#Atomic Coaster Product
fattonyrap · 4 years
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Exotica album out now • http://exotica.fattonyrap.co
The album is an ode to the art of storytelling. Rap short fiction, recorded in the cloud-ridden hills of Jamaica. Produced by GLDNEYE (aka Tom Cruz) We meticulously crafted the concepts, characters, and music to make an album about gratitude, redemption, addiction, desire, and more. After all we’ve been through, let’s escape to Exotica.
Album artwork by Negashi Armada.
Storytelling isn’t merely a vehicle for self-expression, it’s a mode of transportation. A two-way mirror in which we process gilded dreams and grotesque nightmares, the transgression of cultural taboos and the upholding of ancient tradition. It’s also the animating idea behind much of the greatest popular music ever made. Consider Exotica, the new album from Houston iconoclast, Fat Tony, the latest brilliant entry in that fabled tradition, what Outkast once described as “shooting game in the form of story rapping.” While hip-hop supplies the foundation of the Third Ward native’s assault on genre, his futuristic soundclash encompasses seductive velour soul, lecherous French chansons, fluorescent new wave, and even splashes of African pop and reggae; the latter two being the residual effect of Tony’s Nigerian heritage and a sojourn to Jamaica to record the Carpark Records-released album with engineer, Abijah Livingston. “This album is an ode to the art of storytelling through music,” the polymath born Anthony Lawson Jude Ifeanyichukwu Obiawunaotu says, distilling Exotica’s essence. “Picture records like The Great Adventures of Slick Rick. Artists like Neil Young, Bob Dylan, or Bob Marley. Every lyric was carefully considered to make sure we properly conveyed each character’s narrative and motivations. I wanted to create a world of unique stories with room for each to be interpreted in distinct ways.” Assembling a Manhattan Project-style team of experts, the atom-splitting production came via Tony and his longtime collaborator, GLDNEYE (aka Tom Cruz), and engineering via Livingston and Brooklyn’s Steel Tipped Dove. To make the Third Coast cypher complete, Bun B pops up on “What Wake You Up,” courtesy of a cross-island dash where Tony paid visit to the legendary underground king, then vacationing in Montego Bay. Each song is a rich and compact iteration of rap short fiction: Biggie’s “I Got a Story to Tell” channeled through John Cheever. Take lead single “Feeling Groovy,” a frantic meditation on lust, desire, and the notion of throwing it all away while puffing on a Black & Mild. Picture something like if Fat Pat fronted Scritti Politti. Or “Gambling Man,” where Tony one-ups the late great Kenny Rogers to tell the story of a ne’er-do-well schemer named Johnny, obsessed with the thrill of the roller coaster emotions before he discovers whether he’ll win or lose. If the Tom Tom Club knew every word to DJ Screw’s Wineberry Over Gold, it would probably sound like this. Bob Dylan once famously said that an artist should “always be in the state of becoming.” And in the case of Fat Tony, Exotica is the latest stage in an evolution that has included everything from a bravura turn on the first A$AP Rocky mixtape to co-hosting a TV show on Viceland, founding a DIY Houston culture magazine to subversively expanding the parameters of experimentally-minded rap. Here is Exotica, nine new stories, more untrodden ground on the left hand path, a novel strain ready to be unpacked. 
- Jeff Weiss
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northsidefabray · 5 years
Help Me Hold On
Who: Quinn & Hunter @northsideclarington
What: Hunter helps Quinn stop completely spiraling
When: Dec 5, Morning
Where: Bedroom and kitchen
Notes: Hunter wakes to find Quinn emotionally coming undone over her conversation with Sebastian ( @northsidesebastian ). Some words make her snap at him. It’s a roller coaster ride.
Notes (2): Quinn compared Hunter to a Disney princess. Extra points if you pick up which one.
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Quinn tugged the zipper that was only halfway up her back down again, shedding herself out of the brand new white and silver dress that no longer fit, wasting no time to throw it onto the middle of the floor. It was a stupid dress anyway, she thought as she grabbed her silk robe and pulled it on, cinching it at her waist. The dress laid there, mocking her in it's uselessness. It was just stupid fabric, and stupid beading, and she hated it suddenly - hated that it'd made her smile when she first saw it, that she'd loved it, that she’d thought of wearing it for the two men who meant the most to her.
No. She wasn't going to cry, she thought as she angrily wiped at the water that quivered in her eyes. Instead of losing herself in that stupid dress, Quinn threw herself at her closet, yanking the doors open and looking at the overflowing outfits. Without a thought, she started tugging at different articles of clothing, pulling them from silk hangers and throwing them behind her onto the floor with her discarded Christmas dress. One after the other, dresses, skirts, shirts, everything she could find straight onto the pile.
Hunter grunted and slowly opened his eyes, stretching both his arms and legs before he reached out to the side for Quinn, only to realize she wasn't in bed. He looked up and saw she wasn't in the room either. "Quinn?" he called out, just as the sound of doors being banged startled him. He nearly jumped out of bed, wearing only a pair of sweats and headed to the next room, the source of the ruckus. "Baby?" he called again and then he saw her there, pulling her entire wardrobe from the closet. "Quinn, what you're doing?"
After the previous night, and subsequent breakdown of tears she’d fallen into, Quinn was determined to pull herself out of it. When she’d woken up that morning, the first feeling she’d had was guilt over her tears. Hunter had taken care of her, comforted her, and held her until she’d fallen asleep in his arms, something she’d loved him even more for. But she didn’t want to be another thing he had to handle. They were both hanging by a thread and that was on a good day. So that morning she’d decided to be productive. Focused. And now here she was.
“Donating,” she said, pulling another skirt from the closet and after considering it, she threw it in top of the pile too. Her voice was sharp though not directed at him. “Homeless people need clothes and look at all these clothes I have. I don’t need them and they’re old,” she tossed a button up shirt on the pile like she was angry at it. “This is what we do with old things, Hunter. You throw them away because what’s the point of keeping them when you can have something new and shiny that doesn’t give an actual damn about you.”
Hunter was taken aback by the snap in her voice, but he didn't take it personally. She seemed to be under a lot of stress lately, and he really couldn't blame her. He was used to push his feelings down, but she wouldn't, especially not lately. Carefully, he took one step forward, wriggling his hands. "That's a great idea. There are always people who could use these. But... why do I feel you're not necessarily talking about the clothes right now?"
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Quinn said, seeing the cool cerulean blue of a dress she’d worn on that night, the limo night. That one dress that she’d playfully stripped out of at the club, staring back into the wanton gazes of both men that she loved so desperately. “I’m just getting rid of stuff that doesn’t matter. Like this. This doesn’t matter,” she dropped it in the pile before going back, eagle eyes looking for specific things. When she found her outfit from Thanksgiving, she snagged it from the hanger. “And this. It’s just a dress I was stripped out of on Thanksgiving night. It clearly doesn’t matter.” She turned to face him, cheeks flushed with an anger that only very thinly veiled what really hurt. “It’s trash,” she said, clutching the fabric. “And we throw out trash.” Just like I was thrown out, she thought. Just like I don’t matter. Like we don’t matter. The lump grew in her throat and she tossed the outfit into the pile, fingers trembling as she fought the way she suddenly felt weak. “They don’t matter.” Her voice was soft now, losing the edge of anger.
Hunter immediately recognized the dress from the night the three of them were together, and after it was thrown on the pile he bent down and picked it up. "Quinn..." he started saying, then watched yet another dress being discarded, the Thanksgiving dinner one, and knowing what happened later that night, it was obvious what was making her upset. "It's not trash. First of all, you don't donate trash." He put the dress on a chair and walked up to her. "Second, what's going on? What's really making you this angry?" He looked at her cautiously. "Did he tell you something?"
If it had been anyone else, she was sure that they wouldn’t have said anything. Especially not with the angry way she’d tossed half her wardrobe onto the floor. But Hunter knew her too well. They’d known each other too long. And though she’d told him about her conversation with Sebastian the previous night, it was something more that ate away at her. Quinn looked up at him and she wanted to scream, wanted to yell, but all that anger was washing away in a flood of grief. But sorrow wasn’t what she wanted to feel. “We’re—“ she held in her breath when her voice cracked. No. Please. Just hold onto the anger. But it broke. “We’re going to lose him. We lost Brina, and we’re going to lose him, and he doesn’t care.” It ached. Everything inside of her, like the very atoms of her body that knew and felt and loved and had been touched were shattering. It wasn’t just the man they loved, it was the boy they grew up with. Their best friend.
“He already lost himself and now we’re gonna—“ The words didn’t come, replaced by a sob she couldn’t swallow. Her head hung forward, a light whimper in her voice as the tears she’d fought not to cry fell from her already tired eyes. “He’s broken. He said he’s..” she sniffled. “And it’s not just Blaine. It’s all of them. Everyone who’s taking the fact that Sebastian is hurt and broken and decide now is the perfect time to get in there and sleep with him. And the drugs, Hunt. He won’t let us help him and what if he does too much? What if he—“ dies?
Quinn couldn’t even finish the thought of having to put Sebastian in the ground if he overdosed out loud. They’d never survive truly losing him. Just the cruel mental image of her and Hunter standing in front of a grave stone with Sebastian’s name on it had her collapsing into the tears she hadn’t wanted to cry.
Hunter noticed the exact moment when rage turned to despair, and he chose to just let her vent everything that was eating her soul inside out; but upon hearing the words 'what if he dies', he knew he had to step in, whether she liked it or not. "Stop that, you hear me? You stop that right now." His voice was firm, not at all menacing but firm enough to make his point. He held her hands and sighed. "That's not going to happen, do you understand me? Not only we're not allowing it, but I, as a doctor, won't let it happen." He shook his head.
"You need to calm down, first of all, and then think things with a bit of a colder head, my love. I mean... I know he's broken, and I know everyone is taking their shot now they know he's fair game, and it kills me. But... you see that at least he's talking to us now. It's better than the silent treatment we were getting up until recently." He looked down. "He's not ours to claim, Quinn. It pains me to say it, but it's true. It's only up to him whether he wants to be ours alone, and we can't force him into anything. I mean, have we ever been able to make him do anything? Much less this."
“I told him he was ours,” Quinn said in a small voice. “But I didn’t mean like our.. property.” Her voice was scratchy from the tears she didn’t seem to be able to control. “I told him I could handle it if he didn’t feel anything when he looked at me a-and I could. I’d figure it out. I didn’t mean he could only be with us, I swear. I just meant... everything we’ve been through, you two are my best friends and fiercest protectors. Just like we are for him.” Her hands squeezed his lightly, hating that she still had these tears inside of her. Hadn’t she run out of them last night?
Then a thought took shape in her head and with wet eyes, her voice steadied and she looked up at Hunter. “You think I’m trying to force him to be with us?” Without giving him a chance to respond, Quinn shook her head and pulled her hands free. “I can be worried about him and want him back without trying to force him to be involved with us. Do you really think I’d make him want me if he didn’t? I’m not a psycho.” Finding some solace in the way she felt somewhat slighted, Quinn clung to it and turned away from him before scooping up an arm full of the clothes.
Hunter sighed. "I'm sorry, baby... but that's just how it sounds. And that will only push him further away. No matter how much he loves us, Sebastian will never bow to be anyone's property, and we both know that. You're right. We're all best friends first and foremost, and with that comes a lot of good and bad things, such as... that we don't really have say. You said it yourself, he said that we had 'rules' for him. I can't only imagine what went through his head if he truly feels that way. I rather not have him in that way, than to lose him for good." He blinked when Quinn all but snapped on him, his hands falling down with the force of her push, and he sighed and rubbed his face as he went after him.
How was he suppose to tell that's exactly how it felt? At least, that's how he saw it, but maybe it was because he was a guy and guys were less emotional about things. But Quinn seemed to be on top of the charts when it came  to emotions, and lately more than ever. "Well... I worry about  him too. But I have my own approach on the matter. He can't be cornered, Q, or we will lose him for sure."
Knowing that perhaps she wouldn't talk to him for the time being, Hunter walked into the kitchen to get the coffee machine going.
“Yes, I know all about your approach on the matter. Conceal, don’t feel, right? We haven’t let ourselves feel anything about this since it happened because for ten goddamn seconds Sebastian actually needed us and let us be there for him, and we’ve been waiting ever since for him to let us be there again. In whatever way he’ll let us. I’m not trying to scare him away. I just wanted him to know that he’s not alone, despite the fact that he’s running around like nothing and no one matters.” And Quinn knew exactly why. Because nothing did. Because Brina was gone and that meant a half of everything Sebastian was, was gone too.
“She wouldn’t want him killing himself like this. God forbid I actually say something. Maybe I should just stop saying anything and just stop sleeping. Maybe that will show him.” The words came so viciously and the second they were called down the hallway after him, Quinn felt sick. The room rocked slightly and she had to shove the clothes she’d picked up onto her bed. Her face felt hot and she braced herself against the pile as the nausea and lightheadedness passed. She was much too worked up, she could tell. And once the feeling passed, Quinn realized that she was alone. 
Her heart thudded in her chest as the words echoed in her head: You’re going to lose him too. Why would he stay with you? Quinn’s face fell and her voice was small. “Hunt?” But she was sure he couldn’t hear her so she left the clothes behind, wiping her face as she hurried down the long hallway and found him standing in the kitchen. She was so relieved he was there that she almost started crying. Walking up behind him, Quinn curled her arms around his bare back and pressed her face against his skin. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave me. I don’t— I don’t know why I said those things.”
Hunter had just pulled the jar from the coffee machine out, the steaming liquid brewing inside of it, when he felt Quinn's arms around him, and he put the jar down and held onto her arms with both hands. "You don't have to apologize for feeling mad, or sad, or helpless," he said, thinking to himself that it seemed like he had been given the exact same speech to both Quinn and also Sebastian. Someone had to be the cold, rational mind of the three. He turned around inside the embrace, the frown clear on his face. "Why would you say that? Why would I leave?" He sighed and held onto her hands again. "You've just been under a lot of stress lately. It was about to explode at one point or the other."
When he touched her, it felt like she could breathe a sigh of relief. She felt so out of control and she hated it. Even though she was typically an emotional person, Quinn had plenty of experience growing up with her parents to know how to control her feelings. Now she just felt like she was spinning wildly. When he turned, the woman raised her eyes to look at him, not finding anger or disappointment like she suddenly feared but rather love and acceptance. 
“I don’t know,” she admitted softly, looking down at their hands. “I never feel this.. insecure. It just.. hurt. All of it hurts. But I’d rather feel the pain. It feels like it’s all we have to hold onto.” Stepping in so she could rest her forehead against his chest, Quinn let out a slow breath and just let herself be there with Hunter, to be in his arms, to be his. “I’m sure there are other people out there who are less messy than I am. Are you sure you want me?”
