#Asset Disposal Management in Indonesia
kritikapatil · 1 year
Enterprise Asset Management Software Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Enterprise Asset Management Software Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Enterprise Asset Management Software Forecast till 2027*. Enterprise Asset Management Software offers a holistic view of an organization's physical assets and infrastructure throughout their entire lifestyle, design, procurement, maintenance, disposal, and others. Enterprise Asset Management Software market has high growth prospects due to its maintenance productivity and reduced equipment breakdown. The major companies are adding more innovative techniques in Asia-Pacific countries as these countries are focused on the fastest-growing verticals for the IT industry. Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Enterprise Asset Management Software Market are
IBM (United States)
Oracle (United States)
IFS (Sweden)
SAP (Germany)
Infor (United States)
ABB (Switzerland)
Aptean (United States)
CGI (Canada)
IPS (Germany)
What's Trending in Market: Increasing Demand at Asia Pacific Regions
Challenges: Security and Privacy Concerns
Adverse Impacts due to Selecting the Right Solution for Organization Business Standards
Opportunities: Introduction of Big Data Integration and Cloud Deployment Model
Technological Advancements Such as Physical Infrastructure and Integration Process
Market Growth Drivers: Rising Demand for Cloud-Based EAM Software
Growing Demand from Government and Banking & Financial Institutions
The Global Enterprise Asset Management Software Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Linear Assets, Non-Linear Assets, Field Service Management (FSM), Assets Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)), Application (Government, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Transportation and Logistics, Manufacturing, Energy and Utilities, Others), Services (Managed Service, Training & Support Service, Implementation Service), Organization Size (Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises), Deployment Type (On-Premises, Cloud-Based) To comprehend Global Enterprise Asset Management Software market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Enterprise Asset Management Software market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas. • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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bidmyasset · 2 years
Every company possesses certain assets that help them in their operations and helps them to grow their business. But sometimes the assets could lose their usefulness for the company owning them and the assets might just be lying around idle. Hence, to avoid any such situation many companies employ asset disposal management firms who can help the company to dispose of their assets that are not being used in the most efficient way.
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southeastasianists · 4 years
Environmentalists in Indonesia are calling for the reversal of a controversial law aimed at job creation because it is seen favouring business interests at the expense of the environment and labour.
Indonesia, the world's biggest producer of palm oil and nickel ore for electric vehicle batteries, has forests bigger than any outside the Amazon and Congo, and environmentalists say the country's abundant natural reserves could be exploited under the new law.
The reforms are contained in a so-called “omnibus” bill of changes in more than 70 laws, which allowed parliament to vote in a single swoop and pass the measure on Monday.
Thousands of people took to the streets of cities across Indonesia over the past three days, part of protests and national strikes against the law.
The government says the law is needed to improve the investment climate and create jobs in Southeast Asia's largest economy. It says the environment will be protected.
Here are some of the changes to environmental rules:
The new law merges the approval of business permits with environmental permits.
To get an environmental permit under the previous legislation, companies exploiting natural resources had to produce an AMDAL - a study to assess the impact investments have on the environment and local communities.
The new AMDAL process has removed a requirement for companies to consult environmental experts by only allowing "directly impacted communities" to give input for the assessment.  
"Sure, it (AMDAL) is still there, but it is weakened," Asep Komaruddin, a senior forest campaigner at Greenpeace, told Reuters.
Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar says undermining environmental laws will now incur more risk to a company as its business permit would also be on the line.
The previous law required Indonesian islands have a forest cover of at least 30%. This requirement has been removed, raising concerns that palm oil plantations and mining companies could sharply step up land clearance.
The law risks provinces like Riau, Jambi and South Sumatra, home to massive palm oil plantations, losing natural forests within 20 years, environmental group The Sustainable Madani Foundation said.
"Losing forests is more than just losing tree cover," said Teguh Surya, the foundation's executive director.
"(It also means) increasing intensity of forest fires, floods and landslides, harvest failures, a lack of clean water".
Bambang Hendroyono, an environment ministry official, said the previous 30% threshold was "unscientific" and would be replaced by new metrics.
The new law calls for minimum forest areas to be based on "geophysics", and "socioeconomic conditions", but does not provide any specifics.
In previous regulations, companies were responsible for environmental damage in their concessions, even if there was no proof that the company was at fault.
This is known in legal terms as "strict liability".
Environmentalists say the wording of the section is vague under the new law and proof of wrongdoing is now required to prosecute the company.  
Officials say this is to provide legal certainty in criminal investigations but environmentalists are worried it weakens an article commonly used to prosecute companies for forest fires caused by negligence.
The new law also removes criminal punishment for the illegal handling of toxic waste.
"(Toxic waste) dumping is illegal in America, Netherlands, Europe, even China. It was in Indonesia, but now no longer," Andri Wibisana, law professor with the University of Indonesia said.
While the new law does not criminalise illegal toxic waste dumping specifically, it does prosecute those who dispose toxic waste that causes harm to the environment.
Banks like Citibank and ANZ say if the new jobs law is implemented well, there will be a better investment climate for Indonesia.
However, 35 global investors managing $4.1 trillion in assets have warned the new law may backfire in light of investors' growing desire for environmental protections.
"Efforts to stimulate foreign investment by... easing restrictions on clearing land in palm oil concessions, are counter-intuitive," said a spokesman for Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management, part of the alliance of investors.
Their opposition to the law however, does not mean they would dump Indonesian assets they hold, but the law could lower Indonesia's market attractiveness.
Satu Kahkonen, World Bank Country Director Indonesia and Timor Leste, said in July that the reforms would "move Indonesia's environmental legislation further away from international best practices and this is not basically helping Indonesia".
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foxpeople477 · 3 years
Ebook Buku Managemen Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia
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Judul buku: Marketing Management Penulis: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller Bahasa: Inggris Penerbit: Pearson Tahun terbit: 2012 Edisi ke 14
Selain sejarah, buku-buku bertema branding, selling, dan marketing adalah yang paling saya sukai. Sayangnya, saya belum pernah membaca ‘buku kuliahan’ alias textbook untuk tema di atas. Setelah cari tahu sana-sini, akhirnya saya menemukan buku yang pas.
Tentang buku
Ten deadly marketing sins: signs and solutions = Sepuluh dosa pemasaran mematikan: sinyal dan solusi / Philip Kotler, 2004 (Buku Teks) Manajemen pemasaran = Marketing management, 2002. Pemasar harus mengembangkan rencana invasi segmen persegmen dan memilih pasar sasaran dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab secara social setiap saat. Daftar Pustaka Kotler, Philip., dan Keller, Kevin Lane. Manajemen Pemasaran, Edisi Ketiga Belas Jilid 1. Terjemahan oleh Adi Maulana dan Wibi Hardani. Jakarta: Erlangga. Bagi kalian yang mau update teori buku marketing management dari philip kotler dan kevin lane keller kini telah publish edisi 15 2016. Kali ini saya akan mempublish ebook manajemen pemasaran karangan philip kotler dari edisi ke 13 jilid 2 versi bahasa indonesia.
Manajemen Pemasaran Jilid 2 -13/E. Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller. Informasi Dasar.
Buku karangan Kotler Berjudul Marketing Management banyak digunakan oleh Universitas dan Sekolah Bisnis di seluruh dunia. Perbincangan Desi Anwar dengan Philip Kotler mengenai bagaimana Perjalanan karir Philip Kotler dan seperti apa peralihan dunia pemasaran menurut Philip Kotler dalam buku.
Seperti layaknya textbook kuliah, buku ini terdiri dari beratus-ratus halaman dan berpuluh-puluh Building a web scraper. chapter. Penjelasan keilmuan sangat lengkap, runtut, dan menyeluruh. Penulis tidak hanya menulis tentang marketing-nya saja tapi juga mengaitkannya dengan bidang lainnya seperti branding, selling, dan supply chain.
Ebook Buku Management Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia Kelas
Kesulitan saya membaca buku ini adalah banyak istilah-istilah akademis yang tidak cukup familiar. Menariknya kita jadi banyak mendapatkan ilmu baru. Istilah yang sangat menarik bagi saya yaitu defensive marketing, jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia secara harfiah berarti pemasaran bertahan. Ada gitu ya pemasaran bertahan.
Tentang penulis
Philip Kotler dilahirkan pada tanggal 27 Mei 1931 di Chicago, Amerika Serikat. Dia berprofesi sebagai penulis buku, konsultan, dan profesor di bidang pemasaran. Sebagai profesor, kini dia mengajar di Kellogg School of Management di Northwestern University. Sebagai penulis, dia telah menulis setidaknya 60 buku dalam berbagai sub pembahasan. Dia telah turut membantu pembentukan pemasaran sebagai ilmu pengetahuan.
Kevin Lane Keller dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 Juni 1956. Dia merupakan salah satu profesor bidang pemasaran di Tuck School of Business di Dartmouth College. Buku-buku yang dia tulis tidak hanya seputar bidang pemasaran tapi juga tentang brand management. Bukunya yang berjudul Strategic Brand Management dianggap sebagai salah satu karyanya yang paling penting.
My favorite lines of this book
Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution using state-of-the-art tools and techniques.
Skillful marketing is a never-ending pursuit.
Good marketers are always seeking new ways to satisfy customers and beat competition.
Selling is not the most important part of marketing. Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg.
A marketer is someone who seeks a response.
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Just as production and logistics professional are responsible for supply management, marketers are responsible for demand management.
Nintendo switch ethernet adapter. Companies must measure not only how many people want their product, but also how many are willing and able to buy it.
Companies must help customers learn what they want.
The buyer chooses the offerings he or she perceives to deliver the most value, the sum of the tangible and intangible and costs to her. Value, a central marketing concept, is primarily a combination of quality, service, and price, called the customer value triad.r
Many customers today feel there are fewer real product differences, so they show less brand loyalty and become more price- and quality-sensitive in their search for value, and less tolerant about undesired marketing.
Don’t discount your best brands. Discounting your established and most successful brands tells the market two things: your prices were too high before, and your products won’t be worth the price in the future once the discounts are gone.
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Selling focuses on the need of the seller; marketing on the needs of the buyer. Selling is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his product into cash; marketing with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering, and finally consuming.
Segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) is the essence of strategic marketing.
Business innovation is about increasing customer value.
A growing population does not mean growing markets unless there is sufficient purchasing power.
Companies commonly prepare a macroeconomic forecast first, followed by an industry forecast, followed by a company sales forecast.
There are two types of demand: market demand and company demand.
The well-known 80-20 rule states that 80 percent or more of the company’s profits come from the top 20 percent of its customers.
Marketers must have a thorough understanding of how consumers think, feel, and act and offer clear value to each and every target consumer.
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Consumers are thus more likely to blame a product than themselves.
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The marketer’s job therefore doesn’t end with the purchase. Marketers must monitor postpurchase satisfaction, postpurchase actions, and postpurchase product uses and disposal.
One of the most valuable intangible assets of a firm is its brands, and it is incumbent or marketing to properly manage their value.
Internal branding consist of activities and processes that help inform and inspire employees about brands. Holistic marketers must go even further and train and encourage distributors and dealers to serve their customers well.
We define competitors as companies that satisfy the same customer need.
Marketers must overcome “marketing myopia” and stop defining competition in traditional category and industry terms. Coca-Cola, focused on its soft drink business, missed seeing the market for coffee bars and fresh-fruit-juice bars that eventually impinged on its soft-drink business.
Ebook Buku Management Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia Tentang
Nike has a rich set of associations with customers, based on its innovative product designs, its sponsorship of top athletes, its award-winning advertising, its competitive drive, and its irreverent attitude. Internally, Nike marketers adopted the three-word brand mantra, “authentic athletic performance,” to guide their marketing efforts.
Competitive advantage is a company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.
A leverageable advantage is one that a company can use as a springboard to new advantages, much as Microsoft has leveraged their operating system to Microsoft Office and then to networking applications.
Companies offering the powerful combination of low prices and high quality are capturing the hearts and wallets of consumers all over the world.
To be a long-term market leader is the goal of any marketer.
Most studies indicate the market pioneer gains the greatest advantage. 19 of 25 market leaders in 1923 were still the market leaders in 1983, 60 years later. In sample of industrial-goods businesses, 66 percent of pioneers survived at least 10 years, versus 48 percent of early followers.
If I had asked people what they really wanted, I would have made faster horses’ or something like that. You need to figure out what people really want, although they can’t express it. – Henry Ford
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Hydrogen Powered Transport Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Growth And Change
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The hydrogen powered transport market consists of the sales of hydrogen powered transport services and related goods by entities (organizations, sole traders and partnerships) that are engaged in the manufacturing of electric vehicles. Only goods and services traded between entities or sold to end consumers are included.
The hydrogen powered transport market covered in the report is segmented by fuel cell technology type into proton exchange membrane fuel cells, phosphoric acid fuel cells, others; by vehicle type into cars, buses, trucks, others; by end use into passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle.
The global hydrogen powered transport market is expected to grow from $2.09 billion in 2020 to $3.27 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 56.3%. The growth is mainly due to the companies resuming their operations and adapting to the new normal while recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The market is expected to reach $20.04 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 58%.
An increase in government initiatives for the development of hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure is contributing to the growth of the hydrogen-powered transport market. Several approaches have been disposed of by different governments to cater to environmental conditions. For instance, the federation of California in the U.S. committed endows for the development of 100 hydrogen refueling stations to meet its goal of 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles by 2025. Another proposal has California working with other states to correspond regulations and building codes to ease the location and construction of refueling stations for hydrogen and electric vehicles. The goal of this collective effort is to put 3.3 million ZEVs on the highways in those states by 2025 with the goals of diminishing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and public health, while enhancing energy diversity, saving consumer's money, and promoting economic growth, which in turn will propel the revenues generated for the hydrogen-powered transport market.
