shitsummonerssay · 1 year
I used to be aram trash until my dog barely let me play tft. The low stakes game and trolling tryhards was half the fun. It's aram. Nobody is losing a pro deal over it. Chill.
Yeah I would say ARAM is a super fun, super low stakes way to play league
It's a great way to learn a new champion, get some practice in, and it let's me play out my fantasies of going full AP shaco and camping singular bushes without my team telling me to help their lane
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shitsummonerssay · 1 year
"I'm not a cop" that's exactly what a cop would say! Gotcha officer
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shitsummonerssay · 1 year
I’ve been on and off playing league but only doing it against bots at the easiest difficulty. And TBH? It’s fun, I think more league players should try this method of league of legends.
I do get that. I do enjoy beating up the bots from time to time.
Though sometimes I just enjoy the challenge of playing against others because at that point every game is different
Thats just my take on playing but I also have been taking months-long hiatuses from league so not sure I'm a good test sample for that anymore. I dont play as religiously as I used to
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shitsummonerssay · 1 year
Not the other anon but I want to disencourage other people from doing duos. Along the years I've had duos and groups to play and all, but in the end the matchmaking system favors people who play alone more than not. I mean, haven't you had the experience already, of going into a duoq game and suddenly the lobby is much higher elo? It's because Riot knows duos and groups are broken in terms of organized play so, they match them with people who are a lot better than them. And it's frustrating, one plays with other people to have a good time, not to get fucking stomped 😒 so I've been playing alone for a year and let me tell you, it's been so nice and fun. Just my two cents
Maybe I should have used a different term
When I said "duo partner" I meant like.
A relationship partner.
Like a gf.
Like in the league term that they're going to be a duo.
Doesn't have to actually mean queueing up.
Tho that's their business what they do.
I'm not a cop.
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shitsummonerssay · 2 years
You're the reason I just clicked to open Tumblr in several months, how you doin?
Oh shit hi! I've been okay for the most part!
Just recently got a new job thats paying me better, and I've been trying to keep active on Discord, Twitch and Twitter (until its demise anyway)
I hope everyone here has been doing well, theres been a lot of time between when I was last truly active here up to now! I know a lot can happen within that time but I hope there's been more good than bad!
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shitsummonerssay · 1 year
been trying to find a gf that's also as addicted as I am to league, but it's hard you know, they're very scarce and even when they exist, they have like 5 boyfriends of 10 years lol. it's either that or dying alone because when people don't get why I like the game it becomes a problem for us
That's a lot of boyfriends
Keep at it though and you'll be sure to find someone you'll be happy with, and will be happy with you.
Maybe you'll find your duo partner sometime soon? Who knows? Just remember, don't rush things.
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shitsummonerssay · 1 year
Just been playing league and sucking at it since I'm a bronze scrub but they keep putting golds and whatnot on the enemy team for some reason on my normals
Damn dude/dudette that sucks
You'll get out of bronze soon enough, I believe in you
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
League is bad alright, but at least we are not ff14 players
Sorry, I can't hear you over the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
Which league champion do you think looks the most likely to lick an object/food that someone else wants for themselves just so they can keep it instead?
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
Opinions on the removal of /all chat?
I first heard about this from a mutual of mine this morning and I have a few choice things that've been fermenting that I want to say about this specific change that Riot is making.
I think this is an absolutely Stupid® move on Riot's part.
Now I know the obvious complaint I could make here is that it removes a lot of potential content for this blog, thriving on the interactions between players. And I understand that Rito's doing this as a way to combat the definitely apparent toxicity in the game. But I think they're doing it all completely wrong.
You don't mitigate toxicity by silencing voices outright. That's a decision the players should make for themselves. You have already given us the tools with which we can do such self-moderating. Games are going to be even quieter than ever, even if there are already games where no one's talking on either team. You're alienating groups from each other. Opponents can have camaraderie between them. Opponents can form bonds with one another. Opponents can share a mutual respect and admiration and laughs and enjoyment in the competition or heat of the moment. I can't tell you how often I've had games I remember fondly simply because I shared a laugh with an enemy. Games are going to become... colder... so to speak.
Hell, that's not even the biggest problem I have about this. The majority of the toxicity I ever receive in any given game is from members of my own team. Opponents have never been even half as toxic as my own allies have been, not by a long shot. Sure, I've seen some completely abhorrent and belligerent opponents, but none of them have been as entirely insufferable as a bad teammate can be. Like, I get that Riot's trying to "read the room" as it were about toxicity, but the efforts made do not make for a good solution.
With these thoughts in mind, I have a few questions to ask.
What're you gonna do next, Riot? Remove Team Chat as well? Make games completely silent, save for pre-determined messages and emotes you dole out for us to use? I might actually leave League for good if shit like that happens, hard stop. Not only would this blog be effectively killed for good, but there wouldn't be as much of a point in me playing anymore, and that kind of fucking sucks. You can call me petty, but part of what I love about the game is the absolutely wild kind of interactions players can have. In essence, you're punishing all players - even the innocent in all of this - for the actions of the truly toxic. That's something I won't accept.
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
what champion looks the most milkable. boobytiddy
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Thank you next question
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
Zeri's auto attacks are skillshots and she is sonic
Me @ Rito:
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Credit to @cryptkds because I love this as a reaction
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
I had a dream where I was dreaming about having a dream about sausages
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
I think riot should partner with your blog to advertise Arcane
They have to be able to afford me first
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
I'm feeling pretty well today and I'm in a good mood (which isn't a common thing lately), I am hoping your life is going well too at the moment. Don't you also forget to drink water, take a glass of water rn after you read this or I will drink my pizza.
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shitsummonerssay · 3 years
peepeepoopoo or poopoopeepee?
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