mysticalblizzardcolor · 7 months
Listen/purchase: Aftertouch by Absolutely Free
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Aftertouch ~by Absolutely Free 
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darryferreira412 · 10 days
2pac Ambitionz Az a Ridah Trap Version
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lovesuplex · 2 months
absolutely obsessed with this mix….
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choco-pudding · 11 months
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 160-169 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Last part of Report 6 and the beginning of the bonus content.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 160 Noize's Evaluation: The Curtain Falls on the Rhythm Rogues' Attack
Whereabouts of the Blown-Away Purge Thanks to the Astrobeat Jr., I was able to watch, firsthand, as the dance energy of 86,429 individuals combined into something truly spectacular. But I wonder… what happened to Purge? I don't recall Ms. Pine arresting him… were you content with him being blasted away? I dunno. Looking at the lyrics, "All the whole wide galaxy dances for me; yes, I'll make each one of you very happy," maybe he really thought he was the good guy here. Near the end, I think he said something like, "I won't forget this!" Or maybe it was, "See you next week!" Honestly, I’m a lil' worried. Even Mr. Blank was able to covertly return, so…
Ms. Ulala Marching On Anyway, the last was really cool, wasn’t it. Just wow… The Super Ulala Dimension dance and melody was so powerful I could see and hear it from the outside, too. It felt like something straight out of “Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights.” It was like a holy cosmic showdown! It really was… I wonder if the “power of love” did all that. To cap it all off, everyone joined in to do the Space Channel 5 pose. I was so relieved everything was finally over. After that, as you know, we marched away like it was a regal procession. I couldn’t just leave after Ms. Ulala cheered, “Let’s march to the ends of the galaxy!" so I ended marching about 24 more space kilometers.
That’s where the report itself ended. Ms. Ulala, though, she was still so full of energy, even after marching, that she went off to dance somewhere else (laughs). The day after that, my team had the day off. Not that we had much to do in the first place. By then, the incident became a huge story picked up by all the regular news shows, rather than special report teams. Despite the whole fiasco, the government didn't really give us anymore commendations, and everything soon went back to normal. Ms. Ulala is still being routinely scolded by Mr. Fuse. I don't think that will ever change.
Groove Guru 155
Up Up Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 161
When Mr. Fuse Returned Sometime after I landed the Astrobeat Jr. to watch Ulala and the other’s grand march, Mr. Fuse came down to join me. While we were watching, I said to him "Nice job, Mr. Fuse. I can't believe you're alright." I really thought he met a gruesome fate after the Astrobeat was blasted down. Apparently, he was able to escape unscathed due a number of factors (you can hear the details right outta Mr. Fuse's mouth on the soundtrack CD released on April 24, 2002). I guess it was a traumatic experience regardless, since he went to his usual drinking spot as soon the show was over.
What Did I Do Next? Right now, I'm being interviewed by the Space Police… I don't really mind, they're being nice. But after the incident, I had my hands full! I was involved in the major project to recover all the antennas that had been modified by Purge; it happens when you’re a Technical Development chief with deep connections in the industry. At least the huge dance floor Purge constructed made it easy for all of us to work simultaneously. After about three days, we finally finished and I returned to modifying microphones for Ulala to use while incognito. I made some that look like an ice cream cone, an ear of corn, and a couple of other things.
Groove Guru 156
Up Toyota Up Toyota Down Down Down
p. 162 Fuse's Broadcast Notes
Report 6 & Repeat 6 Last but not least, here are the final instructions prepared by director Fuse for the live broadcast of "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show," presented in an easy-to-read fashion. Its contents show useful tips for succeeding on the secret input locations. Modifications made for the rerun broadcasts for "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show" (Reruns have unique features from the first airing) are also included. Note, the timing and locations of the secret inputs are exactly the same between the main (Lap 1) and rerun broadcasts (Lap 2).
The Hidden Inputs
[1~2] Return of Mexican Flyer It’s finally back, the last "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!," featuring the fan-favorite second and third beat of "Mexican Flyer." After Report 2,"Mexican Flyer" took a long hiatus, but these "Jan, Jan" timings haven’t changed one bit! Let's go, all together now! "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!"
Jan! Jan! Jaaan!
