#Author: Gotham-ruiadh
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Category List: Famous Claire/Jamie
Fandom, please enjoy this collection of fics featuring Jamie and/or Claire as famous people! 
After The Tide by @holdhertightandsayhername​
In 2000, Claire and Jamie starred in the same movie and fell in love, but life got in the way. Ten years later, they meet again at an award show in L.A.
Bluegrass by @dopescotlandwarrior
Claire Beauchamp is a veterinarian with a unique ability that opens doors to the horse racing elite. Together with her trusted assistant Dusty, it is initiation by fire when they walk into a crime in progress with estimated damages of twenty million dollars and prison for the owner of Highland Brothers Farms, James Fraser.
Conversations in the Dark by @thistlesandherbs
Heartthrob actor, Jamie Fraser, is at a crossroads in his life. The demands of his career are playing havoc with his personal life. He wants out of the Hollywood lifestyle, while still maintaining a home in the United States, as he ponders his acting career. He is drawn to the mountains of Seattle, which are so reminiscent of his home in Scotland, and when he’s presented with a unique opportunity in the wine industry, he is convinced that Seattle must become his primary home. In the process of purchasing property to build a home, he meets potential neighbor, Claire Beauchamp, a widowed university lecturer, who captivates and intrigues him and makes him re-evaluate some important decisions. Complicating his ability to chart his own course is his manager and uncle, the irascible Dougal MacKenzie. Will Dougal’s drinking habits and loose lips trigger chaos and heartbreak?
Gold Dust Woman by balfey
That’s who she was when she was on stage. Fearless and nearly possessed by the lyrics she sang to crowds all over the world. Free. She couldn’t explain the thrill it brought her. It was like a rebirth. She was the biggest rockstar of her generation, travelling all over the world and making art.
But that was all a facade.
Offstage, Elizabeth turned back into plain Claire Beauchamp. Wrapped in silence and insecurities. Wrapped in her solitude, her only solace in a world of pretend.
When her world finally goes crumbling down, she flees to the Highlands to heal more than a broken heart.
I’ll Find the Music in You by gjwandkids
Claire and Jamie are musicians that meet prior to WWII.
Off The Cuff by balfey
Claire Beauchamp is the most respected and feared person in the fashion industry, running one of the most prolific publishing empire with a hand of steel.
Her public life is a success — her personal life, not so much.
One evening in Paris, she is looking for a little bit of fun when her path crosses the one of a certain red-haired Scot and everything she knows is turned upside down.
Is a second chance at love exactly what she needs?
Ride Off by @awesomeeyeroll
Jamie is living the jet set life of an international high goal polo player when he meets Claire.
Something to Believe In by CatrinWrites 
World renowned chef Claire Beauchamp settled in the small, but wealthy, foodie city that is Santa Fe, NM, upon the birth of her daughter, determined to give her a normal life. Jamie Fraser is the heir to, and distiller for, a famous Scottish whisky and gin producer, and is bound for Santa Fe for a lucrative business deal. When their business interests collide, and bring up some unfinished business, the two manage to turn each other’s worlds upside down.
Librarian Note: you will need an AO3 account to read this story.
Starting Over by melodyheart
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, a promising surgeon with a bright future, is engaged to a successful and handsome Chief Consultant of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Frank Randall. Her closest friends, Geillis Duncan and Joe Abernathy, are not convinced that Frank is the man for her because of his controlling attitude. Claire has her own doubts already, and more confusion ensues when she crosses path with her long time crush, James Fraser.
James Fraser was Scotland's Rugby Union best ever centre player until a back injury ended his career. Devastated with the turn of events and undecided what to do with his life, he turns to alcohol to numb his depression. After meeting Claire briefly in Lallybroch, he thought he would never see her again until one day, she literally drops from the sky and into his arms.
Stay by @kkruml
Modern AU, Claire is a doctor who stumbles upon a musician- a tall, redheaded Scot with a knack for the lasses.
