askreader · 3 years
This is a complete guide to Q&A Sites 2021. So if you’re looking for: Drive traffic from Q&A sites to your website. More leads or sales for your business. So this is where Q&A sites or forums sites can come in handy. Let’s get started.
Read More: https://askreader.com/qa-sites-the-definitive-guide-2021/
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AskReaders: What should people stop buying?
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AskReaders: What should people stop buying?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, What should people stop buying? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
1. Emoji apparel.
– plushfroot
2. Smashed-face dogs and other dogs with serious health complications due to breeding.
– da90
3. Plastic stuff that gets thrown out immediately.
– van9000
4. Ivory.
– iwakan
5. Keurig K-Cups.
– VictorBlimpmuscle
6. Anything (especially food) with too much wrapping/packaging. Such a waste.
– beer0clock
7. People should stop buying into Multi-Level-Marketing schemes.
– rokr1292
8. Styrofoam! How long have we known it doesn’t biodegrade and yet we still have the crap everywhere!
– wifemakesmewearplaid
9. Products containing Palm Oil.
– F1adrif
10. All nestle products, especially their water, but also bottled water in general.
– Aeon1508
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marybirch87 · 3 years
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AskReaders: What Are Some of the Horrifying Implications of Harry Potter Universe? [30 Responses] | Pi Queen
We asked our readers “What are some of the more horrifying implications of the Harry Potter universe? “ We received 31 responses to this question. We have selected the 30 best responses from them and have presented in this article.
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everydaysfacts-blog · 7 years
AskReaders: What free software is so good you can't believe it's available for free?
AskReaders: What free software is so good you can’t believe it’s available for free?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, What free software is so good you can’t believe it’s available for free? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
1. Google maps on a cell phone. Navigation systems used to cost hundreds of dollars not too long ago.
– digitron
2. VLC needs more…
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lemd · 8 years
Lâu lâu lại phải làm 1 lần để biết mọi người như thế nào.
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AskReaders: What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke?
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/askreaders-what-profession-was-once-highly-respected-but-is-now-a-complete-joke/
AskReaders: What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
1. Bank teller used to be a foot in the door to the finance industry. Now it’s basically 20 years old, credit card salesmen.
– rdight21
2. President.
– SATexas1
3. A town crier used to be a respected official who was the source of news and information for all the townspeople, but try walking up and down the street ringing a bell and shouting out the news at the top of your lungs now and see how much respect you get.
– VictorBlimpmuscle
4. Milkman.
It used to be a way to earn an honest living, now he’s only used to convey other person’s mom’s news.
– ButDrIAmPagliacci
5. News anchor. When I was a kid in the 80s, there were three channels, the nightly news was an important part of a family’s routine, and the anchor was respected as someone Americans trusted to tell them what was going on. Now it’s a bunch of people screaming.
– batnastard
6. A typist. In the 50s if you could type that was a real skill. And also a Government worker in general, back when Government work wasn’t used as a synonym for horseshoes and hand grenades.
– dangerousbob
7. Night’s watch.
Taking up the black used to be for men of honor. Now it’s full of thieves, rapers, and murderers.
– ButDrIAmPagliacci
8. On-air radio personality.
Not a complete joke, but unless you’re one of the syndicated giants, it’s not nearly the job it once was.
– Scrappy_Larue
9. Nigerian prince.
– -LifeOnHardMode-
10. Traveling Salesman.
– MrSenorSandwich
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AskReaders: What is the most interesting documentary you've ever watched?
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/askreaders-what-is-the-most-interesting-documentary-youve-ever-watched/
AskReaders: What is the most interesting documentary you've ever watched?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, What is the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
Image credit: youtube.com
1. Finding Vivian Maier.
Guy buys a box of negatives from a storage auction, finds thousands of extremely old, breathtaking photos that no one has ever seen.
He uses the pictures to piece together the story of the photographer.
It’s amazing!!!
– dowhatchafeel
2. Does Planet Earth count? Cause nothing can top 20 hours of it.
– thetwistur
3. The up series.
Follows kids at the age of 7 up to 50+. Started in the 50’s and was updated every 7 years. Amazing to see the nature vs. nature argument in front of your own eyes. Also, http://truefilms.com/ lists top documentaries by category.
