#Azula is obsessively dependent on her beloved Mai.
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the-genius-az · 5 months ago
Please, I beg a writer to write this but in an Alpha/Alpha Omegaverse. 🙏🙏🙏🛐🛐🛐
I could really see Azula latching onto someone who is unexpectedly there for her in her darkest moments and really developing an unhealthy dependence on them. Not only being emotionally reliant on them, but also trying hard to please them and help them and even look after them.
And yeah, the only person this could realistically be is Mai, and she would find this all very weird and worrisome.
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months ago
Dating Yandere Azula Would Include:
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As a yandere, she is extremely obsessed with her love interest and has a jealous and possessive personality. She will not allow anyone or anything to come between her and her beloved. She will go to any length to protect you and ensure your loyalty, even if it means manipulating or harming others. She is known for being clingy and possessive toward you, and she will resort to extreme measures to keep you safe and hers.
Azula is fiercely possessive of her crush. She is determined to control your every thought, action, and emotion in order to keep you all to herself. She will go to any lengths to eliminate any potential rivals or threats to her relationship with you, even if it means resorting to violence. She would also do anything to appease you, such as showering you with gifts and affection. If you ever tried to leave her, she would become extremely angry and obsessive, using various methods to manipulate and coerce you into staying with her.
The darker side of Azula can be seen when her crush does not reciprocate her feelings or tries to leave her. When triggered, Azula's jealous and obsessive tendencies become much more pronounced, and she can become possessive to the point of being abusive. She will use aggressive and hostile tactics to regain control of the situation and force you to stay with her.
While she may appear sweet and innocent on the surface, she carries deep inside her a burning rage and desire to be worshipped and adored. She will do anything for attention and validation from you, her beloved. She will become jealous even of the simplest things, like if you just so happen to talk to another. She will want all of your time and attention for herself, making her quite possessive.
Besides her obsessive and possessive nature, she has a deeply rooted desire to control you. She wants to have complete control over every aspect of your life, including who you talk to, where you go, and what you do. She will become jealous and possessive even of the most mundane things and will become angry and combative if you dare to defy her. She will want only her own ways and would want you to depend only on her. She will not tolerate anyone or anything interfering in her plan and would destroy and even kill to ensure that no one interferes with it.
She will also become very attached to you, becoming clingy and overbearing. She will exhibit obsessive and controlling behaviors and will not hesitate to take drastic measures to keep you from leaving her. She will become very protective of you, but this can turn into an obsession with keeping you all to herself.
As a yandere, she will become extremely manipulative and controlling. She will use various methods such as guilt trips, love bombing, gaslighting, and even abuse to get her way. She may become so obsessed with you that she will have to know everything about what you do.
She will do anything to ensure your loyalty and commitment. She may resort to stalking or spying on you to ensure that you are not seeing other girls. She may even use her charm and seduction to keep you focused solely on her. She will punish you for any wrongdoing or perceived transgression and she will make sure you know that only she has power over you.
She will also manipulate you emotionally, playing on your feelings of guilt and obligation. This will be a constant theme in your relationship, and she will become extremely demanding as she wants to have full control over you. She may use blackmail, ultimatums, and threats to keep you in line, but she will also use guilt and fear-mongering to ensure your loyalty and devotion. She doesn't care about your feelings or needs, and she will use them to manipulate you to do what she wants.
She will constantly need reassurance of your love and devotion, needing constant praise and affirmation of your love. She will become extremely possessive and jealous, wanting to know where you are at all times and whom you are with. She will use threats and not hesitate to harm anyone who comes in between the two of you. She will try to isolate you from the outside world, keeping you with her at all times.
She does not like sharing the affection of the person whom she is obsessed with and wants to be the center of attention at all times. She will resort to extreme methods to get your attention, such as self-harm or even harming others.
She will reward you if you do as she pleases or show her devotion and loyalty. She will do this by showering you with praise, gifts, affection, validation, and attention. She may also punish you if you act in a way she deems unacceptable, and she may resort to emotional and physical violence until you get back in line.
Azula will act extremely violently and aggressively if you do not comply with her wishes. She will punish you by threatening harm to you, your friends, or your family. She will also use manipulation and emotional abuse to punish you, making you feel guilty for going against her wishes. She will resort to any means necessary to make sure you remain loyal and devoted.
Her father, the Fire Lord Ozai, will most likely support and encourage her possessive and manipulative behavior. He may even see it as a strength and will use her as a tool to gain power. Her brother, Zuko, will likely be alarmed and disturbed by her behavior and will try to help her or encourage her to act in a more "human" way. Her uncle, Iroh, will also be alarmed by her behavior and will also try to help her find a better way to handle her feelings of love and devotion.