We Live For Love by @gotham-ruaidh
Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp, guitarist and singer, work toward rock and roll stardom in 1981 New York City. 
As always, if there are any fics in this category that we’ve missed, please let us know so that we can update. Happy Reading!
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Sick/Injured Claire: Category
This category list is a compilation of stories where Claire is either sick or injured. Even a doctor needs tending to every now and then! This is a mix of modern AU and canon compliant. We hope you enjoy! 
10 Miles by @desperationandgin​ 
While hiking, Claire is hurt and Jamie struggles to get her to safety.
Appetency by @lallybrochloser​ (AmarahOsiris on AO3)
Appetency- (n.) intense desire or a strong, natural craving; chemical attraction
While Claire Beauchamp thrives as an A&E doctor at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, she knows something is missing in her life. Something simple, yet crucial. Her life outside the hospital is sparse, save for the few fellow workers she calls friends. That changes when she finds herself staring into the ocean blue eyes of the Scottish Ambulance Service’s newest paramedic.
Birds Out of a Cage by @abreathofsnowandwaffles​
Missing moment from A Breath of Snow and Ashes.  
Bright by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
A modern au where Claire has cancer and loses her hair. Like she and Jamie meet right after or just before she gets diagnosed and they go through her treatment together while getting to know each other.
Castle of Glass by @mybeautifuldecay for @imagineclaireandjamie
Claire struggles with addiction.
Four Years by @curlsgetdemgurls
It had been four years. Four years since that day I had walked into the wrong bathroom at the gym, pulled back that curtain and saw him.
Four years ago today, I met him. My husband. James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser.
What happened in those four short years was life-altering. Joy. Love. Pain. Loss. But love — so much love.
Hurt by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
Imagine if Claire gets in-between Jamie and Dougal in the midst of anger and Jamie accidentally hurts Claire
I Hear You Are Always Drunk in the Afternoon by @renee-writer
Jamie, a paramedic, meets a very drunk Claire on a call. His helping her complicates his relationship with Mary MacNab.
Let our joys so multiply by @fallofrainblog​
Jamie and Claire, raising a family in Edinburgh. It's all going great, until Claire gets sick.
Modern Glasgow: Claire Breaks Her Arm by @gotham-ruaidh​
Imagine Claire and Jamie as a couple in present-day Glasgow. Related ficlets written for Imagine Claire & Jamie on tumblr.
Magnificent Strangers by @kalendraashtar​
Faced with a devastating diagnosis, Claire Beauchamp uses humour as her weapon of choice. One day during treatment, her path collides with that of a magnificent stranger.
Sick Day by @desperationandgin​
Market Price universe.  Claire is a sick and stubborn patient, Jamie tries to take care of her.
STAY by @kkruml​
Modern AU, Claire is a doctor who stumbles upon a musician- a tall, redheaded Scot with a knack for the lasses. Based on a prompt from Tumblr: My favorite trope is when the cocky, but emotionally damaged boy falls in love with the good girl, but pushes her away because he knows he will ruin her or she’ll leave him eventually.
*As always, if we are missing one, please let us know!
XX, The Librarians
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hi! i'm looking for some modern aus of claire&jamie. do you guys have any suggestions for me? thank you. ❤
Hey @mmaryfraser.
There are so many wonderful Modern AUs in Outlander Fanfiction that is is hard to narrow down!
Here is a short list of some classic Modern AUs that you definitely need to check out if you haven’t already!
Modern Glasgow by @gotham-ruaidh
Loss by @missclairebelle
Escape by @notevenjokingfic
Also, head over to AO3, and you can search using the Modern AU tag. Keep in mind that not every author uses this tag, but its a great place to start finding new fics! I have run the search for you and you can find the results here.
Hope this helps! Happy Reading!
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Hi, maybe my message got lost, but I asked you a little while ago if you could help me find fics that feature Jamie being a dad... preferably modern day AUs. Thank you!!!
