#Attackers who ‘gang-raped Brit woman
ur-mag · 1 year
Attackers who ‘gang-raped Brit woman, 20, caught cleaning blood with bed sheets’ | In Trend Today
Attackers who ‘gang-raped Brit woman, 20, caught cleaning blood with bed sheets’ Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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erius-vidi · 1 year
Attackers who ‘gang-raped Brit woman, 20, caught cleaning blood with bed sheets’
Attackers who ‘gang-raped Brit woman, 20, caught cleaning blood with bed sheets’ Read Full Text
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Ladies Drink Free: Recap
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Claire is a hunter in training.
Outside the Lucky Badger Ale House, a young woman texts her brother about her false whereabouts, but he catches her in her lie and they start walking home. She wants to head back to the bar, and he wants her to act her age. On the lonely, snow covered path, they hear a noise from the surrounding forest. Hayden, the sister, seems scared, and wants to turn around. Her brother insists there’s nothing scary out there, and proceeds to walk deeper into the dark woods. OOOoooOOO. Hayden is the one who screams though, and her brother rushes to find her knocked out in the snow. Masked attacker monster reveals himself, and Molo Ram’s brother’s heart right out of his chest.
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At the BMoL high-tech trailer, Sam and Dean wait. Dean is impatient catering to the Brits, but Mick soon shows up with a case. In Wisconsin, a young man was found dead with his heart ripped out, his sister survived the supposed animal attack, but is in the hospital. Mick pings it as a werewolf attack. The boys wonder how Hayden survived. Then Mick nerds out over his fancy British boarding school for Men of Letters, Kendricks. He learned everything there is to know about Lycanthropy there. Sam’s impressed with the Hogwarts for Hunter-lites. Dean, not so much. 
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The boys are cool to take care of this milk run, and Mick wants to tag along. Dean’s still pushing back at working with the BMoL, but Sam thinks they can use their knowledge. “If he’s coming, you’re babysitting him,” Dean insists, before heading out.
Of course, once on the road, Dean is subjected to a hella interesting boring podcast of Mick’s. 
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Mick fills the brothers in on the British history of werewolf hunting. They’re efficient, and because of that, there hasn’t been a werewolf outbreak in Britain since the 1920’s. Sam wonders about friendly ones. They bring up Garth (GARTH!) but Mick doesn’t believe in monsters staying on the right side of the law. (STAY HIDDEN GARTH!)
They finally arrive at their destination (Boris strongly suspects they’re in Wisconsin Dells --this isn’t a fun times, water-park, resort weekend guys. There’s werewolves to hunt.) The Winchesters are a little overwhelmed with the 3-star, baby-shampoo, pool having lodge, but adjust just fine by morning. Dean even went for a swim (GAG REEL PLZ). Sam did more research. He discovered that in the 1930’s the BMoL were working on a plasma therapy to cure werewolves. “Useless, I’m afraid,” Mick interjects.
At the hospital the brothers try talking to Hayden’s mother, but she shuts them down cold. Dr. “Mick” Buckingham walks in and casually escorts the mother out for a quick exam. He discovers that Hayden was bitten, but declines to inform the brothers. Sam and Dean discover that the mother has been bombarded by “Big Foot Truthers” --one a young, pissed-off, blonde “Fish and Wildlife” employee --CLAIRE!
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Claire is busy texting/lying to Jody about touring UW-Madison. She gets a call on her fake phone, and it’s just a trolling Dean. (Beatrice Quimby! 9 year old Boris is happy--although I thoroughly identified with Ramona.) She sees right through his nonsense. Meeting up at the hotel, Claire fills the others in on her investigation so far. Dean activates protective!Dad mode. Mick decides to take off, which allows the brothers to grill Claire about her shenanigans.
Dr. Buckingham pays another visit to the hospital, this time with a syringe of silver nitrate. He starts sending it through Hayden’s IV, but she awakens, all rabid werewolf-y, and attacks Mick. He plunges the syringe right into her heart, killing her.
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The next morning, the gang get the low-down on Hayden’s death. The strangest thing about it all: Her wounds healed. “Ok, what the hell?” Claire wonders out loud. Mick continues to lie. The salient point being: whatever attacked Hayden is still out there. They split up to investigate further.
Sam and Claire head off to interview Hayden’s friend. Claire tells her “old skeezer” friend Sam to wait in the car. Aww, remember when Sam was Claire’s age? Where does the time go?
Dean and Mick head to the bar. Inside the bar they ask the bartender about Hayden. Dean tries to level him his best intimidation face.
