mrsbsmooth · 1 year
I don't understand why y'all quickly forgive Lurik so easily for switching from Casa Amor, but y'all quickly trashing Mason/Levi during Cherrygate arc. Aren't they interchangeable?
No I get where you're coming from! BUUUUUUUT I think the difference is that Casa Amor fucks with everyones head.
You must remember: Casa Girls will actively lie and manipulate the guys in order to get back into the main villa. They have a vested interest in spinning the story in their favour
The way it's presented is S2 is that Lurik and MC have a really good connection, but it really hasn't been that long for them. But they go to Casa, and suddenly get blasted from all sides that MC is either: a) disloyal b) a game player after the money c) not actually as into them as they make out to be
You have to remember that the girls were away for three days. That's a long ass time when you've been 'dating' someone for less than a week. It's almost half the total time! If you'd been dating someone two years, it's like being absolutely no contact with them for ten months! Honestly I don't think we give Bobby&Gary enough credit for not cracking on baahahhaa.
Honestly, Henrik makes way less sense than Lucas, because that man just does whatever he feels suits him on any given day. But Lucas?? Makes total sense. He is so concerned with how he looks, how he presents himself, he would be freaking out about the idea of looking like an idiot if MC brought some guy back and he didn't. So of course he would bring someone back.
Compare all of this to season 1, where the only extenuating circumstance is "Oh, Erikah said you had something going on with someone else."
Like, okay, cool. But you could've come and SPOKEN TO ME about it, I was RIGHT THERE! You could've come back downstairs and woken me up, and said "hey, MC, I need to talk to you about something Erikah said, It's playing on my mind and I can't sleep."
Neither of them did that. Instead, they kissed another girl behind our back, less than 20 metres away. And for that reason, what they did is less forgivable.
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interlagosed · 2 years
Painting on Carlos’s room (Ferrari motorhome):
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It’s almost your pfp 😅 No, but it’s a cute painting with father and son 🥰
BAAHAHHAA oh my god you’re right yes it is. I was curious about the picture too thank u for the catch!
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atzsslut · 3 years
BAAHAHHAA IYAA omg udah lama banget aku udah ngga dipanggilin kakak :))) hiii
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yeahitsdeb · 10 years
They were so "brazilian" that I couldn't understand a word that "bench-warmer" said. LMAO
I prefer to think it was all a big joke rather than point out how wrong they were....
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