Hi there @lemon3ram2xtk!
Your first message seems to have been lost in the tumblr abyss, so thank you for reaching out again! Since the category that you have asked about is a huge one, the Librarians have decided to each recommend a fic to get you started, and then open it up to the fandom for their suggestions. 
Librarian Julia: I’m going to go ahead and recommend a classic: Flood My Mornings by @bonnie-wee-swordsman for @imagineclaireandjamie. If you’re new to the fandom, this is an absolute must-read. Jamie and Claire, living in peace, raising their family together, heavily featuring Jamie in his role as Da? Check!
Librarian Cate: My pick is Idyllwild by @anoutlandishfanfic. We get to see Jamie wear many different hats in this AU as we follow Jamie and Claire through their many years together, but my favorite role he takes in this fic is as Da to his Fraser Half Dozen.  A personal favorite moment in this story is watching Jamie change Faith’s diaper while singing a silly song about hennies and coos - it definitely pulls at the heartstrings! 
Librarian Erica: As much as this story brings me to tears, I am going to pick Deep As The Road is Long by @desperationandgin. Seeing the lengths that Jamie will go for his little girl is so heartwarming and makes me sad that Canon!Jamie missed out!
Librarian Waffles: I am going to go ahead here also point out another classic. Modern Glasgow by @gotham-ruaidh.I love how Gothie takes the two characters we know and love and throws them into a modern AU. We get all the years of before kids, raising the kids, and even Jamie and Claire in their older years with kids. It’s just so magical and always a spirit lifter. 
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We love the animals in our Outlander world almost as much as we love our characters! We know the animals in the world of OL are very near and dear to many of your hearts so we are bringing you a category list featuring none other than that- Outlander’s animals! A special thanks to @gotham-ruaidh ruaidh​ who suggested this as a category list. Happy reading!
Oggy and Rollo by @ianmuyrray for @otheroutlandertales
Farewell, Old Friend by @phoenixflames12
Dog Meets God by @owlish-peacock36
The Pack by @notameeksassenach​
Jamie Brings Home Rollo by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Heavy Petting by suspiciousteapot
Hope by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
A Man and His Cat by RedStarFiction
The Witch’s Cat by listentothewordsyousay
Jamie On a Hot Tin Roof by JillianK
Julia Brings Home Adso by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Loving Jamie by JillianK
The White Sow:
Untitled Micro-Ficlet by @gotham-ruaidh​
*Please feel free to add to this list! 
XX, The Librarians
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Weekly Fic Pics 
Hey all - Librarian Cate here to share with you what I’ve been reading lately. Did anyone else get hit right in the feels in 5x01 when Jamie said to Fergus “Son of my name and of my heart”? I certainly got verra emotional, so my picks this week focus on the theme of adoption.
It Does My Heart Good by @gotham-ruaidh​
When I first read the summary of this fic, I thought it was such a fresh idea. Young and unable to care for their child, Jamie & Claire put their daughter up for adoption. When Brianna becomes old enough to want to learn more, she reaches out to her birth parents. She’s found Jamie without much trouble, but Claire is a mystery to her. I can’t wait to see the journey Gotham takes our beloved Fraser family on with this fic.
Idyllwild: The One Where It’s Official by @anoutlandishfanfic​
I’m such a sucker for modern, fluffy Frasers - especially Idyllwild Frasers. In a universe where Jamie & Claire live in the present day Midwest, we learn how Fergus joined their family. This peak into the day he “officially” becomes a fraser is so precious it is sure to melt even the coldest of hearts.
In Name or In Blood by @lenny9987​
I love a good cannon divergent fic, and when Lenny announced this one during Secret Santa 2017, I’ve never been more excited. The premise: the wee changling bairn from S1/Book 1 lives and Jamie & Claire take him into their family. Of course, plenty of complications arise in 18th century Scotland from Claire’s actions. I can’t wait to see where the rest of this story leads.