– nightmaretraining
4. Going Clear.
It’s about people who escape from Scientology.
– Haldum96
5. Winter on Fire.
It’s about how a student protest in Ukraine turned into a revolutionary movement. A lot of it is real footage as it unfolds. Seeing protesters gunned down by their government as it happened shook me.
– sunbearimon
Image credit: youtube.com
6. The Jinx: The Life & Deaths of Robert Durst. I love true crime and this is the best documentary I’ve seen in that genre.
Very different but also amazing is Touching the Void. Really gripping.
– mr_nincompoop
7. Icarus.
A scandal/sports documentary that in real-time, evolves into a Russian assassination conspiracy.
– SlowDownBrother
8. The Barkley Marathons. The story of a grueling footrace based on the escape of James Earl Ray, MLK’s assassin.
Crips and Bloods: Made in America. It shows the history of violence and gangs in south LA. Very eye-opening.
– berryraz03
9. Flight From Death.
An award-winning documentary about one of the most empirically tested ideas in psychology that sprung out of a Pulitzer Prize winning book.
The basic idea is fear of death drives some immortality project in all of us, ranging from religion(particularly fundamentalist religion) to fame to politics to procreation. When we feel our immortality project is under assault (for example, just hearing about someone who disagrees with our religion), we react with the same kind of violent emotions we would have if our lives were under attack. It also works the other way: When we are reminded of death, we become less tolerant of the “other”.
It’s basically the closest thing we have to a metatheory of motivation and shows our death anxiety is largely responsible for things as important as building civilizations and making war. It’s obviously not comprehensive (we’re far too complex to always boil down to one motivation), but the effect shows up an amazing number of places.
– Bilbo_Fraggins
10. Fog of War.
Robert McNamara reflects on what he learned from his roles in WWII, Cuban Missile Crisis, and Vietnam. Fascinating!!!
– grumplenuts
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AskReaders: What free software is so good you can't believe it's available for free?
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/askreaders-what-free-software-is-so-good-you-cant-believe-its-available-for-free/
AskReaders: What free software is so good you can't believe it's available for free?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, What free software is so good you can’t believe it’s available for free? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
1. Google maps on a cell phone. Navigation systems used to cost hundreds of dollars not too long ago.
– digitron
2. VLC needs more love than WinRAR.
– mo0_mo0
3. The Windows Snipping tool literally changed my life and it was there the whole time!
– dlabelle83
4. Space Engine is free (for now). I’d say a program that simulates the known universe (and beyond!) for free on your computer is a good deal.
– Tonin_Nebulus
5. Wikipedia.
It’s actually free in all senses of the word. If you want to nitpick that it’s a website and not a software, well it’s a software too. You can download the Wikimedia software, set it up with no hassle, download all of Wikipedia and set it up in your instance of Wikimedia. So now you have your very own Wikipedia.
– railmaniac
Image credit: en.wikipedia.org
6. I don’t know how many people here can relate but MuseScore is fantastic for anyone who wants to put their musical ideas onto paper. It’s free and has all the functionality you could ever want from music notation software.
– SodiumGeek
7. Audacity: Audio editing software.
Irfanview: Great for basic editing of images. This is my default image viewer.
And then there are ones a lot of people know about like VLC, Winamp, ImgBurn, Winrar, z-7, CPUID and Bleachbit.
– Livingingrey
8. Handbrake. Free, very powerful video converter.
– wacopeach
9. Zotero. For those of you who do academic writing, this reference manager is 100x better and 1000x freer than EndNote.
– itsnotwilldo
10. Desmos.com
It’s an online graphing calculator and it’s so much better than TI-84.
– StetsonTuba8
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askreader · 3 years
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Do you want to ask questions??? Want to read insightful answers by professionals. Register now @askreader https://www.instagram.com/p/CSJGHuKHQDV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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AskReaders: Whats your million dollar app idea that you never built?
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/askreaders-whats-your-million-dollar-app-idea-that-you-never-built/
AskReaders: Whats your million dollar app idea that you never built?
