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FATCA Is Not the Answer
Reposted from SEATNow.org. Are #americansabroad all #FATCA ts? Some think they are + should be punished for it. Our response "FATCA Is Not the Answer:" https://t.co/g0PT2aw8ei… #taxtwitter #citizenshiptax #HumanRights @ExpatriationLaw @FixTheTaxTreaty @TAPInternation — SEATNow.org – Stop Extraterritorial American Tax (@SEATNow_org) April 1, 2024 On February 26, 2024, Tax Notes Federal published…
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The Holyland Model of Jerusalem was built by Israeli historian Michael Avi-Yonah between 1962 and 1966. It depicts the city of Jerusalem during the late Second Temple period (516 BCE - 70 CE).
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from this AP News article (10/15/23)
"...The Moores are the latest example of plaintiffs whose lawsuits seem to simply be exercising their legal rights, but whose cases are backed by others with enormous amounts of money or a consequential social issue at stake. The Moores sought help from the anti-regulatory Competitive Enterprise Institute....
"...“The story the Moores told about Charles’ involvement with KisanKraft is directly at odds with the fiduciary responsibilities of an individual holding a board seat for an Indian company,” Mindy Herzfeld, director of the masters program in international tax at the University of Florida law school, wrote in Tax Notes.
And there are other indications of Moore’s more extensive involvement with KisanKraft than his testimony indicated. The company paid for his travel to India four times and he made at least two investments beyond the $40,000 stake he put up in 2006.
Moore also was prepared to invest an another roughly $250,000. That money was ultimately returned by KisanKraft, along with 12% interest....
"The omissions, along with the Moores’ failure to take advantage of other legal options that would have deferred, if not eliminated, their tax liability make Avi-Yonah and other experts in international tax law suspect the case was manufactured to get at a larger issue, the tax on billionaires that has been proposed by some prominent Democrats but never enacted.
A wealth tax would apply not to the incomes of the very richest Americans, but their assets, like stock holdings, that now only get taxed when they are sold.
“There really was no reason for the court to take it on, other than to send a signal to warn off the Congress from passing a billionaire tax,” said Steven Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center."
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“Reconstructing a jar from pottery shards”
From: “Archaeology” by Michael Avi-Yonah; 1974.
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[Image ID: a screenshot of an excerpt of this Washington Post article, entitled: “‘Judeo-Christian’ roots will ensure U.S. military AI is used ethically, general says,” written by Shera Avi-Yonah, posted July 22, 2023 at 8:27 AM, EDT. Excerpt reads as follows:
“Regardless of what your beliefs are, our society is a Judeo-Christian society, and we have a moral compass. Not everybody does,” Moore said. “And there are those that are willing to go for the ends regardless of what means have to be employed.”
The future of AI in war depends on “who plays by the rules of warfare and who doesn’t. There are societies that have a very different foundation than ours,” he said, without naming any specific countries.
The first paragraph screenshotted is highlighted. /end ID]
Their savage Asiatic AI-operated drones vs our benevolent Judeo-Christian AI-operated drones
#lots to unpack; all of it bad#us military#transcribed#orientalism#antisemitism#← less so than the previous tag#em adds an id