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Looking for a story where Claire and Jamie meet during the Vietnam War. He was a soldier and she was the nurse who looked after him. Joe was his doctor. Their field hospital gets attacked by enemy helicopters. Claire's married to Frank and leaves him after the war to find Jamie (Lallybroch is in America in this one, I think)
Hey There Nonnie,
The story that you are looking for is Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now by @gotham-ruaidh.
Happy Reading!
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Happy Holidays, lovelies! I was wondering if you knew of any fics where Jamie and Claire raised their children in Scotland, with a fluffy wholesome vibe? Thank you so much!!
Hey @bby-got-books
We have found a list of Fluffy fics where Jamie and Claire are raising their children in Scotland.
Fluffy Frasers by thatsoccercoach
Idyllwild by @anoutlandishfanfic
Five Years by @lynfraser09
Modern Glasgow by @gotham-ruaidh
Happy Reading!
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We received a prompt idea from @fangirlaround about a fic where Jamie delivers his child with Claire.
Take a look below for some fics that we found that feature Jamie delivering bairns.
Too Old for Babies by Mod Eli for @imagineclaireandjamie
Chain of Command by Mod MBD for @imagineclaireandjamie
Child of the Stones by @anoutlandishfanfic
Modern Glasgow  by @gotham-ruaidh
Hope you enjoy reading these!
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How many fics are there involving Jamie and Claire meeting in Veitnam? I've read two Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now, and another (can't remember the name). Any ideas?
Hey @cjm-56!
The Librarians were able to find these two stories about Claire and Jamie in Vietnam.
Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
In The Forest of the Night by catoptromance.
Fandom - do you know of any other fics that feature Jamie and Claire in Vietnam? Let us know!
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In honor of National Pet Day, what’s your favorite fic about the Fraser’s “pets”? Rollo? Adso? The white sow? Clarence? Are there any from one of their points of view?
Hey Nonnie! 
Happy National Pet Day! We are a little late on this, but we compiled a list of fics featuring our favorite Outlander Pets! 
Oggy and Rollo by @ianmuyrray for @otheroutlandertales
Farewell, Old Friend by @phoenixflames12
Dog Meets God by @owlish-peacock36
The Pack by @notameeksassenach​
Jamie Brings Home Rollo by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Heavy Petting by suspiciousteapot
Hope by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
A Man and His Cat by RedStarFiction
The Witch’s Cat by listentothewordsyousay
Jamie On a Hot Tin Roof by JillianK
Julia Brings Home Adso by @gotham-ruaidh​ for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Loving Jamie by JillianK
The White Sow
Untitled Micro-Ficlet by @gotham-ruaidh
Fandom - feel free to add your favorite Outlander Pet Fics in the comments!
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Im looking for Jamie and Claire fanfic all based in the 18th century. It can be where Jamie and Claire always lived in that time or Claire came thru the stones. I just like them in that time. I dont like reading stories where they separated for 20yrs. Can you give me a list of stories like such?
Hi there @1breakingdawn! We’ve found a few fics that fit that description:
Come Hell or Helwater @imagineclaireandjamie by @lenny9987
Shifted by @gotham-ruaidh
Survivors by @zoe1078
To Have Your Heart by @laythornmuse
The Nature of Choice by @lenny9987
What about you? What are your favorite stories where Jamie and Claire reside in the 18th century?  Reblog with links to these fics or drop them in the comments.
Happy Reading!
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Are there any fics where Frank is somehow alive, and Jem and Mandy meet Grandda Frank after they travel through the stones?
Hey Nonnie,
We found a couple of stories that feature Frank getting to know his grandchildren over at @imagineclaireandjamie
The Farmer’s Wife by Mod @gotham-ruaidh
One Shot by Mod @Lenny9987
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Hi there! I'm looking for a story that deals with J+C struggling to have a baby. I saw it a while back but haven't seen an update yet. I was hoping I haven't missed anything!!
