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imemoraveismemorias · 2 months ago
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Parte da equipe. Dia feliz.
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quickpa · 2 years ago
Bonus Verde 2023 - Detrazione fiscale fino al 36% Il bonus verde 2023 permette di beneficiare di una detrazione del 36% su un totale di spese complessive non superiori a 5.000 euro per ogni unità immobiliare. Le spese detraibili sono quelle relative alla sistemazione a verde di aree scoperte private, comprese: le pertinenze, le recinzioni, gli impianti di irrigazione, la creazione di pozzi, ed infine le coperture a verde e i giardini pensili. Inoltre, è possibile detrarre con il bonus verde 2023 anche recinzioni, prato sintetico, spese di progettazione e manutenzione. Approssimativamente, il risparmio finale ammonta a circa 1.800 euro per beneficiario.
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arkanis-englishupdates · 8 months ago
💬🎬| "We couldn't miss the opportunity to bring together the best.
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"They came back"
Pac e Mike WOWOW
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palavradigital-blog · 13 hours ago
Estudantes desenvolvem produtos naturais para combater parasitas em animais domésticos
Foto: Divulgação/Ascom Secti O mercado pet tem crescido no Brasil e movimentado a economia nacional. Segundo o Instituto Pet Brasil (IPB), o setor faturou R$ 77 bilhões em 2024, registrando um aumento de 12% em relação ao ano anterior. Diante dessa expansão e dos desafios na criação de animais domésticos, João Lucas dos Santos e Maria Luiza Fontes, estudantes do Centro Territorial de Educação…
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global-research-report · 13 days ago
The Future of Patient Safety: Intelligent Clinical Alarm Systems
The global clinical alarm management market size is expected to reach USD 6.37 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is anticipated to grow at a lucrative CAGR of 17.0% from 2024 to 2030. The increasing prevalence of alarm fatigue is one of the primary factors augmenting the market. Furthermore, rising technological advancements coupled with the growing adoption of clinical alarm management solutions by healthcare facilities due to their benefits are also the driving factors for the market growth during the projected period.
To curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, government institutions across various nations established various COVID-19 alert systems for providing policy directives and situational awareness for the general public. Various healthcare facilities also started adopting various alarm management solutions for providing timely treatment to patients. Hence, the COVID-19 pandemic positively impacted market growth in 2020 and 2021.
Alarm fatigue faced by nurses as a result of clinical alarms and false alarms is driving the need for proper alarm management solutions in healthcare facilities. This factor is providing lucrative opportunities to market players for the development of technologically advanced clinical alarm management solutions. Therefore, growing cases of alarm fatigue coupled with growing demand for advanced solutions for patient safety is also likely to boost the market growth.
Major players in the market are investing in many strategic initiatives, such as acquisitions, mergers, partnerships, and product launches, among others to maintain a competitive edge in the market. For instance, in October 2021, Ascom received a multi-million contract for providing its Telligence Nurse Call system, which will be delivered over 2 years. This contract is in partnership with Mega Datatech, a pioneering systems integrator in Macao. 
Clinical Alarm Management Market Report Highlights
The nurse call systems segment accounted for the largest revenue share of more than 20.0% in 2023 owing to product developments driven by wireless technology and automation and reduced operating costs.
The services component segment is expected to witness the fastest growth rate of 21.3% during the projected period owing to initiatives by public and private health institutions, increasing service offerings by key market players, and growing demand to minimize risks to patient safety.
By end-use, the hospitals and clinics segment held the largest revenue share of over 25% in 2023, and the long-term care facilities segment is expected to witness the fastest growth rate over the projected period.
By region, North America is likely to hold the largest revenue share of more than 43.7% in 2023 owing to the increasing need for integrated Healthcare IT systems to make certain the reliability, data integrity, and efficient maintenance of data. Asia Pacific is estimated to witness the highest CAGR over the forecast period owing to the growing adoption of technologically advanced solutions.
The market is relatively competitive owing to the presence of major players such as Koninklijke Philips N.V., GE Healthcare, Ascom, and Medtronic among others. The various strategic initiatives implemented by companies such as collaborations, acquisitions, partnerships, and product launches are greatly contributing to the growth of the market.