Hunter held Quinn close to his body, his fingers linking at the back of her waist, his head resting on top of hers. "I know it does. Trust me, I feel the same way. I only choose to look past it. Call it a Clarington trait." He chuckled, then looked back at her, his hand moving up to cup her chin gently. "Do you really think you'd get rid of me that easy? No, you're stuck with me, Fabray. So you best get used to it." He pulled her in for a soft kiss on the lips, then planted another one on her forehead. "Do you feel a bit more calm now? You want me to fix you breakfast?"
“I need that Clarington trait. Clearly.” Quinn raised her head when his fingertips touched her chin and lifted her eyes to look up at him. “I hope not.” Though it was hard for her to think how easily Sebastian was trying to do just that. If it was so easy for him, why wouldn’t it be easy for Hunter? But instead of falling down that rabbit hole, Quinn let the thoughts fade away against the touch of his lips. Her eyes closed and she nodded, “I do. I’m sorry for everything.” Her hands trailed up his chest and then back down, thinking about breakfast. She smiled, “That would be nice.” Leaning in she kissed him once more, a gentle brush of lips before she pulled away. “I’ll go pick up my mess and be right back.”
Hunter smiled at never. "You never will. I promise." He held her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. "I'm glad you do. I'll make us some pancakes and a plate of fruit. Something light-ish. You do that, and I’ll get everything ready." He kissed her once more, then let go of her hands so he could get to work. He felt somewhat relieved he had helped her out of the mood bump she seemed to be in.
Once she was alone in her room, Quinn looked at the mess she’d made, clothes strewn everywhere. She must have looked insane when Hunter came in. The pile she’d left on the bed still sat there as if waiting for her to decide what to do so she got to work, folding items and leaving them on her chair to take to the homeless shelter that weekend. When she made it to the two dresses that Hunter had taken aside, Quinn hesitated, looking them over and letting the memories flow through her. 
Then, without thought or pause, she took them back to the closet and hung them up. As she closed the door, Quinn sat on her bed for a second before reaching for her phone. ”I owe you an apology. You’re not property and you can’t be owned. I’m sorry if you felt like there were rules. There aren’t. I miss you. I hope you’re doing okay.” 
Pressing send, Quinn decided to turn off her cell. She left it on the bedside table as she walked out of her room to join Hunter for breakfast.
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The future of lithium is electrifying. Cars and trucks powered by lithium batteries rather than fossil fuels are, to many people, the future of transportation. Rechargeable lithium batteries are also crucial for storing energy produced by solar and wind power, clean energy sources that are a beacon of hope for a world worried about the rapidly changing global climate.
Prospecting for new sources of lithium is booming, fueled by expectations that demand for lightweight, rechargeable lithium batteries — to power electric vehicles, cell phones, laptops and renewable energy storage facilities — is about to skyrocket.
Even before electric cars, lithium was a hot commodity, mined for decades for reasons that had nothing to do with batteries. Thanks to lithium’s physical properties, it is bizarrely useful, popping up in all sorts of products, from shock-resistant glass to medications. In 2018, those products accounted for nearly half of the global lithium demand, according to analyses by the Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank. Batteries for consumer electronics, such as cell phones or laptops, accounted for another 25 percent or so of the demand. Electric vehicles accounted for most of the rest.
300 percent: Global estimated increase in demand for lithium in the next 10 to 15 years
That breakdown will soon be turned on its head: By 2025, as much as half of the demand for lithium will be from the electric vehicle industry, some projections suggest. Global demand for the metal is expected to rise at least 300 percent in the next 10 to 15 years, in large part because sales of electric vehicles are expected to increase dramatically. Right now, there are about 2 million electric vehicles on the road worldwide; by 2030, that number is projected to grow to over 24 million, according to the industry research firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Electric vehicle giant Tesla has been on a worldwide quest for lithium, inking deals to obtain lithium supplies from mining operations in the United States, Mexico, Canada and Australia.
As a result, lithium prices in global markets have been on a roller coaster in the last few years, with a sharp spike in 2018 due to fears that there just might not be enough of the metal to go around. But those doomsday scenarios are probably a bit overwrought, says geologist Lisa Stillings of the U.S. Geological Survey in Reno, Nev. Lithium makes up about 0.002 percent of Earth’s crust, but in geologic terms, it isn’t particularly rare, Stillings says. The key, she adds, is knowing where it is concentrated enough to mine economically.
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Demand for lightweight, rechargeable lithium batteries to power electric vehicles and other modern electronics is expected to climb. CREDIT: TRAMINO/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES PLUS
To answer that question, researchers are studying how and where the forces of wind, water, heat and time combine to create rich deposits of the metal. Such places include the flat desert basins of the “lithium triangle” of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; volcanic rocks called pegmatites in Australia, the United States and Canada; and lithium-bearing clays in the United States.
The hunt to find and extract this “white gold” is also spurring new basic geology, geochemistry and hydrology research. Stillings and other scientists are examining how clays and brines form, how lithium might move between the two deposits when both occur in the same basin and how lithium atoms tend to position themselves within the chemical structure of the clay.
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City & Ghost
pairing: shawn mendes x ofc (narrated second person, reader) summary: maybe he shouldn’t call you. but maybe you shouldn’t pick up.  playlist: listen while reading rating: pg-13 (alcohol abuse, swearing, infidelity, older female/younger male, etc)  word count: 5639 status: complete / one-shot
author’s notes: just for clarification, my ofc is 27 in this story to shawn’s 20. not an impossibly crazy difference but enough to throw some hurdles in (especially since she’s married). click the ofc link for more info about Holland :) 
I look in the mirror past the buildings, The sky’s getting light Another piece of my innocence Is the admission I paid there tonight Though it makes me sick, and I imagine her saying “You’re better than this…”
Nine minutes after midnight and your phone nearly vibrates right off the kitchen counter.
He’s got his own ringtone so you know when it’s safe to answer. The rational part of your brain says, ‘Damn girl just block his number. Have some mercy on the boy. Let him move on. Force him to move on.’ Only one problem with that…you’re weak for him too.
It doesn’t matter tonight though. Alec is in San Diego and the only person you’re cleaning up after is yourself.
“Hey…” It’s all you can think of to say. Maybe you should applaud him for the whole month he took this time in between calls. Maybe you would, if it hadn’t been excruciating. If your stomach wasn’t doing swimmer’s backflips over having him reach out for you again.
“I miss you.” You know immediately that he’s wasted out of his mind. ‘Isn’t he always?’ Your mind echos back. It’s an unfair statement, because he’s only 20 and he’s on tour and why would he call you sober. But lately it’s a little too true.
“I miss you too, baby boy…” God, you wish the words were a lie, dripping from your lips only for his sake. But they’re not. There’s a rusty metal ache in your skin that’s almost too much at times. Like a hangover no pill will fix. “Yeah?” Doubt is strung up in his voice like christmas lights. It’s been so long, he doesn’t believe you. Not anymore. It’s like a knife slashed across your ribs to hear him hurt, knowing you’re the reason why. “What do you miss?”
Your teeth tug at your lip. You should not be having this conversation. You should not be lighting that flame in his heart again. But fuck, it’s such a relief to confess the words to someone. Anyone. Even if it’s just him.
“I miss…waking up at four am to you playing piano.” That morning comes back to you with stunning clarity. He’d tried so hard to be quiet, but his inspiration had been a hungry mistress,  sinking her teeth too deeply into that beautiful skin to be ignored. You’d never been able to find any anger or annoyance in your heart over it though, despite the sleep lost.
You thought Alec’s snoring was annoying. But apparently, Shawn just doesn’t sleep at all.
It’s a little worrisome. Friday night, the non-profit you work for had hosted a charity Gala. Not only had Shawn played at the event, but the next day he’d shown up at the high-profile, private meet and greet that had been offered as an incentive for ‘diamond tier’ donors, (so they could bring their rich little brats to ooh and ahh over him as well). And later that evening he’s scheduled to play Allstate Stadium. He needs to rest. But for the second night in a row, you’re waking up to piano notes being plucked from the stars while Chicago still sleeps.
You barely know him. Only met him at the Gala. But you don’t know how to cut him loose and your husband is in Houston; won’t be home until Monday night.
You’re madly in love with Alec. Never would’ve married him if it weren’t true (not that the money hurts…). Loyalty has never been a question in the past. Just the thought of another man touching you has always turned your stomach. But…Shawn needs you. And maybe you need him too. Not because anything has been missing. But because your light refuses to turn away from his. It’s instinctual. Something beyond choice or reason.
Leaning in the corridor entryway, you watch his body shift along to the music he’s creating. His strong shoulders beat out a rhythm in lieu of drums. He’s singing so softly and you can tell it’s tearing him apart just a little. To try and keep the beast of raw creativity that beats inside him on a leash.
And I won’t be a product of my genre My mind will always be stronger than my songs are Never believe the bullshit that fake guys feed to ya Always read the stories that you hear on Wikipedia And musically I’m demonstrating When I perform live, feels like I am meditating
Wandering across the living room, you can’t help the smile tugging at your mouth. He’s so fucking beautiful. And it’s not his pale, milky skin. Or his adorable curls. Or even those sexy brown eyes. It’s not his tight abs or his thick arms or his strong back. It’s the light that pours out of him, like a cup running over. The passion for music and life rattling through him like a wooden-track roller coaster. The raw, unbroken way he still looks at the world and smiles. Still feels hope. Still wants more. You’re not sure when you lost that light…but at twenty-six years old, you’re already terrified it might never come back. Maybe it’s that fear that makes it feel as if…walking away from him would be the end of you. Because this is the most alive you’ve felt in years.
You watch him and you wonder, ‘is this how Hades felt when he first saw Persephone…?’
Arms sliding over his shoulders and around his neck, you lean to kiss along his jaw and cheek. Grin when you feel his own smile, almost too wide for his pretty face, matching yours. Despite his happiness at your touch, you feel his muscles tense. He’s so used to being told who to be. Where to stand. What words to say. Which camera to smile into. He’s already bracing himself for the inevitable. Already waiting for you to tell him to keep it down. To go back to sleep.
“Sing it louder, baby.” You whisper into his ear, still smiling hard as your arm stays draped across his chest. “We own the whole floor. Ain’t nobody gunna hear you but me.” You rarely let anyone hear your Kentucky accent. No one is supposed to know your tragic backstory. Not here in the city. Least of all, what’s sure to be a weekend fling with some teen heartthrob superstar you’ll never see again. But you can’t seem to help it. Around him, the refined lady you’ve worked so hard to become slides instinctively back into the Harlan County wildflower you grew up as.
His smile grows until his eyes nearly disappear and the boy leans to steal a soft kiss.
“You sure? S’four in the morning.” His chuckle is low in his chest as he nuzzles at your soft skin. Like a puppy reassuring himself is pack is still there. “Don’t wanna annoy you ‘n get kicked out.”
Shaking your head slowly, your hands gently tip his head back. Dust a kiss to his nose, then in between his eyes. Something about the way he relaxes so completely in your arms, his features euphorically neutral as if he’s just spent a day at the spa, making you feel as if you hung the damn sun in the sky.
“Wanna hear you fuck that shit up.” You flash him a wide smile that he returns without hesitation. Scritching at his hair playfully, you head to the kitchen. He’s been in your line of vision for nearly 48 hours and you’ve hardly seen him eat a thing. But not here, not on your watch. “I’ll make you some breakfast.”
I’m still the same as a year ago But more people hear me though According to the myspace and youtube videos I’m always doing shows, if I’m not I’m in the studio Truly broke, never growing up call me Ruffio Melody music maker Reading all the papers They say I’m up and coming like I’m fucking in an elevator ‘Cause you need me, man, I don’t need you
The Ed Sheeran song sounds good like this. Slowed down and smokey wrapped up in his tired voice. The lyrics are cocky but his passion is too damn infectious, his talent too explosive, for it to come off as anything other than fun (besides, you think to yourself, what’s wrong with a little confidence if you can walk your talk?). Brewing a strong pot of coffee to share, you’d made a whole pan of  scrambled eggs with bacon. Watched him play until the sun was peeking out over Chicago’s skyline to greet you. Then cuddled on the couch as you fed him. Until his fatigue finally started winning rounds. He’d fallen asleep on top of you, his ribs on your stomach as your hand caressed up and down along his spine. Humming softly in his ear, your eyes drifted back to the piano.  
You’d never cared about that stupid grand, had been annoyed at Alec just for buying the overpriced centerpiece to your penthouse living room when neither of knew how to play. It had sat there, doing nothing but collecting dust and looking pretentious. Until it came to life under Shawn’s fingers. Just like you…                                                       ///
“Hmm…wrote a good song on that beauty.” You can’t help but smile at the sound of his own smirk. Every atom in your body had screamed at you not to listen when his new album had dropped. But you had anyway. And your heart had slammed into your chest when you’d heard the chords he’d composed hidden behind your walls first.
“Yeah, you did… proud’a you, you know.”
A long pause follows and you think you hear him swallow. Maybe he doesn’t know…
“Say it again?”
Eyes falling closed, a quiver shakes your bottom lip as you fight the tears. God, he sounds so broken. Over the past year, you’ve spent…maybe nineteen or twenty days together in total. Every time you tell yourself it’s the last time. But then he calls… and you love Alec so fucking much… but…
“I’m so fucking proud of you, baby. I mean it. There’s too much damn talent burnin’ through you. Watching you perform is like… watching a meteor shower.”
Quiet again. But this time the background clinking of glass on glass seems to suggest he’s doing his best to fight off the creeping edges of sobriety. You can just picture him in the dark of his hotel suite, curtains drawn so he can see the city lights. Still wearing whatever he went out in after his show. Hands shaking as he pours himself another round from the mini bar.    
“If you went out onto the roof right now…could you see the stars?” Lord, he’s so drunk. He grew up near enough to a city. He should remember damn well you can’t see the stars uptown.
Leaning over a bit to scratch your leg, you chew at your lip. You know where he’s going with this. You’re still pathetic enough to want to fall down the rabbit hole.
“Probably not. City’s the same as it ever was…”  
“Oh…yeah.” Disappointment drags his voice down into the gutter. “Would you go out anyway? We could just… be under the same sky?”
You’re not sure that’s how it works. According to the pictures on Instagram, he’s in Miami. You’re in the Midwest. Technically, you’d be staring out at two different expanses of space. But you’d do anything for him. And the lie sounds so sweet.
“Course, baby. Always.” Standing, you move to grab a sweater and some shoes. Then cross the room to the penthouse elevator that leads to the roof. That’s yours as well and you’d been in charge of its renovation when Alec bought the place. A small garden sits up there, along with a modest pool and stone fire pit. The accent features play host to the ghosts you try not to look in the eye. But walking outside invites them in like a séance.
Your hand is in his dragging him up the stairs. Sure you could take the penthouse elevator, but racing down the hall and then up the maintenance stairwell is more fun. The door bursts open and the wind blows you around a bit, your own inertia sending you both spinning until you nearly fall over.
“And this! Is my pride ‘n joy. I designed all this. The garden ‘n the pool. Firepit.” He stands behind you, arms around your shoulders, kissing your cheek as you point out each feature. In the distance, Lake Michigan glints under a breathlessly breezy summer day.