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인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi
인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 출시 했습니다.
인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 다운로드 <
indiana jones and the dial of destiny 2023 자막 다운 가능합니다. SRT 자막 고화질 1080p 고화질 공개 합니다.
높은 기온은 짙은 습도와 결합되어 영향과 건강 위험을 가중시킵니다. 그것은 밤새 식을 수도 있는 건물에 갇힌 열을 유지하여 아침에 해가 뜨고 온도가 새롭게 치솟을 때 여전히 구워지게 합니다. 경 너머 멕시코에서는 상황이 더욱 심각해 보입니다. 여러 지역에서 기온이 100도를 훨씬 넘어서면서 국가의 전력망이 위기에 처해 있습니다. 지역 뉴스 보도에 따르면 몇 명의 사망자가 보고되었으며, 며칠 동안 정전이 지속된 후에타모 마을의 거리에서 사람들이 밖에서 잠을 자고 있다고 전했습니다. 텍사스에서는 지금까지 주의 많은 지역이 직면한 것보다 더 극심한 더위에도 불구하고 전력망이 유지되었습니다. 배터리 저장 장치가 전원을 켜두는 데 큰 역할을 하고 있다는 사실은 청정 에너지 회사들에게 반가운 소식입니다. 청정 에너지 회사들은 화석 연료 로비가 에너지 믹스에서 재생 에너지의 비중 증가에 책임을 돌리려는 주의 전력 문제를 비난하고 있습니다. 배터리 저장은 필요하지 않을 때 생성된 에너지를 캡처 및 저장한 다음 피크 인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 시간에 요금 납부자가 사용할 수 있도록 하므로 풍력 및 태양열에 큰 도움이 됩니다. 그러나 이러한 폭염 비상 상황에서 배터리는 보다 전통적인 발전소를 구제하는 데에도 유용한 것으로 입증되었습니다. 극심한 더위로 인한 스트레스 속에서 이번 주 피크 시간에 대규모 석탄 시설이 오프라인 상태가 되었을 때, 텍사스의 다른 곳에서 배터리에 저장되어 있던 에너지는 저녁 내내 그리드를 운반하기 위해 신속하게 파견되었습니다. 텍사스 에너지 컨설턴트인 더그 르윈(Doug Lewin)은 원자력 발전소가 일주일 초에 딸꾹질을 하고 오프라인 상태가 되었을 때 전원을 켜두는 데도 배터리가 중요했다고 말했습니다. 청정 에너지 강국 텍사스가 제동을 거는 이유 발전소가 예기치 않게 오프라인 상태가 되면 전력망은 빠르게 정전에 ��약해집니다. 배터리는 작고 빠르게 반응하는 가스 발생기와 마찬가지로 전기를 즉시 중단할 수 있습니다. 그런 종류의 백업 전력은 2021년 텍사스에서 사용할 수 없었습니다. 겨울 폭풍 우리로 인해 여러 발전소가 고장 나서 최근 미국 역사상 가장 큰 정전 중 하나에서 수백만 명의 텍사스인이 며칠 동안 어둠 속에서 얼어붙었습니다. 그 폭풍으로 최소 246명이 사망했습니다. S&P Global Commodity Insights에 따르면 텍사스는 그 이후로 국가 용량의 거의 3분의 인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 1을 차지하는 배터리 저장 분야의 전국적 리더가 되었습니다. 오직 캘리포니아만이 더 많은 것을 가지고 있습니다. 텍사스는 내년 안에 그리드의 배터리 저장 용량을 거의 두 배로 늘릴 계획이라고 Lewin은 말했습니다. 그러한 저장 장치의 확산은 기술이 텍사스 국회의사당에서 포위당하는 동안에도 주에서 풍력 및 태양열 개발을 주도할 가능성이 있습니다. Rhodes는 "무언가가 고장날 경우를 대비한 일종의 보험 정책으로 이 스토리지의 많은 부분이 온라인에 제공되고 있습니다."라고 말했습니다. “하지만 일단 시스템에 있으면 비상시 우리를 돕는 것 이상의 일을 할 수 있습니다. 재생 에너지를 지원하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.” Rhodes는 바람과 태양 에너지는 태양이 쨍쨍 내리쬐고 바람이 불지만 전기 수요가 낮을 때 배터리에 집어넣을 수 있으며 필요할 때 납세자에게 판매할 수 있다고 말했습니다. 텍사스가 태양광 발전 사용을 크게 확대하는 것과 동시에 배터리 장치가 가동되고 있으며 올 여름에는 유틸리티 규모의 태양광 발전소에서 전기를 생산하는 캘리포니아를 능가할 예정입니다. Rhodes는 "텍사스 그리드에 있는 것은 특히 좋은 일입니다."라고 말했습니다. "건물을 과열시키고 건물을 식히기 위해 많은 전기 수요를 유발하는 동일한 태양 에너지를 활용할 수 있습니다."
“우리는 굴욕을 당하지 않을 것입니다. 목표가 있습니다. 우리는 모두 죽을 준비가 되어 있습니다. 이후 게시물에서 그는 푸틴이 그룹의 구성원이 반역자라고 주장한 데 대해 "깊은 착각"을 했으며 자신과 바그너 전사를 "국가가 부패, 사기 및 관료주의 속에서 계속 살기를 원하지 않는" 애국자로 묘사했습니다. Prigozhin은 금요일 저녁 러시아군이 바그너 수용소를 공격했다고 주장했으며 적어도 한 명의 최고 인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 장군의 주장을 부인하면서 러시아 국방부 지도부 중 적들에 대한 "정의의 행진"을 이끌 것이라고 말했습니다. 그가 쿠데타를 시도하고 있었다는 것입니다. 요일 아침까지 Prigozhin과 그의 전사들은 Rostov-on-Don에 진입하여 러시아 남부의 중무장 요새 지역을 쉽게 통과했습니다. Prigozhin을 "무장 반란 선동" 혐의로 고발하고 형사 사건을 시작했다고 말했습니다. 프리고진은 자신이 로스토프에 있는 러시아군 주요 사령부 기지를 장악했으며 두 명의 러시아군 사령관에게 적 쇼이구와 발레리 게라시모프 장군과 맞설 수 없다면 로스토프를 봉쇄하고 군대를 모스크바로 보내겠다고 말했다고 말했습니다. 러시아 군대의 직원. Prigozhin은 두 명의 고위 군 사령관에게 그의 군대가 Wagner 기둥에 발사된 세 대의 러시아 군용 헬리콥터를 격추했으며 추가 공격을 위협했다고 말했습니다. 유누스벡 예브쿠로프 국방부 차관과 블라디미르 중장으로 보이는 관리들과의 대화 영상에 따르면 "계속 보내면 모두 쓰러뜨릴 것"이라고 말했다. 러시아 정보부 차장 알렉세예프. 키예프 근교의 한 마을, 러시아가 퇴각한 지 1년이 지난 지금도 아픈 기억이 남아있다. Prigozhin은 주요 군사 비행장을 포함하여 Rostov-on-Don의 모든 주요 군사 시설을 통제한다고 주장했지만 본부와 비행장은 "평소와 같이" 우크라이나에 대한 작전을 계속하고 있다고 주장했습니다. 그는 "우리는 우크라이나가 아닌 우리에 대한 공군 공격이 없도록 통제했다"고 말했다. 분석가들은 바그너 지도자가 공개적으로 러시아 대통령을 비판하지 않고 "애국주의 진영"에 굳건히 인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 남아있는 한 Prigozhin의 공개 비판은 전쟁 과정에 대한 불만을 분출하는 방법으로 푸틴에 의해 허용되었다고 말했습니다. 그러나 금요일 아침까지 Prigozhin은 우크라이나 침공에 대한 푸틴의 주요 구실과 모순되면서 러시아가 우크라이나로부터 특별한 안보 위협에 직면하지 않았으며 러시아 군 관리들이 푸틴을 속여 전쟁을 시작했다고 선언하면서 가장 큰 도전을 제기했습니다. rigozhin은 전쟁이 우크라이나 동부 Donbas의 두 분리주의 지역을 수년 동안 약탈했지만 탐욕스러워지고 우크라이나 전체를 약탈하기를 원했던 러시아 관리와 과두 정치에 의해 계획되었다고 주장했습니다. 