#Asteroid 162173 Ryugu
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Surface photograph of Ryugu 162173 asteroid. Taken by JAXA's Hayabusa 2 space probe.
Image can also be found here.
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m1nd-r0t · 7 months
Asteroids and their meanings. Part two
(Sharing where I have these in my chart too because it’s interesting to me. If you don’t care just skip over it)
9499 Excalibur : a sense of mission, destiny or superiority, feeling that one is "chosen" or "the chosen," arrogance, "might makes right," racism.
I have this conjunct Saturn and parallel Sun
162173 Ryugu : out of time, left behind, relic, nostalgia; possibly, going somewhere to obtain and bring back something (possibly something valuable.
I have Ryugu in 1° Aries conjunct Mercury and my Aries Point
824 Anastasia : resurrection, bouncing back, returning from what appears to be certain defeat or at least catastrophe.
I got Anastasia in 1° Scorpio conjunct my IC 0°
8405 Asbolus : serious, intense, humorless, dedicated, strident, motivated, fearful, unsettling, bitter, caustic, foggy, and acerbic, and brings about ordeals and pessimism; it signifies conspiracy, mystery and oppression, the drive for accomplishment, the need for reputation and acclaim, for self-realization because of deeds done; on the one hand, impeccability in action, solidness and consistency, the ability to take compliments; on the other, reckless regard for reputation, lack of integrity, inability to take compliments.
I got Asbolus conjunct Sun and Mercury
5283 Pyrrhus : pyrrhic victory, violence, bloodthirstiness, ruthlessness, sadism, vindictiveness, triumphalism, fires, burns.
I got Pyrrhus conjunct Pluto 2° and parallel Mars 0°
9084 Achristou : following one's own inner voice, unruly or rebellious, religious, possibly sinister, religion in politics, unruly religion, possibly correlation with the Anti-Christ.
I have Achristou conjunct Saturn and Lilith and parallel Mars
381 Myrrha : incest, sexual abuse or sexual relationships that go against 'natural law' (bestiality, incest, etc)
Myrrha is conjunct my Mars 0° exact orb
32527 Junko : There is no “official” interpretation, the closest and most accurate I can make is that this asteroid *could* have some type of correlation with Junko Furuta. I.e. torture, abuse, pain, possible r*pe, and perhaps even kidnapping/abduction.
I have Junko conjunct Mars 2°
Here’s a positive one lol!! 6042 Cheshirecat : "always grinning": that is, having a great time, being fun to be around, being derisive, being stoic, gloating, even being Pollyannaish or not with it. Having the last laugh.
I have Cheshirecat conjunct Venus
248 Lameia : "devouring one's young," seduced and betrayed, remorse, self-punishment, punitiveness.
I have Lameia parallel Venus
156 Xanthippe : abuse, domestic violence/abuse, dissatisfaction with relationships, a cross to bear.
I got Xanthippe parallel Sun and Jupiter
174 Phaedra : unusual or depraved tastes or appetites, passive-aggressive behavior, sacrifice for malice, devious revenge.
4197 Morpheus : sleep, dreams, dream or surrealistic imagery, morphine and other opioids; possibly, a guide who doesn't let one know too much at once ("there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path").
I got Morpheus conjunct Descendant and Neptune
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The surface of the asteroid Ryugu taken by the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2. That pitch black background is so scary.
162173 Ryugu, provisional designation 1999 JU3, is a near-Earth object and a potentially hazardous asteroid of the Apollo group.
It measures approximately 900 metres (3,000 ft) in diameter and is a dark object of the rare spectral type Cb, with qualities of both a C-type asteroid and a B-type asteroid.
On 27 June 2018, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 arrived at the asteroid.
After making measurements and taking samples, Hayabusa2 left Ryugu for Earth on 13 November 2019 and returned the sample capsule to Earth on 5 December 2020.
The samples showed the presence of organic compounds, such as uracil (one of the four components in RNA) and vitamin B3.
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kreuzaderny · 1 year
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Inside Ancient Asteroids, Gamma Rays Made Building Blocks of Life
In 2021, the Hayabusa2 space mission successfully delivered a morsel of the asteroid 162173 Ryugu to Earth — five grams of the oldest, most pristine matter left over from the solar system’s formation 4.5 billion years ago. Last spring, scientists revealed that the chemical composition of the asteroid includes 10 amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The discovery added to the evidence that the primordial soup from which life on Earth arose may have been seasoned with amino acids from pieces of asteroids.
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A Box of Treasure from Asteroid Ryugu Asteroid 162173 Ryugu is a carbon-rich pile of rubble, with an orbit that passes between Earth and Mars and a shape that resembles a kilometer-wide spinning top. Scientists think that Ryugu contains pristine organic material from the dawn of the solar system – and that it could hold clues to the formation and evolution of life. That’s why the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) sent the Hayabusa2 spacecraft to study Ryugu and collect a sample, which it delivered to the Australian Outback in December 2020. Now, NASA scientist Heather Graham has received a box of Ryugu’s treasures from her JAXA colleagues, bringing a relic of the early solar system to a lab on Earth.