Detail Analysis of Clinical Alarm Management Market
Clinical Alarm Management Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global clinical alarm management market report based on product, component, end-use, and region:
Clinical Alarm Management Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Nurse Call Systems
Physiological Monitors
Bed Alarms
EMR Integration Systems
Clinical Alarm Management Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Clinical Alarm Management End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Hospitals & Clinics
Home Care Settings
Ambulatory Care Centers
Long-Term Care Facilities
Specialty Centers
Clinical Alarm Management Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Key Players in Clinical Alarm Management Market
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
General Electric Company (GE Healthcare)
Spok, Inc.
Hill-Rom Services, Inc.
Vocera Communications
Capsule Technologies, Inc.
Order a free sample PDF of the Clinical Alarm Management Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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falamatogrosso · 18 days ago
Entenda quais são os grupos de risco para dengue e chikungunya em Mato Grosso
Análise da área técnica da SES-MT reforça a necessidade de atenção especial para indivíduos com comorbidades, principalmente hipertensão – Ascom | SES-MT – Todos os óbitos por chikungunya ocorreram em indivíduos acima de 60 anosCrédito – João Paulo Burini | Getty Images A Secretaria de Estado de Saúde (SES) fez uma análise técnica sobre os óbitos causados por arboviroses, como dengue e…
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cruxetrosa · 21 days ago
STF nega pedido para impedir Moraes, Dino e Zanin de julgar Bolsonaro
STF nega pedido para impedir Moraes, Dino e Zanin de julgar Bolsonaro - Os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Alexandre de Moraes, Flávio Dino e Cristiano Zanin não estão impedidos de julgarem Jair Bolsonaro pela acusação de tentativa de golpe de Estado, conforme denúncia da Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR). É o que diz o presidente do STF, Luís Roberto Barroso, que rejeitou o pedido da defesa para afastar os três ministros da Primeira Turma, onde o ex-presidente será julgado, caso a corte aceite a denúncia e abra ação penal. Barroso afastou cinco pedidos apresentados pelas defesas dos ex-presidente e dos generais da reserva Braga Netto e Mario Fernandes. Leia mais: Sobrinho de Bolsonaro vira réu no STF pelo envolvimento no 8 de janeiro Em relação ao ministro Alexandre, relator dos processos, Barroso verificou que a defesa, ao alegar que ele teria “interesse pessoal na causa”, não apresentou nenhum fato novo e se limitou a reproduzir argumentos apresentados em pedido anterior, já analisado e recusado pelo Tribunal. No caso dos ministros Flávio Dino e Cristiano Zanin, o presidente do STF explicou que os fatos descritos pela defesa não se enquadram nas hipóteses estabelecidas pelo Código de Processo Penal (CPP), que não admitem intepretações extensivas para afastar ministros de algum processo ou julgamento. De acordo com Barroso, o fato de Dino ter apresentado ação penal privada contra Bolsonaro não é fator de impedimento, conforme a regra do CPP. No caso de Zanin, o fato de o ministro já ter se declarado impedido para atuar em um caso eleitoral envolvendo Bolsonaro ou ter assinado notícia-crime na condição de advogado de partido político, antes de ingressar no STF, também não se enquadram nas causas de impedimento. Comn informações da Ascom/STF O post STF nega pedido para impedir Moraes, Dino e Zanin de julgar Bolsonaro apareceu primeiro em Vermelho.
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robertoleal · 28 days ago
Brasileiros trazem a Literatura e a arte Abayomi
como uma forma de contributo a Cultura de Angola
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Chegando pelo projeto de Mobilidade da Secretaria de Cultura do Estado da Bahia (SECULT/BA), os brasileiros contemplados Adilson Passos, Carol Adesewa e Marcelo Ricardo estarão no Instituto Guimarães Rosa (antiga Casa de Cultura do Brasil), de 25 a 28 de fevereiro, levando contação de história para crianças, ministrando oficina artesanal de bonecas de pano Abayomi e promovendo o lançamento das suas obras literárias. Projeto venceu o edital em 2023/2024.
Adilson Passos que é design, ilustrador e oficineiro que vem direto de Salvador na Bahia, traz o seu livro que encabeça e dar nome ao projeto, “As mulheres Abayomi” Edição Independente. Carol Adesewa é professora da rede pública de ensino e escritora, mestranda em Educação, vai apresentar o seu livro infantil “Plantando com Malik” Edição Independente. Marcelo Ricardo que é jornalista, poeta e escritor, mestrando em Estudos Étnicos, vem acompanhado do seu livro “Aos meus homens”, Editora Malê.
