astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Non-sexual acts of intimacy
Finding the other wearing their clothes
Honestly, the place was a mess. Whenever I entered her apartment, I had to be prepared to see a trail of clothes leading up to her bathroom, cups and half drunk coffee on the coffee table, books lying face down on the floor. It was so messy sometimes that I would refuse to set foot inside; though today it was slightly better. I grabbed the books and put them on the sofas, collected all the mugs and dumped them in the sink. One by one i grabbed the items of clothes, including that one red hot bra I really liked and gathered them in my arms ready to dump them on the bed. I opened the door and saw her face down in the middle of the bed. It was 1pm. 
She startled as I dumped the pile of clothes right on top of her head. 'what the-', she woke up glaring at me. 
'Your place's a mess', I replied. I went around the room, picking up her laundry and dumping it in the laundry bag. 
'I was having an awesome dream you know', she looked pretty cute with a pout. I turned around and saw her standing there by the bed side in my shirt. 
'You know I've been looking for that shirt everywhere!' I said as I came near her. 'it's time you give it back', I whispered as I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled with her arms around my neck. 
A/N: I was gonna do a series on all the prompts in this category lets see if i end up completing them 
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
My Nametag
It had been 13 years for us. 
I loved to read. I know there are people who treat books as trophies, I wasn't one of them. I used to write notes, highlight my favorite quotes and even dog eared my pages. Most of all, I wrote my name in each one of them.
We were moving to another neighborhood so I had to get rid of some stuff. Moving isn't exactly cheap. With a heavy heart I packed a few of my books that I could bear to part with and sold them to an old bookstore just across the road. Now that we are moving away, it will be a 10 minute drive to get to my favorite bookstore. 
It was strange what happened. A few days later I got a MySpace request from a guy. He had travelled to a different state to meet up with a few friends. There, he happened to pick up one of my books. Curiousity about my little notes and unique name drove him to search for me. I accepted his request since his intentions seemed clean. After all he loved to read too. 
We grew close little by little. Whenever he would visit his friends, we would hang out. We would talk about books and the characters and make up theories and laugh at the more ridiculous ones. Until one day he suddenly pulled me to him by the roadside and kissed me under a streetlight. 
It's been 13 years. We have a beautiful son who loves to read as much as we do, a husky and a lovely home in my hometown. We still go to that bookstore to buy books and I still write my name in every single book we buy. Except this time, my second name is his.  A/N: This is based on a true story I saw online and decided to write a cute one shot on it
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Reading Buddies
Maira hummed as she stood in the kitchen, making hot cocoa for two people, dancing slightly to Jimin's voice. She poured the mix in the cups, depositing the dishes in the sink. She could always do them later. 
She grabbed the two mugs and entered the living room, placing hers on the coffee table while carrying the other to the small dance studio. She knocked on the door and pushed it slightly to reveal Jimin dancing to a beautiful melody, his movements fluid and soft. 
"I made you hot cocoa", Maira said in a soft voice. She didn't want to interrupt his dance practice but the cocoa would cool down if she waited. 
"Thank you baby", Jimin smiled as he moved forward to grab the cup. "I'll just wash up and come out in five minutes. I'm done for the day". 
Maira handed him the cup and left, closing the door behind her. She grabbed a book from her shelf and sat on the couch, snuggling into a fleece blanket with her cocoa warming her hand. She had just finished a page when she sensed someone's eyes on her, making her look up. 
"Why are you staring at me?", Maira asked feeling awkward under his scrutiny. 
"No reason. Carry on reading", Jimin said sipping his hot cocoa. He always drank it super hot while Maira cooled it down to almost lukewarm. 
He went to the kitchen to put his empty mug in the sink, deciding to do the dishes so Maira wouldn't have to. 
"Leave them. I'll do them later don't worry", Maira yelled over the noise of the water and clinking of dishes. 
"No it's ok. There aren't many, I'll do them", Jimin said as he began washing the dishes. It made Maira smile how much caring and considerate Jimin was. She felt guilty; he would do these random things to make her day easier while she could not help him with his work. 
A few minutes later, Jimin noisily plunked down on the couch beside Maira. After watching her for a few minutes which Maira tried to ignore, he lied down with his head in her lap, displacing her book. 
"What", Maira said while giggling, "are you doing?". 
"Nothing. I danced and did the dishes. I'm tired", Jimin whined as he nuzzled his head against her belly. 
"Awww our jiminie is tired", Maira said threading her fingers in his hair, stroking his temple softly. Jimin smiled as Maira began to read out loud for the both of them. A few minutes later Maira noticed Jimin dozing off. Overwhelmed with how innocent he looked while sleeping, she leaned down to kiss his temple while shaking him awake. 
"Wake up and sleep properly in the bed", Maira said. 
"Hmmm", Jimin just mumbled as he turned his head, making her laugh. 
"Wake up!!", Maira said shaking him forcefully. 
"Why", Jimin pouted, "did you wake me when I was having the best nap of my life".
"Don't exaggerate. You should sleep properly", Maira said as she pushed him off her lap and got up. At the same time, Jimin grabbed her waist and pulled her down beside him on the couch. 
"I have a better idea", Jimin said as he bent down and kissed her. After a few minutes, Maira pushed him away and stood up. 
"Come on. You should go to bed already, you need the rest". 
"Okay", Jimin got up, placing one last kiss on her palm. 
"You should rest too. I'll be going to bed first then. Don't stay up too late reading", he said as he went to the bedroom and plunked on the bed. 
Maira smiled as she grabbed her book and continued reading. She just wanted to finish one last chapter before going to bed. 
A/N: I think I was doing a series of cute prompts when I wrote these pieces. I really see Jimin being like this with his significant other, so sweet and considerate.
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
A Dress Moment - A Jimin Fic
Hira is standing in front of the mirror looking at herself. She is wondering when exactly she became so bold, so confident about herself that she dared to buy it. The dress. That will turn every eye. That will create thoughts that shouldn't be. And the way Jimin will react. He has never seen her in anything so revealing. He has not even seen her in short pajamas. 
As Hira is smiling, the door opens and Jimin walks in. He is so handsome when he is wearing his glasses. He is so handsome even without them. He comes close to Hira and hugs her back. "Are you ready for the private party at ___'s place?" he asks sweetly. "Yes" she says. "i even bought a new dress". She is smirking. 
"Ok I'm gonna go shower" he replies as he takes off his shirt and drops it on the floor. The bathroom door closes and Hira sighs. Jimin seems comfortable with walking around half naked. She never has. It will be the first time. 
She picks up his shirt and throws it in the laundry basket. This boy she thinks and smiles to herself. He is mine. 
She quickly changes into her dress. The dress that will make Jimin go mad. The bodice is sheer, with flowers covering her chest. The skirt is long, with two slits to show her sculptured legs. Legs that became toned after copying Jimin in the dance studio. He is a dancer. She wanted to become one too. 
She ties her hair in a side ponytail to show off her neck. She puts on little makeup, a necklace that Jimin gave on their half year anniversary. She takes out the heels that she bought with Jimin. She never had the courage to wear them. Today she will. 
