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katt-sports · 1 year ago
omg hiii!! r u doing ask a thon still?? if so,, i wanna ask my boo party phil smn/silly
party philll!! i made this for u and your sister!! hope u like ;3
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ignore this if the ask a thon is over otherwise thisll be akward asf lmao
(That's happy screaming)
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ask-a-thon · 1 year ago
Day 1
What inspired you to start writing?
Have you ever co-written something? Why or why not?
What are some reoccurring themes or tropes in your writing?
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punemy-spotted · 2 years ago
Hiya, its Athena for Thursday Ask-A-Thon over at @ask-a-thon: How have your experiences in life shaped your writing?
Oh Athena.
This question means the world to me, I cannot tell you how much. As usual, I'm going to ramble, because this is absolutely a special interest of mine in writing and fandom and boy howdy do my experiences shape my writing.
As always, answers below the cut, and general content warning for gender-based violence, workplace sexual harassment, and trauma.
My experiences are my writing. Especially as someone who writes Reader-Insert, I'm a big advocate for writers to write their catharsis and their experiences.
While it is certainly appropriate (and polite, in certain circumstances) to write "neutral" Readers who have no defined physical attributes so that the person reading the fic can slot themselves into that blank space, I also constantly encourage writers — especially writers of color; disabled writers; queer, nonbinary, and trans writers; and writers who write for male readers — to write their story too. If we can imagine ourselves as Avengers or loved by them, we can also imagine ourselves immersed in cultures we did not grow up in — it only increases our empathy and understanding of the world outside our "bubble" if we do. For my experience, as a Desi writer, I don't know how to be anything but a Desi writer. My culture is embedded into my bones, there are so many things I do as a Desi-American that non-Desi folk don't do (and vice versa) that sometimes I'm shocked when I talk to folks who have grown up outside of the little Desi Bubble I grew up in (and shocked when I talk to folks who were even more immersed in Desi culture, because the Midwestern United States is not exactly a haven for Dawoodi Bohra Muslims, and that leads to a weird relationship with one's own culture). I am open about the fact that my Readers are generally coded as Desi and always invite non-Desi folk to read the stories to get a glimpse into that life. The body is a shell, and though it may change from writer to writer, the reader is still themselves and their soul can travel dimensions.
As for concrete examples of that, boy howdy, let's take a look at my whole Masterlist, shall we? The Cut is about my experience as an FGM survivor and how FGM completely altered the way I engage with my body as a being able to feel pleasure — and therefore, what it means to be loved, to forgive, and be forgiven. In that same vein, For Blue Skies is a story about facing Ikaris — an Eternal, a being who masqueraded as an ancient god for so many years — and knowing that he could have prevented something like the tradition of FGM but did not, for whatever reason. One of my most popular fic series, The Price you Pay, features a Reader character who, like me, was taken advantage of by a powerful man when she was in a vulnerable position compared to him, upending her career — she and I made very different decisions, but the root of our pain is the same. One of the first ever fics I published on Tumblr, Everything You Stand For, was an exploration of catharsis, of how the repeated denial of justice could lead someone like me to side with someone like Helmut Zemo, because when doing things the right way fails... how far are you willing to go to quell the fire in your chest?
In a way, every fic I have ever written has carried a piece of me. My culture, my language, my pain and pleasures. When I share, I share not just the thing I am passionate about in the form of the story, but the emotional context that drove me to think it up and create the world. So... how have my experiences shaped my writing? They've defined it.
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vsaintsin · 2 years ago
Hello, there! Just stopping by to hear a little about your WIP! What, in your opinion, makes your WIP unique? What makes your WIP stand out?
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it <3 Tough question, in a way. I saw this ask come through a while ago and spent the better part of my day thinking about the answer. I mean this response with all respect, and with no intentions to be back-handed. Hear me out.