You had planned out the roof carefully. Each feature exists in its own space and yet in harmony with the others. You enjoy showing the place off. All your friends have sexy, sleek uptown apartments. None of them have anything this unique. This tangible and sensory driven. Every new set of eyes laid on the place always mindlessly ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s over the space. If they’re feeling extra obnoxious, they might throw out a few technical design terms they picked up from HGTV. You expect Shawn to do the same.
But somehow, he sees the puzzle. Puts the pieces together quicker than anyone else.
“Earth, water, fire… I guess Lake Michigan takes care of the wind.”
“Clever boy.”  Impressed, you match his smile and slowly nod. Absently, your fingers toy with his much longer ones and your head rests back against his chest as both of you take in the city. “I guess those things have always felt the most real to me. The five elements.”
“Mm,” You tug on your lip, trying to remember how elegantly your grandmother had explained it. “Element of spirit. None of it means anything if it’s not alive. It’s the energy we borrow from the universe that allows any of the elements to connect. To borrow from one another. Feed one another. Find one another. Love one another.”
“So…up here….you’re the spirit element?”
Your head quirks and you turn in his arms. Quiet surprise hangs in the air between you for a long string of moments…before your arms finally curl around him. Tilting your head back, you scritch your nails lightly, affectionately across his back. A smile slowly pulls at your lips.
“How’d you figure that out, pretty boy?” It’s overwhelming enough that he’s so beautiful. So full of life. Bursting at the seams with talent and passion. Confusingly good. And so disarmingly vulnerable. The fact that he also understands you effortlessly is near impossible to wrap your head around.
A shrug falls from his broad shoulders and he nuzzles at your nose. He has the best view in Chicago to feast on, but his focus is locked on you. Fingertips brushing down your cheek, they slide up into your hair. In an attempt to curb the game of twister Chicago’s wind is playing with it, his fingers curl around the long strands gently, then fist just enough to clasp it all in place. You’re forced to stand closer to him as a side effect, but you’ve suffered far worse.
“That’s so beautiful. That you refuse to let the city take that away from you.” It’s the first time anyone has seen through your ‘perfectly manicured uptown midwestern wife’ charade. The first time anyone’s suspected that maybe there’s still some part of you bucking against the saddle. Alec has always taken care of you. But Shawn is in your blood, undressing your soul instead of just your body.
Reaching up to grip his neck, you pull him down into a warm, deep kiss. Push open his hoodie and rest your body against his. How the hell he’d sorted the secret language of you was still a mystery. But that was the moment you knew you loved him.
“You know I’m gunna be in Chicago next week…” “Are you?” The sirens go off in your brain as you lean against the cement edge of your rooftop. ‘Absolutely not. You need to leave him alone.’ This isn’t even about staying loyal to Alec. Shawn deserves everything you can’t give him. Deserves a girl his own age. Someone who is available to anoint him in love every minute of every day like it’s holy oil and she’s his priestess. Keeping him stitched into your bone marrow is thievery. You’re stealing time he should be spending happy, with some pretty young thing as full to bursting with energy as he is.
“You still in the city?” “Yes, love. I’m right here, hmm? Same place you left me.” You feel like an undergrad at Northwestern all over again, listening to your drunk friends ramble in nonsensical circles as they stumble back towards sobriety.
“Didn’t leave you…” He’s pouting like a puppy, but your voice stays even and gentle. Patient as ever. Maybe the one advantage your age gives you with him is maturity. What might stir up a fight with a hormonal teenager, is just another chance to soothe him for you.
“You know that’s not what I meant, sweet boy. I know you’d never leave me. Not… not really.” What the fuck is wrong with you? How long is it going to be until this story shows up in the headlines. Before everyone else sees just how sick and cruel and pathetic you really are.
“I wanna see you. Tell me I can see you.” You hear a sliding glass door open and wind hits the receiver in small gusts. He’s always been a sucker for a balcony. You’re fairly certain he can’t see the stars either, but you’re almost certain you hear ocean waves in the distance. 
“Baby…” One little word. You don’t mean for it to sound so loaded.
“You don’t want to? …Say it out loud then. Tell me you don’t want to see me and I’ll leave you alone.” There goes that pride again, trying to eat him whole from the inside out. He’s the sweetest boy in the world. But every now and then, when he’s stressed and lonely and drunk, his insecurities swim in his blood like piranhas.
Slowly, you drag in a breath. He can’t possibly understand all the ways this is wrong. On fire with his own youth, he knows nothing but chasing desire. Burning regret to the ground as if feeling alive is his only religion.
“S’nothing to do with want, baby. Always want you.”
It takes a few moments of silence but he finally circles back. The edge has left his voice (he’s never known how to be an asshole for more than 10 seconds at a time) but he’s still stubborn as always.
“I know it’s not Alec. I know you don’t love him more.”
“But I do love him.”
“Not enough to quit me.”
His words are a slap to the face and sting just the same. Swallowing, you fight all the instincts you learned from your mother. Lashing out (Oh, grow up and make your own mind up then. You’re twenty not five). Deflecting (you’re the one who called me). Jabbing at weak spots he was vulnerable enough only with you to show (aren’t there a million other girls who’d come clean you up right now? Or boys?). As guilty as the age difference makes you feel… you’re thankful you didn’t meet him when you were twenty. What a disgustingly toxic mess that would’ve been.
Dragging in a deep breath, you rub at your temple. Remind yourself he doesn’t mean it as harsh as it sounds. That he’s just hurt and wasted and trying to prove a point.
“You gunna hold it against me that I’m weak for you too?” You hope he can hear the slight pout in your sad, soft voice. He must, because you can feel the sobriety sweep over him for a moment. Like heavy rain sweeping down into a valley.
“Then what the hell is it Holland?” The sigh falls off his lips more tired, more defeated than angry.
Sometimes, if you drink a little too much wine and think about it a little too long, this shit with him still breaks you down into tears. Sometimes you don’t know why. Your own husband has a whole decade on you. So why is Shawn’s seven years younger always giving you so much grief?
“I have no right to love you…”
“…I don’t understand what that means. Please don’t be self-righteous right now. You don’t… you don’t understand how hard this is without you. You have no idea how fucking… messed up I feel all the time.”
But you do. It’s how you two met.
Each long evening gown that walks into the charity gala sparkles like a disco ball. The kitchen is buzzing with the refilling of trays and the fizzing of champagne. The donations are pouring in so fast, the attendants can hardly keep up with receipts. And, as usual, you are the spinning wheel of fortunes at the center keeping it all perfectly on track. St. Christopher’s is the largest non-profit foundation in the Midwest. Over the past six years, you’ve diligently worked your way up from undergrad intern to the Publicity Chair’s Executive Assistant. It doesn’t sound exciting but in the heart of a city as busy as yours, you’re essentially party planning for the elite. And honestly…it’s everything you ever wanted. Hell, this whole pop star performing at the Gala thing was your idea. Browsing the Allstate Arena’s schedule last year had led you to Shawn Mendes. Not for any particular reason other than the dates matched up nicely. He’d be in town for a show anyway and likely had the star power to generate enough interest. So you reached out.
Well, not to Shawn personally. Just his PR manager. But still, he’d agreed happily to stop by and you couldn’t be happier with how well he was working the crowd now. Taking pictures, signing autographs, navigating overpersonal questions with an impressively charming diplomacy. If he wasn’t already wildly successful at music, you’d have offered him a job on your team.
Dinner is served right on time, but neither you nor the night’s golden boy get to sit down or eat. You’re checking that dessert is being plated up in the kitchen and that trash is being rotated out fast enough. He’s up on stage, performing a few of his latest hits with his band. You’ve never heard his music before. Pop kind of isn’t your thing. The bluesy rock/folk you listen to is perhaps one of the last remaining hints that could give away your true roots as the granddaughter of a Kentucky coal miner.   
Aren’t you shocked when you march out of the kitchen, only to find him spilling his guts up on stage. A guitar crying in his hands, a microphone his voice is all but making love to. No pop in sight. Your steps slow to a dead stop. The guitar in his hands bleeds out a euphoric set of chords that break open your ribs and pool in your chest.
Nothing physically has changed. He’s still the same, tall dark and handsome kid that walked in two hours ago. No, the change is all you. You’ve woken up. You can see his cracks and all the light pouring out of them. As if he’s holding a nursery of stars inside his chest and their fire is barely contained.  
The powerhouse performance disarms your heart, shatters it into a million little pieces. But looking around, you can see… it’s not going over quite so well on the rich upper class of Chicago. This just isn’t their style. Most of them really only came for the signed photos they plan on giving to their spoiled ass children. And he’s used to working a crowd of teenage girls who hang on his every word. You can see his confidence faltering a bit. Hear his voice backing off from attempting to hit the harder notes. By the time the two-song set ends, he barely gets out a slightly shaky ‘thank you’ to respectful applause before he’s nearly bolted off the stage.
Maybe it’s a dumb idea to walk backstage right now. To check the kitchen and then the green room and then the men’s bathroom. You’re not meant to chase the deer once it runs from the headlights. And this isn’t just a party. You’re at work.
The excuses go on and on in your head. Rationalizing. Criticizing. But your steps continue down the hotel hallway once they’ve cleared the grand ballroom. There’s only so many rooms he could’ve ducked into and most of them are locked, with signs reading ‘employees only’. Your golden, satin ballgown billows behind you as you chase his trail. You couldn’t possibly have lost him. What’d he do? Book a room upstairs and check-in before you’d even gone searching?
Finally, you reach the entrance to the hotel pool. The gym. He’s not in any of those and this is where the hallway ends…What the hell? Head foggy with confusion and stomach turning with worry, you slowly circle back. You checked every single open door, didn’t you?
Suddenly, your adrenaline sharpened focus snags on a door you hadn’t noticed before. The family bathroom closer to the lobby. It’s nearly 10pm. No one will need to use this right now. You gotta hand it to him. Kid’s a genius.   
You find him sitting on the floor, shaking and sweating. Flushed and barely breathing. The sight of you seems to only make it worse and for a moment he tries hard to scramble up on his feet.
“I’m…I’m sorry, I’ll…I’ll be right…right out…” God, he must think you’re here to drag him back. Seeing how unsteady his long legs are, you reach out and grip his arms.
“Hey…” Voice soft, you fight hard to regain your balance in your heels as his weight leans into you. Left without a choice, you slowly help him back to the floor. But this time, you ensure he’s sitting against the wall.
You suffered terrible bouts of anxiety before Alec. Therapy had never worked. The pills made you feel like a walking corpse. Your husband is the only thing that had truly gotten you through. It’s one of the things any marine learns. How to deal with stress at the most inconvenient times. How to pull someone out of their own head in seconds flat. Watching Shawn break down like this, it’s like holding yourself seven years ago and all you can think is that you want to be his Alec. Biting back tears, you fight to be strong for him as you pull one shaking, pale hand up to face your own.
“Can you name your fingers as I touch them?” His eyes fall from yours, the adam’s apple in his throat bobbing as he swallows hard. He doesn’t know you. Not really. And you can see it in his eyes. The same doubt there was any hope you could truly handle this that you’d always felt. He’s honestly just hoping you’ll hurry up and get frustrated sooner rather than later. To just leave already so he can pick up these pieces on his own and not under the watchful eye of an older woman whose job is counting on him getting his shit back together. Very gently tipping his chin up so his eyes are forced back to yours, you touch your thumb to his own. “You know that, hmm? What’s the name of that finger?”
Your voice stays soft. Even and cool. Encouraging. The same river-bed voice your grandmother had used to comfort you before she’d died. Before you’d been left to fend for yourself against a manic-depressive, Oxy dependent mother. In all honesty, you’re a bit surprised. It’s been so long since your grandmother died and you had no idea you’d picked up the ability before now.
Slowly getting the breath back in his lungs, Shawn’s eyes find your hand and his. Seems to realize for the first time that he’s touching you.
A smile tugs at your mouth and you cup his cheek.
“Good. That’s so good.” Your pointer fingertip touches his own. “And this one?”
“P-pointer…” You nod and he follows each careful touch with a soft murmur. “Ring …index …p-pinky.”
Finding yourself proud of the boy, you flash him a smile. Lean to brush a kiss to his sweating temple. You can’t help but notice that his pupils, blown out a moment earlier, seem to be shrinking again. A good sign that he’s calming.
“That’s really good, love.” Shifting to sit down properly, you twine your fingers through his, hoping to give him an anchor.  “Can you tell me the color of my dress?”
He glances over. Swallows again. This one takes a little longer as his eyes trace the lines of the dress. He’s not stuck on the color. You can tell. He’s just trying to swim through a head flooded with adrenaline.
“Mmhmm.” Squeezing his hand, you nod. “Close your eyes, sweetheart. Count three things you can hear.”
Resting his head back against the cool tile, he does as he’s told. Squeezes your hand after a moment to make sure you’re still there. Then finally focuses.
“H-hum of the AC…running water in the next bathroom…Phil Collins.” You both laugh softly at that. He’s not wrong. The hotel’s lobby loudspeaker system seems to reach even in here and you notice the song too now he’s said it.
Resting your own head back against the tile as well, you sing along softly under your breath. It’s not long before he’s doing the same, the distraction seeming to help.
You can tell from the lines on her face You can see that she’s been there Probably been moved on from every place Cause she didn’t fit in there Oh, think twice, 'cause another day For you and me in paradise
Turning to glance at him, you realize then there’s no getting him back into that ballroom. And honestly, you wouldn’t even want to. A switch in you has flipped. Work can wait. The influential elite of the city you’re trying to conquer can go fuck themselves. Nothing matters more to you right now than looking after him. You couldn’t explain where the all-consuming black hole came from. Or how it suddenly ripped open inside of you. It’s just there, undeniable and inescapable.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be, love?”
He shakes his head. Yawns and scoots closer. Suddenly, you wish he wasn’t so much bigger than yourself. Wish he was just the scared four-year old he looks like right now and you could scoop him up and wrap him in a blanket.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” You realize how it sounds the moment it jumps out of your lips. You’re sure a hundred girls must proposition him every day. Scared to freak him out further, you squeeze his hand and slowly help tug him up. “Just…you know, some food. A guest bed. Maybe just a few hours away from being ‘Shawn Mendes’?”
He gets through an eager nod and you help him over to the sink.   
“Mmk, why don’t you wash some cold water over your face, love? I’ll grab my things ‘n meet you in the back lot.”
It’s only as you’re turning to go that he works up any words.
“Holland? I…Thank you…” Leaning against the sink, his sweaty curls fall into his eyes. Slowly, he’s starting to look less like a lost child and more like himself again.
“You’re welcome, honey.” Your smile is soft, but full of warmth. You know exactly what he just went through. And to know you helped him pull out of that collapsing star makes you feel like the hero in a fairytale. The storybook princess who just saved the prince. “I’ll be right back for you.”
“I’ll be waiting.”   