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 163
[3] Ulalaaa! U! La! La! Purge the Great had overwhelming power in the confined space of Dance Dimension X. Ulala skillfully dodged the volley of beams, but even she couldn’t outmaneuver an all-out attack, and fell unconscious. However, Ulala came to her senses once she heard the rhythm of her friends calling to her in her mind. But, there was only three seconds left before the Ballistic Groove Gun fired! That would've be the end of the report! What was your quote, Ulala? That's right, it was "when have I ever lost at dancing! Get the secret input "pikoon" right after "lost!"
When have I ever lost [beat] at dancing!
[When Ulala's face pops up, that's the signal that she's ready to shout. The ratings are almost at 200%, rise up and give it your all!]
Flub the Final Finale and Face the Staff Roll Be careful not to miss the final "Chu! Chu! Chu!" mixed in with all the hype. A few mistake here and there before then is fine—reasonable, even—but the ending of the game changes if you flub here. This ending is a not-so-special shortened staff roll against a pitch-black screen, devoid of President Peace’s song. Needless to say, there's no group "March to the End of the Galaxy" either. And on top of all that, Purge won't perform his last hurrah (an input that can increase your ratings by one percent) at the end of the credits! So, if you screw up right at the end, you'll have to redo the entire report again, no matter what! Try again!
[Here’s the rundown on the failure ending; Mexican Flyer plays and the credits roll by super fast. The ratings? 149% at the most.]
[Now, the successful ending. We get to march to the ends of the galaxy and you get to hear the full lyrics of President Peace's soulful song. You get the complete credits roll, too.]
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 164 Reference Material Direct Hit Interview with Pres. Peace, Post-incident
~Tachibana, interviewing Space President Peace~ Hey, Texas here. The following is an interview conducted by Tachibana of Channel 01. But really, I’m sneakin' this in 'cause Piney, who was with me during this, was being so adorable and hilarious while we moved through the crowd. After the battle with Purge was over, the press started surrounding President Peace, so the president had to walk with Pine leading the way.
Pine: Attention, all members of the press, Space President Peace is very tired at the moment. Reporters, please get out of the way immediately. Reporter 66: Mr. President, a word please… Pine: Please, move out of the way! Reporter 59: Mr. President, do you have any comments… Pine: Get out of the way! (The press still are pouring in) Pine: I said outta the way! Tachibana: Excuse me, Mr. President, may I have a word? Pine, who's heart skips a beat: Oh my gosh! It's Tachi, (Pine's nickname for him), my ideal man, so full of reason and intelligence aaaah!) Pine: Alright (ba-dump), Tachibana from Channel 01, you may approach. Tachibana: Mr. Peace, I hope you're in good health. Peace: Thank you, I'm as healthy as I can be. Tachibana: Could you comment on the recent disturbance? Peace: I believe I can disclose this now, since the case has been successfully and safely resolved… That being said, please, don't hate Purge too much. I don't think his goal to make the galaxy happy was overtly malicious. I think it was just… over the top? He meant well, but went about it the wrong way. Tachibana: I see, thank you very much. Reporter 21: Mr. President, may we have a comment? Pine: Shut up! Tachi is still talking! Reporter 21: Oh, my apologizes… wait, "Tachi"…? Pine: … (I'm done for, I wanna run away). Tachibana: I can ask the question for you, if that's alright? Pine: Ah, alright. (Angrily turns to Reporter 21) Since Mr. Tachibana also asked, I'll allow you to do so, too. But please, limit it to just one question. Reporter 21: Right. Mr. President, what do you make of Ulala? Peace: When I saw the live report of the "Morolian Incident" I was honestly so moved. The fact there are still youngsters who can deeply inspire others, it reminded me that how much good is still in the universe. Disregarding my presidential status, I cannot help by appreciate the fact she saved so many people, including myself, who were under the influence of dance beam. However, I'm not judging her solely as a reporter, but her nature as a person. That is all. Reporter 21: Thank you very much. Pine: Mr. Tachibana, would you like to ask one more question? Tachibana: Yes. Mr. President, what are your thoughts on the current security? Pine: (ba-dump) Peace: Even though I was abducted, I was saved and guided to safety by Miss Pine here, so I think she gets a passing grade. Aha ha ha ha ha! Now then, if you'll excuse me. (Pine shakes Tachibana's hand and slips him a piece of paper) Tachibana: … A phone number??? Pine: (Tachi…)
Groove Guru 159
Up Down Toyota
[[Translator’s note: I believe it’s implied that Pine’s internal dialogue is all Texas’s interpretation of her sister’s thoughts. Basically, she’s teasing her.]]
p. 165 Bonus
Groove Guru 160
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 166 Miss Ulala’s Changing Room
Costumes Cleaning isn’t in Miss Ulala’s repertoire, so the burden of tidying up the Changing Room always falls on us. She'll swear she’ll pitch-in but she never follows through. It’s kinda irritating. Most outfits are returned as soon as the report ends, but some aren’t collected until a few hours after. So, it’s not unusual for some to go missing during that gap. I wonder when we'll have them all again.
