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danniitsolutionhaider · 7 months ago
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hanfocus · 4 months ago
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lousysharkbutt · 9 months ago
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this guy again
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frm9pm · 1 year ago
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itskatieclearly · 2 months ago
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S1E12: Cold Steel and Spring Allergies
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empresskylo · 1 year ago
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therulerofallpotatos · 2 months ago
I will be needing 3 business days to recover from Speak No Evil so I'm putting on something I think will be more fun and lighthearted for me.
Manhunter (1986). I only recently learned this was a Hannibal movie so I'm playing it while its free on prime.
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dykedvonte · 5 months ago
Why do you think did Curly let Jimmy go before the crash? I've seen the theory Curly briefly thought about crashing too but didn't expect Jimmy to go through with it
I generally believe it was shock and a bit of denial.
It’s the sort of thing where Curly knew Jimmy enough to know he blows up at things but he never would’ve expected him to go through with something so crazy. He gives Jimmy way too much benefit. It’s just his nature and the dynamics he has with Jimmy. They have a stable relationship as friends but it’s stabilized by the unhealthy toxic aspects that keep him in it. He’s like this with Anya, taking the gun is something he really shouldn’t have kept off the record, so is Swansea’s feigned hostility toward Daisuke. He doesn’t want to get people in trouble and doesn’t want to believe anyone would cause trouble other than to themselves. He’s a very lenient man.
I think the words were hollow in his head. Said but not really meant like all the times Jimmy lashes out and says something cruel to him or others. He never means it, if he did why would he still be Curly’s friend? Curly’s head wasn’t in the right space in that moment, he just got through panicking with Anya and if the sound design is anything to go by, was panicked and preoccupied going to confront Jimmy. I mean, the flash of the warning signs before he runs back are identical to the dissociative episode of sort he has when going to talk to Jimmy to do his Psyc eval.
There is this sort of assumption in fanon that Curly was the idealic person for the job and simply failed. None of them were the idealic people to be there, it’s Curly’s entire concern with the ladder he chose. I see more interpretations of him being purposefully ignorant where I see him as just always looking the wrong way or not in a place where he can see it. There’s something different about seeing something than being told about it in the human mind. It may just be the psych student in me but Curly def has some sort of cognitive dissonance just like Jimmy but when it comes to his role as a Captain vs who he is.
They blur in his head to where if you ask him if he was acting as a Captain or a friend or himself to his crew he couldn’t answer. Not with confidence even if he did. There are many times we see that Curly himself is not in the right headspace to lead the Tulpar and that’s outside of anything with Jimmy. He’s spacey, he’s not sleeping, he’s deeply unhappy with himself and life. It’s why there’s believability he crashed the ship. Maybe the others saw it, or maybe Jimmy heard enough of it to spin it in a way that made Curly seem suicidally depressed.
So the tdlr is I think it wasn’t so much letting Jimmy go, more so not seeing the severity of what he was allowing to transpire. In his mind it’s just another one of Jimmy’s bluffs, cruel words, off words but just words. Jimmy rarely ever acts, why would he now? Maybe he’s never seen it because Jimmy hides those actions? Either way, he just never thought he’d really do it.
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just-my-thoughts-b · 16 days ago
Gaz: How do I ask someone out?
Price : Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two.
Gaz: No!
Soap : Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car.
Gaz: Stop!
Ghost : Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream.
Gaz: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
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glowingkorbat · 1 year ago
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part two of a dumb stupid idiot comic i made about roadtown christmas. as the assistant to the mayor, monty insists that jim looks nice, going as far as to do his hair and lend him his old coat from his womanizing days. however, stunning coats and dainty hair do little against the impenetrable force that is teenage insecurity.
(pt 1 here)
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mamasplat · 9 months ago
Serena is the canon protagonist as explained in pokemas, the protagonist’s bedroom is on the top floor. Top floor bedrooms are often master bedrooms, which checks out her bedroom is huge
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Meanwhile grace’s bedroom is on the first floor across from the living room, normally a secondary bedroom position.
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Anyone who has ever fought over a new room in a newly moved into environment knows the general rule in your youth, the parent(s) will get the master bedroom.