I think part of the premise of Carlisle's circumstances both in the first book that's already out and in the second book that I'm currently working on is that sadly his circumstances aren't unique. Sure, he's set against the back-drop of science fiction, but assuming technology continues to advance and eventually reaches one of the points detailed in the story - life as currency and property, autonomy an infinite question - it might eventually become a form of accidental contemporary fiction, no matter how much I hope it doesn't.
Which isn't the point, and I'm blabbing. Hm. I think I'm trying to say that the premise may not be altogether original - though I don't see it as any one thing's clone - and the characters may be very similar to real people, but that's actually my hope. I put a lot of work into making the characters - particularly Carlisle - into a mirror, where somebody who needs familiarity in some suffering might feel vindicated or allied, even seen. Everything that happens in inspired by real events, but somewhat dramatized to fit the mold of the genre. Even the violence.
If I had to say what makes it unique or stand-out... I would hope it's me. I would hope to say the same of all writers. I see a lot of people struggle with the concept of originality, and some others who've dealt with a college prof who says, in his ancient and bitter way, that everything has been done. It hasn't exactly, though. We all exist together, but very separate. Your perspective exists and is true - even if it's only your truth - and therefore colors everything you write, but also say and do.
There are some cliches and tropes that I do avoid intentionally - I fear they might cheapen the message for some people, and leave the lessons a little hollow. Nothing against the cliches, but I know I have trouble hearing something genuine out of them these days. It's like saying the same word too many times in a row - it starts being noise, with minimal comprehensible meaning.
At the end of the day, I think the answer is "me", for whatever that's worth. I think we all fear we aren't original, and chase this little spark that we're afraid we don't have. But we've got it. And it's just who we are. Bring that to your work, and it should always be unique. I do like and appreciate this question though, because it made me think about my work in a way I hadn't yet. It brought me back to what "unique" was and what I was trying to do when I started writing, and who I was trying to reach. I just hope that anyone who needs somebody finds Carlisle, and that he gives to them everything he gave to me. So maybe, it's him that makes it unique.
I can promise I'll think about this question on and off for a while, so I may have an adapted answer in the future? Who knows.
Thanks for popping in! I appreciate it sincerely. I hope all of that made the gentle sense I intended - it's been a very long day, and I'm very sleepy.
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 2 years ago
Appalachian Folk Magic Ask-a-thon!
To celebrate coming back, I'm opening myself up to any and all questions about Appalachian Folk Magic/AFM. Anything goes! Only thing I will say is be polite, make any assumptions gently and be prepared to be corrected if you do happen to use some sort of stereotype in your question.
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lunarsands · 2 years ago
Hi there its the team at @ask-a-thon . Happy Thursday Ask-A-Thon, what's been your proudest moment in a wip and proudest moment of a character?
Hello! I honestly can’t think of a specific event at the moment, but I feel proud when parts of a plotline that I’ve been piecing together finally come to a resolution that makes sense. Sometimes I don’t have an immediate end goal in mind, just a series of scenes that can fit into one fic, but don’t yet have that final defining connection. It’s a great feeling when the lightbulb comes on and you can say “Yes! THIS is how it all works together!”
As for a character, hmm…I think that would be when the moment arrives when they realize they have a skill that can be used to the benefit of another, either to protect/save another character or provide the solution that no one else had thought of up to that point. For example, in my starlight project, Darrien is content to live quietly in his undercover human life, working as a bus boy in the corner diner in the evening then spending his free time stargazing, with not much concern for doing much else with his life. After he meets Helios, life gets more interesting, and he eventually finds himself in a situation where he has to use his abilities to keep Helios alive – or he could just escape on his own and go back to his mundane life.
In those cases, I have to figure out where the character shifts from how they acted before to their new courses of action, and it’s great when I find the perfect wording to express that.
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inkytealeafwriting · 2 years ago
Happy Sunday Ask-A-Thon, week 4 for @ask-a-thon . What inspires you the most to write, what makes you want to write and what do you treasure most about your writing?
