#Ayurvedic migraine treatment
guideoflife · 10 months
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ayurtreat · 1 month
The Power of Nature: Natural Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatments for Migraine
Embark on a journey to discover how natural remedies and Ayurvedic treatments can help with migraines. These methods combine the healing power of nature with ancient wisdom to reduce severe headache pain and improve overall well-being. Migraine can affect not just your body but also your emotions and thoughts. Many people want solutions beyond regular medicines, so they try holistic methods that target the main causes of their discomfort. Natural remedies and Ayurvedic treatments are great for this because they focus on your whole well-being.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinus Headache/Migraine:
The clinic conducts a thorough analysis of the patient’s body type and the underlying causes of their headaches before recommending an Ayurvedic treatment for sinus headaches. Specialists use detoxification methods tailored to the severity and type of headaches. For sinusitis, they employ Nasya, a unique detox technique that clears out excess Kapha from the nostrils.
Read more:https://ayurtreat.ae/the-power-of-nature-natural-remedies-and-ayurvedic-treatments-for-migraine/
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hari-100 · 2 months
Discover the Healing Power of Ayurveda at Swastik Ayurveda
Welcome to Swastik Ayurveda, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing to provide you with comprehensive care for various health issues. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, offers natural and holistic treatments that address the root causes of ailments. At Swastik Ayurveda, we specialize in treating a wide range of conditions, ensuring a healthier, balanced life for our patients.
Psychological Problems
Both physical and mental health are equally important. A psychological ayurvedic clinic in hydernagar provides efficient therapies for mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. Herbal remedies, yoga, meditation, and individualized lifestyle advice are all part of our treatments, which aim to improve emotional stability and mental equilibrium.
Migraine and Sinusitis Problems
Sinusitis and persistent headaches can be quite painful. Our migraine and sinusitis ayurvedic treatment in hydernagar aims to reduce inflammation and relieve pain by using a blend of herbal remedies, steam inhalation, nasal drops (Nasya), and dietary modifications. These all natural techniques assist in preventing future incidents and relieving symptoms. 
Cervical Spondylosis
For those suffering from cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylosis ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar offers effective relief through therapies such as Greeva Basti (medicated oil treatment), herbal poultices, and specific neck exercises. These treatments help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the cervical spine.
Paralysis Problems
paralysis problems ayurvedic hospital in hydernagar is hope for paralysis patients through Panchakarma therapy, massage (Abhyanga), and the use of medicated oils. These treatments improve blood circulation, stimulate nerve function, and enhance mobility, offering a better quality of life.
Cerebral Palsy Problems
ayurvedic treatment for cerebral palsy in hydernagar aims to improve motor skills and overall development. Therapies include special massages, physical exercises, and herbal medicines that support neurological function and muscle coordination.
Frozen Shoulder
Ayurvedic treatments for frozen shoulder involve therapies like Pizhichil (oil bath), medicated steam baths, and herbal compresses. These methods enhance blood flow, reduce pain, and improve shoulder mobility by best frozen shoulder ayurvedic doctor in hydernagar
Tennis Elbow Problems
Tennis elbow can be effectively managed with Ayurvedic treatments such as local oil applications, massages, and herbal medications. Tennis Elbow Ayurvedic Treatment in hydernagar help reduce inflammation and pain while strengthening the muscles around the elbow.
Vocal Cord Problems
vocal cord ayurvedic hospital in hydernagar offers natural remedies for vocal cord issues through herbal throat applications, steam inhalation, and dietary adjustments. These treatments soothe the vocal cords and improve voice quality.
Eye (Vision) Problems
ayurvedic eye treatment in hydernagar provides holistic treatments for vision problems. Therapies include Netra Tarpana (eye rejuvenation), herbal eye drops, and dietary recommendations to enhance vision and maintain eye health.
Hearing Loss Problems
ayurvedic specialist for hearing loss problem in hydernagar focus on improving ear health through medicated ear drops, steam inhalation, and herbal supplements. These methods help restore hearing and prevent further deterioration.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed with carpel tunnel syndrome ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar such as wrist massages, herbal treatments, and yoga exercises. These treatments alleviate pain and numbness, promoting better hand function.
