#Azriel x Archeron sibling
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Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You
Azriel x Third-oldest-archeron-sibling!reader
a/n: I was in the mood for a writing a heated argument that turns into an even hotter make-out session, but then it got slightly depressing so…
warning: slight angst but not much because I can’t take that emotionally :’)
word count: 3,888
-Part 2[*]-
“How was she today?”
You fight the urge to clench your jaw. The harsh snapping of your book is the limit to how far you’ll allow the leash on your anger to slip. Jealousy? Frustration? Whatever complicated nonsense he’s gotten you tangled up in.
“No hello? What about a how are you today?” You ask tersely. So much for keeping your emotions on a tight leash. His brow narrows a little—you don’t usually bubble over when he asks how your older sister is doing. “You weren’t practically bed-ridden for months,” he replies slowly, gauging your response carefully.
Instantly, guilt weighs in the pit of your stomach, and you look away quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,” you soothe hastily. Gods, why did you say that to him? You’re trying to gain his favour, not make him think you’re an ungrateful, self-absorbed sister. “She was fine. We did some baking—well, Elain did some baking, I was reading something. It’s a new book, actually! Because I finished the last one, which was actually pretty good, but this one I think is set in the last war and…” you trail off when you notice the patient smile he’s giving you.
Right. He’s not interested in what book you’re reading, or how you spent the day. He’s not interested in you full stop. He’s interested in Elain. You fight the way disappointment wants to twist the edges of your mouth, instead plastering on a smile that you hope he reads as oops, look at me! There I go again, haha.
“Well,” you say, swallowing the lump in your throat, “she made some cupcakes—I think they were vanilla, and she put something that looked like jam inside. Really good. I’m sure she’d be happy for you to try one—if you ask,” you smile, adding in the details he wants to hear. For the Spymaster, he’s surprisingly open about his interest in Elain to you. But maybe that’s because you’re always so willing to answer any question you can for him.
“I’m glad,” he says, something glimmering in his hazel eyes. “And there were no silent spots? No abrupt changes?” You return your attention to the book in your hands, fingers running over the bound edges, “she was fine all the way. You never would have guessed everything she’s been through.” He hums, pleased with her progress. It’s a sound of contentment, from the back of his throat that you’re certain rumbles throughout his chest. It’s an effort to keep your attention on the book.
It’s been more than two years since the three of you were tossed into the Cauldron. Feyre and Rhysand are happy, Nesta’s made progress on healing herself and is now alarming in love with Cassian, Elain’s taking large steps in a good direction, too. You remember vividly the time when she would hardly utter a word for days, hardly shift her gaze from a strange spot in the middle-distance, how worried she made you and Nesta. And Feyre, obviously, but things were a little…strange at the time. They always had been.
You spent the first few months struggling to hold a meal down, often being wracked with spasms of anxiety and flushes of hot and cold. There was a time you would black out if you stood up too fast, and now you can hold down three meals a day without needing to run to the nearest latrine provided you don’t eat too quickly. You feel like yourself again, but fresher. You know you aren’t the same as you were, though. Not after the Cauldron, but you had no choice but to adapt. With eternity ahead of you, you couldn’t stand the thought of spending it weakened and frail—hardly capable of standing without feeling dizzy.
Maybe you are a little jealous that Elain’s getting all the attention. She’d always been the centre of Nesta’s attention, and while you were on fairly good terms with your oldest sister throughout your childhood, you were no competition for her sharp mind and sharper tongue. Feyre was the wild one, Elain the pretty one, Nesta the cunning one—then there was you.
What’s your place in your dysfunctional family?
“It’s good she seems to be steadily improving,” Azriel says, breaking you from your inner thoughts. You nod dutifully, agreeing with him. “She smiled for most of it, too,” you add, remembering how pleased she’d been when they came out how she wanted—after numerous attempts. “Though she was covered in flour—her hair was practically white!” You laugh fondly, covering your mouth with your hand.
A faint smile appears on his lips and, for just a moment, you let yourself pretend he’s smiling at the sound of your laugh.
But that’s all you have to report back to him, and even if you’ve pleased him, he’ll be finding an excuse to slip off now that he knows she’s been fine. You’ll admit, it’s difficult to remember she’s your sister when he so clearly would choose her over you. It’s not even a competition.
So you swallow your nerves, tuck your hands behind your back and peer up at him. “Hey, you read right?” You ask, keeping a pleasant smile on your lips—lest he think you’re too eager. He blinks out of whatever thought he was having, clearing his gaze as he looks down at you, then nods. “I’ve been known to pick up a book from time to time,” he answers. He’s in a good mood, it seems.
“Do you have a favourite?” You ask, tipping your head at a slight angle, appearing to look at the books stacked on the shelves. “I feel like I’ve been rereading the same story over and over again and want to try something else.”
“You’re asking me to pick just one?” He replies, quirking his brow. The smile that comes to your mouth isn’t as fake, or as controlled as you would like—it stretches your lips thin, showing the gaps either side of the top row of your teeth.
“Okay, give me a couple to have a nose at. So if one bores me to tears, I can pick up another,” you laugh gently, pulling the book tight to your chest, worried you’re showing too much. Does he know how your days often centre around whether he’ll seek you out? The too-short conversations that often revolve around your sister?
“Does Elain read?” He asks, tentatively, and it’s like a stone to your cheek. You clutch the book tighter to your chest, taking in a slow, quiet breath. “I can ask her? Subtly, of course,” you force a smile, fingers digging into the spine of the book. He shakes his head, “I’ll do it. I’d like to see how she’s doing for myself.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, “to be fair, she might be sick of them for how long she was in here last year. They might be an eyesore by now,” you laugh softly. But instead he frowns disapprovingly, like you shouldn’t be making jokes at her expense. And suddenly that urge appears, the urge to confront him about his behaviour—why he never talks to you for you.
“Azriel…?” You say, the smile slipping from your lips, though your make sure your eyes still sparkle a little, keeping them partially crinkled. But then you bite the inside of your lip, and the rest of the mask fades, leaving you raw, and more than a bit scared. If you overthink it, it’ll never get done.
“Why do you…I don’t feel like you ever…like we ever talk. Us,” you say, then flush at the word—so intimate. Us. “What do you mean?” He asks, standing sturdy before you. A seed of frustration sprouts within, but you push the irritation away. “I just…You’re always asking me about Elain.” His brow narrows a bit, and you want to take the words back.
“What else?”
You look up at him, all beauty and classical grace, and such unearthly, ethereal lines and angles to him you wish you knew how to paint like Feyre. “What do you mean, ‘what else’?” You ask, a little hurt.
“I mean, is there something else you want to talk about?” He asks, gently. Carefully.
My book would be nice. I’d like you to ask how I’m doing today, how I’m feeling, what I want to do.
“Something that doesn’t involve my sister, would be nice,” you laugh, giving him a smile that reads, can you really blame me for not wanting to talk about Elain all the time? He doesn’t smile like you’d hoped, but frowns. “Do you not like her?” He asks instead, “did something happen between you two?”
“No,” you say hurriedly. “No—nothing happened, we’re fine. Right as rain. It’s just…you always ask after her, and I feel like that’s the only reason you approach me.” You swallow, having begin to put the truth out there for him. “You seem fine talking about other things with Feyre and Nesta, but I can’t remember the last time we talked about something that wasn’t my sister, and I… I don’t really…” You trail off, watching him nervously.
His frown only deepens as he takes you in. “I’m asking out of concern for her well-being, you understand that, don’t you?” He asks.
“I know, I know, but…are you?” You reply, managing to reign in your wince at the blunt question. When he only looks at you without response, you push forward. “I mean, you…you like her, don’t you? That’s why you ask all these questions? Why you care more than the others do?” You say, fighting to keep your voice even as the words come out. “And there’s nothing wrong with that,” you quickly amend, “but, you know, it would be nice to talk to you for you. And you for me. And, you know, she does have a…mate, so, I just thought—”
“What did you think?”
You blink at the sharp tone, his eyes colder than before, more sealed off. Still, you square your shoulders, keeping the book tucked tight against your front. “Well, that, maybe, it would be better to try somewhere else? Instead of investing in someone who’s practically already taken?”
“She doesn’t love him.”
“I know she says that, but—”
“But nothing,” he says, brow narrowing. “The mating bond can’t force someone to fall in love. If she doesn’t want him, she doesn’t have to have him.”
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips as you shift on your feet beneath his penetrating gaze. “Feyre and Rhys worked out,” you manage, eyes flitting away from his, focusing on the book in your hands. “And she didn’t love him at first.” The paper’s old and crisp—worn with age. “Then Nesta and Cassian also got together, too,” you add, the pads of your fingers dragging over the pages, “and you saw what Nesta was like. How badly she was struggling. They didn’t look like they were going anywhere but destruction, but—”
“Are you done with the nosey speculation into other people’s relationships, or is that how you’ve found yourself filling your time?”
Again you blink at him, caught off guard by the ice in his tone. “I’m not saying it’s wrong to pursue her, Azriel,” you appease—try to. “I’m just saying maybe you could try looking…elsewhere, you know? Maybe try something with someone else? That won’t end badly?”
“You don’t know it will end badly,” he replies, all former warmth gone, no trace of it in his beautifully designed features. “It will for someone. Even if you and Elain do somehow end up together, what about Lucien? If it were Feyre and Rhys, or Nesta and Cass, would you think it okay for someone to try and separate them? When they were chosen to be together?”
“Bad pairings happen. Rhys’ parents are a fine example.”
“Yes, but they’re rather suited for one another, don’t you think?” You ask, pushing forward, “Elain’s always excelled at social events. She easily settles into the flow of conversation—she knows what to say, and how to act to put people at ease around her. And Lucien does the same. He knows how to draw ties between people where there seem to be none, just like her. He knows how to keep conversation flowing without pushing it, how to keep things at the right pace, just like her.”
“While you…” you pause, and his jaw tightens.
“Go on,” he says icily, “tell me why think I’m undeserving of her.”
“I don’t think its a case of deserving, Azriel,” you say quickly. “But you…well, you try to blend into any corner you can when there are more than three people in the room.”
His brow narrows, “I didn’t realise you’d been keeping tabs on me.”
“Yes, well, you’re the only one I’m interested in, so.” Your voice is soft, bladed, honed. Resigned. You lips press into a thin line as your eyes flicker away from his, too embarrassed to look even in his general vicinity. You had never anticipated laying your heart to bare to be so…scary? Terrifying?
Admitted in such a quiet, understated way. As if he isn’t the first one you’ve ever felt so strongly for. As if he isn’t the first one who’s given you a vague understanding of why some women were so happy to do whatever their husbands told them. Why they were so happy to live in subservience, and why that’s not what it was.
“You think you’re deserving of me?” He asks, coldly. Shame and embarrassment heat your features, but you manage to shoot back, “do you think you’re deserving of her?” You cross your arms over your chest, trying to prevent yourself from being intimidated by his height, and muscle, and beauty, and overall damned attractiveness that makes you weak in the knees.
His upper lip twitches in a repressed snarl, anxiety spiking in your chest. “Answer my question,” he says, softly, an edge to his voice. You swallow, “answer mine.” You’ve never demanded something from someone before, but it’s out there now, and it feels surprisingly good to insist on something for yourself.
He regards you silently, and it takes a remarkable strength to stand still beneath his icy gaze—knowing that he’s judging what he’s seeing. Weighing if you’re worth his answer.
“I think I gave a hint of my interest for her,” he says, eyes glittering with something cold that you’re unaccustomed to have turned on yourself. “And she reciprocated with her own signs.” He stares you down, unyielding, and powerful, and you want to run and hide. “What about you?”
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling as heat crawls beneath your skin with humiliation. But—no. Get over it. Make it through. Survive something else. “I think I’m tired, and hurt from knowing that you only talk to me because you want to know how my sister is doing,” you confess, voice wobbling. “I think it’s cruel to continue asking after her when I so obviously answer every question you have just so you might pay me a little more attention.”
There’s no bite to your words, and they come out softer and weaker than you had expected. You feel tired, and drained. Eyelids heavy and heart rate spiking every other beat, numerous crescent shaped indentations on the heel of your palms.
“Maybe you’d be better off turning your affections somewhere they’d be appreciated,” he says, icily. Your heart aches, and it takes a few humiliating moments for you to gather yourself enough that you won’t burst into tears when you again find your voice. “That’s all you have to say?” You manage, fingers trembling behind your back.
“Maybe if you were even half the female she is, I’d be tempted to show a little interest,” he snarls softly, eyes glittering with cold rage.
It feels like a smack to the face, a punch to your stomach. Your eyes go wide, then blur, hot pressure building steadily. You dig your nails into the binding of your book, and move to walk past him—at least preserve what little dignity is still intact by refusing to let him see you cry. He already barely sees you as a woman, you won’t win any points with your blubbering. He wants a female, not a girl.
But he seems to realise what he’s said and turns, gripping your upper arm to keep you from leaving. You allow him to stop you, if only because demanding he let you go would show your tears. “I didn’t mean that,” he says quietly, and you can hear the pity in his voice. “I spoke in anger, I did not mean to upset—”
“Get those hands off me,” you snarl, turning on him with defensive ire blazing in your pupils. Rage fresh from the forges.
He recoils as if you burned him. Retreats a step.
“Not nice, is it? Targeting someone’s insecurity—rubbing salt into an open wound?” You snap, blinking away the tears and pulling your arm back to yourself. “Don’t come asking me for updates on Elain again. I don’t want to talk to you if your only interest is in getting between her legs.”
He’s silent for a moment, and you debate just running from the library—you can feel the storm in him brewing, and you’re not sure you’re ready for him. But he doesn’t wait for you to decide, because the storm breaks right then and there. “At least she has someone interested in getting her into bed,” he says softly, hazel piercing into you. “Can you say the same?”
Mortification flushes your skin, mouth parting in humiliation. “I—…This is inappropriate,” you hiss to hide your burning shame. Because no, it’s always been Elain and Nesta to be pursued. His eyes gleam, reading your thoughts clear as day in your expression. “Thought not.”
Pain twists viciously across your chest, heart strings being plucked within an inch of snapping—pulled taught around your throat. “If I’ve never taken a man to bed, it is not because I am unwanted. Rather that I would not waste my self nor my time on someone I was not sure about. That I did not want with everything I have,” you whisper hoarsely—the final layer stripped bare for him to slice and dissect.
But then he steps forward, and without thinking, you yield a step. He’s not perturbed, and takes another. “You admit you have no experience in bed, yet think you could handle me?” He snarls softly, wings flaring ever so slightly at his back, shadows thickening. “I don’t think it’s a matter of handling you, Azriel.” His name is a little more than a whisper from your mouth. One he tracks eagerly.
“No?” He asks, stepping forward again, slowly herding you. “Then what?” You swallow, trying to stand your ground, but the sense of him is so overpowering, he threatens to obliterate every ounce of your own self. “I think it would be a matter of learning. And if you think I’m unprepared, then Elain is definitely no better off, so that clearly isn’t your issue.”
“At least she’s shared the bed of a man before, at least she would know what to do.” You don’t correct him that you have, in fact, shared a bed with a male before. A few in fact, by this point. Nesta’s the bad influence. He steps forward again, and he’s towering over you, hazel glittering between his shadows. “At least she wouldn’t lose her head over the slightest touch.”
And then his hands have landed softly on your hips, and your head is silent. Only his touch on your body, his warmth on your skin, seeping into your clothes. Does he find your shape pleasing? Is he feeling this mind-numbing shock? The tingling at his fingertips where they’re pressing into you?
For a too-long moment you just stare at him, thoughts eddying about without a destination, floating throughout your conscious.
“Still in there?” He taunts quietly, pushing you back, turning you gently as he feels the heat radiating from your skin, the stiffness to your body beneath his touch. It’s only when a hard, wooden shelf digs into the base of your spine that you realise he’s pushed you against the case. You open your mouth—to say what, you don’t know. He beats you to it either way. “You want to prove you haven’t already lost your mind?” He says softly, voice like a lover’s touch. You can do nothing but stare at him, panting softly, completely at his mercy. “Tell me to stop, or I’ll keep going. Say no, and it finishes,” he murmurs, keeping you pressed tight between his hips and the book case. “But I think you’ve already lost.”
You blink up at him, hardly a thought behind your eyes.
In the back of your mind, you’re struggling frantically to decode his words, translate them into something that makes sense. And then his challenge clicks, and you take a sudden, deep breath. You need to tell him to stop, to show him you’re still in control of yourself—that you haven’t lost your head over the slightest touch.
But then his mouth latches over yours, tongue prying your lips apart, and your efforts of rebellion are washed away. You go all warm, and soft, and pliable in his hands, melting like butter as you coat him. His piercing hazel eyes lock with yours as his mouth slants, one hand rising to the curve of your spine, pulling you against his front.
How are you supposed to stand against him when he annihilates everything that you are with the softest brush of his fingers—fingers that are now tracing up the path of your spine, reaching that final notch as they tangle with delicious pressure in your hair. His gaze cuts into you as his tongue drags across your own, flicking at the roof of your mouth.
He’s utterly unruffled, and you feel like you’re on the verge of bursting into flame right there, setting him ablaze in the process.
But then you’re again subverting his expectations, your hands flying over his shoulders as you tilt your head to allow him deeper. The only sign of surprise he allows is a blink of his eyes, but you’re already lifting onto your tiptoes—the swell of your breasts dragging over his chest in a way you must’ve learned males like. But where would you have learned?
Your arms tighten, then your hips are pressing against him, and—you’re fighting back, he realises. And for the first time in a long, long time, he feels excitement flare deep inside him as you stride to meet him. No matter that you aren’t Elain: he’s hungry, and you can make your own decisions. If you want him to stop, you need only say the word, and he’ll be off you. But if you don’t…well, he’s not going to be the one who backs out first.
He has a damn point to prove—that you have no idea what you’re getting into with him.
Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb
#azriel#acotar#azriel x reader#azriel acotar#shadowsinger#Azriel angst#Azriel x Archeron sibling#part one#Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You
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One-Shot: Shadows of Secrets
Y/N Archeron, gifted with invisibility, secretly listens in on the Night Court’s plans against Hybern to prove her worth. When she goes missing during the battle, Azriel must find her amid the chaos, leading to a moment of vulnerability and a deepening bond between them.
Word Count: 2306
Warnings: None
The shadows were her refuge. Y/N Archeron, the youngest of the Archeron sisters, had been given the gift—or curse—of invisibility when she emerged from the Cauldron. While her sisters had received powers that they wore like armor, Y/N’s ability was more elusive, more secretive. She could vanish from sight, slip through the cracks, and listen to secrets meant to be kept hidden.
Growing up, Y/N often felt like the forgotten sister. Feyre, Nesta, and Elain were always busy, strong, and capable, while Y/N, being the youngest, was often overlooked. She had been too young to contribute meaningfully to the family’s struggles, and that feeling of uselessness had stayed with her. But tonight, she was determined to change that. The Night Court was planning their next move against Hybern, and she needed to know how she could help. This was her chance to prove herself.
Slipping into the war room undetected, she positioned herself in a corner, her body fading from view. The room was dimly lit, a large map spread across the table in the center. Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel stood around it, their expressions grim as they discussed strategies and battle plans.
“We need to strike quickly and decisively,” Rhysand was saying, his voice filled with authority. “Hybern’s forces are on the move, and we can’t afford any mistakes.”
Cassian nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. “Our spies have confirmed their movements. We have a narrow window to catch them off guard.”
Azriel, silent and brooding, stood slightly apart from the others, his shadows whispering around him. As Y/N watched, she felt a strange connection to those shadows, as if they were aware of her presence.
Azriel’s eyes narrowed slightly, his head tilting as he listened to the murmurs of his shadows. He knew someone was there, but he said nothing, continuing to discuss plans with Rhysand and Cassian. The meeting dragged on, with detailed discussions and strategic planning. Y/N strained to catch every word, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and fear.
Finally, Rhysand and Cassian concluded the meeting, their expressions resolute. “We’ll meet again tomorrow to finalize the details,” Rhysand said, rolling up the map. “Get some rest.”
As the others left the room, Azriel lingered, his shadows swirling more restlessly around him. Y/N remained invisible, hoping to slip out unnoticed. But as the door closed behind Rhysand and Cassian, Azriel spoke, his voice cold and commanding.
“Show yourself.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. She hesitated, but the shadows around her seemed to tighten, pulling her toward visibility. Slowly, she let her invisibility fade, revealing herself in the corner of the room.
Azriel’s eyes narrowed as he took in her appearance. “What are you doing here, Y/N?”
She straightened, meeting his gaze with determination. “I wanted to help. I’ve been listening, learning. I want to fight with you against Hybern.”
Azriel’s expression hardened. “Spying on us isn’t the way to do that.”
“I wasn’t spying,” Y/N protested, her voice rising. “I was trying to understand how I can help.”
Azriel took a step closer, his shadows swirling around her menacingly. “You could have been caught. You could have been killed. Do you understand how reckless that was?”
Y/N stood her ground, refusing to be intimidated. “I know the risks, Azriel. I’m not a child. I can handle myself.”
Azriel’s gaze softened slightly, but his voice remained stern. “You should have come to us directly. Spying, even with good intentions, undermines trust.”
Y/N’s shoulders sagged slightly. “I didn’t want my sisters to know. They have enough to worry about.”
Azriel’s expression softened further, the shadows around him calming. “We all have our burdens, Y/N. But secrets like this can get you killed. You’re part of this court, and that means you don’t have to do this alone.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with determination. “I want to prove myself, Azriel. I want to show that I can be useful, that I can fight.”
Azriel nodded slowly, his eyes reflecting a mix of respect and concern. “Then we’ll train you, get you ready for what’s to come. But no more secrets.”
Y/N nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. “No more secrets.”
Azriel stepped back, his expression thoughtful. “You have potential, Y/N. But you need to trust us. Trust me.”
“I do trust you,” Y/N said softly, meeting his gaze. “And I’ll prove it.”
As the night wore on, Y/N felt a strange sense of belonging. She was no longer the invisible sister, hiding in the shadows. She was part of the Night Court now, ready to fight alongside them.
And as Azriel’s shadows curled around her, whispering their secrets, she knew that she had found her place. In the heart of the battle, in the midst of the danger, she would stand with them. She would fight for her family, for her home, and for the shadows that had claimed her as their own.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind of training and preparation. Azriel took Y/N under his wing, teaching her the art of stealth and shadow manipulation. Their sessions were intense but rewarding, and Y/N quickly found herself improving. She learned how to move silently, how to blend into her surroundings, and how to use her invisibility to her advantage.
Azriel’s shadows became a constant presence, swirling around them as they trained. They seemed to take a liking to Y/N, often lingering near her even after their sessions ended. She found herself growing fond of the shadows, speaking to them in the same way Azriel did. They responded to her, their whispers soft and affectionate.
One evening, as they finished a particularly grueling training session, Azriel noticed the way his shadows were behaving around Y/N. They twined around her like playful tendrils, almost like puppies seeking attention. He watched with a mix of amusement and curiosity as Y/N spoke to them, her voice soft and soothing.
“You’ve got a way with them,” Azriel remarked, his eyes twinkling with admiration.
Y/N smiled, gently patting one of the shadows. “They’re easier to talk to than most people. They listen.”
Azriel chuckled, shaking his head. “They do seem to have taken a liking to you. It’s not something they do often.”
As they walked back to the House of Wind, the bond between them grew stronger. They shared stories, laughter, and moments of quiet understanding. Y/N began to see a different side of Azriel—one that was gentle, kind, and fiercely protective. And Azriel found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he hadn’t with anyone else.
One day, Feyre found Azriel alone in the library, his shadows dancing around him as he read a report. She approached him quietly, her expression serious.
“Azriel, can we talk?” Feyre asked, her voice soft but firm.
Azriel looked up, nodding. “Of course, Feyre. What’s on your mind?”
Feyre took a seat across from him, her eyes searching his. “It’s about Y/N. I’ve noticed how close you two have become. And I’ve seen the way your shadows follow her.”
Azriel’s gaze softened. “She’s special, Feyre. She has a gift with the shadows, and she’s become quite skilled. But more than that, she’s determined to prove herself.”
Feyre nodded, her expression thoughtful. “I’ve seen that. But she’s still my sister, Azriel. I worry about her, especially with the danger we’re facing.”
Azriel leaned forward, his voice earnest. “I understand your concern, Feyre. And I promise you, I’ll keep her safe. I care about her deeply. I won’t let anything happen to her.”
Feyre’s eyes softened, and she reached out to squeeze his hand. “I know you will. Just... be careful. She’s been through so much already.”
Azriel nodded, a determined look in his eyes. “I will. You have my word.”
As the days passed, Y/N continued to train with Azriel, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. The shadows seemed to sense their connection, often wrapping around Y/N protectively. She could communicate with them effortlessly, and they responded to her with a loyalty that mirrored their bond with Azriel.
One evening, as they stood on the balcony overlooking Velaris, Y/N turned to Azriel, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you, Azriel. For everything. I’ve never felt more capable, more... needed.”
Azriel smiled, his shadows swirling around them both. “You’ve always been capable, Y/N. You just needed the right opportunity to show it. And you’re more than needed—you’re invaluable.”
Y/N’s heart swelled with emotion, and she reached out to take his hand. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Azriel’s gaze softened, and he squeezed her hand gently. “We’re a team, Y/N. And I’m proud to have you by my side.”
As they stood there, the bond between them stronger than ever, Y/N knew that she had found her place. In the heart of the battle, in the midst of the danger, she would stand with Azriel and the Night Court. She would fight for her family, for her home, and for the shadows that had claimed her as their own.
And as the stars twinkled above, she felt a sense of peace and purpose. With Azriel by her side, she knew they could face anything—together.
The day of the battle with Hybern had arrived. The air was thick with tension as the Night Court prepared for the confrontation. Feyre had insisted that Y/N stay behind with Elain, away from the front lines. Despite Y/N’s protests, Feyre’s concern for her youngest sister’s safety had won out.
As the armies clashed and the battle raged, Feyre's thoughts kept drifting back to Y/N. She trusted her sister's abilities, but the fear of losing her gnawed at her. When the battle finally ended, the field was littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers. As Feyre surveyed the battlefield, a sense of dread settled in her stomach.
“Where’s Y/N?” Feyre called out, her voice tinged with worry. She scanned the area, her heart pounding.
Elain, standing nearby, looked around with wide eyes. “She was with me... but then she disappeared. I thought she was just hiding.”
Panic surged through Feyre, and she immediately turned to Azriel, who was tending to some of the wounded. “Azriel, Y/N is missing. We need to find her.”
Azriel’s eyes widened, and without a word, his shadows sprang into action, darting out in all directions to search for her. His heart raced with worry, but he forced himself to stay calm, knowing that he needed to find her quickly.
“Where is she?” Azriel muttered to himself, his shadows stretching out further. “Find her. Find Y/N.”
The shadows darted through the forest, guided by their connection to Y/N. They led Azriel to a secluded spot, deep within the woods. As he approached, he saw the aftermath of a fierce battle. Hybern soldiers lay scattered, their lifeless bodies a testament to a brutal fight.
In the center of the carnage, Y/N sat on the ground, her knees drawn to her chest. Her breathing was rapid, her eyes wide with panic. Azriel’s heart clenched at the sight of her distress.
“Y/N,” he called softly, approaching her with caution. “It’s me, Azriel. You’re safe now.”
Y/N’s eyes flicked up to him, her face pale and her hands trembling. “Azriel, I... I didn’t mean to...”
Azriel knelt beside her, his shadows wrapping around them both in a protective cocoon. “It’s okay, Y/N. You did what you had to do.”
She shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I killed them, Azriel. I killed so many.”
Azriel gently took her hands in his, his touch grounding her. “You were defending yourself. Defending us. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.”
Y/N’s breathing hitched, and she clung to him as if he were her lifeline. “I was so scared. I didn’t know what else to do.”
Azriel’s heart ached for her, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. “You’re safe now. I’m here. Just breathe with me.”
He guided her through slow, deep breaths, his voice soothing and steady. Gradually, her breathing began to calm, the panic in her eyes fading. She rested her head against his chest, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“I couldn’t stay behind,” Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible. “I needed to help.”
Azriel stroked her hair, his touch gentle and reassuring. “I know, Y/N. And you did help. You’re incredibly brave.”
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of guilt and gratitude. “I just wanted to prove that I could make a difference.”
Azriel’s gaze softened, and he cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing away her tears. “You’ve proven that and more. But you don’t have to do it alone. We’re in this together.”
Y/N nodded, her grip on him tightening. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
Azriel shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “Just promise me you’ll let us know next time. We need you safe, Y/N.”
She managed a small smile in return. “I promise.”
As they sat there in the quiet forest, surrounded by the aftermath of battle, Azriel held Y/N close, his shadows enveloping them both. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with Y/N by his side, he felt ready to face any challenge.
And as the first rays of dawn broke through the trees, they rose together, hand in hand, ready to return to their family and continue the fight for their home. In each other, they had found strength, trust, and a bond that would carry them through whatever lay ahead.