The high cost of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is expected to hamper the growth of the hydrogen-powered transport market. The costs of producing and shipping hydrogen are relatively high compared to gasoline. According to the California Fuel Cell Partnership, in 2019, fuel cell cars themselves are more expensive to purchase new, and the hydrogen fuel costs work out to roughly $5.60 a gallon. Also, according to California Hydrogen Researchers, in 2020, the configuration required for producing, transporting, and dispensing the hydrogen gas alone will cost about $10 billion. Thus, the high cost associated with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is restricting the hydrogen-powered transport market growth during the forecast period.
The launch of a prototype of a hydrogen fuel cell forklift is gaining popularity in the hydrogen-powered transport market. Major players operating in the industry are continuously focusing on introducing innovations and technologies to better serve the needs of consumers. For instance, in October 2020, Hyundai Mobis has developed a prototype hydrogen fuel cell forklift with Hyundai Motor Company and Hyundai Construction Equipment. The hydrogen fuel cell forklift established can lift up to five tons and can be managed continuously for five hours when its hydrogen fuel cell is fully charged. The forklift has been adapted with a hydro fuel cell system mass-produced by Hyundai Motor Group. In the process of doing so, Hyundai Mobis independently developed a fuel cell power pack optimized for hydrogen fuel cell forklifts.
In December 2018, OneH2, a USA- based hydrogen fuel company announced the acquisition of Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Nuvera Fuel Cells, LLC for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition is expected to contribute substantially all of Nuvera Fuel Cells, LLC’s PowerTap® hydrogen generator assets, excluding related intellectual property to OneH2. Nuvera Fuel Cells, LLC is a US-based company that offers hydrogen generation appliances, proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, hydrogen generation, and dispensing products.
North America was the largest region in the hydrogen powered transport market in 2020. The regions covered in the global apparel market are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa. The countries covered in the global hydrogen powered transport market are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA.
The major players covered in the global hydrogen powered transport market are Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, BMW, General Motors, Foton, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, SAIC, FeiChi Bus, Dongfeng, Volvo, Ballard Power Systems, Audi, MAN, Groupe Renault, Mazda Motor Corporation, Hydrogenics, Kia Motor Corporation, Tata Motors Limited, Nikola Corporation.
The global hydrogen powered transport market is segmented - 1) By Fuel Cell Technology Type: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells, Others 2) By Vehicle Type: Cars, Buses, Trucks, Others 3) By End Use: Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle
About The Business Research Company: The Business Research Company is a market research and intelligence firm that excels in company, market, and consumer research. It has over 200 research professionals at its offices in India, the UK and the US, as well a network of trained researchers globally. It has specialist consultants in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, financial services and technology. TBRC excels in company, market, and consumer research. Contact Information: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 8897263534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Follow us on LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info Email: [email protected]
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💵💰Unicap an Innovative Crypto bank💰💵
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The project was established by the corporate FINEXPO alive since 2002. the most projects of FINEXPO are luxury trade exhibitions and exhibitions held annually round the world. These events were attended by quite 200,000 visitors and 3000 companies worldwide. the corporate is additionally the owner of IQ.cash and Master.Money. The geography of those programs is basically wide and includes the subsequent countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Cyprus, China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia , Latvia, etc
A crypto exchange-traded fund (CETF) is a type of fund and exchange-traded product, i.e. they are traded on crypto exchanges. CETF are similar in many ways to mutual funds, except that CETF are bought and sold throughout the 24 hours on crypto exchanges.
An CETF holds assets such as cryptocurrency, tokens, coins, and generally operates with an arbitrage mechanism designed to keep it trading close to its net asset value, although deviations can occasionally occur.
A CETF divides ownership of itself into tokens that are held by token holders. The token holders indirectly own the assets of the fund. Token Holders are entitled to a share of the profits, and they would be entitled to any residual value if the fund undergoes liquidation.
You do not buy a token but collectively invest into the fund swapping your funds to UCAP tokens. Your funds are allocated at the fund accounts and all the transactions are transparent. That is why every token UCAP will be initially 90% сollateralized with real cryptocurrency and liquidity tokens which the swap is done for.
The project was created by the company FINEXPO existing since 2002. FINEXPO major projects are exhibitions and luxury trade shows organized annually all around the world. These events were attended by more than 200,000 visitors and 3,000 worldwide companies. The company is also the owner of IQ.cash and Master.Money. The geography of these shows is really broad and covers the following countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Cyprus, China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Latvia, etc.
CETF transparent. CETFs are priced continuously throughout the 24-hour-trading and therefore have price transparency.
CETF can be bought and sold at current market prices at any time during the 24 hours. Also, investors can execute the same types of trades that they can with a cryptocurrency, such as limit orders, which allow investors to specify the price points at which they are willing to trade, stop-loss orders, margin buying, hedging strategies, and there is no minimum investment requirement. Because CETF can be cheaply acquired, held, and disposed of, some investors buy and hold CETF for asset allocation purposes, while other investors trade CETF shares frequently to hedge risk or implement market timing investment strategies.
Market exposure and diversification
CETF can provide some level of diversification. CETF provides an economical way to rebalance portfolio allocations and to invest cash quickly.
The Problem
Most of the coin and token owners (investors) face:
Absence of additional passive income.
Inability of profile creation from several tokens/coins and its professional management.
Time and resource loss in the process of day trading. Learning and adjusting to artificial intelligence systems.
Commission losses.
Constantly following the new tendencies and deciding whether to buy perspective tokens and coins or not.
In a search for profit they start to pay attention to fast-developing DeFI start-ups. However, here they notice that most of DeFi tokens don’t have the actual business but only expectations of how successful the project will be, so they can easily increase and likely easily fall in their price.
UNICAP Ecosystem
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Token Specifications and Sale Allocation
Token Ticker: UCAP
Token Type: ERC-20
Blockchain: Ethereum
Legal Classification: Utility Token
Total Supply (No. of Tokens): 100,000,000
Private Swap: 250,000 UCAP (0.20%) at USD 0.8 per UCAP
Pre Public Swap Level 1: 300,000 UCAP (0.30%) at USD 0.8 – 1 per UCAP
Pre Public Swap Level 2: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at USD 0.9 – 1.1 per UCAP
Pre Public Swap Level 3: 500,000 UCAP (0.50%) at USD 1 – 1.2 per UCAP
Sale Level 4: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.1 – 1.3 per UCAP
Sale Level 5: 500,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.2 – 1.4 per UCAP
Sale Level 6: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) at USD 1.3 – 1.5 per UCAP
Sale Level 7-100: 1,000,000 UCAP (1%) each level at USD 1.4 – 20 per UCAP
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Features of UNICAP FUND Platform
1. Collaterization : Every invested funds are collateralize which means all UCAP token issued are collateralize assets backed by cryptocurrency . All UCAP tokens will be buyback in Stablecoins
2. Reliability : This is a project established by an existing company (FINEXPO) with high reputation which has been in operation since 2002
3. Transparency : The project guarantees high level of transparency . CETF are continuously priced through 24 hours and the token price is highly transparent.
4. DeFi instruments : The ecosystem is powered by DeFi , hence , enabling effective DeFi products such as liquidity pool investment, staking profit , deposit for loan grants and more.
What makes UNICAP FUND outstanding is the high potential of growth in the value of their token because all profits generated from investment funds on DeFi ecosystem are transferred transfer to UNICAP FUND which in return increase the value of the token .
The Starting Price of UCAP token from $1 wil gradually increase to over $20 at the end of token allocations which will increase profitability . The platform will avail opportunity to SWAP UCAP tokens to the Fund . In addition, BUY BACK will also be available after the listing .
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Final thought,
UNICAP FUND stands out in DeFi ecosystem . The concept adopted by the team is quite brilliant and am sure it will be a very huge success UNICAP FUND adopts a game changing model which will restructure the entire system , ensuring sustainability, profitability and mass adoption of the system .Dont be left out , join the amazing revolution.
For more information,
Website: https://ucap.finance/
White Paper: https://ucap.finance/docs/ucap_wp_v1.pdf
UNICAP_WP: https://ucap.finance/docs/ucap_wp_v1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/unicap_finance
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tradersfair
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unicapfinance
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/unicapfinance/
Discord: https://discord.gg/BJBA4Yb
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5278941.msg55283491
Bitcointalk username : Gvsahil
Proof of authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5286755.msg55525959#msg55525959
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andreagillmer · 7 years
A Tiny Junior Targeting 1-3 Moz High-Grade Gold Left Behind in the Past-Producing Idaho-Maryland Mine
Source: The Critical Investor for Streetwise Reports   10/01/2017
The Critical Investor profiles a company tackling a gold project in California that halted production when it was nowhere near depletion.
Idaho-Maryland Mine, Nevada County, California
1. Introduction
Sometimes I come across mining stories that read like an old-fashioned treasure hunt of sorts. Rise Gold Corp. (RISE:CSE; RYES:OTC), a small junior headquartered in Vancouver, falls neatly into this category in my view. CEO Ben Mossman found the past-producing high-grade Idaho-Maryland gold mine after intensely searching the internet for about five months, scanning eligible projects up for sale, historic databases and other leads. When he started doing his due diligence, which meant sifting through a basement full of old documents, it soon dawned on him that this project could host huge exploration potential, besides the considerable historic (2002) high-grade estimate of 0.4Moz @ 9.1g/t Au M&I and 0.9Moz @12.7g/t Au Inferred, as the Idaho-Maryland had to halt production in 1954 when it was nowhere near depletion.
After bringing in a team of advisors for further research, Mossman became convinced he had a substantial venture on his hand, and started to develop plans to acquire the Idaho-Maryland project. This all became reality in January 2017 when Rise acquired the mine for $2 million, after raising no less than C$4.2 million in December 2016. Since then, the hunt for the ounces of gold left in the ground is on. The company has been busy digitizing the truckload of old documents into 3D models, determining exploration targets and setting up the first drill program, which is about to commence after the current financing will be closed. As the share price seems to have bottomed out now, it seems like a good time to analyze the potential of this exciting story for investors.
All presented tables are my own material, unless stated otherwise.
All pictures are company material, unless stated otherwise.
All currencies are in US Dollars, unless stated otherwise.
2. The company
Rise Gold Corp is a U.S. exploration and development company with Canadian headquarters, focused on creating shareholder value through advancing a gold project in California. The company is developing an exploration strategy for its fully owned Idaho-Maryland gold project, a former past producing mine located in Grass Valley, California, U.S.
The management team is led by President and CEO Ben Mossman, who knows all about underground gold mines in North America with over 15 years of experience as a mining engineer under his belt (Snap Lake Mine for DeBeers Canada, Mine for Alexco Resource Corp). Previously, as CEO of Banks Island, he led the exploration, permitting, financing, construction, and operation of a profitable gold mine in British Columbia which was one of the only hard rock metal mines in the world to use pre-concentration (DMS) to eliminate all surface disposal of tailings.
The real heavyweight of Rise Gold is Chairman Alan Edwards, working in the mining industry for over 35 years. He was the General Manager for three major mining operations in the United States, and the Senior VP of Operations for Freeport Indonesia where he was responsible for the leadership of a workforce of over 6,000 employees. Mr. Edwards served as the VP Operations for Kinross and as the COO for Apex Silver Mines where he directed the successful construction of the $675 million San Cristobal Mine in the difficult political climate of Bolivia. He also served on numerous boards of public companies, including as Chairman of AuRico Gold Corporation during a period of extensive growth which culminated into a successful US$1.5 billion merger with Alamos Gold.
Last but not least is director Thomas Vehrs, who is a huge asset in determining the right exploration strategy. Holding a PhD in geology, Dr. Thomas Vehrs is a highly regarded and experienced exploration geologist with over 40 years of experience in the Americas. For the past ten years, Dr. Vehrs held the position of VP Exploration for CA$1 billion market cap Fortuna Silver Mines.
Rise Gold has its main listing on the Canadian Stock Exchange, where it’s trading with RISE.CSE as its ticker symbol. As CSE listed stocks aren’t eligible for many large-scale investment outfits, and average liquidity is lower compared to the TSX Venture, management is looking to uplist to the TSX Venture as soon as possible. According to Mossman, this is planned as soon as the current financing is fully subscribed, which could be very soon. The company needs to meet the minimum working capital requirements in order to complete the listing. With an average volume of in excess of 97,000 shares per day, the company’s trading pattern is still quite liquid considering the CSE, the early stage and little amount of marketing, which makes it not too difficult for retail investors to get in or out.
Rise Gold currently has 66.7 million shares outstanding (fully diluted 108.48 million), 36 million warrants @C$0.39 average (the majority is due @C$0.40, of which 22.1 million warrants @C$0.40 expiring on Dec. 23, 2018), and several option series to the tune of 5.7 million options (C$0.24 on average) in total, which gives it a market capitalization of C$9.67 million based on Friday’s share price of C$0.145. The company has no trouble raising cash despite its CSE listing, as it raised C$4.2 million in Dec. 2016, and C$2 million in April 2017. When the current C$3.6 million @C$0.15 (full warrant) financing will be closed, which is any moment now, Rise Gold will have a working capital position of about C$4 million.
Share price; 1 year time frame
Although gold has seen significant gains on a dropping U.S. Dollar and North Korea tensions for the last few months, Rise didn’t follow. One reason for this could be that the company is still flying very much under the radar, but another reason could be private placement holders who might have expected more action and decided to hold the warrants and go for other projects with much more exposure/hype (For example even I bought into Novo Resources (NVO.V) after talking to a geo who did a site visit down under for a fund I am familiar with, as everybody and his/her dog seems to be afraid now to miss out on a potential monster 1 billion+ oz Au Wits 2.0, although not a single recent drill hole has been reported yet).