Yeaaaah!! Happy Sunday to you too! :D
What inspires you the most to write: I like to share stories, and if there's someone out there who can relate to the characters, I'll be happy :)
What makes you want to write: I want these stories out of my head, and I'm stubborn, so no matter how long this will take me, and no matter if they'll do good or not (in terms of sales etc~) I'll get them on paper!
What do you treasure most about your writing: The journey I'd say. Like, your start from scratch, then you finish your story, and when you look back, you can see just how much you grew as a writer/got better at it. And I think that's awesome, you can be proud of yourselves :D
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residentdormouse · 2 years ago
Hi there, its Athena for Sunday Ask-A-Thon week 2 at @ask-a-thon: How long have you been writing, how long have you enjoyed being a writer and do you have any pieces of advice for new writers?
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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Honestly, I've had training, but have not really done too much with it until a couple years ago. Elementary school we were required to keep a regular journal, and then I used to write ridiculous ' Scream'-esque horror stories involving my friends when I was in middle school. Long pause of nothing through high school, and then I took a few courses in college. Play writing (because I was trying to take just about everything I could in the theater department), and then Creative Writing (because it was the best of the classes that filled the writing intensive requirements). From Play writing, I wrote a tiny short script. (I was directing a student written piece that was on the shorter end, so I made a companion piece to make it a full length show in total.) Creative writing, though, I didn't have much inspiration for a long story at the time, and ended up sticking mostly on the poetry end of the spectrum. Another long pause from anything as I got hit with life repeatedly, and then two years ago, I started writing fanfiction. I wasn't planning on it; I could always find what I wanted to read in abundance before. Never had to write myself. But now I'm in a smaller fandom (SK's the Stand - specifically the newest 2020 series). There are some amazing stories there, but not a whole lot for my favorite character. Make what you can't find mentality took over. (Even though I was am anxious about posting anything.) Now I'm trying my hand at something original, although it has been slow going.
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In regards to what I enjoy, I loved when puzzle pieces came to me. Just listening to music and letting my mind run through the scenes in my head was the absolute best. It kind of helped with missing directing too. I may not be able to do that specifically right now, but I can direct the little characters in my head. I can set design for them, and block the scene. Lighting, sound. Character development, my love. That's my favorite of the bunch. But yeah... I enjoyed that process a lot.
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I still feel new (and honestly underqualified) myself, but I can pass along a tip that really worked for me. I was stuck on a scene. It felt like the words were stale, and everything was mechanical. Going through motions. I was asked (by @impuretale - thank you so much again!) if instead of things going like they were, characters saying what they 'should', what if somebody made it worse. That really hit me. Made me realize I was stuck on one track. I saw what I wanted and was forcing the scene in that line, but it wasn't the best option. This prompt broke me off the path and made me look at other options. Helped a lot. Eternally grateful for that advice.
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yesireadbooks · 2 years ago
Hi there, its Athena. Welcome to my new Thursday Ask-A-Thon where its basically a Thursday version of my Sunday Ask-A-Thon where I ask ya'll about your wips: Has there been any major changes in a character in terms of how you created them, to how they turned out as the wip went on?
Hiya!! Oooh a new ask game (and it's about wips??? oooh) Thank you for the ask!
Uhmm, yes. The MC in a wip I call 'The Star Child', Henry. When thinking Henry up, I thought of a young genius, strong finances, high social status kinda person. But when writing, I felt that in that case, much of Henry's circumstances are inexplicable. So... I still kept the young genius part (he studies Sociology at Manchester), but gave him manageable finances, everyday person social standing and a ton of trauma. He was gonna be the flawless parent, but now he is the highly flawed parent who does it (mostly) right.
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wait-a-minute-lassie · 2 years ago
Hi there, its Athena. Welcome to my new Thursday Ask-A-Thon where its basically a Thursday version of my Sunday Ask-A-Thon where I ask ya'll about your wips: What's been the most fun thing to work on recently, and of all time and why?
