#Azula Week 2018
hi! do you have any good maiko childbirth recs?? I’m open to stuff on ao3 and here or fanfic.net!! i feel like I’ve read all that I could find :(
Hey there! You have come to the right place! Its weird I know, but I love Maiko childbirth/pregnancy fics despite not wanting kids myself hahaha. Below are some really good fics, I'm sorry if some of them are already ones you have read, but a good re-read is always fun too :) Illuminated is more of a pregnancy one, but it is really good and its written by my good friend, @flameohotfamily <3
A Decade in the Life of Mai and Zuko is a one shot series, but its 3rd chapter is a nice little one shot about Mai and Zuko having a child. The name isnt Izumi, but its still cute. Daddy's Little Girl is good too, but again, its one where the baby's name isnt Izumi. I think it was written pre LOK. A Matter of Perspective is really good, and has some Iroh peppered in there too :)
Little Sparkler is by @pidgeapodge and it is more on the relation between Azula and Izumi Here Comes the Sun is great because it is from Zuko's perspective and coming to terms with how shitty Ozai was. I Swear That I'll Be Around For You: the first chapter is Zuko and Mai reflecting on how they wont make the mistakes of their parents. The second chapter is about Aang and Katara regarding Bumi II which is still good. Needed: last but not least is post childbirth, but it is about Zuko and Iroh talking about fatherhood and how Iroh lost his son.
I just found another one tonight! If I find more, I’ll add here :)
Fall Maiko Week 2018: the first chapter is about Mai giving birth to Izumi :) I hope you enjoy the fics and hopefully there are some in here that you havent read yet :)
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fanwright · 6 years
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Azula Week 2018 - Day #7 - AU - Guardians of the Galaxy
Artist - @binch-queen - Thank you again!
All credit for the artwork goes to the artist tagged and mentioned above. Please support the artist. Blog and commission info can be found here.
Event Host - @azulaweek
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azulaweek · 6 years
Casual reminder that Azula week is next week!
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ufohydra · 6 years
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I read it was Azula week so I thought I'd show off my tattoo. It was done a few months ago by the most amazing artist in the coolest shop in Tarzana, CA. (artist's instagram and shop info at the top of the photo)
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Azula Week Day 2: Motherhood
(Artwork by @gavalanche-presents)
The sound of shattering glass broke Azula's concentration. So much for breathing exercises. Ever since the kids had entered her life, getting even a half hour of tranquility was a gift. Nevertheless, her children were her little treasures, and with her husband, Sokka, away at a council meeting, she was left alone to deal with their shenanigans.
She walked into her son's room to find the young firebender creating a makeshift home for his pet firefly-fish. Servants were already scurrying to pick up broken glass from the soaked carpet. The perks of being royalty.
"She tired to murder my fish!" Koda cried, pointing at his little sister.
"I did not!" Arika insisted.
"Okay, okay." Azula took a deep breath. "What happened?"
"We were fighting and his fish bowl toppled over and broke," the non-bender started, "but I didn't do it!"
"Yes she did!"
"I wasn't even near it!"
"Then a ghost must have done it," the boy groaned sardonically.
"You've got to believe me, momma!" Arika looked up at her with wide, pleading blue eyes.
"I want to, sweetheart, but…" Azula sighed. "You were pretty jealous when your father and I agreed that Koda was old enough to have a pet – "
"Yes but – "
"And fish bowls don't just move on their own…"
"YOU ALWAYS TAKE HIS SIDE!" she shrieked.
That stung. "No honey, that's not – "
"IT'S BECAUSE HE'S A FIREBENDER, ISN'T IT?!" She clenched her hands into tiny, furious fists.
Suddenly, the water on the carpet turned to ice.
Koda's mouth dropped.
Azula froze. A waterbender! Her daughter was a waterbender!
"I…" Arika's eyes filled with tears. "I didn't know… I didn't mean to – "
Azula threw her arms around her daughter and hugged her tightly. "I know, sweet girl." She stroked her back. "I know."
Please favorite/follow/review on FF.net! ❤
(AO3 appears to be down right now, but I’ll post there later.)
