#As Days Go By ⁽ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ⁾
freewillacquired · 1 year
Shedding The Past || closed with realprojectalice
@realprojectalice​ | {This is set after the events of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter.}
Almost nothing had been left of Nemesis after Raccoon City had been “sanitized” by a nuclear device. He’d been unconscious, clocked in the face by the wreckage of the Umbrella helicopter he’d shot down to protect Alice and her friends. When he woke, he couldn’t feel his body. That’s because he no longer had a body to feel. He was little more than a head, his brain miraculously protected by his thickened skull and the metal the helicopter had buried him under. Once he returned to consciousness, his mental distress combined with the trauma to his body and the lack of anything to hold it back caused the T-virus to regenerate at an alarming rate. It grew him a new spine, new organs, new limbs... all within minutes. But it didn’t just regenerate what had already been there, oh no. It was out of control…
Once the virus was satisfied with itself, Nemesis was nearly twice his original size. His body was now better equipped to travel on all-fours rather than walking upright on two legs, and he’d acquired tentacles on his back. They were long, thick, and had a mind of their own. His head remained the same size, but his body was broader and more heavily armored than before. Thick bone encased his oversized heart and lungs, and his hips and shoulders were more flexible in their range of motion. The vertebrae of his spine protruded through his skin, all the way down his back, the sharp bones extending up like spikes. His hands and feet were larger and more animal-like, with his fingers and toes now ending in razor sharp claws. It was as if the virus had been afraid of dying, and had overcompensated by re-growing Nemesis’ body to be larger, stronger, faster, and more durable than it was before… so that it would survive.
And survive he did, for many years after that. He’d never left his old stomping ground – so to speak, anyway, since his actual boots were long gone – around what used to be Raccoon City. For a long time he’d had hope that the infection wouldn’t spread, but that was quickly snuffed. After that, he did what he could to kill whatever undead he came across and help the occasional survivor, although he was always met with bullets, grenades, and anything else they could sling at him. That was okay, really. He understood. He was a monster, after all. That didn’t stop him from trying to help, though. It was the only thing that gave his agonizing life purpose.
Umbrella had tried to recapture him numerous times, but always it had ended poorly for them. After a few years… they stopped trying. There were no more survivors that he could find. The world was gray and dead. The environment he’d fought so hard for years ago was all but lost, along with most life on earth. So what had it all been for, anyway? Nothing. He’d tried so hard. Everyone had. And it all meant... nothing. It was a jagged pill to swallow, but despite it all, Nemesis refused to lay down and die. Not that the virus would have allowed him to do that anyway.
But then... after so many years of being alone... a familiar scent on the wind. Nemesis had been lying down near the entrance to the Hive, eerily enough the place he felt the most comfortable. Maybe it was because it was in some way connected to his past, to the man he used to be. It was something heartbreakingly familiar in a world where nothing would ever be the same again. But the moment he caught her scent, he was up on his feet and on point. Alice...? Nemesis sniffed the wind. He was sure of it, and he could feel her presence, her special brand of infection that he hadn’t encountered since that day in Raccoon City, back when there still was a city here.
He tried to locate her, but got distracted by the Cerberus bioweapons that had been released. For just a moment, in the foggy darkness of ground zero near the Hive’s entrance, he saw her. It really was Alice! She was with others and they were headed for the Hive. Nemesis knew better than to approach. He wouldn’t be well-received, he knew. But... he could make sure nothing followed them inside... He tore apart any and all bioweapons he saw, wondering what Alice wanted with the Hive. Was something going on? What did she know that he didn’t? As he killed the remaining Cerberus bioweapons and began tearing through the horde of undead that had suddenly overrun the place, he couldn’t help but feel so ecstatic to know that Alice had survived. It rekindled so much hope in him that someone could survive that long, and he had no doubt that all this time, Alice had done so much good for the world.
He lost track of time, killing as many undead as he could, until something very strange happened. They all just... fell over. Like a wave, spreading back as far as he could see. Confused, Nemesis backed away, wondering what had happened. He’d never seen undead behave like this before, and what was even strange was that he couldn’t sense any infected near him anymore. After they laid down, they only smelled like the dead, nothing more. He nudged one of them, but it didn’t move. What the hell? But since they all seemed to fall in a pattern, spreading out from a central location, Nemesis tried to find the source of whatever had affected them, tracking back to the front of the horde.