So why does Grace give her daughter the master bedroom? especially if we take the difficulties in their relationships in the manga and anime as canon (which I do, if the same thing happens to two iterations of Serena odds are it’ll happen to a third iteration as well.)
So glad you didn’t ask. While rhyhorns aren’t real, we can take information from a closely linked parallel in the real world.
Horseback riding.
Horseback riding can cause knee pain, over a prolonged career in riding it can become a constant ache. Bones tend to wear and cause discomfort with age anyways. Now we don’t know grace’s age, but we know she appears rather young next to say- the veteran trainer said to be Calem’s mother by Shauna. And we know for a FACT Serena is at least 17 via her being confirmed older than Emma and more likely 18 by the societal trust given to her by characters like Sycamore Diantha and even Looker if we believe she’s also the protagonist in post game.
SO- if Grace has her daughter somewhere in her 20s at least, and Serena is 17/18 now, Grace should be in her 30s if not older. This is average for someone in a career like say, rhyhorn racing, to start having some degrading pain in their joints from extensive use and strain.
WHICH might make it harder on someone to consistently use things like STAIRS.
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hanfocus · 3 months ago
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eldritch-ambrosia · 1 year ago
“And it’s difficult to keep eye contact with them when they keep bowing! They keep their heads down like if they look at me I’ll smite them on the spot!” Merlin exclaimed, rolling his eyes. “It’s always been like that, even when I was a servant, they would act like I was some kind of… of-”
“God?” Arthur finished, amused by his companion’s ramblings. He was shaking his head, his face tinted crimson in a way Arthur found quite lovely, something he chose to pocket the moment it fell into his mind. Perhaps that was one of the reasons he loved to rile Merlin up so. “The most powerful sorcerer to walk the earth and you don’t expect people to treat you as such?”
“You don’t.”
He was right, of course. The only change to Arthur’s demeanor since Merlin had told him had been hesitance. Hesitance in their relationship, hesitance in Merlin’s magic, hesitance in the lies that had separated them. It hadn’t taken long for that hesitance to be thrown right out the tower window as Arthur finally saw Merlin for all he was, all he had always been. He hadn’t changed, not really, but to see Merlin open and honest with every part of himself, to confide in Arthur in ways he hadn’t before, hadn’t felt he could, had erased any doubt in the king’s mind.
“Well, I’ve seen you trip over your own feet. Kind of ruins any illusion of the ‘all powerful sorcerer’ the druids have made up in their minds.”
“And here I was thinking it was because you’re the King of Camelot.” Merlin said. 
“That could be part of it.” Arthur considered, tilting his head in thought. “I know what it’s like when everyone treats you like this untouchable being. Like the idea of power rather than a person who just so happens to have power and is doing the best they can with what they have.”
Merlin eyed him bemusedly, coming to a halt in the middle of the field. Arthur mimicked him, though he glanced ahead before fully turning to Merlin. They probably had about half a day’s walk before they would make it into the city and he didn’t see any place to rest, save for a small temple a bit farther off. 
“What?” Arthur asked finally.
The sorcerer paused, his eyes flicking down as if he was analyzing Arthur in a way he hadn’t before. Arthur didn’t squirm under anyone’s gaze, not since his father had passed, but the way Merlin was looking at him had him on edge, heat rushing to his ears.  
“I-” Merlin stopped, his nose scrunching, glancing to the sky. Arthur followed his gaze to the clouds above, just as water splashed down onto his forehead.
The rain fell suddenly, like a dam in the heavens bursting open to the earth below. They had only a few seconds of awareness of the weather before they were completely drenched, both making a run for it to the nearest source of cover, the clanging of droplets on armor and the gasps the sudden chill of the rain sent down their backs the only sound over the heavy rainfall.
An excerpt from something I'm writing so they can kiss in the rain. (possibly spicy?)
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
that erik could probably pick up that charles with one hand
And squeeze him like a dog toy Probably
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melodyssolarsystem · 3 months ago
new york city
pardon me are you aaron burr sir
that depends who’s asking
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