#Azurea Cascade
dragonplumbobs · 1 year
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Azurea Cascade for @cosmiclights
Over-Emotional, Vegetarian, Neat, Loves the Cold, & Kleptomaniac
LTW: Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Hair (Riye) | Nose Blush (02) | Freckle Blush (9) | Ear Blush | Lipstick
Feel free to change her clothes, hair, etc. Please tag me if you use her, and don’t re-upload or claim her as your own.
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xasha777 · 7 months
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In a realm where the line between technology and magic blurred, there existed the Etherea, a celestial enclave hidden within the folds of space-time. The Etherea were beings of unparalleled beauty and mystery, known for their symbiotic connection with the sentient butterflies of Tessarion. These butterflies were not mere insects but living nano-bio constructs, with wings that shimmered with an array of photonic circuits, enabling them to weave spells of light and color.
At the heart of this ethereal world was Azurea, a young Etherean maiden with hair like the cascading waves of the ocean. Her locks, imbued with bioluminescent algae, danced with the same rhythm as the seas of her home planet, Orithyia. In this interstellar sanctuary, Azurea had a unique bond with the butterflies; together, they maintained the balance of energy that flowed through the cosmic gardens of her realm.
One fateful cosmic cycle, a ripple of discord flowed through the Ether, a dark energy surge from the outer sectors of the galaxy. The butterflies began to lose their luster, their life-force ebbing away. Azurea, sensing the disturbance through her intimate connection with her winged companions, embarked on a quest that would take her beyond the safety of the Etherea.
She voyaged through quantum tunnels and astral currents aboard her living ship, the NaviLumina, which was crafted from the same bio-organic material as the butterflies. On her journey, Azurea discovered the source of the disturbance: a breach in the fabric of space-time, caused by an ancient machine left by a long-forgotten civilization.
Azurea learned that this machine was a relic of the Artificers, an advanced race that sought to harness the Ether itself. Their machine was damaged in an aeon-old war, leaking dark energy into the Ether and slowly poisoning her world.
Armed with knowledge of the old ways and her own inherent power, Azurea confronted the machine's guardian, a sentient AI named Obsidion, whose programming was corrupted by the dark energy. In a clash of magic and technology, spells woven through algorithms and incantations, Azurea sought to restore the machine's harmony and seal the breach.
With the help of her butterflies, who interfaced with the machine's network through their photonic wings, Azurea infused her own life essence into the core of the relic. Light battled shadow in a silent symphony until finally, the breach was sealed. The dark energy dissipated, and the butterflies' vibrance returned, their spells of light healing the scars left in the Ether.
Though her journey had drained much of her vitality, Azurea's bond with her companions grew deeper, and together they returned to the Etherea. Her sacrifice became a beacon of legend, a tale of unity between the natural and the artificial, and a testament to the Etherean's guardian of balance, whose hair flowed like the ocean and whose spirit was as free as the butterflies that crowned her.
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blueandyellow1 · 5 years
Witch Hunt Chapter 6: Friends
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It’s late when Yellow returns back to her apartment. After spending a few days back at home, her heart feels rejuvenated. Connie promised to call with more information on seances and her two best friends were visiting the next weekend. 
Her heart skipped lightly as she turns the key in the door. A quick bounce of her foot and she crosses the threshold.
The slight smile dies on her lips, her light heart sinking. As she walks into the middle of the room, she’s struck by a wave of anguish. 
Yellow falls to her knees, tears forming. “Hello?” she whispers, her throat tight, “What’s going on?”
There’s no response. 
Panic sets in. The thin woman crawls on her hands and knees towards her bedroom, her heart drawing her forward. Tears have begun to spring from her eyes, dripping down her chin. 
The way to her bedroom is long and arduous. Every second is agony. Her mind is blank, filled only with swirling emotions that are not hers.
Finally, she pushes open the door to her bedroom. The pain grows so tight in her chest, that the moment her head peeks into the small room, she collapses. Even though her eyes are screwed tightly shut, a blue hue invades her vision.
A deep whimper leaves her full lips, alerting the room to her presence. 
All at once, the color and the pain disappear, leaving Yellow grasping at her empty chest. 
The blonde whips her head up, looking at her bed, where the voice had come from. Even in her dazed state, she could recognize the lilting tones.
She forces words past her dry lips. “Azurea? Are you there?”
||You came back.||
The spirit’s voice is incredulous. 
Yellow squints in confusion. “Yes, I was just visiting my friends and family for a long weekend. I took your advice and reached out to them.”
The room is quiet. Yellow pushes herself off the ground, walking over to the bed. She sits down, facing the invisible girl. 
“Are you okay?” she asks, her voice gentle, worried. 
||I’m fine.||
The blonde frowns at the obvious lie. Her thin brows furrow in thought. She opts to change try a different tactic. “I saw a blue light.”
||You did?||
 Azurea’s tiny words barely carried to Yellow’s ears. Now that she was closer, she could hear that the ghost was speaking from below her. 
Looking down, she adds, “I did. And I the moment I walked into my apartment, I felt crippling emotions. Sadness and pain.”
Azurea’s eyes fly wide open. Yellow felt her feelings? 
When she gets no response, Yellow continues, “Is that how you’re feeling? You’re in pain?
||It’s...not important.||
 Azurea responds dejectedly. 
“I think it is. What I felt...it was so strong. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much pain in my whole life. And I’ve gone through some shit,” Yellow chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
The spirit sighs. If Yellow wanted to know that truth, she could give it to her. She didn’t have anything better to do. 
||I got scared.|| 
She begins, pushing herself up so that she was sitting cross legged. 
||I was surprised that you could hear me. That you saw me. It’s been centuries since anyone has seen me. I was so afraid, I know it’s silly.