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salixj · 6 years
               “Steam," Sokka said. Azula's heart skipped a beat. She recognized Sokka's tone. He was furious. And she could understand that; it was the fourth time he had been asked the question during this meeting, for the second time by Katra. “But why do you want to marry her?" Meaning, of course, Azula. “Steam?” Katara asked, her scowl took on a note of confusion. Everyone had the same look of confusion on their faces. “Steam,” Sokka said and lifted her left hand with his right, and then propped his, and by default her, elbow on the table. “Fire, water...STEAMMMMMMMMMMM!!!” His voice went low and sultry and to make certain his meaning was understood he cocked his eyebrows several times. “Steamy steamy hot.” Azula began to blush. “Sauna worthy steam...” Azula felt her face go red. Her mother, sitting on her right, began to blush as well. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. All that came out was “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Hakoda, sitting on Sokka's left, put a hand on his son's arm, then slid down in his seat. Zuko had covered his eyes with his hands, plugged his ears with his thumbs and was shaking his head wildly. Iroh, who was sitting beside Ursa, began to chuckle. Katara looked as if steam would come from her nose. “SOKKA!” Azula and Katara yelled together. Azula gave Sokka a kick under the table just as a huge snowball hit Sokka in the chest. “HEY!” Azula snarled at Katara and Katara snarled back at her. Then they began to laugh. “Hey! I'm all wet now. And my chest hurts. And my calf hurts," he pouted. “Oh you big baby!” Azula took his shirt in her hand and rubbed her hand over the cloth. As the vapor rose Sokka pointed. “See, steam!” Azula laughed and then pulled Sokka in for a kiss. “Honestly," she said. Then glanced around the table. Iroh had a big grin. Ursa's face had softened and her eyes looked dreamy. Hakoda sat back up and patted Sokka on the arm. Zuko took his hands from his face and shook his head, but he was smiling. Katara wasn't exactly smiling, but her frown had relaxed. She looked at them both curiously.   “You love each other,” she finally said. “Yes,” Sokka and Azula said together. “Steam,” Iroh said and began to laugh once more.
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firelxrdsdaughter · 6 years
Childhood | Azula Week 2018 Drabble
For prompt one “childhood”. Hoping to do drabbles for all of the prompts. :) This one takes place about ten years after Azula would have escaped the institution but is not set in my main verse, as Ursa is...Alive in this one. Hahaha. xD
Pretty short and sweet. Enjoy!
Her scalp tingles with the pass of the brush, and Azula looks at her tired form in the mirror, staring passed her bony shoulder at her mother’s aged reflection. The lines of her mother’s face have always been soft, Azula thinks. At least, it seems so in official paintings. She’d been eight when Ursa disappeared (old enough to remember her), but she has to admit she’d forgotten in the interim exactly what her mother looked like.
The answer is, she looks like Azula. The former princess has been looking at her mother every time that she looks at her own reflection — granted her features are more angular, taking after Ozai’s in that respect. Still, her mother is indelibly the model that Azula has been formed after.
Ursa pauses, feeling the force of Azula’s weary gaze, and she smiles tightly at her daughter, raking her fingers through the ends of Azula’s tangled hair.
“I used to do this for you all the time when you were little,” she intones softly, “do you remember?”
Azula shrugs, her bottom lip jutting out in a nonchalant fashion. But she does remember. Vaguely.
Ursa sighs, stroking the brush through her hair once again. “The two of you grew up before I could come home,” she laments quietly. “But especially you. I heard the stories. You were leading the forces at fourteen. You conquered Ba Sing Se. So impressive.”
“Please,” Azula rolls her eyes, “it was nothing but dumb luck.”
Ursa snorts.
“That’s not true. You’ve always been terribly clever. Even your uncle Iroh couldn’t conquer that city.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Princess Ursa.”
Her mother sighs heavily, setting the brush aside.
The older woman reaches forward, urging Azula around to face her with a gentle but firm grip. She reaches up, smoothing the dark strands of Azula’s hair over her shoulders contemplatively.
“I understand what it’s like,” Ursa begins calmly, brushing a thumb across Azula’s sharp cheekbone, “scrounging to eat. On the run, desperate for stability.”
Azula turns her face away from her mother, frowning at the corners of the room defiantly.
“It was difficult as an adult. I cannot imagine what it must have been like as a child.”
“I was hardly a child,” Azula replies dully.
“You were only fifteen. You were a child. You knew how to survive, I’ve no doubt about that, but I doubt that it was a good way to grow into adulthood. On your own. Without your family. Having to learn everything for yourself.”