As he did so, he started to feel dizzy first. Then nauseated. Then very weak. His legs and arms trembled underneath him until they gave out and he crumpled to the ground with a pained bellow. It was hard to breathe and he began coughing up black liquid. His tentacles shriveled and fell off, and as he looked at his arms, he could see his flesh appear to ripple and begin falling away. Terrified, all Nemesis could do was make some pitiful noises of agony and fear as he watched his body begin to disintegrate before his eyes. And in that moment, he caught her scent once more, and if he could cry, he would have.
“Ah-lissss....” he bellowed, his voice gurgling with the fluid in his throat. Had she done this? Was that why she’d gone to the Hive? Had she found a way to end the infection for good? He wouldn’t put it past her. As he began to lose consciousness, Nemesis smiled in his own limited way. Well done, Alice... well done...
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palespawn · 2 months
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ᵃˢᵒⁱᵃᶠ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ : 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒏.
⁰⁰¹. background: astarion was born and raised in lys, a mercantile city and one of the nine free cities of essos. despite the title, the city is best known for its roots in the slave trade, which his family profited off of and rose to prominence as magisters of lys. astarion's father was a magister on the elected council, a position he took over once he studied and came of age, and as his father's health declined. his family also profited off of astarion's looks, features strikingly similiar to the unique traits of valyrians ( white / silver hair, which is revered in lys ) which invited many propositions and potential consorts [ sidebar: while astarion may have a valyrian relative lost somewhere in his ancestry, this is purely speculation ]. during his last years as a magister, astarion met cazador ― one of the city's most prominent procurers. the two had been in the early stages of brokering a wealthy alliance, of sorts, before cazador orchestrated astarion's downfall and capture.
⁰⁰². magister turned vampire slave: astarion's disappearance had been sensationalised throughout the city, and he was soon declared missing. while rewards were offered for his safe return, days after he was presumed dead. in actuality, he was beneath the city, in an oubliette of cazador's making. for weeks he was abused and tortured, all manner of cruelty was inflicted upon him. a month into his captivity, cazador introduced him to the white bat. the white bat, or white vampire bat, is a creature that originates from sothoroyos ― an uncharted continent south of essos. during his early years as a procurer of less illicit means, cazador had come across the white vampire bat in his travels and was bitten. the decades that followed had involved experimentation on both himself and captured lower class civilians, with some exposed directly to the bite of the bat or it's blood. those exposed often died, and any who survived were later killed as they posed too much of a threat to cazador's existence. those he sought out much later, such as astarion, were instead bitten by cazador, and named his " vampire spawn ". these spawn, much like their master, presented with traits reminsicent of the white vampire bat ( red eyes, pointed fangs and ears, a taste for blood and longevity ).
⁰⁰³. dance of dragons: during this time, astarion is subtly reintroduced to lyseni society. his past life is gone, too many years have passed now for people to recognise him ― his family and those he once knew are now dead. he is a slave of cazador's, found primarily in any of his pillow houses scattered throughout lys. he is made to act as both a courtesan and scout, attracting prominent clientele to bring back to cazador. he's eventually permitted to neighbouring cities and beyond to procure on behalf of his master. near the end of the dance, rumors begin to circulate as more and more noble men and women go missing, coincidentally in the vicinity of cazador's establishments and often last seen in the company of his spawn. this prompts cazador to go into hiding, which by extension prompts astarion to try and abscond. this attempt fails and he's brought back and sealed in his old oubliette for a century.
⁰⁰⁴. post-dance to present: astarion continues to serve as cazador's puppet following his release for another fifty years. however, during one of cazador's many banquet's for the lyseni elites, astarion flees again― this time, for good. he makes it to braavos, and after weeks of thieving, deceiving and begging on the streets for the sake of survival, he ends up being indoctrinated into a known assassin's guild, the faceless men. here, he acquires the necessary skills to take on contracts and avoid recognition and recapture. however, he struggles to uphold the faith in the guild's god of death. the constraints of the guild coupled with his increasing desire for revenge on cazador interferes with his ability to abide by the creed of the faceless men. he defects and flees once more, and his whereabouts from here on out depends on the thread. he traverses essos in search of power and purpose or seeks passage on a braavosi ship, sun seeker, on route for westeros.