I view the current low as a clear buying opportunity, after the C$3.6 million PP would be closed (of which the first tranche of C$1 million very recently closed). The drill program should start soon, and if assays would indicate anything resembling the excellent historic grades/sampling/drilling, Rise Gold should be in for a re-rating. Solid drill results and an updated resource estimate according expectations should be able to move things considerably, as the current market cap is tiny at C$9.67 million.
3. Project
Rise Gold has one project, the Idaho-Maryland Gold project, located in Grass Valley, Nevada Country, in the state of California, U.S. Grass Valley deposits are classified as a gold quartz vein type deposit, often higher grade. California didn’t exactly build the best reputation as a mining friendly jurisdiction over the years (ranked #74 out of 104 jurisdictions worldwide by the latest Fraser Survey), predominantly based on permitting issues, but a lot has changed this year. New President Trump has indicated he is much more favorable towards mining compared to previous administrations, and filled the position of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head by loyal, anti-legislation, pro-energy industry Scott Pruitt.
Pruitt is the one person who opposed the EPA many times himself (self-proclaimed "leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda") as an Attorney General of Oklahoma. Pruitt is currently in the process of quickly and methodically breaking down everything at the agency that could hamper the U.S. economy. Mining companies that already profited from this, having experienced huge permitting issues in the past, are Northern Dynasty Minerals (Alaska, ticker NDM.TO) and NewCastle Gold (California, ticker NCA.TO), which all of a sudden seem to have a real shot at permitting now, and sport much higher market caps because of this.
On a more local scale, an aggregate open-pit mine and a large open-pit placer operation, the Blue Lead Placer Mine, have been permitted in 2015 in Nevada County, very close to the Idaho-Maryland project and well before Trump was elected. The firm handling this permitting was Braiden Chadwick, the premier legal and permitting firm for mining in California, and Rise Gold has hired them as well for their own permitting process. As the Idaho-Maryland mine is an underground mine, the surface disturbance would be much less than the Blue Lead Mine. Besides this, CEO Mossman has developed a plan to use historic, mined out stopes of the Idaho-Maryland mine to treat and store all tailings underground. Any development waste rock will be crushed and sold as aggregate in the area, as there is huge demand for it. Last but not least, the project is located on private land, which makes permitting much easier compared to federal (BLM) land, as stated in the technical report:
"The Project area is covered by private land and no permits or consultations with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the US Forest Service (USFS) would be required."
On a side note, the 2017 technical report has been done by Amec Foster Wheeler, and this is one of the most respected firms in this regard in Canada.
Because of all this I view permitting risk for Rise Gold as manageable. Now let’s have a look at the background of the project.  
The former Idaho-Maryland Mine has a long past behind it, and has seen several interesting books being written about its story. This mine was one of the most productive and best-known gold mines in the United States. The Idaho-Maryland Mine has a rich history of gold production and mining work completed between 1863 and 1956 by various operators. The Idaho-Maryland Mine represents a consolidation of several important early day producing mines including Eureka, Idaho, Maryland, Brunswick, and Union Hill Mines. Based on historic production records, these mines produced a total of 2.4M oz gold at an average mill head grade of approximately 17.1g/t Au.
The mine was reportedly the second largest gold mine in the United States in 1941, producing up to 129,000 oz gold per year before being forced to shut down by the U.S. government in 1942 due to World War II, as workforce was needed in war efforts. Significant production after the war-time shutdown never occurred.
The property was rediscovered in 1990 by Emgold and efforts were made to reopen the historic mine; however, this company was unsuccessful due to inability to raise necessary funding in unfavorable market conditions, and lost the option on the project in 2013 which then returned to the former owners. CEO Mossman then discovered the existence of this remarkable project in the summer of 2016. Although he is very much a result-oriented mining engineer, I also noticed and liked his love for history and delving deep into the project and all its data. When I met him to discuss the project, he gave me two excellent books on the Idaho-Maryland Mine story so I could get a sense of history, and the Rise Gold website and presentation are packed with historic information about the project.
After Mossman and his team completed their due diligence and raised sufficient cash, the acquisition of the Idaho-Maryland gold mine was completed on January 25, 2017. The purchase price was US$2 million, the entire transaction included legal costs accounted for C$2.66 million. The property is located in a prolific historic mining district (Grass Valley), of which the former Empire Star Mine was the building block of Newmont:
The asset accounts for 2,750 acres of mineral rights, including the surface rights at the Brunswick shaft. This shaft provided access to the productive Brunswick block, and extends to a depth of 3,000ft (about 1,000m) and was the main production shaft of the former mine. The property is royalty-free and there are no other agreements or encumbrances. The property is completely within the M1 zoning of the nearby city of Grass Valley, M1 meaning Light Industrial Zoning District. Mineral exploration is allowed in M1 zones without a permit; only certain circumstances, not relevant here, would demand a Use Permit. The same goes for underground mining, considered eligible in a M1 zone, although this certainly will need a Use Permit as buildings will be necessary, which is a circumstance that triggers such a permit.
There is a historic resource estimate completed in 2002, also by Amec, using a cut-off grade of 3g/t Au (for correct and full disclosure see company documents, as one cannot rely on a historic resource estimate):
This is the estimate by Amec at the time of the gold, which is estimated to be remaining in the historic workings. Interestingly, a few more historic resource estimates have been completed since then, the most recent being the one by Pease in 2009. They estimated 472koz @10g/t M&I, and 1Moz @12g/t Au Inf, based on a 1.44 Mine Call Factor multiplier (the grade at the mill head was much higher than the sampling grade, so a correction factor was applied), but Rise considered the Amec resource to be the safest although on no historic, non NI43-101 compliant resource estimate can ever be relied upon as mentioned, and this has been clearly stated by Rise throughout all relevant documents. Notwithstanding this, I am no listed company or registered investment advisor, so I consider at least the Amec resource a useful indicator for existing resource potential.
As might be concluded by the more experienced investor, grade and number of ounces could already likely indicate an economic deposit. Metallurgy has proven to be excellent in the past (recoveries of 99% were achieved). Although I have my reservations about the very recently released PEA of Pure Gold Mining (PGM.V) with a very low capex as it has an existing mine on care and maintenance (C&M) and very high IRR, its Madsen deposit (also a historic mine) is also high grade, deep and flooded, and already indicates potential for Rise Gold.
The underground workings of the former Idaho-Maryland Mine are flooded, and it would cost a lot of time and money to dewater this just for drilling, so exploration will take place from surface. Rise Gold is almost wrapping up the current C$3.6 million financing as mentioned, and after this, its treasury will contain about C$4 million, which will be more than enough for the first drill program. More on this later. Rise Gold has also other expenditures in the near future, as it has paid $600,000 for the option to purchase the mill site which is a wise acquisition as this land has large leveled areas fit for future mining buildings and new shafts. There is also room for stockpiling rock and other materials, and a 4 acre settling pond for future water management, and Rise will have to pay another $1.3 million before June 30, 2018.
To get a bit of an impression about the Idaho-Maryland Mine itself, here is a plan view of the different underground workings, ranging from surface to a depth of -1650ft (about -550m):
And here is a 3D presentation of the Idaho vein systems, also from the Amec report:
Please note that the nearby former Empire-Star Mine had underground workings going as deep as 1,600m, which is almost 1.5 times deeper. This mine was shut down due to a labor strike, and also contained significant reserves, and is still owned and shelved by Newmont. The same goes for most other gold mines in the Grass Valley District. Because of this, the geological setting and the historic underground samples and drilling, a number of geologists (from the past and current) believe there is excellent potential waiting to be explored.
4. Exploration plans
As the operators were mining three separate, rich veins and ramping up to double the production to 250,000oz before WWII in the past, it will be understandable that numerous exploration targets in and around the mine workings were identified during and after operation.
The central thesis for exploration is, as mentioned, the analogy with the nearby former Empire Star Mine and other former mines in the area, which indicates continuing mineralization at depth. This is probably a familiar theme for many, as it is standard MO in the Red Lake district, Val D’Or, South Africa and many other locations.
The Amec report lists the characteristics of typical orogenic gold deposit types, as Idaho-Maryland falls in this category, and here are some relevant highlights:
"Tabular fissure veins in more competent host lithologies, veinlets, and stringers forming stockworks in less competent lithologies. Typically occur as a system of en echelon veins on all scales."
"Vein systems may be continuous along a vertical extent of 1-2 km with minor change in mineralogy or gold grade; mineral zoning does occur, however, in some deposits."
Orogenic gold deposits can also have their disadvantages, as they can be hard to delineate, also due to possible nugget effects and narrow veins at depth. Fortunately for Rise Gold, Idaho-Maryland is something special in this regard:
"Past production at the Idaho-Maryland Mine has demonstrated significant vertical and horizontal continuity of the veins. The great vertical extents of veins of similar gold deposits, such as the adjacent Empire Mine, suggests extensions of the #1 Vein, 3 Vein system, and the Brunswick Veins to depth and there exists potential for significant stockwork-style mineralization within the Brunswick Block."
As the Idaho-Maryland system will probably be too complex to drill out completely from surface, the strategy of Rise Gold will be exploration and in the end delineation to Indicated and Inferred, probably on a grid spacing of 50m. Drill costs are estimated by the company at $270/m all-in. Because of considerable depth, management will use directional drilling, with a few widely spaced, deep motherholes first after which multiple branch holes will be drilled. Drilling will commence in October.
The currently most significant exploration targets identified at the Idaho-Maryland Gold Project are in untested ground below the historic mine workings. These targets are the Idaho #1 Vein, Crackle Zone, Brunswick, and 3 Vein System.
Rise Gold initially planned a $600,000 limited drill program to start off, and Amec proposed a single, 1,800m drill hole, intended to describe most of the geology and exploring mineralized extensions below the 1 Vein and 3 Vein. This has been adjusted, and management now wants to verify the possible existence of multiple mineralized horizons at depth:
This 3D drawing might be a bit hard to read, but it effectively envisions the extension of the #1 Vein (green target surface), accompanied by multiple, stacked horizons of mineralization, expected as an extension of the nearby 52 Vein workings. As sampling results of the #1 Vein at the end of the workings showed consistent high-grade gold, and continuity of all mineralization was strong at Idaho-Maryland, I have high hopes for this target.
The Crackle Zone, a concept initiated by renowned geologist and Hall of Famer Alan Bateman a long time ago, could prove to be the theory that propels the Idaho-Maryland project into Tier I territory if correct. It basically envisions a feeder structure to all currently know mineralized zones, located below them and continuing at depth.
According to the Amec report:
"The Crackle Zone exploration target is a conceptual target based on an idea proposed by Bateman that mineralizing fluids responsible for the gold mineralization encountered at the Idaho-Maryland Mine may have formed a zone of intense quartz veins and stockwork within the Brunswick Block in response to the interaction of the Idaho, 6-3, and Morehouse faults. The Crackle Zone target generally lies beneath all current development and drilling but quartz vein and stockwork hosted gold mineralization identified by drilling, development, and mining of the 52 Vein and 60 Winze area may represent part of this target.
The 52 Vein was discovered during exploration development across the Brunswick Block from the Idaho #2 Vein to the Morehouse fault."
"The Crackle Zone target forms a wedge-shaped area 2,000ft (610m) wide and 500ft to 1,000ft (152m to 305m) thick at the I2700 Level and plunging as much as 5,000ft (1,524m) to the south east where it pinches out against the intersection of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults.
Within this zone, gold mineralization may occur in shallow dipping quartz veins and irregular quartz stockworks in metavolcanic rocks that may be highly fractured due to the interaction of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults as proposed by Bateman."
The size of this wedge could have an average width of 305m, average thickness of 115m and a length of 900m, creating a volume of 31.6M m3. Based on a gravity of 2.75t/m3, the Crackle Zone target could be 86.8Mt, which is sizeable of course. If this Zone indeed proves to be the converging point of the other zones, I wouldn’t be surprised if the total resource could pan out to be 2-3Moz or even larger.
5. Valuation
Although it is pretty hard to compare Rise Gold with peers, as there aren’t many high grade underground gold deposit in something of a safe jurisdiction out there, I set up a peer comparison table based on available developers rather than explorers (as there aren’t any with a high grade resource), to give an indication of what could happen if Rise Gold could eventually advance their Idaho-Maryland project to PEA status and beyond:
Part I:
Part II:
As can be seen, if Rise Gold can prove up its historic estimate, a very significant re-rating is in the cards. Of course, there will be additional dilution, but I don’t expect the numbers of Integra, Harte or IDM Mining, to be honest. Generously assuming Rise Gold will arrive at the PEA stage with about 200 million shares and just proves up the 1.3Moz Au, also assuming the Enterprise Value/oz metric having a ratio of 60 (pretty conservative for a solid and profitable project in general), an estimated EV could be expected of C$78 million, assuming a further C$10M million in working capital would result in an estimated market cap of C$88 million. This in turn would result in an estimated share price of C$0.44. If Rise Gold manages to get the share price higher at an earlier stage through for example good drill results and likewise maiden resource estimate, raising cash will be less dilutive and upside increases further. In case Rise hits big on the Crackle Zone, I expect fireworks, based on things happening to current exploration success stories.
6. Conclusion
Without knowing what is out there on the CSE, it looks like the resource potential for the Idaho-Maryland project ranks easily among the top high grade, undeveloped underground gold deposits in the Western Hemisphere, listed on the TSX and TSX Venture. This type of deposits is very rare, and it seems this project has so much exploration potential that it could become a Tier I deposit, suitable for a major.
I’m fascinated by the history and the exploration theory for the Idaho-Maryland project, and if CEO Mossman manages to actually find the theorized mineralization, Rise Gold will likely be a multi-bagger stock. The uplisting is around the corner, the current C$3.6 million financing is almost closed, and drilling is about to begin, so results can be expected from November 2017 onwards. As there is no winter break in California, expect a steady news flow after that, hopefully confirming Idaho-Maryland as a top-tier high-grade gold deposit in the Americas.