Hey there Nonnie,
We have come across a couple of fics that feature Jamie and Claire struggling to get pregnant. 
This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts
Love by @notameeksassenach
And these two Modern Glasgow fics by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
Jamie Meets Joe
Claire and Jamie see Joe
Happy Reading!
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Feature Friday: Authors Edition
Every Friday, the Lallybroch Library is going to feature one of the writers on our lovely Catalog. First week’s Author is none other than... @gotham-ruaidh!
Gothie has been reading the Outlander books since 2005 and has been on Tumblr since 2015. She has been writing Outlander fanfiction since 2015. She is also an MOD over at our friends, @imagineclaireandjamie!
Her favorite character to write is Jamie because: “I relate more to him than I do Claire. Also I find him more of a challenge to write, because the Books are in Claire's POV so we don’t get to hear from Jamie as much.” And she tends to avoid writing characters she doesn’t want to write.
Her favorite pieces of her own work are: Modern Glasgow for being her first Modern AU. She also adores Vietnam AU and Utilander for taking the story to different times and places. Gothie also has a soft spot for Glen Rowan Cross because t was the first story she ever wrote.
Gotham finds inspiration for writing through her travels and mundane things in everyday life- from things that she hears people say or she does herself! 
When asked about some writing habits are, this is what she had to say: “To write whenever and wherever the inspiration strikes. To not question an idea and to just run with it.”
And when asked for tips for writing fanfcition: “Make your own rules and have fun with canon. Don't follow 100% of a prompt- 80% is fine. Do the unexpected. Base your writing on people you know and events you experience.”
Her favorite fanfiction trope is when Jamie and Claire overcome an insurmountable obstacle to be together. 
And as for her favorite Outlander book and why: Gotham says it’s Voyager because “It covers a lot of ground and sets the stage for who Jamie and Claire are in the later books.”
You can find all of Gotham’s work over on her AO3!  
Stay tuned to next week, where we will learn all about another Author on our Catalog! 
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Librarian’s Choice: Weekly Fics
Happy Monday, all! Here are a few gems I’ve either discovered or reread lately; I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!
In the Eye of a Hurricane by @three-drink-amy
In this lovely fic, Jamie is a soldier, Claire is a nurse, and they meet at a French field hospital in WWII. They form a shockingly strong bond in the time they are together, but don’t have the opportunity to explore it more before they are pulled apart again. After the war is over, Jamie tries to piece his life back together back in Scotland, Claire’s home life is falling apart, and a chance reunion brings back old feelings as well as new challenges for our favorite couple. If you’re looking for a beautiful heartfelt read with steady pacing (with some angst and twists and turns along the way), this is the one for you!
Shifted by @gotham-ruaidh​
A “what if?” canon-divergent story, answering the concept “What if Claire had gotten pregnant with Brianna a month or two earlier in the story?” This story follows the Frasers as they escape the Rebellion before Culloden and protect their family and home against the hardships that follow. While Jamie and Claire do face difficulties in the years to come, they do so together. No twenty-year separations here! It’s fascinating to see how they could have grown differently as a couple and a family without that particular heartache.
La Retour de Foi by @purewhitepages​
There are separations, reunions, secrets, and close calls galore in this Modern AU! I saw the words “Faith lives” in the summary and was immediately hooked. The first chapter dives right into the meat of Claire and Jamie’s heartache -  27 years ago, they had to give up their child for adoption for an as-yet-undisclosed reason. This author masterfully plants seeds of information and gives subtle hints to the Fraser’s background. I’ve been on the edge of my seat in every chapter! The various perspectives so far have also really added to the mystery. This fic is in early days yet, but I can’t wait to see how all the threads to this story will be woven together!
That’s all for this week! Happy reading, and see you next time for some more great reads!
- Librarian Julia
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