet for marrying the enemy king, at which point she fully just quotes the play because i love that trope.
and finally. ive been doing a sweeney todd au. the one thing i REALLY want to talk about most with this is a MAJOR spoiler for the final chapter, though i've been dropping hints here and there throughout (go 2 the comments comment on my fic read it please). instead, i will discuss why people are american in a fic that takes place in Victorian England and how everyone has a Full Name in that fic.
bbh: full name is b. addison halo, "bad" to his friends, and he stowed away on a sailing ship bound for london when he was a teenager
schlatt: actually he doesnt have a full name, but he came to london after running away from NYC 30 years prior to the start of the fic because he was doing Crime in his 20s
ranboo: full name is Ranboo Love, first name is chosen. in london because he decided to become a sailor at 16 and see the world. unsure if his surname is gonna come up, but if it doesnt, that's okay because neither does anthony's and he's the anthony character
dream: full name is reeve taken, "dream" to his friends. based on the french word "reve" meaning "dream." came to london 20 years ago after inheriting his grandmother's pie shop. originally from virginia!
quackity and foolish arent actually from north america in this fic but arent english - foolish is egyptian and q is spanish, neither of these things will probably come up Ever.
tubbo's full name is Tybalt.
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onemanjury · 5 months ago
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Name: Bundles of joy
Client: Burger King
Agency: BBH London
Award Prediction: Bronze
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cooladideas · 6 months ago
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maddiecopesblog · 1 year ago
tesco Ramadan advert 2022
'Working closely with strategic diversity and inclusion consultancy The Unmistakables and Tesco’s network of Muslim colleagues, we focused on the moment of Iftar, the evening meal that breaks the fast. 
To commemorate the event, we used digital posters in a new way: on huge billboards, food appeared and disappeared in line with fasting times – so the plates filled up exactly at sunset, and then emptied again when the sun went up in the morning. Every detail, from the table runners to the colour scheme, and from the patterns on plates to the (lack of) nail polish on the featured hands, was carefully considered to accurately reflect and represent.'
From BBH agency
This billboard is something that I found really inspiring when it was released a few years ago. My favourite kind of advertising is simple and striking, something that BBH agency does frequently.
This is a quote from their website:
'We started in London in 1982 and our first ad for Levi's showed a herd of white sheep looking in one direction and one black sheep looking up and out in the opposite direction. This picture was accompanied by a simple statement that read 'When the world zigs, zag'.
That belief in difference - zagging - is how we change brands and businesses.
Zagging wins customers and share. It helps you outmanoeuvre your competitors. It makes your marketing more efficient.'
When they talk about their campaigns, they mention their 'zag', their different take on the subject and that's something I really value and want to take inspiration from.
What they made here isn't a Ramadan themed Tesco advert, it's so much more than that, it's about community, togetherness and showing love through food. It's a beautifully simple concept, executed perfectly through clear photography and clever interaction.
While my subject matter is radically different to this, I want to take a similar approach in terms of boiling something down to its core and shedding light on the beauty of its simplicity.
In my case for my project im overall talking about a negative thing, but I want to show the beauty in all the things women do. yes, sexism sucks, but I love being a woman. I wouldn't change that about myself if I could. I love its complexity, sisterhood, the connections I have with my friends, it's wonderful. I hold so much, alongside many other women that have come before me and we deserve recognition for all those wonderful things. Pockets are a simple request, and require a simple soultion. this could be done with an advert or campaign.
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baileytomkinsviscomblog · 1 year ago
Pick, Pack, Sell! Research 3
After looking at various product packaging at a few different stores, I decided to expand my search and look into some advertising agencies. I also wanted to narrow down my selection for my final product choice; at this stage, my final two products were either plasters or lightbulbs.
The two agencies that caught my attention were The Young Jerks and Wildish & Co.
The Young Jerks
The Young Jerks are a Brooklyn Based a team of designers, illustrators, and letterers led by Dan Cassaro and Dan Christofferson.
Company Statement
“Armed with an intuitive understanding of culture and aesthetics and informed by research, we build enthusiastic solutions for brands that retain the charm, hand, and humanity of the process.”
The style used by The Young Jerks appears to be predominantly minimalist and typographically focussed.