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It turns out that Conner, the other bartender with the douche tribal tat, had a thing with Hayden. (Not dating, though, bro.) Conner insists that he worked and then went straight home the night before but Dean presses him, insisting that he's lying. Dean turns to Mick and, as an illustration, asks him what he did last night. (Dean, you don't trust Mick one bit – you beautiful, clever, special crocus.) Mick stutters out a shoddy reply about writing a report and going to bed, clearly caught off guard.
Conner still insists that he did nothing wrong the prior night. Dean then asks if he met Claire. When Conner chortles about their less-than-stellar interaction Dean leans in nice and slow and says, “You ever touch her again, I'll break your face.” Thanks, Dad <3 (Stepdad?)
Outside Dean calls Mick out on his ultra lame alibi. Young girls – particularly new werewolves – don't just die out of nowhere. He slaps a hand on Mick's injured shoulder and Mick, the noob, grunts in pain. He admits to injecting her with silver nitrate. “She attacked me,” he protests, “and...I had orders.” Oh, Mick. Mick insists that he's just doing the job, then needles Dean about “palling around with witches and demons.” MICK, them's fightin' words.
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“Things aren't just black and white out here,” Dean insists. He brings up psychic Magda as an example of someone who deserved the second chance. (Oh, Magda, by Grabthar’s hammer...you shall be avenged!)
“That's your luxury,” Mick says. “We have a code.” Dean angrily reminds Mick that a mother has now lost both of her kids and, mic dropped, walks away.
Outside the school, Claire emerges triumphant. “You really do look like a creeper,” she tells Sam as he lounges outside the high school on her car hood. Which...yeah. True. Claire had success weaseling information from Hayden’s best friend. She found out that Hayden was dating an ultra-possessive guy - which was why she was at the bar that night.
Sam barely acknowledges the latest clue, instead shifting to ask her why Jody thinks she's in Madison looking at the University of Wisconsin. BUSTED. Sam didn't tell Jody yet about Claire’s werewolf hunt, but he presses her for information about why she's hiding her hunting.
Claire confesses that she did try hunting with Jody for a while. But instead of Claire taking an action role, she ended up sitting in the car or on the sidelines while Jody bad-assed her way through case after case. (I feel for you, Claire...but I also really want to watch Jody kicking ass all over the place. #torn) “I'm better off on my own,” Claire says. She imagines that'll make everyone happier.
“I'm so sick of you guys dive-bombing my life like you care,” she growls. She stalks off into the woods around the school to cool down, rage music blasting in her ears. Down at the school’s baseball diamond, Claire's spidey sense starts to tingle. She whirls to see the tall masked man from the cold open and whips out her knife.
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The two engage in fisticuffs. Here, fisticuffs means she goes at him with the knife but he gets the better of her, presses her into the ground, rips aside her jacket, and bites her in the shoulder. (Hello, rape parallel.)
Sam rushes to help and gets her back to their swanky resort hotel. Claire burns with fever. When Mick tries to drop werewolf health care tips, Sam tells him coldly that they're done with him. He killed a kid; he can GTFO.
Claire asks how long she has until she turns. Dean kneels in front of her and assures her that she can live with lycanthropy. She just needs to lock herself up for a few nights every month. Claire chokes out, “Maybe some people control this, but I can barely keep it together on a good day. If there's any chance that I could hurt Jody or Alex or...anyone, I'd rather die.”
Sam, reading through the MoL book Mick brought along, suggests trying the blood therapy. One in nine test subjects were cured! Mick is less optimistic. “That study was on mice,” he explains. They once tested their blood therapy on a human but the subject died in agony. (Query: WHY wouldn’t you test it on an animal that’s a better physiological parallel to humans like pigs or monkeys instead of jumping straight to human trials? Amateurs.)
Claire is immediately on board with trying blood therapy.
“You don't get a vote in this,” says over-protective Dean.
“It's my life. I get all the votes,” Claire tells him. That's fuckin' right, Claire.
Dean, pissed off, turns to Sam for backup. Sam agrees with Claire (though he can't meet Dean's eye) – it's her life. Dean bows his head and begrudgingly asks Mick how the werewolf cure works.
Easy as pie - they need the sire's blood. Back to the case it is, then! Dean still suspects tribal tat douchebro bartender Conner. He orders Mick to stay behind, which seems like a questionable decision. However, Mick understands the threat that boils persistently under Dean's skin and acknowledges that if anything happens to Claire in his charge, then he's a dead man courtesy of Dean Winchester.
The boys intercept Conner outside of the Lucky Badger and immediately threaten him with a silver knife. The silver has no effect on Conner (other than scaring the poop out of him.) In the sky clouds begin to drift away from the full moon.
