#Auto Dealership Lighting
netzeroenergy · 10 days
From Floodlights to Fame: The Art and Science of Auto Dealership Lighting
The showroom. It's the heart of your auto dealership, the stage where your automotive stars shine. But is your lighting playing a supporting role or stealing the spotlight? The truth is, dealership lighting is far more than just illuminating a space. It's a silent salesperson, influencing customer emotions, driving sales, and ultimately, shaping the reputation of your brand.
Beyond the Basics: Ditch the Dated, Embrace the Dazzling
Gone are the days of harsh fluorescents casting an unflattering, sterile glow over your inventory. Today's dealership lighting is a sophisticated art form, blending cutting-edge LED technology with strategic design to create a sensory experience that entices buyers. Let's delve deeper into how effective Auto Dealership Lighting works its magic:
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1. The Power of Perception: Highlighting What Matters Most
The human brain is wired to be visually stimulated. Studies show that well-lit environments can trigger feelings of happiness, trust, and even excitement. In your showroom, that translates to increased customer engagement with your vehicles. Here's how strategically placed LEDs achieve this:
High-Lumen Love: Bathe your showroom in a bright, inviting light. High-lumen LEDs ensure every inch of your space is illuminated, showcasing the sleek lines and captivating curves of your cars. Imagine paint jobs shimmering with depth and chrome gleaming like polished jewels – a visual symphony that beckons customers closer.
Accentuate the Allure: Strategic use of accent lighting draws attention to specific features that set your vehicles apart.  Imagine a soft spotlight highlighting the plush leather of the interior, or dedicated fixtures showcasing the intuitive tech dashboard.  Every detail becomes a selling point, whispering, "This car is exceptional."
Color Creates Mood: Lighting isn't just about brightness; it's about setting the tone.  Warm white light creates a welcoming atmosphere that puts customers at ease, fostering trust and encouraging them to linger and explore.  For test drives, consider cooler tones that energize the experience, highlighting the power and performance of your vehicles.
2. From Showroom to Stage: Creating a Cohesive Brand Experience
Lighting isn't just about showcasing cars; it's about extending your brand identity into the physical space. Here's how to use lighting to create a cohesive brand experience:
Match the Mood: Coordinate your lighting scheme with your overall brand image. A sleek, modern dealership might benefit from cool, contemporary lighting fixtures, while a family-oriented brand might utilize warmer tones for a more inviting atmosphere.
Highlight Your Highlights:  Does your dealership specialize in a specific type of vehicle?  Use lighting to showcase them!  For instance, dedicate brighter, more dramatic lighting to high-performance cars, while using a softer, luxurious glow for premium SUVs.
A Touch of Class: Consider incorporating architectural lighting features that complement your dealership's design and aesthetic.  This could range from strategically placed recessed lights to decorative hanging fixtures that add a touch of class and further enhance the brand experience.
3. Efficiency Meets Brilliance: Saving Money While Shining Brighter
Let's face it, running a dealership can be expensive. But fear not, because modern LED lighting is an energy-saving champion.
Reduced Costs:  Compared to traditional fluorescents, LEDs consume significantly less energy, resulting in substantial savings on your electricity bill.  This translates directly to your bottom line, allowing you to invest in other areas of your dealership.
Eco-Conscious Choice:  By switching to LEDs, you're making a positive impact on the environment. Their longer lifespan and reduced energy consumption contribute to a smaller carbon footprint, demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.
Minimal Maintenance:  Gone are the days of constantly replacing burnt-out bulbs. LEDs boast incredibly long lifespans, minimizing maintenance needs and freeing up your time and resources for other tasks.
4. From Floodlights to Focus: Zone Lighting for a Purposeful Experience
Different sections of your dealership serve different purposes.  By employing zone lighting, you can create a purposeful experience for your customers in each area:
Showroom Spotlight:  As discussed earlier, the showroom demands bright, inviting light that showcases your inventory.
Service Bay Focus: Task lighting with adjustable fixtures is crucial in the service bay, ensuring technicians can perform detailed work with ease and accuracy.
Customer Comfort:  Waiting areas and customer lounges should be bathed in warm, comfortable lighting that creates a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.
Office Efficiency:  Offices require well-lit workspaces that promote focus and productivity without creating glare or eye strain.
While aesthetics play a crucial role in effective dealership lighting, there's a fascinating science behind it as well. Here's a deeper dive into the psychology of lighting and how it influences customer behavior.
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bgdistributor · 2 years
Find the best bg products and equipment Western Pennsylvania. Brookside Sales is one of the leading bg distributor in Western Pennsylvania and 22 West Virginia counties. At Brookside Sales they offer bg products and equipment, combined with ongoing training for advisors and technicians, in automotive dealerships, repair shops and fleets. Contact: 412-833-7733
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crainkiafortsmith · 2 years
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Headlights are your most important safety in low visibility. They allow you to see the road ahead and warn other vehicles and pedestrians that you’re approaching. The bulbs, however, have a limited lifespan and will eventually fail. Click to read our blog about the sings you need new headlights. 
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Which one do you want?
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Just off a quiet highway somewhere in the Midwest, you might see James advertising my new product. He used to own this car dealership with his wife, but she's long gone. James hasn't thought about her since I pulled out my pendulum and put him in a trance. He just spends his days standing on the side of the road holding up that sign like I told him to.
You can see I marked him at 40 bucks, which is well over what he's worth, but I like to keep him around to advertise and flag down potential customers. His abs are visible even in the rain, and the neon underwear I put him in is sure to catch every driver's eye.
If you pull into my dealership, I'd be happy to show you my selection you can choose from...
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Tyler, here, used to be my brother-in-law, but my sister dumped him real fast after she found the guy was a cheater. Since, he wasn't family anymore, I had no reason not to hypnotize every thought out of his head.
She has no idea I did this to her ex, but it won't hurt to have Tyler out of the picture for good. I like to give him a little punch in the gut every time I pass. It's my form of ongoing payback. He only ever reacts with a stifled groan since his mind is mush, but it's still cathartic to see him in pain.
Tyler will probably go fast since he's so traditionally handsome, but the vengeful part of me hopes a more sadistic client will take him off my hands.
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Next is Caesar. This guy used to work at the auto garage next door, but when I saw him I knew I had to have him. He put on a real tough guy act when I introduced myself, but a pudgy working man like him should act accordingly in my opinion.