O trio se junta a outro brasileiro, o escritor e jornalista Roberto Leal e o poeta e activista cultural angolano Ismael Farinha, que dão assessoria e suporte técnico interno ao projeto As Mulheres Abayomi, que visita Luanda, capital de Angola, na África.
Nos dias 25 e 26 de fevereiro, teremos Oficina de Confecção de Bonecas de Pano Abayomi e Contação de História, no dia 28 lançamento dos livros: As mulheres Abayomi, Editora Malê de Adilson Passos; o livro infantil Plantando com Malik e o livro de poesias “Aos meus homens”, Editora Malê, de Marcelo Ricardo e bate papo com crianças, educadores e convidados. Acontecerá no Instituto Guimarães Rosa (Rua Cerveira Pereira, 19 - Bairro dos Coqueiros, na Mutamba). Mais Informações: +55 71 99353-7740 (whatsApp).
Fonte: ASCOM/Revista Òmnira
Texto: Roberto Leal
Fotos: Divulgação
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fabioverochef · 1 month ago
Campionato di Macinatura 2025: Novità e Sfide Entusiasmanti sotto il patrocinio di Ascom ed Epat Torino!
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b0ringasfuck · 2 months ago
va tutto bene madama la marchesa...
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blogoslibertarios · 3 months ago
Barroso foi a autoridade que mais usou aviões da FAB em 2024; veja ranking
Foto: Roberto Jayme/ASCOM/TSE Luís Roberto Barroso foi a autoridade que mais usou aviões da FAB em 2024. O ministro do STF fez 146 viagens, quase o dobro de vezes (77) em que o jato foi pedido pela presidência da Corte no ano anterior. Arthur Lira, campeão em 2023 com 135 voos, ficou agora em segundo lugar, com 127 viagens. E Fernando Haddad completou o pódio com 123 deslocamentos. Ricardo…
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arkanis-englishupdates · 7 months ago
💬✒️| He really likes poetry, huh?
"Between trees and whispers of the air,
In the shadows of an old place,
Paths meander, with strength pulsing,
Waves of mistery, hide your awakening.
In the enchanted forest, a secret hides,
Third vision reveals, the enigma answers.
Deep answers, reveal themselves calmly,
Something rare, that to disarms the world.
Among shadows, a rye shone,
Look carefully, don't doubt the wonder.
Mysterious and deep, the time unravels,
Lighting the path where the world extends.
It is not in vain that the transformation begins,
It is an eternal enigma, which the truth announces.
Answers are rare, but are always there,
Infinite and unknown, in the heart will keep.
Listen to the voice of the forest, the wisdom will bring.
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willyskristina · 3 months ago
Hospital Asset Management Market
Hospital Asset Management Market Size, Share, Trends: Stanley Healthcare Leads
Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Hospital Asset Management Systems
Market Overview:
The Hospital Asset Management Market is projected to grow significantly, driven by increasing healthcare expenditure, the growing need for efficient asset tracking, and the rising adoption of IoT in healthcare. North America stands out as the dominant region, accounting for a substantial share of the global market. The market is expanding rapidly as healthcare facilities prioritize patient safety, operational efficiency, and cost reduction.
The integration of modern technologies such as AI and IoT into asset management solutions is altering the market environment. These advancements are primarily motivated by the need for predictive maintenance, optimal asset utilization, and better decision-making in healthcare facilities. 
Market Trends:
The hospital asset management market is rapidly shifting towards the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology. This development is primarily motivated by the need for predictive maintenance, optimal asset utilization, and better decision-making in healthcare facilities. AI-powered asset management systems may use massive volumes of data to predict equipment failures, optimize inventory levels, and improve workflow operations.
Market Segmentation:
Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) dominate the market, accounting for a significant share of the global market. This supremacy is due to the technology's capacity to enable precise, real-time tracking of assets, personnel, and patients within healthcare facilities. RTLS provides numerous benefits, including improved asset utilization, workflow efficiency, and patient safety. These qualities have contributed to its broad use in many hospital departments.