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tarnishedxknight · 7 months
Drace ~ Available RP Verses
{out of dalmasca} Here are some specific verses for Drace so that muns of muses from Final Fantasy games, not from FF games, from the MCU, from other fandoms, etc. can get an idea of how they might interact with her. If you have any questions or would like to plot in a specific verse, let me know! =)
{ for the empire } ᵐᵃⁱⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This is canon Drace in Ivalice, likely in Archadia, but location will vary according to what part of the Final Fantasy XII timeline you want your muse to be in. This verse is for those who have Final Fantasy muses or want to place their muse inside the FFXII world. Your character would be native to some part of Ivalice or the same world at least, and would then encounter Drace. Plotting may be necessary to discuss the timeline and scenario that you may want. Your muse can get involved in the canon plot of FFXII if you like or we can discuss a unique plot for our muses to follow.
{ the darker corners of ivalice } ᵐᵃⁱⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ⁻ ᵈᵃʳᵏ ᵉᵈⁱᵗⁱᵒⁿ      
(I am going to write up this verse in detail at some point because there are a lot of headcanons throughout the timeline of the game and the twins’ lives that need to be discussed. When I do,  I will place a link to it here. Until then, if you want to know more or have questions, you can always ask me!) This verse contains everything the main verse does, but then also includes a number of headcanons regarding twins Basch and Gabranth/Noah, their mother, the Archadian empress, and Larsa Solidor that venture into very tragic and potentially triggering topics, including child abuse/endangerment, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, violent murder, and mental illness. So any threads with Drace that are in this verse or have this tag take those events into account. Most of this will likely not be described in detail, but it exists in the fleshed-out portions of Noah’s life that we didn’t get to see, some of which Drace was present for or helped him through in various ways. The canon game was chopped up and had many plot holes and time gaps, so this verse fills in, fleshes out, adds headcanons, explains holes and gaps, and generally smooths out the plot to make much more sense, but with some darker themes in an attempt to make a more harshly realistic story for Basch and Noah, and therefore also for other characters that supported them, like Drace.
{ young judgement } ᵃʳᶜʰᵃᵈⁱᵃⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse for Drace would incorporate events leading to the canon events of FFXII. It includes her as a younger Judge Magister, her developing relationship with Noah, helping him through the abuse at the hands of the Archadian Empress (part of the dark!Ivalice verse above), and anything else that might have occurred before the events of the main game.
{ imperial avenger } ᵐᶜᵘ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
In this verse, Drace has been frozen in stasis by some sort of magical mishap involving either ancient magic (from an Esper or spell) or a nethicite explosion whilst going through the canon events of FFXII. She was found (likely by SHIELD or SWORD or some similar agency) in a modern day setting in the MCU, and much like Steve Rogers, she is someone out of time. This verse can also extend to Marvel in general, if you wanted Drace to join SHIELD, etc. as a specialized agent. This verse may also include elements of the MCU's multiverse, in that she could potentially be from a different point in the FFXII canon timeline than other muses from her same canon material, e.g. taken from before her death when other muses already know her to have been executed.
{ welcome to archadia } ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ
This verse is essentially Drace's main verse but incorporating the MCU concept of a multiverse. It can work for any muse not native to FFXII, not just MCU muses. Basically, the concept is that there are many different tangential timelines and verses in which there are different versions of characters, and sometimes… things get a little screwy and characters can – either intentionally or through some magical mishap – end up in other timelines/verses/worlds. So in this verse, your muse would end up in some part of Ivalice and encounter Drace. Again, this may require some plotting to figure out how and why your muse came to Ivalice and whether you want your muse to be thrown into the plot of FFXII or have their own unique plot.
{ explain yourself at once } ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ
This verse uses the same concept of a multiverse from the MCU, but does not follow MCU canon or contain characters or events from that world. Basically, Drace ends up in your muse’s world, most likely through some magical mishap that occurred in her own, and would be at the mercy of modern times until your muse lends her aid.