At the hotel Claire is in intense pain. Mick prepares another syringe of silver nitrate for his protection while Claire peels back her bandage. Before her eyes the wound heals. Claire jumps for the gun, ready to end her life, but Mick grabs it first. She begs him for death before it's too late. He tells her that he knows a man who would kill her without any hesitation. His instinct is to do the same...but his “instincts haven't been so grand of late.” Claire huddles miserably onto the couch. Mick proposes sedating and restraining her and, with any luck, she'll wake up cured.
“If I wake up,” Claire whispers. “I gotta call Jody. She's gonna be so mad at me.” She looks so young as she says this. It breaks my heart.
Just then the masked werewolf breaks in. He knocks Mick out, then punches out Claire and drags her away. (Fuck you, werewolf.)
Sam and Dean bust in and Dean immediately looks like he's ready to make good on his threat. Mick protests that he tried to prevent her abduction. Furthermore, he can be useful. He put a tracker on Claire. And...now he’s pissed off Sam now, too. “You can kill me later,” he tells them. It's time to find Claire.
At a house in the woods, Claire is tied up in the kitchen while Hayden's boyfriend Justin does his evil villain speech.
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Justin had been part of a happy pack until hunters found them and broke them apart. He attacked Hayden so he could rebuild a pack again. “I'm a nice guy,” he protests to the woman he turned and tied up against her will. He pulls out a refrigerated heart and shoves it in her face – literally.
She spits the heart – and his words – into his face. She has a family so he can fuck right off. Claire doubles over in pain again and when she lifts her head her eyes glow yellow.
Just then the Winchesters bust in. Dean rushes up to Claire and then backs away cautiously when he sees her bloodied face and yellow eyes. She breaks free from the ropes.
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The werewolf gets the drop on the boys. It looks bad until Mick shoots him in the back. We all freak out about the werewolf cure and then Mick takes a vial of blood from an injection site on Justin’s back and fills up his plasma syringe with the sire's blood.
Claire stands up, growling as Dean takes the syringe from Mick. “She wanted this, right?” he double checks with Sam, and then they inject her. (<-- I really like this consent angle.)
The blood therapy is rough. She writhes, whimpering on the couch for who knows how long. It's long enough that Dean needs to leave the room to “get some air.” So...probably a fuckin’ long time.
Claire suddenly lies still, stops whimpering, stops breathing. Sam sorrowfully calls Dean back in. Dean shoves his emotions down about as far as they can go.
Suddenly, Claire's fingernails retract, she opens her eyes which leach of yellow, and she starts breathing again. “You guys look like crap,” she says to everyone's relieved faces.
Later, outside the lodge, Mick looks on her in wonder. She's fully cured and packing her car to go. “That girl is a walking miracle,” he marvels. Dean agrees and you know at least one layer of that is him just being a stupid soppy dad about it. (Dean, you snuggly tulip.)
Dean continues his streak of thanking people he doesn't particularly like for saving those dearest to him and thanks Mick “for the win.”
“So we're good,” Mick says happily. Eh, not so fast. Mick gets just one more chance to prove he's not a useless bag of dicks.
Claire comes up and jokes about craving a milkbone. Oh, Claire-bear. She apologizes to the Winchesters, thanking them for being there when she needed them. They hug and she's off.
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Claire calls Jody, leaving a confessional on her voicemail. She's hunting. It can be scary, but it's something she needs to do on her own. “I'm ready, but I never would have been if it wasn't for you being my mom. I love you guys.” Oh, Claire. <3
Claire drives off into the world, lone cowgirl, ready to kick some ass.
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(whispers: But I'm still so worried about Gaaaaaarth)
(also whispers: weremiiiiiiiiice)
It’s Better if I Quote Alone:
You either get good fast, or you get dead faster
Long story, and like, Downton Abbey boring
So your foreign exchange student is totally lame
I didn't sign up for this reporting to duty crap
I'm ruined, Sam. Those limey sons of bitches ruined me.