After introducing his gaze to my pendulum, he practically fell into my arms. I had my fun warping Ceasar's personality to be more like that of a submissive dog, but even that got a bit old. Sure, I made him love and cuddle me like the perfect partner, but he tracked mud everywhere and he always seemed to stink.
I hope whoever pays for him doesn't mind always telling the oaf to hose himself down every once in awhile. I suppose they could just use Ceasar for the cheap manual labor and just forget about his hygiene entirely.
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This is Mike. He's a real piece of trash. I caught him trying to steal one of my cars in the middle of the night. He sure was shocked when my army of hypnotized hunks ran out and apprehended him, per my command.
He might look mean, but trust me, Mike's been thoroughly hypnotized and broken in just like every other dude on this lot. He wouldn't be standing there holding that 'For Sale' sign all day if he weren't!
Now, I know that his lack of hair might be a turn off for a lot of folks, so I'm willing to go down on the price. 20 dollars is already pretty low, but I want to make sure you all can afford your own hypnotized hunk. It's not like it's too difficult for me to go out and find a couple more idiots to fill their place. Hell, if you really need it, I might sell you a guy for a dollar!
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This boy in blue is Lt. O'Riley. I don't know what his full name is. I'm just going off what it says on his badge. Now, I know that hypnotizing an officer of the law is risky, but O'Riley was being a real pain in my neck, always poking his nose in my business.
I hypnotized his partner too.
I think that guy's name was Brooks or something, but he was real ugly. I would've never been able to sell his fat ass, so I had him hand over his police uniform and turned him into my handyman, who's meant to be neither seen nor heard. He wears an old pair of dirty coveralls now and takes care of all the maintenance work. He's probably off scrubbing my housing from top to bottom right now since it's the middle of the day.
You could do that to officer O'Riley too, if you want, or maybe you keep that precious uniform on him. It's up to you.
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This last guy is Don, and I know what you're going to say! I'm a little light on product at the moment, but don't worry.
I'm planning on driving into town real soon and restocking. Maybe I'll grab a few more officers this time. The police department is right down the street from that Halloween store. I could grab a couple more cops and put them in some stupid costumes.
Customers love a themed product, right?
Anyways, Don here didn't do anything to piss me off. He actually stopped in after seeing the sign. He wanted to purchase one of my brainless studs and pimp him out to all his friends for cheap cash. I liked the idea, but Don was far too handsome to just walk off my lot.
I offered to give him a tutorial of my hypnosis, and the guy naively agreed. His car has been collecting dust in the back ever since, and he's been added into the lineup of hot men standing for sale.
So, please come by if you're interested in taking any of these guys on a test drive! Let me know which one sparks your interest!
No need to be nervous.....unless you're a handsome man yourself. Then I might just have to use my pendulum on you!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 months
Thunder In Our Hearts: You're Losing Me
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Summary: A few short weeks before their first holiday together, the reader finds Ben slipping into his old ways...
Pairing: Soldier Boy x reader
Word Count: 2,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, fluff
A/N: This takes place within Part 9 of Thunder In Our Hearts. Enjoy! 😉
You hummed as you stirred the ingredients in the Dutch oven on the cold December day. Things with Ben had been good lately. It’d been about four months since you’d both stopped hunting down people, trying to hide him from the CIA. You simply…were.
For Ben, that meant a whole lot of learning still. He’d been out of the box for a little over six months now and had picked up a few things. He even had his own SUV now for getting around. He understood how to use the TV and get to streaming apps along with some basic use of the internet and a smart phone.
And he prided himself on how well he could cook a full breakfast for you both. You’d even got a smirk out of him when you called him your own Betty Crocker.
But there was still a lot to learn and it wore on him some days. Unfortunately, it seemed like today was going to be one of them.
“Jesus Christ,” groaned Ben, stepping into the house, shrugging out of his winter jacket. He kicked off his boots and left them in the middle of the floor, all while shaking his head. “Your generation is full of fucking pussies, baby. No wonder this country has gone to shit.”
You tore your eyes away from the soup on the stove, annoyance prickling your skin. Yeah, it was definitely one of those days. 
“The fucking child working the counter at the auto store didn’t know two shits about the oil I was looking for. Literally the twats only fucking job,” he grumbled, walking into the kitchen and washing up his hands. You tried to let it go. He was allowed to get irritated as much as you were. 
You set the spoon on the rest next to the stove and put the lid back on top, the stew having a few hours to go still.
“And then at dealership where I had to go to get the stupid shit, there was, I swear to God, some kid that had to be thirty fucking years old was buying a car with his dad. These little shits don’t know to wipe their own asses.”
You rolled your eyes behind his back and left the kitchen, Ben inhaling sharply, lifting the lid up. He licked his lips and set it back down, either ignoring or not picking up on your own growing annoyance. You sat down on the end of the couch, Ben leaning over the back, strong hands on your shoulders.
“And why the hell is everyone obsessed with these fucking frilly decorations for Chirstmas? It’s fucking stupid. If people want shit they should buy it. End of discussion. Lame ass holiday anyway.” 
He squeezed your shoulders gently, leaning down so his lips brushed against your ear. 
“You’re tense, baby. Let me help you relax.” Strong hands slid down over your shoulders, headed straight for your chest and you’d had enough. You faced him with a glare, Ben narrowing his eyes. “What’d I do?”
“You’re being an ass today. You’re acting like asshole Ben, the one I didn’t like, remember?” He scoffed, crossing his arms. “All you have done today is complain about other people, leave the house a mess, hell you even got something against Christmas. It’s fucking Christmas, Ben! No one in the world, even the most redneck backwoods hillbilly, has anything against a strand of fucking white lights. Frilly? Oh come on.”
“First off, they are fucking frilly,” he spat back as you headed for the foyer. “What’s wrong with not liking a stupid ass holiday?”
“Nothing! Hate Christmas for all I care! Plenty of people do. But don’t put it down because of lights or trees or presents. Hate it because your family sucks or whatever. Not because it’s not manly enough for you.”
“Oh fuck you,” he said, getting in your face, leering down at you with a certain visceral that reminded you of your first argument. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“Don’t hate everything that’s not part of your toxic masculinity!” His eye twitched and you looked away, past him out the patio door. “For three weeks you’ve been acting more and more like an asshole. I know this is hard for you. I know learning is hard and learning to be accepting and even tolerant doesn’t happen overnight. But Benjamin, I told you once before. I will not live with a man that I’m afraid of. Do not become someone I am afraid of.”