{ who could have forseen...? } ᶠᵒʳᵗʳᵉˢˢ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse incorporates the scrapped storyboards, setting, and timeline of Fortress, the canceled FFXII sequel. Any events that take place just before, during, or after the events of this would-be game are including in this verse. You can read more about Fortress and its story here. Obviously, for Drace, this verse would mean that she was never executed and has survived the canon events of FFXII until those of Fortress.
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geometragic · 5 years
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Oichi-sama pls come home :(
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killthebxy-archive · 7 years
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          if you don’t think that, in the default modern verse, Jon would actually tattoo SORY on his knuckles ---and, yes, one R is missing on purpose also because he’s -23 at spelling anyway--- for the single purpose of PUNCHING APOLOGIES into the people who are mean to his siblings --- reconsider.
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scarxetrebel · 3 years
 🔥   A FEVERISH DREAM 001.  ┋   →  @ofpxtestatem​​​​​
( ᵖᵒˢᵗ⁻ʰᵒᵍʷᵃʳᵗˢ / ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ )
       SCARLET BROKE HER VOW. she broke it, because she couldn’t stop the tears that slowly glistened down her cheeks. perhaps she was just deliriously exhausted, or maybe she couldn’t do this  ───────  couldn’t soothe him, couldn’t help him. thomas’ little torso lay bare, his feverish skin clinging to hers as he wailed and wailed, an endless torment that had been going on for hours. her mother had checked him an hour earlier, for the millionth time that day. she would be back again after her shift, but even though he likely had a bug of sorts, he didn’t need further medical attention.
       IT SOUNDED LIKE A LIE TO HER, as she rocked him incessantly. ‘ tommy, please. . . ’ she begged him, trying and failing to control her emotions. she was making it worse. turning him around in her arms, resting him on her less tired arm, she tried whispering sweetly- ‘ what do you need? ’  she rocked more, but wails only momentarily soften before turning into full-blown sobs. that made her cry more, too. scarlet had heard explosions, bones cracking; she had heard dragons the size of houses roaring with deadly anger  ───────  she’d heard screams of fear and terror. BUT THIS?
       IT WAS INHUMANE TO HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT. ‘ what do you need? please tell me. ’ a plea he could not answer, yet she needed to ask. cold lips pressed a kiss to his head, warmed and comforted by it if only for a moment. ‘ shh, shh, shh- ’ she patted his bottom in rhythm with the rocking, but it felt useless. the tiny wisps of AUBURN hair he had grown in the short three months since his birth were humid as she combed them back, desperation urging her to claw her own heart out to make the crying cease. ‘ mama’s here. . . i’m here. ’ . . .did that make it better?
       SHE WAS LOSING THE FUCKING PLOT. her crying turned into silent sobs as she got her phone. the screen was hard to see; vision blurred as her own disarrayed hair covered her eyes. words were hard to comprehend too, thoughts refusing to form as she remained attuned to the sound of his crying. she felt fucking overwhelmed. CHARLIE’S NAME showed up first, followed by ERIN’S, then JAMIE’S  ───────  it would be easier if she called them. but they had their own problems. . . and this wasn’t about HER. not right now. not when he was crying like this. 
       BUT THAT JUST MADE HER CRY MORE. lips trembled as she typed whatever came to mind,  emotions tethered to the edge of hysteria as she pressed send to multiple messages. she probably sounded absolutely insane and desperate. it felt like utter DEFEAT having to contact HIM, but that didn’t matter when she stared at tommy’s tormented little face. nothing else really did. ‘ daddy will be here soon, okay? ’ that had to help. she needed it to. sniffing and biting her lip to control the crying, even if just for a moment longer, she sang a song nonsensically─────── 
                  . . .TILL THERE WAS A KNOCK. scarlet rushed to open the door,                        sobbing at the sight of him. ‘ i’m sorry. i- i didn’t know what else to do- ’
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keybladc · 7 years
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     ❛ were you by the beach ? you have sand on your arms. ❜ he moves on his own accord to brush the sand off her, an act so innocent he doesn’t register the closeness. ❛ you should’ve invited me ! i could go for a snooze by the shore right about now. ❜     |     @thalxssas ​   sc.