I have been working on a journal for a historical romance set at thr fictional town of San Vicente Ferrer. It is fun to work on it because I can modify and/add information into the story and I can keep up with every element needed. And while second-chane romance is usually my least favorite of romance tropes, here we get them to work together because one of them is in a tight place and this forces them to fully understand what actually happened.
Meanwhile, in fanfics, I have been jotting down ideas and inspiration to expand on the wee 'verse that I have begun. The fun part is making the canon characters feel challenged and they have to learn from one another and place their trust on one another despite their rather...let's just say acrimonious history in the canon.
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katt-sports · 1 year ago
for ur ask-a-thon :) how would guest d, cristina, kaori, elisa, stéphanie, and araceli react if someone booped them? (aka MEEEEEE) (i expect to get slapped by at least one of them)
Delia: You fucking what now— (boop!) ...I AM NOT 5—
Cristina: Are you serious— (boop!) Oh! ...you WERE serious!
Kaori: A boop? (boop!) ... :>
Elisa: Nope. (WALKS AWAY)
Stéphanie: ? (boop!) ????? (She's confused)
Araceli: :o (boop!) ^^
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ask-a-thon · 2 years ago
A Gentle Warning
I wanted to remind everyone that EVERY type of writer is welcome here. This includes but is not limited to:
NSFW - including but not necessarily erotica/smut/etc.
NSFL - Writers who write "extreme" fiction- gore/etc.
LGBT+ and neurodivergent characters that aren't perfect - within reason
Characters that are in various communities that are the bad guys
My take on why these people are included is that: Just because we write some things, or even read them, doesn't mean we think the world should be that way or want it to be. There are plenty of people in this world that want to read things that aren't SFW, SFL, not-whump, have perfect characters, etc. Personally, I don't feel like the bad guy for reading disturbing fiction and being disturbed, that's the whole point!
However, that being said, there are reasonable exceptions that are not allowed to join the ask-thingie here. I think you all reasonably know who you are but if you're confused, please ask and I'll kindly tell you that I won't be adding you to the list.
This is your only gentle reminder. If you attack other tumblrs for writing these things and they report it to me, I will remove you from the ask list and ban you. All writers, within reason, are allowed here at @ask-a-thon and if you don't like how I run this blog or how accommodating I am trying to be, you can make your own as long as you don't claim to be this blog or @asterhaze. This idea is not copyrighted and you have my full permission.
Thank you for being patient with me, for being accepting of all writers, and for helping me boost the community in the only way I know how. Lets be civil people, let's at least pretend to be adults, and lets love writing together--even if we don't like what others write.
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years ago
Happy Thursday Ask-A-Thon from the @ask-a-thon team! Here's your question for today:
What's the longest time you've had writer's block for? What did you do to get out of it, if anything?
Thank you very much for the question!
If we're being real, I've been...like...soft locked? For a while now? Its mostly due to circumstance but its been long enough that I feel out of practice. Its been about two years or more of that.
Ordinarily I'll reread old favorites of mine and try to pick out the things about that writing style that influenced mine so I can at least hone in on what skills and such I need to be working on, ad well as feel inspired again. I'll also reread some of my old work to get a feel for where I was last, it helps me sink back into the right mindset. Rambling to a friend about the part of any given project I'm passionate about also tends to get ne excited about the thing again as well. Then for the practical part, I require myself to write a new paragraph per day, or to edit a full page of work. Both are helpful and for me editing is a little easier, especially on days where I'm really not feeling it.
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vsaintsin · 2 years ago
Hello! Happy Sunday! Just dropping by with a writing question. How do you approach writing relationships? What are your favorite dynamics to write (in general or between specific characters)?