Those three stars are wasted on you
They're like nerd soulmates
Things aren’t just black and white out here
Eat me, Teen Wolf
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Ayia Napa ‘rape lie’ judge blasted for victim-blaming Brit, 19, after he doubled down on ’serious crime’ claim – The Sun
THE judge who found a Brit teen guilty of lying about being raped in Ayia Napa has been blasted for victim-blaming after he doubled down on his “serious crime” claim. The unidentified 19-year-old was given a suspended sentence today after being convicted of making false claims about being raped by 12 Israelis. 13 The unidentified woman pictured arriving at court todayCredit: EPA13 Judge Michalis Papathanasiou has been slammed for his decision to convict13 A British teen has been handed a four-month suspended sentence after being found guilty of making a false rape claim in CyprusCredit: AFP or licensors13 The 19-year-old is pictured leaving court and giving a thumbs up to protesters who had turned out to support herCredit: AP:Associated Press13 Protesters gather outside the Famagusta District Court in Paralimni, Cyprus ahead of sentencingCredit: Reuters13 Government sources have previously said the teen could be granted a pardon by Nicos Anastasiades, the Cypriot presidentCredit: Alamy Live NewsThe British Government has said it was “seriously concerned” about the conviction, and the judge in the case has been blasted by anti-rape protesters. Speaking at sentencing, Judge Papathanasiou said: “Public mischief is a serious crime which distracts authorities from their civil duties and causes distress to innocent people. “What she did was very serious. Twelve young people were arrested and deprived of their liberty for ten days.” Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Famagusta District Court in Paralimni, Cyprus this morning in a show of support for the woman. Supporters from Israel and Cyprus could be heard chanting “Stop blaming the victim”, “You are not alone”, and “Mr Judge shame on you, don’t you have a daughter too?” Yesterday also saw more than 100 protesters gather outside the Cypriot high commission in London. GOING HOME The teen, whose mother said today she was “relieved”, was given a four-month suspended jail term and  fined €148 (£126). Her prison sentence will be suspended for three years. The judge said he was taking into account the woman’s age, psychological state, and that she had been in Cyprus for six months, and giving her a “second chance”. The woman was last week convicted of public mischief after withdrawing a claim that she had been raped in a hotel room in July. She later said Cyprus police had coerced her into recanting the original claim, something police have denied. ‘FIGHT GOES ON’ The woman was seen hugging her mum and legal team as her sentence was announced. Speaking outside the court, the woman’s lawyer, Lewis Power QC, said the sentence imposed would allow her to go home, but that “the fight for her innocence will go on regardless”. He said she had gone “overnight from being victim to being the accused” and “having to endure not only the dreadful physical violation of a pre-meditated gang rape and serious sexual assault perpetrated upon her but also the prolonged mental ordeal under the judicial process in Cyprus.” He added that she had been “diagnosed with severe PTSD and this case has resulted in the deterioration of her mental health.” He said the family would be seeking an expedited appeal of the woman’s conviction at the Supreme Court of Cyprus and would also consider going to the European Court of Human Rights. The teen’s mother also expressed gratitude for an intervention by Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. “I spoke with him and he was very supportive. I am grateful to the Foreign Office,” she said. Mr Raab had earlier said he had “very serious concerns” about the woman’s treatment in Cyprus and urged authorities there to “do the right thing”. Israeli footballer Shimon Yusufov, 19, has admitted consensual sex with the teen but denied allowing his friends to attack her. Representing him, lawyer Nir Yaslovitzh told The Sun: “We respect the decision of the judge and accept the sentence. “What is important for us is that the judge found her guilty. The important thing is we hope the girl learns her lesson from all this.” PRESIDENT KEEPING ‘FULLY BRIEFED’ The teen, from Derbyshire, faced up to a year in jail and a £1,500 fine after her conviction. She spoke to The Sun ahead of sentencing about the prospect she would be given a pardon by Nicos Anastasiades. She told The Sun: “It’s good news and gives me hope I might go home but I am still so apprehensive how things will go. “I am scared I will get a custodial sentence, but know I have done nothing wrong and am devoted to carrying on fighting.” BreakingCRUSHED TO DEATH Huge stampede at funeral of Iran general Qasem Soleimani kills up to 40 HOPE FOR JOEY Model films moment he rescues charred baby kangaroo from raging Aussie fires TASTE OF FREEDOM Ayia Napa Brit free to fly home as she’s spared jail over gang rape claim HEART OF DARKNESS Inside the darkest city on earth where the sun doesn’t rise for 40 days LAST GOODBYE Heartbreaking pics of Aussie firefighter’s 1-year-old playing by his coffin DEATH RIDDLE Missing girls, 19 and 16, found stabbed to death in cupboard of rental flat It is not yet clear whether Cypriot authorities will still consider pardoning the woman from her suspended sentence. Her mum earlier told The Sun: “We are aware of these reports and getting the legal team to check to see what it means. “She is innocent. The whole family is terrified of the prospect of her going to prison.” 13 Supporters held signs saying ‘We Believe You’ and chanted ‘You are not alone’Credit: AP:Associated Press13 Before being handed a suspended sentence, the teen’s family had said they were ‘terrified’ by the prospect she could end up in jailCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun13 The 19-year-old claimed she was raped by 12 men in a hotel room in Ayia Napa in July last yearCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun13 The teen’s mother said she was ‘relieved’ after the sentenceCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun13 She maintains she has done nothing wrong and is ‘devoted to carrying on fighting’Credit: Louis Wood – The Sun13 She faced up to a year in prison after being convicted of public mischiefCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun13 Protesters have taken to the streets in London to show support for the young womanCredit: Getty – ContributorCyprus rape case – Brit teen free to fly home after being spared jail over Ayia Napa gang rape claimGOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL [email protected]    
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/ayia-napa-rape-lie-judge-blasted-for-victim-blaming-brit-19-after-he-doubled-down-on-serious-crime-claim-the-sun/
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made-from-galaxies · 5 years
Prince Andrew spotted for the first time since paedo pal Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide as he goes to Balmoral c
PRINCE Andrew has been spotted for the first time since his paedo pal Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in a Manhattan Jail.