Scoliosis Problems
scoliosis ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar offers holistic treatments for scoliosis, including Panchakarma therapy, spinal massages, and herbal medicines. These methods help reduce spinal curvature and improve posture and mobility.
Disk Problems
Disk problems, such as herniated discs, are treated with Ayurveda's natural therapies like Kati Basti (oil treatment for the lower back), herbal medications, and specific exercises. These treatments relieve pain and promote spinal health by the disk problems ayurvedic specialist in hydernagar
Back Pain
Chronic back pain is a common issue that Ayurveda addresses effectively. Treatments include Panchakarma therapy, massages, and herbal remedies that reduce inflammation and provide long lasting relief with the help of back pain ayurvedic specialist in hydernagar
PCOD problem Ayurvedic Hospital in Hydernagar
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is managed in Ayurveda through detoxification therapies, hormonal balancing treatments, and dietary changes. These natural methods help regulate menstrual cycles, reduce cysts, and improve overall reproductive health.
At Swastik Ayurveda, we are dedicated to offering personalized and effective Ayurvedic treatments for a wide range of health problems. Embrace the power of Ayurveda and experience holistic healing and well-being.
For more information please contact.www.swastikayurveda.com
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divyamrut123 · 3 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine - Divyamrut Ayurcare
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Get Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache & Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine at Divyamrut Ayurcare.
It is undoubtedly challenging to maintain joy and mindfulness when you feel like your skull is about to blow up. Sometimes we can blame a pounding headache on the binge-watching that kept us up all night, or perhaps it was the bag of salted potato chips or the third glass of wine. Sometimes, though, our headaches appear completely mysterious.
Causes of Headache, Migraine
There Are Two Main Streams Cause of Headache, Migraine
Primary: Primary headaches don’t have any connections to any other illnesses.
Secondary: These are headaches from other sources, such as stimulation of the head’s pain-sensitive nerves by a particular condition.
Some Are As Follows:
Blood Clotting
Bleeding either inside the brain or in the surrounding areas 
Brain Freezing after eating something cold
The inhalation of a gas called carbon monoxide
Brain tumour
A dangerous medical condition could be the cause of your headaches. Therefore, a medical professional or Ayurvedic practitioner should be consulted for recurrent, severe, and persistent headaches, especially if conventional pain relievers are ineffective.
Types of Headaches, Migraine
The causes, intensity, length of time they take to heal, and treatment methods for different types of headaches vary.
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Stress headache
Cluster headache
Sinus headache
Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Painful Headaches, Migraine
According to Ayurveda, headaches are not regarded as a disease but rather as a sign of vitiation of one or more doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with Vata usually being the primary dosha affected.
Types of Headache and migraine mentioned in Ayurveda:
Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain ) 
Anantavaata (classical migraine) 
Suryaputra (morning headache)
Some Causes of Headaches and migraines in terms of Ayurveda are as follows
Unhealthy Food
oily and spicy food
stress, sadness, and anger
consuming dry and salty food 
pungent food
The Ayurvedic practitioner will identify the underlying cause and dosha imbalance through questioning and the Rogi Pariksha exam.  An explanation of the different kinds of headaches caused by dosha vitiation can be found below.
What Type of Massage Is Best For Headache And Migraines?
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Yoga Postures for Headaches, Migraine
Setu bandh asana
Paschimott anasana
Janu Sirs asana
Bala sana
What are the Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Headache, and Migraine?
Don’t stay up late at night
Sleeping less Than 7 hours or more than 8
Frequent Intake of painkillers should be avoided
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
Consumption of strong tea and coffee
Frequent fasting or going long hours between meals
Long periods of direct sunlight
Outdoors in windy conditions
Excessive use of digital screens
How to cure Headache, and Migraine in Ayurveda?
Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Ginger: Ginger has the effect of lessening scalp blood vessel inflammation.
Marigold tea: Marigold tea has an analgesic property. If you would like, you can add honey to it.
Lavender Oil: The calming aroma of lavender essential oil aids in the relief of headaches brought on by stress.
Cinnamon: One excellent treatment for headaches is cinnamon. To make a thick paste, grind some cinnamon and add a little water.