Azula makes no answer, and Ursa’s amber eyes search her daughter’s almost plaintively.
“Please Azula. I want to be a mother to you, I want to offer you what we didn’t get to have before.”
“How convenient for you,” Azula snaps, “You want to be my mother now? Now that I’ve grown up? Now that I really don’t need a mother?” She stands in one swift movement, stalking away from Ursa to the other side of the room. She looks moodily out the glass paned doors that lead to the private balcony. Ursa’s view encompasses the pond that she’d once liked to sit at and feed the turtle-ducks. It glints now in the bright moonlight, held in sharp relief with the shadowed landscape surrounding it.
“Azula…” Ursa hesitates, and withdraws into herself. It’s well practiced, Azula can tell that much. A politician’s wife — a prince’s wife who is used to reserving her feelings for a later date. “You’re right. I don’t know you very well and you don’t need your mother anymore. Those days are long behind us…”
She turns to look at the older woman, expression leaning toward surprise as her mother acquiesces to her way of thinking. She hadn’t expected such, but she feels something close to relief at Ursa’s agreement.
“Good. Then I — “
“ — Just know. If you ever feel you need someone. Someone to talk to. Someone to be with you. I’m right here now, and I am more than willing to be the one for you to turn to.”
Azula gathers up her nerve, setting her expression to be smooth as stone.
“I have Zuko for that now. Hadn’t you heard?” She almost floats passed her mother, equally as regal. A woman made of glass.
“Of course,” Ursa says in return, expression equally as smooth.
When Azula passes from her mother’s rooms, surrounded by guards, escorted back to her own quarters as is required for the time being, she cannot help but feel like a small child again. No matter how grown she has convinced herself that she has become.
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evilcharming18 · 6 years
Azula Week 2018 #2
Here goes my second installment for Azula Week 2018, this one about motherhood (more like Azula being nervous about being a mother. I hope you enjoy it and leave a like or reblog if you liked it.
To say Azula was nervous during her pregnancy was an understatement. It seems as if her nerves were on an all time high, her perfectionist re-emerging as she spent hours on end making sure the nursery was just right. She ensured that drunk every tea that was supposed to help things go smoothly, even the ones that tasted like dirt. So the fear in her eyes when her water had finally broke came to no surprise.
“Sokka!” She shouted from the bathroom. Sokka, of course, just rushed in with paint still covering his body and hands.
“What’s wrong?” He said and quickly noticed the puddle of water beneath Azula’s feet.
“What do you think is wrong, my water just broke, that’s what’s wrong!” Azula snapped and despite his initial shock, he couldn’t help but to smile. “What the hell are you just smiling for?” She yelled at him, her contractions finally hitting her hard.
“She’s finally coming.” He tells her and she groans.
“You don’t know that it’s a girl, Sokka. Now please help me to the bed.” She tells him and he quickly grabs her hand, wrapping his other arm around her to assist her to the bed. Once she made it there, the pain seemed to only intensify.
“I’ll go get Katara.” He says as his nerves return.
It only took a few moments before Sokka returned with his sister. Katara did a quick check up on how far Azula was in the labor process before kicking Sokka out of the room. Something that came without protest as Azula had started swearing off sex and not letting Sokka touch her ever again. The labor had last a long ten hours before Azula was actually able to start pushing. It was only another ten minutes before their child entered the world and Sokka was allowed back into the room.
“Surprisingly, you were right, you got a little girl.” Katara told him as he entered the room and she saw his eyes light up.
“A girl….I know Azula is so pissed that I was right.” He chuckles and she nods.
“Oh you know she’s furious.” Katara laughs as she leads him to his wife and daughter. All of his remaining nerves seemed to fade away as soon as he saw them. He kneeled down at the side of bed, kissing the side of Azula’s head. Despite looking calm as ever, her fear had reached an all time high and she held the fragile newborn in her arms it took a moment but Sokka finally spoke, distracting her momentarily from her fears.
“She’s breathtaking.” Sokka whispers as he takes in the sight of his daughter. She wasn’t as tan as him of course but it was clear she was water tribe. And the hair on her head was as dark as her mother’s. The only thing he couldn’t tell was whose eyes she had.
Seeming to know the exact question he was thinking of, Azula said,”She has my eyes.”