She is ready. She looks at herself once in the mirror. The more she stares, the less confident she becomes until she decides to change. She turns around right when the door opens. Jimin with wet hair. Wearing a Tshirt and dress pants. He hasnt looked up yet. "I forgot my shirt in the closet", he looks up. Stops. Stares. Some more. He doesn't know where to look. He looks at her face, her nervous expression. He looks at her neck where the solo diamond glitters. He looks at her curves, and those legs. Those heels that make her almost as tall as him. He looks over at her again. 
This was a bad idea, Hira thinks as she turns around. But Jimin grabs her elbow and turns her around. "What...?" 
"i wanted to wear something different" she says. "It was a bad idea" 
"Wait. You want to wear this to the party?" he seems surprised 
“Yes". "Please don't. I won't stop you if you want to. But if you go like this, I won't be able to look at anyone else. It will make me angry if other people look at you" 
"Ok" she starts to walk away. 
Jimin suddenly pulls her towards him. "I haven't seen you like this before. You look.." it's the first time he's lost for words. "i look...?" Hira repeats. 
Jimin smiles and leans down. His hands on her waist, holding her delicately. Her hands in his damp hair, smiling against his lips, she is proud. Of this boy who is hers. Of herself for building up the courage. Of this moment that makes her feel infinite. 
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
I sit on my rooftop, outside my window, & stare at the stars. It is a cloudless night & the whole sky is twinkling. I sigh contentedly and lean back. I'm startled to find a solid wall behind me. I'm sure I wasn't sitting this close to the wall. I freeze when this wall moves & two jean-clad legs appear on either side of my body. I'm about to scream when a deep husky voice whispers in my ear, "What are you doing out here, kitten?"
It's Damon. Of course. I should've guessed.
"I should be asking you that question." I say in a low voice, in case I wake the neighbours. Or worse, aunt Jenna.
Damon gives a chuckle which vibrates his chest & I feel it resonating from my back to my whole body. My fingers tingle & my heart picks up speed. He gently places his fingertips on my arms & says, "I missed you." I can hear the humour in his voice, he's teasing me, but my heart still flutters at the words.
I lightly hit his leg to show him his words didn't affect me in anyway. But he scoots closer and encircles me with his arms & legs. I freeze. Then, desperately trying to control my trembling voice, ask him, "What are you doing?"
"Aren't you cold?" He replies matter-of-factly. "I'm just trying to keep you warm." He shrugs and tightens his grip around me.
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
I accidentally met his eyes through the window. It's weird when you make unintentional eye contact with someone. You're suspended in a moment of uncertainty. Should you smile? Should you ignore? Of course me being the anti-social person, I ignored. 
I come to this place often, alone among all the couples eating out. I feel comfortable in my lonesome space so it doesn't bother me to see an empty seat in front of me. Yet all the time I've been here, this is the first time I've seen someone come alone too. 
He's sitting at a slight angle to my chair, enough that we can't directly look at each other. That doesn't stop us from looking at the beautiful view from the window in front of me, or more specifically, at each other's reflection. 
The first time i accidentally make eye contact is when I'm fixing my hair. My hair comes lose from my bun, and I try to check my reflection in the window just as he glaces my way. I quickly drop my gaze, suppressing the urge to the hide under the table. It's just that his gaze is unnerving. 
I keep looking out the window at the beautiful view occasionally while eating my food, and at a particularly embarrassing moment when I'm discreetly checking out my teeth (I often get food stuck) I happen to make eye contact again. This time when i turn around I draw everyone's attention as my cutlery clangs off my plate and down to the floor. 
I take two deep breaths and bend down to pick up my cutlery. If this night could get anymore embarrassing, I would be ready to jump out that window. 
For the rest of the night I don't look at the window. I quietly eat my food and clear the bill. 
As I get up I feel a presence behind me. It's the eye contact guy. He gives me a half smile and shrugs. His eyes are smiling. 
We end up walking up to the bus stop, engaged in our own world. Turns out he thought I was cute, checking out my teeth in a window reflection. Turns out I thought he was cute too, the way he kept sneaking glances at me while we walked side to side on our way to our homes. 
Turns out our cuteness matched, judging by the way I saw his tears when I walked towards him in a white dress. 
A/N: Another writing based on a prompt to escape my writer’s block
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Hira was staring at the dangling necklace, her heart beating out of her chest at the proximity. Yoongi was in a strange mood today, staring and glancing at her whenever he could. Now she knew why. 
She had come home exhausted from running around the ER all night. It was her bad luck that she got handed the 7 to 12 pm shift; she couldn't change though. No one was generous enough to swap with her. 
She unwound her scarf and hung her white coat on the hooks by the door, revealing the black dress she had worn. Even with a routine as hectic as hers, she sometimes wanted to dress up. 
As she turned around, she saw yoongi staring at her over the rim of his cup. It was weird, normally yoongi wasn't that focused on her. Ever since they had taken the decision to live together, yoongi had been this way. A glance here and there, an occasional kiss or a hug on hard days, sometimes cuddling while watching a movie. But today he had been staring at her since morning. 
He had almost burnt their breakfast since he kept glancing at her. Hira decided to shrug it off and moved towards the bedroom to change. As she turned around to close the door, yoongi pushed the door and walked in. 
"Ah... Is it something serious? Do you wanna talk about something" Hira asked. She needed to know what was up with him. 
Yoongi walked away and sat heavily on the bed. He sighed and gazed at her, waiting for her to sit beside him. 
"Tell me. Is it something serious?", Hira's anxiety made her voice shake as she moved closer to him. 
"It is", Yoongi said as he grabbed her arm and twisted her towards the bed, pinning her beneath him. "I'm going insane trying to slow my pace, but I can't anymore. Is that ok?" 
"Of-of course" Hira stuttered, her heart running a marathon. Her eyes were fixated on the silver chain that was only inches away, and beyond that his wide neckline showing glimpses of skin. 
"Are you sure" Yoongi asked as he came closer, almost whispering against her cheek. 
"Yeah" Hira murmured as Yoongi turned his face and began planting feather light kisses on her jawline, along her cheek and finally, her lips.
A/N: This was me trying to get out of a writer’s block, hence its so short
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Usually Hala cooked for the both of them. It wasn't because he was incapable or unbothered; he was so busy with his dance practice and vocal lessons that he couldn't cook as much as he wanted to anymore. Today was his day off though; which meant any minute now he would walk in and help her cook lunch. 
Hala was slicing onions when he came in looking adorably sleepy. "Good morning... Err afternoon", he stretched while yawning. "What's cookin' good lookin'", he winked as he came closer to look at the ingredients so he could figure out his lunch. It didn't matter how lame his pick up lines were; it always made her smile. That and his dad jokes could pull her out of a horrible mood. 
"I'm making pasta. Is that ok?". 
Hala yelped as his arms snaked around her waist, his chin on her shoulder. "Yum. Let me help too". 