The Duke of York grimaced as he sat with the Queen on the way to church in Balmoral, Scotland.
The Duke of York grimaced as he sat with the Queen on the way to church in Balmoral, ScotlandCredit: Abermedia / Michal Wachucik
Prince Andrew with Jeffrey Epstein in New York in 2011Credit: Jae Donnelly
The Duke of York was snapped grinning just hours after Epstein’s deathCredit: Abermedia / Michal Wachucik
He clasped his hands as he was driven awayCredit: Getty Images – Getty
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Epstein’s death came just hours after one of his former sex slaves accused Prince Andrew of licking her toes when she was just a teenager.
The manuscript by former masseuse Virginia Roberts is among 2,000 legal documents released just hours before his death.
It details three alleged sexual encounters with the Duke of York.
Andrew, who is currently on holiday with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson and the Queen in Balmoral, strenuously denies any sexual contact with Virginia — whose surname is now Giuffre.
She says she first met the royal dad of two on a trip to London in 2001 when she was 17.
Financier Epstein was initially thought to have taken his own life, days after he was taken off suicide watch.
But on Saturday night suspicions were mounting that he was attacked.
Prison guards in New York found Epstein — who was suspected of heading a global sex-trafficking network — in cardiac arrest at 6.30am local time on Saturday.
On Friday, a court in Manhattan released a 1,200-page dossier detailing lurid abuse allegations against him. The explosive papers also named some of the world’s elite leaders and politicians.
But reports suggesting Epstein had killed himself were immediately questioned, with experts asking why such a high-profile prisoner was not under surveillance.
And Saturday night an FBI probe was under way into the death.
It was claimed Epstein had mysteriously been taken off 24-hour suicide watch despite a similar incident late last month — meaning there was no CCTV in his cell.
One of Epstein’s long-time advisers and closest friends said he had predicted that the ex-investment banker would be dead within a couple of weeks.
The man, who did not want to be named, told The Sun on Sunday: “There’s no way he killed himself.
“In a maximum-security confinement it’s impossible that Jeffrey took his own life.
“I know for a fact many people are breathing a sigh of relief today because they feared what would come out in court.”
Another former employee, who worked for Epstein on his private isle in the US Virgin Islands, added: “I don’t think he’d commit suicide. He was able to afford the best lawyers.”
Pictures showed an unconscious Epstein being wheeled out of the jail on a trolley by paramedics.
Jeffrey Epstein dead aged 66 – Victims slam billionaire paedo for avoiding justice after he killed himself in prison
He was pronounced dead an hour later at New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital.
The Bureau of Prisons said he was “found unresponsive in his cell in the Special Housing Unit from an apparent suicide”.
Epstein was previously found lying in a foetal position with neck marks after a suspected suicide bid on July 23 — but cops probed claims he may have been attacked.
Authorities placed him on suicide watch as they tried to establish whether he had been targeted.
One witness claimed Epstein was “blue in the face” and semi-conscious while “sprawled out on the floor” of his cell on that occasion.
James Gagliano, a retired FBI supervisory special agent, called Epstein’s death “incomprehensible” – as his former agency launched a formal investigation. He said: “The people you have to watch most are the folks who have the most to lose. Meaning very rich people, prominent people, public figures.”
You expect security not only to be stiff, but that if someone tries to commit suicide, they should be under 24-hour watch by authorities
Paul Callan, American legal analyst
US Attorney General William Barr — whose dad hired Epstein to teach maths in the 1970s — said the death mystery raised “serious questions which must be answered”.
He said: “In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of the death.”
Paul Callan, an American legal analyst, added: “You expect security not only to be stiff, but that if someone tries to commit suicide, they should be under 24-hour watch by authorities.
“This is an egregious lapse of security. I think heads are going to roll.” Sources said Epstein was taken off suicide watch on July 29. He had undergone daily psychiatric evaluation.
He was reportedly in solitary confinement following threats from inmates.
He was arrested on July 6, accused of sex trafficking dozens of girls as young as 14 — abusing them during massage sessions. He allegedly got the girls to recruit other teenagers.
An FBI probe has been launched into Jeffrey Epstein’s deathCredit: AP:Associated Press
Cops raided his seven-storey £62million Manhattan home and found rooms stuffed with sex toys and thousands of pictures of naked women and girls.