Sorry for the delay here - I got sick (still, from when I first made this account), and the the meds to make me unsick made me much more sick, and now I'm still sick but experiencing a moment of semi-clarity. Thought I'd pop in to say I'm not dead! Pray the clarity lasts through the duration of this reply.
This is a well-timed question, because book two of the series I'm writing - which is also my current WIP - does feature more "romance" you could call it, even though it won't be enough to really land it in that genre. That does mean that Carlisle's life and relationships have been the predominant thought on my mind as of late.
I always look towards people's needs when I'm writing any relationship, though, and how two people's needs can line up to make a complementary pair. Whether that be friendship or romantic.
I'm not exactly caught up with the common terminologies for most relationship pairings (but through stalking everyone on here, I'm learning), so I guess I'll say I favor pairings that feel like comfort or relief. Like "ah, yes... that's my person, things are better now." Cold drink of water on an oppressively hot day sort of thing.
I like writing relationships that shake off the "change x about yourself for me" thing and focus more on the "i want to be better about x for you". A gentle offer, instead of a harsh ultimatum. I like writing any dynamic where they make each other better people, where they introduce safety and peace into each other's lives. Any dynamic that feels a little bit like home.
I keep losing the train of thought here, the clarity isn't lasting...
I guess I also like showing that people who aren't "desirable" in fact are. I like to take people who feel outcast by society - whether it be disability or otherwise - and reinforce that nothing that's "wrong" with them actually is actually WRONG. (Like, yes, something is wrong, but it isn't YOU. (Additionally, stomping on fetishists who sexualize people who are othered for the odd sake of doing so is fun))
As a disabled person and as a trans person, I've faced a lot of crap that makes me feel undesirable, and been told by a few people I thought I could trust that I should give up wholly on the concept of connections like friendship and romance because of said things. I refute that idea entirely. I like to show and prove, with any dynamic at all, that people like me are just as lovable and whole as anyone else. Just because the love might look and behave differently, and just because it comes with a unique road to walk, doesn't mean it isn't equally as valuable. Nobody is settling for the queer or disabled person, only accepting that loving them means loving those parts, too.
So I guess I accidentally dodge the question during ask-a-thon not for the first time and substitute an adjacent answer?
As the most direct answer I can give - people who act like old married couples bring me joy, because you can just tell that bond is deep.
Thanks for the ask! <3 Sorry for the delay. Hope sick brain hasn't made this too goofy.
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scribbling-stardust · 2 years ago
Hi there, its Athena. Welcome to my new Thursday Ask-A-Thon where its basically a Thursday version of my Sunday Ask-A-Thon where I ask ya'll about your wips: What's been the most fun thing to work on recently, and of all time and why?
Hi Athena! Thanks for the ask!
I only have one wip that I've been working on since the beginning of time so I'll just answer for that <3
So recently, I've been doing some more worldbuilding for my wip and it's actually been productive! It's helped me come up with more ideas for the plot as we'll and it was just fun in general.
My favourite thing of all time was definitely writing the scene where Rai meets Camila. I think it's one of the best written parts of the wip and I think the spookiness came across really well.
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Hi there, its Athena. Welcome to my new Thursday Ask-A-Thon where its basically a Thursday version of my Sunday Ask-A-Thon where I ask ya'll about your wips: Has there been any major changes in a character in terms of how you created them, to how they turned out as the wip went on?
Yup. Becks. Probably the one that's gone through the most change, lol
At the start she was a 50s noir-themed PI that also happened to be half-human and used her mother's magical connections to help solve crimes against the magical community. She was broody, slept/lived/worked/ate alone, was suspicious of almost anyone she met (not without reason), tragic backstory, all of that at the start.
Where she is currently in the story she's mother of two (one adopted kid that came back into her life unexpectedly), reconnected with most of her family, accepted into a new family, about to get married, worked through a good portion of her trauma, and has a sense of home and belonging.
Turns out the others she ran into just weren't gonna let her stay broody and alone for long 😂
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