"Go wash up first. And please put a shirt on!", Hala said as he untangled himself and walked in the direction of the bathroom. Hala started humming as she walked to the cabinet that Jin had installed according to his height - meaning she could barely reach it properly. 
She was standing on her tip toes, her fingers lightly brushing the jar when suddenly she felt a hand on her waist, another grabbing the jar easily. She jumped slightly turning around to face Jin. 
"Uh thanks", she stuttered noticing how close they were. 
"You're welcome", Jin said as he put the jar on the counter, leaning in. "So...", he smirked looking at her lips. He didn't let her reply as he closed the distance, kissing her. 
"Ok...", Jin pulled away breathing heavily, "What do you want me to do". 
"Uh... Boil the pasta please", Hala stuttered as she walked around him to the counter. Jin smiled as he pulled the pasta bag out of the cabinet. It was cute how she still blushed whenever he came close to her. 
They soon got into their well rehearsed routine of cooking together; occasionally brushing by each other to move around. Jin would lightly touch her waist when he passed by her; Hala would lightly touch his arm in return. It was the perfect domestic moment for the perfect domestic couple. 
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Its safe to say I was supposed to fall in love with him. Who wouldn't? With someone like him it was meant to happen. It was in bits and pieces. 
I was young when I met him and he took care of me among others. He teased me mercilessly and I teased him back, it became a game for us - Who could make the other laugh more. At first it was because I was happy and I wanted him to be happy too, later I realized it was just because I loved it when he smiled because of me. The way his eyes would disappear, the way he laughed with his whole body as if that much joy needed his whole body's energy to burst out. 
It was so innocent at first; hanging out and having late night conversations, him being there for me through thick and thin. But then something happened. We grew up.
I guess the first time I really felt a spark was the time I was super sleepy, barely able to keep my eyes open. And then suddenly I felt a hand lift my head to put a pillow under my head. I wanted nothing more than to nuzzle the warmth of that hand but before I could it moved to drape a blanket over me. The next morning I woke up thinking it was a dream. 
Small instances like these came and went, a smile here a touch there, all innocent for him but not for me. This feeling kept growing; this innocent love I had for him. 
The day he came out dressed like that I knew I was done for. Grey hair and those glasses, the striped shirt that was open far too much; it would be a sin not to take advantage of that. I let my eyes speak what my mouth couldn't, knowing I wasn't supposed to feel that way. But fate was on my side. 
We got a little too drunk, our conversations got a little deeper, our skinship more intimate until finally one us made a move. Too drunk to think about anything, we went along with it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it was decided from the start, I was supposed to love him and he was supposed to love me. Sometimes softly, sometimes a little rough, we were there for each other as lovers in secret, as friends in public. 
But right now, at this moment with his hand brushing my hair and with a smile on his face, I would want nothing more than to be beside him.
A/N: I kept in mind Jikook while I wrote this but I guess it could be any of the members since its vague enough
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Thin Walls
Bano moved to her cheap new apartment a week ago. Her bags were still unpacked - a testament of a lazy college student. Her parents wanted her to stay at home; when she refused they told her to make it by herself. They thought it would scare her away; she was stubborn though. She would show them she could do it without any one's support. 
The first thing she did was got a job at the nearest club/restaurant as a waitress. She was determined to make it on her own. 
She dizzily remembered last night. It was her birthday and her friends threw her a party; on the way back, high on drinks and happiness, her friends started to ask random people to sing her a song. They were quite loud about it too. 
The older couple just looked at them weird, the kids laughed at them and well it was not a success. Until the rabbit boy. He was standing alone by the roadside, staring off into space when he was rudely interrupted. "Sing her a song. It's her birthday". 
He looked startled, his big doe eyes shinning. He glanced at each of the girls until his eyes rested on the birthday girl. "Let's not bother him. I'm sorry", Bano said as she began to walk past. 
"We don't talk anymore...". Bano turned around when she heard him singing. He had a beautiful voice, but his pitch was all over the place. He was also slurring a little, indicating that he was quite drunk. It was horrible. And yet Bano had not heard a sound more beautiful than that horrible pitch and sloppy words. 
"Thank you" Bano said when he ended the song with a twist of his wrist. 
"You're welcome, lady". He almost toppled over while bowing to her. 
"Are you ok" Bano asked him, concerned. 
"Never been better". His smile scrunched up his nose in the cutest way. They left him there on the street, lost in his own drunken thoughts. 
Bano was rudely snapped back to reality when she heard angsty music blasting from her neighbors walls. These walls were so thin, she could hear everything. Including her neighbor singing along - no screaming along the lyrics. She got super annoyed and punched the wall. When the noise didn't die down she decided to give him a tasted of his own medicine - she brought her speakers and plugged in her Iphone. Though she hated this song, she was gonna play it just to annoy him.  
I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world... She knew her expensive speakers - the only thing she invested her money in - would drown out his music and she was right. After 3 seconds, she heard a loud what the fuck from her neighbor. Satisfied, she turned it down and finally there was peace. 
She took out her clothes from the suitcase and went to the bathroom. She really needed a shower. She had a habit of humming her favorite song of the week when showering. It just happened to be Chainsmokers this time. She got so into the song she started singing it loudly while getting out of the shower, her towel wrapped around her and her hairbrush acting as a mic. She ended the song with a thank you and bow to her invisible audience and grabbed her clothes to get changed. 
Bano left her apartment to get mail from her mailbox when she sensed a presence behind her. She got startled, dropping her mail all over the ground. 
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you". It was rabbit boy. He was here. And he was picking up her mail. 
"Uh thanks", Bano said awkwardly. "You live around here?" she asked shyly. Rabbit boy just smiled in reply. 
Bano was about to leave when she heard him say "Chainsmokers is my favorite band too by the way". 
Oh hell NO Bano wanted to yell as she realized it. It couldn't be! Since when did karma turn against her! She turned around to glare at her neighbor before walking back to her apartment. Today was not going smoothly. At. All. 
She was pacing her tiny apartment anxiously. Rabbit boy, the one and only who sang so horribly and made her night better was her infuriating neighbor who loved to scream Back in Black randomly throughout the day. How was this possible? He was so obnoxious with his loud music and not caring about his neighborly attitude, but why did he have to be so cute! Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. While she was debating whether to answer the door or not, something slipped through the door.
"You left this behind", the sticky note said. Bano peeled it away to see an envelope addressed to her apartment. Junk mail. Again. She threw the mail and the note in the trash while she went to get ready for work. 
She thought the day couldn't get any worse. She was wrong. Not only was her boss very...well bossy, her customers were no better either; shamelessly flirting and making her uncomfortable. She was mid way through her 4 hour shift when rabbit boy walked in, sitting in her section. She almost dropped a customer's order when her eyes met his; he was so beautiful it was overwhelming. She cleared her throat as she walked towards him and took his order without blushing and stuttering. He ate alone and in silence, not glancing at her at all during the time he was at the club. But when he left after clearing his bill, and tipping her amazingly, he didn't go out the door but instead at the stage. 
"What's he doing?", Bano asked her co-worker. 