“Well then she had the most beautiful eyes in the world.” Sokka says with a smile and she smiles backs softly. After a few moments of silence, suddenly Azula’s eyes were filled with tears.
“What if I’m not a good mother, Sokka?” She chokes out and Sokka shook his head instantly.
“Don’t think that. You’re going to be an amazing mother, I know it.”
You don’t know that!” She says with a bit more force and their daughter stirred in her arms.
“Azula, I know you’d do anything for this little girl. And I know that you’re worried about being a bad mother but trust me, there is no one better to be her mother than you.”
“No, I mean it! I mean, who better to teach her how to be strong and confident. And I can already see you doing her hair before bed or practicing bending stances early in the morning. Or I’ll teach her how to use a sword, only when she’s old enough. And of course we’re gonna make a few mistakes but she is going to be okay, we’re going to be okay.” Sokka says before kissing her hair and Azula lets her tears fall finally.
“How do you do that?” She asked him and he furrowed his eyebrows,
“Do what?” Came his reply.
“Do that! All of the pep talks and making me believe what you say.” She says and he shrugs.
“I just tell you the truth, Zula. Nothing less.” He says and she moves to sit up further.
“I guess I should actually let you hold her.” Azula tells him and moves to place their daughter in his arms.
Sokka stared at their child in awe as he held her close to his chest. He couldn’t believe that he created something so perfect. Well, she was half Azula so he could actually believe it. In that moment, the newborn yawned and opened her eyes, showing Sokka what looked like a clone of Azula’s eyes. The sight made his heart swell as she stared up him with wide eyes. He couldn’t help but to look over at Azula and say, “I told you it was girl.”
“You know, this is the only time you’re going to hear me admit that you were right so enjoy it while it lasts.” She tells him and he chuckles. “And if you tell another soul, I’ll kill you.” She adds and he shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Sokka grins before kissing her. “But what are we gonna name her?” He says and Azula freezes up.
“I..I have no clue. I really didn’t think it would be a girl.” She says and he chuckles.
“Well we have some time.” Sokka tells her and she nods, finally getting sleepy.
Azula laid there as she watched Sokka coo at their daughter’s face. The sight of that calmed almost every nerve she had about being a mother. At least for now. Maybe he was right. Maybe Azula would be a good mother after all. Despite what anyone else said. And for now, that was all that mattered.
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jewishicequeen · 6 years
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Azula week, day 2- motherhood.
"You are such a loser, Zuzu!" laughed the little girl as her big brother fall on his back. "Shut up, Azula!" screamed the prince, blushing. "Why, what will you do to me? You can't even firebend." she teased him. "Sure I can! I can firebend just as good as you can!" "Oh, yeah? Prove me, then!" Zuko looked stressed. Azula smiled. She knew he doesn't want to do this, but he will, and when he does, he's gonna make such a fool of himself. "I-I..." he looked around, looking for a rescue. "I knew it." she laughed. "You're a cowered." "I'm not a cowered!" screamed Zuko, blushing even more. "I'll show you!" he stood up and breathed in, entering basic position. He moved, punched the air, and all that came out was a bit of smoke. Azula laughed again. "You are such a weakling, Zuzu!" she jumped forward, rising her hands. A single flame came out from each of her fingertips, and she smiled, sending the fire swirling around her terrified brother. "Stop it!" he screamed, getting away from the fire. "But I don't want to." smiled Azula, narrowing the flame circle. "Azula, quit it!" he pled. "You'll lose control!" "No, I won't." she said, and it was true. "Maybe you can't control such fire, but I can. You're just weak." Someone gasped behind her. "AZULA!" Azula sighed and turned, facing her furious mother.
"Why is she so powerful? It's not fair!" screamed Zuko, hitting the bed with his fist. Ursa kept quiet, letting her son express his anger. "Really, mom, why?" he cried, and turned toward her, tears rolling down his face. He was as handsome as his father, with his silky black hair and beautiful golden eyes. But the prince had another thing in his eyes, thing that was never there in his father's- his eyes were full of kindness and sorrow. "Why? Why is she so mean? What is wrong with her?!" he screamed. "Zuko, don't talk about your sister like that!" said Ursa. "She's only jealous of you." "What is there to be jealous of, mother?" he asked, his eyes filling with new tears. "She's right, isn't she? I am weak. I can't even firebend without messing it up. I'm nothing but a failure." "Zuko, look at me." he raised his beautiful golden eyes again. "Never call yourself that. Never. You are so much more. You are a good person, and your heart is kind. You are my son, and the prince of the fire nation, and I promise you that one day you'll also be a great firebender. You are special, and you should never forget that. Let me handle your sister." he smiled at her, hesitating. "You really think so?" he asked. "Of course I do. You're my son." smiled Ursa. "Now go to your bed. I've got some stuff to do."