Some were in a locked safe, on disks labelled “young” and “Girl pics nude”.
The convicted paedophile, previously jailed in 2008, was placed in a cell three doors down from Mexican Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The drugs lord was then transferred to a supermaximum security prison in Colorado.
Epstein was said to have been in his cell for 23 hours each day.
Less than 24 hours before his death, almost 2,000 documents were unsealed in a legal tangle between Brit socialite Ghislaine Maxwell — Epstein’s ex-lover — and Virginia Giuffre.
Ms Giuffre has alleged that she was procured by “madame” Maxwell, 57, the daughter of disgraced tycoon Robert Maxwell, as a teenage “sex slave” for Epstein.
In previous court claims, she alleged she was loaned out to Prince Andrew for sex when she was a teen.
Buckingham Palace has always strenuously denied the allegations.
Named in the court papers on Friday — along with Prince Andrew, 59 — were former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and financier Glenn Dubin.
Ms Giuffre has previously claimed that a “foreign president” and a “well-known prime minister” were caught up in the sordid affair.
Legal sources insisted that Epstein’s death does not stop investigators probing any co-conspirators or anyone who covered up crimes he committed.
But victims of the serial abuser, who previously served just 13 months on prostitution charges, said they had been robbed of justice.
Lawyer Brad Edwards, who represented two dozen Epstein accusers, including Giuffre, said it was “not the ending anyone was looking for”.
He added: “The victims deserved to see Epstein held accountable.”
Buckingham Palace has denied the allegations against EpsteinCredit: Abermedia / Michal Wachucik
Epstein with Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced tycoon Robert MaxwellCredit: Getty – Contributor
Epstein appearing in court in 2008 before he served 13 months after admitting soliciting a prostitute and procuring a girl under 18 for prostitutionCredit: AP:Associated Press
A medical examiner car was seen outside a Manhattan hospital where Epstein’s body was transportedCredit: Reuters
Epstein pictured with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in 1997Credit: Getty – Contributor
Will truth emerge on Duke?
By Sharon Churcher, the journalist who broke the story
FOR Prince Andrew, the death of Jeffrey Epstein will come as a huge shock.
There can be little doubt they were close — their friendship endured despite Epstein’s time in jail in 2008 when he served 13 months after admitting soliciting a prostitute and procuring a girl under 18 for prostitution.
There are 16 numbers for the Duke of York in Epstein’s contacts book.
Described as the “Holy Grail” in an FBI affidavit, it was expected to be a key piece of evidence at the financier’s sex trafficking trial.
Claims in US court documents, strenuously denied by Buckingham Palace, that the billionaire paedophile arranged for his teen “sex slave” Virginia Giuffre to entertain the Queen’s son with a romp in a London bathtub have been a crucial part of the investigation into Epstein’s sleazy operation.
Just days after I broke the story of Giuffre’s claims, FBI agents flew to Australia to interview her.
She told me she would fully co-operate with them — but then burst into tears as she said Epstein had employed goons to try to scare her into silence.
Epstein’s billions undoubtedly played a role in preventing witnesses from coming forward — so now the truth perhaps will finally emerge.
Jeffrey Epstein’s teen alleged victim speaks in police interview video
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Source: https://opengeekhouse.com.br/2019/08/11/prince-andrew-spotted-for-the-first-time-since-paedo-pal-jeffrey-epsteins-suicide-as-he-goes-to-balmoral-c/
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Doctor who treated Brit teen, 19, ‘believes’ her Cyprus gang rape claims after seeing her ‘crying and screaming’
A DOCTOR who treated the British teenager convicted of making up a gang rape story in Cyprus said he “believed” the woman after he saw her “crying and screaming”. Cypriot doctor Sergios Sergiou treated the woman, 19, hours after the alleged sex attack and said she was so distraught she passed out. 5 A British teenager found guilty of making a false gang rape accusation has vowed to clear her nameCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun5 The teen and her mum wore masks with stitches on the lips as they left court in protest at her treatmentThe teen was taken to the Santa Marina clinic in Ayia Napa, which is next to the two-star Pambos Napa Rocks hotel, where she originally claimed she had been raped by 12 Israeli men – aged 15 to 19 – on July 17. Her friend walked her over to the doctor after finding her “distraught” and scared that the gang would be “coming for her”, the Daily Mail reports. Dr Sergiou said: “She was very stressed and having a panic attack. She was crying and screaming and her friends said to me some guys had raped her.” The GP recalled the woman refused to be treated by a male doctor – prompting him to call the police immediately. She was crying and screaming and her friends said to me some guys had raped her.Dr Sergios Sergiou When asked if he believed her story, the GP told Israeli TV: “Yes, I thought that something happened. Usually if