미 정보당국 관계자는 현재 상황이 "변동적"이라고 설명하고 프리고진과 러시아 국방부 사이의 긴장이 최근 몇 주 동안 악화됐다고 말했습니다. 다른 사람들과 마찬가지로 빠르게 발전하는 상황을 설명하기 위해 익명을 요구한 우크라이나 고위 관리는 Prigozhin이 아마도 Shoigu를 무너뜨리는 것을 목표로 했을 것이라고 말했습니다. Zelensky는 러시아가 Zaporizhzhia 원자력 발전소를 파괴할 계획이라고 말했습니다. 우크라이나 관리는 Prigozhin의 Wagner 군대가 러시아 군대와의 직접적인 전투에서 승리할 수 있는 인디아나 존스5 운명의 다이얼 한글자막 smi 힘과 숫자가 부족하다고 말했습니다. 우크라이나 관계자는 "프리고진은 허세를 부리는 것이 아니라 군대와 싸우고 싶지 않다"고 말했다. Natalya Abbakumova, Dalton Bennett, Mikhail Klimentov, Justine McDaniel, Shera Avi-Yonah, Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff, Victoria Bisset, Andrew Jeong 및 Hyojung Kim이 이 보고서에 기여했습니다.
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The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 115: Reuven Avi-Yonah on the Past, Present and Future of Digital Services Taxes
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 115: Reuven Avi-Yonah on the Past, Present and Future of Digital Services Taxes
There has been mounting concern over the past few years over whether some of the world’s largest companies – primarily big tech – pay their fair share of taxes. This issue has arisen in countries around the world leading to new digital services taxes that primarily target the U.S. tech giants and which in turn often leads to the U.S. threatening to retaliate in response. Canada now finds itself…
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do u know any names that start with a d, u or y?
I know of many, so much I'm putting them under a cut lol
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Five Archaeology Books Every Christian Should Read...
1 Archaeology and the Old Testament by Alfred J. Hoerth
A great general overview of the archaeology of the Old Testament organized chronologically, beginning with the Patriarchs in Mesopotamia (a term you should already know), and ending with the Persian exile and the rise of Greece in the Intertestmental Period (the time period between the Old & New Testaments). This is a great book to begin with! There are illustrations, charts and maps throughout the book which are very helpful. At the end of each chapter is a great bibliography for further study.
2 Archaeology and the New Testament by John McRay
This book is the companion volume to the book listed above. It is organized into four parts which focus primarily on the cultural and political background of the New Testament period. Part 1 – The Architecture of New Testament Times; Part 2 – The Building Program of Herod the Great; Part 3 – Archaeology and the Life of Christ, and Part 4 – Archaeology and the Church. Personally, one of my favorite parts of this book is Chapter 11, ‘The Discovery and Contributions of Ancient Documents,’ which discusses the interaction of ancient historical texts with archaeology.
3 Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament by John D. Currid
This is one of my “all time favorite” books on Ancient Egypt and the Bible! This book by Dr. John Currid provides some amazing and excellent insights into the culture of ancient Egypt. According to the Bible, the Israelites lived in Egypt for 400 years. and the religious culture of Egypt would have had a profound influence over they way that they thought. Since Moses (the traditional author of the Pentateuch) also lived in Egypt, then certainly, there would be evidence in the Biblical text that indicates its authenticity. What is the significance of Moses’ staff becoming a serpent in front of Pharaoh? What do the ten plagues listed in Exodus 7-12 have to do with Egyptian gods and even the pharaoh himself? To find out the answers and learn more about Egypt and the Bible, then read the Old Testament book of Exodus and get Currid’s book.
