#Asher Tadmhe
tracytigress · 5 years
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A waist-up commission for @twin-moons-ffxiv of their fabulous smug catboy Asher!
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
Drabble prompt! Asher walks into his bathroom and sees that Thal has left his toothbrush next to Ashers in the cup by the sink.
((I’ve had this sitting in my inbox for like a year.  It’s much more feelsy now!  Enjoy!))
Home.  Finally home after how long away?  Admittedly… he was running away again.  Like he always did when things got too hard.  He’d needed the space to get his head onstraight again.  As much as he liked totravel, though, there really was no place like home.
The Keeper set his bags down in theliving room and pushed open the door to his bedroom.  Kicking off his boots as he went, he firstmade his way to the sink to wash his face after a long journey.  He paused. When had that been left there?
To anyone else it wouldn’t havebeen much to notice.  A blue toothbrushsat in a cup beside his red one.  But toAsher… suddenly the emotions he’d been trying to outrun caught up to him.  The air seemed to be forced from his lungslike he’d been punched in the gut.  Hestood for a long time simply staring at the cup in surprise.  
Suddenly his surprise turned toanger.  Not anger at the object nor evenat the object’s owner.  Anger athimself.  How could he have let himselfbecome so complacent? How in the world had he thought that love would look overhis absence?  That he could possibly—
Plucking the blue toothbrush frombeside the red one he sighed.  Thalprobably had a new one by now.  He’d probablyonly gotten this one to keep at his place anyway.  The Keeper turned the toothbrush in his hand,as if unsure what to do with the object. Finally, he sighed and threw it in the garbage nearby.  He needed to let go.  
But that didn’t mean he didn’t haveregrets…
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😘 (Toward Asher or Muya, whichever you prefer!)
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
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Them as a person : “I don’t know Asher very well, but...since Thal likes him, he must be a good person. At least I’d like to believe so. He seems to care a lot about his daughter as well, and...well, caring parents are always a good thing for me.”
Level of attractiveness : “He is good-looking...I think? I must admit that miqo’te aren’t really my...my type, if I even have one. I think he is handsome though! But I...I probably only have eyes for Thal, as silly as it sounds.”
What annoys them most : “I wouldn’t say it annoys me, but...he seems quite flirty? Besides to his partners, I mean...a-at least based on the little I’ve seen of him. I think it’s just because we are very different in that regard, but...but it does put me off, a little.”
What they like the most : “Like I said, we’ve only spoken a couple of times. That he doesn’t at least seem to dislike me , maybe? I like that about him. A-and that he makes Thal happy, and he doesn’t seem to have a problem with me being around.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : “T-talk? I think it would be quite awkward, to be honest.”
Overall opinion : “He doesn’t seem like a bad person. I’d like to get to know him better, though I don’t know if he feels the same way. I don’t really know how...how these things work, in general. Maybe it’s better to be a sort of an outsider?”
Rating : 8/10
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meandering-mind · 6 years
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ythealleycat · 4 years
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The Basics <><><>
Age: unknown. No documentation, only vague rage.
Birthday: currently at five options
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: no (he/him)
Sexuality: greyromantic asexual
Marital Status: taken
Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Physical Appearance <><><>
Hair: ashen, dyed blue at the tips
Eyes: yellow-green
Height: 183cm (a little over 6 fulms), a very long cat
Build: lanky, angular, noodle. Proportions ever so slightly too long; enough to seem off, but not immediately obvious. Has started building some muscle after becoming a Dark Knight, but is still mostly a squishy mage.
Distinguishing Marks: facial markings of both male and female adult miqo'te. Lynx brushes. Scarred hands. Doodles on his arms and legs like an overenthusiastic toddler first discovering sharpies - but with more skill.
Common Accessories: ring worn as necklace on a darksteel chain (heavy two-tone band, recovered from deep within Syrcus Tower; conducts aether, but doesn't seem to do anything)
Personal <><><>
Profession: used to work as a customs clerk with the Arcanists' Guild at Mealvaan's Gate in Limsa Lominsa - which went about as well as could be expected from an angry teenager. Nevertheless, he was diligent, reliable, and too invested in continuing his Arcanima training to really act up. Has since moved on to full-time adventuring for a living, which mostly means odd jobs, but had also lead him to participate in the NOAH survey as a test subject for Allagan summoning.
