#Ask mack a question
alish-artie · 8 months
Would the Smithy Gang have a Titanic crying party (AKA watching Titanic)?
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Not a crying party : some of them would be confused, others would cry indeed, but mostly the emotional scenes are ruined by Speardovich's jabs at others.
That’s just how movie nights go for them-
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thebetterengineer · 7 months
im in NEED of a valentines day rp rn (fluff with some angst obvi)
((not forcing of course!))
(you read my mind lmao/ooc)
Mack was incredibly stressed and upset. He seemed to be frantically researching something.
@the-best-ads-worker @bestengineerinspacez
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Guys who found this and sent it to me?? This is like from a while ago. Back when Mack didn’t past the vibe check.
(I’ve been laughing at this for 15 mins I can’t breathe)
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movietonight · 1 year
I'm now an official mash scholar because I got to stand next to my poster for half an hour explaining fanfiction translation to actual academics and then having them ask oh what TV show was it and me being like uhhhh mash
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gamethecry · 9 days
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 {will i say from who? nope. surprise. // cameraxshy}
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“ oh , this is probably noise ! how sweet , if so you are darling as well ! ooor , it could be that tall elven person i met ? if so , pleasure to see you again , magnus , you are already finely aware i think you’re handsome , but i’ll say it again if need be— “
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“ uhm , i‘m going to stop you there , spock . this is OBVIOUSLY my favorite subordinate , lew , only one i think brave enough to make an admission which i am BEYOND flattered by , of course !— “
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“ oh , oh ! have we considered the prospect , right , that it’s . . . natey ? OR even mr . louis ? or . . . oh , gee , what WAS that guy’s name . . . ?— “
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“ guys . . . please , i hate to burst your bubbles , but have we literally forgotten about my own boyfriend . . . ? ya know , nate ? “
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“ . . . yeah , i’m . . . personally hoping all of your guesses are right , because i’m not liking MINE . “
who thinks my boys are cuties ? | @cameraxshy
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bestbehaviorofficial · 4 months
mack -> failure
marissa -> desire
michael -> alone
failure (mack): What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
he doesn’t have one. he just fails all the time. he has what he thinks of as personal failings, which are simply facts about himself that can’t really be changed. everywhere he looks he sees something that needs to be fixed. every time he tries to fix it, he ends up in a worse place. he messes up his mental health, his relationships, et cetera. mack’s not exactly what we might call Good At Things. it keeps him up at night. he doesn't really sleep a whole lot
desire (marissa): What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
this is going to sound extraordinarily corny and basic but she literally just wants a close friendship. that is all she has ever wanted. she’s not exactly open about it but people can tell that she’s kind of lonely. she was so excited to work with mack and michael because she thought they might actually genuinely love her. and even when the rules of the Fellowship started to get weird, and she had to work 24 hours a day, and life became intricate and impossible, she still stuck around so they would still want her. because, in all honesty, she would do pretty much anything.
alone (michael): How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
he’s not alone that often tbh. as the only extrovert in the trio, he always tries to surround himself with social situations. he’s been lucky enough to always have someone to rely on in life— i don’t think he’s ever been just completely alone before. when he becomes a public figure in the Fellowship, he just gets more respect from others. however, when no one is around to see him, he’s not quite the same, by which i mean he’s not as pro-mack’s-leadership. because he doesn’t agree with it all the time. he thinks some of what mack is enforcing is bullshit, but he also just can’t bring himself to shut it down.
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jinxed-ninjago · 1 year
brent miller interviewing deven mack means i can ask deven the one question that has been on my mind since i first watched season 13: can korgran's axe actually speak, or is it just in korgran's head?
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sartorially · 1 year
totes luv your art in genz, but that self portrait got me thinking immorally. We ever gon see or learn about the man behind the page?? Single?
Not! I have one forever and ESPer psyfriend who supports all my ventures. They're fantastic; can be found over at @the-weirder.
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💖, 🤩, and 🤲!!
💖 What made you start writing?
Not to sound too earnest or whatever, but I've wanted to be a writer since i was probably eight years old (my parents were both journalists, I loved telling stories, etc. etc.). In terms of fanfiction, I had things I wanted to see happen to characters I loved, and since it didn't happen in the show I was watching, I'd have to do it myself!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
It's a lot of fun fleshing out Peg Hunnicutt, I'm ngl. But writing Hawkeye can be so special because he's clever and writing him makes me clever too, dammit. Or at least, makes me feel more clever. I also just love writing CJ Cregg, for literally no particular reason except I adore her.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Sure! This is from the 'subverted noir' AU I started writing for M*A*S*H the other weekend:
Peg fiddles with Dr. Pierce’s stethoscope, which hangs off his desk, letting it trail through her fingers like a string of pearls, pitching her voice low as she looks up at him through her eyelashes, “I understand you’re quite the crackerjack surgeon, Dr. Pierce.” He blinks, noticing the shift in her voice, but all he says is, “You don’t look sick.” “I’m not looking for a surgeon for me. It’s for my husband.” “He has something wrong with his heart?” Dr. Pierce asks, and she smiles, because he’s like a bloodhound catching a scent, his eyes lighting up. Of course, he tries to hide it – no doctor wants to show it when they’re interested in a case – but he looks like he’s been presented with an interesting puzzle. She keeps her wording ambiguous, her heart starting to pound again. “You could say that.” “Well, fixing broken hearts is my specialty. It ought to be since I’ve broken so many myself.” He grins at his own joke. “Your conquests aside-.” “Look, Mrs. Hayden, trust me when I say that there’s nothing I’d rather do than take on a tricky case. But without a case history, with a consultation, without a patient, I just don’t know what you want me to say.” “I’m asking for your help.” “I don’t take patients by mail order. Or any order, for that matter. If you want, send your husband. I’ll gladly slap him on the rack and give him a lube job, but I can’t cure what I don’t know.” “That’s fine. I don’t want you to cure him.” “Come again?” “I want you to botch the surgery,” Peg says, her heart pounding so loudly in her ears that she can barely hear what she’s saying. Dr. Pierce stares at her, unblinking.