Cloves: The cooling and pain-relieving qualities of cloves make them an easy solution for headache issues.
Basil leaves: In a cup of boiling water, place three or four basil leaves, and let steep for a few minutes.
How to reduce Headaches, and Migraine by massage?
Self-Massage Methods Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Hydrate well both before and after completing these procedures.
Firmly press your thumbs together and into the area just below your forehead, which is the bridge of your nose. Take ten deep breaths and hold. 5 times over, repeat.
With the pads of your thumbs very near the nose bridge, place them directly beneath your forehead. This time, though, you’re going to apply intense upward pressure to your forehead. While maintaining this pressure for ten seconds, take deep breaths. 5 times over, repeat.
Pinch your eyebrows with both hands and hold them there for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath 5 times over, repeat.
For 10 seconds, apply consistent pressure while pressing your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple in a slight circular motion. Take a deep breath. 5 times over, repeat.
For more information and to get help with Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, contact us at Divyamrut Ayurcare
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ayurtreatseo · 3 months
The Power of Nature: Natural Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatments for Migraine
Embark on a journey to discover how natural remedies and Ayurvedic treatments can help with migraines. These methods combine the healing power of nature with ancient wisdom to reduce severe headache pain and improve overall well-being. Migraine can affect not just your body but also your emotions and thoughts
Read more:https://ayurtreat.ae/headache/
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travoncore · 3 months
Shirodhara’s Healing Touch on Body and Soul | Panchakarma Therapies
Discover the revitalising power of Shiroghara at our Ayurvedic clinic in Bangalore. Feel the touch of healing your body and soul with Panchakarma therapies, personalised for sinusitis, arthritis, migraines, and skin diseases.
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drsagarnarkhede · 4 months
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Ayurveda offers authentic medicines and Panchakarma treatment for stomach problems. Specific panchakarma treatment and medicines are prescribed to the patient according to the lifestyle and problem they have. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the most suitable treatment for your individual needs.
#stomatchpain #stomachproblems #stomatchbloating #stomachache #stomachhealth #acidityproblems #AcidityRelief #acidity #gases #indigestion #migraine #headache #piles #pilestreatment #FissureTreatment #IBS #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedicmedicines #ayurvedicclinic #ayurvedicdoctor #panchakarmatherapy #panchakarma #ayurvedpanchkarma #health #ayurveda #drnarkhedeayurvedclinic #drsagarnarkhede #ghodbunderroad #thane
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skkayurveda · 4 months
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star-ayurveda · 7 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine
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For those who suffer from migraine, Ayurveda can be a boon in curing this order.
Migraine headache is not an easy disease to do away with. Even with Ayurveda, moderate to severe form of migraine headaches take a while to get totally cured and usually gradually get better in a phased out manner; they usually do not disappear in one go. Usually whenever patient experiences such a headache they themselves often start off with paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen or other analgesics. OTC drugs may provide some relief, although they are typically not effective for most sufferers, and therefore is a very dangerous and harmful practice.
In allopathy treatment, patients who have been diagnosed with reccuring migraines, migraine abortive medications are prescribed. It means treating the attack at the onset can often abort it before it becomes serious. Similarly many NSAIDs are prescribed for a long time like paracetamol, naproxyn, excedrin, metoclopramide, megraleve, analgesics combines with caffeine and antiemetics. In short they treat the symptoms and not the person suffering from migraine headaches. These medicines are made up of synthetic products and are non organic. So, in one way they might be relieving your symptoms for an hour or so but the other way they are making you face other problems which we call side effects. Most of the pain killers are toxic to kidneys and liver which are vital organs.
Moreover allopathic pain killers are just a temporary solution. They have the same type of medicine for every migraine sufferer. Allopathy just works superficially and does not treat the root cause of migraine headaches.
Studies show that the constant use of pain killers may have a rebound effect - actually causing headaches. Dependence on pain killers may also hamper the effectiveness of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.
On the other hand, Ayurvedais different; Ayurveda treats the whole person and tailor made treatment is devised for each different patient. For example 5 different patients of migraine headache may be given 5 different kind of remedies depending upon their physical and mental makeup, aggravating and ammeliorating factors. There are 253 remedies to choose from for migraine headaches in Ayurveda. This is one reason an experienced and knowledgeable homeopathy doctor is required to work on the disease. Ayurveda also helps and transforms people mentally, emotionally and physically.