#ACOTAR#A Court of Thorns and Roses#ACOTAR fanfiction#Azriel#Azriel x reader#Y/N Archeron#Night Court#Hybern#battle#shadowsinger#invisibility#sibling bonds#emotional support#angst#romance#fantasy#SJM fanfiction#Sarah J Maas#ACOTAR fandom#fanfiction#one-shot#character growth#fantasy romance#azriel fanfic
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A doe, A deer - A female deer
being the youngest archeron sister often meant that you were the forgotten one, no one ever saw you, until he did.
Azriel x Archeron!OC
CW: mdi 18+, selective mutism, ableims?, depecitons of illness and hearing loss, depictions of violence (animal hunting), depictions of poverty, canon character deaths, vomiting, panic attacks. not beta read!
word count: 4,259
authors note: so i have severe writers block when it comes to the whole ASOIAF universe but i reread acotar recently and suddenly got motivation to write
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
Daphne Archeron had never known the luxury of money, like her sisters had. And though Feyre would say that her experience was brief, she still spent the majority of her childhood in riches, where daphne had spent it in rags.
Though the age gap was small between as four sisters, no more than three years between them each, it seemed the three years between her birth and Feyre changed a lot for the Archeron family. And by the time Daphne was five, the constantly dwindling funds had finally run out. The home she had always known to be empty, with less and less furniture as the days went by became repossessed a small hovel became there home.
A home which quickly became filled with illness and daphne and her mother caught typhus.
And illness which killed her mother and changed Daphne’s life.
It was odd how she could scarcely remember a time before her illness, and yet she fondly looked back on the few memories she had.
She knew her siblings had a difficult relationship with their mother, and yet her mother seemed to care deeply for her youngest child.
Peprahs it was because she was the spiting image of her mother, according to Nesta at least. Or that she was the calmest child, she never cried or threw tantrums. Or perhaps it was that she was content following her mother around and doing as she said, something she seemed to do now to each of her sisters instead.
She remembered in blurry memories when her and her mother got sick. How in the small hovel, on there one bed, the mother and daughter suffered side by side, with no money for a healer and simply having to rely on the efforts of three children and a man who mourned his wife and daughter before they had even passed. \
She had been beside her self when her mother passed, and though she hadn’t died, she herself had never truly recovered.
Her hearing was damaged, and though she could hear, she had to focus and spent most of her time reading lips more than actually listening.
Her body was sickly, and quick to catch any illness going around the village.
And to her sisters, that meant forever treating her like a child.
Things only got worse for her after debt collectors came two years into there life of poverty.
She remembered how her sisters had stood there and watched as there fathers legs was shattered and he was beaten. And she a girl of eight was the one to spring into action, grabbing a knife and throwing into the head of the man beating her father.
She remembered the gasps, the shocked looks of her sisters, and the even more shocked look of the men as they took her in, there faces going from smirks as they took in a small child defending her father, to a look of horror as another knife sliced through the air.
The men had run out shortly after and Daphne was left to scream and cry in horror at what she had done, as she watch the mans body dropped to the floor and the others fled, fearing the small child, who had started to fear herself.
After that day, Daphne refused to speak. A stray word her or there, a perhaps a gasp or hum. But nothing more.
As time passed Daphne began to see herself only has a burden, often being forgotten unless she was incredibly ill or her sisters needed her to end a dispute.
She knew her family struggled more so that they should, how Feyre had been forced to hunt to feed and provide for the family, with her kills and selling their fathers wood carvings. She saw as her sisters hounded Feyre for money over helping her out or getting jobs to provide for the family. All whilst Feyre was forced to spend any money on medicines for her.
She saw the pitying eyes her sisters sent her, pity struggling to hide the contempt they all felt.
And though she had tried to help, by hunting with Feyre, even though it was quickly forbidden after Nesta found out. She would get a job, but who would hire a sickly, mute girl with no education or skills?
She was frustrated, unable to help and yet the biggest burden. Ruled by her sisters and treated like a child.
She had never been rebellious, never had the want to be and yet today, she found her self in the forest, with the will to make up for being the burden that she was, hoping to do so by finding dinner for her family.
And though she had only been a handful of time with Feyre before Nesta forbade her from taking you, and had little skill with an bow and arrow, her only skill was that of the throwing single dagger and several kitchen knives her family possessed.
She found herself sat in a tree, a dagger in hand as well and the kitchen knives strapped to a tunic she had stolen from Feyre.
She had looked and searched for close to an hour before she saw a deer, and found herself sat in a tree, as she watched the deer slowly approach with unsure movements. It reminded her of herself almost. With its doe eyes and reddish fur. It was young, clearly lost as it looked around for something or someone.
Her dagger trembled in her hand.
She willed it to move but to no avail.
The more she looked at the doe the more she saw herself.
With there shared amber eyes and brown hair, the does faced seemed to merge into her own. A face she shared with her mother. A face that haunted her every time she fell asleep in the very bed her mother died in whilst holding her.
But the doe was like any other doe she supposed. Yet it seemed like a complete mirror of herself.
Her hand shook as she tried to force herself to throw the dagger.
The deer looked up, eyeing her curiously. No fear in its eyes, as it eyed her and her hand lowered.
And a sigh of defeat left her mouth.
Perhaps a rabbit would be easier or at least be less likely to look like her.
The deer lowered its head, all sense of curiosity lost on it as it began to sniff for food in a bush.
She watched the deer, taking some comfort in how calm it seemed to be, though that calm lasted only moments as a wolf, a wolf far too large, and eyes to human pounced upon the deer tearing at its neck out.
The dagger in her hand suddenly spring from her hand landing clear in the wolf’s neck.
Blood trickling down its neck, the wolf made no effort to move or continue its feats on the deer.
It simply looked at her, and she could have sworn a look of relief flooded its features.
She jumped down from the tree, her ankle rolling as she did so.
But her mind was to occupied in reaching for one of her knifes and landed a killing blow directly into the wolf’s heart, and then another into the deer’s.
Tears feel from her eyes as she looked over the deer and wolf, realisation at what she ha done, and how it felt far to easy despite her earlier trepidation.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, a gentle touch she knew belonged to Feyre.
“Daphne” she mumbled, “are you okay?”
She simply nodded, as she always did, and reached to pull the daggers from the animals’ chests.
“did you do this?” Feyre asked, taking in the giant wolf.
Daphne nodded before pointing to the tree and twisting the dagger in her hand, answering the unsaid question of how.
Concern flooded Feyre’s features as she assessed the state of her youngest sister, and the tears that filled her eyes, despite the clear effort the rest of her face was making to remain calm.
“Why were you out here?” Feyre continued to question; despite knowing she wouldn’t get a response.
Daphne looked down shame flooding her. Thoughts of not being good enough, of always being in the wrong even when she was trying to help. For somehow messing up what would be an otherwise successful hunt.
Tears dropped from her eyes once more. She hadn’t moved since Feyre approached her. Still sat in the same position as before as Feyre continued to ask questions.
She watched as Feyre bound the doe’s legs and skinned the wolf.
She watched as Feyre handed her the fur and threw the doe over her own shoulders. And watched as Feyre sent her a glance with every cough falling from Daphne’s mouth, seeing her concerned glances and small shakes of her head.
Her breaths were heavy, the cold air affecting her already weak lungs, and her steps were slow as they finally approached there home.
Their small little hovel with two rooms for the five of them, was always crowded and despite the two singular windows the entire house had there was always a chilled draft.
The chill of the outside was not much colder than that of inside the hovel.
A lack of fire beings it’s cause, and single log left inside the fire place despite freye asking nesta too cut more wood.
She was greeted quickly by Elain wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.
Elaine and her were the closest of the sisters, with the same interests and similar personalities the two rarely argued. Though for daphne, arguments usual consisted of her being lectured and daphne storming out in response.
The sisters argued as they lectured feyre on the wolf and Daphne’s involvement in the hunt.
Elain sat rubbing Daphne’s shoulders gently to warm her up, and handing her a hot mug of tea to soothe her throat.
The sisters always seemed to argue, whether it be about money or food or any little thing. But what they argued most was daphne.
Shocking seeing as both Nesta and Feyre seemed to only tolerate her and ignored her unless she was extremely sick.
Elain too, despite being the closest of the sisters, found herself ignoring daphne more so than late, and spent more and more time with Nesta.
It was a funny thing really, seeing as they always fretted over her, treating her little more than a child.
But everything she did caused an argument. Such as going hunting with Feyre, getting more sick form hunting with feyre, from Elain allowing her to help her garden, or Nesta asking her to sew her some new clothes form the scraps of the old worn-out ones.
Everything one of them did for her, caused an argument with another.
Daphne was their sickly younger sister. That’s all she was and even when she tried to help it caused an argument.
Words were always said in front of her and rarely to her.
She couldn’t help but think that if she could talk, something she begged daily to be able to, that they wouldn’t ignore her so much.
But they seemed to treat her mutism as self imposed, as if it didn’t pain daphne that she physically couldn’t. that the idea of speaking scared her and the few words she could ralrey speak pained her so and caused her to to be physically sick.
She hated not being able to communicate but her sisters seemed to think it was entirely her fault that she didn’t.
Elain at least put up with it, finding her a good ear for listening to her endless rants. Or a helpful hand when cooking and gardening.
But they still didn’t ask her questions unless it was in the form of an interrogation. Such as Feyre in the woods.
She had given up years ago when she realised no matter how hard her eyes portrayed her feelings, her sisters where happy to talk and laugh and argue without so much as sparing her a glance.
They hadn’t even bothered to teach her to read. They knew she couldn’t. she hadn’t even started her schooling when they lost their fortune, and yet it never occurred to them that teaching her to read could solve the communication issue.
She had thought that perhaps if she proved herself, her potential that they would bother. Though deep down she knew it wouldn’t change a thing.
But known the less she went into the woods, to prove herself, to show she wasn’t just sick, that she had willpower, ability. But not only to prove herself but to also thank them. she felt bad for all the money spent on you, all the times she had been bed bound, unable to help at all and leaving them to sleep on the floor as moving her was to risky.
But it all failed.
All it caused was arguing and Feyre sending you a worrying glance as she looked over the wolf. And the fear of it being fae and what they might mean for there family.
Days passed, and daphne grew sick again. With her lungs constricted, her head feverish and limb aching. She had been in and out of consciousness for days now. The days passed in a blur, the only moments she truly came to were when medicine was forced down her throat or a new towel was pressed to her head.
She was sure she would have stayed in the bed for weeks had the front door not been slammed open and a roar sounded through the hovel.
Weakly she walked out of the shared bedroom and came face to face with some sort of fae beast growling words at her sisters, her sisters spoke to quietly for her to hear but before she knew it feyre was leaving with the beast and her screams for her to stay refusing to leave her mouth. She was powerless to stop it, to weak to even move from the door frame let alone stop her sister form being kidnapped by the fae beast. And even if she could it seemed that as the door closed a haze a magic was sent out and the sudden scene of a so-called aunt Ripley sending for Feyre to help her in her sickness appeared in her brain. Had she not fainted after it happened, she was sure she would have believed it, but dreams of a growling beats taking Feyre away haunted her dreams.
As the months passed , Elain and their father seemed content to believe the glamour the fae had cast and the seeming coincidence of regaining there fortune, neither Daphne or Nesta believed it.
She hated this new life, the life without Feyre. And the seemingly picture-perfect front her family created.
Her life became filled with tutors and healers and the balls filled with preening men all ever for a quite wife they never have to speak to.
Her life seemed duller than it did, and even more lonely.
Her sisters now ignored her completely, her father was no to busy for he. With Her sisters spending more time doing their own thing, with Nesta always alone and refusing to speak to anyone. Elain found herself engaged to a future lord, a man you had grown to hate despite only meeting him three times.
And daphne found herself quiet the scholar, egar to learn, and found herself drawn more and more to the history of Pythian, of the war and the fae courts.
A year passed since Feyre was taken and though she had returned for a week before swiftly leaving again, it felt like everything had changed since she left.
she felt as if she was on the side lines looking in on her family.
Even more so after their father had left to go to the continent.
Elain had grown distant, only wishing to spend time with her when it came to her garden.
And Nesta had secluded herself in her room, refusing company from all.
Daphne was forced to chaperone her sister and watch her life become what elain always wished.
Perhaps it was selfish to wish for attention, or at least the same level as she received in the past.
But now it seemed the better she got the less attention she received. She now got the level of freedom she had long desired and yet it seemed a waste without her sisters there to experience it with her.
But at least she now had the opportunity to have friends. Or at least friends in the form of Leon, one of the footmen in her family’s employ.
He had been kind since the moment she meet him, egar to spend time with her.
And though at first it was simply kind smiles facial expressions to communicate, he slowly taught her sign language. Having grown up with a sister who was hearing impaired, it allowed him the chance to talk to her. And for the first time she felt heard.
He was a small comfort in her dull life.
Suddenly it was march, time passed in the blink of an eye.
Something had shifted in the last few months; the estate grew quieter, and the trees seemed to murmur.
The sky felt greyer and snow colder.
The wall felt thin, with more cracks than ever, fog creeped from it and a sense of danger, ‘more so than before was emoting from it.
She had started to take walks near the wall daily. A sense of need to be close to Feyre overcame her. She wasn’t sure why, she never saw anyone near the wall.
That was until she stumbled into him.
Possibly the most handsome person you had ever seen. His eyes caught yours and they seemed to enchant her, the striking hazel colour distracting you from the obvious giant bat like wings sprouting from his back. But she didn’t mind, his eyes were beautiful…he was beautiful perhaps the most beautiful creature ever.
And his hands were on her waist.
Holding her after she stumble into him.
her waist.
“Are you okay?” he spoke softly, his yes tracing over her. He seemed to look at her with a sense of family. Though she was sure she had never once seen him before.
she nodded her head, her eyes looking down to were he still held her waste.
“your Daphne right?” he asked carefully.
Daphne looked up startled, shocked that he knew her name, and started racking her mind for memories of his face.
“i-“ the words, sounding more like a gasp left her mouth, as she willed yourself to speak.
And she might of mustered up a few words had Feyre not suddenly appeared.
“Daphne?” she breathed. Looking her up and down, “what are you doing this close to the wall?”
The males hands left her waist as he moved aside and allowed Feyre to hug her.
she hugged her back, but her face was perplexed as she took her in. she was different.
She seemed to glow, and her skin was soft and clear. Far more so than ever before and her ears… they were pointed.
She was fae.
Confusion adorned her face and a worried smile filled hers.
“don’t be scared” she seemed to beg.
she shook your head, moving to hug her once more.
she tired to talk, to ask her if she was okay, to ask her what had happened but the her mouth filled with bile, and the words seemed to leave her mind the more she tried to speak.
She seemed relived at the hug, moving her hand to stroke her hair, “you look well.” She spoke, as she took in her rosy cheeks and more filled out figure.
Daphne nodded. Her attention still fully on Feyre and confusion in her eyes as she tried to figure out what happened to her.
“I know you must be confused, and ill explain once were at the estate but-“ she was cut of by the sudden appearance of two more fae males.
Both with the same wings as the male she had bumped into.
“Daphne… this is Cassian and Rhysand” she said pointing to the two males, before turning “and the male Daphne bumped into, that’s Azriel” she spoke looking at her carefully as the two males introduced themselves and shook her hand.
A small nervous smile toyed on Daphne’s mouth.
she looked to Azriel, taking him in and reaching her hand out to shake his, as the others had done to her.
He seemed shocked at the action, his hands moving slowly to take hers.
As if he was scared to touch her, scared that they would taint her somehow.
They were rough, more so than the others, and covered in scars.
But her eyes didn’t linger, nor did she flinch as she was sure he expected her too. Instead she shook it and smiled. Her cheeks filling with a light blush as he focused her attention on her.
She turned to face her sister, the blush still prominent on her face and her minding releasing at how handsome Azriel, well how all the males seemed but more so him.
And the male she knew as Rhysand seemed to smirk as he looked at her, as if he could read the very thoughts she was thinking in her head.
She hugged slightly at the smirk, a nervous feeling washing over her as she took in the three strangers and the sudden change to Feyres appearance.
She pointed towards the direction of the estate, focusing her gaze on feyre as she did so.
“Should we get going then?” Feyre questioned, seemingly to sense her sisters nerves.
The walk was slow, the faes content to walk at a leisurely pace, though daphne was sure it had something to do with her and the coughs her small body was emitting.
By the time they reached the estate, feyre seemed to have grown nervous, her hand gripping daphne’s and her palm growing sweaty.
Daphne rubbed her hand in comfort though it seemed to do little as Feyre pulled her back hastily the estate came into view.
“Can you clear out the staff?” she questioned “they can’t see us, it will cause to many issues”
She nodded, giving feyre a hug before she departed.
She was grateful Leon was working that day, he took her at her word when she signed his and the others need to leave.
The once lively state was now empty bar the four sisters and three fae males.
She received harsh glares from nesta at their unwelcome guest.
And as words were spoken, and feyre spoke of the need to use the house as a meeting point, the glares grew harsher. As if whatever impending conflict was Daphne’s fault.
Dinner was no better, harsh words and arguments between the sisters sounded. Even more so when Daphne had run to get stools for the two winged males.
She was silent, as always.
But somehow sitting next to Azriel filled her with confidence she hadn’t ever had.
“Can you really fly?” she whispered, her voice rough from years of not being used.
And though her sisters gasped and nesta sent her another glare. Azriel simply smiled and spoke “yes. Cassian and I hail from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We’re born hearing the song of the wind”
Daphne smiled, her mouth speaking before she could even process that she had talked “that’s very beautiful” she said “ I have always wondered what it would be like to fly” she mused, “is it ever scary?” she spoke making eye contact with Feyre who gave her an encouraging smile, though her eyes were still shocked at your words.
It was probably the most words she had ever said, as even before she stopped talking, she was never a chatty child.
“sometimes” Azriel said, with Cassian nodding in agreement, as Azriel continued “if you are caught in a storm, if the current drops. But we are trained so thoroughly that the fear is gone before were out of swaddling”
Daphne nodded, her mouth filling with bile and a stuttered almost gasp left her mouth in the stead of words.
She swallowed roughly, her face flushing as she realised everyone’s attention was on her.
And then it struck her, she had spoken.
In the past it had never been more than one word, and it was always mumbled and nearly in audible, and often followed quickly with vomiting.
She willed herself to not vomit, but as Nesta went to say something, she was sure would be aimed at her sudden ability to speak.
She rose and ran to the bathroom and let it all out.
She cried and cried afterwards, in shock and shame.
It was how it always happened, the shame she felt afterwards, as if she wasn’t allowed to speak, as if speaking would cause something bad to happen. And it was a feeling that followed her for the remainder of her sister visit.
And even after they had all left it didn’t go away.
It seemed to haunt her, even more so after she got sick once more.
But this time it was different.
She had been bed bound for months on end.
Memories were all in a haze and she couldn’t tell night from day.
she hadn’t woken in days and yet the next time she woke, she was being tugged out of a cauldron full of freezing water.
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Beneath the Surface
Azriel x Reader
Hi All! So this isn't one of the Az requests unfortunately, but this is one of my private fics I already had written. I'm still working on the Az request that's in the queue, but I'm lowkey hating everything I've been writing so it'll probably take me a little longer to perfect it.
In the meantime, I wanted to get something put up for you all. Sticking to the fandom that was requested I decided to post this Az fic! Probably very stereotypical trope, but this was what I got. This one is a little heavier than my Xaden fic, so please read with caution. I hope you all enjoy!
Content Warning: Mentions of Suicide, self-sabotage, depression, & guilt
Again, I apologize if I missed any other warnings. Please read with caution.
Talk soon, and please enjoy!
“I’m getting her back,” a low growl cut through the tent. Y/N’s head whipped to the Shadowsinger. “I’m going with you,” her High Lady’s voice intervened. “Then you will both die,” her sister’s cold voice replied.
Y/N’s head was reeling. In just hours after scrying for the Cauldron, the Inner Circle and then some were gathered around in the middle Archeron’s tent. She was stolen away. Lured by the promise of her human past. And…and Azriel was the first to throw himself into harm's way.
Y/N was barely there as she watched Feyre shift into the dead priestess. Barely there as everyone began moving, readying themselves for their departure. Azriel hadn’t glanced once at her. His best friend.
A silent brush of claws filled the Illyrian’s head. Y/N dropped her shields momentarily allowing Rhys’ voice to float into her mind. You are awfully quiet. Y/N snorted. He can do whatever he sees fit. A bemused feeling washed over her as Rhys carefully crafted his next words. I heard what happened. Quite a nasty little argument you had with him earlier. Y/N’s eyes shot to Rhys who was conveniently studying the daggers Cassian was equipping Feyre with. He started it. Trying to sideline me. I may not have wings but I know how to fight.
Rhys finally met her gaze, You need to tell him.
Tell him what exactly, brother? Y/N quirked her brow.
You know. The fact that you are in love with him.
Feyre’s eyes darted back and forth between her mate and Y/N clearly noting they were having some form of silent conversation. He made his choice Rhys. Just as it’s always been for the past five centuries. There’s no point in telling him now.
Truth be told, Y/N had known this story. Had lived through it with Mor. And now she had to live through it again with Elain. Her best friend, for centuries, after Rhys’ mother had taken her in regardless of her lack of wings, was hopelessly in love with another female…as usual. It was nothing new to Y/N. He only saw her as a friend. A sister perhaps.
Y/N wasn’t really sure when her own feelings had shifted. Her and Azriel were always more than just siblings like she was with Rhys and Cassian. Everyone around knew there was something special between them. So much so that Y/N had even felt a spark of hope until Azriel met Mor, and then the whole incident with Cassian, Eris, and Mor’s father occurred. She slowly realized he would never see her as more than a friend, and Y/N began to be okay with that. And then she watched him do it again when Feyre’s sister entered the picture. It stung, but she was used to it.
There is the point that we all may die or he may die. Rhys’ voice cut into her thoughts. Rhys. Stop. I can’t think about all of this right now or I will break. He’ll be fine. Rhys merely gave her a sympathetic feeling before she felt his presence exit her mind. He was right though. Azriel could very well die. She needed air. Or she would lose it. The initial shock of his announcement wearing off, nervousness settling in.
Y/N quietly retreated outside of the stifling tent. The cool night air brushed over her clammy face as she took a deep breath. Something tickled at her ankles. She glanced down to see a single tendril of a shadow wrapped around it. She gave it a small smile. “I’m alright,” she whispered to it. “Go tell him I’m fine.”
The little wisp of darkness hesitated before retreating back into the tent. Y/N grimaced, that old, familiar feeling of heartache seeping into her chest. She didn’t want him to go. Nesta and Rhys were right. They most likely would die. Everyone saw what the camp looked like. Elain could be anywhere. And selfishly, she did not want her High Lady and Shadowsinger to go in there. Especially her Shadowsinger.
A single tear slipped down her cheek, and Y/N took a shaky breath. A quiet rustle behind her signaled someone had stepped out of the tent. She felt him before she saw him as she always did. Slowly, Y/N turned around and saw Azriel standing behind her. His face softened as he took her in. “Y/N I…” he started, approaching her. “I–I’m sorry about what I said earlier.” Y/N sighed before meeting him halfway. Her heart crumpled. He was still her best friend, and she still cared. “It’s okay, Az. I understand,” she said quietly, gazing up into his warm eyes. Eyes she was so, so familiar with. His warmth engulfed her, as they were standing maybe just a hair closer than any normal friends would stand.
“No. It’s not. I just–you’re not incompetent. I know what you can do on a battlefield. It’s just–I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” he signed, taking his hand in hers. Y/N watched as his gaze fell on their intertwined hands. He fiddled with her fingers as a nervous habit.
“I know. I don’t want to see you get hurt either,” Y/N whispered, her unspoken selfish words hanging in the air. Azriel’s eyes flicked back to hers studying for a moment. Were they closer? Y/N thought to herself. “Say it,” he replied. “Say the words and I won’t do it. I won’t go.”
Y/N’s heart picked up. She knew if she told him not to go after Elain he wouldn’t. He would drop it immediately. But Feyre’s face flashed in her head. Nesta’s moans of pain ripped through her. They were a part of their family now. Y/N shook her head, more tears slipping down her face. “I can’t do that,” she let out a shaky laugh, casting her head down. His other hand felt warm as he caressed her face, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
“You’re the only one who has a chance to get in and out without being noticed. You have to get both of them out. They’re family now,” Y/N whispered. Azriel didn’t say anything, but when she met his intense gaze, those three little words felt heavy on her tongue. Looking into his eyes, she wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him so bad it was like her skin was on fire. Y/N couldn’t breathe. He could very well be walking right into his death.
But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t drop the biggest bomb on their friendship when he needed his sole focus elsewhere. So, she stayed silent. She stayed silent even as he nodded and said, “I’ll be fine. I promise I’ll come back to you.” She stayed silent when he pulled her into his warm body and hugged her a little tighter. Y/N stayed quiet even when he led her back into the tent and she watched him disappear with their High Lady in the blink of an eye.
Rhys let out a shaky breath after the departure of his mate and brother. As everyone dispersed, he noticed Y/N was still frozen in place, staring at the spot where the pair had just disappeared. He could see her visibly shaking. Cassian passed her and gave her a sympathetic look and pat on the shoulder before he exited. Rhys slowly approached her.
“I couldn’t do it,” Y/N said without turning to him. Rhys could hear the tears in her voice. The uneven breaths she took. “He told me to tell him to stay and he would’ve in a heartbeat. I couldn’t do that to Feyre. To you. To our family,” she continued. Rhys opened his mouth and then closed it, unsure what to say. His heart was so full of emotions. Terror, absolute terror for his mate and his brother. Love–love for his unselfish sister. The baby he saw that day his mother brought her home. All in a frantic rush to warm up this little, tiny fragile thing she found in the snow, abandoned by her blood relatives because fate was cruel and did not give her wings.
Y/N let out another shaky sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re also trying to keep it together. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.”
This. This was why he felt he had to take it all on himself. Rhys’ heart was breaking for her. For his most kind and caring, living sister. This beautiful soul who has slowly fallen in love with Azriel for all of the centuries spent together. He didn’t understand why the Mother didn’t make them mates…his train of thought paused. It was as if he was hit with a brick. Sifting through all his memories and countless conversations with her, it finally clicked into place.
“How long have you known?” Rhys asked quietly. Y/N slowly turned to face him. Pain and anguish, only that of which someone with a mate would know. The same pain and anguish he felt watching Feyre disappear. Y/N let out a bitter laugh, “Since Starfall five years ago. When you were…away.” Rhys was slightly shocked. He noticed the smallest shift in their relationship when he had returned. But after all it, he expected everything to be different.
“Why didn’t you tell him? Me? Does Cassian know?” Rhys asked. Y/N shook her head, “I didn’t tell him because we were all dealing with the loss. I didn’t let myself find peace while you were gone. I couldn’t. I knew there were horrors you were enduring. Horrors I couldn’t even fathom, and I just couldn’t let myself be happy. And Az, well Az went to a dark place when you were gone. The only thing he clung to was his love for Mor, and I couldn’t disrupt his entire life. I wouldn’t. We didn’t speak for a few months after you were taken. We were all a mess,” tears flowed freely down her face as she spoke to him.
Rhys could barely contain his.
“So I buried it. I buried it so deep inside of myself no one would pick up on it. Or at least notice it without having to scrutinize me. I wanted to tell you. I really did, but I saw how you were when you returned Rhys. I couldn’t do that to you. You were trying so hard to pretend like you were okay and then your mate was with another. I just couldn’t do that to you, so I didn’t. I continued to bury it, but it just…just all got away from me.”
Y/N let out a choked sob that had Rhys moving. His arms wrapped around her engulfing her in a hug. “Oh you sweet, sweet thing,” he whispered, “My sweet sister,” he started, pulling back a bit to look at her. “You never need to hide anything from me. No matter what I am going through, you can always come to me. I am so, so happy for you. Although, I do need to kick Az around Velaris a bit since he cannot see what has always been right in front of him.” Y/N let out a garbled laugh before burying her head back in his chest.
“We’ll figure it out, Y/N. Whatever is going on in Az’s head. We’ll figure it out together. When all of this is over. We’ll both get our happy ending. I promise you that,” Rhys concluded. Y/N only nodded, before stepping out of his arms and wiping her face. “Cassian suspected it and I’m sure Amren knows. She has never mentioned it to me but Cass has. I didn’t confirm anything with him and he hasn’t mentioned it to Az.” Rhys nodded, guiding her outside of the tent for some fresh air.
Y/N knew she should have told someone about the mating bond. It was something she could only suppress so much. But the guilt she and the rest of the inner circle felt when Rhys sacrificed himself ate at her too much. How could she let herself be happy when their High Lord and brother was subjecting himself to the horrors Under the Mountain, willingly, to protect them.
There was no point dwelling on it now. Not as she paced in front of Rhys who was sitting tense in front of his war tent. The minutes ticked by all too slowly as they silently awaited Azriel and Feyre’s return. “Tell me about when it happened,” Rhys said quietly, interrupting Y/N’s nervous pacing. She stopped and looked at him. His eyes were glazed over like mind was somewhere else. He needed a distraction. For her brother, she would tell him everything.
Y/N took a breath. “Starfall wasn’t the same without you. We knew how much the celebrations meant to you and so did Velaris. We never hosted a grand party anymore. The House was opened to those who wished to join, but it was almost as if the city was mourning the loss of our High Lord. Some came, but it was another quiet celebration.”