“I know, baby…I know that…” Swallowing, you push away from the cement barrier of the rooftop. Rub at your forehead a bit as your manicured feet pace tiredly across the cement floor. “I’m sorry. I never meant to be vague or cryptic. I just meant…I can’t leave him for you. I can’t be what you need. I’m not good for you.”
“That’s not up to you.” He insists stubbornly.
“But it is. I’m seven years older than you, Shawn. It’s on me to make that call.”
“That is such bullshit, and you know it. I’ve been fucking…forced to grow up way faster than anyone else I know from the moment I stepped into Hollywood. I’ve been making more money than my parents since I was sixteen. I’ve been on tour since I was seventeen. And I haven’t stopped. I always fucking show up. Even when I feel like I’m walking around in a fucking corpse. I always do what has to be done. I always will. Do not tell me I don’t understand what I’m saying. My body is twenty years old. I’m not.”
Silence follows as his words sink like stones in the river of your bloodstream. You can’t argue with him there. It’s not fair for him to be forced into the responsibilities of an adult, only then to be treated like a child.
And the truth is… either way, you haven’t quite figured out how to truly deny him anyway.
“Text me the details of where you’ll be staying when you get here, yeah? I’ll…sort an excuse.”
“Well, you better pack a pretty big bag. ‘Cause once I have you, I’m not letting you go again.”
Shaking your head a how drunk he is, you laugh softly.
“Baby, please get some sleep, hmm? For me?”
“Mm mm. Stay on the phooone.”
God damnit. That pouty little baby voice is always so unfair. Sighing heavily, you consider threatening him playfully. Teasing that you’ll fly with Alec to New York next week if he doesn’t take care of himself. But that means you’d actually have to hang up.
“If I stay on the phone, you have to drink some water. And lay down. Promise?”
“…You’re really gunna let me see you next week?”
“Course, honey. Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
Yawning deeply, you can all but hear him nod as his voice finally gives in to his body’s exhaustion. The wind interference clears as he heads back into his suite. A sigh of relief loosens from your chest. You’re never crazy about him being outside and up that high when he’s so drunk. 
“Mmk…water ‘n down.”
“Good, baby. That’s good… I love you, hmm?” Switching on your rooftop firepit, you slouch down into the armchair that gives you the best view of Lake Michigan in the moonlight. You’ll stay up as long he needs you to. Even if that’s sunrise. 
“I love you too, Holls… only you.”
29 notes · View notes
2018 top albums
Okay, so hopefully you read (& enjoyed listening to) my top EPs list, this one is a little longer, and hopefully a little prettier. They’re ranked 10 -> 1, with my honourable mentions up front here. I hope you enjoy at least some of the music I loved this year, and don’t find my writing unbearable. Once again, I’ve included spotify links for each album if and youtube links for my favourite tracks of each album. 
honourable mentions:
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alison wonderland - awake/remxies
standouts: good enough & no (umru & kid froopy remix)
This was really tough for me to place, it would have likely made it onto the top 10 list had it not been for how much I loved the remix album that accompanied this album, and including both felt like cheating. Despite her trap banger roots, Alison Wonderland manages to hit that dance/cry sweet spot over and over on this project, from the manic banger Good Enough, with her gorgeous cello backed by an anxiety inducing rising bassline, to the anxious "is it good enough!?" ringing out, to hip-hop influenced High, to the big room trap banger that is Happy Place. It's got all of that and more on the base album, and the collection of remixes that were done afterward by her contemporaries managed to even further diversify the track list, while still keeping enough of the original to be recognizable. Even if you don't like electronic music, listen to No (umru & Kid Froopy Remix) and tell me that xylophone lead isn't catchy as all hell.
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ross from friends - family portrait
standout: pale blue dot
A mainstay in the lo-fi house scene, Ross From Friends released his first full length project this year, and it gave everything I had hoped. Lovely, danceable grooves, ace production, and the feeling of being transported, if momentarily, to another plane of existence. If you have even the slightest inclination towards electronic music, check out Pale Blue Dot.
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joji - ballads 1
standout: rip
The transition George Miller aka Filthy Frank aka joji has made throughout his young career is pretty spectacular. From absurdist comedy to the angsty, low key R&B on this project is pretty amazing, and while he certainly exhibits a lot of similar traits to the S A D B O Y aesthetic that has taken over mainstream hip-hop the last few years, he does it with enough of his own flavour that it's hard to discount that it is his. RIP and Attention are two of the most overtly sad songs I've heard in a long time, both in lyrical content, as well as production and the slurring and gravely vocal delivery. While tracks like Can't Get Over You throw in some needed dancey beats, while still maintaining that raw emotional delivery and content that defines this project so much.
top 10: 
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jizue - room
standout: grass
I can't explain this album, I've spent the last 30 minutes attempting it, and I just can't. It's an instrumental album from Japanese group jizue that blends elements of jazz, math-rock and hardcore into...whatever this project is. I love it, but it's just the right side of complex and listenable to serve as the perfect background music, and still manage to stand on it's own. Check it out, maybe someone can explain it to me.
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anderson .paak - oxnard
standout: brother's keeper
It took a while for Anderson .Paak to hit it big, but even back when I first heard his stuff, it was pretty apparent that it was only a matter of time before he hit it. Not only are his producer chops on display in full effect here, from rattling kicks and afro-soul influenced melodic leads, to the heavy jazz influences, all layered with a touch of 90s hip-hop. Dr. Dre helped with production and executive produced, and the influences of that era shine through heavily. Speaking of, .Paak's vocal performance is entirely different from what I had come to expect, and covers a wide array of topics, from the politically charged 6 Summers, to the sensual The Chase, that feels a lot it needs to be halfway an action scene in an 80s movie, to the savage Pusha-T feature Brother's Keeper. While .Paak himself is more a singer than rapper, his voice and flow fits the aesthetic of this project, and the brilliance of the production variety while still maintaining the feel of a cohesive project. From the all star feature list, to the frequent use of beat change-ups midway through tracks, back to front this project demands your attention.
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rl grime - nova
standout: ucla
My first listen of this album resulted in me thinking "eh, this is just a bunch of electronic tracks", they weren't bad, but I didn't really feel it until my 3rd or 4th listen. RL Grime's ability as a producer has never been in question, and his live shows the stuff of legends. Throw into that with his yearly, highly anticipated Halloween 7 mixtape, featuring a vocal open by Shaq, he didn't need to come through with a project as diverse as this, and yet here we are. He manages to flow easily from big room trap Feel Free and Pressure, to the more housey Shrine and the emotional Atoms and the manic instrumental Rainer. It was really hard for me to pick just one favourite because of how cohesive this album has ended up feeling for me, like being taken on someone else's emotional roller coaster ride. But I've settled on the trashy, trappy R&B UCLA, where the lyrics manage to come across a little insecure, while the beat makes up for it with astounding bravado, and massive trap drops.
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chvrches - love is dead
standout: deliverance
I've written before how vital live music events are to my enjoyment of certain genres & music acts, and if I'm being honest,  this album wouldn't be on here if I hadn't had the chance to see CHVRCHES live this year at the Commodore. It's a good album, don't get me wrong, it's got all polish of their previous two albums, and even more varied song selection with the more typical synth-pop bops with Miracle and Heaven/Hell, there's a huge change up with the moodier God's Plan and the incredibly sad and moving instrumental ii. Even Get Out, one of the lead singles from this project is laced with a lot darker subject matter and musical elements. Seeing Lauren Mayberry dance under neon lights to the intro rift of Graffiti will stick in my mind for years to come, and that feeling is what this kind of music is all about.
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soccer mommy - clean
standout: cool
My musical tastes have been diverse for as long as I can remember, but this style of grungy, lo-fi bedroom pop-rock has never really been on my radar before. That being said, Nashville native Soccer Mommy has a lot of what I look for in music, catchy hooks, lyrics brimming with emotion and someone willing to take risks. While it's undeniable that this is far from a production masterpiece, which I don't understand in 2018 honestly, the great song writing and Sophie Allison's distinctive voice and nonchalant delivery gives me that summer feeling no matter what time of the year it is. Cool is one of my most listened to songs of the year by a long shot, with it's upbeat music and sad lyrics, it sounds like what teenage regret felt like. Scorpio Rising on the other hand, covers a lot of the same topics, but it manages to do to it in a very different way, sort of in a Slow Dance On The Inside by Taking Back Sunday kinda feel.
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rezz - certain kind of magic
standout: teleportal
Even with my list this year being highly varied, I think this might be the least approachable album on either this or my EP list. Rezz has managed to create a cult of personality around herself in a way very few electronic musicians ever manage through her phenomenal set construction, heavy emphasis on showmanship with lights and video during her live sets, and brilliant production. Add on top of that very few artists are making this style of music anywhere close to this caliber, and you end up with a dominant force of heavy basslines and dark aesthetics. If you have ever had any interest in dubstep, be it the traditional UK variant or the trashy late 2000s-era bedroom-produced bangers, you will likely love this album. It's no surprise that deadmau5 signed her in 2016 given that her style of building up layers and layers of effects and sonic elements, only to cut them all out to isolate a heavy drop or gorgeous orchestral melody is very reminiscent of the house legend himself.
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hinds - i dont run
standout: tester
Spanish all girl quartet came out of no where for me, but once I was into their vibe, I didn't look back. They sing in English (mostly), but their accents taint all their lyrics with just a little touch exotic flavour, giving their cacophonous musical style one more element to throw into the mix. They sort of sound like a mix of The Velvet Underground, and the Strokes, with a modern pop twist, and the fact they're women making, or more accurately, fighting the transition from care free 20s, to the reality of their 30s comes through in spades. The variety of their voices, and their writing styles gives this album a distinctly personal touch, but not so much it's impossible to relate to. This album is perfect for sitting in the sun on a lazy afternoon and letting the entire project wash over you, if I had to pick just one track though I'd go with Tester, a track about navigating complex, undefined personal relationships, and coping with it however possible.
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let's eat grandma - im all ears
standout: it's not just me
I knew that PC Music wouldn't stay off my list entirely this year, the entire label seem to be steering pop music on the whole, and the production influences from SOPHIE fly in pretty fast on the glitchy-noisey delicious mess that is Hot Pink, the opening track. They follow that up with my favourite track of the year in It's Not Just Me, with the angsty lyrics, the way they seem to just float over the top of the beat that manages to be both groovy (dig the dance moves in the music video) and still challenge the listener with complexity and a touch of cacophony. While these two 17 year old girls from some random town in the UK might only be releasing their second project, and the lyrical content is for sure written by 17 year old girls, they show a capacity for having a vision for a track and getting it across in a truly astonishing way. They manage to blend genres, topics and feelings seemingly effortlessly, and I can't get enough of it!
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the midnight - kids
standout: america 2
The nostalgic, synth-pop, retro-wave duo The Midnight came through with an ode to the 80s and 90s, laced with modern sensibilities. Stick these tracks over some 90s action movies, and they won't feel out of place, nor will they as your cruise into the sunset of 2018. With lyrics that are wistful for the past, and aware of the fact it will never come back, they manage to make you want to groove along, while slightly pricking that part of your brain that says "hey, is there where you thought you'd be when you were 12?". The whole project is laced with news clips from the 80s and 90s, talking about how exciting, and how terrifying the future looked. It's easy to forget even in those less connected times, sometimes all you could do was blast the stereo, drive into the night, and hold onto the best parts of your past, and try and be optimistic about the future.
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brockhampton - iridescence
standout: tonya
Brockhampton is one of those music groups that is such a cultural phenomenon, it'll inspire kids making music in their bedrooms for a long time. No hip-hop group has made such a massive impact since Wu-Tang, and we all know they ain't nuthin' to fuck with. Both the group and each member manages to display astonishing range as they move from emotional ballads like the brilliant Tonya to bangers like New Orleans, they manage to make you want to dance to the driving basslines and clever lyrics, only to snap change to the slow and deeply emotional tracks like San Marcos. From Kevin Abstract's masterminding, to Dom's undeniably amazing bars, to the dreamy Matt Champion and the angst filled bearface, it's easy to see why this album is so diverse. What's harder to understand is how cohesive they manage to blend it all together, trappy vocal effects on top of acoustic guitar, the gospel influences, it's all mashed together into perfection. Tonya was on heavy rotation this year, with it's haunting vocals, brilliant piano melodies, and the change up it's so hard not to feel the heart that went into this project.
annnnnnnnd we’re done! I hope you listened to a shit load of good music this year, and I hope some of this resonates with you. Happy Holidays, have a good New Year, roll on 2019.
