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turbomun · 2 years ago
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haven't posted any art in a while and tbh i haven't been doing much art lately, but here's something I did as a drawing prompt for @avidoro's Security Breach Sunday stream. Like most SB Sunday prompts, it's based on an in-joke, but I don't think you need full context to find this one funny. i tried to make Monty more cartoony but still make sure he looked like a robot.
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batxmasisrjuice · 2 years ago
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Oh. My. GOSH! This has been such a fun delivery from @avidoro 💚 They even were sweet enough to add some ADORABLE bonus sketches of this bastard and I freakin love them 😆
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turbomun · 1 year ago
@avidoro Penelope Gator has almost 200k notes
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avidoro · 2 years ago
Holy crap. Finally home safe and sound and I am so ecstatic! First time flying. First time in New York City. First time seeing Beetlejuice the Musical and I loved every flipping moment of it! We had front row seats on September 30th. My friends managed to slap me dead ass center and it was absolutely amazing. I couldn’t be happier having Alex standing literally a foot away from me. He truly is a living cartoon character as I’ve always said and seeing him so close just proves it. He’s has so much expression and his mannerisms are great! I’m not sure what all changes have been noted but a few of the things that got me: He yelled “WAASSUUUUUUUUP!” when he popped out from behind the couch. Gently sticking his finger in Adam’s pocket and swirling it around when he said, “you make daddy so angry”. “Adam, what the shit is wrong with you?”
During his exit he sang “Jason Derulo” and during the second show we saw he yelled “FUCK BRIGADOON!” We had eight people in our front row group and our friend, Marq, was Alex’s target for the evening. We did not forewarn him about this and it was amazing seeing Marq’s reaction. He and his girlfriend absolutely enjoyed it and it was a great birthday gift to her. Marq got a kiss blown to him by Alex at curtain call. Something I’m quite envious of. Marq made sure to blow one back which appeared to make Alex very happy 😆 My friend, Gou, nearly got pelted by the cup that Alex threw which took her off guard, but she wishes it would have landed in front of her. During curtain call I pulled my phone out to record. Elizabeth saw me recording and pointed at me twice while she did her dance at the end! She’s too precious and I absolutely love her! My best friend’s husband, who hates musicals and was not keen on the idea of visiting NYC, only agreed to go see Beetlejuice the Musical because the movie is one of his absolute favorites. He went in expecting disappointment but left laughing and saying he absolutely wants to see it again but only front row. He also absolute adored Alex. In my book this is a total SUCKS YES! We saw the show again on the 2nd. Act 1 was full of goofups but I love seeing goofs in live shows! Almost lost the handbook to the trap door and Alex just stared at it for a minute. It was hanging on by a thread. The squeaky sound effect when Betelgeuse gooses Adam didn’t go off. The suicide note didn’t ignite. Delia’s dress didn’t attach to the pig so her dress never unraveled. Gou told me, during Act 2, the sound effect for Adam knocking on the door at the end of the show didn’t match up to David’s motion. Alex also blessed the audience with a very loud “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” at the end of That Beautiful Sound that had the audience responding similarly 😂 The free swag for Sunday was a slap bracelet lol I didn’t get an October Playbill which made me sad. THEY HAVE SANDWORM PLUSHES NOW!! I also got to go see Curtain Up very close to the front and hear Alex and Elizabeth perform Say My Name. They did a brief interview as well. Alex was a goof, as always, and Elizabeth was just adorable! I took more time, the second show, to really look at the mural. I was dragged back to my own piece by Gou and my best friend’s aunt because they saw someone taking photos of my artwork. They insisted on telling them I was the artist and we had a brief discussion about it. It made me happy hearing that they loved my piece enough to take a photo to send to a friend! I was then asked to take a photo of a family in front of the mural only for my best friend’s aunt to insist they sit in front of my piece. I hate bringing attention to myself but they were so confused as to why she was making them move that I had to explain to them why she was doing it and I apologized. But instead the insisted that I not take their photo but instead get in the photo with them and it was really sweet! I don’t know what else to say except this has been amazing and I’m so happy I got to see it before the show closes in January. I wish I could see it one last time but I will forever cherish what I got.
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ardwick · 7 years ago
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Specifically, the airship depicted here is based off of a thing some pals and I made a thousand years ago back in Minecraft's Beta days.  Hopefully this helps explain why the design is so funky and mismatched. :P
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rafedraws · 2 years ago
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Top two pics are my personal interpretations of the four Mini Music Men
Chord - Patrols the Parts & Service vent. Daycare simp, but especially a fan of Moon. Will play a music box version of the Daycare theme from time to time. Scared of Freddy, due to Parts & Service repairs. Group baby. Has bells & a ribbon tied on their hat. Name based on computer cords/musical chords/Moon’s cord that he uses to fly.
Gig -  Patrols the vent behind the greenrooms on Rockstar Row. Freddy fan. Scared of Monty, due to room thrashing behavior. Responsible & trustworthy. Likes people watching. Has a light blue bowtie tied around their neck. Name based on Gigabyte/a musical ‘gig’.
Chip - Patrols the Salads & Sides vent leading down to the kitchen. Is a Chica fan & wants to know what it’s like to eat food. Excitable. Has a pink hair bow tied on their hat. Name based on computer chip/chiptune/potato chip.
