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444namesplus · 3 months ago
Abazejei Abeubonjal Acevem Aconhertau Adacon Adalol Adazelzen Afeldam Afolner Afolonom Agaiger Agarmenpan Agawesou Agencei Agetei Agoiquou Agotacen Agouseuzer Ahauler Ahermem Ahoipau Ahouneiman Ajemau Ajomger Akafel Akampol Akemwou Akodom Akomnen Alaimol Alelhel Amerwal Ameten Anahol Anemcowem Aneupomrau Apanmejel Apozabon Aradai Arensam Arezeu Aserrai Atagar Ataiwau Atawoi Ateinei Atelen Atengel Aterganai Atofeujar Avamai Awalvai Awapau Awenom Axabalmau Axawenquou Azelsel Azewouleu Azobom
Banbei Bapequem Baquolvar Barzam Batelau Baxom Befai Beiquadau Belam Beutan Bexeu Boigexoi Boijou Bolmen Boudevam Caiker Caurei Cecon Ceudou Coferpon Coivel Conaivel Covainem Coxer Dagom Daloi Dandon Danhaqual Danom Delal Delpeu Dewem Docoquom Dofafau Doikon Donlem Doquor Dougalwem Ebaifeljom Ebalcamcem Ebaneu Ebapeufei Ebeuvexoi Ecairomhon Ecarezon Ecebolau Ececal Econkom Ecosei Edasor Efatedel Efeifaltoi Efesom Egacaugen Egakaxom Egegagar Egeudoi Ehaderkan Eharlemwei Ehasor Ehavemkon Ehersar Ehonwel Ehopezen Ejallolpeu Ejarbalneu Ejaugolcar Ekakeper Ekaugal Ekaxegor Ekemojom Ekovar Elequon Elerxofom Emazem Enatengan Enemcor Enertousoi Eneuquadon Epailen Epanserker Epapecei Epobai Epomfeival Equaforxom Equalquor Equewarjal Equeweu Equomwequen Eraiwen Eramgon Erauquowor Ereremau Ererzei Erexorhan Eroilemhoi Erolhoibeu Erompel Erorban Esabeu Etacewel Eteicelnol Evolveval Ewaivelfar Ewevarar Ewomkoxam Ewonkol Exaiquam Examsadau Exanemfai Exaquoxer Exaxar Exazoman Ezacainan Ezeremau Ezevankem Fafojem Fanquemmau Fapoubem Favau Fesasal Feucequom Folpebei Fongem Fotemol Foxahan Foxom Gamau Gampefol Gamran Garjalem Gauperder Gefom Geimamquer Gengan Gerquan Gesesan Gocel Gouven Haileu Hankor Haurozom Hecanom Hefolger Henzer Herpecoi Hevam Hodou Hoicenrel Hoival Hoquom Horjahel Houcen Houquonnau Hoxaxem Hozemar Jaileu Jamannan Janhai Jemwei Jercan Jexerjam Jomzau Joxequam Kalbon Kamlan Kanverreu Karwel Kaujeusou Kawamqual Kazeroi Keufal Koibargel Kowel Lakomzar Lapeu Lardekoi Larsou Lawam Lelau Lerteu Lomwalrer Lonozom Lozol Lozomquar Macemnoi Malladei Marwel Meulemam Mezateu Monber Moxofel Mozam Nakaval Navor Naxolreu Nebahon Neigoquor Neigor Nekal Neneuxer Nennencen Nenzam Nerson Neuren Nezei Nomhalnoi Obanvarel Oboudel Ocammenhai Ocanor Ocarjamvoi Ocesel Ocobawem Ocofem Ocovelcei Odedesoi Odobon Odoidefau Odolquepen Odovafou Odoxem Ofaimaljeu Ofanalvol Ofelkeibel Ofemzau Ofesau Ofomei Ogafoleu Ogefemer Ogomeilam Ogozei Ohaxeusar Ohemal Oherben Ohevoxam Ojadalnor Ojanzai Ojetalmal Okavajor Olaikavar Olampolwei Olemerpom Omacen Omannecon Omaukenmom Omercamjar Onallamcei Oneleben Opemxon Opocei Oporroi Oquaharfau Oqualxau Oquamquor Oquaucel Orecolsou Oremdem Orerleu Orolvam Orotoldan Osagor Osemjonxeu Osenkol Oseulor Osomquai Ovegam Ovelkor Ovoiquoiver Owalbau Owercar Owopedam Oxedeuzei Oxojal Oxorjal Ozonorxau Ozopoxai Pacermel Paidei Panvamel Pegan Pelror Pemsal Perdorrar Pesar Peukelfam Peunel Pofezal Pomaileu Pomnor Quaihemfen Qualpen Qualwomrau Quanquer Quarcorquel Quegarcer Quodai Quoijankon Quoivoucor Quollencan Raizau Rarxonei Rauwou Rebexou Rehel Remdoteu Renar Rernemdor Rofeudoi Roikor Roisefer Rolderquoi Ronxajom Roubolser Sapamnan Sapan Sardowon Sawelbal Sefenlor Seukal Sokelxou Sokoi Sokom Somjedom Somtomjam Sorlon Sousen Taisedou Talsaiquam Taqueu Tebel Teher Temzajan Tevar Tokam Vailai Vamkenpou Varzal Vauken Vausau Vavoi Veiweucal Velraurer Verfeu Vezoi Vezor Volnoi Vovoi Voxom Vozau Wabeivam Wahornon Walkem Wamcaudal Wangol Warvarel Waseu Waucel Wekau Wemkoidel Wenorgol Wocerlom Wogenmon Woikou Woloi Xalvovai Xanver Xelfei Xemdamau Xemxal Xenwatom Xerol Xeror Zalxekel Zanforvar Zatotol Zauzonhor Zawol Zelel Zemen Zenoicel Zepoixan Zerhetei Zomouram Zorwolcar
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fuzzysoxx · 5 years ago
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⁠Happy Mother's Day 🌸⁠ ⁠ Wir hoffen ihr hattet einen ganz wunderbaren Tag ♥️⁠ ⁠ Als kleines Geschenk 🎁 gibt es neben unserem Gewinnspiel heute unsere MAY Kerze gratis + 40% Rabatt ✨⁠ ⁠ Einfach den Code 🌟MOTHERSDAY🌟 eingeben & Geschenk sichern 😍⁠ ⁠ Neben Flora ist unsere MAY Kerze eine der blumigsten mit Noten aus Rosen und Maiglöckchen, die durch die warmen Nuancen von zarter Myrrhe ausbalanciert werden 🌷⁠ ⁠ Überzeug dich selbst 🥰⁠ ⁠ ⁠ *Mindestbestellwert 49€; Minis & bereits reduzierte Produkte von Rabattaktion ausgeschlossen⁠⠀⁠ ⁠ -⁠ From Instagram
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elizapdushku · 3 years ago
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007 #sweeneytoddthedemonbarberoffleetstreet #sweeneytodd #johnnydepp #helenabonhamcarter #alanrickman #timothyspall #jaynewisener #sachabaroncohen #lauramichellekelly #jamiecampbellbower #edsanders #gabriellafreeman #graciemayweldon #avamay #timburton #ripalanrickman #moviemonday #moviemondays #moviesilove #favouritemovies https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMvrzeDkRJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wealthy-hq · 8 years ago
Ava just arrived and brought the party
follow ! and be sure to read over the checklist.