"He plays and sings sometimes. He has an angelic voice", her co-worker sighed. 
Bano was skeptical. She still remembered him singing horribly to her that day, with no talent whatsoever. That was until he actually picked up the guitar and sang. His voice was beautiful, hitting every note perfectly, a far cry from his screechy mess that day. Bano got off work the same time as he stopped singing. 
"Well since we live in the same building, I'll walk you home", rabbit boy said. Bano simply nodded in reply. He seemed so nice and polite, and he hadn't played loud music since their battle of AC-DC versus Barbie Girl. "So I didn't catch your name". 
"Umm...I'm Bano".
"I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you". They walked a few more feet in silence. 
"Look. I need to apologize. I didn't know you were living next door. It was empty for a long time. I guess I went home for the weekend because I didn't see you move in. Also embarrassing you about singing in the shower. Though I do like the Chainsmokers. I hope I didn't offend you too much".
"Um ..yeah no issues" Bano said, suddenly shy. This boy was not only cute, but he was so polite too. Bano couldn't grasp how she had misjudged him at the beginning. They walked the rest of the way in awkward silence. 
"So uh...thank you for walking me back", Bano said while opening her door. 
"No issues. Anytime" Jungkook said as he went inside his apartment and locked the door.
Bano was getting ready for bed, wearing her oversized Naruto pajamas when a shrill noise startled her. She rushed to open her door and see what's going on; a few people were coming out of their apartments. 
"Excuse me...what's going on?", Bano asked a random people passing by. 
"Fire alarm", he muttered while walking away. 
Bano quickly grabbed her keys and went out, locking her door behind. The residents were gathered outside in front of the building waiting for the fire trucks. "Hello neighbor", Jungkook waved at her through the crowd. 
"Hi", Bano replied with a small smile.
"So...nice pajamas. You look cute", Jungkook gave her a once over. Bano had forgotten she was in her oldest pajamas which quite possibly had a few holes. Jungkook started talking about Naruto and soon Bano got engaged in the conversation. They chatted until they were told to go back in their apartments. The fire alarm was a prank by some kids. 
"Um so...listen..." Jungkook began. 
"Um...nothing never mind". Jungkook quickly shut his door.
A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door. Bano opened it to find no one there, but as she was about to close it, she noticed a sticky note.
Would you like to go get dinner tomorrow? With me? I'll even sing Chainsmokers for you :P. Yes or Yes?. She grabbed her pen and tick-marked both yes check boxes. She stuck it on his door, knocked and retreated.
She stood with her ear against their shared walls, waiting for him to get the message. 
"YASSSS", she could hear his shout through the wall before he realized she could probably hear and quieted down.This was going to be fun. 
A/N: I really want to continue this. Maybe I will someday
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Hira dug her bare feet in the wet sand, waiting for the waves to brush her toes and retreat. She could hear Suga standing nearby, humming the new melody he'd been working on. It was rare to see him so carefree and relaxed; Hira was glad she was able to convince him to step outside. 
Hira gathered her knees and rested her head on her folded arms, watching him with a half smile. She must have dozed off for the next thing she knew, Suga's arms were wrapped around her torso, his chin resting on her shoulder. 
"Hey", Hira murmured sleepily. "Did I doze off on you?". 
"Yeah", Suga replied watching the sun sink into the horizon. "I think I just found inspiration for my song". 
"Really? That's great. What's the idea?" 
"You sitting on the beach, dozing off with the most innocent look on your face". 
"Stop it. Seriously what is it", Hira asked. 
"Why must I repeat", Suga sighed as he got up and pulled Hira up. 
"Really? I am your inspiration?", Hira asked smiling. 
"No. Your sleeping face is. Now let's go", Suga turned around and started to walk. 
"Awww that's so sweet of you to write me a song", Hira giggled as she raced to catch up with him. Suga remained silent as she continued to tease him. 
"Whoa", Hira came to a sudden stop as Suga stopped walking and turned around. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close as their lips met. They kissed for a long time, until they ran out of breath. Suga pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. 
"This was to shut you up for your incessant teasing", he turned around with a smirk. 
"You can't just do that so suddenly", Hira raised her voice at his retreating back. She was frozen at the spot, still reeling from his sudden kiss. 
"I'll leave you behind if I get to the car before you", Suga said not bothering to look behind at her. That pushed Hira into motion, walking quickly until she was beside him. She grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together, swinging their arms while walking back to their home. 
A/N: Re-reading this and I am dying of the cuteness
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Video Game
Bano raised her hand to tentatively knock on his door, wondering what he was even up to. She didn't know why she put up with his mysteriousness; just that she did. 
"Come in", Jungkook opened the door and motioned her in. He took the take out from her hands, smiling his bunny smile when she told him it was pizza from his favorite place across the street. 
"I didn't know what our plans are considering someone wants to stay mysterious all the time", Bano nudged him aside and walked ahead in the living room, where a blanket fort with video game controllers was set up. "This is was your plan?" Bano looked at him grinning as she ran towards the blanket fort, Jungkook walking behind. 
"Yup", Jungkook liked seeing Bano all hyped up."I challenge you to a duel", Jungkook said in a deep voice as he picked up his controller and handed Bano hers.
"Game on", Bano snuggled against the blankets and got comfortable. Twenty minutes later, Bano had won almost all games. "Don't let me win out of pity", Bano told Jungkook annoyed. She had never won before, but winning like this seemed cheating.
"I'm not. I'm just distracted", Jungkook said. 
"With what? There is literally nothing around to distract you. Get your head in the game", Bano said as she lightly smacked his head.
"There is you", Jungkook said grabbing her hand and pinning it against his chest. 
"W-what?", Bano stuttered as Jungkook smiled. His other arm snaked around her waist as he moved closer. 
"You are really distracting", Jungkook whispered before leaning his head down and kissing her.
"Also, you are terrible at video games and watching you try is really cute", Jungkook said as they both pulled away breathing heavily. "Let me show you how it's done".
Before Bano could get up, Jungkook grabbed her waist and pulled her down so she was sitting in his lap, her back against his chest. He handed her the controller, his hands over hers.
"Look. When you spot the red dot, don't even think. Just press this button", Jungkook said as his finger pressed against hers, pressing the button. "Hold the controller like this", Jungkook's hands moved over hers, adjusting the controller in her hands, "And keep these two fingers on these buttons at all times".
As Jungkook walked her through the game, it was Bano's turn to be distracted. She couldn't stop blushing at being so close to Jungkook.
"Bano, get your head in the game", Jungkook said as this time he was the one who smacked her head, laughing silently. 
He immediately got up, dumping Bano on the floor in the process and ran behind the couch. Bano got to her feet and if Jungkook thought she would come at him, he was wrong. She went for the pizza. 
"Wait no!", Jungkook yelled as she grabbed the box and made a run for it. They kept circling each other around the couch until Jungkook sighed and called a cease fire. "Let's watch a movie", Jungkook gave in and sat down, pulling Bano beside him. 
And in that moment, Bano wanted nothing more than to have someone like Jungkook next to her, laughing and cuddling and fighting over the last piece of pizza.