Hobbies: vaguely obsessed with the Allagan Empire, and swamp dragons. Is a self-taught alchemist, and will make up new and exciting substances to test on himself for...""""science"""" (read: "no other reason than that he can") if sufficiently bored and left unsupervised. Has poisoned himself many times, with varying degrees of severity. Knows botany, and is enlisted with the Botanists' Guild. Low-key fantasizes about having a garden.
Languages: Common Eorzean, Huntspeak, some sign language
Voice and Speech: having spent his formative years in the Lominsan bureaucracy dealing with pirates and other sea-faring folk, his mode of speaking is typically standard Common, but he sometimes slips into this weird mix of harbour Lominsan and backwoods Gridanian accents. His """"scientific experiments"""" left him with scarring in his throat, which limits him to low speaking volumes, and makes regular speech quite taxing.
Residence: a house in the Mist
Birthplace: somewhere in South Shroud
Religion: no
Patron Deity: Menphina, The Lover, being the goddes of the moon, is said to protect all Keepers. Nhe'a is too out of touch with Keeper culture to have an opinion one way or another.
Fears: This boy is so thoroughly marinated in casual existential dread that he isn't really sure what fear is. Sure, he's been afraid before, but all of his worst nightmares have come and gone, and the world didn't even notice, and he's still alive. He thinks. Probably. What is real anyway? Please tell him, he needs to know. On the mundane side of things, oversized arthropods such as Yarzons and Gazelle Hawks toss his Murder With Fire instinct into overdrive.
Relationships <><><>
Partner: Sonja Rysti (@crafting-illusions-ffxiv)
Children: none
Parents: unknown
Siblings: Vila and Asher Tadmhe (@twin-moons-ffxiv)
Other Relatives: unknown
Pets: Vee, a Yafaemi swamp dragon - which, despite the name, are entirely unrelated to True Dragons (the brood of Midgardsormr), but are instead an example of convergent evolution native to Hydaelyn. Swamp dragons are, in essence, simple winged lizards with the temperament of a cat, and do ungrandiose things such as chewing on shoes, getting stuck between furniture, and exploding if they're unlucky.
Traits <><><>
Extroverted / In-between / Introverted
Disorganized / In-between / Organized [He knows where everything is. He swears.]
Close-minded / In-between / Open-minded
Calm / In-between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In-between / Agreeable
Cautious / In-between / Reckless [Hopelessly reckless concerning his own safety and well-being. Otherwise careful and overprepared.]
Patient / In-between / Impatient
Outspoken / In-between / Reserved
Leader / In-between / Follower [Prefers being neither.]
Empathetic / In-between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In-between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In-between / Modern
Hard-working / In-between / Lazy [Not so much "hard-working" as "terminally responsible".]
Cultured / In-between / Uncultured [Has adopted some posh aesthetics and mannerisms, but never had anybody to teach him, so he's really just half-assing it.]
Loyal / In-between / Disloyal
Faithful / In-between / Unfaithful
Additional Information <><><>
Smoking Habit: no
Drugs: if ethers and """"science"""" count
Alcohol: no
RP Hooks <><><>
Coeurl Ink. Following his research on aetherconductive ink and tattoo arrays, Nhe'a has established a laboratory, where he offers his services as a tattoo artist and alchemist.
Odd jobber for hire. Need something found? Need something lost? Need a bodyguard? Need something murdered? Rare plants? Potions? Uncanny relics you wish you hadn't dug up after all? Give Nhe'a a call.
Those bloody Allagans. Are you a Summoner? Been involved with the Sons Of Saint Coinach? Maybe you live in Mor Dhona, and Syrcus Tower is figuratively or literally your back yard? Know anything of tomestones? A Garlean scientist researching Allagan magitek? Nhe'a obsessively seeks out anything Allagan, and will gladly listen to anything you might have to share. Particularly, perhaps you can help him figure out what that ring of his is.
Of Heretics and Dragons. Are you from Coerthas or Dravania? A heretic, by chance? Don't worry, Nhe'a won't tell. All he wants is for folks to stop harassing his pet dragon, and if threatening said folks with a Very Large Sword is what it takes, so be it. (He might also be involved in a shady school of magic, but who's keeping count anyway, right?)
Associated with Thaliak's Codex (@thaliakscodex).