"You hate me." "What?" Mother turned around. "You hate me." repeated Azula, stopping the tears. "You think I'm a monster." "Azula!" cried mom, kneeling beside her. "Why would you say such a thing?!" "Because it's true!" screamed Azula. Mom hate her, she knew it, she saw it in her face every time their eyes met! "You never loved me, you always liked Zuko better! You hated me from the moment I was born, because I was strong!" "Azula, I never hated you." "You're lying! You always lie! You never loved me and you never will! You only care about Zuko!" "Azula..." started mother quietly, but Azula didn't listen. "You always go to him first! You always treat him and hug him and help him like he's special. You always smile at him and encourage him and never does so to me! It's unfair!" "Azula, I..." started mom, but Azula turned away and ran. Mother was lying. She always did. She never loved Azula, because Azula was proud and strong. She feared Azula, because Azula was powerful. And wanted to hate her for it. She wanted so much, but couldn't.
Ursa couldn't get the words out of her mind. The way Azula spoke, the way she looked at her... "Sweetie?" she opened the bedroom door. No answer came. "Sweetie, are you alright?" No answer. Ursa opened the door fully and entered. The princess lied in her bed, sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so gentle, and her cheeks were wet and glittery from tears. "Oh, Azula." whispered Ursa, looking at her daughter. "I always loved you. And always will." She knelt next to the bed, and kissed the girl's forehead. "You are my daughter, Azula. And I love you."
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itspronouncedjulia · 6 years
“Why are you such a strong firebender?” The question, admittedly, caught Azula off guard. The young firebender lifted her head up to look at her therapist who was sitting safely on the other side of the cell. Even with Azula bound in a straight jacket and tied down to a chair the old man still didn’t feel safe actually entering the cell.
Smart, Azula thought. Just because Azula’s hands and legs were bound and tied didn’t mean she couldn’t bend still. Even now she felt the familiar heat of her chi beginning to pool in the pit of her lungs.  
“I was born lucky.” Azula said evenly. “Gifted, a prodigy like my grandfather.” She explained her golden eyes focusing on her doctor. As of late Azula had noticed that her thoughts had gotten less hectic and it was starting to get easier to focus. She would hate to give any credit to the doctor or the pathetic waterbending peasant that seemed determined to help her heal but it couldn’t be denied that ever since they had started working together Azula had been starting to think clearer. Like she had before the comet came.
“Beyond that.” Her therapist prompted. Azula hummed and tilted her head back again so it was hanging over the back of the chair.
“I trained rigorously everyday for as long as I can remember.” She explained. “Once in the morning when the sun rose, once during midday when it was at its zenith, and once at dusk when it began to set. I honed my gift, sharpened it until I am what you see before you.”
“A broken princess?” He asked gently. “Pushed beyond her own limits?”
“I wouldn’t expect a fool like you to understand.” Azula said defensively. “I was a child of war in many ways I inherited it like I inherited my firebending, I was crafted to be the perfect weapon to win the war for my father but more importantly for my nation. I had no true limits.”
“If that were true you wouldn’t be sitting here speaking to me, restrained like a wild animal.” The doctor said softly. “It doesn’t sound like you had much of a childhood.”
“When your country is at war and you're being groomed to take the throne and possibly continue that war you have no real time for a childhood.” Azula said matter of factly. “Once my mother and Zuko left I had no time for petty children games.”
“With Zuko gone you were the sole heir to the throne.” He said softly. “You were forced to shoulder a greater responsibility then most people could even begin to comprehend.”
“Very good doctor.” Azula said sounding a little bit like her old self. “Tell me what other ground breaking discoveries to you have to share with me?”
“This all ties together.” He pressed on. “Your firebending, your family, and childhood it’s all interwoven.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Your fire is fueled by your rage all of which comes from the deep seeded issues from your childhood.” Azula snorted at his answer.
