#Avis hasn't spoken to her parents for like twenty years and she's not planning on doing it ever
void-botanist · 1 year
14-18a for the university asks? for maybe avis or sorian or dez (if any of them went to school/would do that 👀)
Dez's answers are so funny because they're like "yeah I've never been to school but now I'm being trained as an astronaut for an upcoming mission as one does" so actually most of this stuff doesn't apply to him. If he did go to college it would probably be at the University of the Second Akkanswl where Mizzat works, and he might manage to get money somehow because of being an android. But this is a good set of questions for Sorian and Avis since they actually met in college and I've been worldbuilding that part of their lives solely because of OTP questions and asks lol.
14. What sort of university did they apply to/get accepted into? (IE: Ivy League, State, Community College, etc.) A combined magic university, the only on on Imni, where Sorian was in the magician track and Avis was in the dupe witch track.
15. If your oc was accepted/invited through a scholarship program, what was the nature of that scholarship? Avis had a long string of scholarships, including one from the local goverment in exchange for some amount of magic work, and one from the art department because she was a real asset for their landscape artists (her specialty as a dupe witch is recording places, especially landscapes, from people's memories). Sorian had a merit scholarship from the carpentry department that covered about half his costs across his years there. He always suspected that it wasn't entirely based on merit, since a lot of his family members went through the same program, or else he had a leg up because the family business is carpentry, but he still took the money.
16. Overall, how was your oc's education funded? Did they apply for a grant, student loans, did someone else take care of the financing, did they attend a free university, etc.? What did this entail? Avis's parents made half an attempt to pay for her college but she would not let them. I don't think her schooling was nearly as expensive as it can get irl but she still filled out a million applications for funding, did work study, and always worked summers. Sorian also worked year round, but aside from taking the occasional commission through his family's carpentry business, he mostly just worked in the student bookstore (which is another reason bookstores make him think of Avis).
17. Do they have any plans for what they want to do after graduating? How long have they thought about this? Sorian pretty much always knew he wanted to go into magicarpentry. He considered other things, but none of them really caught his fancy in the same way. After graduating he essentially became an independent agent of his family's business. Avis, on the other hand, had a lot of vague ambitions but was never able to find a way to apply her magic to a job that interested her long term. At least until her job involved sailing to different islands (I'm not 100% sure what her job description is because in ToTS she used to help people figure out where to resettle in Faeryland as climate change worsened on Earth. That could still work on Rade since most planets don't have such clear seasonal areas but idk if that's what I want to go with).
18. If your oc participates in any extra-curricular activities or clubs, what are they? How much of their time and energy do these take up? Avis was in a film club that was like the anime club at my college, which mostly consisted of booking a lecture hall and just watching a bunch of anime episodes back to back. She also was definitely in a tennis club. She couldn't convince Sorian to try for the rowing team (yes she did just want to catch him rowing by shirtless with a boatful of his friends, is that so wrong) but she did get him into the tennis club, and occasionally the film club when he had time for it. Sorian was really more of a chess club kind of guy. He also ran one of the book clubs at the bookstore but that wasn't strictly an extracurricular for him.
18a. Do they actually enjoy these extra-curriculars, or are they just a means to an end? Avis is not normal about tennis. She's also not normal about Sorian. She was having the time of her life. It was sort of the same for Sorian, except he just ended up being haunted by the ghosts of chess games he could have won. Though he did enjoy the film nights he made it to, you could say those were more a means to an end - friendship.
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