Ayurveda treatment of migraine headaches depends totally upon the symptoms presented including the psycho-physical makeup of the patient. The character and the modalities associated and also the symptoms associated with the migraine headaches like aura, vomiting, nausea and the trigger factors decide the choice of Ayurveda medicine that would help that particular case.
What is Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache?
It is very common for each one of us to suffer from headaches couple of times in our lifetime; but for some, headaches are far too common and their recurrences become a major hindrance in leading a normal life. One such type of recurrent headaches is called Migraine headaches. Migraine headaches show a typical pattern of recurrence and are characterized by severe to moderate head pain, involving both sides or one sided which may or may not be present with nausea and vomiting.
Causes of Migraine or Paroxysmal Headache
Although the actual cause of migraine is not very clear, but the researchers believe that migraine headache is caused by a drop in the level of a chemical serotonin in the brain which leads to the inflammation and dilatation in the blood vessels of the brain leading to a headache.
Migraine is often pyschosomatic in origin. There are migraine personalities and most migraine sufferers show one or may of the following behavioral pattern : conscientiousness, fastidiousness, rigidity of views, constant conflict between the environment and self, high level of expectation.
Migraine headache sufferers are more females than males. However, we are observing a shift. Often it is observed to be running in the family, showing heriditary links.
Due to some triggering factors, varying from person to person, there is some kind of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the branches of the carotid artery which leads to typical throbbing and congestive attack of headaches. Migraine headache attacks may be triggered by :
Allergic reactions.
Bright lights, loud noises, odors or perfumes.
Physical or emational stress.
Changes in sleep patterns.
Smoking or exposure to smoke.
Skipping meals.
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition.
Tension headaches.
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami).
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products and fermented or pickeled foods.
Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
The signs and symptoms of migraine headaches vary among patients. Therefore, what a patient experiences before, during and after an attack can't be defined exactly. The four phases of a migraine headache attack are common but not necessarily experienced by all migraine headache sufferers :
The PRODROME, includes symptoms experienced by patients hours or days before the headaches. These may include irritability, depression, tiredness, yawning, constipation, stiffness of neck and so on.
The AURA, immediately preceeds the headache. The symptoms may include foggy vision, colored vision, bright lines in front of eyes, sensation of pins or numbness on body, vertigo, loss of smelling power, nausea / vomiting and photophobia.
The PAIN phase, also known as HEADACHE phase : Usually the headache is in one half of the body. It increases gradually and lasts from 4 to 72 hours. However the intensity, duration and frequency of pain varies from person to person. The headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, pallor of face, loss of appetite, sensitivity to smells, noise and light and so on.
The POSTDROME phase, the symptoms occuring after an attack of migraine. These include mood changes, depression, tiredness, letharginess, loss of appetite and so on.
How are Migraine Headaches Diagnosed?
Migraine headaches are usually underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The diagnosis of migraine without aura, according ot International Headache Society, can be made on the basis of the following criteria, the '5, 4, 3, 2, 1 criteria'.
5 or more attacks.
4 hours to 3 days in duration.
2 or more of - unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe pain, aggravation by or avoidance of routine physical activity.
1 or more accompanying symptoms - nausea and or vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia.
For migraine with aura, only two attacks are required to justify the diagnosis. POUNDING (Pulsating, duration of 4 to 72 hOurs, Unilateral, Nausea, Disabling) can help diagnose migraine. If 4 of the 5 criteria are met, then the positive likelihood of diagnosing migraine headache is very high.
Lab Investigations in Migraine Headaches
To rule out possible organic causes of headaches - for example, an aneurysm, tumor, or structural abnormality - a doctor may employ vision tests, x-rays, a CT scan, a lumbar puncture, or an EEG.
Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches
It is very important for those suffering from migraines to realize that lifestyle modifications like regular excercise and reducing stress in their life are very essential in curing migraine headaches. Regular excercise can release endorphins, the body's natural painkilling agents. Excercise may also help to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood flow and may counteract the constricting action that occurs a the onset of most migraines. Identifying trigger factors and avoiding these factors can be very helpful in controlling the recurrence of migrain headaches. Holding an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables against your forehead while soaking your feet in hot water may stop a migraine headache if fone right away.
Economic Impact of Migraine Headaches
In addition to being a major cause of pain and suffering, recurrent migraine headache attacks are a significant source of both medical costs and lost productivity. Medical costs per migraine sufferer averaged USD 107 over 6 months in one 1988 study with total costs including lost productivity averaging USD 313. Annual employer cost of lost productivity due to migraine headaches in USA amounted to one billion dollors in 1994, in addition to lost productivity estimated at 13 to 17 billion dollors per year. The workplace model of 9 to 5, 5 days a week may not be viable for a migraine sufferer. With education and understanding an employer could compromise with an employee to create a workable solution for both.
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sppc2016 · 7 months
Is acupuncture therapy effective for pain relief?
Acupuncture therapy, an ancient practice originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential in pain management and addressing insomnia. As individuals seek alternatives to conventional medicine, acupuncture has emerged as a popular choice, claiming to alleviate various types of pain, including body pain and sciatica, as well as providing natural treatment for insomnia. But amidst the growing interest, the question remains: Is acupuncture therapy truly effective for pain relief and insomnia?
Proponents of acupuncture therapy advocate for its efficacy based on centuries of practice and anecdotal evidence. The technique involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, aiming to stimulate the flow of energy or Qi along meridians. According to TCM principles, pain arises from disruptions in this flow, and acupuncture restores balance, thereby reducing pain. Additionally, acupuncture is considered a natural treatment for insomnia, as it aims to rebalance the body's energy and promote relaxation, which can aid in improving sleep quality.
Numerous studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for pain relief and insomnia, yielding mixed results. Some research suggests that acupuncture therapy may indeed offer benefits for certain types of pain, such as body pain and sciatica, as well as providing a natural treatment for insomnia. These studies often highlight acupuncture's ability to modulate pain perception, stimulate the release of endorphins, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation conducive to better sleep.
Furthermore, acupuncture therapy is often sought as an Ayurvedic treatment for migraine, with individuals reporting positive experiences and improvements in migraine symptoms. The holistic approach of acupuncture, which considers the interconnectedness of the body and mind, resonates with those seeking alternative therapies for pain management and insomnia.
Moreover, acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by trained practitioners using sterile needles. Unlike pharmaceutical pain medications, acupuncture carries minimal risk of adverse side effects, making it an attractive option for individuals wary of medication-related complications. As an Ayurvedic hospital in Delhi, Patanjali Hospital Delhi offers acupuncture therapy as part of its holistic approach to healthcare, providing natural treatments for a range of conditions, including pain management, insomnia, and sciatica.
In conclusion, the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy for pain relief and insomnia remains a topic of debate within the medical community. While some studies suggest potential benefits, more robust research is needed to definitively establish acupuncture as a reliable treatment for pain and insomnia. Ultimately, individuals seeking pain relief and insomnia treatment should consult with healthcare professionals to explore all available options, including acupuncture therapy, Ayurvedic treatments, and holistic approaches tailored to their unique needs and preferences.
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sonal135 · 8 months
Migraines & Sleep: Your Nighttime Guide
Migraines are not just painful headaches; they are complex neurological events that can disrupt your life in various ways. If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from migraines, you understand the importance of managing triggers, stress, and diet to keep these debilitating headaches at bay. However, there's one essential aspect of migraine management that often gets overlooked: sleep. Understanding the relationship between migraines and your circadian rhythm can be the key to a more peaceful night and fewer migraine episodes.
The Migraine and Sleep Connection
Migraines and sleep are intrinsically linked. For many migraine sufferers, both the quantity and quality of sleep can significantly impact the frequency and intensity of their headaches. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, can trigger migraines or make existing ones worse. On the other hand, migraines themselves can disrupt sleep patterns, creating a vicious cycle.