Rhys’ gaze flicked to hers.
“I–I was upset that five years had already gone by and you weren’t able to see this and be there with us,” Y/N continued, “I was close to breaking by that point. My hope was running out. I was up on the private balcony where you and Feyre celebrated. Azriel of course found me. Sitting there, silently looking at the stars or spirits or whatever. Wishing on them so hard that they would return you to us.”
“He sat with me for I don’t even know how long. Let me cry on his shoulder and just be a comfort. Everyone held it together a lot better than I did, Rhys. You were my brother. My first family and the one who took care of me when I had nothing. When we lost your mother and our sister, you were the only thing I had left of them.”
Y/N sniffed, more tears running down her face as she took herself back to that night. “I honestly debated pitching myself off that balcony that night,” she muttered bitterly. Rough hands immediately grabbed her face. Rhys’ anguish poured off of him as he seethed at her, “Do not ever think that. Even when I am gone. Never.”
Y/N gazed at him for a moment before slowly nodding, continuing her story, “But Az came up. His presence was like a lifeline. And when I finally stopped moping and looked at him he gave me one of his rare true smiles. Sad, but also his true smile. I felt it then when I looked at him. Like a beautiful golden thread tethering him to me. Pulling me out of that abyss. I don’t know if he knew it, but I knew.”
“I’ve always loved him. From when we were kids. I can’t tell you when my feelings shifted, but I have always loved him and I always will,” Y/N concluded. Rhys looked at her with a mixture of sadness and pure joy. He was about to open his mouth when commotion snapped them both out of it.
Y/N’s head whipped so fast to the outskirts of the camp. There they were. Covered in mud and dragging along two petite figures. Y/N let out a strangled cry before tearing away from Rhys. The latter hot on her heels. She smelled the blood before she saw it.
As she approached the puddle of people, her blood ran cold and she stopped dead in her tracks as she watched Elain plant a gentle kiss on Azriel’s cheek. She heard a faint “Thank you” before Elain was being swept up by others. Feyre reached Rhys first, letting out a strangled, “I’m alright…Azriel’s wings.” That kicked Y/N back into motion.
She flung herself at the Shadowsinger causing him to let out an oomph. Though her heart ached at what she just witnessed, she still needed to make sure he was okay. “You–your wings,” she cried after releasing him. She frantically began inspecting every inch of him. “Hey, hey…” he said, grabbing both of her wrists. Y/N was too much in a state of horror. “Y/N look at me,” Az said quietly. She finally snapped her gaze to him. “I’m okay. I’m right here. I’m alive,” he said, giving her a strained smile. His hand reached up, brushing a stray hair out of her face. Y/N merely nodded more to herself than anything as Rhys came around and helped lift him. “We need to get Madja before anything permanent sets,” Rhys grunted, hoisting him up. Azriel swayed a bit. Y/N let in a sharp intake, flinching a bit as she felt some of his pain.
Az gave her a weird look but she just shook her head, burying that golden thread down and down once again. Rhys began moving as Cassian took up Azriel’s other side, leading them away from her. Y/N noticed Feyre and hurried to her. She looked as if she was still in a daze. Y/N gently took her hand and led her to her tent. “You’re okay,” Y/N whispered gently as she settled in to help clean her up. Feyre merely nodded.
The minutes flew by and soon Feyre was curled in her bed, cocooned by her sisters as Rhys ushered everyone out.
Y/N took a deep breath once she was away from the commotion. Her mind was reeling between the conversation she had had with Rhys to the state that her family was in. Alive. That thread hummed from deep within herself. She almost felt as if it was calling to her. Tugging her. Her head turned slowly, spying the tent from which that feeling was coming from. Y/N’s feet were moving before her brain.
The tent was thankfully silent except for the soft crackle of faelights illuminating the space. Azriel’s large form was sprawled across the cot on his stomach. The glimmer of salve and magic lingering on his shredded wings. Y/N’s voice got stuck in her throat. His beautiful wings.
His head lifted as she entered, a soft smile gracing his lips. “I’ve had worse. You’ve seen me have worse,” he said, trying to comfort her. She still could not speak. “Come here,” he urged, trying to sit up. His muffled groan of pain set Y/N moving. “Don’t��don’t try to move,” she said, shakily sitting on the floor near his head. His eyes softened as he took her in. “You were worried about me,” Az chuckled a bit, reaching his hand up to brush that stray hair out of her face again. His shadows pooled around her, rubbing and twining up across her body in a soothing matter. “Of course I was worried about you,” Y/N hissed.
“Why?” he asked, matter-of-factly.
Y/N glared at him. “You are my best friend, Azriel! Why wouldn’t I worry about you!” She couldn’t comprehend why he was acting like a snarky bastard right now. “I mean look at you!” Y/N plowed ahead, “Your wings are shredded! You could have died!” She wasn’t really sure what came over her. Maybe from speaking with Rhys, that bond she had spent years shoving down, surfaced again and was not going down without a fight this time. “Imagine if you had!” she exclaimed, “What am I supposed to do if you die?”
Azriel just gave her a small smile before trying to sit up again. “No, no, no. Don’t try to sit up!” Y/N seethed. He started laughing, pushing himself up anyways. That bastard was laughing. “Azriel!” Y/N pleaded, clearly noting the grimace as he fully pushed himself up. Once he was sitting his laugh dimmed. Y/N pushed herself up to her knees so she could at least be near eye level with him. He would always tower over her no matter what.
“Tell me the real reason you have worked yourself up,” Azriel murmured, taking both of her hands in his. Y/N froze. He couldn’t know.
“Because you are my best friend,” she whispered, feeling more tears well up in her eyes. “And your mate?” he replied gently. She couldn’t find it in herself to respond or look at him. “Sweetheart, look at me,” he gently placed a finger under her chin and made her head tilt up to look at him. And for once in her life, Y/N saw the love shining so brightly in his eyes. One that mimicked how she would always admire him from afar. If she was being honest, maybe more emotion than he ever let on was swimming through his beautiful face.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Y/N muttered pathetically. The Shadowsinger let out a quiet chuckle. “I think you do,” he said. Y/N just nodded. “How–how long have you known,” she rasped. “Subconsciously…well probably awhile now. Consciously, I felt it snap into place as you were leaving the tent before we left. That’s why I followed you out there,” Azriel stated. Y/N said nothing. “That’s why I asked you to tell me to stay,” he admitted quietly.
Y/N finally took all of him in. All of his beauty and intensity. So broken yet still somehow put together. She studied his intense gaze on her, those hazel eyes seemingly glowing in the soft light. His tattoos across his very bare torso, and those wings. Oh, those beautiful wings still shimmering with healing magic.
“How long have you known?” he asked, breaking her out of her stare. “Starfall. Five years ago,” she whispered. Azriel studied her harder, more emotion filling his eyes. “That night. I felt your sadness that night. I think part of me knew then and was scared to admit it,” he confessed after a moment. “Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“I–I just couldn’t,” her lip trembled before her story finally came tumbling out.
After she explained, Az slid to his knees on the floor before her, gathering her in his arms, “Oh my sweet girl.” Sobs racked through Y/N as all of the feelings she had bottled up ran rampant through her. Relief, sorrow, love. All of her bleeding heart finally pouring out.
When she finally calmed down enough to get a word in, she pulled back out of his embrace, “I just didn’t think you would ever see me as more than a friend. With everything you told me about Mor, and then I saw it shift to Elain, I figured you deserved to be happy. Even if it would break me. Your brothers have found two sisters–” Azriel raised a brow at that. Y/N let out a small laugh, “You can’t tell me there isn’t something between Cassian and Nesta.” “Fair enough,” Az joined in with her quiet laughter.
Y/N sighed and continued, “But I just know you and I didn’t want to ruin anything we had with a mating bond. To me especially. An Illyrian without wings.”
“Y/N,” Azriel said sternly, “Just because you were born without wings doesn’t mean that I will never love you any less than I already have my entire life.”
“I was an idiot and I was in denial. You have been my entire world since I don’t even know when. I have loved you for so long, but I just didn’t think you would ever see me as more than a friend. I-I thought to myself that you would never love me like that. I have done things, you know what I have done. And I just couldn’t imagine a beautiful soul like yours falling in love with me. A part of me did love Mor. I won’t lie to you and say I didn’t, but I was finally able to admit to myself that I was in love with you. Was finally able to see that my stupid crush on Mor was a way to suppress all of my feelings for you. Every piece of me is consumed by you and belongs to you,” Azriel pressed.
“And Elain?” Y/N could only see that moment when they first returned. When she placed a kiss on his cheek. It made her blood begin to boil. “The thought crossed my mind when we met. It was the only thing that made sense. Three brothers, three sisters. But, I still couldn’t shake what I was trying so hard to hide from myself. And seeing you tonight. Seeing you go through all of this hell has finally given me the courage to be honest with myself and you,” he said.
Y/N was pretty sure she had gone into shock. This was the most honest the both of them had been to each other in years. He actually loved her. She hadn’t dared to let herself dream of this moment. Especially not in the circumstances they were in with the war and all.
“Please say something,” Az nearly begged, shaking her out of her stupor. Y/N focused back on his face. There really wasn’t anything she could say except surging forward and pressing her lips gently on his. Az tensed in shock for a moment before processing what was happening. And soon he was fervently kissing her back.
Her lips molded perfectly against his as he explored every inch of her mouth. They were just as soft as she had dared to let herself imagine. His hands quickly found her waist, roaming up and down savoring the feel of her pressed against him. Over 500 years of knowing each other and they hadn’t once kissed. Even when Cassian put them up to stupid games like spin the bottle. Azriel couldn’t get enough.
Y/N let out a moan as his tongue found his way into her mouth, shooting a blast of heat through her spine. Az reciprocated the feeling, pulling her closer, leaning back on the edge of the cot. He stiffened, suppressing a groan of his own. But well, mostly of pain. Y/N froze before pulling away. Az tried to chase her with his mouth and whined when she moved out of reach. “Azriel!” she hissed. “I’m fine,” he shrugged, trying to lean in again. “Az,” Y/N said, sticking a hand on his chest. “You are in no condition.” Azriel scoffed, leaning forward and thoroughly attaching his lips to her neck. Y/N shuddered. “Azriel I am not having sex with you when you can’t even lay on your back,” Y/N huffed. He was leaving a sloppy trail of kisses up and down.
“Don’t need to lay on my back,” he mumbled. “You can hardly sit up,” she responded. “Don’t care. You’re my mate. My newly found mate,” he said into her neck. “Been dreaming of this for a while now,” he sighed dreamily, sucking on the one spot that made Y/N melt. She could feel the bastard grin before he continued his assault.
It took a lot to shove him off of her. An extreme amount. All sentimental feelings from their confession were out the window and replaced by need. Pure, lustful need. But he was in pain. And he was her mate, so she pushed him off her. He let out the most un-spymaster like whine. “Y/N why are you doing this to me love?” he groaned. “Because you are injured and like I said, I’m not fucking you until you are at one-hundred percent,” she quipped, standing with more clarity than she had in years. She went over to the little table littered with food.
“And so I can give you this,” she turned, holding a little apple in her hand. Az’s face softened as she approached. A silent request as she held out her hand. “Are you sure?” he whispered. “Azriel, every piece of me has always belonged to you and it always will. I have never been more sure in my life,” she replied.
He smiled, grabbing the apple gently from her hands taking a slow bite. Y/N smiled in return before ushering him back down on his cot. “Time to rest, Az,” she said, nestling in next to him. “But I’m perfectly fine for other activities now,” Azriel pouted. Y/N just laughed, running her hands through his soft locks. “I promise when you are fully healed we will partake in those said activities,” she smirked. Azriel grinned and pushed himself upwards, stealing another kiss. Y/N giggled, before placing his head back in her lap. “Sleep now,” she mumbled. Azriel hummed softly as she resumed running her hands through his hair. “I love you,” he whispered before his steady breath evened out. “I love you too.”
#azriel imagine#azriel x reader#acotar imagines#imagines#rhysand x reader#rhysand x sister!reader#acomaf#acowar#acomaf imagines#a court of thorns and roses#a court of mist and fury#a court of wings and ruin#azriel#rhysand#cassian#feyre archeron#azriel imagines
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A Song of Ice & Shadow
Part 1
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m planning to write an Azriel x Archeron!half-sister reader series, possibly featuring a slow-burn romance and angst. I don’t know how many parts it’s going to have. It begins in ACOMAF chapter 24.
A Song of Ice & Shadow masterlist
Summary: The eldest Archeron half-sister Y/n hates Fae kind, due to tragic past events. When she unexpectedly visits her sisters, she is met with the very race she hates.
Word count: 2.11K
Being the eldest sibling is not always easy. Y/n knew this firsthand, shouldering the weight of responsibility for her younger sisters from a young age. After their mother’s death, she made the difficult decision to leave her sisters behind and stay with her supposed biological father. It wasn’t because she didn’t share the same father as her sisters; in fact, he loved her like she was his own and never discriminated between them. For the first two years after their mothers death, she stayed with her family, but when her “father” lost his fortune, she knew leaving was the only option. It wasn’t just about lightening their burden by having one less mouth to feed; she also hoped by seeking out her biological father, she could find work and send money back to her family.
Surprisingly, her father welcomed her with open arms, a kindness that caught her off guard considering he had shown little interest in her when she was younger. Despite her initial skepticism, she didn’t question his motives, fearing he might kick her out. With cleverness and father’s help, she managed to pursue higher education, while working to make ends meet. Though her earnings were modest, she’d send whatever she could spare to her family, ensuring they had enough to survive. With Feyre’s help, there was always food on the table.
Y/n’s life was devoid of fun. Between studying, working, sleeping and occasional visits to her family, she had little time for socializing and friends. This isolation was entirely her choice; she distanced herself from others, earning a reputation as being cold, heartless, selfish, and arrogant to those who didn’t know her well. Yet, beneath this exterior, she harbored a deep love for her sisters and would sacrifice anything for their well-being, despite no longer showing them affection after their mother’s death. They understood her silent expressions of care, recognizing that actions spoke louder than words.
One thing everyone knew for certain is that y/n was stubborn. She held fast to her beliefs and opinions, regardless of external influences. Among her sisters, Netsa was the most like her and the one who admired her the most. The two shared the closest bond before she left, but make no mistake, if anyone Nesta feared and obeyed, it was Y/n, knowing she was not one to be crossed.
After Feyre left the mortal realm, her family’s fortune turned, and she finished her education. Consequently, her visits became less frequent, as she immersed herself into her work.
A smile appeared on y/n’s face at the thought of her sisters’ reactions to seeing her after a long time. She decided to surprise them with a spontaneous visit. Unbeknownst to her, another surprise awaited her inside the place she called home.
“Nesta, Elain, I’m home!” y/n announced as she opened the front door of their home.
“Are we expecting someone else?” Rhys whispered to Feyre.
“Nesta, why didn’t you tell me y/n was coming?” Feyre questioned, panic all over her face.
“I didn’t know. She usually sends word before she comes” Nesta claimed.
The conversation between the two sisters earned them a curious, yet worried look from the three males. Nesta stood from chair, hurrying to the door, but she was too late, y/n was now standing in the dining room, the smile dropping from her face and replaced by a shocked expression at the sight before her.
“What is going on?” y/n asked carefully and slowly.
“These are Feyre’s friends. We were not expecting you today” Elain replied.
“Y/n, it’s been a while. I’m so happy to see you” Feyre stood from her seat and hugged her sister, who was reluctant at first but returned the hug.
“You brought Fae-kind into our home?” it was more of a rhetorical question, but Feyre answered anyway.
“Y/n, this is Cassian” she inclined her head to the male with long hair “Azriel” she pointed to the male who y/n could’ve sworn was the most handsome man she’s even laid eyes on “and Rhysand, high lord of the Night Court” Feyre finished introducing.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you” Rhys said with a warm smile.
“I’m sure” y/n sneered, returning her gaze on her sisters “you still haven’t told me what’s going on and why the very same race we despise are now in our living room, dining with us” y/n tried making sense of the situation.
Feyre explained the situation, why they were here, what they needed from the sisters and the threat posed by Hybern.
“So the moment you became fae, you chose to forsake us?” this was all y/n could utter.
“I’d never do that. Me being fae doesn’t change that. It never will. You’ll always be my sister” Feyre assured her.
“If you did, you wouldn’t have brought THEM here. Hatred aside, do you have any idea of the danger you just put Nesta and Elain in?” Y/n turned her hand into a fist, her knuckles as white as they could be, trying to keep her temper in check.
“There was nowhere else to go” Feyre claimed.
“And you were alright with this?” Y/n turned to face her other sisters.
“I wasn’t, but Elain agreed” Nesta informed her.
“Feyre’s right, there-“ Cassian spoke.
“Who are you again?” Y/n glared at him “I’m too tired to deal with this now” she rubbed her temples and said to no one in specific “call me when they’re gone”.
“Uhm, they’re-“ before Nesta could finish the sentence, y/n was already gone “-going to stay for a while” she sighed.
“I take it, this is your eldest sister” Rhys asked.
“I told you she could be intense” Feyre replied.
“That’s one word for it” Cassian expressed and was met with a glare from Nesta.
Thinking they had left, y/n descended the stairs, dressed in her nightgown and robe, seeking out a comforting cup of tea in the quiet atmosphere of midnight. Opening the backdoor leading to their garden, she leaned against the door frame, admiring the stars as she sipped her tea. She took a deep breath appreciating the tranquility and solitude the night provided. She could’ve sworn the shadows moved, but she dismissed it believing it was hallucinations caused by exhaustion from a long trip. Noticing a bright star in the sky, she lifted her cup up and uttered “cheers” a sad smile appearing on her face…
As she was locking the door, she glimpsed a figure in the shadows. This time, unable to dismiss what she saw, she called out “who’s there?”.
At first there was no response but she called out again “I know there’s someone here, so I suggest you come out” she demanded.
Azriel hesitated but complied “I apologize, I did not mean to disturb you”.
“What are you still doing here?” She covered herself with the robe, the gesture did not go unnoticed by Azriel.
“Your gracious sisters allowed us to stay here for a while” he informed her.
“Have they now?” she nodded, clearly displeased by the information she just received “how long are you planning on staying here?”.
“Not long. As soon as the letter is delivered, we’ll be out of your way, I give you my word” he politely said.
“Your word means nothing to me. And if you’re staying at someone’s house, do not sneak up on them” her words as cold as ice.
“I wasn-“ before Azriel could explain, she had left, making his jaw clench in frustration.
The following day, she went downstairs earlier to get some breakfast, but what was early for her, was late for others. Upon entering the kitchen, she found Rhys and Feyre engaged in a conversation with Elain, while Nesta and Cassian bickered over their tea. Azriel was standing in the corner and when he saw her enter, his whole body tensed, and Cassian and Nesta went still
“Good morning” Rhys greeted and was met with silence.
Y/n prepared her breakfast when Feyre approached her “how did you sleep?” Y/n just stared at her sister without saying a word. Once she was done preparing her food, she took it and left without acknowledging anyone’s existence. As Cassian and Nesta resumed their bickering, Azriel finally relaxed, prompting Rhys to speak again “not a good morning, I guess?” He joked.
“Oh believe me, this is a good morning. If you think this was something, then you really don’t want to see her angry” Feyre remarked.
“Is she always like this?” Cassian asked.
“Give her time. She doesn’t like strangers and she most definitely hates Fae-kind” Feyre reminded.
“Yeah, that was clear” Cassian said.
“You’re talking about her like she’s a bad person” Nesta defended.
“Nesta, you know that’s not what I meant” Feyre tried to explain.
“All I’ve seen you do since you got here is criticizing y/n. She’s done nothing wrong” Nesta reminded.
“I’m sorry, but you know how y/n can be”.
“How? All she did was ignore you all, instead of engaging in a pitty argument that would hit your weak spots, and last I’ve known, she does not owe any of you anything. If you’re going to stay in this house, then better respect their owners” Nesta expressed.
“Nesta!” Elain said, clearly displeased with her sister’s tone.
“Can I come in?” Nesta asked permission to enter y/n’s room.
“What is it now?” Y/n opened the door.
“I wanted to spend some time with you”
“Don’t you have guests to entertain?” Y/n crossed her arms.
“Elain and Feyre can deal with them. I’d rather stay here with you”.
“Fiine” y/n rolled her eyes but allowed her sister into her room.
“They already have a bad impression of you” Nesta told her.
“When did I ever care about what people thought of me? Let alone, what male Fae thought of me” y/n chuckled “it bothered you, didn’t it?”.
“Of course it did. I wouldn’t allow anyone to speak badly of you”.
“They’re just words spoken by irrelevant people. When you acknowledge their words, you make them relevant. Remember Nesta, you decide who you give power over you”.
The next day, Feyre, Rhys and Azriel were absent from the kitchen when y/n arrived “oh, for fuck’s sake, how do you two find the energy to fight this early in the morning?” Y/n asked, clearly awoken by the sound of Cassian and Nesta arguing.
“It’s noon” Cassian corrected.
“Whatever. If you’re gonna argue, do it outside. Hearing your voice gives me headaches” y/n uttered.
“And here I thought my voice was soothing” he sarcastically said.
“Don’t. Just don’t!” Cassian’s attempt at humor was met with y/n’s annoyance.
“Rough night?” he asked.
“More like a rough couple of days. Some people clearly don’t know how to be good guests” Y/n started making herself a cup of coffee.
“Well, maybe that’s because some people don’t know how to be polite hosts” he snickered.
“You know what? You’re not worth my time, if you want to argue, you have Nesta. She apparently has the patience for it”.
“Y/n” Nesta called.
“What? You do love arguing” y/n reminded.
“Wow, the two of you in the same house as poor Elain and Feyre, how did they survive?”.
“By knowing when to speak and when to shut up” y/n glared at him, taking her coffee and leaving and he said something.
“What now?” Y/n asked as Feyre called for her sisters “We can leave soon to mail our letter” informing them.
“And this concerns me how?” Y/n asked.
“I-I thought you’d like to go with us”.
“Why would I do that? No, thank you”… “wasn’t there one more of you?” Y/n asked, pretending to just have realized Azriel wasn’t present.
“He had to return early. We had an altercation this morning” Feyre explained.
“Altercation?” Y/n narrowed her eyes,
“It’s nothing”.
“If you’re trying to hide it, then it is something”.
“She was attacked” Rhys claimed.
“What? By whom? And you call THIS nothing?” Y/n started checking her sister for injuries and both males’ eyes widened in surprise.
“I’m fine. I’m not hurt”.
“Who attacked you?”.
“It’s rather a what. She was attacked by a creature called the Attor who was sent by the king of Hybern” Rhys informed her “don’t worry, Az is taking care of it”.
To his surprise, she only nodded.
“I changed my mind. I’m coming with you” y/n announced.
“Don’t tell me it’s because I was attacked” Feyre smirked.
“Oh, shut up!” Y/n nudged her with her shoulder.
#acotar#azriel#azriel x reader#azriel fanfic#acotar fanfiction#acotar angst#azriel angst#acotar fic#azriel acotar#azriel fanfiction#azriel x you#azriel x y/n#azriel x oc#acotar x reader#acotar x y/n#acomaf#acowar#acosf#azriel fic#acotar x oc#rhysand#rhysand x reader#cassian#cassian x reader#nessian#cassian x nesta#rhysand x y/n#cassian x y/n#rhysand fanfic#cassian fanfic
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a ballad of flame and shadow part ten

pairings - azriel x rhysands!sister reader
summary- after hybern, she talks to her brother rhysand, who helps her come to terms with her feelings. and finally she faces azriel and faces what she really feels for azriel. maybe even accepting it.
word count - 1.5k
a/n - i let them be happy at the end guys! everybody cheer and clap or something. sometimes all you need to do is talk to your brother...or almost die. whatever. tomato tomato. also let me know if you guys think i should keep writing this series! I was gonna end it here...but if you want more of them...i might oblige.
read the rest of the series here!
She sat on the staircase. Unmoving. Refusing to wash his blood from her hands. She had pulled the arrow from his chest the second they slammed back into the townhouse. She had let a wave of anger crash over her. At the sight of Cassian’s mangled wings, at the hole in Azriel’s chest, at Feyre’s gaping absence.
That kind of bond cannot be broken.
Mor’s words. Refusing to believe that Hybern had been able to sever the mating bond between her brother and Feyre. She prayed it was true as she looked at her mate. As she looked at Azriel, unconscious and bleeding. She couldn’t lose it, not when she’d finally let it find her.
The rage hit her first, at Rhysand’s admission floated through the house. His secret.
Feyre Archeron. Feyre Cursebreaker. Feyre High Lady of the Night Court.
And then that guilt hit her. That guilt that always plagued her.
So she sat on the staircase. She hadn’t dared to let herself follow Azriel and Madja upstairs, letting Rhys accompany them instead. She couldn’t follow Cassian either. She couldn’t even look at him. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault. My family broken and bleeding and it’s all my fault.
She didn’t know how long she sat there. Barely blinking. Barely moving. Her eyes far away, still with the pool of blood on the floor of Hybern’s throne room.
────────────── ⋆✩⋆ ──────────────
Rhysand padded his way down the hallway. He was exhausted and devastated, itching to race to Spring Court and take Feyre back home. But stopping himself. This was something his mate had to do. So instead he had busied himself with watching over the healing of his brothers.
He had watched as Madja carefully pieced Cassian’s wings together. Promising him that he would heal. That it would take time, but he would heal. He had watched as the healer fused over Azriel. He didn’t know where his sister was. But he knew exactly how she was feeling. He had known her too long. There was one reason she wasn’t at her mate’s side and he knew it well.
The siblings too alike for their own good.
Azriel not awake to wash away her guilt. He sighed. He would have to do it. So he left the Shadowsinger’s room to find her.
────────────── ⋆✩⋆ ──────────────
She hadn’t moved in hours. It was like she was glued to the step she perched on.
Rhys took her in. Her blank expression. Azriel and Cassian’s blood coating her clothes, her face, her hands. He stood in front of her now, but she didn’t look at him. She couldn’t. Fearing for the worst. She didn’t know if she could bear it.
“He’s okay.”
He’s okay. He’s okay. He’s okay.
Her brothers words thundered through her mind and she finally looked up at him,
“How okay?”
“He’ll make a full recovery. It’ll take some time. But he’ll be fine. Completely fine.”
She nodded and looked down at her hands. Rubbing them together slightly, like the movement would cleanse them.
“You should be with him when he wakes up.”
“I can’t Rhys.”
He sighed and ran a hand over his face. He moved to sit next to her now, “Yes you can.”
She shook her head. Not looking at him as he sat on the steps with her. Not wanting him to see the tears that now streamed down her face.
“Don’t do this.”
“Do what?”
“Let yourself believe that this was all your fault.”
She laughed and sniffled, turning to face him.
“I wasted years. Refusing to believe that it was real. Refusing to accept this” She motioned towards her chest. Like Rhysand would be able to see that golden thread now fully connecting his sister and his spymaster, “Thinking that it would be better. For everyone. Thinking that if I let myself have him….It would somehow be a detriment to everyone else.”
She took a deep breath and continued, “I kept waiting. For the right time. For a moment of peace. Thinking that when everything was okay and everyone I care about was safe. That would be the perfect time to let it hit. To let it snap. And I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hold it in.”
Rhysand spoke slowly, “You didn’t have to.”
“Yes I did. Because I was right. I was right. I couldn’t accept it until he was dying. And look what we lost.”
He whispered her name but she ignored it, pushing forward,
“I couldn’t protect anyone. I couldn’t shield Cass. I couldn’t save him. I couldn’t save Feyre. Because I was too distracted. Because all of my worst fears came true and I couldn’t feel anything except for him slipping away from me the second I let myself have him.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” Rhysand gripped her shoulder as he said it. But it didn’t matter.
“Yes it was.”
“Not everything bad that happens is your fault. Cassian will heal. Azriel will heal. Feyre will come home when the time is right.”
He moved his hand to her other shoulder, gripping them both now hard, forcing her to face him as he continued,
“We took a hit today. But this guilt you’re feeling? That you always let consume you? It’s not your burden to bear alone. So go upstairs and be with him. Be with your mate.”
She shook her head, “I can’t.”
“You can and you will”
“Why should I?”
“Because with everything going on. With the war we’re about to fight. With everything we’ve already lost, already suffered through…You deserve a little bit of relief. Let yourself be happy. Let yourself feel this…If not for yourself, for us, for your family, for Azriel.”
She looked at her brother. Saw the guilt she carried reflecting in his eyes. Too alike for their own good. Too used to pushing away their own comfort for the sake of everyone else. But he had let himself fall in love. He had let himself accept what was offered to him, and it was what drove him forward.
He moved to stand and walk away, but before leaving her to make a decision about whether or not she would go upstairs, he turned and said one last thing,
“Letting yourself love someone is not a weakness. It makes you stronger. It’s what has kept this family together for so long. It’s what’s going to keep us together for much longer.”
She hated that he was right. She hated that her brother always had to come to these realizations before her. Hated that he was always a step ahead of her growth wise. But he was right. She knew he was right.
────────────── ⋆✩⋆ ──────────────
She stepped into the dim bedroom quietly. The curtains were drawn, a candle flickering softly, casting a golden light over Azriel. Who lay in the bed a couple feet away from her. He looked peaceful. Like maybe he wasn’t in too much pain. He looked like he was healing.