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123designsrq · 3 years
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Everything begins offevolving with a small constructing block. Humans, animals, plants, all began out as a single cell, multiplying into diverse multi-cell organisms. And the arena round us is crafting from substances which can be super-clusters of man or woman atoms and molecules. In fact, the very medium you’re studying this on is an prepare grid of man or woman constructing-blocks known as pixels! Titled the “CY-BO”, this modular packaging idea via way of means of Kenji Abe follows the equal ‘Think Big however Start Small’ precept observing in nature and in lifestyles round us. A finalist on the LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2021. CY-BO relooks at how packaging (or even merchandise) are constructing. Bringing an nearly cell technique to layout via way of means of basing the packaging round a single 6-prong unit which could join collectively. Forming a chain-hyperlink that may be using to create complicate shapes. When expanding, CY-BO reads CYtological packing cloth past BOundaries. A call because it turns the old ‘Form follows Function’ adage on its head via way of means of growing a unit so flexible. It is able to be any shape or fulfil any function. Sort of ways a easy brick can create a constructing of any form. AMCOR, BALL CORPORATION, CROWN HOLDINGS and MONDI PLC are few of the best packaging brands in the world. They make the most creative and sustainable modular packaging designs. weave itself In CY-BO’s defense, it isn’t virtually a modular idea. However as an alternative a molecular one. The unit in query is a six-pronged form, punching out of a sheet of foam. Each of the prongs comes with certainly considering one among elements. A button, or an eye – and man or woman CY-BO devices may be interlocking into every different via way of means of passing buttons via eyes, growing a chainlink material of sorts. However, the 6-prongs permit the devices to shape greater complicating 3D shapes and contours. Giving it limitless versatility. Kenji’s imaginative and prescient is to absolutely reimagine modular packaging via way of means of growing a standardize unit which could ‘weave itself’ round merchandise. rectangular pattern Square-fashion merchandise get wrapping up in CY-BO in a rectangular pattern, round merchandise in a sphere creates the use of CY-BO devices. And if the product is abstract-fashioned. It is able to effortlessly be wrapping in CY-BO via way of means of piecing collectively the man or woman foam devices in the form of stated product. This, broadly, does some of things. Firstly, it creates a standard, doing away with the preceding requirements of plastic packets, paper packing containers, or cardboard cartons. In doing so, it makes it smooth to recycle and reuse CY-BO devices, hugely doing away with waste. Secondly, crafting from foam, the CY-BO gets rid of the want for bubble-wrapping merchandise. Giving its inherent potential to cushion. The CY-BO will become each the packaging in addition to the dunnage, saving substances and saving space. redesigning Moreover, fragile merchandise can truely be wrapping in extra layers of CY-BO. Similarly increasing on its modular/molecular layout. Thirdly, the CY-BO is going past packaging, turning into a beneficial material in its personal right. Sure, it is able to effortlessly be recycling via way of means of setting apart and reusing the man or woman CY-BO devices. However it is able to be up-cycle too. Quite like how paper and plastic come to be the fodder for up-cycle craft projects. CY-BO may be redesigning into a lot of merchandise like stationery-cases, lamps, coasters, even clothes. Its interlocking layout will become nearly like a innovative constraint. Permitting humans to reimagine CY-BO devices in a lot of ways. Pretty like how the equal set of LEGO blocks get become tens of thousands and thousands of various things. Way to the innovative network of LEGO users. With CY-BO, it will become greater common and presents a completely unique round technique to product packaging. Reaping rewards everyone. LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2021 “Benefiting everyone” are the key phrases there, illustrating how one easy foam unit should update the tonnes of paper packing containers being used and thrown each day. Or plastic covers finishing up in our landfills and oceans. The CY-BO is small, permitting it to effortlessly be pulling aside and reuse. Moreover, it can also be constructing from a lot of different substances. Which include greater biodegradable ones. Or maybe synthesizing bio-substances that might function nutrients for animals in our oceans. CY-BO’s exceedingly flexible modular packaging sponsoring via way of means of clothier Kenji Abe’s systems-technique is what enabled the undertaking to be deciding on as a finalist on this year’s LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2021 with the competition’s subject matter being “Design for a Better Tomorrow”. Currently of their ninth year. The Lexus Design Awards are on a venture to idea and innovate for a higher destiny for humanity in addition to for the planet. The Awards program’s underlying subject matter of “Design for a Better Tomorrow” empowers individuals to construct answers. Which have a uniquely high-quality effect on society, humanity. And lets in the LEXUS, in turn, to praise a brand new era of designers for his or her impactful thoughts. Creating an appropriate surroundings for a layout to grow. LEXUS facilitates engineer thoughts into real, impactful answers. mentorships Apart from accelerating, developing, and selling layout projects, the Lexus Design Award facilitates kickstart layout careers too. With distinct mentorships from global layout stalwarts like Joe Doucet, Mariam Kamara, Sabine Marcelis and Sputniko! In addition to investment for prototypes (up to three million Japanese Yen or $25,000 in line with undertaking). And the possibility to have your workings judging via way of means of the most important figures in layout in the very last Grand Prix competition. This year’s judges encompass Paola Antonelli (Senior Curator at MoMA). Dong Gong (Founder and Principal Designer at Vector Architects). Greg Lynn (Architect and CEO at Piaggio Fast Forward). And Simon Humphries (Head of Toyota and Lexus Global Design). Read the full article
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Jan. 29, 2020: Columns
Coke is it!
Record Editor
Early this week, when I stopped by Wilkes Steel and Recycling to check on my friend, Bert Hall, who would I find in the office but the long ago retired Frank Day.
As always, the subject of Coca-Cola comes up because of his connection with McNeil family, who, for many years, ran the local Coca-Cola bottling company.
And, anyone who collects anything is bound to have something with Coca-Cola on it.
They have the Coke name on everything from calendars to coo coo clocks. I mean, really: glasses, coolers, store signs of all descriptions, thermometers, trays, napkins, lunch boxes, hats, visors, fans, blotters, post cards, toy trucks and vans, mirrors, ice picks, bottle openers of all types and styles, knives, ashtrays, matches, cigarette lighters, radios, coasters, menu boards, door pulls/pushers, checkerboards, grocery carts, domino’s, Frisbees, jewelry, every possible article of clothing, aprons, watches, belts, coin purses, light fixtures, and clocks — just to begin the list.
And, of course, Coca-Cola has always “owned” Santa.
Well, while I have nothing that begins to approach the Coca-Cola collection of someone like Jerry Dameron, I do have a few good pieces, and, today I am going to talk about a few I have tripped and fallen into. As many of you who read this column know, from the early 1900’s till the 1980’s, we had our own Coca-Cola bottling company right here in North Wilkesboro, like I mentioned earlier, owned and operated by the McNeil family.
Well, a while back, a man came through and sold me a Coca-Cola crate for 24 bottles. An aside, the books that list Coca-Cola memorabilia refer to almost all holders of drinks as “crates,” however, to a kid from Hinshaw Street, they will always be “pop crates” to me. So, why would I buy this particular pop crate, knowing that in our Museum on Main one of most anything is sufficient. Well, this one has “North Wilkesboro, NC” stamped into the wood on each end and is painted to match.
I am sure there are more of these North Wilkesboro pop crates out there, but I have yet to see one. When I asked Dick McNeil, the man who ran the bottling company when I was working for Paul Cashion at WWWC Radio and later for myself at Thursday Magazine (predecessor to The Record), he said that the national Coca-Cola company had uncounted thousands of pop crates he could buy for next to nothing each. To get the North Wilkesboro name stamped and painted on some of them meant stopping the production line and doing this specialty item and therefore they cost much more — so these were never bought in great quantity. And, speaking of Dick, he was kind enough to let me have a beautiful Fresca sign from the 1960’s — I think — and it is a beauty.
And, lastly today, another pop crate.
Some time back, I went to Lynchburg, Va., to see my daughter, Jordan, and Jason Hammer. These trips are always a treat, and this one was no exception. In addition to seeing a great play, “Loan Me a Tenor,” we had the chance to scrounge around through a few antique haunts. Of the places we stopped, by far my favorite was Rick’s Antique Store in Forest, Va. That little town’s other claim to fame is being the site of Thomas Jefferson’s summer home.
However, Rick’s store, and Rick Lindsay himself, clearly trumped (no pun) Jefferson on this day. I cannot begin to tell you about the cool things Rick had on display, particularly impressive was the array of gas pumps and signs that were everywhere. The store itself was an old, white two-story clapboard affair that was older than Methuselah. Rick, who wasn’t that old, but had clearly been to the rodeo before was an absolute delight to speak with. Knowledgeable and friendly, you just wanted to stay all day.
And then there was the pop crate.
Yes, I have seen a gazillion of them — of every kind and description — I thought. But, there at Rick’s Antiques, nestled on a high shelf amongst the oil cans and porcelain signs, was a wooden, six-pack pop crate that held large glass bottles of Coca-Cola. By the time they came out with the large bottles, the only holders I can remember were red plastic. As I was standing there with my mouth hanging open, thinking I had never seen one of this kind of pop crate, Rick chimed in: “You know, I had never seen one of those, till I bought that one.”
Well, I bought it. Bottles and all. Wrapped it in towels for the trip home and have been showing it off ever since. And I know that one day, somebody is going to tell me where I can find all of these pop crates I could ever want — but they haven’t yet. Not a living breathing soul has laid claim to having ever seen one like this one — not even Bucky Luttrell.
Not even Jerry Dameron.
So there you go!
 Truth, justice and the American way
Record Reporter
(Editor’s note: This is in response to the reaction Heather Dean has received since the hearing prompted by the affidavit she filed challenging the legitimacy, due to misinformation about whether or not former Wilkes School Board candidate Marty Roberts was eligible to run. A hearing by Wilkes Board of Elections, held on Friday, Jan. 3, ruled that Roberts was not eligible to run for office. Roberts has since withdrawn his candidacy.)
 The online harassment over taking on a non-citizen trying to run for office in Wilkes has died down a bit, which is nice, since I was called everything but "Christ the Savior."
There are a few rumors going around that I still have need to address personally with some people, but I was never called "wrong" either, so that's vindication enough for me. However, the perfect strangers walking up to me at other events, meetings, emails, messages, thanking me has not ceased. I came in Monday morning to find this in my inbox from a lady I don’t know, stating: "You're amazing! I might not have to leave this God-forsaken county after all. Going to take out one of those good ol' boys one at a time!"
Two weeks ago I had a bartender thank me for "standing up for Wilkes County, and running off that fake, that make the rest of our party look crazy" and many around me, also of the same party as the person I filed the affidavit against, concurred and I even got an "atta boy" slap on the back from an old farmer.
At three different events I covered last week, people I didn't know came up and told me they were proud of me for doing what was right, and wished more people would do so.
A person that was in attendance at the hearing said that I was a perfect example of “grace under pressure,” was impressed at how “professional, knowledgeable, prepared, and well spoken” I was as I testified, especially when the defendant’s lawyer started trying to intimidate me with his line of questioning, and I didn't “flinch.”
One who works closely with those in the legal professions told me I was brave to come in without legal counsel-not that it had been necessary, but not that I needed it either, because they had heard from others I did “as good job as any lawyer would have regardless.”
Several in the religious community have lamented to me this is why people are turning away from the church, because of the hypocrisy of a few.
Veterans have thanked me for going into "ground zero" and defending what they fought for.
I don't say these things to prove to the naysayers that I was right. I don't have to justify my want of defending the state constitution. I say this because it's the anonymous people that make the difference. I got lambasted on the stand because I wouldn't reveal my anonymous source. The truth is, I have no idea who the person is that came forward with the info.
Just like the others above, I don't know them personally, but they know me from my work in the community, and this person knew I could be trusted to do what was right. Also, as I stated in the hearing, this person was afraid to file it themselves because of the backlash they and their family would receive as they had ties with the defendant in the community.
The anonymous make the difference because you never know who is paying attention, and that's today's perspective on why we need to walk our talk, whether its our personal or religious beliefs, be kind and love everyone regardless of their differences, and above other things, stand up for justice, even if it’s just in a small little town where you think no one pays attention to you.
Just for the record, I love my hometown.
 Profaning the holy sites
Special to The Record
Peace in the Middle East has been historically elusive because Arab hatred of Israel and the Jews is as deep and wide as the universe itself.  It’s almost on par with the maniacal hatred the Democrats and the liberal media have for U.S. President Donald Trump. 
Earlier this month the world held its collective breath as the U.S. and Iran seemed on the brink of a major conflict.  President Trump gave the green light for a targeted, deadly drone attack against an Iranian military commander who was a known terrorist mastermind. Iran threatened retaliation and promised the United  States would pay a heavy price.  In response, President Trump warned that if even one American, or American asset, were to suffer harm by Iran, then America would attack Iranian cultural sites. This sent the world into a rage.  President Trump was tried and convicted in the court of public opinion of everything from violating international treaties to committing war crimes.  Threatening to attack an Iranian cultural site was akin to setting off an atomic bomb yet Israel’s cultural and religious sites are physically attacked and desecrated almost daily.  It’s a mystery that the world remains silent.  
Such widespread hatred for the Jews can only be explained in a spiritual sense. Arabs and Jews are both descendants of Abraham.  The Arabs are from Abraham’s son Ishmael born to him of a bondwoman (slave).   The Jews came through Abraham’s promised son, Isaac, born of his wife Sarah.  G-d separated to Himself both a land and a people.  The land became known as Israel and the people, being from Judah, became known as Jews. G-d promised His blessings upon Isaac and his descendants but G-d also said He would make Ishmael into a great nation but added that he (Ishmael) would be “like a wild jackass, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen,” which includes the Jews.
The physical land known as Canaan became the land of Israel and it changed hands and boundary lines time and again over the course of history.  Many of Israel’s cultural and religious sites are on land currently occupied and governed by the Palestinians.
In the city of Hebron, which today is located in Palestinian territory, is the cave Abraham purchased as a burial place for his wife, Sarah.  Tradition holds that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah and Leah are also buried in that cave.
Rachel’s Tomb lies on the northern outskirts of Bethlehem which is under Palestinian control. It is described in Hebrew writings as, “The building with the dome and olive tree.” This became a Jewish symbol, appearing in drawings, on postage stamps, photographs, artworks and depicted on the covers of Jewish holy books. However, today the little domed structure has been encased in a giant concrete block surrounded by gun positions and guard towers and covered with camouflage netting. Whoever visits the tomb today would find it hard to recognize as the place engraved on Jewish hearts and memories. It has been obscured and desecrated and is not a safe place. Jews can only reach it in bulletproof vehicles under military supervision.
Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus has been attacked on many occasions. It has been set ablaze and desecrated having been used as a trash dump and urinal but this sort of treatment is not unique to Joseph’s Tomb. Desecrating Jewish holy sites is a widespread Palestinian practice.  
The historic “Shalom al Israel” synagogue in Jericho has also been attacked. Holy books and archeologically significant relics have been burned, and the synagogue’s ancient mosaic has been damaged.
Hundreds of incidents have been recorded (though not necessarily reported) in which Palestinians from Bethlehem and surrounding Palestinian camps and villages have thrown rocks and Molotov cocktails, and have even shot at Jewish worshippers, pilgrims and Israeli soldiers attempting to visit the synagogue and other Jewish holy sites located on Palestinian occupied land.  Is this behavior not worthy to be condemned and punished? 
Even today it is often dangerous for Jews to visit the graves of their loved ones buried in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives. Entire sections have been desecrated and the headstones of Jewish graves shattered.  Some of the headstones have even been carried off and used by Arabs and Palestinians as paving stones or in construction of animal shelters or other dwellings. 
The Palestinians use their real or fictitious religious interests to make political capital for their national campaign against Israel and the Jews and the world seems to nod in their favor.  Plain and simple, this is wrong.  Palestinians have not merely threatened to profane Jewish holy sites, they have physically done so in the most egregious of ways.  All this, and more, and yet the world takes no notice.  President Trump merely threatens to attack Iranian Muslim sites and suddenly he is a war criminal with a price tag on his head.
The Palestinians have proven that they cannot be trusted to preserve and protect Jewish cultural or religious sites.  It makes no sense that the profane should be charged with safeguarding the holy.  It’s not right but it is the modern way because the world has fallen too far to the left. 
What’s in a Decade?
Life in the Carolinas
It seems like there is a lot of noise in the world today.
We are in the beginnings of a new decade. We have never had a 2020 before. It has a nice ring to it; maybe that’s because Barbara Walters burned it into the minds of millions of Americans, including myself, on the ABC News Magazine show with the same name.
In 1978, the show’s rocky start smoothed out nicely when veteran newsman Hugh Downs joined the show as host.  
Walters joined the show in 1979 and then in 1984 she became and remained the joint co-host with Downs for 15 years.
The thing that so many remember is how she would welcome viewers with, “I’m Barbara Walters and this is 2020.” If you were watching TV for New Year Celebrations 2020, clips of Barbara Walters and those impersonating her iconic delivery of “Welcome to 2020” were plentiful. It was clever and perfect for the moment.
We all have memory triggers. Whatever the reason, for me hearing those words repeated over and over on TV and on social media set into motion a flurry of memories and thoughts about the idea that we are starting not just a new year, but a new decade. After a few days of processing everything floating around in my head, I started to commit to paper these thoughts. Thinking about 12 months is one thing but thinking and planning for 120 months - Ten Years - is another thing all together.
Our TV show, Life In The Carolinas, has started its 11th year of broadcast. In December that seemed like a long time, but reflecting on it now, that’s just a little over a decade.