A/N: One of those cute moments I really wish would happen in real life 
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
A Work Event
"Ugh!!" Hala groaned loudly as she slipped her feet in six inch heels. "I wish I could punch Mr. Do in the face for making me do this".
She grabbed her purse and slipped it on her shoulder and turned to look in the mirror one last time. Her red hijab was done up prettily, perfectly matching her floor length red gown and heels. It was a look that people would see on the red carpet, or a movie star's engagement. But that wasn't where Hala was going; she was going to a party hosted by one of the most successful business man in the country, and that too alone on behalf of her boss who couldn't spare an evening of not lazing around in his wrinkled T-shirts and black slacks; a look as unattractive as could be on a fifty year old man. 
"Imagine the networking you could do! The people you'll meet. Who knows maybe you'll meet a handsome man -"
"Ok yes thank you for giving me this opportunity. I couldn't be more grateful", Hala interrupted while putting on one of the most obvious fake smiles she could conjure up.
Now here she was getting out of a cab onto a literal red carpet! Hala couldn't believe it. But oh well whatever suit the rich businessmen's tastes.
She walked along the carpet to a set of stairs, and after difficult maneuvering in her heels and dress, she managed to make it up in one pieces. She flashed the bouncer - were they called bouncers Hala wondered - her invitation card and after a brief check of list she was gestured inside. 
"Thank god that went smoothly", Hala muttered as she walked inside to find quite a few guests already milling about in their expensive suits and cocktail dresses. The waiter came up to her and offered champagne which she politely refused before moving on to the giant hall. Just the magnitude of the event was giving her a headache; she needed to find a quite place to calm down before she would start to panic. Everyone knew she wasn't an extrovert, yet she had been chosen for this event for god knows what reason. 
As she moved through, stopping and introducing herself to a few familiar faces, she noticed a very familiar figure darting through; she excused herself from the man who was telling her how he managed to evade taxes again, Seriously these people! Hala thought while following the man in a well fitted tuxedo that showed off his broad shoulders and tiny wait. He had a stud in one ear and for a tiny moment he turned slightly so Hala caught a glimpse of his beautiful features; the perfect nose and pouty lips before he vanished into the crowd. She tried to follow as best she could before she simply gave up and sought refuge near a pillar and a fake potted plant. She sighed, leaning against the pillar and chuckled at her delusions; it couldn't be, here in this gathering. 
She was half smiling when she heard someone clearing his throat. She turned around to see a guy so handsome it took her breathe away. So it was true! He really was more handsome in real life! 
"Hello", Jin said to break the silence that was bordering on awkward.
"Hi" Hala blushed. At these times she wished her skin was darker so her blush wouldn't be visible. 
"I'm worldwide handsome, Jin. Why are you hiding here?". Typical of Jin to introduce himself this way, Hala thought. 
"I'm Hala . It's getting a bit too much, with all these people around. I'm taking a break". Hala mentally congratulated herself on speaking so smoothly. 
"Oh well coincidentally I'm taking a break too. So let's both take a break together" Jin made himself comfortable against the pillar. "So...you know BTS?" Jin asked innocently, and that made Hala laugh so hard she curled into a ball on the floor. 
"Oh god! You're real!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.
"Wahh! You thought I was unreal before? It's ok with beauty like mine people might not believe I'm real", Jin said while bending down to get on eye level with Hala . 
"Oh god you're just..." Hala was lost for words. Sure on TV his self-confidence seemed cute but in reality, it was something else. "Well, aren't you just the humblest person on the planet", Hala muttered standing up and smoothing her gown. Despite seeing Jin in front of her, she wanted nothing more to be left alone. Stanning someone from afar was one thing; having that person stand in front of her was quite another. 
"So what's that on your head? Is it a religious thing?" Jin asked. 
"Yeah" Hala mumbled. "It was nice meeting you. I have to make rounds now, introduce people to our company", Hala almost regretted speaking these words, but she was glad to get away from Jin. It was too much excitement for her introverted self. 
"Ok then let's go" Jin gestured towards the nearest men. 
"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Jin, the host's son. Please let me introduce Hala. She works for the uh ..." Jin turned around to look quizzically at Hala, his eyes urging her to finish his sentence. 
Hala stood there, stunned for a moment as his words registered in her brain. Host's son, which meant this party was throw by his...father? 
"Hala", Jin looked at her. "Tell these men about your company". 
She snapped out of her momentary confusion to look at three men waiting for her to talk. "Uh.. Hi. I'm Hala" She started talking about her company. 
An hour of constant chitchat with top business men and women of the country, almost always prompted by Jin with an air of confidence only he could possess, left Hala exhausted and once again standing by the pillar.
"So the rounds are made", Jin began. "My duty as a host is done. My dad will be taking over shortly, which means I can leave. Let's go out and eat something other than goose liver" Jin said as a waiter passed by with foie grass. "But I'm not paying for you. You should pay for yourself because of gender equality, you know".
That did it. All hesitation left Hala the moment those words came out of his mouth. "Yes! let's eat something. In fact let me treat you for helping me circuit this party" Hala said smirking. Well if he insisted on being so cocky then she would have to show him up.
"Oh yes. That would be great!" Jin said as he walked purposefully out the back door. "You know I can't leave from the front because of the media and the fans. I have to sneak around"
"Are you sure we can even go out and eat? I mean, some fans might mob you, you know, when they see you" Hala muttered sarcastically.
"Oh no that's ok. The ahjumma there knows me. I texted her so she will open an extra half hour for us so there won't be any other customers". He walked towards a Porsche, the car of Hala's dreams, and pulled open the driver's side door. "Come on! We don't have all night".
"Alright!" Hala grumbled as she opened the door and sat inside. He was almost getting on her nerves. "So...great job at the concert. I mean you guys were so good! Especially Jhope! He was amazing! And RM's speech about rainbows; it was so cute. And Jk's shoot dance and Yoongi's hammer dance; I swear I couldn't stop laughing. And V and Jimin were so cute singing like that together" Hala started chatting about their concert, trying to irk Jin by mentioning everyone but him. 
"Yes they were all good. Of course they were! It's BTS!" Jin seemed unfazed by him being skipped. "So Hala, tell me about yourself"
The ride passed with Hala and Jin talking comfortably, Jin occasionally making Hala laugh with his dad jokes. 
"We are here" Jin announced as he pushed open his door and got out, walking quickly towards the restaurant. He greeted the hostess and chose a table at the back, Hala trailing behind him. "Should I order for us? Unless you want to eat something specific?" Jin asked Hala politely.
"No its ok. You should order. I don't know what's good here" Hala said. They talked to pass the time until their food arrived. Hala was surprised how easy it was to talk to Jin; how comfortable he made her feel. When they were done with their food, Jin took out his wallet. 
"It's ok. You can treat me next time". They left the restaurant, Jin holding the door open for Hala.
