#Atsumu is writing something lovey dovey like soulmate au
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heavenlyakin · 1 year ago
Your fav is writing a fanfic about YOU! What tropes are they writing?
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seijorhi · 4 years ago
Hello, I really enjoy your writing and like every one of your works. May I ask some questions regarding Breaking Point? Did Miya twins decide to take matters in their own hands just because they've caught their soulmate fucking someone else? I just could't understand what they were trying to do with that whole bullying. They hated her, they loved her but wanted to me miserable? I would appreciate your answer. Thank you for your time! Have a nice day/night.
Oh kay. I had like four people ask me variations of this question, SO!
First and foremost; ‘Samu and ‘Tsumu are fucking assholes in this fic, and yes they are very much in love with the reader - not a healthy kind of love, but their own special, yandere version of it.
The way they treat the reader in this is partially because of their personalities and partially the circumstances around how they met. In this fic, and in all of my soulmate AU’s the idea of soulmates as a concept is heavily romanticised in the world around them - but it doesn’t always mean that the instant the reader meets the ‘one’ (or in this case two) they’re gonna magically fall in love and never fight - even when those soulmates are perfectly normal adults without yandere tendencies - which these two are most definitely not.
So when the twins meet the reader they make a bad first impression - the ball was an accident, but they’re seven and the thought of a girl crying - a strange girl who’s supposed to be their soulmate (a concept they’d probably already be wary of considering again - they’re seven) they fall back on being rude and mean because that’s more comfortable for them than trying to make you feel better. And of course the next time you see them, all that’s running through your head is that they were mean and upset you - so it’s easier to play along in a sense than to try and make amends and risk it going badly. But they want your attention, they need it like they need air because while they might not understand the bond at that age - it’s still there. They’re drawn to you and they don’t know why but it’s scary but kinda nice and they don’t know what to do about that. Seven year old boys don’t have the emotional capacity to understand feelings like that, much less process how they’re supposed to convey those feelings to somebody they actually care about. They pull on your pigtails and call you names and push you around because at least that way you’re focused on them more than anybody else, even your own friends.
And as they grow and ‘mature’ the nature of that changes a little too. They’ve built themselves up as bullies, it’s too late to take back everything they’ve done. If they tried and you rejected them it would devastate them, so why take the hard route when it’s easier to hide behind the veneer they’ve spent years building. And when they start noticing that you look really pretty all the time (even when you’re crying), and that the sight of you kinda makes their hearts race - they panic. And again - they’re pre-teen boys who aren’t good at ‘lovey-dovey shit’ and they’re scared of the soulmate bond, scared of you, but more importantly they’re terrified at the prospect of losing you because you’re theirs.
If they make you believe they couldn’t give a shit about being soulmates it takes the pressure of rejection right away, and they keep bullying you because they don’t know how else to get (and keep) your attention.
Which is all well, fine and great until you just kind of... accept it. You don’t burst into tears anymore, you don’t chase Atsumu when he steals your pencil case and holds it just out of reach, you shrug off the backhanded insults and the mean laughter because by that stage they’ve been doing it for years and it’s  lost it’s magic. You just don’t care anymore, it doesn’t hurt you. Which means you stop playing along to their mean spirited antics, stop giving them all those beautiful reactions they live for - your anger and your tears, the way you stomp your feet and snap at them.
And if they don’t have your love, and they don’t have you hate... what are they left with? They won’t lose you - you’re their soulmate, they can’t be nothing to you. Naturally, they try another method of baiting you; Jealousy. You had to feel the same way that they did - that love that they had for you, it had to be reflected inside of you too, that was what the soulmate bond was all about. You could pretend that you were fine with ignoring it and moving on all you liked, but that love had to still be in there, and if you saw the people you loved, your soulmates, kissing other girls the way that they wanted to kiss you - it would have to drive you mad. Maybe it would even be enough to override the years of mistreatment and bullying, you’d realise that you did love them and you couldn’t bear the thought of them touching anybody else because they were yours as much as you were theirs.
Except they’d done their job a little too well, and you convince yourself that it doesn’t matter, that it doesn’t bother you to see your soulmates in the arms of another.
But when you try the same thing - albeit for different reasons, two things happen. Firstly, they get pissed. Really, really fucking pissed. They’re possessive and obsessive and you belong to them, you’re their soulmate, you’re supposed to love them like they love you (even though they do a piss poor job of expressing that), how dare you try and replace them with some loser in the fucking soccer club? You selfishly gave away something that belonged to them.
Secondly, they’re struck with the realisation that if they don’t do something to change, they will lose you - red threads of fate or not. Now a rational person with a healthy view of love might try apologising, take the first step to try and start fresh or rebuild the broken relationship piece by piece, slowly forming trust and hopefully one day creating the foundation for a happy relationship.
Atsumu and Osamu on the other hand decide to skip all that and take more drastic steps to build their perfect relationship with you - one where you won’t ever even consider leaving them.
I would be very surprised if anybody actually reads to the end of this rambling monstrosity of an answer, but if you have i hope that clears it up a little?
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