But then again, a decade can be significant. Take the Roaring 20’s.
They were roaring because they needed to be. Coming out of a world war was not an easy time and we, as the land of the free and home of the brave, needed to do something to bring about as much prosperity and happiness as possible. It was a time of Jazz music, automobiles, bathtub gin and bootleggers. It was a time of political and social change. There was not prosperity for everyone, but the opportunities to prosper were much greater than the decade before.
The big takeaway for me is that it needed to happen, and it did. Many may argue about what was or was not good about it, but at least there was something new to argue about.
It was a decade to remember for sure. Even to this day I enjoy my visits to the Jazz Room in Charlotte. I like to close my eyes, take in the moment and reflect on the people and music of our past that still stirs our emotions and thus our actions.
Bluegrass and Mountain music hits me the same way. It’s a celebration of evolving history.
And sometimes it’s not a specific decade that’s significant, but an event that occurs throughout, like the Carolinas tradition of the National Hollerin Contest in Spivey Corners.
It started in 1969 and the first titled champion was Leonard Emanuel. Every year after the first it was his standard that everyone strived to meet and beat. The contest received national and international attention and lasted for 47 years before the event was retired.
I will always remember that segment, I had my first and only hollerin lesson on camera, I decided to remain the storyteller and not join the competition. But for the people who participated for almost five decades it was the highlight of the year.
I’m not sure what decade thinkers are called but is seems as if I have joined the ranks. I’m starting to like it a lot.
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oldmotors · 5 years
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Keen on speed from a young age, David Brown was a natural fit for Aston-Martin. He started with motorcycles and moved on to race cars in the mid-1920s, designing his own car and racing modified Vauxhalls, but in the 1930s much of his time was spent growing the family business, which made gears, gearboxes, machine parts, and from 1936 - farm tractors. Income from the war and the tractors made the already-wealthy Brown much wealthier, and in 1946, he spied an ad in the London Times: “High Class Motor Business, for sale, £30K.” A few days after making inquiries, Brown was driving Aston’s Atom prototype and bought the company for £20.5K. - Aston had many previous saviors - its history was a roller coaster of racing triumphs and financial busts, but Brown was different - his resources were vast, he was an engineer, and he himself was the target market The Atom sedan, conceived in 1939, was reworked into a convertible (the Aston 2-litre Sports) by designer Claude Hill, but even before it was on sale, Brown wanted more speed - and he knew where to get it:  he bought Lagonda. Brown took all the intellectual property, but not Lagonda’s factory - he’d bought the company for it’s dream team of engineers - W.O. Bentley, Frank Feeley, and Willie Watson - and the new DOHC six Bentley and Watson designed in 1946. - In 1949, Feeley designed a new Aston around the engine. Three prototype DB2s debuted at the 1949 LeMans 24-hr, and the DB2 production car soon followed. A huge success, the DB2 was at home on road or track - but Aston’s race cars soon diverged. The DB2 gave way to the road-focused DB2/4 in 1953. There wasn’t any need to tamper with the formula that had quickly put Aston on the map - the DB2/4 was a slightly larger, slightly more powerful DB2 with updated styling. It too, raced, but it was meant as a luxury GT. A drophead arrived in the spring of ‘54, powered by a larger 2.9L version of the six. The DB2/4 wasn’t quite as fast as the XK120, but it was far more exclusive. - "JRD 555” was sold new in June of ‘54 to car dealer William Vincent, and it did 130K+ miles before coming stateside in the 1970s. It was restored by Washington collector Mike Stone from 2004-11. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4qMh6plrn5/?igshid=ty80dhmkesl4
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Best 100 Personal development,Motivation,Finance,Habit,Success Books
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Best Books on Success You want to be successful in life. Of course, you want to achieve your goals. But exactly, how do you succeed? What are the steps to success? The following are the best personal development books on success. They each teach you principles and practical strategies to achieving success in your life. So, if you’re frustrated, feel like giving up or stressed out that things aren’t working out, these self-help books are for you get your success mindset and actions right.
1. The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
2. The Success Principles(TM) — 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
3. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment
4. The Slight Edge
5. The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
6. Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
7. Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
8. Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, and Recovering Perfectionists
Best Self-Motivation Books
1. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
2. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
3. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
4. Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
5. Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
6. Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success
Best Books make you Better
1. The Four Tendencies
2. What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers
3. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
4. Strengths Finder 2.0
Best Self Acceptance Books
1. The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams
2. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
3. Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
4. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
Best Books Build your Self Confident
1. Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!
2. The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms
Best Books make You Positive Person
1. The Happiness Project (Revised Edition): Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
2. 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake!
3. Stumbling on Happiness
4. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
5. A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted
Best Millennials Books
1. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
2. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
4. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
5. Normal Gets You Nowhere by Kelly Cutrone (5-Apr-2012) Paperback
Best Books make you Perseverance and Strength
1. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
2. Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable
3. The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph
4. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
5. 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class: The Thought Processes, Habits and Philosophies of the Great Ones, 3rd Edition
6. Feel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway
Law of Attraction Books for Personal Growth
1.Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy
2. The Power of Intention
3. The Secret
4. Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today
Mind,Body,spirit Books for your Spiritual Growth
1. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
2. The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Edition with a Study Guide
3. You Can Heal Your Life
4. The Self-Care Project: How to let go of frazzle and make time for you
5. Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
Best Books For Finding your OPurpose and Passion
1. The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
2. Believe Bigger: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose
3. You Are The One: A Bold Adventure in Finding Purpose, Discovering the Real You, and Loving Fully
4. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)
5. Man’s Search for Meaning
Personal Development Books about Belonging and Connection
2. How to Win Friends & Influence People
3. The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
4. A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
5. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 3rd Edition: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides)
6. Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate.
7. Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade
Best Books about Changing Habits
1.The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
3. High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way
4. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life
1. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
2. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life
3. Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes
4. Mini Habits for Weight Loss: Stop Dieting. Form New Habits. Change Your Lifestyle Without Suffering. (Volume 2)
Mindfulness Books for Personal Growth
1. Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises From The Power of Now
2. How to Be Here: A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living
3. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
4. Happier Now: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Embrace Everyday Moments (Even the Difficult Ones)
5. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life
6. The Power of Less: The 6 Essential Productivity Principles That Will Change Your Life by Babauta, Leo (2009) Paperback
Inspirational Stories for Personal growth
1. Life’s Golden Ticket: A Story About Second Chances
2. The Traveler’s Gift
3. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
4. The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics
5. The Alchemist
Best Personal Development books for Entrepreneurs
1. The Magic of Thinking Big
2. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
3. The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Why Now Is the Time to #JoinTheRide
4. Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business
5. Principles: Life and Work
Following books help you Leave 9 to 5 job
1. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
2. Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need
3. Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Fully Revised and Updated for 2018
4. The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World’s Richest People
5. The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!
Best Personal Finance Books
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
2. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
3. Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
4. Think and Grow Rich: The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation
5. You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
6. Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want
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savetopnow · 7 years
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jodybouchard9 · 7 years
Gift Box Ideas for New Homeowners: Hygge, Homesteader, Mid-Century Mod, and More
If you’re looking for a creative gift for someone who recently bought their first home (or moved into their first rental), here’s an idea: Sign them up for a subscription box that sums up what kind of homeowner they are to a T! Because believe it or not, there’s one of these boxes for almost every style, hobby, or whim these days.
Into Mid-Century Modern? There’s a box for that. If hygge is your thing, you’re also covered—as are urban gardeners, antiques aficionados, homesteaders, and those interested in a monthly charging cord club! (Although why anyone would need cords on a monthly basis is a bit beyond us.)
All can be accommodated on a monthly basis, so the recipients will remember you all year long, and your gifts won’t get lost in the holiday rush. And if a three-, six-, or 12-month subscription costs a little more than you’d planned on spending, you can always send just one, and let the recipient decide whether or not to continue it.
So, who wouldn’t love an unexpected box full of surprises, curated to their own tastes? That’s why we’ve rounded up some special monthly subscription collections that we think would tickle the fancy of the new homeowners on your list.
For the die-hard DIYer
The Homestead Box, for the ultimate DIYer
The Homestead Box comes packed with tools and products that can facilitate living the rustic DIY life. Items such as lanterns, unique tools, guides, starter seeds, gardening implements, even chicken-raising paraphernalia can help you find or raise your own food, chop your own wood, shine your own light without the modern convenience of electricity and more. Prices range from $25 to $100 a month.
For the Mid-Century Modern aficionado
Betty Boomerang offers subscription boxes for those mad about Mid-Century Modern desigh.
Know someone who would love a monthly fix of swingin’ coasters, swizzle sticks, rocks glasses, and barware? Betty Boomerang offers a “subscription box for retro modern homes and the people who love them.”
If you know someone who lives in an “atomic” ranch house or has an Eames chair, these hip accessories are just their thing. Prices range from $21 to $49 a box.
For hygge lovers
The warm, fuzzy Hygge Box
The Hygge Box is filled with Danish lifestyle items that promote “coziness and happiness.” Hygge, according to this site, “is about preserving happiness every day by slowing down, being humble, expressing gratitude, feeling safe, and connecting with loved ones.”
Each box includes seasonal handpicked items such as candles, fairy lights, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, chocolate, cookies, and more. The price is $28 a month.
For the urban gardener
The Urban Organic Gardener box comes with heirloom seeds and garden supplies.
The Urban Organic Gardener box is a curated collection of seasonal heirloom seeds and garden supplies based on your garden type, location, and grow zone (determined by your shipping ZIP code).
Each box contains five seed packs and all you need for growing them, including seed starter soil sods, plant markers/labels, and Epsom salt soil fertilizer packs. Everything is 100% non-GMO. And, at only $9.99 a month, it’s also one of the most budget-friendly gift ideas in the bunch.
For the unapologetic homemaker
The Sundae Home box is filled with fancy home decor goodies.
The Sundae Home box comes with six seasonal items that pay homage to the homemakers we are (or aspire to be), including tea towels, potholders, dishes, jam, trivets, and more. The folks at Sundae Home say this makes a “great housewarming gift for homebuyers and new renters.” At $55 a month, it’s a tad pricey, but each box is guaranteed to be worth over $100.
For those who value vintage
The Heirloom Box from Refined Relics is a monthly collection of home decor items that will remind you of days of yore.
The Heirloom Box from Refined Relics contains vintage and artisanal goodies that will remind you of times past. You’ll get thoughtfully curated home decor items such as candleholders, mugs, picture frames, wooden boxes, plaques, and notecards. It’s $50 a month.
For the southpaw
Imagine, a subscription box for southpaws!
The Lefty’s Loot box is full of items both practical and fun for your favorite left-hander living in a right-handed world. Each month you get four to five items for southpaws, including can openers, mugs, scissors, pencil sharpeners, notebooks, and more. For things made for a right-hander, the curators will find their mirror image for the lefties. It’s $30 a month.
For those with a cactus crush
Succulent Lovers boxes come with everything from tiny cuttings to large arrangements.
Succulent Lovers delivers different varieties of hard-to-kill succulents to your door, offering seven options, from simple cuttings to potted plants to window-box DIY kits. The curators pick the sturdiest and fastest-growing, as well as attractive and whimsical planters, depending  on the option you choose. Prices range from a mere $6 a month for just the cuttings, ma’am, to $60 a month for a large succulent arrangement.
The post Gift Box Ideas for New Homeowners: Hygge, Homesteader, Mid-Century Mod, and More appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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mixtapekings · 4 years
Listen Review of Future’s ‘High Off Life’ by djbooth.net
Future’s ‘High Off Life’ is a familiar journey through a terrain of toxic lust, sleepless paranoia, wealthy boasts, and deep-seated trauma.
Hip-hop recognizes Future, born Nayvadius Wilburn, as a multi-Platinum, GRAMMY-winning trendsetter who doesn’t follow anyone’s rules but his own. Instead of working inside the industry, Future works around it, doing as he pleases from a mountain top built upon his tireless work ethic. Consistency, as much as talent, made him into a superstar.
So it should come as no surprise that Future decided to release his eighth studio album, High Off Life, during a pandemic. While some of his peers are waiting until the storm passes, Future moves forward, releasing new music as if unphased by the world’s tragic predicament. With features from Young Thug, Lil Uzi Vert, Drake, DaBaby, and more, High Off Life is the biggest release of the week, but will it be the best?
In usual 1-Listen album review fashion, the rules are the same: no skipping, no fast-forwarding, no rewinding, and no stopping. Each song will receive my gut reaction from start to finish.
1. “Trapped In The Sun”
The atmosphere feels like the beginning of an epic tale of a man turned monster. “That yellow Lambo outside.” Boss talk. Future makes trap music sound like Greek mythology. The bounce is infectious. The production could score a remake of Scarface. Brags on top of brags. Future is a super-villain, and he does not hide it. Future is in his mixtape bag. He has mastered “Former drug dealer who made it out of that life” lyricism, but I heard this story before. Strong start. Will revisit.
2. “HiTek Tek”
Let’s see where he goes. Banger! ATL Jacob tag! The bass would devour a weaker rapper. Future is like a toxic Energizer Bunny who loves any beat that makes him sound like he’s in the center of chaos. “I started off po, but not no mo.” He’s flexing like the rich rapper that he is. A lot of tricks. Future still finds the fun in rap. ATL Jacob is a beast. This song is full of sound effects. I laughed at him bragging about having the Glock on him while sitting courtside. Why sir? Why do you have that on you? The production reminds me of What A Time To Be Alive. This one is good.
3. “Touch The Sky”
Southside production. This is good. “Off the top rope, Andre the Giant.” Future is full of wealthy stunts. Is he one of the best braggers in rap? [Editor’s Note: Yes.] I’m loving this. “I can tell she got a man by the way she text me, nigga.” This man is a monster. “I perform with my drum” is a robust double entendre. Yeah, we have a keeper. I’m a sucker for Future and Southside collabs. These two are mad scientists wreaking havoc. Doctor Robotnik meets Shadow the Hedgehog. Future is the Shadow of hip-hop, and Drake is his Sonic.
4. “Solitaries” feat. Travis Scott
How many collabs does Future have with Travis? Wheezy tag! Shouts to Lil Wayne, lol. Future sounds lively. This man just said, “Coronavirus diamonds you can catch the flu.” Future is his name, outlandish is his language. Travis is getting to it. Not mad, but not in love either. I would have loved it on Travis’ Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight. Skip.
5. “Ridin Strikes”
Every Future album is a reminder that he’s richer than you. “Ridin Strikes” sounds like you should play it in a tank. He’s getting some bars off. My only issue with Future is, the subject matter starts to get stale. He overstuffs his album to the point where I crave a change. Can he hear my thoughts? The beat just switched. A news clip. Oh, this is something. I would watch Future in a bank robber movie. Give him a role like T.I in Takers. Alright, I’ll keep this one.