Hala motioned to order a taxi when Jin yelled startling Hala. "Ya! What are you doing? It's late you can't go alone in a taxi. Let's go I'll drop you off". Hala protests were cut off by Jin opening his door and telling her to get in. Hala fed her address in the GPS and Jin silently followed the instructions. Feeling full from the food, Hala dozed off until they reached her house. 
"Wake up" Jin softly nudged Hala awake. "Is this the right place?" Jin asked to a sleepy Hala.
"Y-yes" Hala said in a sleepy voice. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this. Thank you"
"It's no issue. Now go in its late" Jin said. Hala got out, muttering a bye to Jin when he honked the horn. "I had a fun time with you. Let's meet again if you want" Jin said.
"Sure. That would be nice" Hala smiled as she walked inside. She smiled through her nightly routine till her head hit the pillow. After all what were the odds of them meeting like this.
A/N: Ok so Jin’s character is a little over the top but that’s what fics are for! We can re-imagine the characters and exaggerate stuff. Had so much fun writing this, Jin is a delightful character to write 
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Pool kinda day
Its a perfect day, light breeze, abundant sunshine and blue sky. A perfect pool day, Bano thinks as she walks up to JK and whispers in his ear. "How about we go to the pool today? ". 
JK turns around and grabs Bano by the waist, "only if you wear your red bikini".
Bano pushes away and while walking backwards she screams "maybe I will. Maybe I wont". She turns around and starts walking, with JK smirking and trailing after her. 
They reach the pool and Bano gets out of her seat and grabs her gym bag. 
"Where's yours? " Bano asks. 
"I'm not gonna swim. I'm exhausted after dance practice. I came for you only". Bano walks up to him and hugs him. 
"Thank you", she smiles. JK smiles back. 
"Let's go!". They walk hand in hand to the pool. 
JK is lounging on the pool chair when Bano walks in, her red bikini perfectly fitting her curves. She comes and sits by his pool chair. 
"Are you sure you're not gonna swim?". 
"Yeah", JK has trouble saying that one word with Bano so close. 
"At least sit by the poolside and dip your feet in the water. The temperature is perfect!" she grabs his hand and leads him to the edge. JK sits by the edge and Bano sits beside him, her head on his shoulder. 
"You work too much" Bano tells JK. 
"I know but it's part of the job you know". 
"Yeah" Bano says and gets up. 
"I'm going in" she runs back and does a cannonball splashing water on JK's white shirt. 
"Hey" Jk exclaims and looks down at his shirt which is now see-through. Bano comes up for air and smirks. She starts swimming, her strokes smooth and powerful all the while knowing what effect it has on JK. When she completes a lap she comes back to JK and stills herself with her hands on JK's knees. 
"So... How was I in the pool" Bano asks. 
"You were awesome, but you're not winning the Olympics anytime soon" JK laughs. 
"Oh you asked for it" she says as she pulls on his legs and he falls in the water. 
"Bano!!" he screams while chasing after her, both of them reaching the edge. 
JK grabs Bano's head and dunks her underwater. 
"Please" Bano says while laughing "Dont". 
She comes up for air and looks at JK who is staring at her. 
"What" Bano says while avoiding his intense gaze. 
"You know..." JK says while pulling her closer "We are alone in this part of the pool". 
"So..." Bano says while blushing furiously. 
"So.." Jk leans down and captures her lips in his. They kiss for  a long time, until they hear someone clearing their throat. The lifeguard.
"Guys its a public pool. Maybe elsewhere?". He walks away.
"Well..." Jk pulls himself out of the pool and helps Bano. 
"Let's finish this at home" He intertwines his fingers with Bano's.
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Couple by Accident
Suga had just dyed his hair. Again. A light blue, almost white. He was known for dyeing his hair excessively. He had no idea why he did except that he just liked to do it. It was that simple yet people wanted to make it complicated for some reason. 
He was on his way to his cozy room where he would hole up for the weekend, sleeping and working on his music. He didn't know why people would want to leave their rooms for so long, hanging out and socializing mindlessly, gossiping and what not. He would rather do stuff that mattered. 
Occasionally he would hang out with his friends, catch up and chat, but not often enough, and certainly not to mindlessly gossip. He preferred to talk about music, about stuff that mattered.
He was almost home when he got a message from a friend. A minute later he received a call from the same person. "No" Suga greeted. "I'm not coming". 
"But hyungnim. Please!" the younger friend whined. "I know you don't like to go out. But please this one time. I haven't seen you in so long. I want to catch up and maybe we can talk later about some stuff? I'm having a hard time hyungnim".
"Alright" Suga sighed. It would seem that he would do it for his friend. But this created a challenge for him. He would have to dress up. He was the least likeliest person to be excited about it, but he couldn't go without the costume; the younger would whine all night and it would get on his nerves. 
He switched on his phone and scrolled through bare minimum Halloween ideas, stopping at an extremely simple one. Something that could be done, especially with his newly dyed hair. He smiled as he called his stylist. He wanted to borrow a lab coat they used for one of their music video shoots. An hour later he rummaged through his closet, finding brown pants which definitely wasn't his - probably one of the members' - and pulled it out along with a light blue T-shirt. 
He quickly got dressed, deciding to air dry his hair to get the messy hair look that Rick perpetually had. He grabbed his keys and wallet and left the apartment, driving to the Bighit office. 
"Thank you for meeting me on your day off noona", Suga politely said to the stylist as she tried to find the lab coat. She asked him about his costume and when Suga mentioned Rick, she clucked her tongue.
"You need to put gel in your hair. Make it stand up". She led him to a chair and grabbed a hair gel from the shelf, using it to style his hair in a similar way to that of Einstein's. She then handed him the lab coat, reminding him to not damage it and left the building after locking up the dressing room. 
The house was decorated extravagantly. Pumpkins, lights, lanterns every and any Halloween associated prop was in sight. He walked up to the front door, passing a few drunk people yelling 
"Hey Rick, where's your Morty" to him. 
Before he could knock the door opened to reveal his friend. "You made it! And in a costume! I'm impressed. Come in". Suga entered the house and was dragged towards the kitchen where he was handed cheap beer. 
"This many people...can't have expensive beer you know" His friend muttered as he kept chatting about his amateur career, asking advice and listening attentively. This is why Suga loved his friend; he listened with so much passion, Suga could tell he was serious about his music. After an hour of chatting, the friend excused himself while Suga walked towards the main hall.
Plenty of people were dancing in the center, carefree and Suga had to move through quite a resistance to get to the back lawn. 
"Hey you guys are so cute!! Your costumes match so well!". Suga turned around to see a girl smiling up at him.
"Uh thanks" he said while wondering what on Earth the girl was talking about. 
"Yo Rick! Your Morty is the cutest! Did you pick the best one out of all the alternative universes?" A guy winked at him as he passed by. 
"You two look like a perfect couple!! Every Rick needs his Morty am I right or am I right?" a girl yelled smiled at him, clearly drunk.
Suga was so confused. He came here alone, why were people being so weird, he wondered. 
A minute later he shrugged and went out to the back lawn. He saw a slight figure already there standing with her back to him, a backpack slung over like a school kid. The backpack had the tag "Morty" on it, which is when Suga realized what all the comments were about. 
