#Ash Williams DBD
deaditeslayer · 1 year
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I felt like practicing my ways of drawing Ash Williams <3 (I still have a long way to go until I’m there, but i enjoy the way these came out!)
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samdieliro · 9 months
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bxnnywrites · 1 year
🖤 Killers Reacting to Nervous!Reader Holding Their Hand 🖤
[PT: Killers reacting to nervous!reader holding their hand]
Pt 2 Here [link]
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Danny Johnson ::
Oh! You're holding his hand!! That's so sweet, you hadn't done that yet-
Oh Wait
Are you fucking blushing???
Oh my god your face is so red oh it's so cute
Grabs your face very gently in one hand and teases the fuck out of you for it
"Aw, doll, are you nervous about holding my hand?"
Yes of course you are shut up Danny
"Nah, I won't. You're fucking cute like this. What, nervous about holding hands before marriage?"
Would bully you so fucking much about it
You wanna kill him /j /aff
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Michael Meyers ::
A sudden weight in his hand catches him off guard, so he looks at you.
And there you are, small hand in his.
Oh god he could absolutely crush your hand if he wasn't careful
And he looks at you and you're so damn cute
You aren't looking at him and your face is that soft pink
He (very gently) gives your hand a squeeze in response. Just to let you know he's ok with this.
Definitely isn't letting go of your hand anytime soon though.
His Hand Now you will get it back in an hour dw about it
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Amanda Young ::
You're holding her hand
Holy fucking shit you are holding her fucking hand
Oh my god ok Amanda, calm down. It's cool, this is cool. Everything's cool. Everything is fucking cool ok????
Just as nervous as you are, can't make eye contact for a bit
You're both blushing messes.
Finally gives your hand a soft squeeze to show she likes it.
Literally can't speak otherwise, too flustered.
Sweet Baby has not been given a lot of love after all. She ain't used to it.
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The Huntress ::
Oh! You are holding her hand! How sweet!
Loves this so much, loves physical affection, biggest love language.
But...oh! Your face is so red, little rabbit! Are you alright?
Softly coos at you and brushes your face with her thumb, mildly worried.
When you explain you're fine, just flustered and nervous, she giggles.
Forehead kisses time and nice soft hugs.
Will do everything she can to make you feel more comfortable, so soft and sweet.
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Sadako Yamamura ::
Just stares
Like for a really long time
Just staring at your hand in hers
Why are you doing that? Why are you being so tender?
She doesn't understand, but she doesn't want you to stop.
Slowly takes your hand and brings it to her face so you're instead holding her cheek in your palm.
Unsure what else to do, just knows she enjoys your touch. Knows she doesn't want you to stop being so loving.
If she had the ability to cry anymore, she probably would.
All from some hand holding. Poor thing.
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Ash ::
Smiles at you and squeezes your hand
Definitely thinks it's adorable how you're blushing
Would tease you a bit, but nothing like Danny
"What, all embarrassed from some handholding, sweetheart?"
You pout at him and he just chuckles, giving your hand another affirming squeeze.
"It's alright, you look cute like this."
You are blushing more than before, but you do feel better.
Prefers when you hold his good hand, the mechanical one doesn't have the same feeling.
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
it seems youve landed yourself a blind date with a dead by daylight character! why dont you open the door and see who your date is?
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which door? you know :) 
(btw if you get a mix tape... thats a member of the legion)
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snowsupply · 3 months
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Drew my DBD mains together🫶
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jesterkard · 3 months
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DEAD BY DAYLIGHT IN-GAME CHARACTER PORTRAITS I have finally updated all 78 Portraits that you can now download for free here: GUMROAD ♥ Support me on Ko-Fi ♥
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hugs-and-stabbies · 2 years
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twitter doodles from yesterday :D ♥
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srhunt · 11 months
Nicolas Cage Hates Crows
Nicolas Cage’s lines from Dead by Daylight
Ash Williams’ lines from Evil Dead Regeneration
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zxid · 1 month
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had a bunch of ace drawings with other old men sitting on my drafts so i went like... yeah let's clean them up a little and post together.
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triangleguy · 11 months
drawings based on shit i say while playing dbd
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ask-ash-williams · 1 year
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/// my apology art for the long notice... an ash-shaped... thing
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deaditeslayer · 2 years
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Another Art Collaboration, I did, but this time with @alexpdcl :D
I did the lineart and they colored the piece! ^^
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saturnulysses · 1 year
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some ko-fi requests!
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anatomical-puppet · 9 months
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been playing dbd with @mymilkhasice and we’ve decided that cheryl and ash’s dynamic would be very very fun <3 pop pop falled over
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snowsupply · 5 months
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Creep!Reader with Male Survivors (Part 2)
You're one cruel and sick creep, and you plan to let every survivor know that.
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Jake Park
He doesn't feel much towards you
To him, you're just another killer he needs to evade
Jake won't let you use his emotions against him
You don't really like to chase him
"Come on! Smile or something"
Your camera is in his face as he just stares at you nonchalantly
You huff and storm away while muttering
"Danny's right; you're a waste of memory space"
Ironically, you don't see his look of confusion
Who the hell was Danny?
Jake never seems to be stressed by the things you put him through
He's as calm and cold as the fog
He rarely ever talks to you
You find that pretty boring
You've resorted to doing the most unhinged shit you can think of to get a reaction out of him
Kiss his cheek while you carry him to hook?