6. “One of My”
A simple build-up. He’s taking his time with this one. Yep! His vocal texture is the perfect tone for a ghost story. “One of my niggas ain’t got no soul.” YEP! We have the one. Future hangs out with some terrible guys. I wish we had a way of seeing a person’s karma. If Future lives his raps, I know his karma is in dangerous reds. I wish this were the intro. Imagine a Future styled GKMC; that was probably Monster. “One of my niggas ain’t got no soul” is the spookiest lyric of 2020.
7. “Posted With My Demons”
This beat sounds like a bottomless pit of despair. This is not what Tory Lanez meant by Demon Time. Future jumps on haunted beats and tells you about the monsters underneath your bed. High Off Life has been mostly about his past trails and his present riches. “All this dope I sold.” There’s a lot of darkness in this man’s heart. He looks like such a wholesome man. “If the streets don’t kill you first, it will make you strong.” Future makes trap music; real trap music; music that represents the inescapable cycle of darkness that will corrupt saints and cause angels to fall from heaven. Keeper.
8. “Hard To Choose One”
If you like trap Future, this album is for you. Future’s delivery sounds slower than usual. I wonder if that’s because Lil Baby raps so fast. The two have similar perspectives, except Lil Baby has a good heart. He’s practically the Little Mermaid compared to Future’s Ursula. Don’t mind me; I have animation on the brain. Love his flow here. “Load up my rifle; I don’t go to bed.” Future is haunted by something, and no one can convince me otherwise. The last three songs have all been killer.
 9. “Trillionaire” feat. YoungBoy Never Broke Again
Jeff Bezos is going to make this song his ringtone. Youngboy is taking advantage of all the attention he’s garnished over the last year or so. Future aligns himself with young rappers who compliment him. Future is singing his heart out. I kind of missed him singing. Youngboy is singing, too. This is a started from the bottom rap ballad. “Trillionaire” might be the breakout record. YouTube views are going to be crazy.
10. “Harlem Shake” feat. Young Thug
I have a good feeling about this one. “Choppa make them do the Harlem Shake.” Future loves to rap over beats that sound like they would play in a strip club with a low health score. Just filthy. Thugger! I wish the tempo were a few BPM faster. Thug was cool. He didn’t explode as I expected him. That was mild. A cherry bomb, not an atomic one. Eh, not in love. Feels lazy. Skip.
11. “Up The River”
Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the house, but High Off Life sounds like an outside album, not a quarantine album. Future didn’t make this album for a world socially distancing. Okay! We got some heartfelt reflection. The super-villain dropped the act. Nevermind. “Got no room for mistakes.” Can someone please put Future in the studio with Mir Fontane. Those two would make something crazy.  I hope the second half leans into this direction.
12. “Pray For A Key”
Out of all the things Future could pray for, he prays for a “key.” Super-villain. There’s some premium trauma on this album, word to my boy Michael Penn II. ��I been dying to go berserk.” Not a bad record. I like the production. The synth in the background is a nice touch. “Used to pray for a key.” This is… Cool.
13.  “Too Comfortable”
“Bitch, don’t get too comfortable.” Sheesh, that’s how you feel, man? I wish we could get a For The Love of Future reality show. That would be premium television. We got something here. I like the production; I also like the tone, flow, and energy. Future is such a subtle talker. No matter what he says, it never sounds as malicious as the words are. Who made this beat? It’s gorgeous. [Editor’s Note: Southside.] Oh, he just mentioned his son. He’s opening up. Dang, that was short-lived. What is Future’s real-life like? He’s a mystery. It’s part of the allure. “Better not get too comfortable.” I’ll keep this one—the most personal song on the album. Well, besides the one about his friends with no souls.
14. “All Bad” feat. Lil Uzi Vert
I love how shameless Future is. He doesn’t care if you judge him; his life is his life. Uzi brought a change in sound. All his beats sound like they belong in video games. Gotta love the colorfulness. “I’m from a whole different world.” I believe it, sir. “My nickname is Yung Spendit.” That’s a solid nickname haha. This one is a trampoline. I love that Uzi is back to releasing music. He’s a walking cartoon. “I am way smarter than you.” Baby Pluto and Pluto Sr. are a good combo. “If I hang up, don’t call back at all.” Future is a rap star who doesn’t dim his light for no one. I wonder when was the last time he apologized to someone. Probably never. You don’t become a superstar apologizing.
15. “Outer Space Bih”
The keys are gorgeous. Future has a solid beat selection. They’re distinctive, but only a handful stand out. This one does. “I’m a driving drug store.” I see “Outer Space Bih” being a favorite. “I got two G Wagons in my ears.” Future stunts are becoming more impressive. I see why he and Drake get along. They like to make us all feel poor. Keeper.
16. “Accepting My Flaws”
This title sounds like an outro. Who is that? Dang, someone is ranting. I wonder how Future would acknowledge his flaws? 808 Mafia tag. Yes! Man, this sounds like driving a hellcat in hell. Feels like a Future classic. HE’S GETTING TO IT. “Drink my blood, baby, we going digital.” I hope we never find out what Future does in his private life. I know it’s nothing good. Two minutes in and I’m ready to run it back. He’s on a roller-coaster. “Fuck them all, we don’t show them sympathy.” So far, not one mention of his flaws. I love it. “Lord forgive me I been on a rampage.” He has been fighting his demons; he’s been fighting the cup. Oh man, this is good. Easily the best record on the album.
17. “Life Is Good” feat. Drake
I like this record. It’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in rap form. “Baby got an ego twice the size of the crib.” Can’t imagine a woman with an ego bigger than Drake’s mansion. I can’t believe these two dropped this song in January, and life immediately got bad. How Future catches the beat switch is something serious. Lyrically, he sounds so alive. “Life Is Good” is one of his best rap performances on the album. He gets into a completely different zone when Drake is featured. Rap would sound completely different without Future. “Life Is Good” is a keeper, but this album doesn’t need to continue.
18. “Last Name” feat. Lil Durk
“I take care of families.” Oh, wait, we have something. This is sweet. Melodic Future bleeding it out. “I can’t go to sleep, I’m too paranoid.” I guess that’s why he wants a Draco in London. Being that famous can’t be fun. Lil Durk sounds great. Pray that all rappers get the healing they deserve. So many great songs inspired by deep sorrow. “Laughing to the bank got me running wild.” Future and Durk tag-teaming the last verse was sweet.
19. “Tycoon”
One day, Future will realize that we don’t need 21 songs. “Took that Draco on a PJ, I ain’t playing.” Man, this album is a paranoia parade. As much as I like confessional Future, I feel like he told us everything we needed to know about his life in the streets on “Sorry.” “Tycoon” is a good song, but this deep into the album, it’s not hitting as hard as it should. Bloated albums do a disservice to the deeper cuts. Admittedly, bloated albums are terrible for 1 Listens. It’s like being held hostage in a studio. [Editor’s Note: I apologize.] Okay, that was a little dramatic. Good record, though.
20. “100 Shooters” feat. Meek Mill & Doe Boy
Tay Keith tag! Okay! These hi-hats just woke me up. A nice Nas/Belly reference. Meek! I haven’t played any Meek lately. Hearing his voice is refreshing. I could use a new Meek project. [Editor’s Note: He’s working on one.] Man, Future does not care about these ladies’ broken hearts. I’m sure he breaks up with women just to rap about it. This is a good record. I would’ve liked this song earlier in the album. Doe Boy! This is a solid performance. I would like on a gym playlist. Nothing says leg day like having 100 shooters outside.
21. “Life Is Good [Remix]” feat. Drake, DaBaby & Lil Baby
This album is longer than the wait at Red Lobster on Mother’s Day. “Help me fight my demons.” At what age should you be expected to deal with your demons alone? I didn’t mean that. We all deserve a shoulder to lean on, no matter your age. I can’t wait until Future drops a gospel redemption album. It’s going to be glorious. “Halloween gang in this bitch.” Why is Drake credited on this? My man did not come back as a guest star. The beat switch is meaner than a classroom of toddlers on silent lunch. DaBaby! Such a great rap voice. He found a good pocket. He delivered a strong guest verse. “You a throwaway, baby, it’s okay.” Man, rappers can be so savage. Lil Baby! The pure-hearted gangster. His flow is something else—a rapping roadrunner. I hope Lil Baby will always rap like the cops are about to raid the studio, and he has to finish the verse before they kick the door in.
Final (First Listen) Thoughts on Future’s High Off Life
Future’s High Off Life is a journey through a terrain of toxic lust, sleepless paranoia, wealthy boasts, and deep-seated trauma. Mostly, it’s another chapter from the book of Nayvadius. We have a familiar gospel on our hands.
High Off Life features Future giving the people what they expect. We have a hopeless romantic who relishes the ghosts of his past and refuses to look away from the prosperity of his present. The 36-year-old rap innovator delivers another long-winded recollection of guns, glory, girls, drugs, and demons with suave flows and hypnotic cadences over hard-hitting production from the usual suspects.
To his credit, Future understands that he is a roller-coaster. The kind of artist who follows a designated path of loops, twists, and turns without losing the rush that makes each ride thrilling. High Off Life adds 21 new attractions to his dark, twisted theme park. It’s just that, we’ve all been here before.
Listen to Future on Audiomack.
from Listen Review of Future’s ‘High Off Life’ by djbooth.net
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zipgrowth · 6 years
10 Oculus Go Virtual Reality Apps to Try in the Classroom
The day the Oculus Go released in May, I rushed to Best Buy to get the virtual reality device, which is owned by Facebook, before they sold out. To my surprise, the staff had no idea what I was describing. Fortunately, I was able to find it at the customer service desk, and I was the first customer to purchase it at that store.
Currently, there are two purchase options available: the Oculus Go with 32 GB of storage at $199 or 64 GB of storage at $249. I opted to get more storage as I test many apps to make recommendations for educators, so the extra $50 was worth the price for double the amount of storage.
My first impression of the Oculus Go was the quality of the experience. I typically emphasize using devices that are common in classrooms, such as iPads, Chromebooks and student/teacher phones. But the quality, convenience and cost of the Oculus Go make this product worth evaluating for classroom curriculum.
When I first shared the device with my own children, I guided them to the experiences I believed they would enjoy. From roller coasters to “Face Your Fears” (a scary game that has you facing common phobias), my family appreciated each VR encounter.
My “A-ha” moment came when I noticed how my children used the device when I didn’t direct them. In the following weeks, my device would go missing, and I would find my children wearing the Oculus Go in their rooms. Instead of playing VR games, they were watching shows and movies through my connected Hulu and Netflix accounts.
In disbelief, I asked why they would use the Oculus Go for this reason when the television is always available. They shared that the VR space is customizable to their preference, and they didn’t feel the same sense of interruption as they would when watching television. While I don’t believe our students need to use the Oculus Go for entertainment in the classroom, I did note that this VR device can potentially help our students focus and reduce distractions while providing a personalized experience.
The Oculus Go offers options for both a single player mode, where the student can engage in VR activities independently, or a group mode, where they can play games together or collaborate in group discussions/meetings with other users.
Unlike the Oculus Rift, the Oculus Go is completely stand-alone, and does not require a computer to plug into or cords that tether students to a specific location. To get the most out of your device all you really need is access to reliable Wi-Fi. Using a single remote, the user can navigate the VR space by swiping, selecting and moving around to play, create and explore the many apps available in the Oculus Go Experiences—a kind of app store for the device. I’ve compiled my top 10 favorite experiences to use in the classroom, listing only one paid app to consider. The other nine apps are free.
Given budget restrictions, most educational institutions would likely limit Oculus Go purchases to a few devices for station or group work. Schools that have limited devices can mirror the experience onto another device, such as a computer or smartphone when connected to the same network. The opportunity for other students to share the Oculus experience enables group collaboration and teamwork opportunities. When using them in class, I’ve seen some educators require at least two students per device. While one student is exploring and describing, the other student captures notes and details before swapping roles.
Looking Glass (FREE)
Arrive in the past as you explore history through the “Looking Glass.” The app brings you into a 360-degree view of a room that showcases the years 1892 to 1933. Students can listen to music, view writings, artifacts, images and more as you step into a former time when 3D viewers were first developed. Warning: coming back into the present can be somewhat disappointing.
Wonderful You (FREE)
The creative design and vivid images in this app bring the student into a captivating encounter inside the womb. Watch the growth of the baby from the early weeks to full development and interact with the child using the five senses. Each scene includes breathtaking illustrations and specific details on each stage of development, which makes this app perfect for the classroom.
MasterWorks: Journey Through History (FREE)
I was fascinated with the view from Mount Rushmore, especially from my location under the monumental stone sculptures. While the option for real-world tourists to view the national memorial is only from the visitor center or trails, the VR experience brings the student onto the rocks and the monument. Listen to audio clips as you explore the space that describes the tools used, the challenges the carvers faced and the inspiration behind the creation of the monument.
Gala360 See the World - Camp Fire in Paradise (FREE)
I watched hours of news coverage on the Camp Fire in Paradise, Calif., but there is no 2D experience that I can compare to the VR story by Gala360. Driving through the streets in Paradise, the student is immersed into the horrific reality of that devastating fire. I was shocked and saddened as I looked around to see homes, vehicles and structures completely burned to the ground. The Gala360 app has many other stories, and the opportunity for our students to build empathy while growing in understanding are endless.
MEL Chemistry Labs (FREE)
A frequently requested resource in AR and VR is the periodic table, and MEL Chemistry labs bring it to life, showing the relevance of each element. Build an atom through exploratory learning and discover the benefits and fun of exploring chemistry.
Calcflow (FREE)
Visualizing mathematical functions in 2D is rendered unnecessary by Calcflow. The app brings difficult concepts to a basic display, while uniquely presenting data. View the examples provided or customize your function to graph your own data.
CoSpaces (FREE)
The CoSpaces app is a platform to build, code and share your virtual and augmented reality creations. While the mobile, tablet and web-based platform allow students to create content, the Oculus Go app is a space for viewing gallery items you’ve already created.
Anne Frank House VR (FREE)
My journey through Anne Frank’s house was mesmerizing. I lost track of my bearings as I traveled from room to room, learning more about Anne’s emotional experience as she faced each day in fear for her life. As I entered each room, I felt as if Anne had invited me on a tour of her journey, and I left the experience with more understanding and compassion for the Jewish people that faced this horrific event.
AltSpace (FREE)
It’s no surprise that the Facebook-owned device is heavily focused on social collaboration. The AltSpace app is a VR meeting space that offers breakout rooms for live events, games, entertainment and more. While we may not be ready to bring our students into public VR spaces, we are approaching a new era of global collaboration and VR looks more promising to eventually offer this option to our classrooms.
Apollo 11 ($4.99)
After my experience with Apollo 11, I strongly recommend this app being your first purchase for the Oculus Go. Many of the scenes left me in awe, especially when I glimpsed the perfect view of Earth. In the app, the viewer has the option of either a cinematic experience, to sit back and watch in 360, or an interactive experience to help support a successful mission.