Azula would not tolerate anyone interfering with her relationship, and she would lash out with extreme violence and aggression if anyone tried to get in the way. She will get into a fight without hesitation, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that she is the ultimate and only one in your life.
She will fight with you if she feels that you are not devoted enough or loyal to her. She will become more extremely possessive and controlling over you, demanding that you remain only devoted to her. She will threaten harm or use violence to gain control over you and will not stop until you have lost all contact with the outside world and are only focused on her.
If you were a particular type of bender, it could potentially affect how she interacts with you and expresses her love or jealousy. For example, as a Firebender herself, she would be more aggressive and passionate, which could lead to conflicts or challenges. Ultimately, the combination of different bending types could create an interesting dynamic between partners.
She would want a traditional wedding, where her father and the Fire Nation are invited, to showcase her position of power and authority. The wedding would be lavish, with numerous guests and a long celebration to commemorate the occasion. Following the wedding, she would expect your sole devotion to her and would want you to become completely dependent on her. She would expect you to follow her every command and fulfill all her desires.
She is likely to want children from her beloved to further bind you together. She may become even more possessive and protective over both the children and her beloved. She will also use her children as leverage to ensure that you stay with her. She will do anything to keep her family together and will not hesitate to harm or kill anyone who threatens the safety and security of her family. She will become extremely possessive over her family, unwilling to let them out of her sight and constantly seeking to ensure their protection.
Rough Sex - She enjoys being rough and dominating during sex. This includes using forceful movements, tearing clothes off, and marking up your skin. The more pain and pleasure she can bring together, the better.
Degradation - She also loves to slap you around during sex. Calling you a slut and whore while she does it just makes it even hotter for her.
Bondage - Loves it when you are completely helpless underneath her. Tied up or restrained in some way so you can't move an inch.
Being worshipped - She loves being treated like she is untouchable and perfect. She wants to feel like everyone is in awe and fear of her and her power.
Non-consensual play - The idea of playing without your permission is really exciting for her. From biting or spanking someone without your consent to invading your personal space without asking first, pushing boundaries and crossing lines is a major turn-on.
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obsessionsposts · 5 years ago
⚡Yan!Azula hc's🔥:
Tw: Violence / torture / implied sexual harassment / child neglect / starvation/ burning / death threats/Author being such a lazy turd/ etc...
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◇ - First sighting: At the Fire nation castle. After the Shadow nation defeat, you were brought as sign of triumph of the Fire nation; as well as a gift to the Fire lord considering you are one of the finest soldier in Shadow nation. Anyways, your nonchalance, and frequent disobediences piqued Azulas interest. No matter what she incites of horrid words, your spirit is never broken or damaged. Thus, her mania began to leek out until it began to smother you into a darkened embrace.
◇ - Infatuation: Ah ah ah~, poor misfortune thing you are! To enrapture the attention of a wicked vixen. Azula finds your unperturbed, self restrained, and unshakeable spirit a generous challenge for her to see if she can break you into a thousand splinters.
Before, she can garner all the splinters to create her preferred version of 'you'. Yet, what the martinet lightning bender didn't take into a value is that you would dig a deep hole; only to fill it with an unblemished love. The same love that she didn't receive from either of her parents.
Consequently, she began to hoard you to herself and forbid you to interact with anyone in the castle except for her father. God forbid anyone from touching,seeing, and interacting with you! Lest, the foolish bug will be subjected to an Agni kai with her (the insignificant insect will be toyed with, then be exposed to a torturous death) or be charged with treason.
Yandere Type: Sadistic,Possesive,Obsessive.
Nobody has the right to hurt my darling, but me. That's Azulas motto right here fellas. Furthermore, Azula demonstrates her love through pain let be physically or mentally or sexually. Afterall, that's how she perceives love.
Surprise! Suprise! , Azula is more obsessive than you think. The way her darling eyes sparkles such a vehement desire to be free. "Haha, how frivolous! The only way to be free is when you marry me~". Not to mention, the unconditional forced respect and love her s/o shows makes her grip her cold-dead heart. Don't blame her, her parents neglected her emotionally wise. However, she didn't need them anymore as she founded her own emotional support and won't let them ever go.
Leading little Azula, to be exclusively possessive of her s/o. (Do you recall that ep, where Azula hogged a guy and demanded him to become her boyfriend? The same with s/o, but on a worse scale.) Her possessive trait is inherited from her truly asshole lovely father. Also, its stems from her paranoia that her love might leave her just like how her mother betrayed her and left her to fend the world on her own.