Migraine-Related Sleep Disturbances
Insomnia: Migraine attacks can lead to insomnia. The intense pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea can make it nearly impossible to fall asleep. This lack of restorative sleep can exacerbate migraine symptoms and leave you feeling exhausted.
Nightmares: Some migraine sufferers report vivid and disturbing nightmares during their attacks, which can further disrupt their sleep and lead to anxiety about going to bed.
Frequent Awakening: Migraines can cause you to wake up multiple times during the night, interrupting your sleep cycle and preventing you from reaching the deep, restorative stages of rest.
Morning Headaches: Waking up with a migraine, often referred to as a "morning headache," is a common experience for many individuals with migraine. This phenomenon can set the tone for an uncomfortable day ahead.
Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm
Your circadian rhythm is your body's internal clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and other physiological processes. It is influenced by external cues such as light and darkness. When your circadian rhythm is in sync, you experience a regular pattern of alertness during the day and restful sleep at night.
How Circadian Rhythm Impacts Migraines
Trigger Sensitivity: Your circadian rhythm can affect your sensitivity to migraine triggers. For example, some people are more prone to migraines in the morning, while others may experience them in the evening. Understanding your specific trigger patterns can help you better manage your migraines.
Sleep Timing: Disruptions to your circadian rhythm, such as shift work or irregular sleep schedules, can increase your susceptibility to migraines. It's essential to establish a consistent sleep routine to keep your circadian rhythm on track.
Melatonin Production: Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, plays a crucial role in regulating sleep and circadian rhythms. Some migraine sufferers have lower melatonin levels, which can lead to sleep disturbances. Consult with a healthcare professional to explore melatonin supplementation if necessary.
Tips for Managing Migraines and Improving Sleep
Now that we've explored the intricate relationship between migraines and your circadian rhythm, let's discuss some practical tips to help you manage both more effectively:
1. Consistent Sleep Schedule
Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your circadian rhythm, reducing the likelihood of migraine triggers related to sleep disturbances.
2. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment
Make your sleep environment conducive to rest. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows, and consider using blackout curtains to block out external light sources.
3. Mindful Eating
Be cautious about when and what you eat, especially in the evening. Avoid large, heavy meals close to bedtime, as they can trigger migraines. Opt for light, easily digestible snacks if you need to eat before sleep.
4. Manage Stress
Stress is a common migraine trigger and can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, to promote better sleep and migraine management.
5. Limit Screen Time Before Bed
The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin production. Try to limit screen time at least an hour before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
6. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can trigger migraines and disrupt your sleep. Ensure you stay adequately hydrated throughout the day, but be mindful of reducing fluid intake in the evening to minimize nighttime awakenings.
7. Medication Management
Consult with a healthcare professional to discuss migraine-specific medications and treatments that can help manage your symptoms. They can also provide guidance on using sleep aids if necessary. There are a number of medication options that have proven useful against migraines, such as the Migracon Tablet.
8. Keep a Sleep and Migraine Diary
Tracking your sleep patterns and migraine episodes in a diary can help identify patterns and triggers specific to your situation. Share this information with your healthcare provider for more personalized guidance.
9. Consult a Specialist
If migraines and sleep disturbances continue to disrupt your life, consider consulting a specialist, such as a neurologist or sleep medicine physician. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and recommend tailored treatments.
In conclusion, the intricate relationship between migraines and your circadian rhythm should not be underestimated. Managing both effectively can significantly improve your quality of life and reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. By prioritizing sleep hygiene, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can take control of your migraines and enjoy more restful nights. Remember that managing migraines is a holistic journey, and addressing sleep is a crucial step on that path to better well-being.
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ayurtreat · 4 months
Ayur Treat, the best ayurvedic centre in Dubai, is a renowned traditional ayurveda rejuvenation centre that aims at giving you the best rejuvenation and spiritual treatment. 
Our goal is to satisfy the physical, mental and spiritual requirements of our patients with solely Ayurveda in its divine and serene form.
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ayurvedicopinion · 8 months
Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine
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Discover relief with the Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine. Uncover ancient healing practices tailored to address and alleviate migraine symptoms. Immerse yourself in natural remedies and personalized therapies, carefully crafted to balance your body and mind. Embrace a holistic approach to migraine management rooted in Ayurveda's time-tested principles. Experience a transformative journey toward lasting relief and well-being. Say goodbye to migraines with the unparalleled benefits of Ayurvedic treatments, harmonizing your health and enhancing your quality of life.