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Wildish & Co.
Wildish & Co is a small London based design agency that focuses on working with businesses that make a positive impact, particularly with environmental or sustainable projects.
They work with partners from all sectors, from startups to massive global brands.
Company Statement
“The world is busier than ever. With more and more brands competing for attention from today’s ever-evolving consumers. We combine creativity and originality to build brands and experiences that can’t be ignored.”
“The Notorious Nooch company was founded on the idea that it could become everything the existing products were not – bold, inventive, innovative and fun – reflecting the way vegans really use nutritional yeast in this day and age.”
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Plasters & Lightbulbs
These inventive plaster and lightbulb packing ideas are among my favourites. It was intriguing to see how different designers approached these products because they are commonplace items with utilitarian designs and dull aesthetics. These products don't usually come in particularly creative packaging.
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Skin tone plaster campaign created by advertising agency – Bartle Bogle Hegarty.
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‘Bully Proof’ plaster campaign designed by Austin Lotz.
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Pear design lightbulb packaging designed by Evgeniy Pelin.
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Insect-inspired lightbulb packaging by graphic designers Angelina Pischikova and Anna Orlovskaya. 
Geniled Bright Led Bulbs (2021) Packaging Of The World. Available at: https://packagingoftheworld.com/2017/02/geniled-bright-led-bulbs.html (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
Team, E. (2019) #TBT: Fireflies Get out of the Cocoon as Light Bulbs, Branding.news. Branding.news | Discover quality. Available at: https://www.branding.news/2019/04/25/tbt-fireflies-get-out-of-the-cocoon-as-light-bulbs/ (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
The creative decisions behind Tesco’s important skin tone plasters campaign (no date) It’s Nice That. Available at: https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/tesco-about-bloody-time-emily-stein-bbh-advertising-260220 (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
Band Aid Artist Series (no date) Dieline. Available at: https://thedieline.com/blog/2012/7/30/band-aid-artist-series.html (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
(No date) The Young Jerks. Available at: https://youngjerks.com/ (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
Creative Branding Agency London (no date) Wildish & Co. Available at: https://www.wildishandco.co.uk/ (Accessed: 15 January 2024).
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compellingselling · 7 months ago
A perfectly executed schtick for Whatsitsname
Two quotes from colleagues come to mind here:
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've got ourselves a schtick." A colleague would say this when we were watching a director's reel and a spot would come on like this. We've got something happening in scene after scene for the first 90% of the spot, then a short, tight reveal at the end that ties to the advertiser. These were very popular in the aughts. Two examples from my former employer from that era: Monster.com "Daybreak" and "Slots." I'll admit I've done one or two in the past, too.
"That's a long way to go for a ham sandwich." A colleague would say this when an elaborate schtick would lead to an unimpressive point. I first saw the 2-minute version of this on some ad industry sites. That's a long time to watch a schtick without knowing why. I've posted the 1-minute version which I think works better because you're not left in the dark as long. You're welcome.
There's no question this is brilliantly done. The situations, the wardrobe, the performances, the edit. It's all perfect. System1 says it gets a 3.8 in their test, which is pretty good.
I've advertised for banks. It's so hard to do something fresh or to find a fresh insight. They've found one here, but I feel like they could have spent a little more time telling me something more tangible about how they would solve the problem they just raised. We're just told, "...to start a new [relationship with money], talk to us today."
Still, it's a fun schtick, isn't it?
Director: David Shane. Agency: BBH, London
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nfly5 · 5 years ago
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baekhyun : superm live in san diego
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bareps-eu · 8 years ago
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Ornamental Conifer. She Can and She Will poster
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manuhigueras · 3 years ago
That belief in difference - zagging - is how we change brands and businesses. Zagging wins customers and share. It helps you outmanoeuvre your competitors. It makes your marketing more efficient.
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gregwhitephotography · 8 years ago
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New Ad for the Audi TT RS with BBH London.
Photography Greg White.
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mellowyknox · 7 years ago
Vaseline "Wonder Jelly"
Agency: BBH New York
Production: Stink London Director: John Hillcoat Cinematographer: Philippe Le Sourd Colorist: Mark Gethin
Year: 2016
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