01: Channel 5 Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Unlocked from the start.
Newly-supplied company reporting fatigues. Made from ultra elastic material for easy movements.
02: Flower Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2.
Aromatic Multi-Functional Suit. Regulates body temperature and humidity for extra pleasant reporting at all time.
Groove Guru 161
Toyota Toyota Hey
p. 167
03: Gogo Gear (w/o helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3.
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
04: Gogo Gear (w/ helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 4.
Must have for any space-roaming citizen. The helmet can usually be stored in the back.
05: Spy Suit [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 5.
Designed for infiltration. A special wire attached to the back allows the wearer to move like a spider.
06: Old Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
The company-issued suit Ulala used during the Morolian Invasion. It was in her closet.
p. 168
07: Old Retro Gear (Dirty) [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6 (Extra Mode).
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
08: Super Ulala Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
A super costume that is an amalgamation of dance energy. Rumored to be just underwear.
09: School Uniform [Unlock Requirements] Clear 24 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
A modified version of a uniform from School M. Altered by Ulala herself.
10: China Dress [Unlock Requirements] Clear 100 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
Used for the undercover investigation of the Shanghai Restaurant.
p. 169
11: Woolen Wear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 1 with the Ratings at 100%
This was a suit that Ulala used to wear for her part-time job a while back.
12: Stealth Suit [Unlock Requirements] Have save data for Rez (PS2). Have save data for Rez (DC).
A super futuristic suit that apparently looks like a wire frame.
13: Pudding Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pudding. You can also use it to imitate Padding, who is imitating Pudding.
14: Pine Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pine, the Eastern Galaxy Space Police Chief. It can also be used to dress up as Texas, of the Western Galaxy Space Police.
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 164
Honda Honda Honda Honda
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mushroomb0i · 4 months
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i'm not insane (i am)
so considering the flight path of Astrobeat and the Morolians' UFOs the Spaceport is most likely actually located in Japan lol
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transmorolians · 1 year
before sch5vr dropped it was an immensely popular theory that fuse wasn't actually a humanperson but an artificial intelligence of some sort. in the past few years it's been debunked with the appearance of some Very Obviously Human fuse concept art. as well as fuse's appearance in a karaoke bar in the ending credits of sch5vr
the theory comes from how we never actually see fuse in-game, and instead we only see the Astrobeat Spaceship. also, the Very Obvious change in voice actors between part 1 and part 2
i think it would be funny if fuse Was an ai though despite the evidence pointing to him being human though.
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dedtoot · 8 months
The animation of astrobeat crashing into the ground is repeatedly replaying in my head rn
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aisightingofficiel · 8 days
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musicarenagh · 8 months
'Leonardo the Space Pianist' Takes Us To Space With His Ethereal Sound 'Chrysalis' Guys I found a masterpiece and it would be unfair on my part if I don’t introduce Chrysalis by Leonardo the Space Pianist to you, I am sure you are wondering why anybody would want to call themself a space pianist, hold on tight because I am going to share with the reason. Leonardo the Space Pianist performs under that moniker because he is actually an aerospace engineer! Yet that didn’t stop him form following his passion because his music has being to space twice and he is current working on going onboard the International Space Station for the third time with the ASTROBEAT project next year. During a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh the multi-talented artist revealed a lot about his personal experience and also shared his personal mantra, something that keeps him going, interview Leonardo the Space Pianist shared some of his interest outside music and some of the challenges he faces on his musical journey. Leonardo is a pianist who has spent years of his life perfecting his craft, although his music mostly doesn’t contain any vocals just like Chrysalis but listening to it you can feel the emotions behind every keynote he plays. “Chrysalis is a story of resilience, a space music composition that depicts the concept of a chrysalis, a vessel for transformation, through a vivid musical landscape.” Says Leonardo the Space Pianist, he continued to say “Imagine a dimly lit stage adorned with a mysterious cocoon, barely discernible in the soft glow. The sounds evoke the cocoon's nascent awakening.” Listen to Chrysalis below https://open.spotify.com/track/1X3Mro2Vbpbsvu1MvoJU4c Follow Leonardo the Space Pianist on Facebook Spotify Youtube Instagram Twitter What is your stage name Leonardo the Space Pianist Is there a story behind your stage name? I am a pianist and an aerospace engineer! My music went to Space already twice, next year will go onboard the International Space Station for the third time with the ASTROBEAT project and I am working every day on the Dream I had when I was 12 years old, playing the piano being in Space. Where do you find inspiration? From the Universe and studying it in its different forms. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I discovered my passion for music and the piano when I was 6 years old. I created my first compositions when I was 7 years old, since then I never stopped. My mantra is Nullo die sine nota, not a day without a note. Music definitely is shaping me in becoming who I was. Are you from a musical or artistic family? No, but my father is really passionate about music and was fundamental in inspiring me to start playing the piano when I was a kid. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Jordan Rudess, Dream Theater’s keyboardist and a world-class artist that I consider one of my Mentors. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I have a classical background, I got my degree at the Music Conservatory in Italy, I studied also composition for few years and the experience on stage and studying by myself taught me a lot during my journey. [caption id="attachment_52556" align="alignnone" width="2000"] I have a classical background, I got my degree at the Music Conservatory in Italy,[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I don’t really remember, I was too young. The first one I have memory of is probably the concert of the classical pianist Filippo Gamba, winner of the ‘Premio Venezia’ piano competition, when I was 6-7 years old, so in 1990 I guess. How could you describe your music? I can describe it as…space-y! It has cinematic vibes, often experimental/avant-garde and with a nuance of melancholy. Describe your creative process. It is very difficult to summarize in few words, since it is a…process. Multi-layered, with a constellation of parameters constantly changing. The human soul is extremely variable and this influences everything we create.
Everything can be a source of inspiration that later on is filtered and processed into a ‘final product’, but at the same time I can say that not necessarily you need something or someone to inspire you to create something from zero. What is your main inspiration? Space and the legacy of huge Artists. What musician do you admire most and why? S. Bach, because he is the Immortal God of Harmony (cit.) and he will never die. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Of course…and a lot! It would be impossible the opposite during the artistic journey. Who do you see as your main competitor? Probably Son Goku. What are your interests outside of music? I do not perceive something as ‘outside’ my interest for music and space, I perceive everything connected, like: freediving, photography and videography, Brazilian jiu-jitsu. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? If I wasn’t building my own path as the Space Pianist, probably I would have done the time traveller. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? The human nature and untuned pianos. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Higher streaming royalties, i.e. having a more equitable and fair system for artists. Implementing a more transparent and artist-friendly compensation system, where artists are fairly paid for their work, would empower more musicians, above independent artists. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? My new release is a story of resilience, a space music composition that depicts the concept of a Chrysalis, a vessel for transformation, through a vivid musical landscape. Imagine a dimly lit stage adorned with a mysterious cocoon, barely discernible in the soft glow. The sounds evoke the cocoon's nascent awakening. Recorded on the ethereal Zanta ZB 200 grand piano, literally a "space piano" for its refined sound and aesthetic qualities, this composition takes on a journey of profound metamorphosis. https://open.spotify.com/artist/1l4Og7vLHYtJswcyl3P0Li?si=ZaOwpcWYTcGXVyjihjtoCA What are your plans for the coming months? I will be working in developing further my main project ‘Music from Space’, starting with the upcoming mission to Space, ASTROBEAT. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans. Nothing is fully defined for the new year yet, I recently collaborated with a dancer and aerial artist for the release ‘Holo Black’ and probably I will work on a project to disseminate Space history knowledge with a TV journalist. Besides this I will mainly focus on structuring important collaborations in the field of space art for the ASTROBEAT mission. What message would you like to give to your fans? Do your part to move the statistical average of the human race from ugly to awesome and look up there.
0 notes
dailyzooniverse · 11 months
Big Data in Classrooms through Zooniverse and Exoplanet Watch
Citizen science is an excellent tool to bring big data to the formal education classroom. This article for AstroBeat, a bi-monthly publication from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, highlights two specific use cases where citizen science is implemented in different undergraduate classroom contexts. Click here for a direct link to the article. The article is written by Dr. Molly Simon,…
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chelouvellou · 11 months
Astrobeat Stomp
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rebecca-lotto · 1 year
asteroid belt:go! go! ”astrobeat jr.”
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lovesuplex · 1 year
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi  Guide Book p. 104-109 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Final part of Report 4.