4 Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible: A Basic Guide by John D. Currid
The fourth book I recommend to beginners in archaeology is also by John Currid. This book is not very long, but it is packed with great information on the history of archaeology and the Bible as well as the science of archaeology. Interspersed throughout the text, are boxes containing archaeological terms with brief definitions – a great tool for newcomers and a refresher to those already familiar with Biblical archaeology. One example of this is “Stratigraphy: the study of the deposition and relationships of the occupational layers of an archaeological site.”
5 The MacMillan Bible Atlas, 3rd Edition, Edited by Yohanon Aharoni, Michael Avi-Yonah, Anson F. Rainey, and Ze’ev Safrai
I am a firm believer that every Christian should visit the Holy Land at least once if they are able. If not, the next best thing is to get a very good Bible atlas. I my library I have several Bible atlases including a two-volume satellite atlas. But there is one atlas that I come back to again and again, and it is the Macmillan Bible Atlas, 3rd Edition. Having excavated in Israel and seeing first-hand how geography is an integral part of the Biblical narrative – a Bible atlas is vital for getting the context of Scripture. Physical geography is also important even in helping identify ancient Biblical sites (such has been the case at least since Edward Robinson in the 1830’s). As the late archaeologist, Yohanan Aharoni wrote: “It is not too much to say that the geographical position of this little land has always dominated its history. Thus, in the land of the Bible, geography and history are so interwoven that neither can be understood without the other.”
~ Ted Wright
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Lexham Discourse Greek N.T. Mark 12:1-5 w/translation & Commentary
Lexham Discourse Greek N.T. Mark 12:1-5 w/translation & Commentary
Aharoni, Y., Avi-Yonah, M., Rainey, A. F., Notley, R. S., & Safrai, Z., eds. (2011). The Carta Bible Atlas (Fifth Edition, p. 182). Carta Jerusalem. Mark 12:1–5 (LDGNT) 1Καὶ ἤρξατο αὐτοῖς ἐν παραβολαῖς λαλεῖν Ἀμπελῶνα ἄνθρωπος ἐφύτευσεν καὶ περιέθηκεν φραγμὸν καὶ ὤρυξεν ὑπολήνιον καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν πύργον καὶ ἐξέδετο αὐτὸν γεωργοῖς καὶ ἀπεδήμησεν 2καὶ ἀπέστειλεν πρὸς τοὺς γεωργοὺς τῷ καιρῷ δοῦλον…
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325 AD: Eusebius: Kadesh and Mt. Hor are at Petra:
325 AD: Eusebius: Kadesh and Mt. Hor are at Petra:
In 325 AD Eusebius (and Jerome in 400 AD) wrote the Onomasticon, which is a "dictionary of places".
The Onomasticon says that in their day, you could still see the rock Moses struck at Kadesh and the tomb of Aaron were at Petra.
At Petra, the 1 km long Siq that the water was channeled down is called, the "wadi of Moses" according to ancient tradition.
Eusebius writes: "Kadesh Barnea (or Cades Barnea): "Kadea Barne. The desert which extends to (the city of) Petra a city of Arabia. There Mariam went up and died, and there the doubting Moses struck the rock to give water to the thirsty people. The tomb of Mariam herself is pointed out there even now. There also Chodollagomor beat the chiefs of the Amalakites." (Eusebius, Onomasticon, round brackets are Eusebius') Footnote #: 580. Kadēa Barnē. Numbers 32:8; K. 112:8; L. 270:4. Textual variant city of Palestinē (Greek) instead of Arabia. This reflects again the uncertainty of editorial additions and of the use of Arabia in the Onomasticon (K. 110:27). Latin combines K. 112:7 and K. 112:8. Some confusion in order of this and the next three entries. A summary of biblical information from Numbers 21:1, 11; Numbers 27:14 and Genesis 14:7. A tomb tradition is here. No location is given other than near Petra (K. 142:7). Procopius repeats the entry in 332D and 1021D. It also is reaffirmed by Jerome in Commentary on Ezekiel 38:23(cf. K. 46:26). In Interpretation of Hebrew Names "Cades, holy or change" (63); "Cades, alteration or holy" (80); "Cadesbarne, selected change or changeableness" (80). (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Mt Hor: ōr. Mountain on which Aaron died near the city of Petra. There is now pointed out the rock which flowed for Moses (which Moses struck and gave water to the people)." Footnote #: 979. ōr. Numbers 20:22, 28; K. 176:7; L. 291:88. Mt. near Petra (K. 142:7). Cf. K. 126:19 and K. 46:14 for Aaron's death. See K. 150:23 for Mt. Seir. Josephus Antiquities IV, 4, 7 tells of Aaron's death up on the mountain range that encloses Petra. In Interpretation of Hebrew Names "Or, passionate" (77) and "Or, light" (83). (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Kadēs. Where the spring "of judgment" was. Footnote #: 579. Kadēs. Genesis 14:7; K. 112:7; L. 269:3. Simple biblical notation. In Hebrew Questions Jerome says "Cades is a place near Petra called the spring of judgment where God judged the