OOC <><><>
I'm Y, </checks smudged writing on hand> 21+. GMT+2. Am nocturnal, and work a wonky schedule, so peak activity is typically evenings and nights on my time.
Dark and mature themes welcome as long as you are 18+ OOC, but let's talk about it first.
Contact Information: in-game (Nhe'a Koh), Tumblr (here), Discord (upon request).
Near exclusively in-game RPer.
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cksimpodia · 5 years
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Original Character Credits: Lodestone | Tumblr
Name: Vila Tadmhe
Family: Asher Tadmhe (brother)
Residency: Bridleton Bay
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romieacerbi · 5 years
Character Info | Andromeda Acerbi
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Full name: Andromeda Acerbi
Pronunciation:   An-draa-muh-duh Aa-ch-EH-r-b-e
Nicknames: Romie, Meda, Andi, Sharice
Height: 5′
Age: 24
Zodiac: Scorpio 
Languages: Common Eorzean, Ishgardian
Hair colour: Naturally Raven Black - Dyes it often
Eye colour: Sapphire
Skin tone: Tan
Body type: Petite/Athletic 
Accent: Slight Ishgardian Traces
Dominant hand: Right
Posture: Relaxed and open.
Scars: Romie has a scar on her lower abdomen, across along her waistline that is very thin and faint. Purposefully overhealed to try and conceal. As well as a faint bite mark on her left shoulder partly onto her neck.
Tattoos: None. Yet. May very well change soon.
Most noticeable features:
Her eyes, especially since she started wearing her glasses again.
Place of birth: Coerthas Western Highland
Hometown: Coerthas Western Highlands
Birth weight/height: Average
Manner of birth: Natural
First words: “Green!”
Siblings: None
Parents: Everett and Constance Acerbi
Parental involvement: Rather involved until Andromeda was 17 cycles. When she was betrothed to a minor noble by her father to help keep their family ranch in funding during a bad season. Rekindled with at 21 cycles and has grown back to it’s old normal involvement since she’d forgiven them after a fallout due to said betrothal. Both alive and well, still living on the ranch. She visits frequently.
Occupation: Owner of The Den Of Desires
Current residence: Apartment in The Mists. The Den Of Desires. Whichever she feels like sleeping at that night.
Close friends: Andromeda is blessed with many friends, but few she would consider as ‘close’. Asher Tadmhe, Thala’to Relahna, Persis Sheehan, Romeo Riviere and Isteria Oyuun make up her closest friends to different levels.
Relationship status: It’s a little complicated? By all technical means, she is currently single.
Financial status: Stable and growing. Business has picked up, customers and regulars are more common and she’s becoming comfortable financially as an entrepreneur.
Vices: Very open alcoholic. There is no way she could hide it from anyone. Rather quick to develop feelings for someone and rather impatient.
Sexual orientation:  Straight
Romantic orientation: Heteroromantic
Preferred emotional role: submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure
Preferred sexual role:  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed
Libido: "Relax, it’s just sex.” - She enjoys it quite a bit. But it does vary based on mood, of course.
Turn on’s: Wit. Clever banter. Confidence. Someone who can make her laugh and relax. Playing with her hair or rubbing her feet. Being the focus of someone’s attention in a genuine fashion.
Turn off’s:  Being rude without humor behind it. Being overly too focused on sex/the physical aspects. Being forced into anything against her will. 
Love language: Andromeda is a touchy/feely type of person. She loves sitting in someone’s lap and holding a conversation. Joking and bantering is the way to her heart though, she genuinely is a sucker for someone who can make her laugh.
Relationship tendencies: Andromeda is one to dive into something feet first, head last and not think about what she’s doing until it’s too late. She falls relatively easily and generally doesn’t read people as well emotionally as she does physically. She will give someone 110% if they will give it back, but gets cold feet and overthinks things way too much when they aren’t responding on equal grounds to what she gives.
Hobbies to pass the time: Reading. Learning to dance. Learning to tend bar. Sightseeing. People watching. Attending other bars and meeting people.
Mental illnesses: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety.
Physical illnesses: None.
Left or right brained:  35%/65%
Fears: Being alone.
Self confidence level: Above Average. She’s a bit of an egotistical shit unless her depression is flared up due to something happening to cause it. 