Color had come back into his face. His hair fell over his forehead caressing his skin softly. The bandages wrapped around his chest were white and clean, blood was not seeping from him as it had been before. He was okay.
She let herself draw nearer. Let herself perch on the side of the bed. Let herself brush the soft black curls away from his face. His lashes fluttered as he opened his eyes and when he saw her…he smiled. Like his injury was the last thing he was thinking about. Like the devastation of the day behind them was more bearable now that she was sitting in front of him.
She sharply inhaled as his hazel eyes met hers. Trying to smile back at him, but not quite managing.
His voice was raw and strained as he spoke,
“You know…if I knew that getting myself almost killed would get you to accept the mating bond. I would have done it a lot sooner.”
She let out a laugh. A real laugh, interrupted by the tears spilling from her eyes, a little unbelieving. But still a laugh,
“Are you making a joke right now?”
“Bad time?”
He grinned at her and carefully moved to sit up, despite her protests. He raised a hand to the side of her face, and pulled it to his own, capturing her lips with his.
When she pulled away she pressed his forehead to his and closed her eyes. His voice filling her ears,
“Are you going to spend another five hundred years avoiding this? Or are you going to make it easier this time?”
She snorted, “I don’t know. What do you think I should do?”
He kissed her again and smiled against her lips, “I think you should let me love you.”
She pulled away from him. Taking in his glittering eyes, the smile that played on his lips, the dark lashes lining his eyes, it was like she could see that golden thread circling around Azriel’s hazel irises.
“You know I think so too.”
Feyre’s return to the Spring Court. Hyberns building force. The war to come.
They would handle it together. They would fight together, for their family, for their home, for each other.
@littlepippilongstocking @lilah-asteria @wrecklesssly @negomi123 @stqrgirlies-blog @mrsbarnes32557038
#acotar#azriel x reader#azriel acotar#bat boys#cassian acotar#rhysand#azriel shadowsinger#azriel angst#the night court#the inner circle#a court of thorns and roses#a court of mist and fury
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Blood Will Rain II
Azriel x Reader

Synopsis : After emerging victorious in the war with Hybern, you are learning to be a part of a family again. Your recovery after being captive is slow, but a certain shadowsinger makes it his responsibility to see that you get well again.
part one
Pairings : AzrielxReader , ReaderxInnerCircle!Platonic , ReaderxRhysand!Siblings
A/N : part two of idk. if you’d like to be tagged in any other series updates please comment!
Warnings : slight angst, mentions of captivity, az being sweetie pie hehe
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It had been weeks since you and your family had returned to the Night Court. After half a millennia you were thrilled to be back in the city of starlight. Velaris, your home, finally. You had taken up a semi-permanent residence in the House of Wind alongside Cassian and Azriel. Although the elation of returning woke something that had been long asleep within you, the scars of your captivity rang throughout your very bones. Rhysand made a habit of coming to check on you frequently. Sometimes under the guise of wanting to meet with his general or shadowsinger, but it was all to see you. You noted his efforts and appreciated his call to be your older brother, but you did not know how to be a sister anymore. You did not know how to be a friend. These titles had been forgotten, the only thing you knew how to do was be prisoner. You often caught yourself falling into old habits that had been developed during the 500 years you were Hybern’s pet. The chambers in which he kept you at the grey stone palace had changed throughout the years. The first 200 you spent confined to a small dungeon with little light or air. After much beguiling the King saw fit to move you into a room similar to what their servants were housed in. It was nothing compared to the space and lavishness of your quarters in the House.
This did not stop you from remaining mostly confined to that room. It was rare that you strode the halls or explored the libraries or training ring. Interactions with the rest of your brother’s court were kept short and polite. You did not want them to see that you now felt stranger to them, this world. Although you had grown up with the three Illyrian males they had become something you did not recognize. They too had gone through extensive changes during these years. Rhysand had become High Lord. Cassian a commanding General to the Night Court’s armies. Azriel had become something completely different than what you knew before. He was the same in some regards, still reserved and watchful, but his presence held a more powerful purpose than it did during those years in Illyria. These people were your family, yes, but they were also strangers. The Archeron sisters were also completely foreign to you. Feyre visited as Rhys did and made efforts to give you any comfort you requested. The other two sisters you hardly spoke to or saw at all. Strangers. They were all strangers. Except that this was their House, their family. There was a sickening realization that it was not them but you who was the stranger. So you kept to yourself, to your abominably large quarters, and to the small tasks you gave yourself each day.
You were up before dawn as you practiced each morning. The power that the Cauldron had bestowed on you was something that needed an outlet. These last hours of night were perfect, you would not disturb anyone as you released waves of magic. The stars winked at you from the lightening sky as you levitated each item in your room several inches then gently placed them back down. It was simple magic, not anything that could be used productively, but it was something to quell the ocean inside. One floor above you felt movement coming from Cassian’s rooms. The General was often awake early but typically not for at least another hour. The shock of it was enough that your bed landed with a dull thud instead of silent ease. Panic struck through you and it was an effort to control your breaths. “Relax,” you said to yourself, “he is not your enemy.” The footsteps and noises that came from the two Illyrians often sent your survival instincts into hyperdrive until you reminded yourself that they were not the guards. You were not prisoner. You were home. Loosing a calm breath you considered. His steps were no longer solitary but accompanied by a lighter pair, and they were making their way down to your floor. Then seconds later a soft knock sounded on the large wooden door to your sitting room just outside your sleeping quarters. You shouldered on the floor length robe that hung on your bedpost and pulled your midnight hair back from your face. Padding over gently you opened the door slightly to reveal a towering Azriel waiting to greet you.
“There’s breakfast,” he offered observing your entire figure. He seemed to note the thin sheen of sweat that adorned your forehead from your morning magic. He did not comment, but raised his palm slightly in invitation. “Let me change into something more appropriate and I’ll be ready,” you said assessing him in a similar manner. The shadowsinger was not in his usual Illyrian leathers, but instead he donned casual black pants and a loose fitting long black shirt. The swirls of ink on his chest peeking just above the neckline. Whispers of autumn were upon the northern territory, a slight chill had claimed the mornings while the sun still heated the afternoons. He bowed slightly, “Of course,” was all he said before you shut the door and turned to get yourself ready. The outfits you’d worn at the House had all been casual. Rhys did not deem it fit for you to take up any sort of fighting anytime soon, and you were inclined to agree with him. “Recovery,” is what he had said, “that is all I want you to focus on. If you need anything at all please let any one of us know.” You smiled slightly at the thought while pulling on a lightweight sweater that matched your violet eyes and a pair of black leggings accompanied by woolen socks. It had been longer than you could remember since such kindness had been extended to you. It was so foreign, but you welcomed it nonetheless. After tying your hair into a loose bun at the nape of your neck you strode to the double doors that entered the hallway. Upon opening them you were surprised to see Azriel still standing there waiting for you.
“You didn’t have to wait,” you said, willing the slight blush that threatened to climb up your cheeks to dissipate. “I know,” was all he said before gesturing towards the hall that led to the dining room. The two of you took the short walk in silence. Whether Azriel knew the silence was born by feeling like a stranger he did not let on, but silence with him felt different than with the others. With the rest of your family you were always searching for something to say, something to fill the emptiness that gave away your alienation from them. With Azriel the quiet did not seem so desperate. Perhaps it was just the nature of a shadowsinger, you thought.
The two of you entered into the grand dining room and the silence was broken by Cassian’s bellowing laughter and Mor’s palm thwacking against his bicep. Surely you did not want to know the words they had exchanged before your arrival. Rhysand and Feyre swooped into the main room not a second later, the two of them giving knowing glances as they strode in and joined the rabble. You were happy for your brother, and it was then you made a mental note to try and get to know his new mate better. When you halted a few feet from the group, Azriel stopped with you. Rhysand turned his attention from Feyre and his eyes landed on you and the towering Illyrian standing just to your side. “Good morning, Y/N. Good morning, Az,” he purred. Cassian and Mor paused their bickering to gaze over to you both as well. The sets of eyes that all laid upon you now had you toying with the sleeve of your sweater, but you simply replied “Good morning, everyone.” Feyre approached and wrapped her slender arms around your shoulders. “I hope you slept well,” she said pulling back after her short embrace. You nodded and plastered a cheery smile on your face. This was your family. They love you. “Good,” Rhysand stated, “because we have a long day ahead of us.” At your confused look Azriel leaned down to say gently “We’re going to celebrate your birthday.”
Taglist : @annamariereads16 @lilah-asteria @sidthedollface2 @todaywasafairytale07 @doodlebugg16-blog
#acotar#azriel x y/n#azriel series#azriel x you#azriel imagine#azriel x reader#azriel fluff#azriel spymaster#azriel shadowsinger#rhysand#feyre archeron#a court of thorns and roses#azriel supremacy#azriel#acosf#acomaf#acowar#king of hybern#acotar imagine
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Rhysand & Cassian & Azriel X OC
Hello, here is the chapter 7 of a fanfiction on the world of Acotar where our three favorite Batboys are the mates of a single woman.
I hope you like it! Please feel free to comment and telling me what you think of the story, it would make me very happy. In any case, thank you for reading ❤️❤️
! Don't forget to read the previous chapters ! : Here
Happy reading!
Chapter 7
The time had come. They had flown at a crazy speed after crossing the wall but had still not been fast enough. When they had decided that they could finally return to the Archerons' domain to find out if Feyre's sisters had received answers from the queens, none of the three Illyrians, despite the amount of work they had to do, had wanted to miss this opportunity to see their possible soulmate again.
They hadn't even had time to go see the Suriel and in fact, none of them really wanted to. They had wanted to do it but every time one of the three suggested going, a ball of anxiety formed in their stomachs. They were far too afraid of what the Suriel could say because in both cases, it would change their lives forever.
They were afraid that the Suriel would tell them that this link with Luxiana was a lie, that this link with this sunny, cute and pleasant young woman was not true, and then, they would never recover. They had felt so many emotions, fear but especially happiness when meeting her that telling them that this link was false would make them feel like they were losing their true soul mate even if she was not.
But deep down, that wasn't what the three Illyrians feared the most. No. What they were afraid of, what kept them awake at night, wasn't that this bond forming between the three of them and their soulmate was false, but that it was true. Because that meant a whole world of change.
It meant that their sibling relationship with their brothers would change forever, that they would be connected in a much greater and deeper way than before.
It meant they would have to share the woman of their lives with two other men and they wouldn't be able to have her all to themselves.
It meant putting their soulmate in danger because of who they were. It meant days of anguish and fear trying to protect a fragile, seemingly suicidal human who was absolutely not going to help them in the process.
But most of all, it meant that their time with her was limited. She was human and so, she would grow old. She would grow old without them. And she would eventually die without them. Of course, they would never get over it. They didn't know her but it was already a certainty for them, they would follow her anywhere even in death. That said, knowing that their days with her would be so short killed them with sadness. When they thought about it, their shoulders hunched, their eyes faded, their stomachs exploded and their hearts tightened. They would not have an eternity with their soulmate but a few precious days numbered. And that terrified them.
But it also meant one thing, that they had already wasted too much time away from her. Their bodies and minds couldn't stay away from her for too long without driving them completely crazy anyway. Their hearts, their stomachs, their skins and every single muscle they had were aching with every second they were away from her and their minds were slowly killing them by making them imagine the worst. By making them visualize Luxiana's body in another man's arms, laughing with another, or by making them imagine her cute little face looking lovingly at someone who wasn't them. Sometimes, when they were really not well, when they were worried, they remembered that their soulmate could get sick and even die because of a simple stupid thing. They imagined her injured or sometimes even lifeless and it destroyed them. It would destroy them.
They were already worried sick even though they didn't even know her. It was all that anxiety and sleepless nights that had made Rhysand decide. He had waited as long as he could, but those few weeks away from her had been hell. He knew he should have waited a little longer before returning to the Archerons, and that he had to give the queens a little more time to answer him, but he couldn't wait any longer. He needed to see her. He needed to make sure she was okay. He needed to make sure she could still be his. Theirs.
He hadn't even asked his two brothers if they wanted to come, knowing full well that these last few days had been as hellish for them as they had been for him. He had simply gotten up this morning and given in to his desire to want to find her. "It's time," he had just said to his brothers when he arrived in the dining room this morning and they had followed him hastily without even asking what he was talking about, knowing full well that it was about their soulmate. It was always about their mate anyway.
They hadn't even had lunch. Actually, they hadn't eaten much these last few days. Even Cassian. His love for food had completely disappeared, which worried Mor and even Amren a lot. In fact, the way the three brothers had been behaving since they had met that girl worried Mor and Amren. They didn't know what they could do to help but Azriel was on edge all the time yelling at the first thing that pissed him off, Cassian had become as silent as Azriel before and Rhysand had lost his taste for everything. In fact, the only time they had seen excitement and joy in their eyes since they had returned from the Archerons, had been when they talked about that girl and this morning.
The three Illyrians were breathing again. They were going to see her and that was all that mattered. Cassian was flying around, smiling with joy and excitement at the thought of seeing her again. Rhysand was flapping his wings with all his might to get to her as quickly as possible. Azriel was fighting against his anxiety at the thought of finding her injured or with someone else.
They weren't even sure if she would be in the Archerons' house today but they knew that either way, they would look everywhere for her and not leave until they saw her or made sure she was okay.
As they landed, invisible, in front of the door of the mansion, the excitement and reluctance bubbling in their bodies nearly made them jump on the spot. Cassian knocked on the door, much louder than necessary.
After a few moments, an old woman, a servant, comes to open the door for them. Seeing no one at the door, the three Faes being invisible, she frowned as she looked a little more closely at the door frame. But Rhys allowed himself to get into the old woman's head to force her to go and warn one of the Archerons of their presence. Which she did, her gaze devoid of life.
The maid left, even leaving the door open, having only one goal: to warn one of the Archerons of the presence of someone important at the door. Azriel closed the door, not wanting to let a cold that could make his soulmate sick enter the house.
Unfortunately, the old woman returned with the coldest of the Archerons, Nesta.
Nesta descended the stairs with a heavy step, almost irritated, going with an anger visible on her face towards the front door. She did not want to see the Faes again and in addition to not having announced themselves, they had dared to enter the head of their servant to force her to do something. Nesta was shaking with anger and if it had not been those powerful Faes on her doorstep, she would have left them outside. Especially since they had announced during their first visit that they would return next week, why were they already there? She opened the door a little wider than necessary, silently inviting invisible Faes to enter by pointing to the hall with her hand and moving to the side.
Seeing the sister who had opened the door for them, Cassian grimaced, Azriel sighed and Rhysand closed his eyes tightly. They would have preferred to come across someone else. A pretty blonde, with almost white hair for example.
The three faes rushed into the house in a hurry. Fortunately, because Nesta slammed the door a little too quickly, probably hoping that one of the Faes would take it in their face. A little disappointed that this was not the case, Nesta grimaced with disdain as the sound of the door closing violently still echoed in the hall. She rushed with heavy steps up the stairs while the Illyrians followed her reluctantly. She climbed up to the first floor where she opened the door to one of the rooms.
Nesta half-stepped into the room, pressing herself against the door to let the faes enter. The Illyrians looked around the vast chamber from floor to ceiling, noting the gold silk sheets on the enormous bed and the blue velvet curtains on the large bay windows.
“I am not dealing with that,” Nesta spat coldly as she stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.
The Illyrians frowned as she left, thinking they would be left alone in a room, but suddenly a white-haired head came out from behind a three-drawer dresser at the other end of the room and slightly away from the wall.
Luxiana's head raised, her eyebrows furrowed, a confused and surprised look fixed on the door, on Nesta who had just left.
Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel's eyes widened as they noticed the blonde in the room. A ball of anxiety and a weight of disappointment left them, allowing them to take a deep breath. Then their chests swelled with joy, excitement, and apprehension. She was there.
She still had a completely undone bun that made the Illyrians smirk. She looked careless and they loved it, especially since she looked so cute with all her strands of hair hanging around her face.
Luxiana straightened up fully from behind the dresser where she had been, a butter knife in her hand, making every muscle in the Illyrian tense. What was she doing there with a butter knife? She could hurt herself.
“Huh?” she said simply, still staring at the door, not seeing the faes who were still invisible. “Nesta?” she called out, almost running towards the door. “What are you talking about?”
A wave of fear electrified the Illyrians as they saw her running with a knife in her hands. What if she fell and stabbed herself? When she put her hand on the doorknob to open it and catch Nesta, Rhysand put his hand on the blonde's, stopping her and Azriel almost threw himself on her to snatch the knife from her hands.
Luxiana gasped in surprise as she felt an invisible person's fingers on her hand while another stole her knife. She turned and put her back to the door, her brow furrowed, her muscles tensed ready to defend herself but her hand was still in Rhysand's.
The three Fae made themselves visible and Cassian raised his hands in the air in front of him in a sign of appeasement. They could not, however, help but examine her greedily, feeling relieved, almost believing that she was a dream. She was there, in front of them and she was fine. She was fine.
“Forgive us, we didn't mean to scare you,” Rhysand whispered, smiling kindly at her, looking at her with concern.
When she recognized the faes, Luxiana relaxed, blowing out all the air she had been holding. And to think that she had nearly slit their throats, to such sexy creatures, what a sacrilege it would have been. She placed her free hand on her heart, a relieved expression on her face. “Are you crazy? I could have hurt you!”
The Illyrians looked at each other in surprise before bursting into laughter as they looked tenderly at the young woman. Cassian's hands pressed against his stomach and Rhysand had to reluctantly release his soulmate's hand on the doorknob.
Luxiana opened her mouth in shock, before gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes, glaring at them, realizing they were openly mocking her. She crossed her arms. If only they knew she could knock them down whenever she wanted, and she didn't know what was stopping her from doing so when she had made others eat the ground for less than that.
“Forgive us,” Rhysand repeated, seeing the blonde's annoyance and wiping a tear of hilarity from the corner of his eyes to stop laughing softly at the same time as his brothers.
The blonde huffed as she relaxed. They were lucky they were so hot and that one of them had saved Feyre. “So you’re what Nesta was referring to, I guess.”
Cassian grimaced as he suddenly stopped laughing, “I think she doesn’t like us, actually.”
Luxiana laughed softly as she turned her head to the side “Don’t take it personally, she doesn’t like many people.”
But when she turned her head to the side, the Illyrians could notice a huge bruise on the corner of her jaw, the skin of which was completely damaged and still had dried blood on it. Someone had hit her. They froze from head to toe, their eyes widening and their smiles faded away.
Rhysand's heart tightened in his chest. Cassian tensed every muscle in pain. A wave of anger washed over Azriel, paralyzing him entirely.
Sensing the change in the atmosphere, the blonde looked at them and lost her smile when she saw their serious, angry and surprised expressions. They could almost seem intimidating like that.
Cassian blinked and went to ask her what had happened to her, but Azriel reacted without being able to stop himself. He grabbed the blonde's chin with his thumb and index finger, tilting her face to the side so he could observe the purple, bloody angle of her jaw. The sight made his anger raise. His breathing rushed. He couldn't breathe. They couldn't breathe. If anyone had hurt her, they swore they would set the world on fire.
“Who did this to you?” scream the Illyrian with the red siphons with a mixture of surprise and anger in his voice.
The blonde pulled away from Azriel's hold - who groaned as he felt the blonde's skin leave his - then she stepped back in shock, sticking herself completely to the door behind her. She frowned a little more as she looked at them one by one with incomprehension. What were they playing at? In which way could it possibly matter to them? That said, it was cute.
“Did someone hurt you?” Rhysand asked, taking a step forward, his body almost pressed against Luxiana’s.
“Someone hit you,” Azriel added in a cold voice, detailing her with anger so strong it rang in his ears.
Luxiana's eyes widened in realization. "Ah, that," she exclaimed, pointing at the angle of her jaw. She fake-laughed, running one of her hands over the back of her head, embarrassed. She couldn't help but look away, blushing in shame. "Uh, yeah, I fought," she tried to find an excuse.
“You fought?” Cassian repeated, his eyes widening in surprise. This little woman fought?
“Uh yeah, yeah. Ha ha.” she looked away again, searching in the four corners of the room for a solution. “That was quite a fight, the guy i fought never got up.” She adorably threw her fists in front of her as if she were hitting someone.
Azriel frowned.
Cassian grabbed her fists, forcing her to stand still and eyeing her seriously. “Easy, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
“And you’re lying to us,” Azriel added with a little uncertainty, looking her up and down with narrowed eyes. He wasn’t sure, but she seemed embarrassed to talk about something. She seemed to be making something up.
Luxiana twitched, frowning for a microsecond. “What?” She giggled at Azriel’s accusations, blushing a little more. “No, not at all… I…” She stopped under the accusing and scrutinizing gaze of the three faes in front of her. Ugh, she really was a bad liar. That was her only flaw. She sighed in resignation. “Yes, yes, I’m lying… I fell.”
“You fell?” Rhysand repeated, almost shouting in surprise. “What do you mean you fell ?”
“Yeah, miserably.” Luxiana grimaced, her face now completely red. She bit her lip. Damn, those Faes weren’t going to be intimidated by her after that, if they ever could have been. “I just splayed out like a pancake on the floor.” She pursed her lips together, making them almost disappear into her cheeks, grimacing embarrassedly.
The Illyrians looked at her without being able to do anything else. She fell? She fell? Their soulmate fell ? And she told them this while making the cutest face possible.
Rhysand stared at Luxiana with narrowed eyes. Was she that clumsy? Was it possible? He took a step back. Had fate really given him such a clumsy soulmate when his own life was filled with danger? His heart felt like it was trembling with fear and apprehension in his chest.
Cassian smiled as he detailed the blonde's expression. She was cute. He relaxed his muscles slowly, one by one. He released his fists which she let fall limply to her sides. He crossed his arms as he stared at her with a mocking look that Luxiana intercepted by shooting him with her pupils, accentuating the Illyrian's hilarity.
Azriel took a step back, huffing as he did and pinching the bridge of his nose wearily. His soulmate fell. Was he really going to have to bubble wrap her and lock her in his room to make sure she didn’t hurt herself? Damn, she could have broken her neck. He clenched his fists. He really didn’t like this ball of anxiety in his stomach. He was already worrying too much about her.
“Yeah, I know what you’re thinking.” Luxiana chuckled. “And the worst part is that it happens to me a lot… Like… A lot…” She crossed her arms, suddenly staring into a blank space with sadness. She wanted to take a step back, but she was already backed up against the door. She grabbed the bracelet on her wrist. A simple silver chain with blue gemstones on it. She stroked it with her fingertips. “I… I kind of lost my balance when I was little.” An infinite sadness crossed her face for a second. A sadness of such power and depth that it disarmed Rhysand, who had been the only one to see it.
Luxiana shook her head, her usual haughty demeanor returning. Rhys narrowed his eyes, realizing it was one of her defense mechanisms. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. What had she been through to act like this?
“But I still can kill you with this butter knife,” Luxiana said as if nothing had happened, pointing at the knife still in one of Azriel’s hands. “So do not mock me.”
She took a step forward and with a quick movement tried to take the knife back but, although Azriel was surprised to see her move so quickly, he had the reflex to avoid her, withdrawing his arm and raising the knife in the air.
Luxiana started jumping to try to get it back but she was too small. “Give it back to me” she shouted out of breath from her jumping.
“No,” Azriel replied coldly without meaning to. He hadn’t been able to concentrate on his tone, obsessed by the vision of the blonde jumping near him and disturbed by her proximity, making his heart explode in his chest. Luxiana’s scent climbed up to Azriel’s nostrils. Vanilla. She smelled like vanilla. Azriel had to grit his teeth. He loved it.
Cassian laughed, taking a few steps back to rest his butt on the foot of the bed, admiring the scene mockingly but the truth was his heart filled with joy.
Rhysand in turn detailed the scene with a smile but a bitter aftertaste remained on his palate. He hoped with all his guts that he was wrong and that the sadness he had seen in his soulmate was just him imagining things.
“Why did you steal it from me in the first place?” she screamed, jumping around Azriel trying to grab the knife still in his raised hand as high as she could. “Give it back, damn it!”
Rhysand huffed with a smile, he placed his hands on the young woman's shoulders, immobilizing her. She gave him a questioning look from her small heigh and Rhysand thought he would melt inside. His soulmate.
Cassian laughed heartily. She was so cute and she fit in so well with him and his brothers. “Why were you walking around with a knife anyway? And what were you doing behind that dresser?”
“That's…” she huffed, scowling and crossing her arms. “You're always asking questions. It's none of your business.”
Azriel raised an eyebrow at her, urging her with a stern look to tell him what she was doing. It concerned him, after all.
Rhysand narrowed his eyes, leaning slightly towards her, trying to see through her, even trying to catch a thought of hers that would be the answer to his questions but her mind still remained closed.
Cassian looked at her intently, tilting his head, a smirk on his lips.
A silence settled where the young woman's gaze oscillated between the three Illyrians who stared at her with a piercing gaze. Luxiana did everything not to feel intimidated, or at least not to show it because inside she was completely red under these intense looks. She took a step back, lowering her eyes for a second and clearing her throat to give herself composure. How did these three faes manage to disconcert her every time? She sighed in resignation. "Elain lost the key to her dresser so I was trying to unscrew the back to get the inside."
The three Illyrians smiled satisfied to see the effect they had on their soulmate and that they had managed to make her give in.
“You wanted to unscrew with a butter knife?” Cassian laughed at the top of his lungs.
She glared at him, biting her tongue. He was annoying and his superior air was getting on her nerves. He honestly had no idea what she could do with that butter knife and she was dying to show him but he was way too sexy to ruin his pretty face with scars.
She groaned and then rolled her eyes. “But you’re surely not here for that,” trying to change the subject of conversation and trying to regain control of her emotions.
Cassian could see how much he was getting on the little blonde's nerves and boy did he love it. She was so cute when she was angry.
Azriel put the butter knife in one of his pockets under Luxiana's dark gaze that was glaring at him. There was no way he was going to give her back her knife when she could hurt or even kill herself with it. He crossed his arms but his muscles were still tense, ready to intervene to prevent her from getting the knife back if she wanted to. She actually had no interest in even thinking about it. It would drive Azriel crazy. He would have to teach her to obey.
Rhysand regained a minimum of seriousness, still looking at the blonde with tenderness, not even able to think properly anymore. Why did they come here? They were here to see her, right? “The queens,” he reminded himself. “We came to know if you received a response from them.”
Luxiana tilted her head with a frown, eyeing them suspiciously one by one. Why were they already here? “I thought Feyre had told me this visit would take place next week. Was I mistaken? Was there a problem that would require moving this appointment forward?”
Rhysand holds back a grimace. He had to find an excuse, and fast. “No. That was what we agreed to, indeed.”
Luxiana looked at the high Lord waiting for an explanation that didn't come. "Then why did you come today?" she insisted.
Cassian smiled “because we were a little too eager to see you again.” Luxiana narrowed her eyes at him, electrifying him once again. It did that to him every time she laid eyes on him, damn it.
Luxiana knew that these words were not true and that it was only to hide the reason for their visit today but she couldn't help. She had to hold back a smile of pleasure. She would have loved for Cassian's words to be sincere. She huffed and rolled her eyes, giving up on the idea of getting the answer she wanted. They were apparently not ready to tell her why they had moved up the date of their meeting. She would have to investigate and find out why herself.
She turned her eyes back to Rhysand, ignoring Cassian and his words or Azriel’s intense gaze. “To answer your question, yes, we did receive a response. Yesterday, in fact.”
Luxiana grabbed her pale blue petticoat to lift it up. She first revealed her ankle, then her calf and her thigh where a white lace garter holding a folded sheet of paper was located.
Rhysand froze, Azriel's gaze flared, and Cassian had to sit up straight. What was she doing? Her legs were thin and her skin felt so soft. Their hearts began to pound wildly in their chests.
Luxiana grabbed the piece of paper from under the garter to pull it out. She handed it to Rhysand as she released her skirts which fell back down to her legs much to the dismay of the three Illyrians. “This is the letter we received.” She kept it on her to make sure no one got to discover it.
Rhysand blinked a few times to come back to reality and grabbed the piece of paper she handed him.
“They agreed to meet you,” Luxiana added. “They gave a date.”
Rhysand unfolded the letter and began to read it, once done he smiled as he gave a hopeful look to Cassian and Azriel who returned it to him.
Luxiana intercepted this look and expressions with great curiosity. “Can I ask you a question?” she asked Rhysand.
“Whatever you want,” he replied, looking back at her.
“Why are you doing this? Why do you want to help humans? I mean, you clearly have nothing to gain from this.” Luxiana looked at him, hoping to understand something in his expression. No matter how hard she torments her brain, she didn’t understand why he was doing this. He had nothing to win from this. She had thought about the fact that maybe he was trying to betray them and that he was on the side of the King of Hybern, but none of her sources of information, that she had devoted the last few days, had found any connection between him and Hybern. And then, he had saved Feyre, she simply refused to believe that they were that bad.
Azriel, Cassian and Rhysand smiled as they looked at her. She was so beautiful and she seemed so intelligent.
“My mother dreamed of seeing humans and Faes living in perfect coexistence together. She considered all living beings equally. I wish I could make her dream come true.” Rhysand said, his voice heavy with meaning and feeling.