people". (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Bēroth. "Of the sons of Jakeim (Iacim)." Place in the desert where Aaron died. It is pointed out (still today) ten miles from Petra on the summit of the mountain." (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Beroth. "Of the sons of Jakeim (Iacim)." Place in the desert where Aaron died. It is pointed out (still today) ten miles from Petra on the summit of the mountain." (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Barnea (same as Kadesh Barnea): "Barne: This is Cades Barne, on the desert which extends up to the city of Petra." (Eusebius, Onomasticon, round brackets are Eusebius') Footnote #: 213. Barnē. Joshua 10:41; K. 46:26; L. 247:74. Identified with the desert stretching south of Petra (K. 142:7) and more frequently Kadēs Barnē (K. 112:8). (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Petra. City in the land of Edom in Arabia which is called Iechthoel. This is also called Rekem by the Assyrians (Syrians). Footnote #: 762. Petra. Judges 1:36; K. 142:7; L. 279:71. No letter division in the Vatican Greek manuscript here. Procopius 1048B has Petra in Idumala (K. 102:23). On Tabula Peutinger it is 48 miles south of Theman (K. 96:18). It is an important reference for the Onomasticon and all the Roman road systems. It is also called Rekem (K. 144:7 and K. 36:13). Mt. Hor (K. 176:7) is nearby. The Nabatean influence lasted into the Roman period of the Onomasticon. Petra was one of the Nabatean cities given autonomy about 106 A.D. with the establishment of the Roman Province of Arabia. It was a great city in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The Christians of Petra were persecuted by Diocletian. (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Rekem. It is also Petra, city of Arabia, "whose ruler Rocom the children of Israel killed. It is said he was also king of Madiam." Footnote #: 773. Rekem. Numbers 31:8; K. 144:7; L. 280:94. Identity and summary of biblical information (Joshua 13:21; Numbers 31:8; cf. K. 142:7 and K.36:13, for Petra, named Rekim by Josephus). In Interpretation of Hebrew Names "Recem, variety or painting". (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Notice that Eusebius sees two different Cades, but the true Cades (or Kadesh Barnea) is next to the wilderness of Paran, also known as the desert of the Saracens: "Gerara. The Geraritike is now called after this, (the region) beyond the Daroma. Twenty-five miles south of Eleutheropolis. It is the old southern boundary of the Chanaanites and a royal city of the Philistines (metropolis of Palestine). It is located, as Scripture affirms, "between Cades and Sur" (i.e., between) two deserts. The one adjoins Egypt whence the people came having come through the (straits of the) Red Sea. The other (true) Cades extends up to the desert of the Saracens." (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD) Of course the Bible does not say that Gerar is between Kadesh Barnea and Shur, but that Abraham lived there, then moved and sojourned near Gerar. Eusebius and the Madaba map correctly place Gerar, but confuse its position in relation to Kadesh and Shur. Even today people misread Gen 20:2 the same way Eusebius did.
Eusebius writes: "Asasan Thamar (Asasonthamar). Where the Amorrites dwelled whom Chodollagomor destroyed is located near the wilderness of Cades. It is said there is a village Tharmara (a fort Thamara) one day journey from Mapsis on the road from Hebron to Ailam. [Elat on the Red Sea, see Ailam] Today there is a garrison (Roman fort) of soldiers there." Footnote #: 8: Asasan Thamar (Asasonthamar). Genesis 14:7; K. 8:6; L. 234:84. On the Madaba Map there is a Thamara located as suggested by Eusebius here. Tabula Peutinger has a Thamaro 52 or 53 miles from Jerusalem while Ptolemy's list (V, 15, 5f) has a Thamaro about 55 miles distant. The Notitia Dignitatum (74:40) has a Tarba and (74:46) a Thamarra both of which have a garrison. Alt found a fort at Qasr el Juheiniye and he is followed by many locating the fort there and the village at 'ain el 'Arus. Aharoni more recently (TEJ, 1963, p.30ff) suggests 'Ain Husb which is about a day's walk (32 km) from Kurnub which is generally identified with Mapsis (cf. also Avi-Yonah) and has a large Roman fort as well as Nabatean and Iron II sherds. The Madaba Map using Jerome's spelling has located properly Mampsis. Many Nabatean, Roman-Byzantine levels excavated at Kuroub. It shows a revival in the fourth century A.D. as also does Oboda (Avdat, 'Abda, and K. 176:9).This may be indicated by "village" in Greek and "oppidum" in Latin (cf. K. 10:25). II Chronicles 20:2 identified Thamar with En Gedi or at least locates it in the district of En Gedi (86:16). Jerome in Hebrew Questions says, "his city which we now call Engaddi, is rich in balsam and palms since Asason Thamar translated into our language is city of the palms'" (18) (cf. Judges 1: 16, Ezekiel 47: 29). (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