"I'm too busy! I have exams next week and I haven't even opened up my books yet. I'm not going. Its final" Hira was extremely frustrated. 
She wanted to enjoy her time but because of being a med student, it was extremely difficult for her. She was always busy with studying. She sighed as she opened her book and began studying.
An hour later she opened her phone to see 10 missed calls from her friend. "What" she answered. "WHAT?!" Hira was going to murder him. She was going to kill her instructor and then spend a happy life in prison. 
"Yes. It's cancelled which means you can come with me to the party. Hurry up! we only have two hours. I'll pick you up" She didn't wait for a response as she ended the call. 
Hira wondered what she could do. It was too last minute, she hated unplanned things and now here she was without a costume. She clicked open her phone and flipped through costume ideas, halting at Rick and Morty. Rick might be difficult given the almost white hair. Morty, on the other hand, was extremely doable. She opened her wardrobe, searching for her blue jeans and the lime green shirt she never wore. At least she could wear them today. 
Standing in front of the mirror she surveyed her costume. It was too...mainstream. People might not even recognize her costume. In a stroke of inspiration, she emptied her brown backpack, grabbed a sticky note, stapler and marker and hastily made up two name tags, one for her bag and one for her shirt - in case people saw her from the back or the front. 
Ten minutes later she was walking towards her friend's car. "Hey"
"Hey. Are you dressed as Morty? Well done you for such a last minute costume" her friend, who herself was in a cute Mario costume with the fake moustache and red cap said. 
They drove to the party with windows down, singing loudly to mainstream pop songs like they did back when Hira had enough free time to have fun. When the reached the party, Hira got extremely excited, bouncing on her feet while her friend tried to calm her down. 
"I haven't been to one in so long!" She yelled as she power walked towards the house. 
"Hey Morty! Did you lose your Rick?" some drunk guy yelled at them. Ignoring the boys, the girls went up to the door and opened to find the party in full swing. 
"I'll get some drinks" her friend said walking away while Hira tried to find a space on the couch. Giving up she leaned against the wall when a girl walked past. 
"Hey...Morty! Of course. This is so cute you know how you two matched so cutely" The girl talked fast. 
"Um who?" Hira was confused. What was she talking about? But the girl had already left. She spotted her friend weaving through the crowd and she grabbed the soda from her hand. 
"Let's dance" She grabbed her hand and pulled her towards an empty corner. After 15 minutes Hira had to take a break and step out in the back lawn. 
"Hey girl! If you're looking for your Rick, he's in the kitchen" a random boy walked passed raising his hand for a high-five. Hira reluctantly raised her own hand, wondering why everyone was talking about a Rick. As she was standing there, a guy walked up to her. 
"Why are you standing here alone Morty. Did your Rick ditch you to go to a super galactic adventure alone. Typical men" he sighed. 
Hira looked over at his costume, realizing he was Sherlock Holmes only after he pulled out a magnifying glass. 
"Hey. What's everyone talking about. Rick who?" Hira was genuinely confused.
 Was there a Rick running around claiming he was together with a Morty? With her? 
"Damn, that Rick messed up. Anyways gotta go my Watson is here". 
Hira turned around to look at him walking back into the house. This is weird she thought as she turned around. 
"So you're the one who keeps associating herself with me" came a voice from behind her.She turned around to see Rick, expecting some wannabe loser trying to win points by declaring himself not alone. Except, he was cute. As in cute af. With light blue, almost white hair that stood up every which way and pale skin, he really did look like Rick.  
"Well" he said.
"Um. So you're the one who is going around claiming you came to a party with someone. That someone is me by the way. And please don't say I'm with you." Suga didn't expect Morty to be a cute girl with a soft voice. But cuteness aside, did she just imply that he was the one going around telling people they were together. 
"Look. Whatever your issue is don't bring me into it". 
"You're the one bringing me into it" Hira said annoyed. They both fell silent for a while until suddenly Suga muttered a whatever and turned around. 
"Wait. Why did you do it? I mean it's not like someone would be unwilling to be your Morty", Hira wondered. He just gave her a look, that look. The famous 'are you still talking' look. It annoyed Hira even more. 
"Hey at least talk back, Rick!" she said, his silence getting on her nerves.
"Well, since you haven't realized what's happened, let me enlighten you. None of us said anything. People assumed because we were wearing couple costumes, we were together. Does that answer satisfy you", he directed his impassive gaze towards Hira who stared at him in shock. His voice was so attractive and she wanted to hear more of it. 
"So, since we are Rick and Morty and also alone, let's stick together. I'm Hira by the way", Hira trailed behind him trying to make him talk. 
An hour later, Hira was still at his side. But by now Suga was talking. He found her annoying, but also cute. Extremely cute. He usually didn't get along with people, but he did with her. She was as good a listener as a talker, and an hour passed by without him getting bored once. 
"Well. It's late. I need to go work on my music" he said as he excused himself and moved towards the door. 
Hira wondered if she would ever see him again. He didn't give her his number and was leaving just like that. 
"Hey" she turned around to see him standing in the doorway. "Treat me to food since you spent so much of my time talking about yourself" Suga said, still in that impassive way of his. 
Hira was realizing what kind of personality this boy had, tough exterior but a softie inside. She didn't take offense at that and instead agreed happily. She had a date! Sort of. A/N: This was inspired by a prompt. Imagine if this were to happen in real life, I would die from the cuteness
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astagfirullah-house · 4 years
Autumn Photography
Jimin was annoyed. Usually he had Taehyung or Jungkook, or even his hyungs to mess around with; today he didn't. They were all taking a much needed break with their families. He didn't begrudge them that, but he was still annoyed at the lack of a companion especially when he wanted to goof around. What was he going to do in a park alone? At a time when most people were at work or napping or just spending time with their families? He was sitting on a park bench, just gazing around when he spotted her. He smiled mischievously. Maybe he had just found the perfect companion.
Maira was annoyed. She loved taking pictures. However, she was used to portraits; landscapes never seemed interesting enough. She couldn't get the angles right when she wanted them to be perfect. Which is why, to improve her skills in that area, she had to photograph Autumn in all its glory for her photography class. Afternoon was the perfect time for her; the park was nearest to her school so she could always stop on her way back home. Which is what she did. Her tripod and camera bag slung around her, she went to the park.
Jimin was smiling. He was on his way back, deciding to work out and maybe dance a little. He was in a good mood now. His mischievous streak was satisfied for now; he could only imagine what the girl would think when what he did registered with her. He couldn't stop smiling, he hoped she would be back the next day same time so he could do it again. She was wearing a school uniform he supposed; maybe she would stop by again. 
Maira was smiling. She had finished her photography for the day. She had taken plenty, and if they turned out good enough, she might only have to go back once. She went to her dorm room, dumping her camera equipment on her bed. She quickly changed out of her clothes, eager to get back to her camera. She sat on her bed and pulled out her camera, laptop and connecting cable. Once the pictures were loaded, she took a moment to curb her excitement and opened the first picture. Autumn really was the best season, she thought. As she skipped through the photos, sudden realization dawned on her. What the hell?