Luxiana heard his sincerity and understood the sadness in his eyes. He had lost his mother. “Then why not let Hybern destroy the wall, we will all be forced to live together.”
“Not like this. Cohabitation must be wanted by both sides and Hybern doesn’t just want to destroy the wall, he wants to enslave your species. I won’t let him.” Rhysand lifted his hand, gently placing it on Luxiana’s soft, plump cheek, caressing it with his fingertips. His gaze went blank. “I couldn’t let him hurt humans, not when you’re one of them.”
Luxiana frowned for a second, surprised by his words. He seemed absent and had given the impression of thinking out loud which added a bit of sincerity to his words. But she didn't really understand the meaning of his sentence. Why would he do that for her? She glanced at Cassian and Azriel to see their expressions and try to get some kind of answer but they were both looking at her intensely with a serious face. She frowned even more and then gave Rhysand a suspicious sideways glance. She leaned towards him with a mischievous look, causing Rhysand’s arm to fall limply to his side. “Is this some way of flirting with me, my lord?”
Rhysand came back to himself, smiling. He looked down on her but not in a haughty way, in a tender way. “Maybe so, does it work?”
Luxiana smiled, holding back a laugh. “Maybe.” She remained mysterious despite herself because, holy shit, it worked.
Rhysand smirked and took a deep breath to speak but was interrupted by the door opening abruptly. He took a step back to avoid getting hit in his head and grabbed Luxiana by the arm to shift her to the side. Azriel reacted just as quickly by grabbing the blonde by the forearm to pull her towards him, but due to lack of balance, Luxiana stumbled and crashed into the chest of the Illyrian with the blue siphons. He wrapped his arms around her to catch her and prevent her from falling. A wave of adrenaline and worry surged through Cassian's body who straightened up with wide eyes, hands raised, ready to catch Luxiana if she fell.
Nesta remained in the entrance of the room, positioning herself under the door frame. She detailed the scene before her, observing Rhysand holding Luxiana's arm, Cassian a few centimeters away standing with his hands outstretched towards her and Luxiana in Azriel's arms. She grimaced with pronounced disgust.
Cassian and Rhysand breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Luxiana hadn't hurt herself, then glared at Nesta. Azriel didn't even see the oldest of the Archeron sisters, too disturbed by the waves of warm feelings that stirred in his body because of the blonde's face buried in his pectorals and her body so thin and fragile glued to him. He had never felt such a feeling of comfort, warmth and tenderness. Such a feeling that made his heart melt in his chest.
Luxiana leaned her palms on the Illyrian's chest to straighten up but Azriel could only tighten his grip around her, preventing her from moving away. Luxiana threw him a questioning look from below although her cheeks were completely red as she was embarrassed by the situation. It was the shame of her life. She had been so absorbed by Rhysand's violet eyes that she had not reacted when Nesta had opened the door. She had had to be saved by Rhysand and Azriel and she had almost fallen again.
“I can’t keep the servants from entering the corridor and passing by the door much longer. They’ll hear your voices eventually,” Nesta said coldly, still eyeing them with a grimace. She noticed the queens’ letter in Rhysand’s hands. “You got what you came for. Go away.”
Cassian's arms fell limply to his sides and his nostril flared in anger. He hated this sister, she had nothing to do with his soulmate.
Azriel finally noticed Nesta, raising a dark look towards her. How dare she speak to them like that and above all, how dare she look at his mate with so much disdain? If Luxiana had not been in his arms making him the happiest fae in the world, he would have wanted to tear out the tongue of this viper.
Rhysand fought back a grimace. Nesta’s tone was clear, they had to leave. They couldn’t stay with their soulmate any longer. He could get inside the eldest sister’s head and force her to leave them alone, but as much as a part of him wanted to, wanting more than anything to stay with his soulmate, his good conscience screamed at him that it was wrong and that Luxiana would surely hold it against him. And he couldn’t jeopardize a potential meeting with the queens in a perfect place like this anyway. He nodded. “We’ll leave.”
Azriel and Cassian looked at Rhys in surprise before understanding and glaring at Nesta. Luxiana detailed the silent interaction between the three Illyrians, trying to understand those reactions. She put her hands on Azriel's chest again, propelling herself further away from him with a little more force than before.
Azriel looked down at her, growling as he felt her try to pull away from him but eventually reluctantly let go of her, knowing they had to go.
Luxiana was able to take a few steps away, lowering her head, dead with shame and completely red.
Cassian, Rhysand, and Azriel felt like every muscle in their bodies was vibrating and their chests were swelling at the sight of how cute their soulmate was. She was adorable like that.
Cassian raised his hand to the blonde's face with the intention of raising it and admiring her blushes with a proud smile, but Rhysand, not wanting to let anything show in front of Nesta, grabbed his brother's wrist and lowered it.
“We're leaving,” said the high lord, taking a step toward the door.
Nesta pressed her back against the door to let them pass. “You know where the exit is.”
Rhysand nodded and then took another step towards the door, stopping beside Luxiana. He leaned towards her, shivering at her vanilla scent. He placed his lips gently and quickly on her cheek, giving her a little kiss. “Be careful, please.”
Luxiana shivered at the contrast of the heat that exploded in her lower abdomen at the high lord's breath on her ear. She raised her now even redder face towards him at his words.
Rhysand straightened up, a smirk on his lips, proud of the reaction he had provoked on his soulmate. He took a few steps forward, past her and closer to the door, reluctantly moving away from his mate. Then he glanced at Cassian and Azriel, nodding towards the door, silently indicating that he had to leave.
Cassian huffed through gritted teeth, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to stay with his soulmate longer, then he looked at her and relaxed. She was so cute. Damn, he couldn't stand being away from her for much longer. He didn't even feel like he could breathe without her anymore. These weeks away from her had already been pure torture when they didn't even know each other. He needed to touch her so much. He slowly closed the distance between her and him and then gently took her in his arms, jealous of what Azriel had done previously. He put his hands on her back, pulling her closer to him, furtively placing his nose on the top of her head to breathe in her scent. He had to stop himself from growling. Her scent tickled him all over.
Luxiana's eyes widened, throwing her hands up in the air next to Cassian, surprised by his gesture. Was this fae hugging her? She had frozen but as she was about to come out of her stupor to hug him back, feeling far too comfortable in his arms not to, Cassian quickly released her, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.
He put his dark pupils into the blonde's electric blue eyes, his hands on her shoulders. "Don't fall and don't start a fight." He smiled at her tenderly before looking her over one last time and then releasing her to stand next to Rhysand.
Azriel stood in front of the blonde, placing his index finger under her chin to force her to raise her head towards him and look him in the eyes. The blonde blushed a little more under the intensity of his gaze and his gesture, making Azriel smile. He slowly leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, his lips barely brushing the blonde's skin, too afraid to scare her. "If anything happens to you, I won't be happy, so be careful."
Luxiana shivered again, her eyes shining in surprise as the three Illyrians turned invisible and exited the room. Nesta gave her one last look of disdain before closing the door, allowing Luxiana to let out a huge breath. What had just happened here? Besides, she needed a new butter knife now.
#a court of thorns and roses#acomaf#acotar#acowar#azriel#cassian#cassian x oc#cassian acotar#acotar series#azriel x oc#rhysand x reader#rhysand#rhys acotar#rhysand acotar#high lord rhysand#rhysand x oc#batboys#rhysand & cassian & azriel x oc
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— AFTERGLOW (azriel x reader)

015: “ just wanna lift you up, not let you go. ”
masterlist previous next
‼️‼️ written portion below the cut ‼️‼️

you’d never felt more at peace.
you’re holding onto azriel’s back, your head laying on his shoulder as he starts up the motorcycle. he drives slowly at first, your heart beat suddenly beginning to race as he starts going at a faster speed, causing you to grip onto him tighter.
a smile passed your lips, though no one could see it since he’d insisted on you wearing his helmet. although the view goes by fast, you try to enjoy the scenery you pass by. nothing but the sound of his cycle and the wind, the lighting below the sunset, and that feeling of gratification within you. you could get used to this, you think to yourself.
he stops at a spot near the mountains, it’s a quiet place with no one else nearby. he helps you off his bike and the two of you find a bench to sit down on. it starts to get darker outside and you talk until the stars start to show themselves.
“so,” he smiles, “was the ride worth the hype?”
you admire the way his eyelashes fluttered in the moonlight. how the shine in his eyes reflects the stars above you. he’s beautiful, you think.
“yes! definitely,” you laugh, “thank you.” and maybe you were starting to fall in love with him, too.
the atmosphere is calm, so relaxing that you find yourself yawning and resting your head on his shoulder.
in your haze, you blurt out a question.
“azriel,” you say, no longer sounding as sleepy. he turns his head at you.
“why did you drop out?”
he stays quiet for a moment, was there something deeper there? you wait until he throws the question back at you, “well, i could ask why you chose to stay at velaris,” he chuckles.
you know that he was joking, but recently you’ve learnt that trust is a two way street. if you wanted him to talk to you about these things, he would appreciate you doing the same.
“honestly, i wouldn’t know where else to go,” you begin. “i’m mostly chose to go to velaris because that’s where nesta went. she’s basically my sister from another mother…”
“did you have anyone else?”
��other than her sisters and maybe lucien, no.” you shake your head. “we grew up together and they were all i had, i was… mostly alone as a kid.” you saw the way his demeanor shifted, something sparked in his eyes, signaling that the same thing resonated with him too. it was on the tip of his tongue, but he respectfully let you continue.
“i know that my mom loved me, but she was too focused on work. i was always over at the archeron household instead,” you smile, thinking of your childhood memories. “i admire her though, it probably wasn’t easy since… you know, my dad wasn’t there.” you chuckle thinking of the trouble you probably caused both your famillies.
“it must’ve been hard raising me while she worked on her corporate business. maybe people at school thought i was probably stuck up and well… i’m not really the easiest person to get closer with.” you lift your gaze from the ground to look at azriel, listening attentively. you give him a smile and a content look, telling him that it’s okay now.
it’s okay because i have you now.
“anyways, it’s your turn,” you chuckle, “what about you?”
azriel hesitates before he looks you in the eyes and realizes it’s okay. “i had a single mom too, y/n. and i didn’t really have any siblings either, i’m an only child. i guess we have that in common.” he tries to force a smile at the thought.
you nod, “you have step-siblings, right?”
“yes, but they’re—” azriel is interrupted by his phone ringing, the bright lockscreen causing a strain to your eyes under this lighting. you don’t see the contact name, but you see him visibly tense up after reading it. though he’s still at a loss for words, he picks up the call, getting up to be a few feet away from you, just out of your earshot.
you’d never seen him as upset as he was during that entire phone call, he mutters a “i’ll get back to you,” before putting it on hold and walking over to you.
“i’m sorry, y/n.”

hearing more about y/n’s backstory and perspective… hopefully we’ll get azriel’s too
spoiler: i think y/n might be in love too 🫶
who do you think called azriel?? 👀👀 you and cassian both tried reaching him before cassian got rhys to call him
@ithan-holstroms-girl @strangelycami @fell-in-luvs @goldenmagnolias @glam-targaryen @acourtofdreamsandshadows @bloombb @mp-littlebit @gamarancianne @stqrgirlies-blog @peachcontour-blog @azriels-shadowsinger @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @chessebookgirl @fairywriter-oracle @thelov3lybookworm @corvusmorte @evergreenlark @marina468 @405rry @azrielsmate3 taglist is open!! lmk if you want to be added
#— afterglow#azriel x reader#azriel x you#azriel spymaster#acotar x reader#acotar x you#azriel au#azriel angst#azriel fluff#azriel x reader angst#acotar au#acotar smau#acotar#azriel fanfic#acotar azriel#azriel acotar#acotar fanfic#azriel imagine#acotar imagine#azriel#bat boys x reader#bat boys x you#night court x reader#night court x you#azriel shadowsinger x reader#azriel shadowsinger
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Love in the Air
Modern AU| Azriel x Eris | 5.7k words | Fluff and Humor Day 7: Free day for @sjmromanceweek
Summary: Azriel never took Valentine’s Day seriously—until he met Eris. What started as a summer fling quickly turned into something more, leaving Azriel with a new challenge: finding the perfect gift for the man who seemingly had everything. As he scrambles for ideas with the help (or lack thereof) from his friends, he finally settles on a surprise visit.
Too bad Eris had the same idea.
Read on AO3 or below
Azriel had never taken Valentine’s Day seriously. It was always just a day when, two weeks in advance, everything in stores became overwhelmingly pink and heart-shaped. Sometimes, one of his friends—either Cassian or Gwyn—would drag him to the mall to help them pick out gifts for their partners.
This year was different. Last summer, he had met Eris—they both happened to be staying at the same hotel in Adriata. And while at the time, Azriel had thought it was just a vacation fling, within two weeks, he had realized that it had to turn into something more.
And now he was stuck with the same problem all of his friends had—what to give as a gift? Eris seemed like the kind of person who already had everything—which was true. Azriel had seen his place, and it had every random thing one could think of. So finding something he would actually like, without leaving Azriel in lifelong debt, seemed almost impossible.
He had started thinking about it as early as January, because Rhysand liked to do things in advance and had spent weeks buzzing in their ears about how proud he was of the Valentine’s Day surprise he was planning for his dear Feyre.
One evening, the three of them were hanging out at Rhysand’s apartment, and the topic of gifts came up.
"What can you even give Eris?" Azriel sighed, running a hand down his face. He genuinely wanted to come up with a good present. This had never been a problem before—he had a knack for observing people, noticing what they needed, and picking out the perfect gift. But things were ten times harder when they lived in different cities and didn’t see each other as often as they both would have liked.
Cassian just blinked and shrugged, reaching for his beer. "I have no idea, honestly. I spent weeks racking my brain over what to get Nesta, and I wouldn’t have figured it out if Feyre hadn’t casually mentioned her love for musicals."
"When did you and Feyre even talk about that?" Rhysand asked, mock-frowning.
Azriel just snorted at the fake jealousy—there was no seriousness in it, and all three of them knew it. Cassian loved to tease Rhysand, and Rhysand never missed a chance to say, "I love Feyre Archeron," which they were all long tired of hearing.
"Musicals," Azriel hummed thoughtfully. Eris had mentioned his love for the theater, how he and his mother used to go to different plays when he was a kid. Maybe that was a good idea. If only he actually knew anything about it.
"Hey, no stealing ideas!" Cassian protested jokingly, punching him in the shoulder. "I reserve the right to use this as my original gift."
It didn’t help that Eris and Nesta knew each other well through their siblings and had somehow even become friends. When Azriel and Cassian had found out, they had spent days in shock, convinced these two were from entirely different universes. Especially since, at that time, to Cassian, Eris had just been the mysterious guy whose chat was never closed on Azriel’s phone. So yeah, there was a chance that those two were discussing their Valentine’s Day gifts, and they would quickly figure out that their boyfriends had been consulting each other.
Azriel turned his gaze to Rhysand. He was sitting there with a smug grin, obviously just waiting to be asked what he was getting for his Feyre darling.
"Spill it," Azriel sighed. His friend’s grin stretched even wider.
"A helicopter ride over the city," Rhysand announced proudly, but not without a dramatic pause beforehand to give his words more weight and a wow effect.
"Rich bastard," Cassian huffed from the side, taking a sip of his beer.
Rhysand just shrugged, as if to say, not my fault. "Besides, I already have the number of a trusted florist who’s been handling all my holiday needs for years. Anniversaries, birthdays, all sorts of occasions. I’d recommend it to you, but I doubt you’d need it."
Azriel rolled his eyes. But Cassian had already started typing something on his phone, clearly taking notes.
"Seriously, why are you even overthinking this?" Cassian punched his shoulder again, and Azriel felt a strong urge to shove him off the couch. But he held back, knowing that after another can of beer, Cassian’s huge frame would be much easier to push down. "You always nail gift-giving. And that’s for us, two idiots. But this is Eris, and you two are practically in contact twenty-four seven. Are you really telling me nothing comes to mind?"
"I’ve known you both for nearly two decades. I’ve known him for barely over six months. Of course there’s a difference," Azriel grumbled. "Besides, remember yourself last year? Your first Valentine’s Day together, you were circling around me all week saying, ‘I’m gonna throw up from nerves.’"
Cassian just crossed his arms and huffed, clearly not appreciating the reminder. It was true. Azriel still remembered what a nightmare their first Valentine’s Day with Nesta had been. Cassian had spent days pestering Rhysand and Azriel, asking what he should get her, whether it would be too much or too little.
And now, when Azriel was going through the same thing, this bastard had the audacity to tease him about it? The hypocrisy! The only one worse than Cassian had been Rhysand during his first Valentine’s with Feyre—now that had been a full-on circus.
"You two are completely useless," Azriel muttered, kicking Cassian in the back just as he reached for the TV remote. Cassian yelped, crashing onto the carpet, then shot him a glare. "Oops, my foot slipped."
Azriel's last hope was Gwyn. She had been in a loving relationship with Balthazar for three years now. Surely, she had enough experience to know what to get a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day.
"I don’t know, Az!" she repeated for the third or maybe fourth time as they walked through the mall. Azriel followed her like a sad puppy, asking the same question over and over.
Gwyn just shook her head. "Seriously, no one knows Eris better than you do. You’re the only one who can pick out a good gift for him."
Azriel just huffed. "At least give me a tiny bit of advice?"
"I’m not going to lie to you," she said, turning to look him in the eyes. "I give terrible gifts. He says he loves them, but I know he only says that so I won’t get upset. I love giving small things for no reason, and that actually works out. But when it comes to big occasions? No, I completely miss the mark."
Azriel just sighed. Honestly, he could believe that. Usually, Gwyn would come to him saying, "You’re a guy, you should know what Balthazar might like," and then she would drag him around stores for hours until one of them gave up and Azriel suggested they take a food break, after which they usually never resumed their search for the "perfect gift."
"Last year, I got him an expensive computer mouse," Gwyn added, as if that might somehow be even slightly helpful. "By the way, how are you two even planning to celebrate?"
Everyone had been asking him that. Azriel knew it was a natural question. They were in Velaris, while Eris lived in the Autumn capital, Emberfall. That was quite a distance to cover.
"I don’t know, it’ll be a weekday, Gwyn," he sighed. "Eris will probably be busy with some business meeting. So I was planning to order a gift delivery to his place and have a video call in the evening."
Gwyn looked at him like he was an idiot. "Azriel Singer, that’s your idea of Valentine’s Day?"
"We’re both working adults, we—"
"Open the airline website! Right now!" she demanded, snatching his phone from his jeans pocket and shoving it into his hands. "You are flying to your boyfriend for the holiday, we are finding the best restaurant in his city and booking a table, and tonight in the evening, you are going to find every possible romantic place to visit afterward. And you’re not coming back until Monday!"
Azriel rolled his eyes at her commanding tone, but he still opened the airline website. He wantedto do this, he really did. He had just been putting it off, thinking that he and Eris would discuss it. But somehow, the conversation always slipped his mind, and Eris himself hadn’t mentioned anything. Maybe he didn’t want to upset him with the news that he wouldn’t be able to make it this time, that work was too overwhelming, and so on. That’s what had happened on Christmas, though luckily, Eris had bought a ticket the very next day to Velaris, and they had made up for the missed holiday. Maybe it would be the same this time.
"Oh, look!" Gwyn opened something on her phone. "That weekend, on Sunday, there’s a lantern festival. That’s it, you’re buying tickets for it, and you two are going to have the most romantic weekend ever. God, I’m jealous. I need to tell Balt, maybe we should fly somewhere too."
Azriel kept quiet about the fact that just a few days ago, Balthazar had called him asking for advice on whether Gwyn would like Summer or Dawn more, since he was planning to surprise her with a trip for two.
"Are you listening?" Gwyn snapped her fingers in front of his face. "There’s also—"
And for the next hour, Gwyn went on and on about different opportunities in Autumn, while Azriel listened, mentally taking note of everything he thought Eris might like. When she mentioned the Royal Theater, Azriel finally decided—sorry, Cassian, but he was getting tickets for a performance there.
By that evening, he had his plane tickets and an entire weekend fully planned out.
Eris was sitting in a bar with his younger brother and Jurian. It wasn’t exactly the kind of January Friday he would have preferred, but Azriel was also out with friends tonight, so they wouldn’t have been able to call each other anyway. Not that it stopped either of them from texting every thirty minutes. However, that quickly started to irritate his drinking companions.
"Alright, now I understand why you two used to complain about me texting Elain," Lucien said.
Jurian just scoffed, pouring himself and Eris another whiskey before leaning toward Lucien and loudly whispering, "Just look at him, smiling disgustingly sweet at his phone."
Lucien glanced at his older brother and nodded. "Agreed, that is an absolutely idiotic smile. Have you ever seen him smile this much? I thought he was just a human-like robot."
"I didn’t believe his face could do anything other than frown."
"I can hear you, idiots," Eris grumbled at them, finally tearing his eyes away from his phone for the first time in ten minutes. Two unimpressed glares met him, and he rolled his eyes before dramatically throwing up his hands as if to say, Fine, fine, I get it.
"Aren’t you both supposed to be socializing with your friends right now?" Lucien said, reaching for the bottle, but Jurian moved it out of his reach.
"You’ve had enough, you’re switching to juice," Jurian told him.
He and Eris loved teasing Lucien like this, using the fact that he was younger as an excuse to act like they had the right to monitor his drinking. Now that Lucien was an adult—happily engaged, no less—it was completely ridiculous, but old habits die hard.
Lucien grumbled something before heading to the bar, probably to order another bottle for himself. Which, honestly, worked out well, considering they had nearly finished this one. Eris wondered if this had been Jurian’s plan all along to avoid the argument over who had to get up and go buy more.
"So, how’s it going with your lover?" Jurian asked in a tone that suggested he couldn’t care less. But Eris had known him for too many years and knew that, despite his indifference, the bastard absolutely loved gossip. He was just waiting for an update like they were schoolgirls.
"Everything’s great," Eris said simply, not intending to go into details. Things were more than great, to be honest, but he would talk about Azriel all night, and that was definitely not what Jurian or Lucien wanted.
And just in time, his younger brother returned with a fresh bottle of whiskey, which he made a show of pouring into his glass.
One thing led to another, and soon, the conversation turned to future plans. And in that near future, Valentine’s Day was right around the corner.
"You must have some ridiculously sweet and sappy plan already," Jurian smirked at Lucien, who just scoffed and rolled his eyes. Eris smirked at his reaction.
"Every single year, I swear," Lucien grumbled at both of them. It was true—ever since he and Elain started dating in college, he hadn’t had a break from their teasing. "Yes, I have plans. Happy now?"
Normally, Eris would have just thrown in a sarcastic comment or some other teasing remark, but now, he actually found himself somewhat interested in the topic. "And what are your plans?" he asked, trying to sound casual.
Unfortunately, his younger brother knew him too well, and as soon as the question left his mouth, a familiar smirk stretched across Lucien’s face.
"And why exactly is my older brother so interested?"
Jurian also smirked, clearly enjoying this conversation. Well, Eris thought, Lucien couldn’t always be the only target of their teasing.
"I’m taking an interest in my younger brother’s life." Eris raised an eyebrow, keeping his expression as neutral as possible despite the two annoying smirks aimed at him.
Lucien and Jurian exchanged a glance before looking back at him and letting out a sarcastic "Uh-huh."
"God, I never thought I’d live to see Eris Vanserra in love," Jurian mused.
"It really is a nauseating sight," Lucien agreed.
"I truly hate both of you," Eris grumbled, taking a sip of his whiskey. Thank the gods for alcohol—it would take the blame for the redness creeping up his ears from this conversation.
Did he know what he wanted to do for Valentine’s Day? No. Did he want to make it the perfect holiday? Yes, absolutely. But last time—Christmas—when he had completely messed up not only his plane tickets but also his meeting schedule, which led to him having to rebook his flight the next day, he had tried to make up for the mishap. And… well, let’s just say he overdid it. Significantly.
It had been their first Christmas together, and he had gone a little overboard with gifts. In the end, they had to have a talk about how to avoid situations like that in the future.
"But honestly, I’m planning to organize a dinner at a greenhouse outside the city," Lucien said, surprisingly softly. A tone that betrayed just how deeply in love he was with his fiancée. "And El has always wanted to grow… uh, to be honest, I don’t even know how to pronounce the name of the plant, but basically, it’s some super rare seeds she could never find in stores. I got Tamlin involved, and together, we finally found them."
Jurian muttered something, but Eris wasn’t listening. That was actually a really good gift, considering that their mother and Helion had gifted Elain and Lucien a countryside cottage for their engagement, saying they originally intended it to be a wedding present but just couldn’t wait. And from what Eris had heard, Elain had already started working on the land there, planting everything she could bring over from their shared apartment.
His younger brother’s expression softened, clearly noticing the thoughtful look on Eris’s face. "You don’t know what to get him?" he asked, this time without any teasing.
Eris shook his head, lowering his gaze to his glass. "Last time, it was… too much. I don’t want to make the same mistakes. And honestly, I want to plan something unique."
"And not too over-the-top," Jurian snorted from the side. "What was it you mentioned last time? A helicopter ride?"
Eris rolled his eyes. "Not important. Some asshole had booked it right before me."
Lucien gently patted him on the shoulder, reassuring him that he would figure it out. Eris wanted to believe that.
"Honestly, I think it’s all bullshit, this holiday," Jurian suddenly said. "How many years have we spent drinking at bars on this day? Are you really going to break our bachelor tradition this year?"
This time, both Vanserra brothers rolled their eyes at him. It was no secret that Jurian had recently broken up with his girlfriend, Vassa. Which was why he’d been grumpy and brooding for the past few weeks. If they didn’t get back together before Valentine’s Day, he’d probably be stomping around the city, kicking anything even remotely heart-shaped out of sheer bitterness.
But Eris also knew that this idiot would be asking him for a loan sometime in early February, claiming it was for something "really important." And those important things would one hundred percent turn out to be a massive bouquet of a hundred roses and some kind of "please forgive me, I love you so much" gift that Jurian would present to Vassa when he inevitably crawled back to her.
He didn’t doubt it for a second. Say what you will, but his friend was completely head over heels for her, even if they had their moments. Their breakup had been over something minor, and they would probably make up within a few days—if only because they had a shared lease for another year, and neither of them had the means to move out yet.
"We’re both not single," Eris reminded him, taking a sip of whiskey, already bracing himself for Jurian’s speech about how Vassa was in the past, how he was a free man, and how bachelor life was made for him. Sure. The same man who secretly loved rom-coms and followed Vassa around like a devoted puppy.
And yet, thinking about the upcoming Valentine’s Day, Eris couldn’t imagine spending it with his boyfriend over FaceTime. So, about three glasses of whiskey later, he was on the airline website, buying the first ticket he could find to Velaris for the right date.
Who cared that it was a Friday? He had earned a day off, and then some, after working himself into the ground for months. What was the point of owning a company if he couldn’t decide when he wanted to show up?
As for the gift, he still had time to figure that out. He had his secret weapon—Nesta Archeron, to whom he would forever be grateful for making the great sacrifice by dating Azriel’s best friend. And she would definitely be able to help him, especially since she would need help picking out something for her… boyfriend.
Eris was at the airport at eight in the morning. The flight to Velaris was two and a half hours long, and he had planned to spend the entire day with Azriel, making a surprise visit. He had everything mapped out down to the minute—he would land around noon local time, which meant he’d have just enough time to drop his suitcase off at Azriel’s apartment before heading to his workplace to surprise him with an unexpected lunch. Then, he’d convince him to leave work early, and from there, everything would follow the plan precisely.
Settling into his seat on the plane, Eris put his phone on airplane mode in advance, trying to convince himself that no, he wasn’t burning with impatience to see him.
Upon arrival, he followed his plan to the letter—went through passport control, took a taxi to Azriel’s place, and used the spare key they had exchanged over Christmas to get inside. Dropping off his suitcase, Eris immediately called Azriel.
What was strange was that the call went to voicemail. Normally, Azriel always had his phone on during work hours.
Brushing off the thought, Eris ordered a taxi to his workplace, calling again on the way. And then again when he arrived. Only on the third attempt did Azriel finally pick up.
"What happened?" was the first thing Azriel asked, his voice filled with concern. Clearly, the missed calls had made him anxious. And honestly, Eris thought, he would have reacted the same way.
"Nothing happened," Eris said calmly. Then he smiled. "Hi."
He might not have seen Azriel, but he knew that he was smiling too.
"Hi. Happy Valentine’s."
"You too," Eris said softly. "Are you at work?"
There was a long pause before he heard the answer. "No. Not exactly."
Eris frowned. "What do you mean, 'not exactly'?"
That was interesting. If Azriel wasn’t at work, then he was somewhere in the city. Definitely not at home—Eris had been there just fifteen minutes before, and they couldn’t have just missed each other. Still, it was worth asking.
"Are you home?"
There was a brief pause before Azriel answered. "No. Look, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I just got out of passport control and—"
"Wait," Eris cut him off. "Where are you?"
Azriel hesitated for a moment before answering, his voice quieter, almost sheepish. "At the airport."
Eris blinked, his brain taking an extra second to catch up. "You’re… at the airport?"