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cedaroz · 4 months
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asteroid surface inspired by 162173 Ryugu
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Asteroid Samples Reveal Origins of Organic Molecules in the Early Solar System - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/asteroid-samples-reveal-origins-of-organic-molecules-in-the-early-solar-system-technology-org/
Asteroid Samples Reveal Origins of Organic Molecules in the Early Solar System - Technology Org
Carbon is the building block of biological life on Earth. The element is present in many compounds, such as sugars, proteins, and carbohydrate molecules, that comprise everything from animals to plants to bacteria.
Schematic describing potential PAH formation processes: one around a hot star, and one in the cold interstellar medium. Image credit: S. Zeichner
One particular carbon-based molecule, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), is both ubiquitous on Earth and abundant in space. Astronomers have observed signals of these honeycomb-shaped molecules in the space between stars, and estimate that PAHs constitute a significant percent of all carbon in the Milky Way galaxy and others. Understanding where and how astronomical PAHs form is crucial to understanding how this important biological building block found its way to Earth, but there are multiple theories regarding the environments that can form PAHs in space.
Now, a new Caltech-led study examining PAHs extracted from samples that were returned from the asteroid (162173) Ryugu finds the first evidence to support the theory that PAHs were formed within cold molecular clouds in interstellar space. The research required novel techniques in analytical chemistry developed at Caltech by postdoctoral scholar Sarah Zeichner (MS ’20, PhD ’24), the study’s first author.
The work was primarily conducted in the laboratory of John Eiler, the Robert P. Sharp Professor of Geology and Geochemistry. A paper describing the research appears in the issue of the journal Science.
Molecular clouds are very cold regions of gas in interstellar space, billions of miles across. Their frigid temperatures—which get down to -440 degrees Fahrenheit—mean that there is not much energy to generate chemical reactions. PAHs are relatively large molecules, so if they do form within cold molecular clouds, as some theories have suggested, their formation must occur through chemical reactions that require minimal thermal energy or are helped by absorbing light energy.
Most carbon on Earth consists of the common isotope carbon-12, the nucleus of which contains six protons and six neutrons. However, a small fraction of Earth’s carbon has seven instead of six neutrons in its nucleus, and is known as carbon-13. The extra neutron makes carbon-13 heavier than carbon-12; importantly, when chemical bonds are formed with carbon-13, the overall energy of the molecular system is lowered, which is preferred in cold, low-energy environments such as molecular clouds. Likewise, two carbon-13 atoms bonded together, creating so-called isotopic “clumps,” are even more energetically preferred in such environments. Thus, if PAHs were formed in a low-energy environment like a cold molecular cloud, researchers would expect to see an excess of carbon-13 clumps within them, as compared with the amount of clumps that are expected for PAHs that formed within high-temperature, high-energy environments such as the regions around stars.
In 2020, the Japanese space agency’s Hayabusa2 mission returned five grams of samples from the asteroid Ryugu. Seven milligrams of these samples were allocated to the study of carbon-containing molecules, also known as organic molecules. After various compounds were extracted and shipped to various teams around the world, an even smaller amount remained for studying the isotopic contents of PAHs.
“There were literally only six drops left,” says Zeichner. “And within these few drops, the concentrations of PAHs were 1,000 times less than what you need for traditional isotope analysis. So, I developed a unique method for this study. It uses the Orbitrap, an emerging technology in the study of isotopic properties, and tailors methods we had recently developed to be able to observe the isotopic properties of PAHs in very low abundance.”
Using these new analytical tools, Zeichner and her team determined that the PAHs isolated from the asteroid contained excesses in clumps of carbon-13, providing the first quantitative evidence that PAHs may have formed in the cold, low-energy regions of interstellar space.
The asteroid Ryugu belongs to a particular class of space rocks that are representative of the composition of an average solar system, and thus gives clues to the environment in which Earth and other planets of our solar system formed, and also, possibly, those of planets around other stars resembling our sun.
“Sample-return missions are broadly important for studying organic compounds,” says Zeichner. “Meteorites bring samples of space to Earth, but because they fall through the atmosphere, they undergo some terrestrial contamination. These special samples offer an opportunity to look at organic molecules that have never experienced uncontrolled exposure to the terrestrial biosphere. And, hopefully, these methods can now help us better understand samples from meteorites and other extraterrestrial bodies that are returned by future missions.”
Written by Lori Dajose
Source: Caltech
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spacenutspod · 11 months
Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency sent the Hayabusa2 spacecraft to 162173 Ryugu in 2019, an asteroid in orbit near Earth that is comprised of rocky fragments originating from a larger parent body. Multiple rovers brought samples from the asteroid's surface back down to Earth for scientists to study.
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metodologica · 1 year
Científicos encuentran vitaminas y compuestos orgánicos en un asteroide cercano a la Tierra
Un equipo de investigadores ha encontrado ácido nicotínico (también conocido como vitamina B3 o niacina) y uracilo, uno de los cuatro nucleótidos que forman el ácido ribonucleico (ARN), en muestras del asteroide Ryugu. El descubrimiento sugiere que estas moléculas de interés prebiótico se forman comúnmente en asteroides carbonosos como Ryugu y fueron transportadas a la Tierra en su etapa temprana.