Concerns to Consider
There are many reasons to find value using the Oculus Go in the classroom, but I have some concerns that teachers should consider. On occasion, after using the Oculus Go for an extended period, I’ve experienced some nausea. Consider limiting the amount of time students spend in the device to reduce this problem. Each app has a comfort level listed, ranging from “comfortable” to “intense” to provide guidance for sensitive VR users. Beginning with apps at the comfortable level would be a wise choice. Then move into more intense levels as you find beneficial and appropriate for your students.
While using the Oculus Go, a fully-charged device can run quite some time before needing another charge. The problem many users are finding is maintaining a charge because the full shutdown of the device is somewhat tricky and can drain your battery quickly. I’ve had to change the battery on my remote several times as I rarely shutdown my device, and I finally began taking out the battery when I’m not using the Oculus Go to maintain battery life.
Before you add the Oculus Go to your budget, consider what’s ahead in 2019. Oculus is releasing their upcoming device, called the Quest, with an expected release date in the spring of 2019. The standalone device will use insight tracking to allow the viewer to sit or stand in large or small indoor areas. The dual remotes will give the user more options for experiences and creating products in VR. While the price will increase, with a starting point set at $399, the device is expected to be improved and more practical for classroom integration. Moreover, the technology will provide a more useful resource for deeper learning and interaction. I anticipate the Oculus Quest will be on many teachers wish lists in 2019. Happy viewing!
10 Oculus Go Virtual Reality Apps to Try in the Classroom published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: The Helsinki Summit – or the Treason Summit, as some call it – of the 16th of July, has come and gone.  It left a smell of burning hot air behind. President Trump opened the meeting by saying that up to now relations between the United States and Russia were bad, and confessing that the US was to blame for it. He wanted them to improve and hoped that this meeting – he indicated that others of similar nature may follow – may be a first step towards normalizing relations between the two atomic super-powers which together, he said, control 90% of the world’s nuclear destructive force. A timely admission, but ignoring the most dangerous and unpredictable atomic power, the rogue nation of Israel. If ever the promising dream-like sounds of Donald Trump of denuclearizing the globe were to see the light of day, Israel would have to be among the first countries to be de-nuclearized, which would be a real step towards world security and peace in the Middle East. During the later Press Conference, Trump though voicing his appreciation for the ‘fine’ secret services of his country, admitted that he trusted more Putin’s word on Russia’s non-interference than that of his secret service —  “why would they interfere?” — for which he was trashed at home by his adversaries, the MSM, the democrats and even the Republicans. Now, back home, Trump has to accommodate the public, telling them he mispronounced ‘would’; he really meant “wouldn’t”… a first rate spectacle of idiocy that, surely, after a while will go away, as everything does that has no solution, but gambles with dishonesty. There is no winning in the indoctrinated and brainwashed to the bones American public. It couldn’t be more obvious how the media are rallying the American people for war with Russia. The greedy military needs war and the economy of the US of A also needs war to boost her GDP, or rather for sheer economic survival. The topic of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Elections will just not be dropped. After a zillion of proven false accusations, in a reasonable world it would fade away. Not in the US. It is a clear sign of the decline of the empire. It’s the desperate hopelessness of the naked emperor that speaks. So, they call Trump treacherous towards his country – a President who dares saying the truth publicly is called by the slimy Democrats and the yet slimier Republicans and foremost by the mainstream media – a case for impeachment. There is an internal battle raging in the United States. It pulls the country apart. It’s the want of making America Great Again, by concentrating on internal production for local markets, versus the globalized aspirations – the drive for a dollar world hegemony and the full and total subjugation of the peoples and their resources of this globe. The latter will not be possible without an all-out war – and the elite doesn’t really want to live underground perhaps for years in protection of a nuclear fallout nobody knows how long it may last. Trump’s handlers are aware of the alternative, ‘building from within’. Is what Trump is propagating, “America First”, the right approach? Maybe not, but the concept might be right, given the destitute state of the world, where sanctions and trade wars, also initiated by Trump, are creating havoc among former partners. A regrouping of nations, aiming at self-sufficiency and selective trading partners according to cultural and political similarities might bring back national sovereignties, abolishing the corporate globalized approach that has been doing harm to 90% of the people. WTO, the monster made by the west to further advance corporate power over the weak, should and would become obsolete. Trump’s contradictions are what defeats his credibility. He admonishes Madame Merkel for being enslaved by Russia for buying Russian gas instead of the US’s environmentally destructive fracking gas. “We put NATO in Europe to protect you from the enemy, Russia, yet you prefer buying Russian gas than dealing with those who protect you”. It didn’t occur to any of the European NATO halfwits to tell Trump that all that NATO has done so far is destroying countries throughout the Middle East and the world, and that they, the Europeans, have supported the US in their senseless destruction, creating a flood of refugees which now threatens to suffocate Europe. There was nothing, but nothing about protection by NATO. If anything, NATO was an aggressive force, moving ever closer to Russia and flanking China on the eastern front. None of this was said, though, by the European NATO puppets. Trump then goes to Helsinki, meets Putin and says he likes him and he wants to be friends and make peace with Russia. Of course. We all want peace. But who can believe him, when a few days before he accused Germany of playing into the hands of the enemy, Russia? Remember, a year ago at the G7 summit in Hamburg, Trump was shaking Putin’s hand and said ‘I like him’. At the recent disastrous G7 conference in Canada, which turned out to be a G6+1 summit, before running off to Singapore to meet North Koreas Kim Jong-Un, Trump dropped a little bomb, “why not converting the G7 again to the G8 and include Russia?”  He left the group stunned and speechless. So, his drive towards improved relations with Russia is nothing new. It’s just not accepted by the warriors in Washington. The Helsinki summit looked and sounded like a summer show just to continue the attention deviation maneuvers of the World Cup that ended the day before in Russia. What’s going on behind the scenes? It’s one of those hot summers when nobody wants to think, just to be entertained, never mind the farces and lies.  Like during Roman Empire times it’s the modernized Colosseum, adopted to the age of cell phones, tablets and micro-chips. The Colosseum is the all-so transparent veil that should shield the world’s eyes from the empire’s auto-destruction. Today’s gladiators are the peoples of entire countries, continents, slaughtered or made homeless by the millions, by teleguided missiles and bombs, causing the largest migration streams – by far – in modern history; 70 million worldwide and upwards are on the move. Generations without homes, education; generations without a future, drifting across the seas in desperate hope of survival. Mr. Putin’s words in Helsinki were words of wisdom, propagating peace as a good thing and dismissing Russian interference in the American elections. Not even discussing the re-inclusion of Crimea. Period. He could have mentioned, instead, the hundreds of elections and regime changes that Washington initiated, manipulated and manufactured around the globe within the last 70 years alone, but he didn’t. Wise man; non-aggression. It is obvious, the “muttonized” world of Americans and European vassals don’t even think that far anymore. For them it’s natural that the ‘exceptional nation’ does what she wants with impunity but the same rights wouldn’t apply to others. President Putin handed Trump a list of steps and actions to consider to embark on a denuclearization process. Trump and those of the deep state elite whose love for life is too great to risk a nuclear war, may just take advantage and do something about it. The enigma Trump is perfect for the Deep Dark state. He is a roller-coaster of confusion and contradictions. To the NATO members, at the recent Brussels NATO summit, he ordered “pay up, or else’’ which could mean or we pull out of NATO. Though that is the desire of a large majority of Europeans, for Trump it’s a contradiction as he pretends that NATO is supposed to defend Europe against her arch-enemy, Russia. But, then, in turn, Mr. Trump moves on, courting this very “arch-enemy’’, by responding to the peace bells Mr. Putin has been offering ever since he came to power, never a negative word against Washington, calmly calling the demonizers ‘our partners’. Confused people can easily be taken off-guard and manipulated. Who knows what the real agenda of the Trump handlers has in store. Trump’s bold statements on the side of President Putin will make his demonization at home easier. Though the people at large clearly want peaceful relations between the two nations, everybody fears war, but they will continue to be indoctrinated by the CNN-NBC-BBC’s of this world. Let’s face it, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was and is no reason to make Putin and Russia America’s enemy. But Putin’s assertiveness in bringing Russia to the fore and onto the world stage again, was a good reason to upset the self-appointed Uni-Power, US of A. The US super-power lives of wars, and this lifestyle requires enemies. Russia and China are ideal, as they control huge land masses with almost unlimited natural resources.  They have done nothing of what the mainstream accuses them of. And if the President of the United States annuls the key enemy, turning him from foe to friend, such a President becomes a liability for the swamp of Washington – a liability, indeed – “or else”. http://clubof.info/
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sassypersonnut-blog · 6 years
Turn the Lights Out and Enjoy!
Director: David Sandberg
Production Company: New Line Cinema, Atomic Monster Productions, RatPac-Dune Entertainment
Year: 2016
Actors: Teresa Palmer, Maria Bello, Gabriel Bateman, Alexander DiPersia
PG Rating: PG -13
Length: 81 Minutes
Turn your lights off and grab a bowl of popcorn, get ready for the emotional roller coaster that this thriller will take you on. Lights Out had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The sensational acting that was displayed made it feel all the more real. The editing and special effects were amazing, they made Diana seem so life like and real. It’s like she was right there with the family. The movie was full of intense action and emotional character development, while not missing out on the plot. The story line was really creative and original, I haven’t seen something like this before I watched Lights Out. It was really well thought out and the actors all played their part really well. They all displayed incredibly realistic emotions when their character went through something terrifying or simply emotional. The directors did a great job as well, knowing how to direct somebody this well is not something that just anyone could do. Since Diana is not real, the director had to show the actors where to look and how to act to make Diana seem like she was right there. Though in the actual filming, an actress played Diana's part, it was in no way the same as we see it in the film. This proves the amazing acting skills, since the emotion and reactions we see from Martin and Rebecca were incredibly realistic to how most people would react to seeing something like Diana. And how incredible the special effects were.
One thing I didn’t like in the movie is that they didn’t explain very well about what happened in the end, after the police showed up. The conclusion of this movie wasn’t very telling of what will happen next. Rebecca’s mother had killed herself, and two police officers were brutally killed in this house. So why were they not questioned about it? It seems they got off the hook too easily. After all, who would believe that an evil spirit attached to their mothers mind had done all this and was going to kill them as well, not just the police officers. And that their mother had killed herself and all of a sudden the spirit disappeared? The ending was not very realistic, even though they tried so hard to keep it life like throughout the movie they didn’t pull through until the end.
Overall I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend watching it.
By Regina Betke
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ntrending · 7 years
11 gifts for 7 types of science enthusiast
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/11-gifts-for-7-types-of-science-enthusiast/
11 gifts for 7 types of science enthusiast
If you’re visiting this website, you probably like science, or at least have friends that do. And within the category of general fans, you’ll always find specialists: those who love learning about, or actually work in, a field like physics or paleontology.
So when you start shopping for science gifts, get specific. We’ve collected the best picks for everyone from mathematicians to medical doctors.
For mathematicians
On the Venn diagram of scientists and punsters, you’ll find significant overlap. And that’s never more evident than on Pi Day, when geeks celebrate everyone’s (well, almost everyone’s) favorite irrational constant. This nifty oven-safe and microwave-safe ceramic pi dish will give your math-loving friend an excuse to celebrate Pi Day whenever she fires up the oven. $25.
The Soma cube may look like a 3D version of Tetris, but it’s actually a puzzle that mathematicians have enjoyed analyzing for the better part of a century. The goal: Combine the seven pieces, each a different combination of cubes, into a single larger cube. Advanced players can try to unpack all 240 different ways of forming said cube, or start building more complex shapes. $14.
For physicists
This desk toy demonstrates a classic physics principle: conservation of momentum. Like the Soma cube, you can play with Newton’s cradle on multiple levels. Beyond the simple satisfaction of setting the spheres off into a swinging pattern, you can measure their motion; compare the effect of starting with one moving orb versus two, three, or four; and try out more advanced tricks. Serious physics nuts can even build mathematical models of their cradles. $22.
For astronomers
Telescopes let you get up close and personal with celestial objects. Smartphone cameras let you snap and share amazing everyday sights. To combine the two, your starry-eyed friend needs a specialized mount like this one, which lets her attach her phone directly to her scope. With it, she can photograph the moon and even certain planets without investing in professional equipment.
As a bonus, this type of smartphone mount also works with microscopes. Give it to a biologist (more on them later) who wants to turn tardigrades, amoebae, and other wee organisms into Instagram stars. $19.
There’s nothing quite like gazing up at a night sky full of stars. But if you live in a light-polluted area, or the weather drives you indoors, there’s an alternative: A home planetarium can bring those stars directly into your home. While amateurs might settle for generic pinpricks of light, more serious astronomers will want a projector—like this one—that throws accurate constellations onto the walls. $150.
For chemists
You never know when you’ll have to check the atomic number of rubidium. Well, this might not be an issue for you, but to a chemist, consulting a periodic table is an everyday concern. Give your element-obsessed pal this sturdy metal wallet card, and they’ll never need to Google the periodic table again. Plus, your buddy gets the joy of calling himself a card-carrying chemist. $10.
If you want to spend a little more money on the chemist in your life, consider a spice rack that puts the “lab” in…um…lablabi (or labneh). These containers, shaped like test tubes and Erlenmeyer flasks, will let your geeky friend play mad scientist every time he cooks. $50.
For biologists
While lots of biologists sequence DNA as part of their research, not all of them have the chance to analyze their own genes. Help your friend unravel her personal biology with this DNA kit. She won’t have to do her own PCR—or any other type of genetic processing—because the 23andMe team take care of all the analysis. These tests will reveal users’ ancestry and even whether they have distant, as-yet-unknown relatives. Just don’t rely on it to figure out your risk of disease. $99.
For paleontologists
When most people think about dinosaurs, they picture the scaly reptiles of Jurassic Park fame. But dedicated paleontologists know that these extinct creatures actually had feathers—and in some cases, scientists have even figured out the color of their plumage. So if you have a friend who likes to argue about the existence of the brontosaurus, give him a scientifically accurate figurine that he can display with pride. Just one caveat: Beasts of the Mesozoic started out as a Kickstarter, and as often happens with crowdfunded projects, its development took a little longer than expected. At the moment, preorders are not guaranteed to reach recipients in time for the holidays—but for some nerds, this gift would be worth the wait. $40.
For medical doctors
Whether medicine is an art or a science, its practitioners deserve as many gifts as the next nerd. Although these coasters—each of which illustrates a different slice of a human brain—would make a perfect gift for a neurosurgeon, any doctor worth her salt can display them with pride. $22.
Dealing with bodies every day can encourage a—shall we say—unique sense of humor. Let your favorite doctor joke around with an insulated lunch bag that advertises the presence of human organs within. Hey, at the very least his coworkers might think twice before stealing his sandwich. $14.
Interested in talking about deals and gadgets? Request to join our exclusive Facebook group. With all our product stories, the goal is simple: more information about the stuff you’re thinking about buying. We may sometimes get a cut from a purchase, but if something shows up on one of our pages, it’s because we like it. Period.
Written By Sophie Bushwick
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