something is fake they are not calling their parents to inform them. But she was calling her parents.” The teenager, from Derbyshire, who we are not naming, has faced a traumatic ordeal after original reporting the alleged gang rape to police. She later retracted her statement under questioning with cops then claiming she concocted the claim after learning video of her having consensual sex was posted online. The Brit faces up to a year’s jail for public mischief when sentenced on January 7. But has vowed to clear her name, saying: “I’m dedicated to seeking true justice.” SYMPATHY RUNS OUT Meanwhile the young men she claimed were responsible for the sick attack have been turned on in their own country. Originally the group were treated to a heroes’ welcome but sympathy for their plight is running out after Israeli’s became digusted at the manner of their behaviour that night. Three of the lads have already admitted that they had sex with the then 18-year-old with others admitting to watching and filming it on their phones. While in footage of the alleged attack, leaked to Israeli media, a man can be heard saying ‘You’re my wh**e. Say you’re my wh**e.’ to the woman in Hebrew. We are both convinced she was physically raped. We met a wonderful young woman whose trauma was loud and clear in almost all her behaviour.Orly Vilnai One of the men has since claimed she “wanted” to have sex with the group and did not object to others watching. He told Israeli TV: “You could see in her eyes that she wanted it and you can see it in all of the videos. In none of them does she look like she’s suffering or shouting for help. The man added: “I didn’t hear her say: “Don’t photograph”. I even thought she was for it.” Two of Israel’s top celebrity journalists have poured scorn on the gang’s claims by backing the woman’s version of the incident. Guy Meroz and Orly Vilnai – the equivalent of Israel’s Richard and Judy Madeley – met the girl in Cyprus and have interviewed her many times. HERE WE SNOW AGAIN Nordic blast set to blanket Britain in up to 14in of snow in weeks WE ARE BAILING Rod Stewart ‘charged with battery after punching worker at kids party’ ExclusiveCHESTY COUGH SHOCK Busty women suffer from much worse colds than those with flatter chests Lateston the brink Iran warns US strike on top general is ‘act of WAR’ as ‘2nd attack slays six’ FAMILY TORN APART Mum, 28, killed and daughter, 8, fighting for life after horror crash CommentJEREMY CLARKSON Australia is God’s laboratory and people were not meant to live there Orly told viewers: “She was raped without question. “We are both convinced she was physically raped. We met a wonderful young woman whose trauma was loud and clear in almost all her behaviour. “She bites her fingernails, at times she ‘gets stuck’ and goes into a world from which she needs to be woken up.” 5 All 12 Israeli suspects were released without charge and returned homeCredit: EPA5 The hotel room where the woman claimed the assault took place5 The girl was staying at the Pambos Napa Rocks Hotel at the timeCredit: Jamie LorrimanWe pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368 . You can WhatsApp us on 07810 791 502. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Ayia Napa rape ‘lie’ Brit says she’s haunted by flashbacks and battling PTSD trapped in Cyprus – The Sun
A BRITISH teen found guilty of inventing a gang rape in Cyprus says she is still haunted by the alleged attack as she battles for justice. The 19-year-old – trapped on the island since July – has said she suffers hallucinations and is terrified of foreign voices following her ordeal. 10 The British teenager faces jail after being found guilty of making a false gang rape accusation in CyprusCredit: Louis Wood – The Sun10 The teen and her mum wore masks with stitches on the lips in protest at her treatment as they left court yesterday10 The girl’s mother blasted Judge Michaelis Papathanasiou as ‘vindictive’An expert told her trial she was already suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder when she agreed to retract her rape allegations against 12 Israelis. She said she had not slept for three days and was bullied by “aggressive” cops in an eight-hour interrogation without a lawyer. But yesterday judge Michaelis Papathanasiou ruled the teenager was lying when she claimed police coerced her into signing a retraction penned in broken English. He will sentence her next week — and she faces up to a year in jail. ‘SEEKING TRUE JUSTICE’ Last night the girl told The Sun the verdict was a “disgrace” and vowed to clear her name, adding: “I’m dedicated to seeking true justice.” And her mum blasted: “This has been a nightmare. It’s so vindictive from the judge. “We’ve been here since July and we’re still waiting. He could have sentenced her today and it would have been over. “It wouldn’t surprise me if in a week’s time he puts her in prison just to be vindictive.” Her lawyers claim she was denied a fair trial and plan to appeal all the way to the European Court of Human Rights. 