Imgur link to all of the  Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below
p. 104 Channel 5 HQ · Escape Passage
Ulala’s Stars: 10 Here, Ulala must use her Dance Energy to power the Astrobeat Jr. and escape from Channel 5’s HQ as it nears total self-destruction. However, the inputs strings are not only fast, but are some of the longest you’ll ever see. With some sets reaching  22 inputs, their speeds and lengths can be overwhelming, leaving you unable to manage a thing. Your best bet is to study those input patterns.
“All that's left is dance and jiggy power!“
106 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 107 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 108 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 109 ⬇ ⬇ ⬆ 110 ⬇ ⬇ ⬆ 111 ⬇ ⬇ ⬆ 112 ⬇ ⬆ ⬇ 113 ⬇ ⬆ ⬇
114 x x o o 115 o o o x 116 x o 117 o x
Perfect! 100
Up right left down up right left down up right left down honda
p. 105
118 ⬅ x x  ⬆ x x ⮕ x x ⬇ x x x 119 ⮕ x x ⬆ x x ⬅ x x ⬇ x x x 120 ⬅ x x x ⮕ x x ⬆ x x ⬇ x x x
26. Input Breakdown
121 ⬅ x ⬅ x ⬅ x ⬆ x ⬆ x ⮕ x ⮕ x ⮕ x ⬇ x ⬇ x ⬇ x 122 ⮕ x ⮕ x ⮕ x ⬆ x ⬆ x ⬅ x ⬅ x ⬅ x ⬇ x ⬇ x ⬇ x
Pine’s Comment: If your memory is failing you for sets [121] and [122], I suggest you take in this: you’ll always do "up chu" twice but "left, chu," "right, chu," and "down, chu" thrice each. To see for yourself, try counting on your fingers and singing it out loud.
123 ⬅ ⬅ ⬅ x 124 ⮕ ⮕ ⮕ x 125 ⬅ x x ⮕ x x 126 ⮕ x x ⬅ x x 127 ⬆ x 128 ⬇ x 129 ⮕ ⬅ ⮕ ⬅ ⬆ ⬇ x
“You did it, Ulala! We're out!“
Moving on to Stage 2, moro. Let's boogie for another 100 rounds, moro!!
p. 106 Fuse's Broadcast Notes
Report 4 and Repeat 4 Repeating myself, again, but these are the instructions prepared by Fuse, the director of "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show," a special news program on Space Channel 5. For whatever reason, the instructions were written down as "Save the Cheerleaders", or something like that. It also contains instructions for the secret input points, and instructions for the "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show," rebroadcasts (reruns have unique features from the first airing, like differing commands). However, the timing and locations of the secret inputs are exactly the same between the main (Lap 1) and rerun broadcasts (Lap 2).
The Hidden Inputs
1: When You Rescue the Rescue Squad…  It's been a while since we've seen this pattern. Once you rescue the Rescue Police Leader, the background music transitions to "Mexican Flyer" and you'll  hear the squad singing "Chaalalaa chalalalaa yay!" But this time around the typical “whoo!” is more of a gruff “ooh!” The Rescue Squad are a manly bunch after all.
2~6: Landing with the Rescue Squad Right after secret input [01], the Rescue Police Leader will shout "Rescue" followed by the other fearless members chanting "Ooh! Haa!" on repeat (if muffled). Once you hear that first “ooh,” press the button in sync to the proceeding five “haa” chants. The inputs spots won’t stop coming, so keep it together. By the by, if you fail to rescue even one squad member, you won’t hear "Rescue! Ooh! Haa!” song. But if you're familiar with the song, and press the button along with the "haa" part, you can still get the secret inputs.
7: Just Before Entering HQ Got another recurring input for ya, it’s our channel’s signing off "pikoon” again. Just like the last time, press right before you say "tuned." I'm sure you're used to it by now. One whoo, five haa's, a left-right-down, and finally a pikoon; that's 10 consecutive inputs you gotta keep in mind! Good luck!
Level 00 101
Up up up
p. 107
8~32: After Saving the Space Cheerleaders You’ll be amazed by what happens after saving all the cheerleaders. After the “yay” in "chalalalala, yay,” the girls will sing a song littered with secrets at the start of each word (or phrase). There's 24 secrets in total, But miss even one cheerleader and you’ll be down to 16 inputs that are timed to their handclaps, so stay sharp.