Eusebius writes: "Ailam (Ailath). Is situated at the extremity of Palestine between the southern desert and the Red Sea where cargo was transported by ship from both Egypt and India. A detachment of the Tenth Roman Legion is stationed there. Properly called Aila today (it was formerly pronounced Ailath) from whence the ancient people the Ailamites whose king was Chodollagomor [who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles]. Another Ailam of the foreigners (of Palestine) is noted in Kings." Footnote #: 6: Ailam (Ailath). Genesis 14:1; K.6:17; L. 234:75. In the Vulgate we find Ailath, Elath, and Aila for this same site. Palestine is the southern part of Syria. This word is missing in the Vatican Manuscript. Technically the southern limits of the Onomasticon should be Ailam (Ailath). The ruins are inland about one mile from Aqabah but not as far inland as Tell el Kbeleifah which is probably the older Ezion Geber (K. 36:l, cf. K. 34:23, 62:13, Josephus Antiquities, IX, 12, 1). It was the end of the road going north to Damascus and the terminus of the overland road west to the Mediterranean. In Jerome's time it was a very busy port (Vita Hilariaris, 18, and cf. Commentary on Ezekiel 47:18). Eusebius does not indicate its size but it may be inferred that it was a polis. A bishop was present at Nicea. Eusebius uses some army source and the text is useful for noting the deployment of the Roman legion. The Tenth is located here. The Notitia Dignitatum (73:18f.) verifies this entry. The Tabula Peutinger, 820 has a Haila 83 miles from Petra and 150 miles southeast of Gaza which fits this site at el 'aqaba. The city in II Samuel 10:16 is in northeast Transjordan. The Syriac text notes it is a city of the Philistines. The Greek allophulos usually means Philistines but once or twice we cannot be positive, so in this present translation the general term "foreigners" has been preferred, especially when Jerome does not have Filistine. He has Filistine in K. 7:15, K. 21:2, K. 3:25, K. 119:3 but more often uses transliteration allofylorum (see Appendix I). (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
The Onomasticon references two "Kades": One near Gerar and but the "true Cades" at Petra. Eusebius places Arad near the Desert of Kadesh Barnea, but the Madaba map places Arad between Beersheba and Egypt rather than between Beersheba and the Dead sea. However the Madaba map is not to scale and has huge distortions of distance and relative size. "Arad. City of the Amorrites near the desert of Cades. There is now (shown) a village four miles from Malaatha, and twenty from Hebron. Tribe of Juda." (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD)
There is one possible reference to the "Wilderness of Kadesh" and this is also marked on the Madaba Map. The words on the Madaba map "desert of" are likely a reference to either the Arabah Valley or possibly the "Desert of Cades/Kadesh" frequently referenced by Eusebius in his Onomasticon. The Arabah valley is easy to distinguish on a visual basis, since it would be to the right of the Dead Sea and above the three mountain ranges that Mampsis is located in the middle of. Perhaps Eusebius and the Madaba map were inspired by this verse to located the Desert of Kadesh: "The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh." Psalm 29:8
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Maresa (heb. Mârê’shâh y Mârêshâh, “temblor”, “a la cabeza [cumbre]” o “posesión [capital]”). 1. Pueblo en la Sefela (Jos 15:44) fortificado por Roboam (2Ch 11:8). En su vecindad se debe buscar el campo de batalla de la guerra entre Asa y “Zera etíope” (14:9, 10). Llegó a ser una ciudad importante (llamada Marissa) en el período helenístico y la habitaban los edomitas. Fue saqueada por Judas Macabeo, repoblada con judíos por Juan Hircano y designada como ciudad libre por Pompeyo en el 63 a.C. Finalmente los partos la destruyeron en el 40 a.C. El sitio ha sido identificado como Tell Sanda1annah, a unos 2,5 km al sur de Beit Jibrîn (Eleuterópolis) y a unos 21 km al noroeste de Hebrón. F. J. Bliss y R. A. S. Macalister excavaron el lugar en 1900 y descubrieron buena parte de restos de la ciudad helenística. También se descubrieron tumbas ricamente decoradas de ese período en el antiguo cementerio. Mapa XIV, E-2. Bib.: M. Avi-Yonah y A. Kloner, EAEHL III:782-791; FJ-AJ xii.8.6; xiii.9.1; 10.2; x iv.4.4; xiv. 13.9. 2. Habitante de Judá, padre de Hebrón (1Ch 2:42) e hijo de Laada (4:21 ).
Fuente: Diccionario Bíblico Evangélico
(heb., mareshah, una posesión).
1. El padre de Hebrón (1Ch 2:42).
2. Un nieto de Judá, pero probablemente una aldea (1Ch 4:21).
3. Una ciudad importante en Judá al sudoeste de Jerusalén (Jos 15:44) que Roboam consideró de valor estratégico de modo que la fortificó (2Ch 11:5-12). El rey Asa enfrentó un gran ejército etíope en Maresa en el valle de Sefata al cual abrumó con ayuda de Dios (2Ch 14:9-15).