I hope you will find this article interesting and useful, and will have further interest in my upcoming articles on mining. To never miss a thing, please subscribe to my free newsletter on my website http://ift.tt/2abv5gA, and follow me on Seekingalpha.com, in order to get an email notice of my new articles soon after they are published.
<p Disclaimer:
The author is not a registered investment advisor. Rise Gold is a sponsoring company. All facts are to be checked by the reader. For more information go to http://ift.tt/2yeRTVP and read the company’s profile and official documents on www.sedar.com, also for important risk disclosures. This article is provided for information purposes only, and is not intended to be investment advice of any kind, and all readers are encouraged to do their own due diligence, and talk to their own licensed investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions.
Good old days
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( Companies Mentioned: RISE:CSE; RYES:OTC, )
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goldcoins0 · 7 years
A Tiny Junior Targeting 1-3 Moz High-Grade Gold Left Behind in the Past-Producing Idaho-Maryland Mine
Source: The Critical Investor for Streetwise Reports   10/01/2017
The Critical Investor profiles a company tackling a gold project in California that halted production when it was nowhere near depletion.
Idaho-Maryland Mine, Nevada County, California
1. Introduction
Sometimes I come across mining stories that read like an old-fashioned treasure hunt of sorts. Rise Gold Corp. (RISE:CSE; RYES:OTC), a small junior headquartered in Vancouver, falls neatly into this category in my view. CEO Ben Mossman found the past-producing high-grade Idaho-Maryland gold mine after intensely searching the internet for about five months, scanning eligible projects up for sale, historic databases and other leads. When he started doing his due diligence, which meant sifting through a basement full of old documents, it soon dawned on him that this project could host huge exploration potential, besides the considerable historic (2002) high-grade estimate of 0.4Moz @ 9.1g/t Au M&I and 0.9Moz @12.7g/t Au Inferred, as the Idaho-Maryland had to halt production in 1954 when it was nowhere near depletion.
After bringing in a team of advisors for further research, Mossman became convinced he had a substantial venture on his hand, and started to develop plans to acquire the Idaho-Maryland project. This all became reality in January 2017 when Rise acquired the mine for $2 million, after raising no less than C$4.2 million in December 2016. Since then, the hunt for the ounces of gold left in the ground is on. The company has been busy digitizing the truckload of old documents into 3D models, determining exploration targets and setting up the first drill program, which is about to commence after the current financing will be closed. As the share price seems to have bottomed out now, it seems like a good time to analyze the potential of this exciting story for investors.
All presented tables are my own material, unless stated otherwise.
All pictures are company material, unless stated otherwise.
All currencies are in US Dollars, unless stated otherwise.
2. The company
Rise Gold Corp is a U.S. exploration and development company with Canadian headquarters, focused on creating shareholder value through advancing a gold project in California. The company is developing an exploration strategy for its fully owned Idaho-Maryland gold project, a former past producing mine located in Grass Valley, California, U.S.
The management team is led by President and CEO Ben Mossman, who knows all about underground gold mines in North America with over 15 years of experience as a mining engineer under his belt (Snap Lake Mine for DeBeers Canada, Mine for Alexco Resource Corp). Previously, as CEO of Banks Island, he led the exploration, permitting, financing, construction, and operation of a profitable gold mine in British Columbia which was one of the only hard rock metal mines in the world to use pre-concentration (DMS) to eliminate all surface disposal of tailings.
The real heavyweight of Rise Gold is Chairman Alan Edwards, working in the mining industry for over 35 years. He was the General Manager for three major mining operations in the United States, and the Senior VP of Operations for Freeport Indonesia where he was responsible for the leadership of a workforce of over 6,000 employees. Mr. Edwards served as the VP Operations for Kinross and as the COO for Apex Silver Mines where he directed the successful construction of the $675 million San Cristobal Mine in the difficult political climate of Bolivia. He also served on numerous boards of public companies, including as Chairman of AuRico Gold Corporation during a period of extensive growth which culminated into a successful US$1.5 billion merger with Alamos Gold.
Last but not least is director Thomas Vehrs, who is a huge asset in determining the right exploration strategy. Holding a PhD in geology, Dr. Thomas Vehrs is a highly regarded and experienced exploration geologist with over 40 years of experience in the Americas. For the past ten years, Dr. Vehrs held the position of VP Exploration for CA$1 billion market cap Fortuna Silver Mines.
Rise Gold has its main listing on the Canadian Stock Exchange, where it's trading with RISE.CSE as its ticker symbol. As CSE listed stocks aren't eligible for many large-scale investment outfits, and average liquidity is lower compared to the TSX Venture, management is looking to uplist to the TSX Venture as soon as possible. According to Mossman, this is planned as soon as the current financing is fully subscribed, which could be very soon. The company needs to meet the minimum working capital requirements in order to complete the listing. With an average volume of in excess of 97,000 shares per day, the company's trading pattern is still quite liquid considering the CSE, the early stage and little amount of marketing, which makes it not too difficult for retail investors to get in or out.
Rise Gold currently has 66.7 million shares outstanding (fully diluted 108.48 million), 36 million warrants @C$0.39 average (the majority is due @C$0.40, of which 22.1 million warrants @C$0.40 expiring on Dec. 23, 2018), and several option series to the tune of 5.7 million options (C$0.24 on average) in total, which gives it a market capitalization of C$9.67 million based on Friday's share price of C$0.145. The company has no trouble raising cash despite its CSE listing, as it raised C$4.2 million in Dec. 2016, and C$2 million in April 2017. When the current C$3.6 million @C$0.15 (full warrant) financing will be closed, which is any moment now, Rise Gold will have a working capital position of about C$4 million.
Share price; 1 year time frame
Although gold has seen significant gains on a dropping U.S. Dollar and North Korea tensions for the last few months, Rise didn't follow. One reason for this could be that the company is still flying very much under the radar, but another reason could be private placement holders who might have expected more action and decided to hold the warrants and go for other projects with much more exposure/hype (For example even I bought into Novo Resources (NVO.V) after talking to a geo who did a site visit down under for a fund I am familiar with, as everybody and his/her dog seems to be afraid now to miss out on a potential monster 1 billion+ oz Au Wits 2.0, although not a single recent drill hole has been reported yet).
I view the current low as a clear buying opportunity, after the C$3.6 million PP would be closed (of which the first tranche of C$1 million very recently closed). The drill program should start soon, and if assays would indicate anything resembling the excellent historic grades/sampling/drilling, Rise Gold should be in for a re-rating. Solid drill results and an updated resource estimate according expectations should be able to move things considerably, as the current market cap is tiny at C$9.67 million.
3. Project
Rise Gold has one project, the Idaho-Maryland Gold project, located in Grass Valley, Nevada Country, in the state of California, U.S. Grass Valley deposits are classified as a gold quartz vein type deposit, often higher grade. California didn't exactly build the best reputation as a mining friendly jurisdiction over the years (ranked #74 out of 104 jurisdictions worldwide by the latest Fraser Survey), predominantly based on permitting issues, but a lot has changed this year. New President Trump has indicated he is much more favorable towards mining compared to previous administrations, and filled the position of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head by loyal, anti-legislation, pro-energy industry Scott Pruitt.
Pruitt is the one person who opposed the EPA many times himself (self-proclaimed "leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda") as an Attorney General of Oklahoma. Pruitt is currently in the process of quickly and methodically breaking down everything at the agency that could hamper the U.S. economy. Mining companies that already profited from this, having experienced huge permitting issues in the past, are Northern Dynasty Minerals (Alaska, ticker NDM.TO) and NewCastle Gold (California, ticker NCA.TO), which all of a sudden seem to have a real shot at permitting now, and sport much higher market caps because of this.
On a more local scale, an aggregate open-pit mine and a large open-pit placer operation, the Blue Lead Placer Mine, have been permitted in 2015 in Nevada County, very close to the Idaho-Maryland project and well before Trump was elected. The firm handling this permitting was Braiden Chadwick, the premier legal and permitting firm for mining in California, and Rise Gold has hired them as well for their own permitting process. As the Idaho-Maryland mine is an underground mine, the surface disturbance would be much less than the Blue Lead Mine. Besides this, CEO Mossman has developed a plan to use historic, mined out stopes of the Idaho-Maryland mine to treat and store all tailings underground. Any development waste rock will be crushed and sold as aggregate in the area, as there is huge demand for it. Last but not least, the project is located on private land, which makes permitting much easier compared to federal (BLM) land, as stated in the technical report:
"The Project area is covered by private land and no permits or consultations with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the US Forest Service (USFS) would be required."
On a side note, the 2017 technical report has been done by Amec Foster Wheeler, and this is one of the most respected firms in this regard in Canada.
Because of all this I view permitting risk for Rise Gold as manageable. Now let's have a look at the background of the project.  
The former Idaho-Maryland Mine has a long past behind it, and has seen several interesting books being written about its story. This mine was one of the most productive and best-known gold mines in the United States. The Idaho-Maryland Mine has a rich history of gold production and mining work completed between 1863 and 1956 by various operators. The Idaho-Maryland Mine represents a consolidation of several important early day producing mines including Eureka, Idaho, Maryland, Brunswick, and Union Hill Mines. Based on historic production records, these mines produced a total of 2.4M oz gold at an average mill head grade of approximately 17.1g/t Au.
The mine was reportedly the second largest gold mine in the United States in 1941, producing up to 129,000 oz gold per year before being forced to shut down by the U.S. government in 1942 due to World War II, as workforce was needed in war efforts. Significant production after the war-time shutdown never occurred.
The property was rediscovered in 1990 by Emgold and efforts were made to reopen the historic mine; however, this company was unsuccessful due to inability to raise necessary funding in unfavorable market conditions, and lost the option on the project in 2013 which then returned to the former owners. CEO Mossman then discovered the existence of this remarkable project in the summer of 2016. Although he is very much a result-oriented mining engineer, I also noticed and liked his love for history and delving deep into the project and all its data. When I met him to discuss the project, he gave me two excellent books on the Idaho-Maryland Mine story so I could get a sense of history, and the Rise Gold website and presentation are packed with historic information about the project.
After Mossman and his team completed their due diligence and raised sufficient cash, the acquisition of the Idaho-Maryland gold mine was completed on January 25, 2017. The purchase price was US$2 million, the entire transaction included legal costs accounted for C$2.66 million. The property is located in a prolific historic mining district (Grass Valley), of which the former Empire Star Mine was the building block of Newmont:
The asset accounts for 2,750 acres of mineral rights, including the surface rights at the Brunswick shaft. This shaft provided access to the productive Brunswick block, and extends to a depth of 3,000ft (about 1,000m) and was the main production shaft of the former mine. The property is royalty-free and there are no other agreements or encumbrances. The property is completely within the M1 zoning of the nearby city of Grass Valley, M1 meaning Light Industrial Zoning District. Mineral exploration is allowed in M1 zones without a permit; only certain circumstances, not relevant here, would demand a Use Permit. The same goes for underground mining, considered eligible in a M1 zone, although this certainly will need a Use Permit as buildings will be necessary, which is a circumstance that triggers such a permit.
There is a historic resource estimate completed in 2002, also by Amec, using a cut-off grade of 3g/t Au (for correct and full disclosure see company documents, as one cannot rely on a historic resource estimate):
This is the estimate by Amec at the time of the gold, which is estimated to be remaining in the historic workings. Interestingly, a few more historic resource estimates have been completed since then, the most recent being the one by Pease in 2009. They estimated 472koz @10g/t M&I, and 1Moz @12g/t Au Inf, based on a 1.44 Mine Call Factor multiplier (the grade at the mill head was much higher than the sampling grade, so a correction factor was applied), but Rise considered the Amec resource to be the safest although on no historic, non NI43-101 compliant resource estimate can ever be relied upon as mentioned, and this has been clearly stated by Rise throughout all relevant documents. Notwithstanding this, I am no listed company or registered investment advisor, so I consider at least the Amec resource a useful indicator for existing resource potential.
As might be concluded by the more experienced investor, grade and number of ounces could already likely indicate an economic deposit. Metallurgy has proven to be excellent in the past (recoveries of 99% were achieved). Although I have my reservations about the very recently released PEA of Pure Gold Mining (PGM.V) with a very low capex as it has an existing mine on care and maintenance (C&M) and very high IRR, its Madsen deposit (also a historic mine) is also high grade, deep and flooded, and already indicates potential for Rise Gold.
The underground workings of the former Idaho-Maryland Mine are flooded, and it would cost a lot of time and money to dewater this just for drilling, so exploration will take place from surface. Rise Gold is almost wrapping up the current C$3.6 million financing as mentioned, and after this, its treasury will contain about C$4 million, which will be more than enough for the first drill program. More on this later. Rise Gold has also other expenditures in the near future, as it has paid $600,000 for the option to purchase the mill site which is a wise acquisition as this land has large leveled areas fit for future mining buildings and new shafts. There is also room for stockpiling rock and other materials, and a 4 acre settling pond for future water management, and Rise will have to pay another $1.3 million before June 30, 2018.
To get a bit of an impression about the Idaho-Maryland Mine itself, here is a plan view of the different underground workings, ranging from surface to a depth of -1650ft (about -550m):
And here is a 3D presentation of the Idaho vein systems, also from the Amec report:
Please note that the nearby former Empire-Star Mine had underground workings going as deep as 1,600m, which is almost 1.5 times deeper. This mine was shut down due to a labor strike, and also contained significant reserves, and is still owned and shelved by Newmont. The same goes for most other gold mines in the Grass Valley District. Because of this, the geological setting and the historic underground samples and drilling, a number of geologists (from the past and current) believe there is excellent potential waiting to be explored.