But you sounded so kind, and I just had to come back, to thank you. I actually wanted to ask you a bit about your life; you seem to have such an interesting one. But when I came back, you weren’t here. I waited. A few days, I think. And you didn’t come back.
I thought you’d left. That I’d scared you away. It seemed like you took most of your things with you.||
Yellow laughs. “I did take most of my things. I don’t really have many things.”
||Yes, well I might have overreacted. I was just so sad. I didn’t realize how much I missed having someone to talk to and when I thought you’d left…||
Tears began to spring from cerulean eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Azurea. I didn’t know you felt that way. But I’m here now, and we can still talk,” Yellow said shyly before admitting, “I was actually talking to my sister about you. We were thinking about having a seance so that I could talk to you again.”
The spirit asked, her eyes full of wonder. Yellow wanted to talk to me that badly? 
The blonde’s face turned slightly red, and she placed a hand behind her neck. “Yeah, I think you’re so nice. I wanted to know more about you.”
Azurea tilts her head, thinking. 
||I suppose it’s good that I came back because I don’t think a seance would have worked. Although, I’m really sorry you had to witness my emotions. I didn’t know I could do that.||
A grin spread across Yellow’s face. “It’s kinda cool that you have emotional superpowers.” She paused. “Wait, what do you mean a seance wouldn’t work? Are they another misconception of the link between the living and the dead?”
||I don’t know.||
Azurea answered. She hesitated before going on.
||I’m not a true ghost.||
Yellow’s head snaps up. “What? You’re not? You’re not…a demon or anything are you?”
The spirit sighed. 
||No. I’m not a demon. I’m just not exactly dead.||
“Did a witch put a curse on you?” Yellow asked jokingly.
Amber eyes pop open. “Really? That’s pretty cool! But I’m sorry you got stuck like this. It must be awful not being able to talk to anyone.”
||It was my choice.||
Azurea’s voice was hard. 
||And I regret nothing.||
“Um.” Yellow was unsure if she should press the phantom for details, but her curiosity overrode caution. “Would you mind sharing more?”
Azurea shifts to laying on her stomach above the bed. She props her head up with her hands and takes a deep breath. 
||Well, it’s not a very happy story. My sister was dying, and back then we were more susceptible to diseases. I watched her die...and I knew I had to do something about it. She was so young, just 10 years old. 
There was a forest next to our village. The elders would tell us tales of the mystical creatures within. One story was about a witch who had the power to bring people back to life, but only to those who were willing to pay the price. 
I ran into the forest looking for her. I don’t know how I found her, or how she found me. But her hut appeared and I went inside. She was so scary. I remember I nearly left. But she was holding the vial that would bring back my sister and I couldn’t leave without it. 
She told me that she would take my body in return. But she let me keep my soul, and for that I am grateful. She brought my sister back. Whenever I am lonely, I just think to the memories I have from watching her live her life. I got to watch her grow up. She became such a strong woman, with three children and a wonderful mate. I don’t regret a thing.||
Yellow sat, enthralled by her story. She thought that it explained why Azurea was so kind, if she had sacrificed her own body to save her sister. She clearly cared very deeply.
“That’s beautiful,” she whispered.
||She was.||
The phantom’s words are wistful. 
||Her name was Rozalia. I called her Pink.||
“Do you miss her? I know I’d miss my sister if she were gone,” Yellow said solemnly. 
||You have a sister?|| 
Yellow nods. 
||But yes, sometimes I do. But she had a long life, well, long for back then.||
“I bet you were like her guardian angel,” Yellow smiled, remembering how Azurea had helped her.
But the invisible girl frowned. 
||No. She could never hear me. Not after my body was taken.||
“I’m sorry. I would give you a hug if I could.” 
Tears begin to prick at Azurea’s eyes. 
||Why are you so kind to me?|| 
She asks, almost angrily.
“You deserve it of course! You’re such a gentle, caring person. You even gave up your own body to save your sister. And you’re very nice to me. Maybe...maybe we could be friends?” the blonde suggests shyly, a faint blush creeping on her cheeks.
Small droplets begin to make their way down the spirit’s pale cheeks as she stares, wide eyed at the woman in front of her. 
||You really mean that?||
Yellow smiles, hoping that her gaze was aimed in the right place. “Yes, I really mean it. I don’t have any friends here yet. And I don’t have any friends who are centuries old! I bet you have so many stories to tell; I’d love to hear more.”
Suddenly wishing she had a body to hug her new friend, she whispered her response.
“Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, but I know my sister will want to talk to you too, now that we’re on speaking terms again. Especially because now we know that witches are real. She’s going to be thrilled!” 
Azurea giggled, a melodic noise, like a river cascading down a waterfall.
||I’d love to meet her. Although, I don’t know if she will be able to hear me. I haven’t been able to speak so much with anyone before you.||
Yellow found herself grinning widely, glowing from the sound of the phantom’s laugh. “That’s alright, I can translate.”
The blonde earned another chuckle. 
||Um, could I ask you a question?||
 Azurea’s voice was suddenly serious.
“Yes, of course. Anything.”
She hesitates before continuing. 
||May I call you Yellow? You never introduced yourself, and I only know that your name is Keltä because I read the name on your mail.||
“Yeah, sure. It’s what most of my friends call me,” Yellow says, smiling, “and you’re one of my friends now, too!”
Azurea lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
||Thank you. I like this name. Yellow. I think it suits you; you’re so warm and bright.||
In that moment, Yellow felt her heart swell. She couldn’t explain why, but her newest friend filled her chest in ways that she hadn’t felt before. 
Maybe it’s because I haven’t had a ghost friend before. Not that she’s really a ghost. But she’s nice and funny, and it’s so good to have a friend here. 
Little did she know, Azurea felt the exact same. 
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