We asked our regular contributors through e-mail, Whats your million dollar app idea that you never built? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way.
1. A version of google maps that actually shows the street names when you zoom in on them.
– garena_elder
2. Uber, but with boats. I call it scUber.
– ex_one_one_vee
3. A chrome extension that unsubscribes you automatically on emails after your purchase, create an account and do possibly anything on the internet with your email address. Apparently, it was already out there.
– clottedbutter
4. Candy Crush, with all the same gameplay, but instead call it Randy Rush to avoid copyright.
– donfelicedon2
5. An app that keeps track of your clothing. You either scan or search for your clothing and add it to your “Closet” it would suggest outfits and color combinations as it learns your style. Could also recommend clothing to purchase. Finally, if you add your entire wardrobe it would let you know if you haven’t worn a shirt or clothing in say a year so you can donate it or toss it.
– tytrim89
6. A social media platform that doesn’t give away your data to Cambridge analytics.
– Dial_H_For_Hornets
7. I need something that alerts me when other phones are getting close to my house. Like when my mom’s within 5 miles of my house, it chirps so that I have time to lock the doors, turn off the lights and televisions and pull the car into the garage and pretend I’m not home. It’d be great for scumbags looking to avoid landlords, teenagers to know when the parents are on the way home, cheating spouses, lazy guys who need to pretend like they’re doing chores, etc.
– Slummish
8. An app or website that you input your current height, weight, and goals (lose weight, gain weight, etc.) along with the foods you like and don’t like.
Then it gives you a detailed list of recipes that match your nutritional needs and goals along with shopping list and any relevant coupons available. You could do an entire month’s grocery shopping at one time.
– BobSacramanto
9. Apartment laundry room app.
Tells you if any washing machines and dryer are available and lets you reserve them. You’ll have 5 minutes from your reserved time to go and start using the machine before it is given up for use. The app would give you a unique code that lets you unlock/start the machine when you arrive so nobody can steal it before you arrive. Built-in timers on the app allow you to see how much time is left in the cycle and will give you a 5 or 10-minute warning that your cycle is about to end.
By using the app, you also abide by laundry room etiquette; that is, if you don’t empty your machine at the end of your cycle the next person is going to remove your items so they can start their laundry (you have a built-in timer so, barring an emergency, there really is no excuse).
For those without smartphones, you can sign into a website and use login details to look at your building’s laundry room.
For those without smartphones or computers, you can either call into an automated phone system or use a touchscreen panel in the laundry room.
– huntergreenhoodie
10. Puppy rental app. Want to play with a puppy without the full-time responsibility of owning a dog? Download the uber for puppies.
– originalhugsey
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lemd · 10 years
Em thấy cheesecake ở Cakes & Ale Cafe trên đường Lý Tự Trọng q1 với Cheesecake Ngon ở 44 Trương Quyền q3 ăn ok lắm ạ ^^
duatrecat replied to your post:Cheesecake
Hệ thống NYDC á bạn Lemd.
owltie replied to your post:Cheesecake
Quán the 1985 trên đường phạm viết chánh, quận 1 á a.
lucnaocunghonhahonho said: a có thể đặt ở đây thử facebook.com/florami…
:X cảm ơn các bạn
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lemd · 10 years
Vẫn tiếp tục công cuộc tìm kiếm hàng cheese cake ngon ở Sài Gòn. Ai biết xin chỉ dùm (reply, reblog, ask, hoặc message) :D 
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lemd · 10 years
Chồng kiếm ít tiền hơn vợ có làm sao không?
Như các bạn đã biết, xã hội hiện nay vẫn đang trả lương cho đàn ông cao hơn phụ nữ. Đàn ông bị mặc định là bread winner (trụ cột gia đình) từ cả ngàn năm nay. Nếu bạn là phụ nữ, và chồng bạn kiếm được ít tiền hơn bạn thì bạn nghĩ thế nào? 
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lemd · 11 years
Các bạn gái nên biết những gì về bóng đá để hiểu thêm về bọn con trai?
Ấn vào đây để làm khảo sát.
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lemd · 11 years
Khảo sát dành cho độc giả của Lemd
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