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nygmaa · 5 years
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﹖ᶰᵒ ʳᵉˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᶤᶜᵏᵉᵈ (ᵇᵒʳᵈᵉʳˡᵃᶰᵈˢ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ)
I. hyperion
hyperion. everyone who wanted to be anything worked there. if one was lucky enough to be able to get a job-any job-working for the massive weapons manufacturer. edward nashton had been one of those few, lucky people. 
he was smart, terrific at what he did, an easy pick for what they required. it wasn’t a high tier position, he was but an accountant, trudging through his daily routine, important enough to know what needed to get done and unimportant enough to be ignored by the higher ups. a nobody, really. well, to the ceo and sometimes--- well most of the time that had been a good thing, what with rumours that spread like wildfire around the massive station. but not unimportant enough for the people working alongside him. some he could deal with, the rest-- social skills weren’t exactly edward’s forte and as soon as those overly confident idiots he’d assume were his age or even older picked up on that, he’d become a target. 
seems no one could quite appreciate his smarts and quirky attitude, nor his affinity for puzzles and riddles. the jokes were all in good fun, at first. he could play pretend and laugh it off. but they were relentless. odd. weirdo. freak. some of the words ed had eventually become numb to, trying to keep a positive attitude, despite it all as he continued with his daily work. what had been a daily routine edward had pretty much resigned himself to had become living hell, day by day. up until things go to actual hell--- quite literally. 
hyperion was done for. his entire wing had gotten fired, an evacuation taking place and ed, frankly, did not intend to stay behind to figure out just what had been going down, prefering to keep himself alive, finding the ultimate solution to this particular problem in a mutual acquintance. with a set goal in mind they had made it out, leaving the carnage behind.
II. pandora
pandora was ... something else. everything ed had heard about it had ultimately been true. a barely habitable planet, inhabited by vicious wildlife and bandits that did whatever they wanted, took whatever they wanted and killed whoever they wanted, for whatever reason. 
it was .. wild, for lack of better wording. luckily for the pair, they had found use of an old hyperion base at the start, for as long as that had lasted. first come first serve, the base had been abandoned and with hyperion gone, they could build something new for themselves here. an awful choice for a planet, really, but one that was ultimately going to have to be used well. and worked. for a while. but their ideas for how to continue differed too much, until they had ended up parting ways, in the end.
with little to no belongings to have been brought with, ed resorted to purely survival for survival’s sake. it was ... freeing to say the least. he’d gotten accustomed to the bandit lifestyle fairly quickly as he ought to, would he want to survive on this nutcase of a planet. joining clan after clan and outsmarting whatever nincompoop was their leader was how ed had ultimately made a name for himself. it was entirely too easy, really. most of the bandits he’d come across ... weren’t the brightest of the bunch, he was. stringing them along and playing the part was too easy. 
his talent for the theatrical and love for puzzles definitely did not go unnoticed here. leaving clues behind after raids and what else, ed would ultimately become known under another name: the riddler. gone was edward nashton, even now, he’d named himself edward nygma, instead. a fun play on words, leaving his old self behind, in hyperion’s rubble, dead to the world for all he cared. 
III. the riddle factory
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while playing bandit was all as fun and exciting as can be, ed’s want to be in the spotlight thirsted for more. there was value in entertainment, he figured. psychos, bandits, whoever had ended up making his life on pandora was easily succeptible and awfully easily entertained by the most ridiculous of things. it wasn’t difficult to find a following, not with his reputation--- nor an abandoned, broken down warehouse, that had been remodeled and re-done in the riddler’s image. 