"Yeah," Azriel sighed, and Eris could hear the faint sounds of an intercom announcement in the background. "I was flying to Autumn. So, surprise!"
Eris let out a breathless laugh, running a hand through his hair as a wave of disbelief and amusement crashed over him.
"You’re joking."
"I’m not," Azriel muttered, clearly unimpressed with his reaction. "I got up at five in the damn morning for this, Eris."
That made Eris grin, despite the absolute absurdity of the moment.
"Az, I’m literally standing outside your office right now. I was going to surprise you with lunch."
Silence. A full two seconds of stunned silence before Azriel let out something between a sigh and a laugh.
"You’ve got to be kidding me."
"Wish I was." Eris shook his head, still grinning. "So let me get this straight—we both booked flights, crossed half the continent, and now we’re standing in each other’s cities?"
Azriel sighed, and Eris could picture him rubbing his forehead in exasperation.
Eris leaned against the nearest wall, shaking his head in amused disbelief.
"Well, we really outdid ourselves this time."
Azriel let out a breathy laugh, the frustration giving way to fondness.
"We really did."
They both laughed into the phone, understanding just how ridiculous the situation was. At the same time, Eris opened the airline website, searching for the next flight from Emberfall to Velaris.
"What were your plans for tonight?" he asked, partly out of curiosity and partly to determine which of them should turn around and buy a ticket back.
"For tonight? Dinner at home. I already looked up all the fresh markets and was planning to pick up ingredients," Azriel admitted, speaking with such warmth that Eris wished this idiot was here so he could kiss him.
"Great, then you’re the poor soul who’s flying back in half an hour," Eris said, already selecting a seat in business class. "Because I have reservations at multiple places."
Azriel didn’t argue about that.
"And yet, we could have just talked about this beforehand," he chuckled.
Eris smirked. "Hopelessly in love idiots—what else can you expect?"
After purchasing the ticket to Velaris, Eris headed to Azriel’s apartment. Four hours later, he was waiting at the airport. When Azriel finally arrived, both of them were grinning like absolute fools. The moment he saw Eris, Azriel practically ran to him, placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him.
"Hi," he smiled.
"Welcome home," Eris smirked, kissing him again. He could feel the eyes of other travelers on them, but honestly? Let them stare. He didn’t care. His bat was back where he belonged, and he was seeing Azriel for the first time in almost two months.
"Tell me about it," Azriel huffed, pulling him in for another kiss before finally leaning back. "So, what’s the plan for today?"
Eris shrugged.
"A simple lunch, a walk around the square—Nesta told me there was supposed to be some kind of performance there, but we probably won’t make it in time. So we can head straight to dinner. It’s a long drive, just saying."
Azriel raised an eyebrow.
"What, no fancy restaurants today?"
"No fancy restaurants today. I’m learning from my mistakes," Eris smirked, flicking him lightly on the forehead. "And stop reminding me about that disaster—how was I supposed to know someone could dislike a table at Monarch?"
A bit more teasing about who had messed up previous dates more, and soon enough, they were in a taxi.
Already in the car, Azriel found it impossible to keep his hands to himself. One arm wrapped around Eris’s waist, pulling him closer, while the other hand drifted from his cheek down his chest, toying with the first button of his shirt, then lower…
They almost forgot they were in a taxi until the driver started deliberately coughing every few minutes. Both Eris and Azriel chuckled.
"Your fault," Eris mouthed.
Azriel just leaned down to whisper in his ear that it was actually his fault for looking so damn edible.
The drive really was long. Azriel frowned, glancing out the window at one point and noticing that they were heading up a mountain. Eris remained silent about their destination, but the knowing smirk on his face gave him away—he was very pleased with whatever he had planned for tonight.
The driver pulled up to the gates of a large property. Eris handed him a large bill, not waiting for change before pulling Azriel out of the car with him.
They passed through the gates, stepping onto the grounds of what appeared to be a private estate.
"Stargazing?" Azriel read the sign aloud in surprise.
Eris smiled mysteriously, nodding as they approached the reception desk. He paid the receptionist extra, apologizing for their early arrival, but she simply smiled and handed them the key to their rental cabin.
She pointed them in the right direction, adding that everything Eris had requested had already been delivered. He gave a quick nod, and the two of them made their way down the path.
The cabins on the property were unique—designed as glass domes. From the outside, of course, they were blurred for privacy. Each one was spaced as far apart as possible, with its own enclosed area to ensure privacy.
Eris walked along the snow-covered path, pulling his coat tighter around himself. He always underestimated the Night’s cold. And, of course, he had decided they absolutely had to celebrate in the mountains of Velaris, where it was even colder than anywhere else.
Azriel, walking beside him, let out a sigh before stopping him. He pulled off his scarf and wrapped it around Eris’s neck, adjusting it so it covered his ears too.
Eris must have looked ridiculous, judging by the amused huff Azriel let out as he took in the sight of him.
"Go ahead, laugh," Eris grumbled, but he had to admit—the scarf was helping.
They finally reached their cabin, and Eris had never been so relieved to step inside a building. He didn’t even take off his coat right away, but the heating inside worked quickly, warming him up almost instantly.
Meanwhile, Azriel had already shrugged off his coat and kicked off his boots, stepping into the middle of the room and tilting his head back to look up at the glass ceiling. It wasn’t quite dark enough yet to see the stars, but they were lucky—the night was supposed to be clear, meaning the sky would be open.
Eris stood beside him, still bundled in the scarf and coat, sniffing against the cold. Azriel turned to look at him and couldn’t help himself—he kissed him first on the reddened nose, then on his chapped lips, laughing at the way Eris looked, frozen and pitiful, like a puppy left outside in the cold.
"How did you even find this place?" Azriel asked curiously. Given that he lived in Velaris and had never heard of it, he was genuinely interested in how Eris had discovered it.
"Nesta and I found it back in autumn, but it was too cloudy back then to risk paying for a view of a gray sky," Eris explained while Azriel unbuttoned his coat and pulled the scarf off, deciding he would warm up just fine in here. "I had to trade her the rights to a rooftop dinner at Ramiel to get dibs on this place."
"She wanted to come here today too?"
"She would have been ‘surprised’ when Cassian ‘just so happened’ to invite her here," Eris smirked. Seeing the confusion on Azriel’s face, he pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Don’t think too hard about it. It’s a very convoluted mind game."
As it turned out, Eris had ordered groceries to be delivered directly to their cabin. His original plan had been to book a fully catered dinner, but apparently, he had foreseen Azriel’s desire to cook something himself and had only arranged for an assortment of ingredients to be delivered so they could choose together.
After a long debate about what to make, they finally settled on an overly complicated dish that Azriel had learned how to prepare solely to impress Eris on their second date. Back then, he had invited him over, knowing nothing about Eris’s food preferences other than the fact that he drank expensive wine and ate extravagant meals whose names Azriel didn’t even bother to memorize.
While Azriel unpacked the groceries and arranged the cookware, Eris sat on the kitchen counter, swinging his long legs and being an absolute distraction. Azriel turned to look at him every minute without fail, either stealing a kiss or nuzzling into his neck, enjoying the simple fact that Eris was here, close enough to touch.
"Oh, almost forgot." Eris suddenly hopped off the counter, walking over to the bags. Among them was a beautifully wrapped box that had gone unnoticed.
Azriel raised an eyebrow and set the ladle aside, wiping his hands on his apron. "What’s that?"
"A gift," Eris said, handing him the large box. Seeing the suspicious look on Azriel’s face, he huffed. "I really tried not to overdo it this time. We promised we’d keep it simple, and I did."
"I see that," Azriel said with a smirk, clearly not believing him. He took the box and tried to open it carefully—quickly gave up—and ripped the wrapping off, tossing it in the trash. When he opened the box, a rich, intense aroma hit him instantly. Inside, neatly arranged, were packets of the most exotic and high-quality spices and seasonings, each adding its own note to the complex, intoxicating scent.
"This counts as simple?" Eris asked as he leaned over Azriel’s shoulder, resting his chin there with a grin. His arms wrapped around Azriel’s waist as he watched him run his fingers over each package, studying them.
"A little bit of a selfish gift, considering I now get to exploit you as my private chef, but I think you’ll manage," Eris teased.
"Eris," Azriel murmured, turning to him and cupping his face in his hands. "This is an amazing gift. Thank you."
Eris smiled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He would never admit it, but he had actually been worried about this gift. "Simple" wasn’t really in his vocabulary, and he had spent too much time second-guessing whether this would be too plain or too ridiculous. But the way Azriel’s eyes lit up told him he had gotten it exactly right.
"I almost got you a record player too, but apparently, that wasn’t within the limits of ‘simple,’" Eris huffed. "But no worries, the Spring Equinox is coming up soon."
Azriel rolled his eyes with a smirk before leaning in and kissing him—soft, warm, and filled with something unspoken but deeply felt. Eris exhaled against his lips, a quiet laugh caught between them as Azriel’s hands stayed firm on his face, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones like he was memorizing the moment.
When they pulled back, Eris tilted his head, an amused glint in his eyes. "So? Does this mean I have officially mastered the art of ‘simple’ gift-giving?"
Azriel huffed a laugh, pressing his forehead against Eris’s. "Let’s just say… you’re getting there."
Eris scoffed. "Unbelievable. I give you the perfect gift, and you still withhold full marks?"
Azriel grinned, and his eyes sparkled with amusement. "I have to keep you motivated somehow. Otherwise, what would I get for the Spring Equinox? Something even more ridiculously expensive than a record player?"
Eris narrowed his eyes playfully. "Now that you mention it, I did have this idea involving a custom-made—"
Azriel groaned, cutting him off with another kiss, his hands slipping down to Eris’s waist, pulling him closer. "Just enjoy this moment," he murmured against his lips, and Eris could feel the warmth of his smile before they kissed again.
And so he did.
Later, they opened a bottle of wine while Azriel finished preparing their dinner. Afterward, they lay in bed, looking up at the starry sky.
"I’ll admit it—your gift is with Jurian," Azriel said when Eris snuggled against him, resting his head on his chest.
"And why, exactly, is my Valentine’s gift with that idiot?" Eris frowned, narrowing his eyes.
"Because I had it delivered, thinking we’d be at your place tonight." Azriel shrugged. "But when you told me you were in Velaris… I asked Jurian to pick it up for me."
"Hm, well, now you have an excuse to come with me," Eris said with a satisfied smile.
"You won’t believe it, but I actually do have a plan for this weekend," Azriel grinned, pressing a kiss to his hair. "Did you know there’s a lantern festival?"
"I’m booking us tickets for the morning flight," Eris said, half-joking, half-serious.
He lifted his head, meeting Azriel’s gaze, those warm hazel eyes looking at him with love and devotion.
"Happy Valentine’s Day," Azriel whispered against his lips.
"Happy Valentine’s Day," Eris echoed.
#eris vanserra#acotar#azris#azriel shadowsinger#azris fanfiction#azris supremacy#azriel#modernau#sjmromanceweek2025
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Hi I wanted to request yandere platonic inner circle from ACOTAR x gender neutral reader who is the sister/brother of the archeron sisters who was also thrown in the cauldron and turned it fea but smiler to Nesta he/she also got powers like having the ability to rewrite reality like Wanda from Marvel and you could also make one of the inner circle a romantic yandere mate to reader maybe Azriel if you want or any other. I hope it’s not to specific loved your cassian headcanons. 🫂😍❤️

🌌you were the sibling of the archon sisters and it was tough to be in there shadow. Especially in making friends your power some what scared people .it didn’t help how protective your sisters were especially elain.
🌌everyone treated you with respect and kindness however you were lonely only ever having your sisters who would fight over who got to spend time with you. Even though there mates became jealous how much time they spent around you they didn’t care because you were there sibling there family.
🌌freyer usually showed you all her paintings befor anyone else and most of them had you in them.
🌌nesta preferred to gossip with you about how annoying everyone is .
🌌elain liked it when you helped her with the garden.
🌌they all had a neutral understanding that you were perfect . When they became mates they encouraged there other half’s to get to know you .
🌌rhysand was the first to come around and agree with his mate that you were the perfect little sister. In away you reminded him of his sister so he became increasingly worried about your safety. That’s why the servants spoke only few words to you.
🌌cassian was reluctant in getting to know you . He was a jealous man to say the least he worshipped the ground nesta walked on and all she did was seek your comfort. He understood that you are her younger sibling but he still hates how much time she spent with you. When he got too know you better (which took 6 months) he realised how extraordinary you were and became devoted to your safety.
🌌mor instantly became friends with you once you came to live under the mountain. She enjoyed telling you secrets of others even though she promised those people she wouldn’t tell a soul . That’s how important you are to her.
🌌azriel was heartbroken after elain found out lucien was her mate and not him. He became depressed and felt his self esteem become lesser then it already was .
🌌but then you showed up , you were shaking like a leaf when you arrived. Clearly traumatised but slowly ever so slowly you came out of your shell . Often spending your nights talking with him under the stars.
🌌when the news goes to the inner circle you and azriel are spending more and more time together. They encourage it they know they can’t keep you from falling in love with somebody so azriel is the perfect solution. He would protect you for life . They knew that. Everyone knew that.
🌌so he became obsessed and devoted completely to you .
🌌he does random acts of service . You hungry? Don’t worry azriel will get you food ! You tired ? Azriel has you in his arms flying you to you bed.
🌌if anyone and I mean ANYONE threatens you he won’t hesitate to kill them . And no one can stop him anyway . After all the inner circle came to an agreement that azriel was perfect for you .
🌌if you try to escape your being dragged back and locked in your room for weeks until you are on your knees begging to be let out for a few minutes.
🌌overall try and stay away from them ALL they believe they have the best intentions for you but in reality it’s a toxic smothering that you can’t escape .
🌌azriel is an delusional and emotionally unstable yandere
Thank you so much for this request ❤️❤️
#yandere#yandere headcanons#obsessive love#yandere x reader#obssesive#obssessed#yandere acotar#acotar x reader#inner circle#azriel#x reader#obsessive yandere#actually obsessive#obsessed
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Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You - Part 4[*]
Azriel x Third-oldest-Archeron-sibling!reader
a/n: a truly beautiful friendship is always founded in chaos (it’s funny because of who Eris is in mythology)
Also, I would like to emphasise the bickering at the end is entirely whispered—enjoy
Warnings: Just general angst, sexual undertones, unjustly jealous!Azriel, swans (don’t even get me started on how scary they are, and don’t try to tell me otherwise if you haven’t been cornered by at least one)
Word Count: 6,618
-Part 3- -Part 5-
A voice is calling your name from somewhere: somewhere foggy, and distant.
A voice that really has no business interfering with the hot, male body that’s pressing you into the wall.
Large, playfully rough hands grip your hips, using his own to keep you pinned against the brickwork, groping your ass appreciatively.
You arch up into him, mouth opening over his own, tongue stroking and flicking. Fingers rake through his hair, turning it messy as you haul him closer. The lovely press of his cock against your abdomen, the ego-boosting sign of his appetite. He groans into your mouth, bucking his hips, and you drag the soft swell of your breasts over his chest. The cool night air scrambles beneath your skirts, making them flutter and billow, urging him closer.
The voice sounds again. Clearer; closer.
It’s strange how it sounds like—
The male body is forcibly torn off you, cold flushing your front, leaving the uncomfortable dig of brick into your backside. You blink away your haze, real world events crushing back down, slamming home when your eyes lock with sharp hazel. He’s clearly pissed. It’s probably the most emotion he’s ever shown to you.
How miserable.
“Did you forget we’re have dinner tonight?” He asks gruffly, hand still resting firmly over the male’s shoulder who’s looking warily between the two of you. It dawns on you what he’s just seen you doing, the position he’s caught you in; heat swallows your body whole. The shameful, humiliated type, and you force yourself to keep his gaze. Beg yourself not to hang your head.
“I’m not going,” you manage, eyes flicking away from his. “I already told Fey, and she said it was fine, so…” His brow narrows, attention piercing into you, judging. “They’re not compulsory, anyway,” you mumble, “so really I— there’s no reason for me to be at one.”
“It’s a family dinner. There’re plenty of reasons for you to be there.” His eyes flick to the male who just had you pressed between him and a wall, “unless something more important comes up.”
There’s no obvious sign, but he’s agitated. Irritated. Maybe a foul mood.
Azriel releases the male, eyes flicking over his shoulder—a sure dismissal. When the male refuses to leave, Azriel’s shadows thicken. Definitely a foul mood. “Is there something I can help you with?” He mutters sharply, piercing attention zeroing in on the male—Bas.
His golden eyes turn on you, peering warily, “who is this? You said you were on your own.” Heat washes down your spine, gaze flicking between them, wishing for the floor to open up under your feet. “He’s—nobody. Just a—…” You fumble, unsure what to say. “Acquaintance,” Azriel finishes for you, hairs rising at the back of your neck as he stares at you. “A friend of a friend.”
Bas’ lips lift into a smirk, and you pray he’s going to keep his mouth shut for once. But he turns to Azriel, standing less than an inch shorter than the shadowsinger, “I don’t see what business you have with a friend of a friend,” he drawls, making both of you stiffen.
The dim faelights gleam in his intelligent golden eyes, bringing out the rich darkness of his skin, the outcropping of his sharp jaw, the thickness of his hair that hangs in lovely, rough locks.
Azriel’s eyes narrow, shadows coiling at his back, peeking over menacingly large wings, “and what business do you have with her? She has plans for tonight.” One of Bas’ brows quirks in subtle challenge, and you brace yourself. “Considering she sought me out, I think her plans have changed,” he says, that provocative smirk still tipping his lips.
“Bas…” you murmur, stress tensing your muscles.
Both of their attention switches to you, and your mouth seals itself shut.
Azriel shakes his head, “she’s coming with me. Don’t bother her again, Bas.” The words are final, and you can tell the conversation is over. Bas doesn’t back down, though. Always ready for a bit of rough and tumble. Practically lives off the edge. “Now I didn’t realise she was your property, Az,” he drawls challengingly, his attention then settling over you. “And you should have told me who this other person was, sweetheart.”
They know one another?
“She’s not your anything,” Azriel says, a rough sharpness to his voice. “Back off, Bas.”
The male doesn’t budge. Instead his gleaming eyes fall on you.
Oh no…
Heat warms your skin, gaze darting anywhere but the two males before you. You really don’t want to go to the dinner. To see all of them so soon after the mess that happened precisely one week ago… And it would be weird to show up after having said you weren’t going. What if you went and there wasn’t enough food? She has enough on her plate, she doesn’t need to worry about extra dinner guests.
You’re staying with Bas.
Hazel meets your gaze, and words stumble. “I…” I’m not going to the dinner.
“You…?” Azriel repeats, jaw tightening.
You flush, eyes lowering, heat warming your cheeks against the cool night air.
You turn to Bas, and he frowns. “Sorry,” you say gently, “I should see my sister.”
The wings at Azriel’s back loose a slight bit of their tension—still pulled taut. “Right, let’s go,” he says, cutting off any communication, “we’re already late.” You shoot Bas an apologetic look as you move to follow behind Azriel—keeping his gaze ahead. He merely shakes his head, giving you an easy smile, “find me after, okay?” A wave of gratefulness washes over you, and you push every drop of it into the thankful look you send him. Then you turn, hurrying down the uneven cobbles after the Shadowsinger.
He’s silent when you catch up, walking at his side, a pace behind. He doesn’t look at you once, continuing down the road that will lead to the River House. Fighting down the humiliation, you clear your throat. “Can you—” You nearly trip, righting yourself a second before your tipping point. Stumbling, you scoop the fabric of your long dress into your hands, raising it out of the way of your feet.
He continues walking, though slows a little as you scramble after him.
“Azriel,” you say, a little breathless. “Azriel, wait.”
He halts suddenly, making you flinch with the abrupt stop. Sharp hazel eyes press down on you, and you falter. “Yes?” He asks. Fumbling for words, your eyes flick out from under his, skipping over the shops in the darkening streets. “I—…” you begin, unsure what to say. “Can you…can you not mention any of that?” You request softly, embarrassing heat warming your cheeks.
“Who would tell?” He replies coldly.
Humiliation settles in the pit of your stomach. You lower your head a little. Nod. “I didn’t want you to think…”
“I don’t make a habit of interfering with other people’s business,” he says pointedly, watching you. Why does it feel like he’s scolding you?
Your lips press together, shoulders curving inward almost imperceptibly.
His eyes flick to your hair, and his hand raises, as if to shift a strand—tuck it away. But he stops, noting your gaze. “You need to fix your hair,” he says, a touch softer than before. “It’s obvious what you were doing.” Shame is like a deadweight in your gut, hands feeling dumb as they attempt to neaten out a mess you can’t see. His eyes narrow when you lower them, and you both know it would be easier if he was the one to right whatever’s wrong with you. He doesn’t, though.
“I’m not like Nesta,” you say softly, a little shakily.
His brow narrows slightly, “nobody said you were. There’s nothing wrong about being similar to her.” Heat warms your skin, and you stumble under the look.
“I mean, that—what you…saw—that’s not normal. It’s not a… I’m doing doing any of that…”
“Drinking and fucking?” You flinch at the crude wording, and a gleam of apology flashes in his hazel irises. He watches you quietly for a moment, and you shift under his gaze, hands moving to rest on your elbows, dress swishing close to the ground.
“You know it’s fine if you are,” he says, gently. “As long as you’re being sensible about it,” he adds, “there’s nothing wrong with doing that if it works.” Your lower lip wobbles at the implication—that he knows you’re doing this to try and get over him. How desperate you’ve become.
“But find someone other than Bas,” he says, making you furrow your brow.
“What’s wrong with Bas?” You ask. He’s been great. Azriel watches you silently again, hazel eyes piercing into you blankly. Has your lip-tint smudged?
“He’s not…” Azriel begins, as if debating how to frame what he wants to say. Make sure you’ll understand. “You shouldn’t spend your time with someone like him,” he settles on.
“‘Someone like him’?” You echo, looking back up the street to where the two of you had been. Heat crawls up your spine, and you hastily look away.
“He’s different from you,” Azriel says, bluntly.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing,” you argue softly, peering at the cobbles. You hear him sigh, as if he doesn’t know what to do with you. “He can’t give you what you’re looking for. He’s the type to string you along until he’s bored, then never visit again. Stay away from him.”
“He hasn’t done anything bad…” you say quietly, shifting lightly from foot to foot. “He’s been…he’s been very nice.”
Azriel sighs again, and that funny feeling settles in your stomach. Disappointment tickling your insides. “That’s to draw you in. As soon as you try to bring him to a dinner, or to meet one of your sisters, he’ll bolt.”
“Why would I bring him to meet any of you?” You ask bitterly at the lack of confidence. “Do you plan to keep your partner a secret?” He counters with, tersely. “Maybe.” You reply defensively, still looking at the ground.
He’s quiet again, and you can almost feel the air shift. “Need I remind you of last week’s events,” he asks, quietly. “You’re not known for keeping your mouth shut.” You bite your lip to keep it from trembling, nails digging into your elbows. “And I thought you didn’t make a habit of interfering with other people’s relationships,” you murmur.
“I know they’ll make good decisions,” he counters. “You don’t have enough experience. To know what you’re doing.”
“Stop treating me like a child,” you whisper, head dipping. “I know what I’m—” you cut yourself off as a sob tries to work its way from your throat. Take a deep breath. Swallow. “I know what I’m doing,” you manage quietly.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt,” he argues. “You don’t want to damage yourself like that.”
Your body stiffens at the words, then a breath eases from your chest. You nod. “Okay.” You begin walking again, one foot in front of the other. He sighs again. “I didn’t mean it like that.” You keep walking.
“I’m trying to help you,” he says flatly, falling into pace.
“So you’ll stay away from him?” Azriel asks, eyes falling on your smaller frame.
His brow narrows on you, watching intently. Then, “look at me.”
Look at me.
The feeling of his fingers inside of you, close enough to share breaths, yet you were the only vulnerable one. Not an ounce of intimacy to be exchanged. You keep walking toward the River House.
Azriel doesn’t say another word.
In the end, you’re somewhat glad you went to the dinner.
If you hadn’t, you would be back here, in the mortal lands.
Well, with no wall, you’re not sure what to call your previous homeland. But you’re here, nonetheless, and all thanks to Elain. She’d wished to see Lucien, who had near permanent residence in the mostly intact house, and had invited you along with her. Whether she knew you needed some time away, or simply offered, you don’t know.
You’d arrived most likely around an hour ago, Fey and Cassian departing soon after, leaving you and Elain to spend the day as you pleased. You’d opted to take a stroll around the gardens, walking alongside the river that was just beginning to refill after an apparently hot and dry summer.
That was your first encounter with Eris.
You nearly jump out of your skin when he winnows to the river bank mere feet to your left, stumbling backward a few steps in surprise. Cutting caramel eyes pierce into you with razor-sharp scrutiny, noting your pointed ears. His brow narrows as he takes you in; he doesn’t look pleased with what he finds.
Blinking, you mark the blazing colour of his hair, the beautifully tailored finery, the flicker of flame in his eyes—remarkably similar to Lucien. “What…who are you?” You manage, calming your heartbeat. It’s a nonsense question, you realise—it’s obvious who he is. Anyone could figure it out through simple deduction. So you shake your head, “why are you here?”
Eris’ eyes narrow on you, then he’s striding forward, moving up the river bank until he’s come to stop before you. You take a single step back—if you have to crane your neck to look at someone, you’re too close. He’s remarkably imposing with his height and muscle, despite the inherent beauty of the fae.
“Who are you?” The words are short and efficient in a sharp, brazen way, and you find yourself wondering if you should have just continued on your way. “I’m—” you open your mouth to give your name, then realise it would be rude to assume he knew who you were. There’s no reason for him to. “Feyre’s my younger sister,” you supply instead.
His brow narrows. “I didn’t know there were four of you.”
Heat flushes your skin, and you look away. It’s not an insult, yet you feel embarrassed.
“So, why are you here?” You repeat, a little quieter, trying to change the subject.
“I’m expected,” he replies shortly, turning to face the way you had come. “Why have you been kept a secret?” He asks. You mentally scramble for an excuse to continue on your walk. You don’t want to go back yet, and he’ll probably expect you to winnow, and you aren’t really in a talking mood at the moment. No excuse comes to mind.
“I haven’t been kept a secret,” you respond finally, falling into step a little behind him. “Not intentionally, anyway,” you add as an afterthought, frowning. He's walking fast, and you’d like more time to take in the scenery. At least he’s not winnowing.
“You haven’t been present at any meetings,” he counters, “I find it hard to believe that’s a coincidence.”
Your frown deepens, “why would I be at any of them? Elain hasn’t been to any, either. The only time you would have seen her is in the Hewn City.”
“Which you were kept away from, too.”
You come to a stop, watching him. His brow narrows as he’s forced to slow his pace, looking vaguely irritated. “I was there when you danced with Nesta,” you correct, “all of us were.”
Eris stares at you blankly and it’s an effort not to squirm. “I was there,” you insist, “behind Elain?”
He doesn’t remember you.
“So you’re good at remaining unseen,” he says, turning to set you into motion again. You hurry after him, a little taken aback at the compliment. It’s a nice way to think about it, a faint smile tipping your lips, “thank you.”
“It was a question.”
“Oh…” you say, smile vanishing. It hadn’t sounded like one. “I guess… I prefer it…”
“You and the Shadowsinger must get along swimmingly,” he mutters, continuing along the path, neatly avoiding muddied parts. Something you fail spectacularly at.
The comment registers in your mind and you stiffen, muscles contracting as you force yourself to continue moving. “Not particularly…” you hedge, uncertain what’s appropriate to tell him. You aren’t familiar with Court politics. “No more than anyone else, anyway,” you correct, soothing out the slight rumple.
“No? Not settling in well?” He asks. You could swear there’s some sort of mocking undertone to the question, but you can’t figure out what the taunt is for.
“I…I guess not?” You answer, slowly. “It’s not bad,” you add hastily, not wanting to talk negatively behind their backs. He might bring it up later. You repeat the thought in your head, then shake it, smiling faintly. He hadn’t even know you existed until a few minutes ago, yet you think he could be trying exploit you. How silly.
The result of an over-inflated ego. Maybe you really should stop fooling around with Bas—he’s giving you all sorts of ideas about the value of your person, and it probably isn’t healthy.
“I mean, it’s fine. Just…normal, I guess. Compared with the initial chaos,” you add, satisfied with the end result of your rambling. The house is in sight now. All you need to do is pass between the river and the pond, and—
You stumble.
Not literally—it’s more of a mental scramble. Because right there, where they weren’t mere minutes ago, are a pair of large, powerfully built swans.
Eris continues walking like the two beasts aren’t eyeing you up with those sharp, beady eyes. You can practically see the light catching on the small teeth hidden beneath the beak. Glittering with menace.
“Let’s go this way,” you say abruptly, pointing to the path that winds around the pond. He comes to stop, clearly irritated by the unnecessary hinderances you’re causing. “This way is perfectly usable. We go this way,” he turns, continuing forward, fear rising in y our throat.
You scramble forward, clutching the skirts of your dress, “Eris!”