“You have no idea how hard this is!” he shouted, so loud your body shook. You forced yourself to meet his angry gaze, fighting back wetness in your own. “I do everything for you! Every goddamn day I try for you! I’m sorry your worthless piece of shit boyfriend isn’t doing it fast enough for you!”
“I never called you that,” you said quietly, throat thick from fighting back the tears from falling. “Never. All I have ever asked of you is to try and you Ben, these past few weeks you aren’t trying. I am not giving up on you. All I’m asking is you to not give up on yourself. You’re worth it. But you have to want it too.”
“What I want is you to stop hounding me over every little thing every motherfucking day!” he shouted. You tore your gaze away and swallowed before heading for the door. “Where the fuck are you going?”
“For a drive,” you said, putting your boots on, taking your coat off the hook. “For the record, all I wanted to do today was make you homemade beef stew because you haven’t had it since you were a kid. Maybe, just maybe, decorate for Christmas because we both had shitty childhoods and maybe we could have made our own good traditions. But if you don’t want that, Ben, I won’t force that on you. I’m done. I’ll always love you but I don’t deserve to be screamed at for helping you, for still holding up my end of the deal.”
You ripped open the door and threw up your hood without looking back. 
It was close to eleven when you got home. You were tired and your stomach felt off from your makeshift dinner of a greasy burger and fries. Least of all did you want another fight with Ben tonight. You just didn’t have the energy for it.
You sighed as you pushed open the door, catching sight of him out of the corner of your eye. Great. But you cut off your own thoughts as your eyes took in the room, darting through the family room and over to the kitchen and dining room. 
Hundreds of small lights filled the house. Draped on the wall. Wrapped around the decorated tree in the corner. Over the mantle where two stockings hung.
You knew you were standing there with your mouth open, letting the cold air inside behind you. Ben walked around the couch and shut the door, all while staring at you. He flickered his own gaze down and you caught his shirt wasn’t his usual thermals or t-shirts.
He had on a fucking Grinch sweater. A fucking Grinch sweater.
Your eyes flirted back to his, worried green ones meeting them. His lips parted, words caught in his throat. He swallowed, taking both your hands in his.
“You deserve a better life than this.” He lowered his head. “Than me. But you won’t leave me alone unless I make you go which is what I’ve been doing. I don’t want you to have to teach me everything. You’re wasting away your life on me. I’m not good. No matter what I do, I’ll never be good. I’m always the villian. I want better for you than me.”
You stared at the Grinch on his sweater, at the comically large yellow eyes, the curl of green on top of his head. 
“Y/N. Say something. Do something.” You lifted your gaze, his head turned cautiously up, waiting for a response. You stepped closer to him, Ben ripping his gaze away, like you’d burn him.
“Don’t you ignore me.” His head turned back, dropping your hands when you pulled them away. “Why did you do all this if you want me to go?”
“I never said I wanted you to go,” he whispered, cracking a sad smile. “I told you. I want you to want someone better than me.”
“Why did you do all of this?” you asked again, Ben closing his eyes, bottom lip trembling for a split second.
“Because…” he said, scrunching up his face, forcing himself to look you in the eye. “Because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Because you deserve better but I’m the bad guy and I can’t survive without you. Because you’re my girl. Because I like these fucking frilly lights even though I’m the Grinch. That guy was an asshole too until someone gave him a chance. Give me one more chance. Let me be selfish. Don’t let me lose you.”
“I…” you said, Ben nodding once and lowering his head. You ripped off your jacket and boots, Ben barely lifting his chin as you cupped his cheeks. “I’m so proud of you.”
Confusion crossed his face as you smiled, wiping away a single tear that slipped free. “Why? I fucked everything up.”
“We still have to work on that self-worth I see,” you said, gently stroking over his cheek. “Benjamin. I love you and I’ll never give up on you. If you want better for me then you become that man because I picked you. I see you becoming him more and more everyday. But this Ben? The one right in front of me? I don’t love him any less than that other man.”
“I was an ass on purpose. I scared you,” he said. “You should-”
“No, you didn’t. But you needed a wakeup call because baby, I know you. I know you want me to hate you some days because you hate yourself. I know you think you trapped me. But you saved me, Soldier Boy. I need you to remember I’m here because with you is exactly where I want to be.”
He closed his eyes, an argument on the tip of his tongue. But he surprised you. 
“I just want you to be happy,” he whispered. You kissed his cheek and then his lips, wrapping you arms around him tightly.
“I am. You’re my happy place.”
“Oh god that’s sad,” he half-laughed, resting his head on your shoulder. “I don’t think I’ve earned that.”
“Tell that to the guy who decorated the whole house with the frilly little lights,” you said, Ben chuckling. “If you want to leave me Ben you can but never do that again.”
“I promise and that’s not happening,” he said. He hugged you gently, the room quiet for a beat and then another. “I saved your stew. Maybe we can have it for lunch tomorrow?”
“Sounds good,” you said, enjoying the warmth of him around you. “Was today as bad as you said it was?”
“No. But I know how to make you think less of me,” he said, pulling back. “You should still be upset with me.”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “We’re not doing that. I know what I want and that’s for you to feel like you can talk to me when you start feeling bad. Please.”
“I’ll try,” he offered and you nodded, knowing that was all he could promise right now. You rested your head against his chest and breathed slowly, his heart thudding away strong and steady. “No.”
You frowned and looked at him, Ben raising his chin, nodding to himself. “No?”
“I won’t try. I’ll do it. No more trying. I will be better. End of story. I’m going to give you what you deserve.” 
“Someday I hope you can see how fucking far you’ve come,” you said, Ben shrugging. “Come on. Let’s head to bed. I’m exhausted.”
“Ben,” you said the next morning as you lay curled up in his side. He traced his fingers up and down your arm, offering you a sleepy smile. “Can I give you a Christmas present early?”
“Eh, after yesterday I think I’m on the naughty list,” he said, catching the frown on your face. “Sorry. Working on the self-worth thing. So uh, I guess sure?”
You took his hand and slid it under your shirt over your belly, his eyes narrowing. “Listen.”
He closed his eyes, sliding his hand down slightly. He swallowed once, eyes flashing open. He stared at your stomach for a solid ten seconds before finding your face, lips parting.
“There’s another heartbeat inside of you,” he whispered. “Two more.”
“I know,” you said softly, placing your hand over his. “I found out yesterday morning. I went to the doctor while I was out. I’m eight weeks.”