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Mack’s Poetry: Punctuation Guide
I identified a problem last night. The punctuation we currently have doesn’t do what i want it to. This will likely be updated as needed, so if you see a strange mark used, you should be able to find an explanation on it here. So!! Without further ado, here is a list of all the characters I’ve repurposed so my poetry can hopefully be read correctly.
> This mark is different in reading and reciting. Written it acts as a period, separating sentences. When reciting, there is no break read. Sentences written with this mark are read as one, without any pause.
{} These brackets will have writing in them. They are quiet asides, and not spoken aloud if you are reciting it. In reciting, simply pause for the duration of time it would take you to read it aloud, then continue on with the rest of the work outside the brackets.
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aboyandhisstarship · 1 year
rule tag ten people you want to know better: i was tagged by both @star-going-supernova and @halogenrobotics
Relationship Status: it, like most things is complicated
Favorite Color: Orange
Something I want right now: a chocolate milkshake
Song stuck in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtnEYpbhW1o this
Three Favourite Foods: Pizza, Polish Coil Sausage, and Bagels
Last Song I listened to: I have a few tabs open to YouTube right now, so there are a few answers to this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB8mDkJzXx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6t0g-r7HZk  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzseE_0Zo3w&list=RDRzseE_0Zo3w&start_radio=1
Last Thing I Googled: I honestly don't know? the Weather I think?
Dream Trip: The Arctic, or Calgary which is connected to the first question.
Bonus Question:
If you had the opportunity to [safely] become a cyborg via body upgrades, would you take it?: a loaded question, I guess it depends on what the “upgrades” are and there applications there in, but for the sake of an answer...sure?
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korrinhorizon · 2 years
I am now taking questions about my OCS, mostly about Zotz (My Sing 2 OC, who is part of the New Moon theatre crew) with also Mack and Aster ( two guys who are apart of Klaus’s dance class/group)
I’m even taking questions about Ocs, that are not Sing movie related (shocking I know) for example, Korrin (my main Oc), Arthur, and even more :D
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thebetterengineer · 1 year
You know for a fact Mack is gonna pull out the most random but well thought out Halloween costume.
Halloween is gonna roll around, and Gunther’ll be like “Why are you a jelly fish” and Mack will be like “EXCUSE YOU I AM NOT A JELLY FISH I AM JEAN-JACKET FROM THE MOVIE ‘NOPE’”
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Gunther Mack needs some comfort!
Gunther sat up from his bed and nodded his head. He walked to Mack’s room and lightly knocked on the door. “Hey Mack you ok?….”
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starkcanvas · 2 years
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Oh damn- that is a tough one :T Hm, if I really think hard about it- I’d probably have to say my OC I have based of the elusive 8th Deadly Sin or also known as The Eternal Sin.
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The Unforgivable Sin of Heracy and Blasphemy, Constantine. He’s a very ruthless individual. His ideals and views being sadistic and twisted at times while still having a smug and confident air about him while having the intelligence, and eternal army, to back this up.
I have the idea that each sin has a representative elemental power.
Constantine, due to him being the embodiment of Heresy, which people back in the day associated with going against the lord’s prayer and will, he specializes in Dark Magic and Witchcraft. Mostly Voudoo Magic. Him doing this out of pure spite for the Holy Being he opposes.
Btw- the Rune/Symbols on him have translations. The ones on his wing from top to bottom read “Death” and “Banishment” while the one on his chest from top to bottom read “The Lord of Shadows” and “Darkness”
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thevalicemultiverse · 5 months
What if you got a job in the past and used the money for coin collecting?
Doc: [grimacing] That carries even more risk of altering the space-time continuum, because you'd be naturally displacing the person who normally be working there, who would then go and do something else, and--
Marty: You really think that one person getting a job in the past might screw over the whole universe, Doc?
Doc: The risk may be small, but it is still present. The problem with time travel is, you never know what small change might end up having huge effects later on! And I personally don't want to take the risk of, I don't know, half of England being leveled as a bizarre side effect of one person from the future getting a job in the past to look for rare coins.
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