#Ask Me Something
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 1 year ago
Hey guys, I'm super bored and in need of people to talk to so please go by my inbox if you can!
Thank you!!
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lura-valentine · 1 month ago
I love your vampire Dabi. Shigaraki too! Could you please make a drawing with them both fighting each other? Sorry for my English
dear Ano,
Unfortunately I am not available at the moment, please try again later. Furthermore, I regret to inform you that your request is already being planned and another picture is already in the works.
So please don't be patient and try again later.
With kind regards,
Lura Valentine❤️
Seriously, thanks for the request, but it's actually for fanfiction ideas... and not for pictures😭
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msiael · 9 months ago
Heeeey ✨
Mi sugerencia de dibujo es algún meme que te dé risa en español para MP100 porque a veces no es lo mismo en inglés aksfjksdg perdón, me emociono cada vez que veo a alguien hispanohablante en el fandom, holaaaa
Tengo muchos de esos JAJSJA
Holaaaa!!! Seamos compis
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baggy-holmes · 3 months ago
gabby drunk
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thesadstoryofme · 9 months ago
could you write some fluff with dad!h ?? i love your writing btw!!!!
I haven't wrote in forever so I hope you like it !
There was one thing Harry loved most in the world, other than music, it was his babies.
Harry didn't have his first kid until he was 34 but he loved every moment of it. He loved this life and when he was 36 and Y/N welcomed their twins he knew his life was finally complete.
Storie was 6 and Sloane and Smith were 4.
Y/N loved being a mom, it was her whole life.
She loved watching her kids explore, try new foods and nap in the most random parts of the house.
Y/N was being doing laundry when she couldn't help but hear the loud laughter coming from her kids. Setting her laundry aside she peaked her head in the kid's playroom and in this moment, she knew her life was perfect.
Harry was lying on the floor with all three of the kids sitting on his back, pretending he was sleeping. Sloane's giggles filled the room, causing a tear to slip down Y/N's face.
"Daddy, wake up" Storie shouted but Harry's snores grew louder, and Y/N's heart grew wider.
Maybe Y/N could convince Harry to have another baby.
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danceinthedarkk · 1 year ago
Would you ever gift us with a bulge picture again???
Well if it’s what the people want who am I to deny them?
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dannydreemurr · 1 month ago
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Hello everyone, something unusual!😄
Today, walking towards Snowdin, I met an unknown person🤔
It turned out that her name is Cheza and she is a traveler!🤩
Hehe, she came from another world, I hope she enjoyed it here!!😄
Hmm.. I was thinking, in my whole life, I've seen more than one person from another world, it's cool😁
I wonder if there are other worlds that have other versions of our universe? Haha
Ask questions, I will try to answer them
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thosehoursinthenight · 1 month ago
Top 5 celebrity crushes?
Ooooh Celebrity crushes (I have far too many, but these ones live in my head on rotation):
- Jonathan Bailey
- Andrew Garfield
- Anthony Porowksi
- Keiynan Lonsdale
- Gavin Leatherwood
Thank you for the ask, lovely 🥰
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thecycle-ask · 1 month ago
It is artificers time to shine!
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Tell me you have a plan b
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eastwindmlk · 12 days ago
I have a hard time choosing with that list but "jilypad text fic" 👀
OKAY, OKAY! But the concept of this one is actually really fun so i am so glad you asked!
Orginally, this fic was supposed to be for a fest that I had to drop out of for several reasons. Which put this fic on hold and now I want to continue it but I really just haven't found the time or the motivation yet.
Though... it might fit onto my Jilypad bingo card! 👀
So, the concept is that James and Sirius meet Lily at a Halloween party where they hit it off and numbers are exchanged. The issue is that James a terrible texter and really does not know how to flirt long-distance.
Obviously, he recruits Sirius who, in true Cyrano Du Bergeraque style, ghost writes most of James' texts. When things ineffitably heat up, who is right there to assist with the sexts? Sirius. Who gets final approval on which tasteful nude to send? You guessed it! Sirius.
Lily though, is not nearly as oblivious as they think and one day, when she's had enough, she starts a group chat. And that is as far as my plot goes xD
A little snippet!
J: Right, well problem is I have not texted her yet.  S: Prongs!  J: I just don’t know what to say! What if she thinks I’m lame?  S: You are lame. That is part of your charm.  J: But she doesn’t know that yet.  S: Trust me, James. She knows.  J :Come off it! You can’t know that!  S: I was there, remember.  J: Sometimes you’re a cunt, you know that?  S: Now that is part of my charm.  J: That? Not the good hair and the trust fund?  S: They help, but people like it when I’m a little mean.  S: You like it when I am a little mean.  S: But let us get you that girl before someone else snatches her up.  J: Thank you! S: Whatcha got so far?  J: Hey Lily, it’s James. The scarecrow from the party. Just thought I’d sent you a message to let you know I’ve been thinking about you.  Would you like to meet for coffee sometime? S: Zzzzzzz  J: Believe me, this is better than the other idea I had. S: I'm almost afraid to ask J: Roses are red, Nemo's a fish, between your legs is my favourite dish. S: ...No J: See why I need you?  S: How about we start with something more exciting? Pay her a compliment. Say something more evocative than ‘I’ve been thinking about you’. Try something like: S: Hey gorgeous, I have not been able to get you out of my mind. I think I might need to start charging you rent. How about we discuss over a drink?
Ask me about one of my WIPs!
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friday-answers · 5 months ago
can i be your frances?
this sounds like the most platonic flirt ever
in universe friday? i mean yes absolutely, there's a frances roleplay account that interacts occasionally which is super cool, but that shouldn't diminish anyone else from doing it too.
if you're talking about in terms of art, i have so much appreciation for artists that if i were to get one on board, like aled did with frances, i would want them to get paid, which i am definitely not financially stable enough to do. i will always encourage art made based on universe friday though! esp since without any deadlines and agreements and partnerships, it would be a lot less pressure on artists to create. if universe friday inspires you in any way, i am so so so honoured.
and if ur talking to me directly, the creator, hello! i don't think this would be the intention but i am always looking for my frances to my aled <3 i need a friendship like that real bad fr... lomls both of them <3
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lura-valentine · 1 month ago
Heeeeeeiii, is it possible to check your Xenomorph drawing out? 👉🏻👈🏻
The only problem is... the pictures are a bit older and NOT digital🤭
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baggy-holmes · 2 months ago
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danceinthedarkk · 2 months ago
just got home, off sick, send asks please
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dannydreemurr · 3 months ago
It won't be easy, but it's fun for that, haha)
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exoticdox · 6 months ago
:000 a lexi
hm I wonder who sent this... :3
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