“Twins?” You smiled and nodded, Ben’s hand still on you. “And they’re mine?”
“Of course they’re yours,” you laughed, Ben swallowing thickly. “Ben. It’s going to be okay. I’m scared too but excited. We-”
“I-Is it a boy? Are they boys?” he asked. You smiled and touched your forehead to his. “Can you know that before?”
“Nowadays yeah, but it’s a little too early to find that out,” you said, his breath hitching. “Do you…want boys?”
“No. No, I don’t want boys,” he said, suddenly jumping out of bed, hands going to his thighs as he leaned over and made a wincing sound. “You have to leave.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, sitting upright. Ben turned around, crossing his arms over his bare chest. 
“I should not be anyone’s father. I-I’m going to fuck these kids up. I can’t…Jesus Y/N. I’m going to lose my temper and hurt them. Or I’ll be awful and raise them wrong. I can’t ruin their lives. I-I can’t be my father. I can’t-” You put his hand back on your stomach, Ben’s chest rising and falling quickly.
“You guys are going to have the best daddy in the world if he loves you this much already,” you said. Ben wanted to argue more but you shushed him. “Whatever they are, they’re going to be just fine.”
“How do you know that?” he whispered.
“Because we know everything not to do.” He thumbed over your skin, spreading his palm out wide. “I have to ask you to try for me one more time, Ben. Try to believe you’ll be good at this.”
He closed his eyes, a tiny smile crawling onto his lips. “If you’d asked me a year ago, I’d have told you I’d be a perfect father. Now…I know I would have destroyed them, made them awful little people like me.”
“Please stop saying things like that,” you whispered. He nodded, touching his forehead to yours. 
“If you taught me, I guess these two will be alright. But I have to learn faster. I need to…shit I don’t know anything about babies. How much do they eat? What do they eat? And what the hell do babies wear nowadays? And-”
“Shush,” you murmured, smiling to yourself. “Calm down, super dad. We get to learn this together. Okay?”
“Okay.” Ben’s breathing slowed, his gaze flickering down between you, staring at his hand with a goofy little look. You almost teased him about looking happy for the first time but held back the comment. Whatever was going on in his head right now was healing him, even if it was ever so miniscule. 
And that was the best gift he ever could have given you.
“Merry Christmas Ben.”
“Merry Christmas, baby…and babies,” he chuckled, kissing the top of your head. “Thank you. All of you.”
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frostedpuffs · 1 month
got a new car a week ago today
car has been fine up until yesterday, where the check engine and battery light came on
shit. told myself I'd deal with it when I get home from work
on the way home from work it starts having electrical issues (won't tell me what speed I'm going/auto start-stop button keeps turning off on its own)
uh oh
make appointment with the dealership I got it at to be serviced
I bought the full warranty so everything should be covered at least!
warranty takes 30 days to take effect
anything they do I will be required to pay out of pocket
they will need to keep my car for at least a week
I will have to pay for a rental out of pocket
also apparently the kind of car I have can be stolen easily
cannot return the car because I am out of the 5 day return window so I'd lose all the money I put down toward it
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jaidens · 10 months
He Got That Boyish Look That I Like In A Man
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : nothing! | this really sucks 😭 I just wanted to release something cuz I've been lacking on yall
a/n [s] : requests are open! [ALSO! should I challenge things? like flufftober??]
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Whenever your job offers you a raise to become an Automotive Director of Engineering for the dealership in Reseda, California you take it without warning. In an attempt to get away from slushy winters in the small state of Connecticut, you moved swiftly to a small apartment with lovely neighbors and a new life. You had been to California on some vacations with family, but living here had never crossed your mind.
You walk into your office that smells like fresh paint and cleaner, and set your books and purse down on the dark-oak table. The company had hired some individuals to work for you, which felt weird to say, as you used to be the same person. Your assistant walks in with a tap on your glass door, and she walks in. “Hey! I’m Shannon. Anything you need, I'll be across the hall. I've already started on the connections with Toyota and Nissan!”
You smile at her and shake her hand that she was holding out for you. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Y/N L/N, but I assume you already know that!” You laugh and let go of her hand to hide any awkwardness and anxiety you had about being in such a high position.
“Okay well, I'll see you! And, someone has already set up a meeting with you!” Shannon says before walking away and shutting the door behind her.
You rub sweaty hands against your clothes and turn on your heels. The air-conditioning rumbles on and you wrap the small cardigan you had brought around you and begin staring at the paperwork that was placed in front of you. You start the work: scribbling works and many, many signatures with red pens and black pens. A knock is gentle against your door and you look up, and see Shannon and a very recognizable man standing there in a Navy suit and a smile on his face.
“This is Mr. Daniel Larusso. He owns Larusso auto parts and he said he wants to speak with you,” Shannon says, pushing her glasses up her nose and walking away.
The name sends a shiver down your spine as you hear it, and the face is suddenly very recognizable. The fateful summer vacation of 1986, fifteen-years old and young, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
You're sitting on the bench near the beach in a swimsuit and a big t-shirt, peeling through the boom. you had brought to your family vacation. Your family is on the beach setting up the tent and towels all across it to mark the place on the beach. The warm sun heats your skin up as you lay against the bench and continue flipping through your book that suddenly becomes boring.
A tan boy emerges from the water in orange trunks and black hair slicked back with salt water. An older and shorter man follows him up the coast and talks to him. You stare at him with your eyes following each of the tan’s movements. He notices your staring as he stares right back at you, eyes piercing into yours deliciously. His smile exposes his teeth and he knocks his head to the side and waves at you. The older man slaps the side of his head and scolds him.
You laugh at him before he tells the older man something then jogs over to you. His warm skin is a bronzy, and you swear there were twinkles of gold mixed in his skin shining against the light. “Hey, I’m Daniel. What are you reading?” The New Jersey accent rings out and you can't help but feel warmer.
“Oh some dumb romance. My name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you Daniel. Is that your Grandfather?” You cover your book up subconsciously to attempt to not get embarrassed, and point at the older man who seems weirdly angry next to the old car from the 40s.
Daniel shakes his head in response. “No, no. That’s Mr. Miyagi, he's my karate sensei. Is your book good?” He asks and you nod at his explanation, showing him you agreed.
