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@sunshinelulusplatoon moved from [here]!
Disappearing for a moment, Tay returns with two very neatly wrapped parcels and a foodstuff giftbasket. He hands the presents over and gives the girls a sharp-beaked smile.
"Merry whatever~"
He eagerly waits for them to open their presents. Lulu's is a flashy cocktail dress, which looks like its price tag might've been in the 300s, and Lutarna's is a cakebox -- which has a large gourmet blueberry tart inside. It’s fresh, so it must've been purchased very recently, and the cakebox printing implies that it was made on the surface.
"The basket of goods is for your family to share. Oh, and I put Sabi's gift in there too. He doesn't know you, Lutarna, but he got something for Lulu. I have no idea what it is.”
Sabi's present was a lot smaller than Tay's, small and square. It contained a cute little chocolate selection box.
#(Might not be 100% on board with Lulu's fashion tastes -- who knows -- but Tay thought it'd suit her)#AskBanter#Octwovio#sunshinelulusplatoon
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“I’m glad you like it!! I used a whooooooleee thing of glitter on it!!
...And then some more!”
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@sunshinelulusplatoon moved from [here]!
“Okay, take my hand,” Lulu replied as she held it out, “If I know your dad, he’s probably in the living room so let’s check there first.”
Leading the way, Lulu led them to the living room as she knocked on the door. “Tay?” Lulu calls out.
“Okay,” Masako parrots, happily grabbing onto Lulu’s hand, “I hope you’re right! I wouldn’t mind if we found uncle or mum instead, but I wanna see dad.”
Lulu's right, Tay is there. He’s sitting down on the sofa, scribbling names onto a notepad (and crossing them out). The tiny Octotrooper he’d accidentally adopted is perched atop his head.
“Come in, it’s never stopped you before,” he mutters a reply, but does a double-take after looking up. “Oh no. What’s this? You haven’t brought me another one, have you? Wait-- wh-- no, impossible...”
“Hi, daddy!! You look different,” Masako squints at Tay for a moment, before smiling again, “but also the same.”
“Lulu, explain--”
#('YOU SEEM TO KNOW SOMETHING THAT I DON'T--')#M!A#Masako#octwovio#sunshinelulusplatoon#MiniRP#AskBanter
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Sabi shuts his eyes for a moment, exhaling deeply.
“Yes, that’s a given. Please avoid doing that. But...”
Abruptly, he makes to leave.
“If that’s the case, then I’m going to get you some ice cream.”
After about three seconds, he comes back, a rather sheepish expression on his face. “Er, Emmy, what kind of ice cream do you like...?”

“I’m allowed to eat, just not inedible things.” Emmy sighed.
#(SO DETERMINED that u almost forget to ask the important thin g s )#manysquidsandoctos#AskBanter#RP16#Wussabi
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(( @askdjoctavio moved from [here]! Had to chop out the reaction images for formatting.))
“Doubtful, since the limit on limbs for octarians is 8 unless your name is Pearl.”
“Does the extra tentacle give ya extra brain power or does it not have a brain in it?”
“Well, it is a mutation, my good sir... it’s my ninth,” Tay shuffles a little uncomfortably, “though my octopus form still has eight, so don’t ask me how that works.”
He shakes his head dismissively, happy to move on.
“Simple answer? I have no clue. Probably. You’d have to cut me open to be sure, but it’d make sense. Either way, I’m perfectly intelligent as is~”
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@sunshinelulusplatoon moved from [here]!
Lulu shakes her head. “Oh good gracious Tay, you are drunk off your siphon. Come on, let me help you out,” Lulu huffs as she walks over and tries to help him up out of the seat.
“Why are you even drinking anyway?” Lulu asks.
"Ssso . . . that's a no, then?" he blinks slowly, letting himself be helped up. He ends up leaning entirely onto Lulu for support, giving her a hug like he’d originally intended, but struggling to let go and maintain any balance. He reeks, confusingly, of both liquor and expensive cologne.
"Hmmm... ‘why’ ...does there have t' be a reason? Maybe I wanted to get drunk. Maaaybe I saw somethin' I didn't wanna see. Maybe I’m not feelin’ like myself today. Mmmaybe ... I should sit down again.”
Tay doesn’t seem quite as cheerful as he was at the start.
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yaspup9000 replied to your post:
what's wrong sabi? you didn't like the game?
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(( @sunshinelulusplatoon moved from [this] ))
Lulu laughs.
“Easter’s a human holiday. Some of the worlds still celebrate. It’s just a nice day to give candy, colored hard boiled eggs, and chocolate bunnies out,” Lulu replied.
“I see. That sounds ... pleasant,” Tay muses, his tail twitching in mild protest after detecting the bow, “humans had a lot of confection-based holidays. I’ll look into it later.”
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[ @captainatarime moved from here!]