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Ryugu fue descubierto en 1999 y mide aproximadamente 900 metros de diámetro. La nave espacial Hayabusa-2, una misión de retorno de muestras a Ryugu, fue lanzada en 2014 y llegó al asteroide en 2018. La nave recogió muestras de la superficie del asteroide y las trajo de vuelta a la Tierra en 2020 en una cápsula sellada.
Los científicos extrajeron los compuestos del asteroide sumergiendo las partículas en agua caliente y luego analizándolas con espectrometría de masas de alta resolución. Encontraron uracilo y ácido nicotínico, así como otros compuestos orgánicos que contienen nitrógeno.
Los científicos creen que estos compuestos podrían haberse originado a partir de moléculas más simples como el amoníaco, el formaldehído y el cianuro de hidrógeno, que se encuentran en el hielo de los cometas. La presencia de uracilo en las muestras de Ryugu respalda la teoría de que los nucleótidos podrían haberse originado en el espacio y llegado a la Tierra en la etapa temprana de su historia.
Este descubrimiento puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor cómo se originó la vida en la Tierra y cómo evolucionó a lo largo del tiempo. La próxima misión de la NASA, OSIRIS-REx, traerá muestras del asteroide Bennu este año, lo que permitirá a los científicos comparar la composición de ambos asteroides y ampliar nuestra comprensión de cómo se formó el sistema solar y cómo se originó la vida en la Tierra.
Oba, Y., Koga, T., Takano, Y. et al. Uracil in the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Nat Commun 14, 1292 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36904-3 
Crédito imagen:  NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center / JAXA / Dan Gallagher.
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l2aias · 2 years
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Current Affairs | 16-12-2022 | L2A 1) 162173 Ryugu, provisional designation 1999 JU3, is a near-Earth object and a potentially hazardous asteroid of the Apollo group. 2) It measures approximately 900 metres in diameter and is a dark object of the rare spectral type Cb, with qualities of both a C-type asteroid and a B-type asteroid. 3) In June 2018, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 arrived at the asteroid. 4) After making measurements and taking samples, Hayabusa2 left Ryugu for Earth in November 2019 and returned the sample capsule to Earth on 5 December 2020. 5) As of August 2019, there are 13 surface features that are named by the IAU. 6) The three landing sites are not officially confirmed but are referred to by specific names in media by JAXA. 7) The theme of features on Ryugu is "children's stories". Ryugu was the first object to introduce the feature type known as the Saxum, referring to the large boulders found on Ryugu's surface.
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spacejournal · 2 years
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gaetaniu · 2 years
Il corpo progenitore dell'asteroide Ryugu, secondo una nuova analisi, si è formato nel sistema solare esterno
Il corpo progenitore dell’asteroide Ryugu, secondo una nuova analisi, si è formato nel sistema solare esterno
Questa immagine dell’asteroide Ryugu è stata ripresa dalla Optical Navigation Camera – Telescopic (ONC-T) della sonda Hayabusa-2 della JAXA il 26 giugno 2018, da una distanza di 13,7 miglia (22 km). Campioni del vicino asteroide (162173) Ryugu sono stati portati sulla Terra dalla sonda Hayabusa-2 della JAXA. Ryugu, noto anche come 1999 JU3, è un asteroide di tipo C vicino alla Terra. Il suo…
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kramlabs · 2 years
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kreuzaderny · 2 years
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Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites
Carbonaceous meteorites are thought to be fragments of C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids. Samples of the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measure the mineralogy, bulk chemical and isotopic compositions of Ryugu samples. They are mainly composed of materials similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, particularly the CI (Ivuna-type) group. The samples consist predominantly of minerals formed in aqueous fluid on a parent planetesimal. The primary minerals were altered by fluids at a temperature of 37 ± 10°C, 5.2+0.7−0.8 (Stat.) +1.6−2.1 (Syst.) million years after formation of the first solids in the Solar System. After aqueous alteration, the Ryugu samples were likely never heated above ~100°C. The samples have a chemical composition that more closely resembles the Sun’s photosphere than other natural samples do.
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wigmund · 6 years
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From Astronomy Picture of the Day; September 24, 2018:
Rover 1A Hops on Asteroid Ryugu ISAS, JAXA, Hayabusa2 Mission
Two small robots have begun hopping around the surface of asteroid Ryugu. The rovers, each the size of a small frying pan, move around the low gravity of kilometer-sized 162173 Ryugu by hopping, staying aloft for about 15 minutes and typically landing again several meters away. On Saturday, Rover 1A returned an early picture of its new home world, on the left, during one of its first hops. On Friday, lander MINERVA-II-1 detached from its mothership Hayabusa2, dropped Rovers 1A and 1B, and then landed on Ryugu. Studying Ryugu could tell humanity not only about Ryugu's surface and interior, but about what materials were available in the early Solar System for the development of life. Two more hopping rovers are planned for release, and Hayabusa2 itself is scheduled to collect a surface sample from Ryugu and return it to Earth for detailed analysis before 2021.
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siryl · 6 years
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Illustration by Akihiro Ikeshita of Hayabusa 2 approaching Ryugu.
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