33: After Rescuing Space Michael The final secret of Report 4 is after rescuing Chief Space Michael. It’s after you say “super successful rescue” while dancing with Michael, when I'm just about to finish my comment, so hopefully you’ll press it then. But if that’s too hard, you can time it to the BGM. The BGM is 16 beats so using four shouldn't be an issue.
[It’s 16 beats but you can get into the groove by rhythmically going "don, don, don, don" in a four-beat pattern. Ho!]
Level 00 102
Down down down
p. 108 Rebroadcast (2nd Lap) Choreography
Report 4 and Repeat 4 Listen up, Ulala, Report 4 is long and mentally demanding, so you'll have to give it your A-game. There are more input changes  here than there are changes in the cast. It's easy to get mixed up here, especially with that whole "Tonight, it’s Beat It!" section. And you can’t slack off when it comes to the secrets either or you won’t get the rating to 100%… I hope you got all that, Ulala!
The Space Cheerleader's "ODEN" Song Aah, the cheerleaders are so great. Those thick thighs and bright smiles probably could save lives. They turn the heads of not only men, but ladies, too. So, I gathered up the women who admired the Space Cheerleaders and wanted to become one themselves, and created a second group of cheerleaders~.
The other day, some fresh intern asked me, "Mr. Fuse, what kind of place do you usually drink at?"
I answered "at a shot bar."
Then they retorted with, "Please don’t lie to make yourself look cool." When I honestly told them that I go to an oden stand, they said, "It must be nice in winter, huh?"
I expected them to suggest we go for a drink but they just gave me a "well then" and left. Like, what the heck was that about? Then I learned that was used as inspiration for a song (cries). I've been prattling on for a while, anyway, “ODEN” may have different lyrics but this rebroadcast version is just as long and secret-laden as the original. The timing is listed below on the left but I’ll break it down anyway. There are seven continuous beats on the O-D-E-N timed to the girls' "pom-pom, pom-pom, pom-pom, pom." Then there’s one on both the next O and E, followed another three when they shout "Oden!" and go "pom, pom, pom." That’s three odens and 12 inputs in total. The song repeats, so there's really a grand total of 24 inputs. If you fail to rescue even one person, the song will change to the different one. And you'll have eight inputs you gotta do twice, with the timing now to synced to the "Go! Go!"Go!”
Level 00 103
Right left right left
[It may be difficult to fully grasp the timing of "ODEN" your first time around. Memorize it with your whole body and spirit while reading these instructions. Please.]
Command Changes and Where They Happen
Channel 5 HQ · Cheerleader Corridor A 5.
020 ⮕ x ⬅ x ⬆ x x x 021 ⬅ x ⮕ x ⬆ x ⬆ x
022 ⬆ x ⬆ x ⮕ x ⬅ x 023 ⬆ x ⬆ x ⬆ x ⮕ x ⬅ x
(024 ⮕ x same as Lap 1) (025 ⬅ x same as Lap 1) 026 ⬅ ⮕ o 027 ⮕ ⬅ o
028 ⮕ ⬅ o 029 ⬅ ⮕ o (030 ⬅~ o same as Lap 1) 031 ⮕~ o
035 x 036 x o 037 x o ⬆ 038 x o ⬆ ⬆ 039 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x 040 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x x x x 041 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x x x x o o o
Channel 5 HQ · Recording Studio A 10.
035 x 036 x o 037 x o ⬆ 038 x o ⬆ ⬆ 039 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x 040 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x x x x 041 x o ⬆ ⬆ ⬇ ⬇ x x x x o o o
(044 x~ x same as Lap 1) (045 ⬇~ x same as Lap 1) (046 x x x same as Lap 1) (047 x o x same as Lap 1) (048 o o o same as Lap 1) (049 o o o same as Lap 1) (050 🠩 same as Lap 1) (051 🠮 same as Lap 1) (052 🠬 same as Lap 1) (053 ⬇ same as Lap 1)
Level 00 104 Left up chu chu chu
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transmorolians · 2 years
fuse/jaguar is the funniest not-crossover space channel 5 ship i've ever seen. also fulfils many different popular tropes i think
weird dudes attracted to each other trying their best
forbidden relationship
enemies to lovers
awkward cringe momence potential
ship-themed ship names? ("astrobeat tuning"? "rogueship-astrobeat-go-go"? i'm trying)
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firefurby · 4 years
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he's here!! meet tealight candle (or tealight or candle), my new dragon furby!! im very happy to have him!!
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