Eliezer, un natural de Maresa, llevó una advertencia de Dios al rey malo Josafat por la alianza pecaminosa con Ocozías (2Ch 20:35-37). Era una buena ciudad en los tiempos de Miqueas y les prometió a su pueblo un heredero (Mic 1:15).
Fuente: Diccionario Bíblico Mundo Hispano
(Cumbre). Nombre de lugar y de personas del AT.
1. Una de las ciudades que correspondió a la tribu de Judá en la repartición de la tierra prometida (Jos 15:44). Fue fortificada en tiempos de †¢Roboam (2Cr 11:8). El rey etíope Zera fue vencido por Asa †œen el valle de Sefata junto a M.† (2Cr 14:9-13). El profeta Eliezer, quien habló en contra de la alianza que había hecho Josafat con Ocozías para una empresa marítima, era natural de M. (2Cr 20:37).
. Personaje en la descendencia de Caleb. Se le relaciona con la fundación de Hebrón (1Cr 2:42).
. Personaje en la descendencia de Judá. Hijo de Laada (1Cr 4:21).
Fuente: Diccionario de la Biblia Cristiano
sit, a3, 212, 159
vet, = “a la cabeza”. (a) Ciudad de la llanura de Judá (Jos. 15:44; cfr. 1 Cr. 4:21). Fortificada por Roboam (2 Cr. 11:8). Tuvo lugar una gran batalla entre el rey Asa y Zero el etíope cerca de Maresa (2 Cr. 14:9, 10). Durante el período helénico, fue una ciudad importante llamada Marissa, en la que habitaban edomitas (Ant. 13:9, 1; 14:1, 3, 9). Los partos la destruyeron en el año 40 a.C. Según Eusebio, sus ruinas se hallaban a dos millas romanas de Eleutherópolis. Bliss la sitúa en Tell Sandahannah, a 1,5 Km. al sur-sureste de Beit Djibrin. (b) “Padre” de Hebrón (1 Cr. 2:42), descendiente de Judá; el contexto sugiere que Maresa era el hermano de Mesa, primogénito de Caleb. No se cita en ningún otro lugar.
Fuente: Nuevo Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado
(heb. mārē’šâh). Ciudad en la Sefela (Jos. 15.44), que cubría la ruta a Hebrón por el uadi Zeita; actualmente Tell Sandahanna (Tel Maresha). Los habitantes decían ser descendientes de Sela (1 Cr. 4.21). Roboam la fortificó, y en esta zona Zera de Etiopía fue derrotado por Asa; Eliezer el profeta nació allí (2 Cr. 11.8; 14.9; 20.37). Posteriormente fue colonia sidonia e importante plaza fuerte de Idumea (1 Mac. 5.66; 2 Mac. 12.35; Zenón, Museo de El Cairo pap. 59006; Josefo, Ant. 12.353; 14.75). Los partos la destruyeron en 40 a.C. (Ant. 14.364); en su lugar se levantó Eleuterópolis, actualmente Beit Guvrin o Jibrin, 1½ km al N; una aldea que se encuentra hacia el O es ahora Jirbet Marash. El nombre, probablemente derivado de rō˒š (cateza), quizás no fue exclusivo de esta localidad (Rudolph sobre 1 Cr. 2.42).
Douglas, J. (2000). Nuevo diccionario Biblico : Primera Edicion. Miami: Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas.
Fuente: Nuevo Diccionario Bíblico
Tomado de https://www.biblia.work/diccionarios/maresa/
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Harvard sued for “Single-Sex” Clubs
By Lilli Tillman, University of Tennessee Class of 2020
January 3, 2019
Within schools in the south such as The University of Alabama or The University of Tennessee, being in a single-sex club such as a fraternity or sorority, is a very prestigious honor and people wear their letters around campus proudly. In other parts of the country, such as the north east, there is clearly a different way of viewing greek life. This past month, one of our country's’ top ivy league institutions, Harvard, got sued by five different single-sex clubs because they are claiming that they are being discriminated against and that the university is being sexist. [1] Two sororities, Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma, and two fraternities, Sigma Chi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, sued in Boston’s federal court, while another sorority sued from Massachusetts state court. [1] These lawsuits will be the first challenge to the policy change since it was implemented. [1]
“The federal suit says Harvard's rule violates the 1972 law known as Title IX, which forbids discrimination based on sex in schools that receive federal funding. The suit says Harvard's policy singles out women and men for punishment because of their sex, and relies on stereotypes about men and women.” [1] The suit’s main argument is that the policy change is sexist because the policy does not include these rules for any other kind of club. The suit is quoted saying “A Harvard undergraduate could join the American Nazi party, or could create an off-campus undergraduate chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, without running afoul of the sanctions policy, or any other Harvard student-conduct policy. Those groups may be heinous but they are co-ed, so under Harvard’s rules, its students may belong without any threat of sanction.” [2]
In 2016, the administration at Harvard made policy changes that ultimately discouraged students from joining these said single-sex clubs. [1] The policy stated that starting with the class of 2021, students in single sex organizations will be “barred from leading campus groups or becoming captains of sports teams. [On campus] The school also refuses to endorse the students for prestigious fellowships, including the Rhodes and Marshall scholarships.” [1] The said clubs that are suing the university in federal court have stated that along with these rules put in place, their clubs have been suffering due to lack of members willing to join, leading to insufficient funds. [1] “According to that lawsuit, the relationship between Harvard and the clubs was ‘cordial’ for several decades. But Harvard targeted the final clubs and single-gender organizations in 2014 after Rakesh Khurana became the dean of the undergraduate college and the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights received a complaint over how the college handled allegations of sexual harassment and assault.” [2]