10 The hotel room where the woman claimed the assault took place10 Supporters of the teenager waved banners and wore stitched-lip masks outside the courtCredit: EPA Women’s rights activists wore the masks to symbolise ‘the truth has been squashed’Credit: AFP or licensors10 The Israeli suspects were released without charge and returned homeCredit: AP:Associated PressDuring the farcical stop-start trial, the court heard from clinical psychologist Dr Christine Tizzard, who submitted a 12 page report after a series of interviews with the girl. And giving evidence via video link from the UK, the expert said the girl was already suffering from emotional trauma after blaming herself for the death of a horse when she was 12. Dr Tizzard said that during a phone conversation the 19-year-old told her she was suffering from hallucinations and had heard voices in her head. She added that throughout the conversation, the teenager sounded “stressed, scared and didn’t know what to do.” Dr Tizzard – who has worked with traumatised soldiers – added: ”The girl clearly has severe PTSD and the underlying condition has increased by the rape incident in July. “She [was] showing classic symptoms of fight or flight in her behaviour at the police station.” The teenager’s mother has reportedly said her daughter suffers from insomnia and is afraid when she hears loud, male, foreign voices. ‘WE BELIEVE YOU’ The mum added: “The fact she has PTSD is not being taken into consideration by this judge. He is not thinking about my daughter at all. “She needs to see someone back home in the UK who can treat her properly. It’s just not right that she is still here and not at home receiving treatment.” The girl, who headed to party resort Ayia Napa after her A Levels, told police she was having consensual sex with one of the Israelis in a hotel room when the others burst in, pinned her down and raped her. The 12 were arrested but weeks later the Cypriot authorities announced she had retracted her complaint. The Israelis were allowed to go home. The teenager, from Derbyshire, was charged with “public mischief”. Her stop-start trial, dogged by legal arguments, lasted five months. Forensic pathologist Dr Marios Matsakis told the court injuries on the teenager’s body were “consistent with the rape having taken place”. Call for holiday isle boycottTHOUSANDS of supporters were tonight calling for British holidaymakers to shun Cyprus. Hashtag #BoycottCyprus trended on Twitter, backed by stars including TV presenter Julia Bradbury. The Brit girl’s family have set up a Go Fund me page to help towards legal costs — and yesterday it jumped almost £5,000 to £56,000. But Israeli lawyer Nir Yaslovitzh, representing four of the youths, said: “I applaud the court’s decision. “I hope the court will find it appropriate to aggravate the punishment imposed on the girl who refuses to this day to take responsibility for the horrible act she has done against the boys.”
But prosecutors claimed she made up the rape out of revenge after video of her having sex was posted online. Judge Papathanasiou described her as an “unreliable witness” who had “repeatedly lied”. He said: “She knows that she was never raped and she gave false statements. The guilt of the accused is proven. She confessed her guilt.” In contrast he said police testimony was “honest and truthful”. As she and her mum left court wearing stitched-lips masks in protest at her treatment, supporters yelled: “We believe you.” Outside court Maria Mappouridou of Network Against Violence Against Women said: “We support this lady. She has been raped by the men and then by the State of Cyprus and the police.” The girl has lost her place at university after Cypriot authorities confiscated her passport. Her family have used their savings to live with her on the island and they have crowdfunded almost £50,000 for legal fees. WEDDING HELL Groom ‘plays video of cheating bride in bed with brother-in-law at wedding’ ExclusiveSTITCHED UP BY JUDGE Brit teen guilty of making up Cyprus gang rape dubs verdict a disgrace SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE Two dads save 6 kids from foster home misery after FIVE YEARS in care STRANDED Choppers to rescue 4,000 trapped on Oz beach as bush fires turn sky blood red HELL FOR HOUNDS World’s worst zoo puts puppies in cages with TIGERS for visitors’ pleasure HOTEL HORROR Divers find Brit girl’s swim cap in pool pump after ‘family sucked to deaths’ Last night the Foreign Office said it was “seriously concerned” over claims the judge did not give her a fair trial. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab — a former lawyer — told the Daily Telegraph he “takes issues of access to justice extremely seriously”. And his department said: “The UK is seriously concerned about the fair trial guarantees in this deeply distressing case and we will be raising the issue with the Cypriot authorities.” 10 The girl was staying at the Pambos Napa Rocks Hotel at the timeCredit: Jamie Lorriman10 Ayia Napa is a raucous party spot popular with young British touristsCredit: Jamie Lorriman10 The woman appeared in court for the first time in July but the case was adjourned several times so ‘more evidence’ could be gatheredCredit: AFP or licensors10 Protesters outside the court yelled ‘we believe you’ as the teen left todayCredit: ReutersLawyer for 12 freed Israelis, arrested after rape allegation by British woman in Ayia Napa, Cyprus, says they’ll sue for damages
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/ayia-napa-rape-lie-brit-says-shes-haunted-by-flashbacks-and-battling-ptsd-trapped-in-cyprus-the-sun/
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