‘riddle time’ in his ‘riddle factory’ - a show, one he could get a kick out of, presenting a number of puzzles and riddles, with the rules quite simple. solve the riddle or .. well, die an awful, horrible death. entertainment, right? throw in a gorgeous prize if one were to win and those suckers would pile up like crazy. standing a microscopic, though closer to zero chance of beating him. and it did prove to be quite popular, with bandits applying solely for the chance to get at him, less for the prize, though ultimately signing up for their demise, in the end. 
     who could beat the riddler at his own game, afer all? 
physical appearance
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(i tweaked this design a bit, grabbing influences from arkham games mostly in order to make it as borderlands-y as possible & had it commissioned, so DO NOT under any circumstance take this and claim as your own. this art was paid for by me)
also icons i commissioned to better show the color palette :3c
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tag dump #1
#🎧 │ my wings are my dreams and on towards the sky ❞ ⁽ ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒ ⁾#🎧 │ listen to the stereo tonight! tonight! tonight! ❞ ⁽ ˢᵉˡᶠ ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒ ⁾#🎧 │ shut up gin ❞ ⁽ ᵐᵘᶰ ˢᵖᵉᵃᵏˢ ⁾#🎧 │ go home gin  ⁽ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵐᵘᶰ ⁾ ❞#🎧 │ gin what you doing? ⁽ ᵐᵘᶰ ᵃᶰˢʷᵉʳᵉᵈ ⁾ ❞#🎧 │ words that paint a picture ⁽ ʷʳᶤᵗᶤᶰᵍˢ ⁾ ❞#🎧 │ slim shady ⁽ ᵃᶰᵒᶰʸᵐᵒᵘˢ ⁾ ❞#🎶 │ tell me seriously do you believe in love at first sight? ❞ ⁽ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᵉʳ ⁾#🎶 │ dreams will be with you! revolution ❞ ⁽ ᵐᵃᶤᶰ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ⁾#🎶 │ going crazy with feelings of the past; the truth is more than a dream ❞ ⁽ ˣ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ⁾#🎶 │ creating a future for a couple's love with invincible power ❞ ⁽ ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ⁾#🎶 │ attack as you seek oh yeah ❞ ⁽ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ ⁾#🎶 │ in the next moment call out to fate and a miracle will happen ❞ ⁽ ᵃᶰˢʷᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃˢᵏ ⁾#🎶 │ dreams will be with you! revolution❞ ⁽ ʷᶤˢʰˡᶤˢᵗ ⁾#🎶 │ your beauty shines more than you think ❞ ⁽ ᵍᵃˡˡᵉʳʸ ⁾#🎶 │ there will always be an end to a long night ❞ ⁽ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉᶰᶜᵉ ⁾#🎶 │ i'll take your entire beating heart into these arms ❞ ⁽ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳᶤᵉˢ ⁾#🎶 │ on that day at that place we will meet and exchange vows ❞ ⁽ ᵐᵘˢᶤᶰᵍˢ ⁾
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tarnishedxknight · 1 year
Noah ~ Available RP Verses
{out of dalmasca} Here are some specific verses for Noah so that muns of muses from Final Fantasy games, not from FF games, from the MCU, from other fandoms, etc. can get an idea of how they might interact with him. If you have any questions or would like to plot in a specific verse, let me know! =)
{ for the empire } ᵐᵃⁱⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This is canon Noah in Ivalice, likely in Archadia, but location will vary according to what part of the Final Fantasy XII timeline you want your muse to be in. This verse is for those who have Final Fantasy muses or want to place their muse inside the FFXII world. Your character would be native to some part of Ivalice or the same world at least, and would then encounter Noah. Plotting may be necessary to discuss the timeline and scenario that you may want. Your muse can get involved in the canon plot of FFXII if you like or we can discuss a unique plot for our muses to follow.
{ the darker corners of ivalice } ᵐᵃⁱⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ⁻ ᵈᵃʳᵏ ᵉᵈⁱᵗⁱᵒⁿ      
(I am going to write up this verse in detail at some point because there are a lot of headcanons throughout the timeline of the game and the twins’ lives that need to be discussed. When I do,  I will place a link to it here. Until then, if you want to know more or have questions, you can always ask me!) This verse contains everything the main verse does, but then also includes a number of headcanons regarding Noah/Gabranth, his mother, his brother Basch, the Archadian empress, and Larsa Solidor that venture into very tragic and potentially triggering topics, including child abuse/endangerment, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, violent murder, and mental illness. So any threads with Noah that are in this verse or have this tag take those events into account. Most of this will likely not be described in detail, but it exists in the fleshed-out portions of Noah’s life that we didn’t get to see. The canon game was chopped up and had many plot holes and time gaps, so this verse fills in, fleshes out, adds headcanons, explains holes and gaps, and generally smooths out the plot to make much more sense, but with some darker themes in an attempt to make a more harshly realistic story for Basch and Noah.