Harvard stated that the reason for making this policy change was because of groups that had been formed on their campus called “final clubs.” Even though these groups have been known to be quite popular, even for some presidents in their younger years, Harvard states that these clubs have “deeply misogynistic attitudes” and have led to many problems around campus such as sexual assaults and have caused a lot of criticism toward the university over the years. [1] “The final clubs are not among organizations formally suing Harvard, but some of them have collaborated with the legal challenge and are providing financial support, according to the North American Interfraternity Conference.” [2] It is important that the university starts getting better feedback from it’s students, as this it’s second lawsuit about discrimination this year. [2]
The policy change does not just single out Greek institutions as it sounds. All single sex organizations, even single sex musical groups, such as women’s choirs, are included in this policy change. [1] Many organizations that were once single sex have shut down and then later were re-established as co-ed. [1] The sororities are arguing that they were “collateral damage in the university’s mission to eliminate the male-only final clubs because Harvard created a policy that punishes not just the male clubs but all single-gender, off-campus clubs.” [2]
Along with these unhappy organizations, three anonymous male students have also come forth and have decided to sue the school stating that they have been “unfairly denied leadership roles on campus” due to their membership to these groups. [1] One of the men also stated that they have been treated negatively due to the stigma that surrounds being in these institutions. [1] The three males have also argued that their membership to these groups have damaged their reputation and made job opportunities sparse for them. [2]
Since Greek chapters are all over the country, lots of schools’ greek members are stepping forward in support of the Harvard chapters suing the institution, embracing the motto “Stand Up to Harvard” [3] All lawsuits that have been filed are asking to go to court and are also asking that the Harvard administration remove this “sexist policy”. The university is now awaiting the judges response.
[1] Associated Press. (3 Dec 2018), “Harvard sued by fraternities and sororities over single sex-rule,” Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harvard-sued-fraternities-sororities-over-single-sex-rule-n942961
[2] Kranz, Laura. (3 Dec 2018), “Sororities, fraternities sue Harvard over social club crackdown,” Retrieved from https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2018/12/03/harvard-social-club-policy-discriminates-against-women-lawsuits-say/j28WvC2AMEN0wC0TAecKkM/story.html
[3] Avi-Yonah, Shera. (4 Dec 2018), “Sororities, Fraternities Nationwide Declare Support for Lawsuit Challenging Harvard’s Sanctions,” Retrieved from https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2018/12/4/sanctions-reax/
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Yehud coins: coins minted in provice of Judea during the Persian period.
Source: Michael Avi-Yonah (ed.), Sepher Yerushalayim (Vol. I), Jerusalem, 1956
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A wonderful book for young readers This little book is part of the Buried Worlds Series published by Runestone Press. Only 64 pages long yet it is full of both black and white and color photos of mosaics discovered from around the world in ancient and modern times. Although Avi-Yonah was a specialist in Israeli finds, this expansive work covers a vast area from the “Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Americas” as noted on the inside cover of the dust jacket and appears designed for youthful readers. Go to Amazon
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Title IX roundup
R. Shep Melnick on his new book The Transformation of Title IX: Regulating Gender Equality in Education [Christina Hoff Sommers review, Education Next; Brookings; Melnick in National Affairs] And three video appearances by the author [Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth, Hoover Institution, Harvard Program on Constitutional Government]
Some early looks at Department of Education’s planned revamp of Title IX regs [Robby Soave, Reason and more; KC Johnson, Minding the Campus; Shikha Dalmia/The Week; previously here and here]
“Students Filed Title IX Complaints Against Kavanaugh to Prevent Him From Teaching at Harvard Law” [Shera S. Avi-Yonah and Jamie D. Halper, Harvard Crimson] “Professor Defends a Woman Accused of a Sex Crime, University Forces Him to Undergo Sexual Harassment Training” [Robby Soave on episode at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire; Conor Friedersdorf (training “as a general purpose punishment for alleged wrongthink”)]
“Facing Penalties, 100 Percent of College Students Completed Sexual Harassment Training” [Jamie D. Halper, Harvard Crimson]
“Failing at Fairness: Getting the Story 180 Degrees Backwards” [Coyote]
Colleges face wave of cases alleging faculty misconduct 25, 35 years ago or longer [Collin Binkley, Asssociated Press]
Tags: colleges and universities, Title IX
from Law http://www.overlawyered.com/2018/11/title-ix-roundup/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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