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lonakulasu · 23 days ago
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self hatred in hand with self obsession
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xmagicalpotatox · 2 months ago
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i love magolor ships but im gonna be honest they'd all be way funnier if it was like this
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selfmadescientist-moved · 11 months ago
shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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queersekai · 9 months ago
Am I bummed that When the Morning Glory Falls and What Sort of Ending are You Wishing For are being removed? Yes.
But it's still the right choice to make. And it's really not the end of the world.
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disfrutalakia · 3 months ago
"Every body has a limit, every soul has a limit, I went on more than I could. I want to die"
Bagi cubito I'm holding you so so gently tonight
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theshootingraistar · 3 months ago
i'm tired of being called 'political' for the crime of existing.
i don't want to live in a world where the "right" for me to live
is a privilege decided by people who will never meet me.
living my life is like being put up for auction, and the highest bidder gets to decide what knife to flay me alive with.
i'm sorry you see that as "political"
i'm sorry that my existence as a person offends you to the point of never being spoken about.
it's not like i wanted this either
but i can't change who i am.
just hide it from those who don't respect me.
and i'm getting real tired of playing hide and seek.
i'm sorry that my life is a political statement.
maybe if i kill myself you won't have to think about how this affects how you feel.
maybe if i died right now the economy will get better.
maybe if i never existed then people would be able to speak thier minds.
i know you care about that more than you care about me.
maybe if you kill me yourself it'll feel better for you.
having my blood all over your hands,
my viscera in between your fingers,
and my heart on the floor,
underneath your steel toe boots.
i'm sorry you don't value human life.
i'll try harder next time.
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wish-grantzed · 3 months ago
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✉ || Ōgai Mori | Moodboard | Request for @man4jiro
✉ || psd: PSD 01 RICHER by recurscs., no f/o tags please!
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pelman · 2 years ago
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a DISTASTEFUL little creeeeeeature getting up to MMMMMMISCHIEF, very icky, NO. GOOD.
no bg under the cut
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felicitousfeline · 1 year ago
Socially anxious preamble to justify making a poll
Further explanation of the meaning of different options, as well as guidance on which one to pick if your case is particularly unusual.
Reblog for bigger sample size!!
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xmagicalpotatox · 10 months ago
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every Kirby artist please draw Marx eating big bag of marshmallows please :)
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(Context lmao)
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safaridays · 9 months ago
sharing a head with nonhumans is so interesting.
i’ve never really cared about bats, to think about them more than distant admiration for what they do for the ecosystem. i don’t know much about them at all actually
we have twins in here who are young girls, beasts, & partially bats. it’s not befitting of them to call them littles when they’re more animal than child and denounce those sorts of labels. they’re so interesting… they are medical alters and especially love attending procedures but also just learning the ins and outs of surgery. most people might find that weird or grim or ‘bad’ but they keep our body calm and our heart rate low when we go in for surgeries. they’re very respectful about it so to speak but they’re just LOUD and EXCITED about it like little kids and overstimulated animals.
last night they were talking together for about an hour about laparoscopies and how they would want to probe ‘a body’ (a living, safe, healthy one, but with not really any thought toward the individual involved), and chittering about how excited they were seeing pictures of the inside of our abdomen, and how they want to eat lots of shredded beef and little birds.
and they could not sleep with the lights on like i usually do. it made them dizzy and disoriented. and they tossed and turned and said their skin crawled and that they couldn’t close their eyes tight enough. but in complete black with the windows open they wrapped themselves in a thin sheet, super taut around the back but a little loose around the arms, and swaddled themselves like that.
i heard bats chirp outside like i always do — but it was the first time i actually noticed it. they talked to themselves about how happy the sounds made them and briefly i felt as if bodily we were flitting about in the open air, darting after bugs. and our fingers felt sooo long, but the way our arms tucked around our body felt so correct.
it was just so weird and interesting.. i was only a passenger but i’ve never felt so viscerally like an animal that i’m just not
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binalakai-archive-archive · 2 years ago
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still version:
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years ago
I know people are comparing the panels of Toga and Touya crying to their parents but why have I not seen anybody compare Toga and Tenko being slapped in a garden with an animal by their side (one of them only dead later)
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queersekai · 2 months ago
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Happy holidays! I have Project SEKAI: Lesbian Stage as a gift for @lovesick-level-up/@sekaitransparents! Every main character, plus their starting Virtual Singers (except for Miku, with the exception of Nightcord)!
PSD (link) by @canarysage (I un-reversed the gradient map on a few of them to make the images a bit clearer, but no layers were adjusted otherwise)
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aforrestofstuff · 1 year ago
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Dude is slept as fuck
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