Coda - Patrols the East Arcade/Prize Counter vent. Is a Monty & Roxy sympathizer. Overall chill. Loves plushes & will hoard merch. Has Monty style sunglasses. Name based on computer code/a musical coda.
Next three are a prompt from @avidoro - Sun and Moon driving their go-karts, plus detail shots of them both. Of course, Moon is being a doof & driving in the wackiest way he can imagine. Sun is scrunched, but driving responsibly.
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turbomun · 1 year ago
@avidoro This seems familiar.
Lethal Company Shimmy ~
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bishiglomper · 2 years ago
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I got that mug I wanted!! Thank you so much @avidoro I love it. 😭 Bishi is unworthy 🙇
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turbomun · 3 years ago
related to my last post: all my love to @avidoro for being bound and determined to help me see the musical another time when Alex is performing!! it won't be for a while but true friends are the ones who are still there for you even after you haven't talked to them in over a decade!!
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batxmasisrjuice · 3 years ago
Ok guys, freaking out over here from the sexyness and cuteness of this demon art!
That stare, the suspenders falling off, that tongue, that pose!.... @avidoro did an amazing job on this, and just in time for my birthday 🥰
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I love this to pieces! If he did this in person to me I'd drop dead.
Yes. I would die.
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Of course have to show the amazing rough sketch 💚
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spookyshoodie · 1 year ago
@avidoro because its my favorite :3 gator jerky forever!! >:DD
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we were robbed and i demand financial compensation
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juicedbeetle · 2 years ago
September 30th 2022
credit to @avidoro for the full recording! posted with permission.
alex sings part of "being alive" at one point
his "OMG" is splendid
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avidoro · 2 years ago
Second show! It was amazing! A lot of goofs in the first act and I loved it! It's very bittersweet, though, knowing that the show is closing. I would have loved to come see it front row again. But there's no way I can come before January. I will cherish these two shows!
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ardwick · 7 years ago
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Airship Madness! I kind of got hit with some nostalgia and wanted to re imagine an old design of a weird flying boat thing, last drawn as a blurred background here:
Sky adventures are some of the best adventures!
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spookyshoodie · 1 year ago
And now even tho i am not moots with these people on tumblr because i dont even think they HAVE tumblr, an honorable mentions list :3
The Thunderstorm Collective
Everyone in Avis server :3
This is the Tumblr hug 🫂🤍 Please pass it on to 5 mutuals to brighten someone’s day!
@yourlocalbreadenthusiast @edendahsnek @m3ll0m0chi @bbsundae @cyberixaa @kittydragondraws @jinxedtext @hybridcrows @absolute-solver
And lastly, @sk3tchyy42 , youuuuuu
(I probably did miss some mutuals, MUTUALS OR NOT COME HERE FOR A HUG)
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tmnotizie · 6 years ago
SAN BENEDETTO – Si sono concluse in questi giorni le indagini di polizia economica e finanziaria che, nel marzo del 2017, avevano portato le Fiamme Gialle del Comando Provinciale della Guardia di Finanza di Ascoli Piceno a sottoporre a sequestro preziosi, titoli e contanti per oltre 3 milioni di euro, frutto delle distrazioni effettuate dall’ottantottenne R.D. in danno della coetanea P.M., benestante nubile e senza figli.
Gli approfondimenti delle indagini hanno portato i militari del Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria di Ascoli Piceno ad individuare altre distrazioni di beni, effettuate in tempi pregressi dallo stesso uomo, nei cui confronti si è proceduto anche a ricondurre a tassazione i profitti illecitamente acquisiti, segnalando agli Uffici Finanziari una massa impositiva sottratta all’Erario di 1,8 milioni di euro, alla quale si è aggiunta anche una discreta parte di denaro (circa 150.000 euro) derivante dalle locazioni “in nero” di 22 appartamenti di proprietà dello stesso, ubicati in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), per le quali sono stati altresì recuperati 31.000 euro di imposta.
Gli accertamenti di oggi hanno ulteriormente coinvolto da un punto di vista penale l’anziano fattore – il quale, approfittando del rapporto fiduciario e di esclusività che si era instaurato con l’anziana benestante, era arrivato a farsi rilasciare una procura generale in virtù della quale, di fatto, aveva potuto gestire tutto il patrimonio della malcapitata quale assoluto “dominus” – essendosi infatti realizzata la fattispecie di “Dichiarazione infedele” prevista dall’art. 4 del Decreto Legislativo n. 74/2000, per la quale è contemplata la reclusione da uno a tre anni.
Quanto di nuovo rilevato dai Finanzieri ascolani ha consentito infine di sottoporre a sequestro a San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), 4 appartamenti di proprietà dell’anziano, per un valore stimato di circa 500.000 euro, beni che, costituendo “l’equivalente” delle imposte sottratte all’Erario, constatate dalle Fiamme Gialle attraverso la citata verifica fiscale finalizzata alla tassazione dei proventi illeciti, saranno assoggettati alle procedure per la successiva confisca.
Questo l’epilogo dell’operazione “Avidoro”, una vicenda che ha permesso al Comando Provinciale della Guardia di Finanza di Ascoli Piceno di ripristinare prerogative di legalità in un contesto di salvaguardia del patrimonio di un soggetto di “fascia debole”, vittima di consistenti e reiterati raggiri.
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