◇ - Method of stalking and the frequency of it?
You bet your ass, that she'll keep tabs on you. Everyday, you'll feel as of someone is watching you or in her case 'making sure no one come close to you, or else'. She'll send spies to gather info about you, then she will kill them because no one deserve you, but her.
◇ - How do they treat their s/o?
Two factors plays in role here: Azu's mood and her darling behavior. Most of the time, she loves to humiliate her darling whether they were obedient or otherwise. Is it out of spite or hatered? No,no,no. Mainly, she wants to see your fiery passion that run through your blood and that inky black powers of yours.
◇ - Nicknames: Normally, she picks names that are degrading and humiliating. In rare occassions, when she is vulnerable she calls her darling in an endearing nicknames.( In fear that they'll leave her like how her mother left her. So, Azu will try anything even if she's not familiar with to keep her dear from abandoning her.)
EX: My pet, prisoner, little one, love, darling, princess etc...
My, where to begin? Azula is the mama of torture, even surpassing her shitty father. If she had no qualms about bullying and tormenting her elder brother, then she has no problem doing so towards you.
The only difference is that this time out of twisted love and adoration. Plus, how are you going to learn if you didn't get punished. After all, pain is the best teacher~
Azu's fan favourites are psychological and mental chastises. Furthermore, it revolves the destruction of one's individuality and shattering their perception of reality.
Torture by proxy: What's better way to make your s/o listen to you then tormenting their loved ones© . Azu will nitpick your most beloved one? Is it Mommy dearest? Or, Daddy? So, many options to choose from. Their survival depends on your cooperation, along with their mental health.
Brainwashing: C l a s s i c a l method! To mold you into her pretty little thing. Gaslightings and Information Manipulation is used here to convert her pet to her ideals. EX: Fabricating in a subtle manner a part of her pets nations history to demonize the darling's nation and make them grateful that they live in a wonderful nation! :>
Debilitation: Another power trip for Azu, is starving her favorite prisoner from necessary nutrients. Whether be it food? Or, water? Maybe, even sensory deprivation that will cement her control over them. (Ps: I may said this before, sensory deprivation can cause hallucinations and breakdowns if prolonged. Which makes perfect sense, for azula to take advantage of the vulnerable state of the darling.)
Branding: "Please, Please with a cherry on top disobey! So, I can show your place to the world. Which is beneath me, yet farther above the rest", a wild grin tearing her face as she burns her name into your forearm permanently. Blood trickles down and skin falling apart, only the name of the demon remains. A Z U L A.
In Conclusion:
Azula is a terrifying yandere to have; she is a melting pot of possessive,obsessive, and sadistics tendencies mixed altogether.
Thanks to mama(in the comics, if I am not mistaken.) and papa neglecting her (emotionally wise). Her insecurities began to resurface. The only way she was taught to battle said insecurities is through fear and intimidation tactics.
So, when dear s/o shows her genuine love or adoration for that matter. Most likely She'll get confused at first, then a little while later gets hooked as fast as a fish on a bait.
" My own mother feared, despite, and abandoned me. However, I won't let the same event happen again. You're mine, and you'll worship me as I provide the heavens for you."
A/n: Hope you enjoyed this!
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seyaryminamoto · 7 years ago
Would you say that Ozai has narcissistic personality disorder? I often see people saying he is a psychopath, a sociopath, or a megalomaniac, but he seems to exhibit every symptom of narcissism. Not to mention he genuinely seemed upset when Ursa said she wished Zuko wasn't his son, which would be out of character for a psychopath or sociopath, and also hints that he in turn cares at least somewhat that Ursa doesn't want him as the father of her child, enough to get revenge through hurting Zuko.
Ozai is more complicated than most people think, I guess. Thing is… most people do characterize him as either socio or psychopath, and I disagree with both assessments, especially if they’re made as cut-and-dry as that. I don’t think Ozai is incapable of emotions or feelings, because I see him as a product of the same family that produced Zuko and Azula: we saw both Zuko and Azula being emotionally unstable in different ways, but they showed emotions all the same. I think it’s perfectly logical for Ozai to have been “nurtured” the same way as his children were, leaving him with a thousand complexes and fucked up ideals that make him think emotions (except for rage) are weakness.