His caramel eyes slice into you, piercing in their intensity, but you don’t buckle. “I understand that maybe they don’t seem as vicious as the creatures of Prythian,” you murmur, as if they can hear you, “but swans are still very dangerous. We should go around.” Again you point to the pathway, ears perked up for any signs the massive birds are approaching. “And I get that you have magic, but you can’t just go around butchering local animals if they get in your way. That’s not how things are done here.”
He stares at you, as if asking if you’re serious. You hold his gaze because yes, you’re completely serious.
“You know they won’t attack you,” he counters, “and you’re correct, they aren’t dangerous compared to the beasts in Prythian. So move aside.”
You shake your head, “they could break your arm,” you insist, refusing to budge. His brow narrows in a scathing scowl, “they could break a human’s arm. I am not human.” He walks around you.
“They’re still dangerous, Eris. We should really go around,” you urge, watching as he walks along the path, remaining rooted to the spot. “Just winnow,” he snaps, then looks over his shoulder. “Unless you aren’t strong enough.”
“I can winnow fine, but…” Even that’s too close to them. You firmly believe animals have a sixth sense humans do not—you wouldn’t put it past them to know they’ve been cheated. “Please, let’s just go around.”
He watches you with narrowed eyes, weighing; judging. You freeze beneath his gaze, refusing to even breathe in case it’s the wrong thing to do. He turns fully to you then, and you think he might listen to you. Relief washes over you, but—
“You’re scared of these creature?” He asks, amusement underlying his tone. You flush. “Like I said, they’re dangerous,” you defend, lowering your gaze a little.
“You know, you’re fae. They won’t attack you.”
Your eyes flick up, doubting. “Why would they act any differently?”
“We are creatures of magic. Greater than they are. They know it would be unwise to attempt anything.” You blink, having not thought of it like that. The fae had felt different when you were human, more intense, more concentrated in a way humans weren’t. You hadn’t considered maybe other animals would understand that primal difference, too.
Eris’ lips twitch, and he holds out his arm—you’re completely certain it’s a mocking gesture this time. But also a challenge.
It’s also a prompt to face your fears. It’s been long enough.
You can do this.
You can prove to yourself there’s no need to be afraid of them any longer.
You take some small steps forward. Then a few more. And a few more after that. And then your arm is overlapping with Eris’, feeling the hot strength of muscle cording his forearm. An odd feeling of security settles over you, as the two of you begin to move forward.
You’re unable to help tensing as you pass them, even if Eris is on the side closest to them. Then to your dismay, he stops. “You can pet them, if you want,” he says, lips still quirked in the corners. He’s enjoying watching you shake and tremble at something half your size. “Are you insane?” You mutter under your breath, staring at the white beasts that seem to be waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Eyes widen and you stare at him, “I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean that.”
He watches you steadily, eyes gleaming as he turns toward the swans, forcibly dragging you with him, despite your protests. “Eris…” you mutter, digging your feet into the mud, but you nearly slip. “Eris, seriously, stop it.”
He stops; you sigh in relief, but the tension doesn’t leave your body—still much too close to the great birds.
“Go up to one,” he says, a smirk on his rosey lips. “Touch one, then you can go.” He’s enjoying this far too much for your liking.
“No way,” you hiss, trying to pull out of his hold. The swans shift at the jerky movement, and you still. You stare at him, but he doesn’t seem inclined to move. “They’ll definitely do something if I try to go up to one!” You argue, as softly as possible. He just hums, and you wish you had continued walking instead of addressing him. Then you could be looking for blackberries, enjoying the natural sounds of the outside.
But here you are.
“You’re fae,” he reminds, eyes gleaming as he watches you intently.
Muscles tremble, thoughts flash in and out of existence within your mind as you look at the swans, sat neatly on the river bank, just at the water’s edge. A few long steps there, then back, and it’ll be over.
He’s right—you’re fae. They won’t attack you.
His arm unlinks from your own, hand pressing gently against the base of your spine. Egging you on.
You exhale a heavy breath, then move forward. Silently cursing him—unkind as it is. One step at a time as you descend the bank. The wind seems to have picked up, and you’re grateful for your preternatural sense of balance as you move down the muddy slant, feet settling on the pebble-filled shore.
Just three more steps, and you can turn back.
Two more.
One more, and then you’ll be in reaching distance.
The beady eyes pierce into you, wings stiffening, and you force yourself to breathe deeply.
“Just tap one on the head, and it’ll be over,” he reminds from your back, a little too loudly for your liking. Like he’s trying to get them to startle.
You steady yourself, blocking him out.
Come on, you can do this. You’re twice it’s size, and have immortality on your side. You can do this.
Slowly, shakily, you take the last step forward, reaching out your hand.
Black eyes meet your own, and you falter.
The swan shrieks, the second one hissing viciously, wings flaring to strike. You jump away, feet landing on the slippery rocks of the river. The massive birds surge forward, beak opening to snap at you, and you stumble, yelping as you fall backward. Icy water soaks up to your waist, and the breath whooshes out of you, your arms covering your face as wings flap.
When you open your eyes, the swans have taken off, and you’re up to your ribs in freezing river water. Trembling and shaking, you ease yourself out, soaked from the waist down, clothes wet and icy against your skin as you shiver.
Up on the bank, Eris is grinning, eyes gleaming with mirth as he watches your soaked state shuffle from the river, barely keeping his laughter to himself.
“You said—” Your heart is still pounding, vision blurring a little as you fumble for words. “You said they— That they wouldn’t…” Your teeth are already chattering, and you have to get warm quickly. You know how deadly the cold can be. Even with a reinforced body, the cold is as vicious as you remember, softly sinking into your arms, numbing your lips.
“Every animal has a fight or flight response,” he replies, voice lilting with amusement at your terror. “It was foolish of you to think you were above that.”
“But you said—”
“If I told you to dip beneath the river for five minutes without coming up for air because fae lungs are larger, would you do it?” He counters.
“…I wouldn’t disbelieve you,” you stammer, lips numb from the cold, lumbering back toward the bank.
The water in your shoes makes it hard to climb the muddy slope, and you end up having to use your hands to keep yourself steady, gritty dirt sliding beneath your nails. “Why did you lie?” You manage, heart pounding from fear, blinking away tears. His lips are still quirked into a rueful smile, enjoying your terror.
Hateful, hateful, hateful male.
“Don’t blame your idiocy on me,” he says smoothly, offering you a viper’s smile as he turns to continue along the path, leaving you freezing and shivering, soaked in river water. “Anyone with half a brain would have been able to see through that,” he calls over his shoulder. Tears spill down your cheeks, and for once, you don’t think, or fret over the consequences.
You winnow, and land a smack square across his cheek. As hard as you can.
He blinks, startled.
Then flame ignites in his eyes, glittering ire blazing hot as a forge.
“Don’t you ever,” you snarl, “do something like that again.” Fury heats your body, and you feel like a physical warmth is wrapping around you, fingertips tingling as if glowing, skin itching just below the surface. “Do you hear me, Eris?” You repeat, rage sharpening your words as your lip pulls back from your teeth.
The flame banks in his caramel eyes, and he yields a step. It’s satisfying, until you realise why.
You are glowing. But it’s not the bright, warm golden of Feyre’s happiness.
It’s green, and vivid.
Hands the colour of radiant starfall.
The Mother seems to enjoy putting you through various trials.
You come to this conclusion as you resist the urge to press deeper into the firm heat of Azriel’s chest as he carries you through the air.
For reasons you can only guess at, Cassian was otherwise preoccupied, leaving the Shadowsinger to fill in. Now Elain understands your relationship with the male, Feyre can guess at the complexities, and Azriel is part of the mess, so it should be obvious you’ll fly with your younger sister, right?
Unfortunately, Lucien had to be accounted for.
He’s well aware of the history between the Spymaster and his mate, and while he would never ask Elain to avoid him, she can guess well enough it would make him unhappy. That’s how you end up in his arms, split between wishing to be anywhere else, and wishing to be able to bask in his touch without anyone questioning how close you would lean. As it is, you’re stuck between keeping your distance, and not leaning so far it looks like you’re attempting to plummet to the ground far below.
The group is moving in silence, passing over the final stretch, and you can make out the twinkle of lights in the distance—Velaris. They’d gotten caught up in—what sounded like—a rather heated conversation with the Autumn Court heir, while you had opted to wait outside. The hallway had seemed too cramped, and you weren’t sure if you could manage being pressed so close to him without making your discomfort obvious.
Azriel breaks the silence. “Was everything okay with Eris suddenly turning up?”
The question startles you from your inner thoughts, and you replay it to catch the beginning. “Yeah,” you reply, trying to keep your eyes off him. “He’s just a bit…” You fumble for words, but he’s already nodding, knowing what you’re getting at. “He’s a little intense,” you settle on, “but everything was fine. For the most part, anyway.” You’re rambling.
“For the most part,” he echoes, a soft question in his voice.
“Well, I ended up falling into the river, but you know how it is…” you mumble, suddenly finding the sky very interesting. More interesting than Azriel.
“I don’t think I do,” he replies. “What does soaking yourself to the bone have to do with him?” He asks, grip tightening ever so slightly as you begin the descent. You really don’t want to tell him—it’s not going to win you any adult points. At best it’ll just show how emotional your are, and that means baggage.
“It’s a long story,” you hedge, trying not to cling too tight to him as your stomach lifts in your belly. “We’ve got a while left,” he replies, gazing ahead. He could definitely be going at a steeper angle.
You sigh softly, trying to figure out how to make it as quick and concise as possible. “Well…he kind of…appeared out of nowhere, and we ended walking back together.” Azriel’s fingers press into your skin lightly, slowly spiralling in wide circles, “and there was a river involved.”
You nod gently, “yeah.”
Teeth worry your lower lip, mouth pursing.
He exhales quietly. “We’re in an alliance, but that doesn’t mean you should trust him. I need to know everything that happened so precautions can be made,” he explains firmly.
“So tell me what happened when you were walking alone with him,” he prompts.
“There’s not much to say…” you try, but he gives you a look that tells you to quit lying. “I don’t know…we were walking past the river, and there were some swans, and he convinced me to touch one, and…well, I slipped and fell in.” You leave out the glowing hands part. If you mention it, you know they’ll pounce. You don’t want to go through what Nesta did. The things she had to endure just to activate her powers…
Granted, there’s no looming threat of the queen anymore, but still. You’d rather not.
“He convinced you,” Azriel mutters under his breath, “and how did he do that?” You flush with heat, and pray he can’t tell. “I didn’t want to walk past them, and he…encouraged me to tackle my fear.”
“Stop forcing a good narrative on that prick,” he says sharply. “He didn’t encourage you, he manipulated you.”
“Maybe,” you murmur, “but I’m a little less afraid of swans now.”
Azriel sucks in a steadying breath. “And what did you talk about?”
You cast your mind back to the conversation. “He said he hadn’t known there were four sisters,” you admit, quietly, “he thought there were only three, and that Rhys was hiding me, for some reason.” He hums, and your hairs stand on end, able to feel the resonance thrumming through you. You hurriedly shift your mind elsewhere before your scent changes. “What else?”
You put your teeth into the inside of your lower lip, “I…” said we weren’t on the best of terms. “He asked…how…I was settling in,” you manage to string the words together, selecting each one with great care. “And?” He prompts. Oh dear.
“I said it was fine,” you reply, purposely vaguely. His eyes flick to you, and your own snap away in response. “Just fine?” He questions, softly. You make to nod, but he mutters your name under his breath, a quiet reprimand on his tongue. Heat coils in the pit of your belly, making you shift uncomfortably in his arms, leaning away.
A muscle feathers in his jaw, and he tightens his grip on you. “Stop doing that. You’ll fall.” You’re squeezed closer to him, and you squirm, the heat doubling. He mutters your name again, rougher.
“Stop doing that,” you hiss, sharply. You don’t have time to feel bad—it’s better to be rude than for him to realise the immense effect he has on you. “Stop leaning away from me,” he counters, “you’re being difficult.”
“I’m sorry my responses are an inconvenience for you,” you snap, quietly. No louder than a whisper.
“Don’t weaponise your emotions like that,” he murmurs back.
“I don’t see how I’d be able to when I don’t even know what that means,” you return, quietly. You feel his eyes press into you, and you look further away, inspecting the ground. “Don’t feign ignorance either,” he says sharply, “it’s immature.”
“Immature is making a problem out of something I can’t help,” you whisper back, snappily. His eyes narrow on you, and you shift again.
His hold tightens abruptly, fingers digging into you as he roughly readjusts his grip on your thighs and around your back. You squeak at the harsh treatment, heat bursting in your lower belly, and you squeeze your lips together, praying no sounds slip out. “It’s like you’re trying to get me to drop you,” he mutters beside your ear, “just keep still. We’re almost there.”
“Keep still?” You repeat incredulously, staring at him. “I don’t know if you’ve somehow forgotten, Azriel,” you hiss, emphasising his name. Hazel eyes flick down to you, and you gently push away the heat for a moment. “But I struggle to even think straight when you’re around. I can barely keep my head as it is, so forgive me if I’m a little shifty in a position like this,” you snap quietly. Probably the most aggressive you’ve ever been for a consistent time period.
“And I don’t know if you’ve forgotten,” he snipes back, eyes piercing into you, “but you managed to pull away on the brink of an orgasm.” Wild heat swallows you whole, and there’s no way your scent is remaining undetected now. “So you’re clearly more in control than you say you are.”
You stare at him, lips parted, skin flushed with heat.
“We are done with this conversation,” you hiss, breaking your gaze away. He doesn’t appreciate the verbal dismissal. “We’re done when I say we’re done,” he hisses in return. “Now what did you mean when you told Eris you were fine?”
You purse your lips, pointedly averting your eyes.
He mutters your name, grip tightening on you. You ignore him.
He repeats it, rougher this time, shadows twining around you.
“Cut it out,” you whisper, sharply.
“Expand on the fine comment,” he pushes, and you can physically feel the weight of his gaze upon your cheek. “Why are you so hung up on that one, tiny part?” You return, a sliver of irritation peeking through. “Because you’ve been acting strangely for a while now,” he hisses, “and if you’re starting to spiral like Nesta—”
“Do not threaten me, Azriel,” you snarl softly, skin heating—tingling. His eyes flicker, and his hold lessens on you a little, “it’s not a threat,” he soothes, “just an observation.” You narrow your brow as you watch him warily. “Like I said: you’ve been acting strange recently, and if you even gave the slightest hint that something’s off, Eris will exploit it.”
Your eyes flick away, slightly embarrassed by your tiny outburst. That wasn’t appropriate.
“So tell me, what happened when you said you were fine?” He repeats, gritting out the question.
“I…” You bite your lip, then give up. “He asked if I was settling in well, and I said I wasn’t.”
“Why did you tell him that?” He asks, gaze returning to pick out Velaris, much closer now. “Because it’s the truth,” you reply, a little weakly.
“I don’t care if it’s the truth, you shouldn’t have told him,” Azriel hisses. “He’ll give you the comfort you want, offer the reassurance, until you’re wrapped so tightly you choke on it.”
Hurt flickers in your eyes, vision blurring. “Maybe if I was better than fine I wouldn’t need the comforting,” you snap, turning your head and blinking away tears. His jaw tightens, “that’s not the point.” You stare at him. He stares back, features set in a stony line. “What is the point, then?” You ask weakly, the small spark of fight banking, beginning to flicker out beneath his oppressive gaze. “The point is,” he says, dragging out the words like he’s talking to a child. “You’re too naive.”
It’s like a smack to the face, your head reeling.
“You don’t know the dynamics between the courts. You don’t know about the feuds, or the history of Prythian. You don’t know enough to be trusted to act on your own,” he continues, oblivious to the number of scars he’s striking. “You’re a loose cannon, that I now have to compensate for.”
You stare up at him, hazel eyes glittering beneath the starlight.
“What’s worse—”
You put your hands over your ears. You can’t take anymore. If it was coming from someone else—fine. From anyone else it would be fine; understandable.
But not Azriel. That’s too much.
His brow furrows, lips moving, and you can guess he’s telling you to remove your hands.
You shake your head softly, unable to stand another word.
But his shadows contract around your wrists, tugging them away, and you hate the heat the bubbles in your lower belly at the roughness.
“You need to grow up,” he mutters, lowly. “You can’t just run away from something if you don’t want to hear it. You’re going to have to face it.”
A sob breaks from your chest, and your hands cover your face as the tears finally break, spilling down your cheeks. “Just leave me alone,” you cry, shoulders shaking as the tears continue streaming. “You find me irritating? fine. You find me annoying? Fine. You think I’m the worst, ugliest, most useless female in the world, fine,” you sob, unable to look at him. “But keep it to yourself, because every single word from your mouth holds more weight that you can probably even understand. And it is crushing me.”
You tremble in his arms, wishing they were there to offer comfort instead of being purely obligatory.
“You think Eris is the viper? You think he’s the one who’s bad for me? The one who’s trying to choke me?” You ask through your tears. “But you’re the one succeeding.”
Azriel’s eyes harden, and you feel the fractures growing larger. “I’m trying to keep you in line,” he replies, coldly. “For the sake of my Court, my High Lord and Lady, I am doing my best to keep people safe,” he emphasises. “And you are a proving to be a burden.”
You don’t know if he intentionally selected that word, burden.
You don’t know if he even realises which wound he’s targeted—so many have been picked open.
But you go quiet in his arms.
The fight finally winking out.
General Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb
Az Taglist: @azrielshadows1nger
CBMTHY Taglist: @impossibelle @naturakaashi @sakurafrost3-blog @ficienjoyedrbspot @azriels-shadowsinger @marina468 @misstea12 @going-through-shit @fussel9913 @minakay @i-am-infinite @wannabewolf @thegirlintheshadows101 @kennedy-brooke @esposadomd
#Azriel#Azriel x reader#Azriel x Archeron sibling#Azriel angst#angst#CBMTHY#Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You#Part 4#CBMTHY Part 4#Eris
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this is long but js bare with me please. i had this idea for an azriel x reader but this could be paired w anyone. so the reader is an archeron sibling. shes nesta’s twin and when they get Made in the cauldron they both take something from it. Nesta taking the power of Death and the reader taking Life. the reader logically id say is like the opposite of Nesta. She’s just so joyful, happy and fun to be around, probably had the most to lose in the transition from mortal to high fae and when she switches to fae life she adapts fairly quickly (or so it seems). id also like to add that nesta is really protective of her probably more so than she is of elain. the reader has a talent for music and loves to sing, through which she expresses her actual feelings for being Made (i was kinda thinking my tears ricochet would be perfect especially the line “i can go anywhere i want anywhere i want just not home”) so she just kinda plays the piano and sings to herself about these feelings until one day when azriel hears a melody coming from a particular room of the house and hears the reader singing. idk if this is goofy but since i cant write (or maybe i can i just havent tried it) if any writers are interested in writing about this id love to see ittt and if u do please tag mee💗💗
#acotar#acomaf#acowar#acosf#rhysand#feyre archeron#nesta archeron#azriel#azriel x reader#elain archeron#sarah j maas#mor acotar#azriel x you#writers on tumblr#fantasy#rhys acotar
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A doe, A deer - A Drop of golden sun

being the youngest archeron sister often meant that you were the forgotten one, no one ever saw you, until he did.
Azriel x Archeron!OC
CW: mdi 18+, selective mutism, struggles with eating, talks of nausea, war/acowar? but its not described just happens, kidnapping, angst, fluff, canon character death, violcene, king of hybern being a creep. not beta read!
word count: 2,280
authors note: thank you for so much support in part one! hope you all enjoy this one as much as the last!
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Daphne had yet to wake.
Three weeks had passed, and Daphen remained unconscious. Her face pale, and the rise and fall of her chest was barley noticeable.
The inner circle feared she was dead. Or at least had been dead when she was tossed into the cauldron.
Madja thought as much but refused to admit it as she overlooked the youngest of the Archeron siblings.
She had had to work around a loitering Azriel.
The male was hellbent on watching Majda’s every move and refused to leave Daphnes side.
He only left when the high lord ordered it. And even then, he was quick to return.
The bond between them bounding her to him.
It had since the moment she bumped into him and her pretty eyes connected with his.
And when she had spoken, though little and shy, her sweet voice taunted his dreams as he thought of her.
He had been as shocked as everyone that she had spoken. Having been told by Feyre she had been silent since an event in their youth. And He worried after her departure. And more so as after every visit, she laid bound in bed, and the reck of death loitered around her body.
The had begged Nesta to allow him to take her with him, to have a fae healer her, and he had been refused and forced to leave her to the useless hands of whatever healer the Archerons had employed. The very healers that had all but killed her.
He had felt the bond go dead as she was thrown in the cauldron.
The scream he let out as he wept and mourned the bond he never truly got to experience. He mourned the person he had begged to know for 500 years; the person he had begged Feyre to tell him about.
And now he was stuck preying to whatever gods would listen that she would wake up.
As Feyre retuned home, he was forced to focus his attention on matters of the court, his heart aching as he was forced to leave Daphne, and though she was in the company of at least one of her sisters or even Mor. He hated it.
He hated even more the fact that when she finally did wake up, it was like she hadn’t woken up at all.
she was silent, more so than before according to Feyre.
She refused to eat or leave her seat by the window.
She seemed to rock back and forth on the floor, her hands covering her ears.
He hadn’t been allowed to see her, barred entry by Rhysand, who had all but commanded him to stay away.
It killed him, even more so when he started to see the bond blossoming between Feyre and Rhysand, and even more so when he saw Elain starting to let Lucien in.
She could hear the sound of her heart, the waves in the sea and the whispered words of Feyre and Rhysand outside her door.
She could hear everything, and though she had completely lost her hearing before, everything had gone form being faint and having to focus in order to listen, to sitting as far as she could and being bale to hear everything.
The door to the room she had been placed in opened, and Feyre slowly entered. Her face hopeful as she looked at Daphne.
“How are you today?” Feyre asked, her eyes begging her to speak.
But the want to speak had left her, she no longer wished for the ability to speak, or begged for her thoughts to be voiced. Instead, she simply stared having no will or want to voice her empty mind.
“have you eaten?” she questioned, clearly eyeing the tray still full of food.
She huffed at the lack of response, her hand reaching for Daphnes, only for her to flinch away.
“Please Daphne” she begged, for what neither knew wish.
They sat in silence for a time before Feyre finally left.
And Daphne let out a sigh of relief.
Another week passed, and Daphne, though still refused to speak to anyone, had started to talk to herself.
It had started by accident, with her looking in the mirror and analyse her new Fae form. She spoke her thoughts out loud, and though she had expected he usual nausea to emerge, but none came.
She began to eat, even if it was only a biscuit and tea, at least she was eating.
she hadn’t had any visitors in days, having been finally left alone and being given the chance to think and process.
At least that was until a knock sounded and Azriel entered the room.
Daphne looked at him curiously.
“Daphne?” he spoke carefully, looking around the room and taking in her half-eaten dinner.
His shadow’s whispering relief at the fact she had finally eaten.
“How are you?” he asked softly, taking a seat not to far from her.
She looked down, thinking thoroughly, as if unsure of how she felt.
She looked back out the window, her eyes distant, “I died” she whispered. She didn’t know why she said it, or where the confidence to talk to him came from.
His shadows seemed to circle her, wrapping around her arms, almost caressing her to comfort her.
“What?” Azriel questioned, his voice soft and careful. As if he would spook her and she wouldn’t talk to him again.
Her eyes jumped to the shadows, a soft smile on her face as they danced around her.
“I was dying…and that night my heart stopped” she continued, her face slowly turning to look at him, “the cauldron said so”
A tear dropped from his eye, his face one of devastation, “but your alive now.” He said whether it was to comfort himself of her he wasn’t sure.
“yes” she sighed, not in disappointment. “I can hear everything” she breathed, “I have to stuff my ears with cotton so I can sleep”
“i- fae hearing is rather different to human…I can ask Rhysand to put a sound barrier up for you, so that you can sleep”
She nodded, swallowing roughly.
He stared at her for a moment, his eyes watching her closely, before he stood to leave.
“stay” she murmured, “please” and he did, for the next week he would come and visit her for hours on end, where she would eat and sometimes talk.
Her voice still rough and slow as speaking didn’t come easier to her, but something about Azriel’s presence seemed to comfort her, and made her feel safe.
“How is she?” Feyre asked Azriel, her voice dripping with concern for her youngest sister.
Elain and Nesta seemed to be doing better, making progress even if it was slow.
And with the recent high lords meeting, and the wall falling, Feyre mind had been occupied on the war. She was filled with guilt over neglecting her youngest sister, but Azriel the quiet shadow singer seemed to be spending all his time as of late with her.
“she’s doing better” he spoke, “she…she is eating and she’s been speaking”
Feyre shouldn’t of been jealous, shouldn’t envy her friend for the comfort her sister found in him. And yet she was.
“Really?” she tried to keep her voice even and not show her true feelings on the subject.
It had been a long day and though she was making some progress on flying it was stills sore and tiring.
“What do you speak about?”
“i- I don’t think she want me to tell you…sorry” he mumbled.
“But she’s, okay?”
“Okay as someone can be after what she went through” his tone was dismissing, “though…she does want to see you, and Nesta and elain” he said slowly, gagging for Feyre reaction, “but don’t expect her to say anything…she barley speaks and is very unsure of herself”
“of course,” Feyre nodded, her face lighting up with a smile.
It had started of slowly, whereas nest and elain had greatly improved over the last month and half, even if Elain was still stuck in her head half the time and still needed the company of Lucien to eat or sleep.
She started to venture outside of her room, joining the inner circle for meals.
She had yet to speak to anyone but Azriel, and even then, it was rare.
She was content to be silent but know knowing she had the option to speak if needed filled her with a confidence she hadn’t had before.
And even if she wasn’t using words to verbalise her thoughts, she could sign when she wanted to.
Feyre had evens tarted learning it, after spotting her using it to speak to Azriel and Mor, even Rhysand after she made it clear she wasn’t comfortable with him talking to her in her head unless absolutely necessary.
Then as a week went on, her and Elain started to garden, and she had even asked Azriel to take her into Velaris to shop for plants and seeds. An activity he was more than happy to do.
But all this process seemed to stop as the Archeron sisters found themselves in the midst of a war.
She had found herself chained and gagged. A voice soothing her as she was lured from bed into the enemy camp and tied bound and bed of the to the very person that had tormented her and her sisters so.
Elain too had been lured, though she was kept somewhere else. Having been instantly separated.
The king looked down at you with a taunting glare, his hand swiping at her face in a way she were sure was meant to be a caress.
Daphne shivered in disgust, her legs kicking at him, as his soldiers tried to bind them too.
“aren’t you pretty” he crooned, “and silent too…most would be screaming, but not you” his eyes gleamed as he spoke. “a shame I need you unharmed and untouched” he crooned, his eyes looking over her body, before he stood to leave, his eyes surveying over her form, his arousal clear, as he exited the tent.
The soldiers gave you a similar look as they tied her down and left to stand guard.
And she was left to shiver in the cold tent and pray your someone came to her rescue.
Her mind instantly went to Azriel, the male she had a hopeless crush on since their first meeting.
He had always been kind to her, looked at her with such care, talked to her so softly and never expected anything in return for his kindness.
She had felt a connection with him from the moment she met him, as if there was a string that tied her to him. She only hoped he felt the same.
But she also feared he did, she feared she wouldn’t be good enough, or not enough for a male such as him. Feared that he would rather rescue Elain and leave her in the hands of the enemy.
She didn’t know why she had these thoughts. But they chased her.
Elain had powers, she was useful.
She could talk.
She was everything Daphne wasn’t.
It was a thought she had had her whole life.
Surely, they would prioritize Elain, she was the useful one whereas Daphne was the burden.
Tears feel from her eyes, and feeling of panic overtook her.
She didn’t want to be left behind, she had scarcely even lived.
She felt a tugging in her chest.
Different from the usual tugging she felt whenever she would have an attack.
This one tugged at her heart and flooded it with comfort.
The tears in her eyes fading as she focused on it.
She had felt it before, whenever she was sad or nervous, often a shadow would appear shortly after, and wrap around her wrist.
And this time was no different.
The tugging felt stronger, as if whatever it was that was tugging her was getting closer, and as more shadows entered the tent, and the sound of guards dropping outside. She realised the source of the tug walked into the tent.
“Daphne” Azriel breathed, his blood-spattered face frowning as he took her in. “are you okay?” he questioned, approaching you slowly, “did they-“ he couldn’t finish the sentence, couldn’t bare to say the words.
Daphne shook her head “no” she breathed “they needed me intact” she said, her tone angry as she recited the words.
Azriel slowly undid her binds, before lifting her into his arms. “ we need to leave now…Feyre has Elain” he mumbled, as if reading her mind and the question on the tip her tongue.
The journey back was long. From being chased and hunted out of Hyberns came, to the actual journey back to camp.
Azriel didn’t leave her side for the rest of the night. In fact, he refused to leave it all together, and the few moments he did, she found herself tugging on that string between them.
They didn’t talk about it, no one mentioned it as they saw her wrapped around his ar, refusing to leave his side.
It wasn’t what was important, at least right now.
For now, they had the war to think about.
She couldn’t remember much leading up to the moment, only the image of her grabbing truthteller, Azriel’s sword, and plunging it into the king of Hyberns neck. Of Nesta’s Scream. Of their father’s neck snapping.
And then there was a burst of golden light, something the heat of the sun flooded the field, taking the life of Hyberns troops.