“What? No. I never thought of a prison in the form of a snow globe…”
“Oh. Then that’s not so bad--
Snowglobe prisons aren’t fun, believe me. You’re much better off not thinking up such things. Bars wouldn’t hold me, but it’s horribly uncomfortable in here. I feel like everyone’s staring. Normally I like being looked at, but this is quite different!
...if you’re not a fan, who are you, anyway? Did I already ask that?”
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[Aaaand @sunshinelulusplatoon moved from here!]
“Yeah, the one that works for you’s daughter. She’s the one that told me about you,” Lulu replied, “And yeah, no one seemed to have noticed me walk in for some strange reason. Not that I’m here to cause trouble or anything. I’m just here for friendly talk. Still though. Might want to work on the security thing.”
Giving a bow, Lulu introduced herself. “My name is Lulu Entra. How do you do your highness? And you can kinda say I’m from above. I’m not really from around here. At all but I pop in here and there from time to time. And yes, I’m and Inktarian. I usually go by Inktoling though. Or just Octoling hybrid. All works fine,” Lulu remarked.
“Hmm… I’ll have to chase that up later. Should have better guard, but oh well. I could probably defend myself if need be -- I’m just glad someone finally wants to talk, seems like nobody wants to listen to this ol’ Emperor no more,” he pouts.
Octavio seems very pleased at Lulu’s formality, but his very next suggestion is to dismiss it.
“You’re an ’Entra’, huh? I’ll just call you ‘Lulu’, and you can call me ‘Octavio’ or ‘DJ’ or something similar. You’ve caught me in my pyjamas, so I might as well make a special exception and let you dispense my title. They can be quite the mouthful when repeated,” Octavio smirks, flicking his ponytail, “...and same deal, but if you prefer it, I’ll use it. Or not. Probably won’t bring it up again.”
For a moment, he turns and returns to fiddling with the old television on his coffee table, neither of which seem to be very fitting décor for a palace. It’s clear from the dust-free surfaces, however, that this rec room is still well-kept by hired cleaners.
“Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about? Since you’re from…far away, maybe you want to hear about Octopolis or Wetside or Deepsea or… me? I’m not really sure about the state of affairs at the moment since hardly anyone will talk to me, but I do know a lot generally about my Underground. Oh, and I’ll be having a concert at my kettle in Cephalon HQ soon, you should definitely go to that.”
#('IT WILL BE THE PARTY OF THE CENTURY. YOU MUST. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS.')#AskBanter#Sunshinelulusplatoon#Octwovio
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manysquidsandoctos replied to your post:
*MORE CRICKETS CHIRPING* *awkward silence intensifies*
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[ @grandpacephalopods-rp n’other moved post! ;o ]
“Just here ta’ mess with ya’ dude. I didn’t ever have kids, so no I don’t think I’m your ghost dad. And-
…Are you eating cereal with a fork?”
“O-oh... ‘course, that’d be ridiculous...! There’s no ghosts here. Ghosts aren’t real. You just look like... like...” Octavio blunders, trailing off.
“...what? Yes? Is that really so strange?! As I explained to the little tyke that wandered in here earlier, this is how I like it,” by defending his odd habit, he seems to regain his composure. “No kids? At your age? That makes us one and the same-- but if you’re not my dad, who are you, anyway? Do I know you? I’ve forgotten lots of stuff since I was ill, you know, including people, so don’t get offended.”
#(NO LIKE . . . LITERALLY ONE AND THE SAME)#AskBanter#Octwovio#Grandpacephalopods#grandpacephalopodsrp
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[ @sakura-loves-art I’ve moved from here~ ]
“Oh, hello! I’m-“ Emmy had hesitated. She was in her agent gear, and…. “E. You can call me E.”
Then she offered a smile. “No, I’m not lost. I usually go down alleyways for shortcuts. Thanks, anyway. Sabi, was it? I don’t usually see many people in the alleyways.”
“…E? Just E? O…okay,” he seems uncertain, but accepts the name Emmy gives at face value. “I would wonder if the ‘E’ stands for something, but…but I guess since my name isn’t really ‘real’ either, that’s pretty fair, haha…”
To diminish his height somewhat, Sabi sits down on a nearby abandoned fridge, neatly folding his bandaged arms.
“No problem, it’s… it’s good that you’re not lost… the alleys are pretty good for shortcuts, and there are a lot in Inkopolis. It’s a shame about all the trash there sometimes is, though,” he glances down at his own chosen seat, “and um, I’m glad you don’t, sometimes there’s dangerous folk about. I usually still take the alleyway so I don’t get seen though, uh… ‘cause I don’t really like being looked at…”
Sabi smiles weakly.
“Very spice…um... I mean… ‘fresh’ outfit, by the way, I’ve never seen…never seen nothing like it.”
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“I still think you all need to get your eyes checked, but if you say so...!”
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