In the equipment management sector, RTLS installation has increased significantly in the last two years, driven by the technology's capacity to shorten search times for crucial medical equipment and optimize maintenance plans. The patient flow management application of RTLS has also acquired substantial traction, with adoption rates increasing year over year due to the technology's role in shortening wait times, improving bed management, and enhancing overall patient satisfaction. Recent advances in RTLS technology have focused on increasing accuracy and utility, further cementing its position as a leading segment in the hospital asset management market.
Market Key Players:
Prominent players in the hospital asset management market include Stanley Healthcare, Zebra Technologies Corporation, GE Healthcare, Centrak, Airista Flow, IBM Corporation, Sonitor Technologies, Midmark RTLS, Ekahau, Honeywell International Inc., Ascom, and Awarepoint Corporation. These companies are leading the market with their innovative approaches, extensive product portfolios, and robust distribution networks, continuously setting industry standards and driving market growth.
Contact Us:
Name: Hari Krishna
Website: https://aurorawaveintellects.com/
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palavradigital-blog · 2 days ago
Workshop sobre modelos e experiências nas finanças solidárias na Bahia
Ilustração: Ascom/SDE A Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico (SDE) realizará, na quinta-feira (27), o Workshop Finanças Solidárias na Bahia: Modelos e Experiências, evento que visa discutir e compreender o conceito das finanças solidárias em âmbito estadual. Promovido em parceria com a Secretaria do Trabalho, Emprego, Renda e Esporte (SETRE), o evento ocorrerá das 08h às 16h, no auditório da…
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sandrazayres · 4 months ago
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Geissa Evaristo
Crédit Photo : Mauro Sampaio
La reproduction des images sans autorisation expresse de l’auteur est interdite, conformément à la Loi 9.610 sur les Droits d’Auteur.
Par Sandra Cristina (Sandra Zayres)
MTB 0037.715RJ
By Sandra Cristina (San0dra Zayres)
MTB 0037.715RJ
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global-research-report · 4 months ago
Improving Patient Outcomes with Smart Nurse Call Systems
Nurse Call Systems Industry Overview
The global nurse call systems market size is expected to reach USD 4.2 billion by 2030, based on a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 12.11% from 2023 to 2030. The growth of the market can be attributed to the rising use of digital healthcare and the increasing need for patient safety and care. Furthermore, continuous technological advancements to bring new levels of communication enabling the widest range of applications configuration at home care, hospitals, or residential facilities are predicted to boost market demand.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Nurse Call Systems Market
The growing elderly population and rising risk of diseases such as chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are increasing the demand for healthcare services. This patient population needs assistance to complete their day-to-day activities, thereby surging the demand for nurse call systems in some healthcare facilities. It ensures the safety of patients in the ward. Increasing demand for integrated and diversified hospital communication systems is anticipated to favor the market growth.
The COVID-19 pandemic has indiscriminately increased the pressure on healthcare facilities and professionals. As a result, the need for wireless communication devices increased in hospitals. Nurse call systems helped to decrease the burden on the existing staff force during the pandemic when hospitals were managing COVID-19 patients above their occupancy levels. Various manufacturers expanded their manufacturing capacity to meet the sudden surge in demand.
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
The global skin grafting device market size was valued at USD 141.0 million in 2024 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.63% from 2025 to 2030.
The global ocular trauma devices market size was estimated at USD 4.28 billion in 2024 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2025 to 2030. 
Nurse Call Systems Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global nurse call systems market based on technology, type, application, end-use, and region:
Nurse Call Systems Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2030)
Wired Communication Equipment
Wireless Communication Equipment
Nurse Call Systems Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2030)
Integrated Communication Systems
Mobile Systems
Nurse Call Systems Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2030)
Alarms & Communications
Workflow Optimization
Wanderer Control
Fall Detection & Prevention
Nurse Call Systems End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2030)
Long-Term Care Facilities
Nurse Call Systems Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2016 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Key Companies profiled:
Hill-Rom Holding, Inc.
Rauland Corporation
Honeywell International, Inc.
Ascom Holding AG
TekTone Sound and Signal Mfg., Inc.
Austco Healthcare
Stanley Healthcare
Critical Alert Systems LLC
West-Com Nurse Call Systems, Inc.
JNL Technologies
Cornell Communications
Order a free sample PDF of the Nurse Call Systems Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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