4. Exploration plans
As the operators were mining three separate, rich veins and ramping up to double the production to 250,000oz before WWII in the past, it will be understandable that numerous exploration targets in and around the mine workings were identified during and after operation.
The central thesis for exploration is, as mentioned, the analogy with the nearby former Empire Star Mine and other former mines in the area, which indicates continuing mineralization at depth. This is probably a familiar theme for many, as it is standard MO in the Red Lake district, Val D'Or, South Africa and many other locations.
The Amec report lists the characteristics of typical orogenic gold deposit types, as Idaho-Maryland falls in this category, and here are some relevant highlights:
"Tabular fissure veins in more competent host lithologies, veinlets, and stringers forming stockworks in less competent lithologies. Typically occur as a system of en echelon veins on all scales."
"Vein systems may be continuous along a vertical extent of 1-2 km with minor change in mineralogy or gold grade; mineral zoning does occur, however, in some deposits."
Orogenic gold deposits can also have their disadvantages, as they can be hard to delineate, also due to possible nugget effects and narrow veins at depth. Fortunately for Rise Gold, Idaho-Maryland is something special in this regard:
"Past production at the Idaho-Maryland Mine has demonstrated significant vertical and horizontal continuity of the veins. The great vertical extents of veins of similar gold deposits, such as the adjacent Empire Mine, suggests extensions of the #1 Vein, 3 Vein system, and the Brunswick Veins to depth and there exists potential for significant stockwork-style mineralization within the Brunswick Block."
As the Idaho-Maryland system will probably be too complex to drill out completely from surface, the strategy of Rise Gold will be exploration and in the end delineation to Indicated and Inferred, probably on a grid spacing of 50m. Drill costs are estimated by the company at $270/m all-in. Because of considerable depth, management will use directional drilling, with a few widely spaced, deep motherholes first after which multiple branch holes will be drilled. Drilling will commence in October.
The currently most significant exploration targets identified at the Idaho-Maryland Gold Project are in untested ground below the historic mine workings. These targets are the Idaho #1 Vein, Crackle Zone, Brunswick, and 3 Vein System.
Rise Gold initially planned a $600,000 limited drill program to start off, and Amec proposed a single, 1,800m drill hole, intended to describe most of the geology and exploring mineralized extensions below the 1 Vein and 3 Vein. This has been adjusted, and management now wants to verify the possible existence of multiple mineralized horizons at depth:
This 3D drawing might be a bit hard to read, but it effectively envisions the extension of the #1 Vein (green target surface), accompanied by multiple, stacked horizons of mineralization, expected as an extension of the nearby 52 Vein workings. As sampling results of the #1 Vein at the end of the workings showed consistent high-grade gold, and continuity of all mineralization was strong at Idaho-Maryland, I have high hopes for this target.
The Crackle Zone, a concept initiated by renowned geologist and Hall of Famer Alan Bateman a long time ago, could prove to be the theory that propels the Idaho-Maryland project into Tier I territory if correct. It basically envisions a feeder structure to all currently know mineralized zones, located below them and continuing at depth.
According to the Amec report:
"The Crackle Zone exploration target is a conceptual target based on an idea proposed by Bateman that mineralizing fluids responsible for the gold mineralization encountered at the Idaho-Maryland Mine may have formed a zone of intense quartz veins and stockwork within the Brunswick Block in response to the interaction of the Idaho, 6-3, and Morehouse faults. The Crackle Zone target generally lies beneath all current development and drilling but quartz vein and stockwork hosted gold mineralization identified by drilling, development, and mining of the 52 Vein and 60 Winze area may represent part of this target.
The 52 Vein was discovered during exploration development across the Brunswick Block from the Idaho #2 Vein to the Morehouse fault."
"The Crackle Zone target forms a wedge-shaped area 2,000ft (610m) wide and 500ft to 1,000ft (152m to 305m) thick at the I2700 Level and plunging as much as 5,000ft (1,524m) to the south east where it pinches out against the intersection of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults.
Within this zone, gold mineralization may occur in shallow dipping quartz veins and irregular quartz stockworks in metavolcanic rocks that may be highly fractured due to the interaction of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults as proposed by Bateman."
The size of this wedge could have an average width of 305m, average thickness of 115m and a length of 900m, creating a volume of 31.6M m3. Based on a gravity of 2.75t/m3, the Crackle Zone target could be 86.8Mt, which is sizeable of course. If this Zone indeed proves to be the converging point of the other zones, I wouldn't be surprised if the total resource could pan out to be 2-3Moz or even larger.
5. Valuation
Although it is pretty hard to compare Rise Gold with peers, as there aren't many high grade underground gold deposit in something of a safe jurisdiction out there, I set up a peer comparison table based on available developers rather than explorers (as there aren't any with a high grade resource), to give an indication of what could happen if Rise Gold could eventually advance their Idaho-Maryland project to PEA status and beyond:
Part I:
Part II:
As can be seen, if Rise Gold can prove up its historic estimate, a very significant re-rating is in the cards. Of course, there will be additional dilution, but I don't expect the numbers of Integra, Harte or IDM Mining, to be honest. Generously assuming Rise Gold will arrive at the PEA stage with about 200 million shares and just proves up the 1.3Moz Au, also assuming the Enterprise Value/oz metric having a ratio of 60 (pretty conservative for a solid and profitable project in general), an estimated EV could be expected of C$78 million, assuming a further C$10M million in working capital would result in an estimated market cap of C$88 million. This in turn would result in an estimated share price of C$0.44. If Rise Gold manages to get the share price higher at an earlier stage through for example good drill results and likewise maiden resource estimate, raising cash will be less dilutive and upside increases further. In case Rise hits big on the Crackle Zone, I expect fireworks, based on things happening to current exploration success stories.
6. Conclusion
Without knowing what is out there on the CSE, it looks like the resource potential for the Idaho-Maryland project ranks easily among the top high grade, undeveloped underground gold deposits in the Western Hemisphere, listed on the TSX and TSX Venture. This type of deposits is very rare, and it seems this project has so much exploration potential that it could become a Tier I deposit, suitable for a major.
I'm fascinated by the history and the exploration theory for the Idaho-Maryland project, and if CEO Mossman manages to actually find the theorized mineralization, Rise Gold will likely be a multi-bagger stock. The uplisting is around the corner, the current C$3.6 million financing is almost closed, and drilling is about to begin, so results can be expected from November 2017 onwards. As there is no winter break in California, expect a steady news flow after that, hopefully confirming Idaho-Maryland as a top-tier high-grade gold deposit in the Americas.
I hope you will find this article interesting and useful, and will have further interest in my upcoming articles on mining. To never miss a thing, please subscribe to my free newsletter on my website www.criticalinvestor.eu, and follow me on Seekingalpha.com, in order to get an email notice of my new articles soon after they are published.
The author is not a registered investment advisor. Rise Gold is a sponsoring company. All facts are to be checked by the reader. For more information go to www.risegoldcorp.com and read the company's profile and official documents on www.sedar.com, also for important risk disclosures. This article is provided for information purposes only, and is not intended to be investment advice of any kind, and all readers are encouraged to do their own due diligence, and talk to their own licensed investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions.
Good old days
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freesuitwhispers · 4 years
Global Sanitary Paper Products Manufacturing Market - Growth Drivers, Opportunities and Forecast Analysis to 2026
Summary - A new market study, titled “ Global Sanitary Paper Products Manufacturing Market - Growth Drivers, Opportunities and Forecast Analysis to 2026 ” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Sanitary Paper Products Manufacturing Market Global Report 2020: Covid 19 Implications and Growth from The Business Research Company covers this critical market and the impact on it from the Covid 19 virus. It provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the increasing demand for sanitary paper products as a consequence of the secondary effects of Covid 19.
 Reasons to Purchase
• Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 12+ geographies.
• Understand how the market is experiencing rapid growth due to the coronavirus and how it is likely to stabilize as the impact of the virus abates.
• Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
• Identify growth segments for investment.
• Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
• Understand customers based on the latest market research findings.
• Benchmark performance against key competitors.
• Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing.
• Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis
• Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order.
Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the sanitary paper products? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The Sanitary Paper Products market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.
Read Also: https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/impact-of-covid19-outbreak-on-global-sanitary-paper-products-manufacturing-market-2020-share-trend-segmentation-and-forecast-to-2026_485909.html
 The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider sanitary paper products market, and compares it with other markets.
• The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.
• The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, the influence of the Covid 19 virus and forecasting its growth.
• Market segmentations break down market into sub markets.
• The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of Covid 19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets.
• Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.
• The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers.
• The sanitary paper products market section of the report gives context. It compares the sanitary paper products market with other segments of the sanitary paper products market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses GDP proportion, expenditure per capita, sanitary paper products indicators comparison.
 Markets Covered: 1) By Product: Tissues And Handkerchiefs; Table Napkins; Toilet Paper; Towels; Sanitary Napkins And Tampons; Disposable Diapers 2) By Application: Residential; Commercial
 Companies Mentioned: Procter & Gamble; Kimberly-Clark; Georgia-Pacific; Seventh Generation (US); Johnson & Johnson
 Countries: Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Egypt; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Turkey; UAE; UK; USA; Venezuela; Vietnam
 Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
 Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
 Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
 Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
 Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.
Major players in the sanitary paper product manufacturing market are Procter&Gamble, Kimberly-Clark, Georgia-Pacific, Seventh Generation (US), Johnson & Johnson, Orchids Paper Products Company, Cascades Tissue Group - North Carolina, ONTEX France SA (France), Oji Holdings(JP), and Metsa.
 The global sanitary paper product manufacturing market is expected to grow from $65.8 billion in 2019 to about $107.9 billion in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in demand for paper products as people are increasingly preferring disposable paper products to curb the spread of viral infection. Sanitary paper products such as toilet rolls, facial tissues, kitchen towel, paper napkins, and other sanitary paper products are expected to see a significant increase in their market size until the Covid-19 pandemic remains. The market will see a considerable demand in the short term post Covid-19 due to an increased awareness about hygiene and infections. The market is expected to stabilize and reach $94 billion at a CAGR of 9.3% through 2023.
 The sanitary paper product market consist sale of sanitary paper products and related services. Sanitary paper product manufacturing establishments convert the sanitary paper or wadding into sanitary paper products like napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins and tampons.
 The global sanitary paper product manufacturing market has been geographically segmented into North America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, South America and Middle East & Africa. North America was the largest region in the sanitary paper product manufacturing market in 2019.
 On September 2019, Cascades, a Canadian based manufacturer of tissue and packaging products has acquired Orchids Paper Products assets. This acquisition will help Cascades in modernization of its tissue platform and it will also strengthen its operational and geographical position. Orchid is bulk tissue manufacturer involved in production of parent tissue rolls which are converted to various tissue products.
 The sanitary paper product market covered in this report is segmented by product into tissues and handkerchiefs, table napkins, toilet paper, towels, sanitary napkins and tampons, disposable diapers. It is also segmented by application into residential, commercial.
 Awareness among people for hygiene and cleanliness is expected to drive the sanitary paper products manufacturing market. There is an increase in awareness among people on hygiene and cleanliness because of theinitiatives of government and other organizations along with an increase in the income has led to an increased spending on personal hygiene. According to press release of World Health Organisation (WHO) in june 2019, 74% of global population used a basic sanitation service which has increased from 68% in 2015.Therefore, the increase in awareness on hygiene and cleanliness among people especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic is expected to drive the market.
 Recycling of paper is expected to be a key trend in sanitary paper product manufacturing. In the paper industry, there is a rise in recycling due to environmental issues like deforestation and increase of waste. Recycled tissues requires 50% less water, 64% less energy and make 74% less air pollution, which not only decreases the cost for the companies but also supports sustainability of environment. Recently, a Canadian tissue paper manufacturer Cascades Inc. launched its Latte Collection, which was manufactured by a combination of white recycled fiber and cardboard.
 Threat of prominent substitutes is expected to hinder the sanitary product manufacturing market. There are many alternative for paper available in market like cotton, plastic materials like polyester, polypropylene etc. Substitute products include cloth kitchen towel, wet wipes, sanitary pads, tampons and diapers made with plastics, etc. that are used instead of sanitary paper products, These alternatives are being used to decrease the environmental burden and for their ease of use. According to Statista, based on the US Census data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NCS), people in US used 31 times or more pre-moist wipes or cloths in a week. Therefore, it is anticipated that prominent substitutes may hinder the market growth.
FOR MORE DETAILS: https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5278100-sanitary-paper-products-manufacturing-global-market-report-2020
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Hand Towels Global Market, Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 -2030
Summary - A new market study, titled “ Hand Towels Global Market, Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 -2030 ” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Hand Towel Market Global Report 2020: Covid 19 Implications and Growth from The Business Research Company covers this critical market and the impact on it from the Covid 19 virus. It provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the increasing demand for hand towels as a consequence of the secondary effects of Covid 19.
Reasons to Purchase • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 12+ geographies. • Understand how the market is experiencing rapid growth due to the coronavirus and how it is likely to stabilize as the impact of the virus abates. • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis. • Identify growth segments for investment. • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market. • Understand customers based on the latest market research findings. • Benchmark performance against key competitors. • Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing. • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order.
Description: Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the hand towel market? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The hand towel market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more. The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider hand towel market, and compares it with other markets. • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market. • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, the influence of the Covid 19 virus and forecasting its growth. • Market segmentations break down market into sub markets. • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of Covid 19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets. • Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified. • The trends and strategies section highlights the likely future developments in the market and suggests approaches companies can take to exploit this. • The hand towel market section of the report gives context. It compares the hand towel market with other segments of the hand towel market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses GDP proportion, expenditure per capita, hand towel market indicators comparison.