“Yeah, my book is pretty good. You like karate? That's pretty awesome.” You tell Daniel and stare into his eyes. They're a soft, dark brown with a puppy-look inside of them. He looks your age, as he gets thrown a West Valley High soccer shirt that's bigger than him as he shrugs it on over his shoulders.
Daniel leaves with the older man after inviting you to the beach for a party held by the Football team and Cheer Team. You showed up in a baggy sweater and a pair of shorts. Daniel waved at you whenever he saw you, as he kicks around a soccer ball impressively on his two legs. You walk over to him and he laughs and kicks the ball over to you, and you catch it and throw it back to him with a shared laugh with him.
He sits down in the sand and you scoot closer to him. You're handed some hotdogs and sticks to cook over the fires made on the beach. You start one and hold a conversation about where you're from, why you were visiting, etc. The conversation was long, and filled with laughter and glances held longer than usual. Daniel handed you a drink and you declined, and he didn't drink as well.
You and Daniel just talk; it feels quite amazing. You haven't had a conversation like that in a long time, but everything falls out and you let your hand fall into his as you star-gaze further away from everyone else who was drunk and half-a drink away from throwing up on the beach. You almost find yourself staring at him more than the stars, admiring him underneath the full moon and stars. He looks beautiful both times: morning and night.
How are you supposed to leave Reseda and not think about Daniel when you leave back to Connecticut?
“I’m Y/N L/N, nice to see you again.”
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eightysixed · 5 months
surprise! new car
After they moved to the Valley, being carless became impossible. In Silverlake it was somewhat doable, walking the twenty minutes from Joe's or anywhere they needed, but their new place was so far from everything, commuting became impossible. Almost a month of that and Tyson caved and bought the first car he found at the local used car dealership: a bug green 2011 Ford Fiesta SES with dents on the side and one of the mirrors missing, but it was cheap. Less than $1,100 and it was theirs. Tyson would soon come to regret that decision as the piece of shit would break down more than his old car, which he almost began to miss in the light of this new dumbfuck. Every week it was something. One time, it got stuck on the highway and he ended up having to push it, with Sasha at the wheel, all the way to the nearest auto shop. That had been the deciding factor. He started up saving.
And save he did. He wasn't ultra smart about it, because their credit wasn't great. But he decided he'd fucking do it, with loans from here and there, their personal bank of friends instead of the actual bank. They deserved a good car. It wasn't a luxury in a place like Los Angeles. It was a necessity. A part of him, for all of a moment, felt bad for making such a big decision all on his own, without Sasha's input, but he wanted it to be a big surprise. If she didn't like it, he'd take it back to the shop and get another. That's how much he cared for her opinion and happiness and hell, half the reason he was doing it was for her. It was their car. But he believed he found the right one. Something about it had just felt right when he jumped in for a test drive.
He came early, a quarter to six, fifteen more minutes until Sasha could clock out — Allen, their manager, was strict as shit about these kinds of things. He parked and got out, and once he was inside he scanned the place for sign of his wife. She was manning the deli, and a big, wide grin settled on his features as soon as he saw her. He didn't make his way toward her though, since there were still customers. Just gave a little wave and then hung back by some other aisles.
"Oh, hey," he was greeted by Zack stocking up. "What's good, man?" Tyson smiled and nodded, "Nothin' much. Picking Sasha up." He and Zack were alike in many ways, down to the tattoos. In fact, newer coworkers asked if they were brothers sometimes. The only things that separated them was Zack being much younger and a not very tall 5 foot 8. Other than that though, it was uncanny. "You got your request for tomorrow off by the way. I'm filling in."
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"What, for real? Sick." Tyson's face brightened, this was good news indeed. He had wanted the day off to do things with Sasha. It had been a minute since they'd both had one off. He hadn't been banking on getting it, but now he was extra happy. "Yeah," Zack replied. "I'm trading you for next Friday. Cuz you know, that's the day."
Tyson looked confused, but then quickly got it and nodded. "Oh yeah. That's sick. You gonna show her around LA? Show her the sign?" Every now and then, he would poke his head from out the aisle and look at Sasha, anxious for the minutes to tick down and make it six already.
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trivialbob · 1 year
Last night I went to the auto show at the convention center.
I have been going every few years since I was old enough to drive. The early shows were more fun. Hustle and bustle. All the companies, except Ferrari and Lamborghini, had models there. The Mercedes and BMW vehicles were always locked. Then Lexus arrived on the scene and let everyone sit in their flagship LS400 sedan. The next year the Germans decided it was OK for people to look out the windshield and feel that nice leather on their backsides. This year though a lot of the pricier vehicles were locked.
The show seems to be declining in size and enthusiasm. Porsche was absent. The Thursday night crowd was much smaller than I anticipated. None of the “as sold on TV” types of displays had to be on the upper level. Now the Ginsu knives were in the front hallway. The far ends of the convention center were closed off because nothing was there.
Prices are horribly high. The number of options and their cost are astounding. Some high end pickups and SUVs are comfortably above six figures. There are more electric vehicles every year. Few are what I consider affordable for their size and content.
The Toyota Corolla sure has come a long way. I had a 2005 Corolla that never broke. It was lightweight feeling, but a terrific value. The 2023 Corolla on display was an AWD hybrid. The interior looked super nice for an “economy” car.
KIA got my vote for best designed LED head and tail lights. Those are nice looking vehicles. Mitsubishi had the least appealing vehicles to me.
Toyota and Chevy actually had some cars with manual transmissions. It used to be that sticks got better mileage than automatics. Computers upended that advantage. Now the only advantage of a stick shift is being one of a diminishing crowd of drivers who can operate one.
Some things never change though
There is always a freelance, volunteer salesman. He approaches people sitting behind the wheel taking a mental test drive. “Yeah, my buddy got one of these in 2021. Sweet ride! Acceleration is really good for a car that gets such good fuel economy! You probably want to act soon, because interest rates seem to be on the rise!” The driver nods politely, then crawls out the passenger door.
Some 10-year-old has to sit in every single vehicle, even the boring ones. At the fun cars, this kid takes 17 minutes to touch every button, jiggle the locked steering wheel, and adjust the seats while people wait for their turn.
There are the guys who want people to know they know someone who owns a fun vehicle. Standing near a small group of people around a Camaro, he loudly says to his companion, “Remember my pal Tony? Yep, Tony just got one of these. I think his has the metallic paint though, not this dull stuff.” Oh dude, that is cool. May I touch your arm?
The missing gearshift knobs. The dealerships or manufacturers have to remove them so they don’t get stolen.