He just keeps wiggling out like normal
Camp and tunnel him?
He avoids your gaze and hangs there silently
It's getting frustrating
Unfortunately for Jake, you have plenty of time for new ideas
You have plenty of time. You have even more when you kill everyone but Jake and leave him slugged.
He was sprawled on the grimy ground, blood oozing from his wounds. You knelt beside him, your demeanor oddly nonchalant for the grim circumstances. Your fingers idly toyed with your whip.
"You gonna say something?" you asked, the curiosity in your tone almost casual, like you were discussing the weather. Your camcorder dangled lazily from your hand, recording the macabre scene.
Yet, Jake remained defiantly silent. His teeth were clenched, and he steadfastly avoided meeting your eyes, determined to deny you even the tiniest shred of satisfaction, refusing to give you the reaction you so desperately craved.
With an impatient sigh, you found the silence dreadfully monotonous. An idea struck you, and you slowly extended your hand, pushing a finger into one of Jake's open wounds.
Jake couldn't contain his agony any longer. He let out a primal scream through gritted teeth, his suffering reminiscent of a wounded animal's cry. It was a satisfying sound, one that you had longed to hear.
A sinister grin crept across your lips as you chuckled softly. "Finally," you remarked in a more casual tone, "I knew you had something fun for me." With a sadistic glint in your eyes, you continued to toy with his wound, and Jake clenched the ground beneath him, his face contorted in pain.
Still, he refused to speak to you. He eventually bled out before you could manage to reach his insides up to your elbow.
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Bill Overbeck
Bill is absolutely unnerved by you
You seem to be infatuated with the older male survivors
This doesn't bode well for him
"You run pretty well for a smoker"
He hears your awful laughter as he tries to loop you
Bill grits his teeth as he slams a pallet on you
He smiles a little when he hears your cry of pain
You seem to not handle fakes very well
Bill has slammed almost every pallet on the map on you
He can hear the grinding of your teeth under your wolf mask
"That fucking hurt"
Looks like you getting tilted, Bill smirks
"Remember that pain when you chase me, dumbass"
Bill doesn't stay to see your reaction
But a chill goes through his body when he hears you make a promise
"I'll give you something to remember, forever"
He stays on high alert as he escapes the chase
His mistake was caring for the others
He probably should've realized it was a trap
You hooked Feng and waited close by
When Bill felt you pull him onto your shoulder as he went for the save, his heart sank
He began to wiggle like hell
You don't take him to a hook; you just plop him down on the floor
You knelt beside Bill, your ever-present camcorder continuing to document his pain. The werewolf mask loomed over him as your hand reached out to touch his back, fingers tracing patterns.
Bill's stomach churned, and the urge to vomit threatened to overcome him. He fought desperately to crawl away from you, the taste of dirt and despair mingling in his mouth. But it was a futile struggle. You were a relentless force, like a predatory creature toying with its prey.
With a sickening, calculated grace, you knelt upon his back, your weight crushing him down into the unforgiving ground. Bill's world shrank to a suffocating tunnel of terror. As the unfeeling lens of your camcorder captured every agonizing moment, he couldn't help but wonder who the recordings were for.
As your hand ventured lower and lower towards his ass, Bill's panic surged to a fever pitch. He thrashed about violently, desperately trying to evade your touch, his heart pounding in his chest like a trapped animal. The dread of what might happen next gnawed at his very soul.
But then, like a twisted reprieve, the unmistakable popping of a generator broke through the realm's silence. Your hand withdrew, and you let out an exasperated sigh. The unexpected interruption seemed to momentarily spare Bill from further torment.
"Maybe next time, Pookie bear," you cooed, your tone dripping with a perverse affection that sent shivers down his spine. You rose to your feet and began to walk off towards the main building.
Bill felt unclean.
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Ashley Williams
One of the few who tolerated you
He was quite the annoyance sometimes
Fuck Mettle of Man
But you liked him
He was always fun to chase
Witty remarks and flirts back and forth
"Stay still, Handy Manny"
"Sorry kiddo, no can do. Maybe drop your fetish whip and then we'll talk"
It was really refreshing
So much so that you let him have the hatch if he's the last one
The footage you have of him is basically one long blooper reel
Even when you carry him he's pretty chill, even as he wiggles
"Aw come on, throw me a bone will ya?"
"You brought Head On and Flashbang, hell no"
Even if he doesn't hold grudges, don't expect an easy chase
You rarely chase him at the beginning of trials because he's that good
Frustrating, but in an amusing way
It helps that he's pretty smoking
"You're really something, Ash," you purred with wicked allure, your werewolf mask hiding the twisted grin that danced on your lips. "I think I want you for my next... film."
Ash couldn't help but chuckle, his voice laced with a playful tone, "Oh, baby, I've seen films like yours at the adult video arcades. You'll have to try harder than that to impress me!"
With a deft leap, he vaulted through a grimy window, your whip striking him with a satisfying snap. But even as pain coursed through his veins, Ash didn't miss a beat, calling back to you, "Nice try, wolfie, but I've had worse dates!"
You hesitate for far too long as you hear him say that. You scoff at your relapse in focus, knowing you probably wouldn't catch up to him now. You record his fleeting form with your camcorder. It wouldn't hurt to have some comedy in your collection.
You wonder if he'll be mad that Ash used his petname for you.
Ghostface, when you told him how your match went:
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Masterlist here
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