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carefreecassi · 10 years ago
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It's camouflage! #imabiggirlnow #growingup #babylove #summer2015 #avamay #octaviamay #bigblueeyes @mel_waba
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fuzzysoxx · 5 years ago
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⭐ ES GIBT NEUE PRODUKTE ⭐⁠ ⁠ 🌸 Massage Kerzen - Ashikaga & Kerala 🌸⁠ ⁠ Ab sofort könnt ihr unsere Kerzen hautnah erleben 🧖🏼‍♀️⁠ ⁠ Das heiße, wohlriechende Wachs der Kerzen 🕯️ dient ebenfalls als Öl für eine Körpermassage 💆🏼⁠ ⁠ 👉🏼 Lass' das Wachs flüssig werden und lösche dann deine Kerze 🌬️- jetzt kannst du nach einem kurzen Hitzetest das Öl auf die Haut auftragen. ⁠ ⁠ 💖Das Öl ist reich an Vitamin E, nährt und regeneriert die Haut und hinterlässt ein samtig weiches Gefühl.⁠ ⁠ Zum Kennenlernen gibt es sogar einen Rabattcode auf unsere neuen Produkte: ⁠ ⁠ ❗Benutze "MASSAGE4020" ❗⁠ ⁠ Für 40% auf unsere Klassiker und 20% auf neue Produkte 🎁⁠ ⁠ - ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ From Instagram
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So, my friend passed away in the early hours of Monday morning and I've been trying to find a way to express how I feel all week. All my friends were putting up statuses on Facebook but it just didn't feel right. 
I've decided to write how I feel and post it on Tumblr because even though it'll get two notes at most...I feel more comfortable with it on here with 0 notes than on Facebook with 40 likes.
The reason I'm finding this so hard is because I didn't talk to Ava at all in the last few years, we didn't fall out or anything, we just grew apart. So, while my childhood friends who saw her every day are crying I just feel like it would be wrong for me to be so visibly emotional. 
But, I would like to say that there is not a childhood memory that I have that does not involve her. We've lived on the same street since we were born and the fact that she's never going to walk passed my house on her way to town again breaks my heart. 
She was amazing, and I can't believe she's gone.
Love her, x
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wealthy-hq · 8 years ago
activity check / july 8
due to inactivity, please unfollow:
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loveyoumorefanfic · 12 years ago
It's time.
" baby it's time " " ok I've got your over night bag, everything, breathe in and out " " babe I'm fine, just get me to the hospital " My waters broke through the night and Oritse was panicking more then me. It was quite funny watching him, I had everything ready for when our baby was going to arrive. I got in the car with Oritse and he drove straight to the hospital, I had a birthing plan, Rochelle was gonna be there. I wanted everything all natural nothing else. " right we're going to have to deliver now Mrs Williams, your fully dilated " " baby I'm scared " " I'm going to be right next to you holding your hand all the way through ok " Half an hour later .... " one last push Ruby " " I can't do it " " come on baby you can " " Congratulations it's a beautiful baby girl " " I'm so proud of you, I love you so much " " our baby's finally here .... " I cannot believe she's actually here, she was the cutest, little fingers and toes. She was beautiful. I got taken back to my room where Oritse followed.... " does daddy want a hold " " hey beautiful I'm your daddy, I'm going to love you forever " I lay there looking at my husband holding our beautiful baby girl and I couldn't be happier. " baby, what do think of Ava Carter Williams " " I love it " " welcome to the world Ava Carter Williams "
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carefreecassi · 10 years ago
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I'm such a big girl! I got my ears pierced and everything! #octaviamay #avamay #summer2015 #babylove #growingup #imabiggirlnow
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carefreecassi · 10 years ago
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Look what my bestest friend got me! #imabiggirlnow #growingup #babylove #summer2015 #avamay #octaviamay
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carefreecassi · 10 years ago
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So beautiful #avamay #summer #summer2015 #love #octaviamay @mel_waba
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undefiablyme · 12 years ago
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Representin'! #browning #camo #baby #avamay (at Zerbe Farm)
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