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handeaux · 1 year
A ‘Wireless Wizard’ Showed Cincinnati Driverless Cars; He Really Wanted A Death Ray
It was Monday, 23 January 1928 on Court Street in Cincinnati. Three Willis automobiles rumbled around the Courthouse Square, flashing their lights, honking their horns, starting and stopping, shutting off and restarting their engines, turning this way and that. Not one of the three cars had a human in the driver’s seat. All were controlled by a wooden crate mounted on the running board, receiving radio signals from a “Wireless Wizard” manipulating a small radio transmitter. According to the Cincinnati Post:
“The wizard would fling a radio spark from his toylike transmitter. There would be a responsive click in the wireless apparatus on the auto. The wheels would move in any direction.”
The Wireless Wizard was a young man named Maurice J. Francill from Toledo, Ohio. Francill arrived in Cincinnati under the auspices of the Post to demonstrate the power of radio to transform modern life. Francill spent a week in town, not only driving automobiles in circles, but sending a conductorless streetcar eight blocks up Sycamore Street. Each evening, he amazed crowds at the local Wurlitzer shop on Fourth Street:
“In addition to playing all manner of automatic music instruments by remote control, he will make a radio broadcast phonograph record and play it back to his audience in the flash of a moment. He also will offer light and sound wave experiments on the music store program.”
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While wowing the crowds by demonstrating his radio-control box, Francill opined about the future of American life, once radio had saturated the nation’s infrastructure.
“The wizard, Francill, says that someday every woman will carry a wireless dual-phone in her handbag – that she not only can talk over it with the maid at home, but that she can see through it exactly what is taking place there.”
Francill predicted that every household appliance will one day be operated by radio, with vacuum sweepers operated at the touch of a button and basement laundry machines controlled from the lady’s boudoir. (Francill was less than forthcoming about how the dirty clothes would find their way to the laundry and how the clean clothes would return to the closet, but who is quibbling?)
In Cincinnati, Francill was a decided sensation, Over the course of his six-day visit to the Queen City, he presented 18 driverless automobile exhibitions, a sold-out demonstration of radio-controlled appliances at Keith’s Theater and inspirational visits to local high schools.
On top of whatever the Post paid him for this week-long residency, Francill earned some financial icing by endorsing local products. The Veazey-Miller Willis dealership on Gilbert Avenue provided the Willis automobiles for his experiments, with full tanks of Caldwell & Taylor’s “Original Benzol Gas,” lubricated with Pennzoil products and relying on Prest-O-Lite batteries. The Electric Shop contributed appliances for use on stage, and Wurlitzer touted Francill’s approval of the company’s home entertainment consoles.
Who was this “Wireless Wizard” and where did he come from? Although identified as an engineer, none of the newspapers suggested he had actually studied engineering anywhere. Records for anyone named Maurice J. Francill are sparse and sometimes contradictory.
That’s because Maurice J. Francill was the stage name of a man named Francis Cowgill, born in Marion, Ohio around 1896. Cowgill worked for a time in the factories around his hometown. The 1920 census records him as a foreman and inspector at an automobile factory. In 1918 the Marion Star announced that Francis Cowgill was “putting Marion on the map” by designing weaponry for the United States Navy. In particular, the newspaper reported that Cowgill had developed contact mines for the Navy that were “in actual use,” and was now pitching two types of aerial bombs to the U.S. War Department.
After the war, Cowgill launched a career in show business as a one-man vaudeville act juggling and wire-walking. He began adding magic tricks to his repertoire and started tinkering with remote control devices to enliven his show. That’s when he created the “Francill” name by chopping off the end of his first name and the beginning of his surname and splicing them together. Pretty soon the radio component of his act became the centerpiece and he was off on a decade of remote-control exhibitions – milking cows, baking bread, operating a laundry and running entire factories in addition to running driverless autos through their paces.
As World War II loomed, Maurice/Francis went back to his earlier career in creating armaments and created his electronic triumph – a Death Ray. According to the Cincinnati Post [2 March 1940], Francill offered his homicidal device to Ohio Governor John W. Bricker as a quicker, more humane, method of execution than the electric chair, but state law mandated the chair in Ohio. Francill claimed that his Death Ray had killed rats in preliminary tests.
Twenty-two years later, Cowgill was still trying to sell his Death Ray and told the Columbus Dispatch [29 April 1962] that, if he didn’t build one, somebody else would, Cowgill claimed “four or five others in this country” were working on one.
“It’s quite possible that the ray could operate off of a couple of flash-light batteries.”
Cowgill told Dispatch reporter Dan Clancy that the Death Ray he envisioned could do much more than simply kill people. It could cut down the Golden Gate Bridge, for example.
“You could just slice it off at each end and take another cut up the middle for good measure.”
Cowgill told Clancy that his Death Ray worked by disrupting the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen. Rats struck by the Death Ray fell paralyzed and then died. Cowgill claimed he never killed any people with his Death Ray, but confessed he’d thought of doing so.
The man born Francis Cowgill died in 1974 and is buried as Maurice J. Francill in Marion Cemetery. He appeared in court to fight a Marion traffic ticket as Francill in 1953, suggesting he had legally changed his name. However, the Ohio Bar Association sued Francis Cowgill in 1970 under his birth name for practicing law – advising inventors about patent regulations – without a license, so maybe he hadn’t.
Adding to the mystery is the outcome of his research on a Death Ray? Do plans exist? Was a prototype constructed? Were any more rats sacrificed? The answers are out there somewhere.
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netzeroenergy · 1 month
Success: The Impact of Optimal Lighting in Auto Dealerships
 Lighting plays a crucial role in any retail environment, and auto dealerships are no exception. Proper lighting can dramatically influence the way customers perceive vehicles, enhance their shopping experience, and ultimately drive sales. In this blog, we’ll explore the multifaceted benefits of optimal lighting solutions for auto dealerships, from showcasing vehicles to creating a welcoming atmosphere.
The Importance of Lighting in Auto Dealerships
 Enhancing Vehicle Presentation
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Cars are the stars of the show at any Auto Dealership Lighting, and the right lighting can make them shine—literally and figuratively. Effective lighting highlights the design, color, and features of each vehicle, making them more attractive to potential buyers.
Showroom Lighting: Inside the showroom, soft but bright lighting should be used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the vehicles. LED lights are ideal as they provide a bright, natural light that brings out the true colors of the cars.