ALSO READ:http://heraldkeeper.com/news/global-hand-towels-market-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-2020-2025-481570.html
Markets Covered: 1) By Product Type: Rolled Paper Towels; Boxed Paper Towels; Multifold Paper Towel 2) By  Application: Residential; Commercial
Companies Mentioned: Kimberly-Clark; Procter & Gamble; SCA; Hengan; Vinda
Countries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Russia, UK, USA and Australia
Regions: Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Time series: Five years historic and forecast.
Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, per capita expenditure.
Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes. Major players in the hand towel market are Kimberly-Clark, Procter & Gamble, SCA, Hengan, Vinda, Asaleo Care, Sofidel, Georgia-Pacific, WEPA, and Metsa Tissue.
The global hand towel market is expected to grow from $3.4 billion in 2019 to about $5.1 billion in 2020 as there is an increased awareness about hygiene and use of disposables towels due to the Covid-19 pandemic across the globe. People are preferring disposable paper towels over the reusable cloth ones to curb the spread of infection. The market is expected to stabilize and reach $4.4 billion at a CAGR of 7.2% through 2023.
The hand towel market consists of sales of hand towel, which is a rectangular piece of absorbent paper made from tissue paper instead of cloth. Paper towels soak up water because they are loosely woven which enables water to travel between them, even against gravity (capillary effect). Paper towels can be individually packed (as stacks of folded towels or held coiled) or come in rolls. Paper towels have similar purposes to conventional towels, such as drying hands, wiping the hands or face,windows, dusting, and cleaning up spills.
In September 2019, Cascades, a leading Canadian company that manufactures packaging and tissue products acquired the assets of Orchids Paper Products for $207 million in cash. This acquisition will benefit Cascades in it's strategic long term growth plan in tissue platform. It will enhance the ability to serve customers, increase the quality of the products, and improve the profitability of the company. Orchids Paper Products is a consumer products company based out of the USA that produces and markets paper towels, bathroom tissue, paper napkins, and other related products.
The global hand towels market has been geographically segmented into North America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, South America and Middle East & Africa. North America was the largest region in the hand towels market in 2019.
The hand towel market covered in this report is sgmented by product type into rolled paper towels, boxed paper towels, multifold paper towel and by application into residential, commercial.
The increasing awareness about hygiene in countries across the world is a key factor driving the growth of the hand towels market. Hygiene and sanitation are essential for preventing and controlling the spread of many dangerous human diseases including cholera, diarrhoea, Ebola and now Coronavirus. Regular hand-washing with soap is one of the most effective ways of avoiding or reducing COVID-19 spread without vaccine or cure. A recent poll has indicated that French citizens might be at high risk for viral infections in the form of coronavirus (Covid-19) due to a lack of good hygiene practices. Therefore, the increasing awareness about hygiene in the developing countries is expected to drive the growth of the hand towels market.
The manufacture of forest-friendly paper towels are gaining traction. Forest-friendly paper towels are those that are manufatured without the cutting down of forests. These papers are made from a mixture of bamboo and sugarcane. For instance, Who Gives A Crap, specializing in environmentally friendly, zero waste, safe and plastic-free household products manufactures environmentally friendly paper kitchen towels that are made of tree-free products and give value to money. They are super durable 2-ply towels that can clean-up very well.
The commercial places such as hotels, restaurants and workplaces are replacing hand towels with hand dryers, restraining the growth of hand towels market. The growing environmental concern to save trees led to adoption of hanf dryers replacing hand towels as they require enourmous amount of pulp from the trees to manufacture hand towels. according to the study by The Slate and Climate conservancy, using hand dryers is a greener choice and emit less greenhouse gases that emits 9 to 40 grams of carbon dioxide when compared with hand towels, which emits 56 grams of carbon dioxide.
FOR MORE DETAILS: https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5278099-hand-towels-global-market-report-2020-30-covid
About Us:
Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.  
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NORAH TRENT                                                      
Ph: +162-825-80070 (US)                          
Ph: +44 203 500 2763 (UK)  
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larebomrglobal · 4 years
Global Payment Processing Solutions Market Trends, Size, Competitive Analysis and Forecast - 2019-2025
The global payment processing solutions market is expected to garner significant growth over the forecast period. Factors such as high penetration of smartphones, various government initiatives for the promotion of digital and online payments across the globe, and significant investment in online payment solutions globally are driving the market growth. As per the World Bank estimation, in 2016, the total value of business-to-business (B2B) retail payments across the globe by micro, small and medium retailers (MSMRs) to immediate suppliers were $13.3 trillion. Of the total transaction, 53% (approximately $7 trillion) are made electronically, and the remaining is in cash and checks. Moreover, the total value of business-to-consumer (B2C) retail payments across the globe by MSMRs were $2 trillion, 50% of which are made electronically. Electronic payments are more widely used by non-grocery retailers compared to grocery retailers, regardless of the mode of business (B2B, B2C) transactions. These facts and figures reflect the need for payment processing solutions across various verticals; thereby, augmenting the market growth in near future.
A full report description of Global Payment Processing Solutions Market  at https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/payment-processing-solutions-market
Significant Investment in Online Payment Solutions Will Drive the Market
Realizing the potential of online payment in various fields such as retail and BFSI, investments are being pouring which R&D and expansion. For instance, Mobeewave, a contactless payment company closed a big Series B funding of $16.5 million round led by NewAlpha Asset Management, Mastercard and Forestay Capital in 2018. The investment fund allowed Mobeewave to continue the deployment of its patented solution across the globe. Further, Mobeewave also announced that its Samsung Venture Investment Corporation has officially joined the round, bringing its total to around $20 million. This enables the company to expand its presence by offering innovative products across the globe. Currently, Mobeewave platform in collaboration with Mastercard is available in Australia, Canada, and Poland through partnerships with Commonwealth Bank, National Bank, and PolskieePlatnosci (PeP). Such activities performed by the market players are expected to surge widespread adoption of digital payment across the globe.
Request a Free Report on Sample of Global Payment Processing Solutions Market at @ https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/payment-processing-solutions-market
Peak rise in transactions through e-wallet has been observed in recent times owing to increasing usage of smartphones coupled with higher internet penetration. International Telecommunication Union (ITU), estimated that economies such as the US, France, and Germany have mobile-phone subscriptions (per inhabitants) as 122, 106, and 129 respectively in 2017. Majority of the people in developed economies owns more than one smart device; thereby, high mobile subscriptions reflect the increased use of smartphones in these economies which give rise to online money transfer through e-wallet. Mobile phone subscription in emerging economies such as India, China, Indonesia, Brazil, and South Korea is on rise owing to growing disposable income and growing internet users. Thereby, reflecting ample potential for the growth of e-wallet payment transaction across the globe.  
Global Payment Processing Solutions Market Segmentation
By Payment Method
Credit Card
Debit Card
Others (Gift Cards)
By Vertical
Retail & E-Commerce
Business Enterprises
Others (Healthcare)
Regional Analysis
North America
United States
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of the World
Company Profiles
Adyen N.V.
Alibaba Group (Alipay)
BlueSnap Inc.
Due Inc.
First Data Corp.
Global Payments Inc.
Jack Henry & Associates Inc.
MasterCard International Inc.
One97 Communications Ltd.
PayGarden, Inc.
7.12. PayPal Holdings, Inc.
Paysafe Group Ltd.
Square Inc.
Stripe Inc.
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
Visa Inc.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
3 ways Coronavirus is having an impact on small producers and how to build back better
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3 ways Coronavirus is having an impact on small producers and how to build back better
A pineapple farmer from Rwanda walks to her farm. Photo: Aurelie Marrier d’Unienville/Oxfam
The Coronavirus is raging around the world. While many countries have started easing lockdowns, others still have restrictions in place or had to re-introduce measures because of renewed outbreaks.  For the foreseeable future, the impacts on economic activity are huge. Oxfam works with women and men small and medium-sized farmers, producers and enterprises in agricultural value chains around the world, and we’ve seen many of them experience severe impacts due to the pandemic. We expect stresses will linger even when lockdown measures are eased. Drawing from three programmes – the Enterprise Development Programme (EDP), Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in Southeast Asia (GRAISEA), and the Enhancing Livelihood Fund (ELF), we’ve identified three current impacts on small producers and the interventions that could help build resilience for the longer-term. Supporting small producers in food supply chains needs to be part of establishing a more robust food system, to tackle the risks of a food crisis and to protect those most vulnerable.
Cultivation and production
For some crops, cultivation has continued more or less as normal and adjustments have been quick and successful (e.g. the rice sector in Vietnam). But many agricultural producers are facing challenges, such as maintaining social distance and hygiene. Access to farm labour, input materials and an increase in their prices has been another challenge. The rice planting seasons in Pakistan and Cambodia are at risk of being delayed because workers can’t get transport to the fields, and agricultural supply shops are closed. One of our partner enterprises in Bangladesh, which purchases duck eggs from women backyard farmers to incubate and hatch ducklings, has experienced a drastic decline of inputs as farmers resorted to consuming eggs themselves rather than selling them. In the longer term, there is a worry that producers’ yields and income will continue to be affected by accessibility challenges, for example if field staff who provide technical support and training can’t reach farmers.
Information, markets and demand
Massive changes in the markets has severely impacted farmers and producers. They are being exposed to huge market uncertainties and often little information about developments. For remote producers with limited connectivity, along with travel restrictions, communications between the firms, farmers and markets are particularly difficult. All while prices are rapidly going up in some markets, and going down in others. For example, shrimp farmers in Asia with products intended for the US and European export markets have seen a sudden disruption in buying schedules. Prices for locally-produced coconut sugar in Indonesia jumped up as transport restrictions kept imported coconut sugar out. And mushroom producers in Rwanda faced significant losses due to a collapse in their sales to the profitable hospitality sector. They were being forced to sell their products more cheaply to local buyers. Reducing production has been one way of responding to the changes in the market, and increasing storage of produce until the lockdown measures are softened has been another way to cut losses. But that isn’t always an option, particularly for perishable goods. Oxfam works with seed producers in Nepal who are unable to transport their products to buyers. Since these seeds aren’t edible, if producers can’t sell them, they simply must dispose of unsold stock.
Financial liquidity is a big struggle, both during lockdown but also when measures are eased.  With reduced revenues to cover fixed costs, some enterprises are experiencing cash shortages and risk of not meeting their liabilities. Financial institutions may in the longer term use the enterprises’ assets pledged as loan security, which could push enterprises out of business. Many of the enterprises and producers Oxfam works with have limited capacity in financial management, which aggravates the challenge during a crisis. For farmers, decreased income in the short term (e.g. due to lack of sales) often impacts long-term profitability by making it harder to buy agricultural inputs for the coming growing seasons. As investors are becoming more reluctant to invest in low-income countries in the current climate, liquidity is likely to remain a problem.
What next?
Even as lockdown measures are lifted, many producers hit by the coronavirus pandemic will not bounce back quickly. Impacts will continue to be felt in the next growing season and further down the line. While it’s vital to address the immediate impacts for producers, it is also essential to enable them to “build back better”. The pandemic has particularly highlighted the need to strengthen resilience. Taking measures now might help in managing long term vulnerabilities to the risk of flare-ups or a second wave of the pandemic but also to tackle other risks. Attention needs to be paid to backward integration that involves women and men smallholder farmers and producers, who are often not considered in stimulus packages. It will be vital to consider how the pandemic impacts men and women differently and to incorporate this into measures for a just recovery. For example, we expect that women may get involved more in farm work if there is a shortage of labour. This can potentially be positive for their income, but also comes with the risk of an increased burden for women if their other (unpaid care) responsibilities don’t shift. Some concrete suggestions include:
Diversification of production as well as markets e.g. when due to transport restrictions or market disruptions income is reduced. Increased storage capacity may help for some products for a while, but identifying alternative markets and adjusting production can be critical to keep income up. In Rwanda, a producer of dried pineapple for the export market started selling raw pineapples locally when reduced international cargo flights lead to a decline of export sales.
Enable better access to market information through technology especially with greater inclusion of women so that producers can better adjust to changes.
Increased access to finance is critical. Rebuilding back better should consider policy measures that provide risk-sharing facilities for finance service sectors to develop loan and insurance packages for farmers and entrepreneurs, specifically targeting women farmers and entrepreneurs. Women’s access to finance is one of the key challenges for women in agricultural value chains due to restrictive social norms that are linked to women’s lack of ownership of productive resources/assets and it is vital that these dimensions are considered when introducing measures.
Ulrike Joras
Ulrike Joras is a private sector advisor at Oxfam GB. In her current role, she focuses on developing programmatic partnerships between Oxfam and companies, in particular in the areas of women's economic empowerment, agricultural supply chains and insurance. She joined Oxfam at the end of 2015.