The real display of emotion from Ozai that I take seriously (because as it is known, I’m forever pissed at the comics and seldom take them into account when it comes to characterization) is the one shown in Zuko Alone, when he sits by the turtle duck pond. He’s explicitly shown there, in the place we know was special for Ursa, right after she’s left them forever, apparently. Where Azula seems to be rejoicing in her mother’s disappearance, Ozai is, at least, sulking. It affects him to some degree, even if we didn’t see much of that. If he didn’t have any emotional investment in Ursa, Zuko probably would have found Ozai fitting his brand new Fire Lord robes instead.
Upon reading about the narcissistic personality disorder… while I’m usually reluctant to label characters as this or that, especially with stuff as delicate as mental health, this actually suits him much better:
Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance: Phoenix King, anyone? He thought himself the most powerful Fire Lord ever, beyond Fire Lord, even. So… this works.
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration: I can’t say for sure that he suffers of this? But it certainly looks that way. Azula keeps trying to please him, as far as we can tell. And at the end of the show, he still tries to get Sokka to call him Phoenix King when Sokka is mocking him, so… yeah. I guess this can apply too. 
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it: this is officially in headcanon territory BUT… it’s a headcanon I stand by, 100%. I think Ozai really thought himself superior to Iroh, and that he was sure that all he needed was the chance to prove it.
Exaggerate achievements and talents: now… this I don’t agree with? Because we don’t really know if he exaggerates his skills. Fact is, he’s an extraordinary bender. He’s guilty of boasting, no doubt, but I’m not sure he exaggerates about any of it…
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate: hehehehe well yeah, this is definitely him. As the Nick site put it, Ursa was considered his perfect match so… a man who dreams of having all the power in the world, of being the most successful Fire Lord, and who married the woman who apparently is perfect for him…yep.
Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people: x’D just thinking of how he shuns Zuko because he sucks while boasting of his super epic daughter whenever he can… yep.
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior: I guess he tries to do the first one? Again, that’s headcanon territory but it’s not hard to believe Ozai’s favorite conversation topic would be himself. The second part he’s guilty of, absolutely. 
Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations: … yep. I’m not even going to break this one down. He commands, everyone obeys. Nobody can question the stupidity of his commands.
Take advantage of others to get what they want: hoooo, boy, we just have to look at his relationship with Azula. Not in vain do people say she was a tool for him.
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others: I think it’s unwillingness in his case. I do because… he knows what people want, to some degree. That’s why he can manipulate them. He knows Zuko wants to be his beloved son, so he sends him on a pointless mission, knowing/expecting Zuko will obey, thinking Ozai will love him if by some miracle he’s successful. When Zuko is about to leave in DOBS, Ozai knows exactly what to say to get Zuko to stick around until the firebending returns. While Ozai is somewhat stupid when it comes to ideas in general, he’s a good manipulator, as far as I can tell.
Be envious of others and believe others envy them: that’s his relationship with Iroh, yep. Again, headcanon territory, but a headcanon I stand by.
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious: x’DDDD please. Suits him like a glove.
Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office: insistence on being the best of the Fire Lords? :’D Making big statues of himself? (… not that Azulon isn’t guilty of this, people keep mocking the Fire Fountain City statue but does no one pay attention to the size and convoluted complexity of the Gates of Azulon? All these Fire Lords are obsessed with making themselves look huge and important…).
The site I’m looking at also adds that someone who has this disorder can’t handle criticism, and they respond to it in these ways:
Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special treatment: we don’t know if he was impatient or angry because of Azulon sidelining him, even telling him to kill Zuko because Iroh is the special golden boy. But, heh. He probably was. It would suit him. 
Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted: that’s again so easy to imagine… seeing as no one ever says a single word against him until Zuko confronts him, and he lost his temper, he probably is offended fairly easily.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior: again, his conversation with Zuko in DOBS. 100%.
Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior: well… I suppose he’d have difficulty if he tried to. But frankly, I doubt he even tries?
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change: that really depends. I think if it’s a change that’s NOT on his terms, yes, he might. But even so… as pissed as he may have been over the loss of his bending, both the show and the comics show him being a perfectly sassy ashole who seems to be just fine sitting in his cell, mocking Zuko. Might be this one doesn’t apply to him…?
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection: … yeah no. Because I don’t think he believes himself short of it. That’s how bad his delusions can get. I really think he spent so long telling himself he was so amazing and so much better than everyone that the only one who ever believed him was himself.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation: now… THIS? Again, headcanon territory, but I wouldn’t be shocked if he has all these things buried deep inside him. Especially because of how he was raised. 
In conclusion… you get a lot more hits than misses here. While there are a few that don’t apply, this could be a better assessment of Ozai’s personality and his disorders than what most people say. So… thanks, Anon!
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