“You think I’m such a good firebender because my mother didn’t love me?” Azula couldn’t help but laugh. “I was born with a gift that I honed and perfected, it’s truly that simple.”
“You're mixing up strong and good.” The doctor said causing Azula to scowl. “I speak about the actual intensity of your flame.”
“Then why didn’t you say that?” Azula demanded.
“My apologizes.” The doctor said. “The strength of your flame comes from rage, a rage that stems from your childhood.”
“Do you agree?” He asked when Azula gave him no answer. “Well perhaps we can talk about it more tomorrow.” He said softly when it became clear that she would say no more.
“Azula I am here to help, it is my hope that one day we can work through your childhood traumas and eventually get you out of that cell so you can begin to build your firebending on something more substantial.” He said. "I believe that is the key to your recovery, have a nice day." He added before moving down the hallway leaving Azula alone to her thoughts.
I also posted it on my ao3 account if anyone wants to read it there.
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feedingthewrongwolf · 6 years
Azula Week 2018 is goin’ down and I promise! I will catch up on all of the entries once it’s over. I’ve got a hellscape of a week and need to try to finish my own entries first. Everybody have fun!!!
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sokklaweek · 6 years
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                           || THANK YOU SOKKLA FANS ||
Although Sokkla Week has passed, its been so wonderful to see everyone taking part and having fun this year for this special event. On behalf of all the moderators for this blog, we would like to extend our most heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed and participated in 2018′s Sokkla Week. Really, its been an amazing experience and we certainly hope you all had fun in viewing and reading all the new content!
Once again, to all Sokkla fans who made this week possible - thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you all! See you all next time!
From: @bellatrixobsessed1 @firelxrdsdaughter @fanwright
Art Credit: @aatkaw
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fanwright · 6 years
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Azula Week 2018: Day 3 - “Summer” - Style
Artist: @kimiyotosan
Art entry for Azula Week 2018. All credit goes to @kimiyotosan for the artwork. Please support the artist. Blog and commissions open here.
Host for event - @azulaweek
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azulaweek · 6 years
Also Quick Reminder
When submitting fics this July make sure you have ‘azulaweek2018’  within the first 5 tags so there will be less of a chance that I don’t see your submission. I’ll be putting this in the blog description too.
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seyaryminamoto · 6 years
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Sokkla Week 2018 - Day Three: Comfort
For when a gladiator is injured in the line of duty, his sponsor takes care to nurse him back to health.
A general scene, not quite inspired by a specific scene in the story, but just something that surely has happened once or twice (or even more often than that :’D). When it comes to Sokkla tropes, Azula tends to be the one who needs comfort, so this time she’s the one who provides it to Sokka. This man works very hard after all, and if someone knows he deserves all the love for it, it’s Azula.
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Azula Week Day 1: Childhood
(Artwork by @gavalanche-presents​)
It was those nights when she expected him, those painfully loud nights when the wind howled, the windows clanged, the air rumbled, and flashes of light pierced the darkened sky. No matter how much they had fought, no matter how angry they had been at each other, on those nights, little Zuzu would always find his way into her bedroom.
Who feared the storm more? It was hard to say. Sure, it was her brother who tiptoed into her room, but it wasn't pride that kept her still. She was too afraid to move. So every stormy night, he'd venture out into the ghostly halls of the palace and find his way to her, the soft pitter-patter of his feet providing a soothing contrast to the cacophonous drum of the rain. Without saying a word, he'd crawl under the covers with her. Sometimes he'd drape an arm around her; other times they'd lie back-to-back. Either way, with her big brother around, she felt safe. Only with him there could she sleep.
The habit broke the day he was banished.
That was a long time ago. The childish fear was long gone. Azula had braved many a storm in his absence. She had even learned how to generate her own lightning. But tonight was one of those nights. Loud. Too damn loud. The relentless rain echoed chaotically throughout her chamber. The bright flashes through her barred windows cast disfigured shadows on her barren walls. And it was because of this that she thought of him. And how alone she was in the asylum. No one ever visited. No one ever visited.
But maybe, just maybe, on a night like this, he was thinking of her too. And maybe tomorrow or someday soon, he would visit.
Ah, who was she kidding.
Please favorite/follow/review on FF.net or AO3! ❤
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