#Aryeh Zalmanovich
girlactionfigure · 10 months
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We are heartbroken to report that 85-year-old Aryeh Zalmanovich, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists was murdered. His body remains in Gaza in Hamas captivity. Our hearts go out to his family.
May his memory forever be a blessing.
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sevenoctober7 · 10 months
- He killed the Palestinians on earth for the sake of Israel, so Israel killed him 70 years later from heaven! - The prisoner, “Aryeh Zalmanovich,” of whom Hamas broadcast a tape today explaining that he died of panic attacks as a result of the Israeli bombing, is one of the founders of the Nahal Oz settlement in 1951. - The innocent Palestinian blood that Zalmanovich and his brothers shed to establish the settlement on the skulls of the original owners of the land. Only God knows its extent...but we all now know that the land on which he built in terror a stolen homeland for a future citizen, from which this Israeli citizen left in a warplane and also killed him in terror! Perhaps 70 years ago, “Aryeh” cruelly pulled a Palestinian sheikh by the hand towards a mass grave or an execution wall. Did he think at the time that a grandson of this sheikh might come after the seventy years to take him by the same hand as a prisoner from the land of the Palestinian grandfather to the land of the Palestinian grandson to be folded into it? His page? War grows sermons as well as pain! - (Information source: Haaretz newspaper) - (Old photo of him according to what was published by Israeli activists)
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‏⛔- قَتَل الفلسطينيين على الأرض من أجل إسرائيل، فقتلته إسرائيل بعد 70 عاماً من السماء! -⛔
⭕- الأسير “أرييه زلمانوفيتش” الذي بثت "حماس" شريطاً له اليوم موضحة أنه مات بنوبات هلع نتيجة القصف الإسرائيلي، هو أحد مؤسسي مستوطنة ناحل عوز في عام 1951.
⭕- الدماء الفلسطينية البريئة التي سفكها زلمانوفيتش هو وإخوانه ليؤسسوا المستوطنة على جماجم أصحاب الأرض الأصليين، لا يعلم مداها إلا الله.. لكننا صرنا جميعاً نعلم الآن أن الأرض التي بنى فيها بالرعب وطناً مسروقاً لمواطن مستقبلي، خرج منها هذا المواطن الإسرائيلي في طائرة حربية فقتله كذلك بالرعب!
⭕- ربما قبل 70 عاماً سحب “أرييه” شيخاً فلسطينياً من يده بقسوة نحو مقبرة جماعية أو حائط إعدام.. فهل دار بخلده حينها أن حفيداً لهذا الشيخ ربما يأتي بعد الأعوام السبعين ليأخذه من اليد نفسها أسيراً من أرض الفلسطيني الجد إلى أرض الفلسطيني الحفيد لتطوى فيها صفحته؟
إن الحرب تنبت العظات كما تنبت الآلام!
▪- (مصدر المعلومة: صحيفة هآرتس)
▪- (الصورة القديمة له وفق ما نشره نشطاء إسرائيليون)
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angrybell · 9 months
Yesterday, IDF forces recovered the bodies of two people who had been taken hostage. One had been alive at the time of abduction, Eden Zechariah, while the other, Zic Dado, was killed during the attacks on 19/7/23.
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The following list are those hostages who have been pronounced dead.
1 Shani Louk (23) Nova
2 Mia Goren (56) Nir Oz
3 Aryeh Zalmanovich (86) Nir Oz
4 Judith Weiss (65) Be’eri
5 Clemence Mtenga (22)Nir Oz , unclear if was taken to Gaza ?
6 Ofir Tsarafati (27) Nova
7 Aviv Atzili (49) Nir Oz, unclear if was taken to Gaza ?
8 Ronen Engel , announced Dec 1 (55) Nir Oz
9 Guy Iloz , announced Dec 1 (26) Nova
10 Ofra Keider - Dec 1 (70) Be’eri
11 Eliyahu Margalit - Dec 1 (75) Nir Oz)
12 Yonatan Samerano (21) , Nova . Announced Dec 4
13 Sahar Baruch (24), Beeri. Announced Dec 8
14 Eitan Levy (53) Beeri . Body being held in Gaza . Dec 8
14 Aden Zachariah (27) Nova. Body recovered.
Kidnapped soldiers:
1 Noa Marciano (19, taken alive )
2 Kiril Brodsky (19)
3 Tomer Yaakov Achims (20)
4 Shaked Dahan (19)
5 Col Asaf Hamimi - killed on 7th, body held by Hamas (41)
6 Ziv Dado (36) body recovered via IDF op
Baruch Dayan Emmet.
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isrobit · 21 days
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infosisraelnews · 22 days
🔴 L'otage assassiné à côté de Farhan Kadi est Aryeh Zalmanovich, 86 ans de Nir Oz
Aryeh Zalmanovich, 86 ans, de Nir Oz, assassiné en captivité par le Hamas, est la personne enlevée qui est restée avec Farhan Kadi pendant une partie de leur séjour en captivité. Aryeh Zalmanovich, l’un des fondateurs du kibboutz Nir Oz, était la personne la plus âgée enlevée par le Hamas. il était père de deux fils et grand-père de cinq petits-enfants. 326 jours après avoir été kidnappé à Gaza,…
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