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divyamrut123 · 3 months
Treatment for Headaches, Migraine: Ayurvedic -Divyamrut Ayurcare
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Get Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache & Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine at Divyamrut Ayurcare.
It is undoubtedly challenging to maintain joy and mindfulness when you feel like your skull is about to blow up. Sometimes we can blame a pounding headache on the binge-watching that kept us up all night, or perhaps it was the bag of salted potato chips or the third glass of wine. Sometimes, though, our headaches appear completely mysterious.
Causes of Headache, Migraine
There Are Two Main Streams Cause of Headache, Migraine
Primary: Primary headaches don’t have any connections to any other illnesses.
Secondary: These are headaches from other sources, such as stimulation of the head’s pain-sensitive nerves by a particular condition.
Some Are As Follows:
Blood Clotting
Bleeding either inside the brain or in the surrounding areas 
Brain Freezing after eating something cold
The inhalation of a gas called carbon monoxide
Brain tumour
A dangerous medical condition could be the cause of your headaches. Therefore, a medical professional or Ayurvedic practitioner should be consulted for recurrent, severe, and persistent headaches, especially if conventional pain relievers are ineffective.
Types of Headaches, Migraine
The causes, intensity, length of time they take to heal, and treatment methods for different types of headaches vary.
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Stress headache
Cluster headache
Sinus headache
Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Painful Headaches, Migraine
According to Ayurveda, headaches are not regarded as a disease but rather as a sign of vitiation of one or more doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with Vata usually being the primary dosha affected.
Types of Headache and migraine mentioned in Ayurveda:
Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain ) 
Anantavaata (classical migraine) 
Suryaputra (morning headache)
Some Causes of Headaches and migraines in terms of Ayurveda are as follows
Unhealthy Food
oily and spicy food
stress, sadness, and anger
consuming dry and salty food 
pungent food
The Ayurvedic practitioner will identify the underlying cause and dosha imbalance through questioning and the Rogi Pariksha exam.  An explanation of the different kinds of headaches caused by dosha vitiation can be found below.
What Type of Massage Is Best For Headache And Migraines?
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Yoga Postures for Headaches, Migraine
Setu bandh asana
Paschimott anasana
Janu Sirs asana
Bala sana
What are the Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Headache, and Migraine?
Don’t stay up late at night
Sleeping less Than 7 hours or more than 8
Frequent Intake of painkillers should be avoided
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
Consumption of strong tea and coffee
Frequent fasting or going long hours between meals
Long periods of direct sunlight
Outdoors in windy conditions
Excessive use of digital screens
How to cure Headache, and Migraine in Ayurveda?
Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Ginger: Ginger has the effect of lessening scalp blood vessel inflammation.
Marigold tea: Marigold tea has an analgesic property. If you would like, you can add honey to it.
Lavender Oil: The calming aroma of lavender essential oil aids in the relief of headaches brought on by stress.
Cinnamon: One excellent treatment for headaches is cinnamon. To make a thick paste, grind some cinnamon and add a little water.
Cloves: The cooling and pain-relieving qualities of cloves make them an easy solution for headache issues.
Basil leaves: In a cup of boiling water, place three or four basil leaves, and let steep for a few minutes.
How to reduce Headaches, and Migraine by massage?
Self-Massage Methods Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Hydrate well both before and after completing these procedures.
Firmly press your thumbs together and into the area just below your forehead, which is the bridge of your nose. Take ten deep breaths and hold. 5 times over, repeat.
With the pads of your thumbs very near the nose bridge, place them directly beneath your forehead. This time, though, you’re going to apply intense upward pressure to your forehead. While maintaining this pressure for ten seconds, take deep breaths. 5 times over, repeat.
Pinch your eyebrows with both hands and hold them there for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath 5 times over, repeat.
For 10 seconds, apply consistent pressure while pressing your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple in a slight circular motion. Take a deep breath. 5 times over, repeat.
For more information and to get help with Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, contact us at Divyamrut Ayurcare
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