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supervidyavinay · 4 years
By Alex Sazonov and Venus FengPetr Kellner’s push into China was meant to turbo-charge one of eastern Europe’s biggest fortunes. Instead, the Czech billionaire saw a listing of his consumer lender collapse, followed by a fight to contain the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.That has cost him $2.5 billion since January, with mounting questions about what’s next for his Asian expansion. In November, Kellner’s Home Credit NV scrapped a plan for a $1.5 billion initial public offering in Hong Kong after investors demanded a lower valuation. Now China’s slowing economy and shrinking consumer loans following strict lockdowns are adding to the woes for a company that has most of its loan book in that country.Kellner’s fortune, now at $10 billion, has dropped the most this year among the richest eastern Europeans outside of Russia, mostly because of a $1.5 billion plunge in the value of his stake in Home Credit. It’s now worth an estimated $2.8 billion, based on the performance of publicly traded peers, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.“The coronavirus pandemic unfortunately won’t remain without a negative effect on the Home Credit business,” company spokesman Milan Tomanek said in an email. “Quantifying the impact at this moment, when the pandemic hasn’t ended yet, would be speculation.”Born in Czechoslovakia in 1964, Kellner studied economics and worked as a salesman for an office-equipment distributor shortly after the Communist Party fell in the 1989 Velvet Revolution. Then the newly capitalist state began selling assets such as industrial firms and refineries using a unique approach: it handed out vouchers exchangeable for company shares. Kellner, like many others, took advantage. He set up a fund in 1991 and, with the help of outside investors, acquired stakes in 202 companies. It wound up handling the sixth-biggest batch of assets offered for sale at the time, according to the firm, which then became known as PPF Group NV.76128207Foreign OwnershipToday, PPF’s operations span finance, telecom, biotech, real estate and engineering, and Kellner controls about 99% of the company. Its Home Credit unit, started in 1997, is one of the largest consumer lenders in central and eastern Europe.The push into China came in 2007. Home Credit operates in countries with little consumer-finance penetration and where demand for consumer loans is growing with improving disposable incomes, according to a prospectus for its IPO. The company, registered in Amsterdam, is the only consumer-finance firm in China owned entirely by foreign investors and held 28% of the nation’s consumer-loan balance at the end of 2018, the prospectus showed. It also expanded in Vietnam, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Kazakhstan, according to its website.Increasingly ApparentWith China’s economy reopening, the impact of the lockdowns will become increasingly apparent. When it comes to consumer lending, the balance of short-term loans from financial institutions dropped more than 20% to 7.8 trillion yuan ($1.1 trillion) in April from the end of last year, according to data from the People’s Bank of China.“Fewer people are willing to take longer trips and fewer people will buy a luxury handbag or an automobile right now as they might not be considered necessities when you can choose to work from home,” said James Chang, a partner at PwC China. “These factors are continuing to affect negatively the volume of new consumer loans.”Growth in China’s market for consumer loans had already started to slow before Covid-19 hit as regulators sought to curtail unsustainable lending practices. For Home Credit, the introduction last year of an interest-rate cap that led to a review of its product offerings and a reduction in fees and commission income was a major hit, even though it managed to report a 9.5% increase in net loans to Chinese customers to almost 12 billion euros ($13 billion) for 2019.For popular domestic lending platforms such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s Ant Financial Services Group, the pandemic has actually led to more business. Chinese lenders sought out the firm’s digital technology after they were forced to shutter branches, and its MYbank, which cut interest rates, is on track to issue a record 2 trillion yuan of new loans to small- and mid-size companies this year, up almost 18% from 2019.In its Hong Kong IPO, Home Credit sought a valuation of 10 billion euros, people familiar with the matter said at the time. When investors pushed back, the company decided to pull the deal. Tomanek, the spokesman, said there are no plans to revisit a listing.PwC’s Chang remains confident that Home Credit and its owner will recover. Domestic consumption will be a major driver for China’s economy, and the industry holds promise for the medium to long term, he said. A September report by the National Institution for Finance & Development projected rapid growth in the next five years, with consumer loans comprising more than 25% of China’s credit-loan market.“They are from eastern Europe, they saw how an economy develops, so they know how to reach their customers and how to design products for different scenarios like buying a new smartphone,“ Chang said of Home Credit.--With assistance from Peter Laca, Pei Yi Mak, Jack Witzig, Lenka Ponikelska and Tom Metcalf. from Economic Times https://ift.tt/36QdPcd
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andreagillmer · 7 years
A Tiny Junior Targeting 1-3 Moz High-Grade Gold Left Behind in the Past-Producing Idaho-Maryland Mine
Source: The Critical Investor for Streetwise Reports   10/01/2017
The Critical Investor profiles a company tackling a gold project in California that halted production when it was nowhere near depletion.
Idaho-Maryland Mine, Nevada County, California
1. Introduction
Sometimes I come across mining stories that read like an old-fashioned treasure hunt of sorts. Rise Gold Corp. (RISE:CSE; RYES:OTC), a small junior headquartered in Vancouver, falls neatly into this category in my view. CEO Ben Mossman found the past-producing high-grade Idaho-Maryland gold mine after intensely searching the internet for about five months, scanning eligible projects up for sale, historic databases and other leads. When he started doing his due diligence, which meant sifting through a basement full of old documents, it soon dawned on him that this project could host huge exploration potential, besides the considerable historic (2002) high-grade estimate of 0.4Moz @ 9.1g/t Au M&I and 0.9Moz @12.7g/t Au Inferred, as the Idaho-Maryland had to halt production in 1954 when it was nowhere near depletion.
After bringing in a team of advisors for further research, Mossman became convinced he had a substantial venture on his hand, and started to develop plans to acquire the Idaho-Maryland project. This all became reality in January 2017 when Rise acquired the mine for $2 million, after raising no less than C$4.2 million in December 2016. Since then, the hunt for the ounces of gold left in the ground is on. The company has been busy digitizing the truckload of old documents into 3D models, determining exploration targets and setting up the first drill program, which is about to commence after the current financing will be closed. As the share price seems to have bottomed out now, it seems like a good time to analyze the potential of this exciting story for investors.
All presented tables are my own material, unless stated otherwise.
All pictures are company material, unless stated otherwise.
All currencies are in US Dollars, unless stated otherwise.
2. The company
Rise Gold Corp is a U.S. exploration and development company with Canadian headquarters, focused on creating shareholder value through advancing a gold project in California. The company is developing an exploration strategy for its fully owned Idaho-Maryland gold project, a former past producing mine located in Grass Valley, California, U.S.
The management team is led by President and CEO Ben Mossman, who knows all about underground gold mines in North America with over 15 years of experience as a mining engineer under his belt (Snap Lake Mine for DeBeers Canada, Mine for Alexco Resource Corp). Previously, as CEO of Banks Island, he led the exploration, permitting, financing, construction, and operation of a profitable gold mine in British Columbia which was one of the only hard rock metal mines in the world to use pre-concentration (DMS) to eliminate all surface disposal of tailings.
The real heavyweight of Rise Gold is Chairman Alan Edwards, working in the mining industry for over 35 years. He was the General Manager for three major mining operations in the United States, and the Senior VP of Operations for Freeport Indonesia where he was responsible for the leadership of a workforce of over 6,000 employees. Mr. Edwards served as the VP Operations for Kinross and as the COO for Apex Silver Mines where he directed the successful construction of the $675 million San Cristobal Mine in the difficult political climate of Bolivia. He also served on numerous boards of public companies, including as Chairman of AuRico Gold Corporation during a period of extensive growth which culminated into a successful US$1.5 billion merger with Alamos Gold.
Last but not least is director Thomas Vehrs, who is a huge asset in determining the right exploration strategy. Holding a PhD in geology, Dr. Thomas Vehrs is a highly regarded and experienced exploration geologist with over 40 years of experience in the Americas. For the past ten years, Dr. Vehrs held the position of VP Exploration for CA$1 billion market cap Fortuna Silver Mines.
Rise Gold has its main listing on the Canadian Stock Exchange, where it's trading with RISE.CSE as its ticker symbol. As CSE listed stocks aren't eligible for many large-scale investment outfits, and average liquidity is lower compared to the TSX Venture, management is looking to uplist to the TSX Venture as soon as possible. According to Mossman, this is planned as soon as the current financing is fully subscribed, which could be very soon. The company needs to meet the minimum working capital requirements in order to complete the listing. With an average volume of in excess of 97,000 shares per day, the company's trading pattern is still quite liquid considering the CSE, the early stage and little amount of marketing, which makes it not too difficult for retail investors to get in or out.
Rise Gold currently has 66.7 million shares outstanding (fully diluted 108.48 million), 36 million warrants @C$0.39 average (the majority is due @C$0.40, of which 22.1 million warrants @C$0.40 expiring on Dec. 23, 2018), and several option series to the tune of 5.7 million options (C$0.24 on average) in total, which gives it a market capitalization of C$9.67 million based on Friday's share price of C$0.145. The company has no trouble raising cash despite its CSE listing, as it raised C$4.2 million in Dec. 2016, and C$2 million in April 2017. When the current C$3.6 million @C$0.15 (full warrant) financing will be closed, which is any moment now, Rise Gold will have a working capital position of about C$4 million.
Share price; 1 year time frame
Although gold has seen significant gains on a dropping U.S. Dollar and North Korea tensions for the last few months, Rise didn't follow. One reason for this could be that the company is still flying very much under the radar, but another reason could be private placement holders who might have expected more action and decided to hold the warrants and go for other projects with much more exposure/hype (For example even I bought into Novo Resources (NVO.V) after talking to a geo who did a site visit down under for a fund I am familiar with, as everybody and his/her dog seems to be afraid now to miss out on a potential monster 1 billion+ oz Au Wits 2.0, although not a single recent drill hole has been reported yet).
I view the current low as a clear buying opportunity, after the C$3.6 million PP would be closed (of which the first tranche of C$1 million very recently closed). The drill program should start soon, and if assays would indicate anything resembling the excellent historic grades/sampling/drilling, Rise Gold should be in for a re-rating. Solid drill results and an updated resource estimate according expectations should be able to move things considerably, as the current market cap is tiny at C$9.67 million.
3. Project
Rise Gold has one project, the Idaho-Maryland Gold project, located in Grass Valley, Nevada Country, in the state of California, U.S. Grass Valley deposits are classified as a gold quartz vein type deposit, often higher grade. California didn't exactly build the best reputation as a mining friendly jurisdiction over the years (ranked #74 out of 104 jurisdictions worldwide by the latest Fraser Survey), predominantly based on permitting issues, but a lot has changed this year. New President Trump has indicated he is much more favorable towards mining compared to previous administrations, and filled the position of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head by loyal, anti-legislation, pro-energy industry Scott Pruitt.
Pruitt is the one person who opposed the EPA many times himself (self-proclaimed "leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda") as an Attorney General of Oklahoma. Pruitt is currently in the process of quickly and methodically breaking down everything at the agency that could hamper the U.S. economy. Mining companies that already profited from this, having experienced huge permitting issues in the past, are Northern Dynasty Minerals (Alaska, ticker NDM.TO) and NewCastle Gold (California, ticker NCA.TO), which all of a sudden seem to have a real shot at permitting now, and sport much higher market caps because of this.
On a more local scale, an aggregate open-pit mine and a large open-pit placer operation, the Blue Lead Placer Mine, have been permitted in 2015 in Nevada County, very close to the Idaho-Maryland project and well before Trump was elected. The firm handling this permitting was Braiden Chadwick, the premier legal and permitting firm for mining in California, and Rise Gold has hired them as well for their own permitting process. As the Idaho-Maryland mine is an underground mine, the surface disturbance would be much less than the Blue Lead Mine. Besides this, CEO Mossman has developed a plan to use historic, mined out stopes of the Idaho-Maryland mine to treat and store all tailings underground. Any development waste rock will be crushed and sold as aggregate in the area, as there is huge demand for it. Last but not least, the project is located on private land, which makes permitting much easier compared to federal (BLM) land, as stated in the technical report:
"The Project area is covered by private land and no permits or consultations with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the US Forest Service (USFS) would be required."
On a side note, the 2017 technical report has been done by Amec Foster Wheeler, and this is one of the most respected firms in this regard in Canada.
Because of all this I view permitting risk for Rise Gold as manageable. Now let's have a look at the background of the project.  
The former Idaho-Maryland Mine has a long past behind it, and has seen several interesting books being written about its story. This mine was one of the most productive and best-known gold mines in the United States. The Idaho-Maryland Mine has a rich history of gold production and mining work completed between 1863 and 1956 by various operators. The Idaho-Maryland Mine represents a consolidation of several important early day producing mines including Eureka, Idaho, Maryland, Brunswick, and Union Hill Mines. Based on historic production records, these mines produced a total of 2.4M oz gold at an average mill head grade of approximately 17.1g/t Au.
The mine was reportedly the second largest gold mine in the United States in 1941, producing up to 129,000 oz gold per year before being forced to shut down by the U.S. government in 1942 due to World War II, as workforce was needed in war efforts. Significant production after the war-time shutdown never occurred.
The property was rediscovered in 1990 by Emgold and efforts were made to reopen the historic mine; however, this company was unsuccessful due to inability to raise necessary funding in unfavorable market conditions, and lost the option on the project in 2013 which then returned to the former owners. CEO Mossman then discovered the existence of this remarkable project in the summer of 2016. Although he is very much a result-oriented mining engineer, I also noticed and liked his love for history and delving deep into the project and all its data. When I met him to discuss the project, he gave me two excellent books on the Idaho-Maryland Mine story so I could get a sense of history, and the Rise Gold website and presentation are packed with historic information about the project.
After Mossman and his team completed their due diligence and raised sufficient cash, the acquisition of the Idaho-Maryland gold mine was completed on January 25, 2017. The purchase price was US$2 million, the entire transaction included legal costs accounted for C$2.66 million. The property is located in a prolific historic mining district (Grass Valley), of which the former Empire Star Mine was the building block of Newmont:
The asset accounts for 2,750 acres of mineral rights, including the surface rights at the Brunswick shaft. This shaft provided access to the productive Brunswick block, and extends to a depth of 3,000ft (about 1,000m) and was the main production shaft of the former mine. The property is royalty-free and there are no other agreements or encumbrances. The property is completely within the M1 zoning of the nearby city of Grass Valley, M1 meaning Light Industrial Zoning District. Mineral exploration is allowed in M1 zones without a permit; only certain circumstances, not relevant here, would demand a Use Permit. The same goes for underground mining, considered eligible in a M1 zone, although this certainly will need a Use Permit as buildings will be necessary, which is a circumstance that triggers such a permit.