Accent Lighting: Spotlights and accent lighting can be used to highlight special features of vehicles, such as the sleek lines of a sports car or the rugged build of an SUV.
2. Creating an Inviting Atmosphere
A well-lit dealership creates a welcoming and comfortable environment for customers. It’s not just about the cars; the overall ambiance matters too. Good lighting can make the difference between a customer feeling uneasy and one who feels at home.
Natural Light: Incorporating natural light through large windows or skylights can create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere. Natural light is calming and can make the space feel more open and airy.
Warm Lighting: Warm lighting in seating areas, lounges, and offices can make these spaces more inviting, encouraging customers to spend more time at the dealership.
3. Improving Safety and Security
Adequate lighting is also essential for safety and security. Well-lit parking lots and outdoor areas deter criminal activity and help customers feel safe, particularly after dark.
Parking Lot Lighting: Bright, evenly distributed lighting in parking lots ensures customers and employees can move safely and feel secure.
Security Lighting: Motion-sensor lights and strategically placed security lights can deter theft and vandalism, protecting the dealership's valuable inventory.
4. Enhancing Branding and Visibility
Lighting can be a powerful tool for branding. A dealership that stands out, especially at night, can attract more customers. Thoughtfully designed lighting can highlight your dealership's logo, colors, and architectural features, creating a memorable image.
Exterior Lighting: Illuminating the building’s façade, signage, and key architectural elements can make the dealership visible from a distance and enhance brand recognition.
Display Lighting: Outdoor display areas should be well-lit to catch the eye of passersby, even after hours. This can draw in potential customers who might otherwise not notice the dealership.
Types of Lighting Solutions for Auto Dealerships
1. LED Lighting
LED lights are the gold standard for modern auto dealerships. They are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and provide superior light quality compared to traditional lighting options.
Energy Efficiency: LED lights consume less electricity, reducing energy costs.
Durability: LEDs have a longer lifespan, meaning fewer replacements and maintenance.
Light Quality: LEDs provide a bright, consistent light that enhances vehicle presentation and overall dealership ambiance.
2. Smart Lighting
Smart lighting systems offer advanced control over the dealership’s lighting. They can be programmed to adjust the intensity and color of lights based on time of day, occupancy, and other factors.
Automation: Automated lighting can adjust based on natural light levels, ensuring optimal lighting conditions throughout the day.
Control: Remote control and scheduling features allow for greater flexibility and efficiency.
Energy Savings: Smart lighting can reduce energy consumption by dimming or turning off lights when they’re not needed.
3. Accent and Feature Lighting
Using accent and feature lighting can draw attention to specific vehicles or areas within the dealership.
Spotlights: Highlighting key vehicles or special offers can make them stand out.
Under-Car Lighting: Showcasing the undercarriage of vehicles, especially in showrooms, can add an extra wow factor.
4. Exterior and Security Lighting
Proper exterior lighting ensures the dealership is safe and visible, even after dark.
Facade Lighting: Highlighting the dealership’s exterior makes it more appealing and not
Lot Lightingiceable.: Ensuring that outdoor areas are well-lit improves safety and security.
Implementing an Effective Lighting Strategy
1. Assess Your Needs
Begin by assessing the current lighting setup and identifying areas that need improvement. Consider the types of vehicles you sell, the layout of your dealership, and the overall brand image you want to convey.
2. Plan Your Layout
Plan a lighting layout that covers all essential areas: the showroom, outdoor lots, service bays, and customer areas. Ensure there’s a balance between functional and aesthetic lighting.
3. Choose the Right Fixtures
Select lighting fixtures that meet your needs in terms of brightness, energy efficiency, and durability. LEDs are generally the best choice for most applications within a dealership.
4. Work with Professionals
Collaborate with a lighting specialist or design professional who understands the unique needs of auto dealerships. They can help you design a system that maximizes the impact of your lighting.
5. Regular Maintenance
Regularly maintain your lighting system to ensure it continues to perform optimally. Replace bulbs as needed and keep fixtures clean.
Investing in optimal lighting solutions is a strategic move for any auto dealership. It enhances the presentation of vehicles, creates a welcoming atmosphere, improves safety and security, and boosts your brand’s visibility. By carefully planning and implementing the right lighting strategy, you can create an environment that not only attracts customers but also encourages them to stay longer and make a purchase. Illuminate your path to success with the power of effective lighting.
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planetsallalign · 2 years
I got my car serviced last week, the check engine light and some other lights came on. They fixed it and said I had a dirty oil control valve and cleaned it. Since then my car starter has stopped working, at first it would start then shut off after 1 min. Now it won’t start at all. So I popped the hood to take a look and guess what I found? A magnetic screw driver stuck to my battery. Which may not have caused anything but still, it was sitting there plain as day and I’ve been driving with it hanging out there for a week.
They said oh just bring it back in we will fix it no big deal. Nothing like “Oh sorry we left a screwdriver attached to your battery.” So once they fix that I’ll be finding a local auto shop. I kept going 30+ mins away to the dealership because they had a rewards program and this car was my first brand new ever car. But now it’s just annoying to go. Once they forgot to put my locking lug nuts back on and lost them.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What if beloved and Terry actually have a hate to love sorta relationship. Beloved hated him at first. Although being part of his dojo she even made friends with Daniel to prove her point. How would Terry deal with it in the 80s and now ?
I mean, Terry can always use classical seduction, or Terry can start making some really good and really deviously sobering points to beloved. Being 'right' wont make beloved happy. Not in the long run, anyway. Being on the side of what beloved perceives as 'morally upright' wont keep beloved's bed warm at night. It won't occupy beloved's bed. It won't hold beloved's hand. It won't be devoted to beloved. It won't kiss beloved goodnight and good morning. It won't lavish beloved with wealth, power and safety. It won't shed blood for beloved. It won't lie and scheme for beloved. It won't give beloved the whole wide world on a silver platter. It won't send beloved into the seventh screaming orgasm in a row. And there's no life and no legacy to be built, concretely, out of 'proving a point'. Be it in the 80's, or present day, Daniel Larusso will, respectively go back to Mr. Miyagi, his own mother or later on in life, his own wife, children and Auto dealership. He has a filled, complete life, you see, Terry explains, using truth and facts to manipulate; Daniel has a filled, complete life, but once the curtains fall and the light goes off in whatever dojo beloved sides with, where does beloved go back? Whom to? Nowhere and to nobody. Beloved gets to stew alone in being 'right'.