Jimin was confused. He was teaching himself new choreography, and as was often the case, he got confused with the steps and mixed them up. Once he cleared up the confusion, however, his dance was unparalleled. Usually it didn't take him long to figure out the steps but today was special. Today he was distracted. He kept thinking about his time in the park and smiling to himself. Then he would mess up the choreography, trip and fall and his smile would be replaced with confusion. He didn't know why he was feeling the way he was about his day in the park. He shook his head and got back up to practice again. 
Maira was confused. It didn't seem like a coincidence, but maybe she was reading too much into it. She flipped through the photos just to be sure once again. They were the same. The beautiful landscapes of reds, browns and oranges were interrupted by a figure in black and white stripes and snapback. In every picture. In the same pose. His face and eyes covered with the cap and shades, making him difficult to identify. Gazing to his right, arms folded on his chest. It was a coincidence. Right?
Jimin was hopeful. He woke up and dressed. In blue and white stripes this time. He wanted to stick with stripes in case he saw her again. Same shades and snapback as the previous day though. He needed to have an obvious identifier for her to connect him to the same guy as yesterday. He wanted to see her again. He was hopeful he would. If anything, she would at least come back to re-take the pictures he had photo-bombed. He looked forward to doing it very much.
Maira was hopeful. She had almost convinced herself that it was a coincidence. Thinking about yesterday's shoot, she was confident she could finish the project today if her pictures weren't photo-bombed again. She would have to spend an extra hour though. This time she would be careful in taking pictures, keeping a lookout for any figures in her shoot. She would finish the project and go back to portrait photography again. She reached the park and set up her equipment. She carefully observed the landscape before taking pictures. Perfect, she smiled as she continued taking pictures.
Jimin was happy. Somehow he had found a new distraction. A fun distraction too. He hummed slightly as he walked back to the dance studio with a bounce in his step. He couldn't help but wonder what she would think. Would she be angry? Would she be amused? Would she see it as a cute joke or would she get offended? He hoped she would take it in good humor. She was too cute to risk angering. He laughed to himself. Suddenly he couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Maira was happy. She was sure this time there was no boy in her landscapes. She was sure of it. Consistent with her routine she dumped her stuff on her bed and quickly changed. Got her laptop, transferred the photos and loaded each one. Flipped through all of them. And then suddenly she spotted a black dot. So it wasn't a coincidence she thought as she zoomed each photo to see a head peeking from behind a tree, snapback and shades still present, though the stripes on the slightly visible shoulders were now blue. She huffed. She would have to get creative.
Jimin was amused. His thoughts were consumed by his 'prank' as he liked to call it. Even though his group members were back at the studio, his thoughts kept drifting to her. His hyungs and the maknae kept trying to get his attention, goofing around and wanting him to goof around with them. But he couldn't. They kept sneaking glances at him, wondering why Jimin had a perpetual half smile on his face throughout practice. Serious about his dance, Jimin usually practiced with full concentration. No smiles while practicing. But today was different. 
Maira was amused. She knew she should be annoyed. After all the more she photographed landscapes, the less she photographed portraits. But she wasn't. She couldn't believe this 'prank' by a total stranger. It was a refreshing sight, to find a random person in her pictures, it brought a smile to her face at least. Well this stranger better watch out; she had a few tricks up her sleeve this time. Maira was going to even out the score today.
Jimin was anxious. He did not expect this new turn of events. What was he going to do now? The girl was clearly trying to one-up him. Though she didn't seem angry about his interference at least. That was something to be thankful about he supposed. He tried to think of some way he could keep his prank going. He observed the girl from far away trying to think of something. She always seemed to photograph a few scenes repetitively. Perhaps because those areas were the most beautiful in the park. He was suddenly hit with an idea. It might be reckless, but it would certainly be fun. He wasn't sure if he could pull it off. 
Maira was anxious. Anxious to go back to her room and look at the photos. She was so sure this time there would be no snapback boy in her pictures. Her angle allowed no interruption; she shot tree branches and leaves ripping up the sky. No ground shots. She transferred the photos and zoomed each one carefully. Yes, he wasn't in the photos. She checked each photo twice, just to be sure. Until she reached the last photo. There he was. Hanging upside down from a tree branch, most of his body covered by leaves. Only his head was visible. Messy orange hair merging with the background. Ever present shades. What she thought trash on the ground was actually his snapback fallen while climbing up the tree. She got up and grabbed fabric paints and an old T-shirt. This was getting interesting.
Jimin was scared. He wondered what she would think. He didn't make it in most of her photos. Except one. Did that mean she had enough uninterrupted photos to not come back? Would this fun end with this stranger before he even knew her? He wondered while going through his morning routine. He had to do something. He liked looking at her. She was cute in the way she held her camera with the utmost concentration. The way she did a happy dance when she got the shot she wanted. He wanted to know her better. He grabbed a sticky note and some thread and needle. He had decided.
Maira was scared. Would the stranger show up again? Maybe she had taken it too far. Maybe she shouldn't have shot those angles, forcing him to climb a tree to get her attention. Maybe he would realize it was pointless; too much effort and not come back. She worried her way through school until she finally reached the park. She unbuttoned her school shirt in a secluded area. She was wearing a customized T-Shirt underneath. One she had made last night. If he didn't show up, the effort would be wasted.
Jimin was disappointed. He could see a girl, but it wasn't her. She wasn't wearing a school shirt. She was moving towards the tree where he had left his snap-back hanging on the tree. He knew it was her favorite spot to photograph when he left it there. But now someone else would see his snap-back. He moved closer, intending to retrieve his snap-back and thanking the random girl for finding it for him. When he got close enough, he saw something written on the back of her T-shirt. He discreetly moved closer to read. Snap-back: 3. Me: 0. Loser treats?
Maira was disappointed. She had not seen a sign of the boy. Maybe he really had gotten tired because of her weird angles yesterday. She wouldn't blame him; having to climb a tree to keep a harmless prank going with a stranger was too much. Maybe it was just a cute incidence that she would remember when she was old and grey. She was sure it would bring a smile on her face whenever she would remember it. At least she could finally finish her project today. She moved towards her favorite spot, noticing something on the tree. Moving closer to brush away the clashing black color, she noticed it was a snap-back. A square of yellow peeked out from its underside. Apology treat for ruining your shots. You in?
Jimin smiled. She was really cute up close. Almost a head smaller than him, cute round glasses perched up on her tiny nose. Big eyes that contained all the innocence in the world. "Hi", he said.
Maira smiled. Turning around, she finally saw him without his shades. His messy orange hair, eyes that turned into half moons because of his smile. Delicate features and loveliness etched into his skin. Charisma oozing from his persona. "Hi" She said.
A/N: I just incredibly love this piece. Usually I’m not too fond of my writings but I really love how this one turned out. It was inspired by a writing prompt when I was trying to improve my writing during NanoWrimo’18. Good old days
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