{ twin judgement } ᵃʳᶜʰᵃᵈⁱᵃⁿ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse follows basically the same trajectory for Noah as the dark verse, but in this verse Basch did not leave and go to Dalmasca. He went with Noah and their mother to Archadia, shouldered the burden of survival along with him, and became a Judge Magister as well. The twins are very much inseparable and emotionally co-dependent in this verse, having nearly identical sets of armor, heading the same Division together, and sharing quarters. Basch is highly protective of Noah, but also deeply emotionally attached to him, definitely in an unhealthy way, in that he clings to him as the last of his family. He is also poisoned with nethicite in this verse to the same degree Noah is, and his eyes are amber/orange/reflective too.
{ the two made one } ʳᵉᵛᵉⁿᵃⁿᵗ ˢᵒᵘˡ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This directly follows from the dark verse, but then adds Noah becoming a nethicite ghost after he is killed by Vayne. Not only that, but he is attached to Basch, such that Basch experiences his memories and emotions at times. Twins, two halves of a single soul, made one by Noah’s death.
{ older than the history books } ʳᵉᵛᵉⁿᵃⁿᵗ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse follows the plotline of Noah not being killed by Vayne at the end of the game, and living on as a revenant after technically dying once before at the Pharos. To others, he still looks like a 36 year-old man, but by modern day, he is more than five millennia old. He likely lives in a large city, but in a very small and humble apartment. This verse can overlap with his MCU verse if he involves himself with the Avengers.
{ unwilling avenger } ᵐᶜᵘ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
In this verse, Noah has been frozen in stasis by a nethicite explosion while fighting against the canon adventuring group of FFXII. He was found (likely by SHIELD or SWORD or some similar agency) in a modern day setting in the MCU, and much like Steve Rogers, he is a man out of time. This verse can also extend to Marvel in general, if you wanted Noah to join SHIELD, etc. as a specialized agent.
{ welcome to archadia } ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ
This verse is essentially Noah’s main verse but incorporating the MCU concept of a multiverse. It can work for any muse not native to FFXII, not just MCU muses. Basically, the concept is that there are many different tangential timelines and verses in which there are different versions of characters, and sometimes… things get a little screwy and characters can – either intentionally or through some magical mishap – end up in other timelines/verses/worlds. So in this verse, your muse would end up in some part of Ivalice and encounter Noah. Again, this may require some plotting to figure out how and why your muse came to Ivalice and whether you want your muse to be thrown into the plot of FFXII or have their own unique plot.
{ what madness is this? } ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ
This verse uses the same concept of a multiverse as the verse directly above this one, but where Noah ends up in your muse’s world instead of them ending up in his. Again, it would most likely occur through some magical mishap.
{ i’ve no right to be called by that name } ᵉᵖⁱˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse takes place during the epilogue of the game, where Basch has taken Noah’s place as Judge Magister Gabranth. However, instead of doing so because Noah died of the wounds inflicted on him by Vayne, Basch does so because Noah is still recovering from wounds so dire that they render him unable to continue as a Judge Magister. Noah - for now he must fall back to being called by his given name - has been spirited away to Old Archades where both Basch and Larsa know where he is and make sure he is well cared for... perhaps by your muse?
{ beyond the veil } ᶠᵒʳᵗʳᵉˢˢ ᵛᵉʳˢᵉ
This verse incorporates the scrapped storyboards, setting, and timeline of Fortress, the canceled FFXII sequel. Any events that take place just before, during, or after the events of this would-be game are including in this verse. You can read more about Fortress and its story here. For Noah, this verse would likely go hand in hand with the verse “the two made one.”
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geometragic · 6 years
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                   Wait a second...did Asselin have a last name ? Would it be...’BB II’ ? But no...how could that be ? Surely ‘Asselin BB II’ must have been a stage name or something, right ? So what was Asselin’s real name... ?
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