There is a historic resource estimate completed in 2002, also by Amec, using a cut-off grade of 3g/t Au (for correct and full disclosure see company documents, as one cannot rely on a historic resource estimate):
This is the estimate by Amec at the time of the gold, which is estimated to be remaining in the historic workings. Interestingly, a few more historic resource estimates have been completed since then, the most recent being the one by Pease in 2009. They estimated 472koz @10g/t M&I, and 1Moz @12g/t Au Inf, based on a 1.44 Mine Call Factor multiplier (the grade at the mill head was much higher than the sampling grade, so a correction factor was applied), but Rise considered the Amec resource to be the safest although on no historic, non NI43-101 compliant resource estimate can ever be relied upon as mentioned, and this has been clearly stated by Rise throughout all relevant documents. Notwithstanding this, I am no listed company or registered investment advisor, so I consider at least the Amec resource a useful indicator for existing resource potential.
As might be concluded by the more experienced investor, grade and number of ounces could already likely indicate an economic deposit. Metallurgy has proven to be excellent in the past (recoveries of 99% were achieved). Although I have my reservations about the very recently released PEA of Pure Gold Mining (PGM.V) with a very low capex as it has an existing mine on care and maintenance (C&M) and very high IRR, its Madsen deposit (also a historic mine) is also high grade, deep and flooded, and already indicates potential for Rise Gold.
The underground workings of the former Idaho-Maryland Mine are flooded, and it would cost a lot of time and money to dewater this just for drilling, so exploration will take place from surface. Rise Gold is almost wrapping up the current C$3.6 million financing as mentioned, and after this, its treasury will contain about C$4 million, which will be more than enough for the first drill program. More on this later. Rise Gold has also other expenditures in the near future, as it has paid $600,000 for the option to purchase the mill site which is a wise acquisition as this land has large leveled areas fit for future mining buildings and new shafts. There is also room for stockpiling rock and other materials, and a 4 acre settling pond for future water management, and Rise will have to pay another $1.3 million before June 30, 2018.
To get a bit of an impression about the Idaho-Maryland Mine itself, here is a plan view of the different underground workings, ranging from surface to a depth of -1650ft (about -550m):
And here is a 3D presentation of the Idaho vein systems, also from the Amec report:
Please note that the nearby former Empire-Star Mine had underground workings going as deep as 1,600m, which is almost 1.5 times deeper. This mine was shut down due to a labor strike, and also contained significant reserves, and is still owned and shelved by Newmont. The same goes for most other gold mines in the Grass Valley District. Because of this, the geological setting and the historic underground samples and drilling, a number of geologists (from the past and current) believe there is excellent potential waiting to be explored.
4. Exploration plans
As the operators were mining three separate, rich veins and ramping up to double the production to 250,000oz before WWII in the past, it will be understandable that numerous exploration targets in and around the mine workings were identified during and after operation.
The central thesis for exploration is, as mentioned, the analogy with the nearby former Empire Star Mine and other former mines in the area, which indicates continuing mineralization at depth. This is probably a familiar theme for many, as it is standard MO in the Red Lake district, Val D'Or, South Africa and many other locations.
The Amec report lists the characteristics of typical orogenic gold deposit types, as Idaho-Maryland falls in this category, and here are some relevant highlights:
"Tabular fissure veins in more competent host lithologies, veinlets, and stringers forming stockworks in less competent lithologies. Typically occur as a system of en echelon veins on all scales."
"Vein systems may be continuous along a vertical extent of 1-2 km with minor change in mineralogy or gold grade; mineral zoning does occur, however, in some deposits."
Orogenic gold deposits can also have their disadvantages, as they can be hard to delineate, also due to possible nugget effects and narrow veins at depth. Fortunately for Rise Gold, Idaho-Maryland is something special in this regard:
"Past production at the Idaho-Maryland Mine has demonstrated significant vertical and horizontal continuity of the veins. The great vertical extents of veins of similar gold deposits, such as the adjacent Empire Mine, suggests extensions of the #1 Vein, 3 Vein system, and the Brunswick Veins to depth and there exists potential for significant stockwork-style mineralization within the Brunswick Block."
As the Idaho-Maryland system will probably be too complex to drill out completely from surface, the strategy of Rise Gold will be exploration and in the end delineation to Indicated and Inferred, probably on a grid spacing of 50m. Drill costs are estimated by the company at $270/m all-in. Because of considerable depth, management will use directional drilling, with a few widely spaced, deep motherholes first after which multiple branch holes will be drilled. Drilling will commence in October.
The currently most significant exploration targets identified at the Idaho-Maryland Gold Project are in untested ground below the historic mine workings. These targets are the Idaho #1 Vein, Crackle Zone, Brunswick, and 3 Vein System.
Rise Gold initially planned a $600,000 limited drill program to start off, and Amec proposed a single, 1,800m drill hole, intended to describe most of the geology and exploring mineralized extensions below the 1 Vein and 3 Vein. This has been adjusted, and management now wants to verify the possible existence of multiple mineralized horizons at depth:
This 3D drawing might be a bit hard to read, but it effectively envisions the extension of the #1 Vein (green target surface), accompanied by multiple, stacked horizons of mineralization, expected as an extension of the nearby 52 Vein workings. As sampling results of the #1 Vein at the end of the workings showed consistent high-grade gold, and continuity of all mineralization was strong at Idaho-Maryland, I have high hopes for this target.
The Crackle Zone, a concept initiated by renowned geologist and Hall of Famer Alan Bateman a long time ago, could prove to be the theory that propels the Idaho-Maryland project into Tier I territory if correct. It basically envisions a feeder structure to all currently know mineralized zones, located below them and continuing at depth.
According to the Amec report:
"The Crackle Zone exploration target is a conceptual target based on an idea proposed by Bateman that mineralizing fluids responsible for the gold mineralization encountered at the Idaho-Maryland Mine may have formed a zone of intense quartz veins and stockwork within the Brunswick Block in response to the interaction of the Idaho, 6-3, and Morehouse faults. The Crackle Zone target generally lies beneath all current development and drilling but quartz vein and stockwork hosted gold mineralization identified by drilling, development, and mining of the 52 Vein and 60 Winze area may represent part of this target.
The 52 Vein was discovered during exploration development across the Brunswick Block from the Idaho #2 Vein to the Morehouse fault."
"The Crackle Zone target forms a wedge-shaped area 2,000ft (610m) wide and 500ft to 1,000ft (152m to 305m) thick at the I2700 Level and plunging as much as 5,000ft (1,524m) to the south east where it pinches out against the intersection of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults.
Within this zone, gold mineralization may occur in shallow dipping quartz veins and irregular quartz stockworks in metavolcanic rocks that may be highly fractured due to the interaction of the Idaho, Morehouse, and 6-3 Faults as proposed by Bateman."
The size of this wedge could have an average width of 305m, average thickness of 115m and a length of 900m, creating a volume of 31.6M m3. Based on a gravity of 2.75t/m3, the Crackle Zone target could be 86.8Mt, which is sizeable of course. If this Zone indeed proves to be the converging point of the other zones, I wouldn't be surprised if the total resource could pan out to be 2-3Moz or even larger.
5. Valuation
Although it is pretty hard to compare Rise Gold with peers, as there aren't many high grade underground gold deposit in something of a safe jurisdiction out there, I set up a peer comparison table based on available developers rather than explorers (as there aren't any with a high grade resource), to give an indication of what could happen if Rise Gold could eventually advance their Idaho-Maryland project to PEA status and beyond:
Part I:
Part II:
As can be seen, if Rise Gold can prove up its historic estimate, a very significant re-rating is in the cards. Of course, there will be additional dilution, but I don't expect the numbers of Integra, Harte or IDM Mining, to be honest. Generously assuming Rise Gold will arrive at the PEA stage with about 200 million shares and just proves up the 1.3Moz Au, also assuming the Enterprise Value/oz metric having a ratio of 60 (pretty conservative for a solid and profitable project in general), an estimated EV could be expected of C$78 million, assuming a further C$10M million in working capital would result in an estimated market cap of C$88 million. This in turn would result in an estimated share price of C$0.44. If Rise Gold manages to get the share price higher at an earlier stage through for example good drill results and likewise maiden resource estimate, raising cash will be less dilutive and upside increases further. In case Rise hits big on the Crackle Zone, I expect fireworks, based on things happening to current exploration success stories.
6. Conclusion
Without knowing what is out there on the CSE, it looks like the resource potential for the Idaho-Maryland project ranks easily among the top high grade, undeveloped underground gold deposits in the Western Hemisphere, listed on the TSX and TSX Venture. This type of deposits is very rare, and it seems this project has so much exploration potential that it could become a Tier I deposit, suitable for a major.
I'm fascinated by the history and the exploration theory for the Idaho-Maryland project, and if CEO Mossman manages to actually find the theorized mineralization, Rise Gold will likely be a multi-bagger stock. The uplisting is around the corner, the current C$3.6 million financing is almost closed, and drilling is about to begin, so results can be expected from November 2017 onwards. As there is no winter break in California, expect a steady news flow after that, hopefully confirming Idaho-Maryland as a top-tier high-grade gold deposit in the Americas.
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The author is not a registered investment advisor. Rise Gold is a sponsoring company. All facts are to be checked by the reader. For more information go to www.risegoldcorp.com and read the company's profile and official documents on www.sedar.com, also for important risk disclosures. This article is provided for information purposes only, and is not intended to be investment advice of any kind, and all readers are encouraged to do their own due diligence, and talk to their own licensed investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions.
Good old days
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( Companies Mentioned: RISE:CSE; RYES:OTC, )
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canadastartupblog · 5 years
Solopreneurship is about as small as a small business gets. As a solopreneur, you don’t just run an entire business, you are the business. This means you are the CEO, accountant, manager, marketer, and what have you. Or, simply put, you wear all the hats.
Sounds scaringly good, right?
The probability of success, however, won’t sound very promising. You see, small businesses have a tendency to fail. For instance, of all small businesses started in 2014:
80 percent made it to the second year (2015);
70 percent made it to the third year (2016);
62 percent made it to the fourth year (2017);
56 percent made it to the fifth year (2018).
What’s more, 82 percent of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow problems. Being the smallest possible business, you are extremely vulnerable to cash flow issues. While you focus on bagging more and more clients to keep the work (and money) rolling in, it is equally important to slash unnecessary spendings to maintain and increase profitability.
Ways to Cut Costs in a Small Business
So, here are four fundamental ways to cut costs in a small business including tips to reduce expenses, maximize your budget, and ultimately grow your solo venture.
Use Free Alternatives to Paid Tools
Online tools and apps are at the heart of your solo business. From sourcing clients to getting paid, everything you do involves the use of modern online tools. And for every task, there are countless options available on the market today. Setting up your suite of business tools thriftily can go a long way in maximizing your revenue.
Make sure to take advantage of the cost savings many free (or almost free) tools offer while providing the same capabilities and features as their paid counterparts. Here’s a tried-and-true toolkit for you to take inspiration from:
Google Drive: For creating, easily sharing, and safely storing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. It is completely free.
Trello: Free web app for efficiently managing your projects the Kanban way.
Slack: A great app for real-time messaging and file sharing.
Canva: The start-to-finish, beginner-friendly, and free design app for all your social media graphics needs.
Wave: Free software for all your accounting and invoicing needs.
Unsplash: The best free collection of stock photos.
Join.me: An ideal free tool for remote client meetings and screen sharing.
BuzzSumo: The ultimate tool to source ideas for your content and social media strategy.
Grammarly: A must-have freemium tool to detect and dodge grammatical mistakes in your emails and content.
Clockify: Time is money. Track your productivity for free with this neat little app.
Hunter.io: Find email addresses for pitching prospective clients with this freemium tool.
Reassess Your Work Location
The freedom to work from anywhere and be your own boss is the biggest reason why working professionals nowadays are ditching their conventional jobs and opting to become a solopreneur.
Chances are you have similar reasons, too. If you haven’t already, consider moving away from expensive city life to not only cut costs but to also experience the thrill of traveling and exploring new places. You can quite literally save hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars by shifting to a pocket-friendly (yet beautiful) location.
Some spectacular locations where you can move to easily and continue growing your solo venture efficiently include:
Hanoi, Vietnam
Bali, Indonesia
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lisbon, Portugal
When working remotely, consider a co-working space to ensure reliable internet connectivity, among other necessities, is in place. Check out Nomad List, a website specifically designed for researching feasible places to live as a remote working professional.
Outsource with Intelligence
Being a solopreneur does not mean you actually have to do it all yourself. It means you are the only one responsible for getting the job done.
It is safe to say you’re no expert at everything. No one is. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking on projects that still interest you or grabbing lucrative opportunities. If a part of your deliverable requires you to do something you’re not particularly skilled at, or you know you can spend the same time on something else at which you’ll be more productive, you should definitely consider outsourcing it.
Sure, it may appear as an expensive option which seemingly won’t help in cutting costs. But if the person/agency you outsource the work to does an outstanding job while you work on the stuff which you’re good at, the end result would more than satisfy your client leading to positive reviews and recurring work for your business (aka you).
Besides, platforms like Fiverr are super affordable. Outsourcing work on such well-known platforms is relatively straightforward and safe.
Review Expenses, Rinse and Repeat to Cut Costs
Last but certainly not least, take some time at the start/end of each month to keep a rigorous check on your monthly expenses. Review every expenditure and try to root out the ones that don’t positively affect your business growth. Because as a solopreneur, your business’s growth is all that matters in terms of being financially secure and successful.
This way, you’ll slowly but surely streamline your expenses and increase your disposable income which can be invested back in growing your business ? learning more skills, attending networking events, optimizing your website and online presence, and so on. Also, ensure you have an emergency fund aside for times of crisis. And if worst comes to worst, you can always borrow some instant cash from credible short-term payday loan providers like Peachy or Speedy Cash.
What tips do you have on cutting costs and increasing profitability as a one-man army? Do share your ways to cut costs in a small business in the comments below!
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The post Cracking the Code on Cutting Costs and Increasing Profitability as a Solopreneur appeared first on Ecompanies Canada.
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