Vulnerabilities: Not a fighter. Prone to falling for folks. Easy to manipulate emotionally. 
Tagged by: @meandering-mind Tagging: @meandering-mind (Thala’to) @thebaileymail (Romeo) @twin-moons-ffxiv (Asher)
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 6 years
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LOOK AT MY TWINS. Drawn by the lovely @negativesd09. GO COMMISSION THEM. Don’t mind me I’m going to sit here staring at them for a while.
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
This song gives me big Asher feels. (Hey @meandering-mind, enjoy these feels.)
Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose, you can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding But nothing ever stops you leaving Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that Don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me Call me friend, but keep me closer (Call me back) And I'll call you when the party's over Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own And I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that Yeah, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that But nothing is better, sometimes Once we've both said our goodbyes Let's just let it go Let me let you go Quiet when I'm coming home and I'm on my own I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
Vila for Thal:
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
Asher for Thal:
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
What is something that currently sparks joy in your characters life?
I’ll answer this one for Asher since I answered it for Vila already.
Well, there’s the obvious answer of his wonderful, lovely, handsome boyfriend who makes him happy every single time he sees him.
There’s the other obvious answer of his baby daughter and watching her learn and grow every single day.  Actually, that’s currently his favorite thing--going to visit Sihya and seeing how much she’s grown.  He loves watching her laugh and singing to her.
Overall, Asher’s a pretty damn happy guy at the moment.
... would be a shame... if something... happened.  :)
Current RP Ask Meme
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
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Hey I suck at editing images but uh.  I did the thing everyone’s been doing.
Muya should be squarely in “Tender” but I had to move her so you could still see the letters. But Asher and Vila are varying degrees of horny.  Vila’s the only one who’s even on the feral spectrum and even then, it’s debatable how far into it she should be.
Tagged by: @duskspeakers
Tagging:  You.  Yes you.  You saw this now you must do it.
Template Here
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
For Asher: What's your favourite song to perform? ((and what's the mun's favourite song to perform?))
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“Mmm.  I think my favorite song t’ perform is “Heart Boner”.  It’s a lotta fun an’ the song never fails t’ get a few laughs outta folks.  Plus it makes Thal roll ‘is eyes.  Bonus points.”
I think my favorite song to perform is Point of No Return with Fourte.  But my favorite solo one is Lower Your Expectations.  I’m pretty proud of the timing on that song and the appropriate emotes that happen at certain times.
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
So, with viera and hrothgar on the way, how will that affect your OCs? Are they already aware of either of these races? Maybe they already know a viera or hrothgar? Or will their arrival be a complete surprise?
Vila and Asher basically grew up in the woods so everything can be more or less a surprise for them.  Asher might’ve *heard* of them since he tends to travel a lot but Vila is likely unfamiliar and will basically go “dafuq are you’ the first time she meets either race.  
Vila likely won’t like too much about the viera.  Too familiar to her but more in the uncanny valley aspect than she’s comfortable with.  She may like the Hrothgar though, I don’t know enough about them to say one way or the other.  Asher’s chill, he’ll probably be fine with both though.
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 5 years
😘 back to you! Either Asher about Milo, or Muya about Otte either is good
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Them as a person : “Mmm.I like Milo alright, I suppose.  I don’t really... know how t’ handle myself around ‘im?  I ain’t used t’ shy folks, really.  Flusterin’ ‘em sure but I ain’t wanna upset him since he’s Thal’s boy.”
Level of attractiveness : “Mmm.  Not terrible but ‘e ain’t really my type.”
What annoys them most : “I suppose I wish I didn’t feel bad fer showin’ Thal affection in front o’ him.”
What they like the most:  “I like that ‘e makes Thal happy, honestly.  I ain’t know him well enough t’ say what I like most about ‘im as a person.”
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : “Prolly jus’ talk?  I dunno.”
Overall opinion : “He’s alright.  I ain’t mind ‘im too much.”
Rating : 5/10 
Honest Confession Meme
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twin-moons-ffxiv · 6 years
Green - what is their favorite weather?
Vila’s favorite weather is a cool, overcast fall day where the air smells crisp and clean and there’s no rain but it’s not bright and sunny either.
Asher’s favorite weather is fog rolling off of the ocean.  He loves to watch it roll in and then dissipate in the morning sun.
>>Send Me A Color!
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