Therein lies the slippery slope of not investing in one self first.
In trying to be a paragon of justice.
But, that is not what their heart craves --- the chase of upholding the ethical right. Not what their so desperately body needs. Terry knows. Terry knows that in spite of their disagreements with him, they guiltily yearn for him and all he represents and brings to the table. Terry knows the dangers of self-denial, suppressing and boxing oneself in, as he did in later years, and how fatally unrewarding and repressing it can be and he sees this as beloved's own repression and he also knows when people are just plain lying and bullshitting themselves, which would be his stance on this issue in the 80's --- and as such, he leaves with the irrefutable truth that beloved should focus on beloved's own happiness instead of chaperoning someone else's end goals and he cleverly leaves the door ajar for beloved to come to him of their own accord and embrace what they fear; falling in love with someone they supposedly shouldn't. Can very well leave them with a cleverly delivered line like: -"Do you really think that when Daniel Larusso is done having lunch with his wife and children, that you and how valiantly you defended his cause ever crosses his mind? Do you think they discuss you in bed while you're all alone in yours, when you could be in mine?"-
(And frighteningly enough, Terry would be 100% correct)
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onewhoturns · 2 years
Wanna know how bad my car luck is?
Car crashed on the 16th.
Friends came to pick me up. On the way to their place, light comes on that tire pressure is off, at the gas station they realize there’s a nail in their tire and need a replacement.
Next day, we use the other car instead, come home, get the low psi for THOSE tires too.
Rent a car to get home (6 hour drive), ten minutes after leaving the dealership, low psi light comes on for the back tires. Pull into the first gas station I see, try to fill my tires, no pressure gauge to check, turn back on the car and find out that not only did they not fill, they actually have LOWER psi than before. Have to find a second gas station to properly fill the tires.
Got home, had to figure out how to both return the rental car and pick up my grandma’s old car that I’ll be borrowing until my car is out of the shop. Didn’t understand the terrifying nails on the rental car entrance and thought I might somehow pop the tires just trying to return the car, but I needed to return it before it crossed 24 hours and I started getting charged more, so I drove over the spikes and hoped it was fine (it was). Turned in the rental, saved money by turning it in early, but was then sick in their bathroom cause I accepted food from my grandmother when I went to pick up her spare keys for the car (which wasn’t parked anywhere near her btw) and I’m 90% sure there was hidden lactose in there, so that sucked.
Ubered to the parking garage where her old car was being kept, couldn’t find it for a couple minutes and felt like a creeper wandering through a key-code-protected garage, finally found it and the battery was completely dead.
Fuck. Cars are my new nemesis. I’m so tired and so miserable, and so much for anything I saved on the rental car, I’m now gonna end up spending it buying a new battery for this car, and I just hope it starts up when I need to go purchase the thing, since my gps was lagging so hard that it never registered me asking to take me to the auto store and instead took me home, which I didn’t realize until I was already almost home, and then I was panicked that I couldn’t stop to re-enter the right address because if I stopped the car might die again and I’d have to call triple a for ANOTHER jump.
I’m. So. Tired.
And I still have to deal with the insurance company. I’m so fucking tired.
Anyway, no pressure, don’t put yourself in the hole over it, but if you want to help with $5-10, anything like that, my venmo is @onewhoturns
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armedjoy · 10 months
another example of german auto idiocy: some audis dont have dedicated high beam headlights, instead relying on a stepper motor to shift the regular headlights into a high beam FOV. when this motor breaks, you cannot engage high beams - rather than have a separate bulb or a dual filament like everyone else, you need an entirely new headlamp assembly, which is over a grand from the dealership and usually requires removing the entire front clip to replace. when my saturn sl commuter or gm truck has an issue with the high beam lights, i pull into an auto part store, spend 20 clams, and replace it in the parking lot in 5 minutes without tools.
overengineered garbage, but the owners let the automakers piss on them and smile as they call it a spring rain
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usaonetwothree · 2 years
Making a separate ask for this...
I think it's puzzling how after 20 years of marriage, Amanda and Daniel know very little about each other.
Season 4: In 20+ years of marriage, Daniel doesn’t know anything about Amanda's criminal record or her vandalizing her teacher's car in response to her parents' extramarital affairs...until the writers needed to come up with a justification for Amanda to be sympathizing with Tory instead of her own daughter in season 4. (I think a lot of people are hesitant to admit that that while Amanda’s backstory itself is fine, it’s not there to add depth to Amanda’s character, it's solely there to justify her role in Tory’s storyline.)
Season 5: While Daniel has the leeway in that what Silver did to him isn't something he's going to bring up on his first date with Amanda, it's odd that in 20+ years of marriage, Amanda wouldn't know anything about Silver, especially when her cousin is the one who set her up with Daniel.
One of my biggest issues with the show is that we only get backstory for Carmen and Amanda when the plot requires it. This season was the first time in the entire series that we've seen Carmen and Amanda want things (strange things to be sure, but unique wants nonetheless). I really wish we'd get to see more of them as individuals and not just love interests.
I'm not sure I would say they know so little about each other. Daniel's clearly talked to Amanda about Johnny. It's clearly just Silver (and transitively probably Barnes) he's keeping to himself. I know this was done for plot purposes, but if the winter of '85 and Amanda's vandalism are the darkest moments in their respective lives, I can see why they'd keep them to themselves, especially since it's highly unlikely they'd ever come up again (clearly Amanda hasn't gone back to Ohio in a while, and what were the chances of Daniel seeing Silver again?) It's not exactly information you feel good sharing, you know?
That being said, it's hard to me to see a couple who built a very successful business from the ground up on their own, let alone doing it while married, struggle with basic communication. A business partnership on its own requires a great deal of discussion and problem solving just to keep the lights on, let alone the traits needed to be the loving (but somewhat absent) parents they're depicted to be. So for them to be struggling in season two with Daniel just dropping off the face of the earth to teach karate instead of going out of his way to make sure Amanda had the coverage she needed in his absence, or her reciprocating with those ultimatums instead of sitting down and talking it out, is at odds with the skills they'd need to build their auto empire. And that disparity continues through the rest of the seasons. It seems like they're great communicators until the plot requires them not to be, which is sad. It's like the writers don't understand how much time and effort and communication it takes to run a business, let alone a series of dealerships. There's no way Danny and Mandy made it that far without the ability to handle little problems as they come up before they can snowball into something larger.
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