And then there was nothing but darkness.
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Lease of Life | Azriel x Reader Part 4
I'm back :) I didn't intend on taking such a long break, but life just gets in the way and I just couldn't even open my laptop. If I have forgotten to add you to the tag list, just let me know!
She was back. Standing there in front of you, in one piece. She was back. You could think about the male standing next to her later, you just needed to take in every detail of Feyre so you could confirm that she was, in fact, okay.
Yet, looming in her gaze was a haunted look. Like there was something grave crawling beneath her skin. While she looked relieved to be reunited with Rhysand, hugging him dearly and bringing her lips to his gently, you could tell something was not quite right with your sister. That feeling sent the power within you writhing. Instinct. That was what Rhys had told you. The power mainly comes from instinct. Most fae children learn to control it as they grow, but obviously you had to learn. As if sensing the spike in energy, Rhys looked toward you, “Feyre, darling. Someone has been quite anxiously waiting for your return,” He spoke, guiding his mate’s gaze to your own.
“(F/n),” She breathed, her eyes scanning over your body. You realised then and there that she had never seen you like this. Healthy. Feyre approached you, placing her hands on your shoulders and squeezing gently.
“Quite the change from the withering little girl in the cottage, right?” You stated awkwardly. All of the inner circle’s eyes were on you.
“Oh sweetheart,” She whispered, tears lining her tired eyes. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
You did not feel okay. And for that, you felt ungrateful. The first time you had felt okay since your world was tipped off balance was just moments ago when Azriel had allowed you that brief moment of calm. You leaned in to Feyre, taking her face into your hands, rubbing your thumbs over the purple underscoring her eyes. “How about you, Fey?” You whispered, leaning your forehead against her own, “You don’t look okay.”
“Where’s Nesta and Elain?” She said, sucking in a harsh breath and standing straight. Classic Archeron tactic.
Avoid, avoid, avoid.
There was a pregnant silence following the High Lady’s question, no one knowing exactly how to explain her siblings’ current states. It was then that Rhysand took Feyre by the arm and lead her to a couch. Slowly, he explained Elain’s catatonic state. You watched with keen eyes as her demeanour changed, concern filling her body as she began to fidget with her hands. And Nesta. It only got worse when they began to explain Nesta’s seemingly contradictory response to becoming ‘one of you’ as she had put it, Rhys explained.
“I want to see them both.” Not a question, a statement.
You decided to hang back and allow Feyre to have a moment with your sisters alone. Quite frankly, you could not muster the strength to go and watch how utterly miserable Feyre would be when she set her eyes on Elain. Or listen to the snide remarks Nesta was sure to hurl at her. No, you definitely could not watch that. Not after the last time Nesta grated on your nerves. Certainly not a good idea since that feeling that something was definitely wrong with Feyre had set that whirring in your veins alight.
It was as though that moment of reprieve you had felt not even thirty minutes previous hadn’t happened. The sounds of the floorboards creaking ever so slightly from the level above sent painful sparks down your spine. Each spark almost urging you toward Feyre and demand what was wrong. Yet, you remained seated. The feeling was similar to that you felt the day you tried to hurt Nesta and you would not allow yourself near any of them. Slowly, you lifted yourself from the couch, and quietly prowled to your room. That was where you were the least likely to hurt anyone by sending a tirade of glass and wood.
Reaching the safety net that was your bedroom felt like a chore, the power bubbling more and more as your mind entertained the idea of destroying anything and anyone that had left Feyre looking so… ghostly. When you finally closed the door behind you, it all came to a head. A burst of energy exploded from you and shredded everything in your vicinity. Wood splintered, books flittered, fabric torn. You were glad that Rhys had placed a silencing ward around your room.
Heaved breaths left your body from the unsolicited exertion. Hands shook as you lowered yourself to your knees and desperately tried to clean the mess you created.
Tears of defeat streamed down your face as you took in the carnage you had released. You wanted to be able to support your sisters, like they had done for you in your times of need albeit in their own ways. Instead, you were falling apart at the idea that Feyre had been hurt. The sobs turned into wails as realisation set in.
You had not changed.
Yes, your body had changed. But you had not changed. You were still the same weak, sad little girl who could not do anything for herself, let alone for others. Feyre had always been strong. Nesta had always been fiercely protective and Elain had always been wildly supportive.
You had never given yourself the chance to be any of that.
And for that, you were being punished. The Cauldron had noticed it and decided you were to be punished for being weak. To have a constant reminder that you were never in control.
“(F/n)?” A voice called, pulling your focus to reality. Azriel. A gentle knock sounded from the door. “(F/n). Feyre is looking for you.”
Panic washed through your veins as you scrambled to wipe away the tears from your cheeks. Slowly, you opened the door a crack. Just wide enough to make eye contact and hide the disaster you created in the room. “I’ll be there in a moment,” You replied, willing your voice to sound strong.
Azriel’s eye scanned down your body, aware that you had just been crying. “You doing okay?”
Such a loaded, yet easy question. That alone triggered more tears to leak down your eyes. Your voice rippling, “Uh yeah. Just uh...” You whispered, looking up as if it would make the crying cease, “Just overwhelmed. I’ll be out soon, I just need a moment.”
Not a very convincing answer, you knew. But you hoped the Spymaster would catch on and leave you be. “I can get Feyre to come to you, if you would prefer to stay in here,” He replied, his voice gentle as if you were about to shatter in front of him.
“No!” You did not want Feyre to see what you had done and know that you were as weak as the day she left. Your sudden response had Azriel’s eyes narrowing slightly, “No, sorry. I just want some time alone to collect myself… I’ll just be out soon, okay?” If the gods were listening, they would let this be the end of the conversation.
“What’s going on?” He pried, not satisfied with your act.
Clearly, the gods weren’t listening.
“Nothing, Azriel. Just leave me be,” You snapped. Guilt soon washed over you, Azriel did not deserve that.
Though your anger set Azriel aback, he did not relent, “Open your door,” He demanded, knowing that you were hiding something. And if he had read your mood correctly when you had been reunited with Feyre, then he was sure it wasn’t good.
It was the first time you had seen Azriel’s assertive side. The side in which you were sure was what he used when conducting his spy business. The Shadowsinger. It left no room for argument or discussion. However, it did not intimidate you in the way you were sure it intimidated his victims. Because there was concern weaved through his tone.
Not finding it within yourself to refuse, you stepped back from the door and allowed him to push the door open and observe the carnage. Every hair on your body stood on end as you watched his eyes scan what was left of the room. Humiliation followed next. What would he think of you now? A sad, angry girl who could not contain her emotions long enough to deal with them appropriately.
“Are you okay?” He questioned again, eyes meeting your own.
You weren’t sure if it was you or how he asked simple questions but once again, a cascade of emotions flushed over you and sobs began to wrack your body. This time, Azriel approached you and wrapped his arms around you. The warmth of his embrace and tightness of his grip made you feel safe enough to let go completely. Burying your head in his chest, you weeped harder than you ever had before, blubbering about the mess you had created. And he listened. Stroking your hair, he listened to you wail about how you couldn’t control yourself and ‘it just happened.’
“It’s okay,” He cooed quietly, massaging your scalp slightly. “We will get this sorted. It was just an accident.”
Looking up into his beautiful golden eyes, with tears still leaking from your own, “Please don’t tell the others. I don’t want them to know that I can’t control myself.”
“What about your room?” He asked, wondering how you expected to not tell anyone about the room that was in tatters around you. Azriel watched as you seemed to scramble for excuses you could make up about the room. He watched as the fact of not being able to explain it away dawned on you. “How about I tell Rhysand and Feyre and I will make sure they don’t breathe a word of it to you or the others?”
While it was unlikely that Feyre would let this go, it calmed you. You did not want to talk about it and not being the one to tell them that you destroyed your room felt like a weight had been lifted. “You would do that for me?”
“I will do that for you, sweetheart,” He answered without hesitation. “Now, how about you go to Feyre now and I will get Rhys to do his weird magic fixing thing on your room. I will tell him to tell Feyre later.” You let out a small chuckle at his little joke.
Opening your mouth to thank him, he raised his hand, “Don’t thank me. This is what we do for each other here. Friends help each other.”
With a gentle smile, you left the room while your crush on Azriel grew yet seemed so far.
Friends. That was all you were to him. All you would ever be.
And that was okay, you guessed.
“And how have you been settling in to life as far?” Feyre asked cautiously, having filled the previous conversation with light banter before now. You paused, caught in a mental dispute over whether you should lie and let Feyre settle in after being away for what seemed like quite a taxing few weeks or being honest and adding to her ever-growing list of worries. “You know… it’s okay if you’re not finding it easy. When I was turned, I barely ate, barely slept and broke nearly all the doors in the spring court.”
“How did you manage to bounce back?” Hope bloomed in your chest that she would have a secret solution to all the problems you were facing.
“I nearly didn’t,” Feyre sighed, eyes looking beyond as if she could see the shadow of her previous self sitting in front of her. Her eyes met yours once again, “But, I was rescued by Mor and brought here to the Night Court. Rhys and the others were patient with me. Encouraged me to work through the trauma I had lived in both Under the Mountain and in the Spring Court after. It wasn’t easy, but if it weren’t for everyone living under this roof I wouldn’t have made it.”
Disappointment flooded your stomach at the realisation there was no easy fix to it. Feyre eyed you, clearly waiting for your input. A shaky exhale breezed through your lips, “I just want it to be okay now.”
“Tell me more about what you’re feeling.”
“I… I hate all of this. I just feel like the old me is living in a new body. Like everything that I wanted to change about myself is the same. I’m still weak, I’m still incapable of caring for myself properly. I feel so useless… I guess this change has made me realise there’s a lot I don’t like about myself and I don’t know how to fix it,” You admitted, shame dusting a deep red across your cheeks as you laid yourself bare to your sister.
“For one, you’re not useless. You never have been,” Was the quick response you were not expecting. Sensing that you were confused by her answer, Feyre continued, “You were always my rock when we were living in the cottage, you know. Not because you were sick and needed me, but because you always did what you could for me. And that is the quality about you that stopped us starving back then. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had the energy to continue fighting for us like I had. Before all of this happened,” She gestured to herself and her surroundings, “My biggest dream was to gather enough money to have better home for you, me and father. Nesta and Elain would be married happily and I would care for you properly, I would be able to paint every day and dad would… do whatever it dad does,” She giggled at you.
Smiling in amusement, you countered, “But then you began dreaming of the stars.”
“And then I began dreaming of the stars,” She repeated, a fond smile on her face and twinkling in her eyes. “I know this isn’t an easy transition, I wish I could have protected you from what happened. But I need you to know that I am here for you. For whatever you need. And the others are as well.”
“I know,” You whispered, pink dusting your cheeks at how Azriel had helped you so far.
Feyre was sure to have noticed your blushing, yet she did not mention it, “I know it is unfamiliar to you, but perhaps you could start training with Cassian or Azriel. I found it to be a life saver when I was adjusting. Just a suggestion though, we can explore other ways to make this easier on you.”
“I’ll have a think on it,” You said. Thoughts still on the Shadowsinger, you looked at Feyre with a sudden seriousness. “Is there one of those sound charms on this room?”
Feyre looked at your warily, before replying, “There is now. What is it?”
“Please don’t tell Rhysand this,” You began, sheepishness taking hold. With a nod from your elder sister, you continued, “I… I uh… I have come to realise that I know nothing about being with men… males… and I want to… y’know… be better at talking to one I like.” Gods above, you wished you never started this topic of conversation when you saw the wolfish grin that stretched across Feyre’s lips.
“Go on,” She encouraged.
“It’s just… I have a small crush and I’m fairly sure he just sees me as a friend but I was wondering how I talk to him enough to know for sure,” You wanted to ground to swallow you whole.
“Well, I wouldn’t be quick to make assumptions. But for now, just continue whatever you have going on with him for now. I want you to focus on yourself first, you don’t need to be heartbroken while also trying to make this transition. Trust me, I’ve been there. Not a good look,” She answered seriously. Feyre, the ever fierce protector. "But, in a few weeks, we can revisit and see where you're at and see how this 'small crush' is developing," She giggled.
* * *
Some hours later, you had built up enough courage to revisit the site of your destruction. As if Fate was looking down upon you, Rhys also happened to be walking from your room toward the living room. A charming smile stretches across his lips, nothing but kindness emanating from him. Your steps slowed, waiting for the humiliating moment where he would start discussing the way you ransacked your room. Steps went from slow to a complete halt as your stomach fluttered uncomfortably. Yet, Rhysand continued his stride.
All he did was send you a wink as he passed you by.
Tag List:
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My Love Will Never Die: Prologue

SUMMARY: Circe Archeron is faced with the tragedy of losing her cousin when a faerie arrives at their home demanding to know who had killed the wolf.
PAIRINGS: Azriel x Circe Archeron x Eris Vanserra
CONTENT WARNING: None really, at least I don't think.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello and welcome to the prologue of My Love Will Never Die. I have had this idea for a while. There will be two other characters that will be introduced in this series. The first chapter will take place in A Court of Mist and Fury. I hope you enjoy this! Also I decided to write this in first person pov instead of 3rd person. If you'd like to be added to a taglist for this series let me know in the comments.
My Love Will Never Die Masterlist
Snow and ice crusted the earth below. But it didn’t matter to me, I stood tall in the snow covered trees. My dirty-blonde hair was pulled back and braided so it would be out of my way. I jumped from tree to tree, Feyre was always jealous of the fact that I had an easy time hiding in the trees. I had always felt this heavy weight on my back, and because of it I had learned to balance myself especially in trees.
They became my friends. Odd, I know, but totally worth it when we’d go out hunting. That’s what my cousin and I had been doing, hunting for food in this brisk winter. I could feel the cold running along my skin. I had been living with the Archeron sisters since shortly before they had to leave the luxurious home behind and move into a smaller home. I didn’t understand why my parents had dropped me off with my cousins, all I know is they’re hiding something from me. One day I’ll figure it out. But today I’m hunting in the woods.
Feyre and I had separated from each other hours ago. We’d hoped that by doing so we’d gain more distance to find something to eat. But so far I had no such luck, I was secretly hoping that Feyre had gained the luck today. Feyre and I had started to go out into the woods to hunt for food when we were fourteen. Her reasoning was a promise she’d made to her mother, mine was mostly because I didn’t like to be alone with Nesta and Elain when Feyre wasn’t there.
Our relationship was strained. Nesta hated me, I don’t know why. I guess she blames me for moving in, because soon after they could no longer afford anything. I’m not sure honestly, she doesn’t ever give me an answer whenever I question her, whenever I ask her the same question. She just lets it fuss out like it's nothing important and honestly I’ve given up trying to figure out why she hates me. Feyre and I are now nineteen, it’s crazy, I know but what more can I do in this life.
Most of the things I know how to do I managed to teach myself, reading is one of those things. I’m not as skilled in reading but I can get by somewhat. It’s not important right now anyway. I’ve tried to help Feyre but I don’t really know what I’m doing. Feyre has become my best friend, she’s more of a sister than a cousin. And I so badly wished to have had that sibling connection with her that Nesta and Elain have with her but seem to not care much about.
I shake my head, easily getting lost in my thoughts these days when I’m alone in the woods. I gripped the bark tightly, small scratches littered my palms. I tend to get my hands cut a lot when I’d climb up into the trees. Feyre always had something to say about it and I know she’ll most likely say something about it when she sees my hands. Sometimes I like to feel pain, and the only healthy way is to climb trees. I adjust myself trying to ignore the heavy weight on my back.
I knew at this point without having any luck it was time to call quits and head home. I was hoping that Feyre had already made it back to the small house. I lunge off the branch I was hanging out on, I grip onto the next branch holding it tightly as I swing back and forth. The slight pain in my hands is evident. Finally I’m able to let go of the branch and land on the icy ground. The ice crunches beneath my boot covered feet.
I pull my dagger from my holster, it’s not much but it’s kept me safe over the years since I’ve started hunting. I lower myself into a crouching position and release a breath. My breath mixes with the cold air causing it to turn into a mist. Just to be safe I always stay low to the ground to make sure I’m not caught as I walk back home to the house where Nesta, Elain and my Uncle are. All of whom probably aren’t doing anything.
An hour later I had given up on the crouching, but I’d made it home. The dagger is back in the sheath. I don’t need Nesta and Elain to know I have it. One day I’d found it near the border that separates us from the Faeries, it was calling to me. Odd. It was so odd that a dagger was calling my name. But I found it and since then it has been with me. Finally reaching the door I pushed it open and walked inside.
A soft grunt leaves my throat as I enter the house. The house had a small amount of warmth, I could feel it but it was barely there. Not that I mind, I preferred the cold anyway. At least that’s what I tell myself. My ocean blue eyes land on my Uncle and cousins all of whom are close to each other.
“Where’s Feyre?” Nesta questioned, not bothering to give me another glance.
“Like you care.” I mumbled the words as I removed my cloak from my body. It didn’t do much to keep me warm during the winter but it was better than nothing. “She’s probably still hunting, I didn;t have any luck but I’m hoping that Feyre found something.” I said that loud enough that all three could hear me. Nesta didn’t budge, nor did Elain. I walked past them making my way into our small shared room. Sometimes I wish I could sleep on the floor in the winter. I hate sharing a room with my cousins. Feyre not so much because she didn’t hate me.
I closed the door behind me once I was in the room. I needed to change into warmer, dry clothes. I tracked towards the dresser and kneeled down to stare at the painting Feyre had drawn on my drawer. I had the same recording dream, it was always blurry so I couldn’t make out much. But I got enough from the dream. I had asked Feyre one day to paint hazel and amber eyes, mixed with bat wings, shadows and flames. I could never really understand why I had seen those images so constantly in my dreams but I wanted to be able to see them no matter the time of day.
Feyre had even questioned me about it when she was painting it, but I just didn’t know how to answer it other than the fact that I had seen everything when I was asleep. I didn’t know who the eyes belonged to but I knew one day that I’d figure it out eventually. I knew whomever the eyes belonged to they would most likely be important to me. After pulling on a warm set of clothes I heard the front door open, followed by Feyre’s voice and shortly after Nesta’s voice.
“Where did you get that?” Nesta had asked, as I rejoined them. I glanced over at Feyre as she looked at me. Over the years Feyre and I had developed a secret sort of communication and were able to talk with each other via expressions. Feyre was asking for my help without actually saying something. I moved from my spot walking over to her.
“Where do you think I got it?” Feyre questioned back, her voice hoarse.
I looked over at Nesta and my Uncle, they were by the hearth warming their hands. I had noticed Elain but gave her no mind just like she did to me. I watched closely as Feyre removed a wolf pelt from the doe she had collected. Then she turned and took her boots off placing them by the door. Feyre turned back towards Elain and myself, she glanced at her second oldest sister before her eyes fell onto me.
“Will it take you long to clean it?” Elain had asked simply.
I took note of the question, it was directed towards me and Feyre. We were the only ones who truly knew how to clean an animal. It wasn’t a hard task to learn, all things considered. I released a huff and glided towards the doe. I paid no mind to the conversation going on currently. At some point Feyre had joined me and we began working together.
“Are you going to come with us to the market tomorrow?” I lifted my eyes at the question Feyre had asked. Then briefly I looked over at Nesta and Elain.
“I think I’ll stay here if that’s all right.” For some reason my voice was soft as I answered Feyre’s question. Feyre only gave a nod and the conversation dropped there. Eventually night fell and we were stuffed in the bed. I was exhausted from today’s adventure and ready for bed.
I had spent most of the day with my Uncle though he hadn’t made much of an effort to talk to me. So I ended up in the trees. When I didn’t want to talk to anyone this is where I’d come. I’d pick a tree, climb it and sit on the branch. Sometimes I’d stay resting on the tree well past sunset to watch the stars shine brightly in the sky. This was my safe heaven and I didn’t know what I’d do without this. Feyre stood down below staring up at me.
“Come on, food’s ready.” She said my cousin was never happy that I could climb the trees. She also didn’t understand why I did it. In a sense I guess I needed to be closer to the stars or the sun or maybe the clouds. I never really knew, it was always a guessing game with my feelings. “When will you stop climbing into trees?”
I shrugged my shoulders, attempting to move the weight on my back. It always felt like something was dragging against the ground. I didn’t understand it, I had hoped to one day reunite with my parents and ask them why it felt that way on my back. I hadn’t seen them since they dropped me off at my cousins, so I guess I would never really get my answers. I looked back at Feyre realizing that she was still waiting for me to answer her question, the one I hadn’t answered yet.
“Never. It’s my safe haven away from Nesta, Elain and Uncle.” I finally answered the question as Feyre and I started walking back towards the home.
“Just don’t hurt yourself. I can’t lose my best friend.” Feyre looked at me. Her blue-green eyes blazing brightly. We entered the house, finally we were all sitting down and eating the deer. I wasn’t in the mood to listen to whatever conversation they were having. I would take small bites of my food to savor it, and in between I’d play with it until I decided to take another bite. A roar so loud I had to cover my ears brought me out of my thoughts.
Hesitantly I reached for my dagger, but didn’t make a move to pull it out of its sheath. Nesta and Elain were screaming, snow burst into the room we were in as the door opened and a growling figure appeared in our line of sight. I was so confused as to what was going on but finally I pulled the dagger out of my hands and moved in front of Nesta and Elain. The dagger was in front of me as I looked up at the beast. My heartbeat was beating so fast, I couldn’t seem to calm it down.
“MURDERERS!” Its voice was rough as it looked around the room. My breath caught in my throat as I glanced over at Feyre. We both knew what this was. Faerie. I couldn’t believe there was a Fae in our home. Who was it and what did they want? Those were the only questions that seemed to be running through my mind. “MURDERERS!” It roared again.
“P-please,” I could hear my Uncle’s voice from somewhere in the room. I couldn’t look away from the beast to figure out where his voice was coming from. “Whatever we have done, we did so unknowingly, and—”
“W-w-we didn’t kill anyone.” Nesta added, choking on the sobs that left her lips. I briefly pulled my eyes away from the beast and saw her holding the iron bracket over her head. I guess she hoped it would protect her from the monster at our front door.
“Get out,” Feyre snapped at the beast, she held a dinner knife in front of her. I shifted slightly and caught the eyes of the beast. It looked at me, then it seemed to halt its movements. It sensed something on me, I could tell. “Get out, and begone.” Feyre added. His roar was so loud it shook the entire cottage along with everything in it. Before I had a chance to speak I watched Feyre hurl her hunting knife at the beast. But he was able to block it before it made contact with his skin.
Feyre stumbled backwards almost knocking into her father. I stepped forward slightly, the faerie had almost killed my cousin. I had almost lost her. The eyes of the monster landed on me, he looked at me differently then he had looked at Feyre. I straightened my back slightly, moving my shoulders to adjust the weight on my back. It was almost like he could sense that something was different about me. That I was different from my cousins. But as far as I was aware whatever was different about me he couldn’t see it. At least that’s what I hoped.
“WHO KILLED HIM?” He roared out, pulling his eyes away from me to look around at the rest of my family. He stalked towards us, he set his paw on the table, his claws scratched into the table one by one. I shuddered at the thought of what those claws could do.
“Killed who?” Feyre was quick to ask the question.
He growled out, his voice was low, “the wolf.” I looked to my cousin as her eyes fell to mine. I hadn’t been with her but she had in fact killed that wolf. At this moment I wish I had been with her. Maybe I should tell the creature that I was the one who had killed the wolf, but I knew Feyre wouldn’t let me do that.
“A wolf?” Elain released a shriek, I had to stop myself from covering my ears when I heard it.
“A large wolf with a gray coat,” he snarled at us.
“If it was mistakenly killed,” Feyre said to the beast, her voice calm. “What payment could we offer in exchange?” I closed my eyes dreading what this creature might want in return.
“The payment you must offer is the one demanded by the Treaty between our realms.”
“For a wolf?” I asked, tilting my head. This was so confusing.
“Who killed the wolf?” His eyes whirled around the room staring at each of us. I moved my shoulders, stepping forward however Feyre beat me to it.
“I did.” She said.
“Surely you lie to save them, to save her.” He said pointing at me with his clawed finger. I gulped, I feared that he might try and take me instead of Feyre. This wasn’t happening, this had to be a dream. I need to wake up now, I go to pinch myself only it hurts. This is real.
“We didn’t kill anything!” Elain cried. “Please… please, spare us!” Nesta hushed Elain, though she did it through her own crying. I couldn’t bring myself to cry like they were. I guess because I had been hunting for a while with Feyre. Suddenly my Uncle was standing from where he’d been sitting, grunting in pain.
“I killed it!” Feyre said, I watched as the beast pulled his eyes away from Nesta and Elain to look at her. “I sold its hide at the market today. If I had known it was a faerie, I wouldn’t have touched it.” I knew that was a lie.
“Liar.” So did he, apparently. “You knew. You would have been more tempted to slaughter it had you known it was one of my kind.”
“Can you blame me?”
“Did it attack you? Were you provoked?”
I looked over at my cousin waiting for her to say yes, to say something other than the word that was uttered from her mouth, “No,” she said, with a snarl of her own. “But considering all that your kind has done to us, considering what your kind still likes to do to us, even if I had known beyond a doubt, it was deserved.”
He released a growl to Feyre’s answer. I could feel the rage coming from the creature. I think we all could. I didn’t like where this was heading and I knew where this was heading. I didn’t want it to be the case. I can’t lose Feyre, she’s all I have. Sure the others are here but they don’t really care for me, I’m just an extra mouth that my parents forced them to take care of because they couldn’t handle whatever was wrong with me.
“What is the payment the Treaty requires?”
He continued to stare at Feyre as he talked to her, “A life for a life. Any unprovoked attacks on faerie-kind by humans are to be paid only by a human life in exchange.” Nesta and Elain stopped crying at the admission.
“I didn’t know.” Feyre said. “Didn’t know about that part of the Treaty.”
I couldn’t think of a way out of this, of a way to keep Feyre here with us. “Most of you mortals have chosen to forget that part of the Treaty,” he said, “which makes punishing you far more enjoyable.”
The panic inside me was flickering, I couldn’t lose her. He was going to take her away. I would never see the only person who understood me ever again.
“Do it outside,” Feyre whispered, her voice trembling. I wanted to cry for the first time in what felt like forever. But I still couldn’t bring myself to not yet anyway. “Not… here.”
“Willing to accept your fate so easily?” He asked. “For having the nerve to request where I slaughter you, I’ll let you in on a secret, human: Prythian must claim your life in some way, for the life you took from it. So as a representative of the immortal realm, I can either gut you like swine, or… you can cross the wal and live our the remainder of your days in Prythian.”
“What?” Feyre asked.
“Please.” I begged, no matter how hard I was trying to hold back my tears they had started to fall down my face. “Please don’t take her away from me. I can’t lose her.” I broke, as the words exited my mouth. My knees trembled and I quickly dropped to the ground staring at the beast.
“You can either die tonight or offer your life to Prythian by living in it forever, forsaking the human realm.”
I was shaking my head looking at my cousin. “Do it, Feyre,” my Uncle whispered from behind Feyre. “Go.”
“No. Please.” I cried out again.
“Live where? Every inch of Prythian is lethal to us.” She does have a point. “Why bother?”
“You murdered my friend,” he snarled at her. “Murdered him, skinned his corpse, sold it at the market, and then said he deserved it, and yet you have the nerve to question my generosity?”
Feyre stepped forward. “You didn’t need to mention the loophole.”
He released another snarl. “Foolish of me to forget that humans have such low opinions of us. Do you humans no longer understand mercy?” He’s so close to Feyre now. “Let me make this clear for you, girl: you can either come live at my home in Prythian—offer your life for the wolf’s in that way—or you can walk outside right now and be shredded to ribbons. Your choice.”
“Please, good sire—Feyre is my youngest. I beseech you to spare her. She is all… she is all…” His words seemed to die in his throat as he talked. “Please—”
“I can get gold—” He tried to come up with a compromise, and I hoped that the beast would allow it over taking Feyre away.
“How much is your daughter’s life worth to you? Do you think it equates to a sum?” He questioned. Nothing came out to answer the question, the silence was deafening as Feyre stepped forward. She looked back at me, like she was sending her apology to me. I knew what it meant, she was leaving to protect all of us. And to honor the Treaty he was talking about.
“When do we go?” Feyre asked, I started shaking my head. I couldn’t breath, this was happening too fast for my liking.
I couldn’t hear anything after that. It was all silent. I wanted this to be a dream more than anything right now. I wish it were. I really do wish I could just wake up from this. I felt myself begging the creature over and over, asking to go with them. But Feyre turned it down before I even had a chance. I felt her arms around me as she said goodbye. But I still couldn’t process anything. Before I knew it she was gone, taken just like that.
I wouldn’t have my best friend with me anymore. I’d live a life without her and that broke me. I crumpled to the floor and cried out silently. I received no comfort from any of them the rest of the night. I just stayed on the floor until I eventually cried myself to sleep, hoping for a better future. Maybe I’d get a better future now. I just had to remain strong and not let my thoughts consume me. But that was a difficult challenge.
#azriel x original character#eris vanserra x original character#azriel x eris#a court of thorns and roses#feyre archeron#original characters#nesta archeron#papa archeron#elain archeron#azriel#eris vanserra
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